The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 15, 1908, Image 8

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    Tii 1 imhu jl
Economizes the use of flour but
ter and eggs makes the biscuit
cake and pastry more appetiz
ing nutritious and wholesome
This Is the only baking
powder made from Royal
Grape Cream of Tartar
It Has No Substitute
Tliore are Alum and Phosphate of Lime mixtures sold at
a lower price but no housekeeper regarding tho health
of her family can afford to use them
McCook Markets
Merchants and dealers in McCook at
noon today Friday are paying the fol
lowing prices
Corn G7
Wheat 83
Oats 40
Eye G4
Barley 55
Hogs 4 70
Butter good 20
Eggs 12
The best will suit you best
Seeds at II P Waite Cos
Picture framing The Ideal Store
Typewriter ribbons for sale at The
Tribune office
2ew line of leap yoar Bryan and Taft
po3t cards a Hofers
McConneila Fragrant Lotion for
chapped hands 23c
Have you seen the Fireless Cookers
at Tho McCook Hardware Cos
Huber is still selling Wedding Break
fast Coffee You know the brand
No office is complete without a Red
Dwarf Ink Pencil Hofer selte them
Patronize home products
equal to any you can get
Whole Wheat Rye and Graham
Flour Special prices on lots of
ten sacks or more
SEMOLIA A fine breakfast food un-
excelled in 2 lb packages
All kiuds of Mill Feed
Corn Barley Chop Bran Shorts etc
Orders Promptly Delivered
Phone 29
The best will suit you best
Seeds at H P Waite Cos
Everything in drugs McDonnell
If its meat you can get it at Marshs
Prunes in 25 pound boxes at 8223 per
box Hubers
Paul Antons meats are guaranteed to
save you dental bills
Go to Heckmans bakery for anything
in the stationery line
Grass flower garden and field seeds
atU P Waite Do s
The city council will hold another
session next Monday evening
Dr Hare examines eyes free and guar
antees satisfaction in fitting glasses
Your prescriptions are always filled
corroctly at Woodworth Cos drug
Fresh lettuce celery cauliflower
rheubarb etc constantly on hand at
Double - strength Heinz vinegar
imitated by all equaled by none for
sale by Magner Stokes
Alaska refrigerators are insulated
with pure charcoal They preserve food
perfectly H P Waite Co sell
Mills Simmons have commenced to
remove their old frame building on low
er Main avenue in preparation for their
new brick
Hires root beer the original root
beer made by Hires himself Its drawn
direct from the keg at five cents per
stein at Woodworth Cos druggists
We have sold a wagon load of wall
paper this spring but our stock is still
complete Are you going to paper If
so see us
Woodworth Co Druggists
McCook is going after that combined
opera house and Masonic temple in the
right way and success is pretty sure to
reward such fine effort Cambridge
There will be an Epworth League
social at the church this Friday even
ing May 15 Everyone is to come
drssed to represent what as a child
they wanted to be
Rubber Tire Rubber Tire
The proof of the pudding is in the eating
Here are G W Predmores prices on
buggy wheels
Spot Cash for Black Rubber
height of sectional size of tire per set
wheels 1 VSs 1M ls
36 and 40 in 1375 1700 2000 2800 3100 3700
3S and 42 in 1450 1775 2IoO 2925 3275 3S75
40 and 44 in 1500 1S25 2200 3050 3425 4050
42 and 46 in 1575 2000 2350 3225 3600 425c
44 and 4S in 1650 2050 2425 3350 37 50 4425
White Rubber and Cushion Tires are ten per
cent in advance of the above prices New
wires are fifteen cents each Freight charges
must be prepaid on wheels shipped to us
G W Predmore Sons
Office Phone 197
Residence Phone Ash 3605
flcCook Neb
The best will suit you best
Seeds at II P Waite Cos
Periodicals at Heckmans bakery
Fruits of all kinds at all timos at
Base ball goods at Heckmans bakery
Full line
Say Drink Hires root beer At
A Salvation Army lassie was in town
yesterday securing tho flinews of war
Wall paper paints hard oil and all
color varnish stains at right prices
A McMillen Druggist
A taste of McMillens ice cream and
ice cream soda will convince you of its
If its seasonable and in his line no
use to go any farther than Marshs meat
See Noill Bros about your door and
window screens Prices right Phone
black 312
Tho market does not have anything
in tho cattle line too good for Paul
Antons customers
Largo and stylish display of shirts in
fancy whites and colors at Kozell
Bargers Call and see
Magner Stokes keep their grinds
going some these days and have pfu
of ground bone for chickens
A fine line of gloves at Rozell Bar
gers light working gloves gauntlets
all in colors and at prices to suit
The Ladies Home Missionary society
will meet with Mrs Barney Hofer
Thursday afternoon next May 21st
If it is from Marshs its the best ob
tainable Anything and everything per
taining to the meat market business
Whether your paint need is big or
little we have the right kind at the
right prices
L W McConnell Druggist
Ice cream cones for sale S800 per
1000 Also cone ovens Send for cir
cular 5-8-5 ts
B F Livengood Hastings Neb
We are tired of collecting bad ac
counts from our good customers After
June 1st cash only is our motto
Magxer Stokes
Just a 25 cent bottle of Almond and
Cucumber Cream will make your sore
and red hands soft and white
Woodworth Co Druggists
Whatever you need in the line of drug
store goods youll find here at its best
Goods never grow old on our shelves
L W McConnell Druggist
Tho deck of the court house roof has
suffered some in the high winds and
will require attention at the hands of
the tinner
A G Bump room two over McCon
nells drug store is agent for some of
Americas best insurance companies
Consult him
Strictly cash niottos are in increas
ing evidence in McCook business places
We are gradually getting down to sane
business methods
You are cordially invited to Epworth
League services Sunday eveningat 700
oclock Subject Our Calling Es
telle Faus will lead
The busiest industry in the city just
now is the cement walk business
New walks and crossing curbs etc are
being constructed all over the city
If you want a screen that is superior
in every way to a factory made screen
and at the same price then leave your
order with C W Graves
All accounts due the dray firm of R
M Douglass Co will be found at the
White House grocery Those indebted
to this firm please call Geo A Scott
Mesdames Campbell Morris Gather
cole and Scott will give a Dorcas Ken
sington at the home of Mrs T B
Campbell Thursday afternoon May
14th All invited
The Kiote the high school paper
goes to its readers this week This is
the April issue which has been slightly
delayed The June number closes the
edition until after school begins in the
The Tribune regrets that the issues
of the paper containing the accounts of
the Conner murder and the trial and
sentence which quickly followed are ex
hausted notwithstanding extra copies
were provided
For the next few days any adult
troubled with indigestion or stomach
trouble can obtain free a bottle of Cald
wells Syrup of Pepsin at Woodworth s
drug store Ask for it It costs noth
ing to give it a trial
Ackerman Vanderhoof have moved
from their old quarters between the
Pade furniture store and Stephens
restaurant to the basement under Sul
livans cigar store on Main avenue a
location formerly occupied by Bush
From a Goodland Kansas paper we
learn of the burning of Jos Crockfords
home at Hastings Michigan The
house and entire contents were lost
value about 2000 insurance 1000
Mr Crockford was a resident of Red
Willow precinct up to a few years ago
and is the brother of Mrs C Barrett of
McCook Indianola Reporter
Extra Special Inducements in Silks
For this one week we offer
36 in Brown Rajah regular 125 q
value for per yard
27 in Tan Rajah regular 100 jq
value for per yard
27 in All Silk Foulards regular q
75c value for per yard
20 in Fancy Silks regular 75c q
value for per yard O C
A Special Silk Lisle Voile
This handsome Dress Material is regular
ly priced as high as 1 and 125 q
per yard Our Special Sale Price O C
TICOATS in Black Gra Tan
Red and Blue regular 2 50 skirts p 1 O q
in regular 150 petticoats
blue and black worth 150 each VoC
New Embroiderette
in an assortment of patterns which are
worth from 10c to 20c each we will put
on sale at the ridiculously low price h
of each Jt
mm W1 f ft imifmim
Hi inn -
Exclusive Dry Goods riillinery Ladies Furnishings
Beginning Saturday May 16
and Ending Saturday May
we will put on sale the following special values taken from
the different departments of our immense stock
Fine Embroideries
Two Attractive Assort-
Clearance of a Surplus Accumulation
A Special Lot of Nainsook Edgings and
Insertions in widths ranging from 4 to
12 inches and selling regularly for 15c to
25c a yard will go on sale this week q
for per yard
A Handsome Assortment of Wide Cor
set Cover Embroideries at per
A Beautiful Selection of WidjL q
FrnntinfS nt fner vard Wz 1 w
0 VI j 7 -
ments of Laces
One Lot of Fine Valenciennes Laces
worth as high as 15c aiyard will be
bunched at the low price of per yd J
One Lot of Linen and Cotton Torchon
Laces and Insertions will be put out
at the same low price per yard
Special in Wash Belts
We are showing handsome Wash Belts
with pearl buckles and detachable z j
clasps worth 25c each for Q jL
Beautiful Tucked White Belts IOC each
Buster Brown Belts all colors IOC each
Such an opportunity as this is so seldom and the prices so low
that hundreds of women will avail themselves of the advantages
to provide extensively for their needs of the entire summer So
visit our store daily during this SALE WEEK and we will make
it an object to younot only in these special attractions but with
good legitimate values from every department
Our Stock of Flidsummer Flillinery
comprises a complete assortment of the latest and most desirable styles Trimmed Hats
Untrimmed Hats and Trimmings Shirtwaist Hats Outing and Vacation Hats Street and
Shopping Hats Flowers Ribbons Plumes Feathers and Ornaments are represented in
splendid collections and at such reasonable prices that you can not help but be pleased
Radical Price Reductions on
All Tailored Jacket Suits
Space prevents the listing of these greatly cut prices but we
urge you to call early and call often during this
222 Main
Exclusive Dry Goods Millinery Ladies Furnishings Phone 56