The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 15, 1908, Image 2

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    Willi Hi r
rrr jjii
Last Week and the Good Work Still Goes Steadily Onward
Securing Stock Subscriptions
The Work Has Just Begun and When the Busy Boosters All Get Busy
Nothing Can Resist the Projects Onward Sweep
What a few interested citizens can accomplish in a few days is
indicated by the array of stock subscriptions to the Masonic Temple
Opera House given below While this may not come up to the ex
pectations of some people it appears to The Tribune to be a
source of congratulation rather than of anything approaching dis
aouragement and while the list does not yet contain the names of
J A Wilcox
some the people of this city have a right to expect to be in the fore
front of such a community enterprise it does contain some splendid
evidences of public spiritedness The Tribune believes that those
who are now withholding their support of the project will in the
near future come into line and with good sized subscriptions sub
scriptions in accord with their Jarge interests in the city and in
isWoHE1 KS 445 o3 T j -
mon with the importance of the enterprise and its most deserving
No man having a large interest in McCooks advancement and
jrovrth no citizen wishing for a larger and better McCook no one
with confidence in McCooks future development with an optimistic
outlook with a worthy hope can afford to knock on this enterprise
A Barnett 100
Patrick Walsh 100
W C Bullard 100
A O U W 100
3 E Kelley 100
John Morris 100
W S Morlan 100
Ov L Fahnestock 50
W McConnell 50
L P Sutton 50
OH Boyle 50
First National Bank 50
jicCook Lodge No 135A F A M 30
King Cyrus Chapter No 35R A M 60
S -John Commandery K T GO
2ureka Chapter No 86 O E S 30
Wm Lewis 25
ZL Kay 20
C B Gray 20
RB Nichols 20
McCook Band 10
Mis J E Kelley 10
ina E M Easterday 10
TheAwl Os 10
H V McClure 20
TfsH Dungan 10
ILS Viersen 10
S C Cole 10
ilodel Shoe Store 20
As JcMillen 10
Glark Music Co 10
H C Clapp 10
J II Grannis 10
S E Thompson 10
David Diamond 10
3has Skalla 10
TF EHart 10
3SGarvey 20
Hi 3 Peterson 10
2 2 DeLong 10
F M Kimmell 10
W D Burnett 10
J E Molund S
D G Budig 3
Clifford Naden o
W C McCarty 5
3 H Stewart 1
Son Cone 5
David Magner
J JRolfe 3
J 5 Y o u n c u
T Eudsley
C F Heber 5
L Suess 5
E Hanson 5
Dr W F Jones 5
Fred Jeruberg 5
W B Whittaker 5
P E Reeder 5
E M Cox 5
J F Hunt 5
Jud Kay 5
John Calkins 5
Frank Real 5
Chas Merle 5
A O McDonald 5
McCook Republican 5
G C Heckman 5
Paul Anton 50
Paul Perrenoud 5
HP WaiteCo 25
Wm Deere 10
A C Wiehe 5
Wm Hammel 10
W E Bower 5
A G King 10
F A Pennell 10
J F Cordeal 10
S B McLean 10
McCook Lodge No 42 10
L Thorgrimson 5
J G Schobel 5
R L Lyon 5
J L Kilburn 5
M Lawritson 5
J E Ludwick 5
Barney Hofer 5
L W Stayner 5
EJ Wilcox 5
J W Ridenour 5
E M Stewart 5
B n Stewart
W F Pate
HJ Cox
Dave N Cobb
Geo A Campbell
C I Hall
Elmer Kay
J N Gaarde
C A Rodgers
Tnv S Lipht
Zti vik - A
Loo Cone
Total 1S51H
Is It a Larffc Bluff
While tho officiate of tho trunk linos
of railway east and west nro practically
agreed upon tho necessity of ndvancing
freight rates it is doomed to bo a physi
cal impossibility to make any immediate
change Tho enormous amount of de
tailed work connected with tho readjust
ment of rates including tho printing
and checking of tens and hundreds of
thousands of tariffs makes it impossible
that tho rate increases can be made
effective beforo next fall October 1 is
named as tho earliest date in which any
systematized and comprehensive ad
vances that may be agreed upon could
bo put in working shape It is said
that tho proposed advance at first con
fined to class rates may bo extended to
include some of tho commodity rates in
trunk lino territory Itisquito possible
however that notwithstanding tho dis
tractions of the impending political con
test a revival of business activity during
tho noxt five months might chango tho
plans of the railway managers A gen
eral advance in freight rates would nip
like a killing frost tho budding promise
of business revival It is an expedient
of delay and continued depression
Philadelphia Record
The Omaha Trade Excursion
Tho day the Omaha people strike this
town May 23th should be carefully
noted and arrangements made by v ry
ono to suspend business if
during the short time they will bo with
us These men are traveling 2311 miles
in a special train to call on us and al
though their visit will bo brief wo real
ize tho nature and extent of the trip will
not permit longer stops The personnel
of the party is such as to interest every
ono of our business men and may bo pub
lished in our columns next week
A train of nine cars has boon charter
ed to carry them properly made up as
follows Two baggage cars one a
dynamo car to furnish electric power for
lighting etc and to accommodate the
tons of attractive souvenirs and adver
tising matter that will bo distributed
two dining cars one 1G section standard
sleepers one 12 section drawing room
car two ten compartment cars and one
ten section observation car all of tho
highest typo the Pullman Company can
assemble electric lighted throughoutin
fact a palace on wheels
Closing Scenes at Alliance
The saloons of Alliance closed Tues
day at midnight in accordance with
the edict issued by the people at the
April municipal election It was a bit
ter dose for the liquor interests and
they lost no opportunity for doing
business before the drouth Liqucr
was sold in all sorts of ways and the
closing hours all kinds of more-or-less
aljoholic stimulants went at about any
price that could be had A large quant
ity was sold at auction alo at private
sale When closing time came some of
tho places told the crowd to help them
selves and the scramble for booze was
anything but tame After closing
some of the night hours were noisy
but no serious damage was done For
a time there will doubtless be plenty
of liquor to be had for tho asking
but then well we shall see what we
shall see Alliance Times
German Lutheran Conference
The Southwest German Lutheran
Conference met in Oxford last week
Tuesday Thursday with Rev Herman
Ramelow of Ash Creek church south
east of McCook presiding This con
ference is a ministerial gathering for the
purpose of encouraging study and effort
in the work of the church and are held
semi annually At these sessions thir
teen ministers and students were pres
ent five members of the conference be
ing absent
Rev H E Meyer of Arapahoe gave
an exegesis of St Paul to the Corin
thians Rev W Basder deliver the
confessional sermon and Rev Lardgrof
of Prosser the sermon for the evening
on Wednesday night after which the
Lords Supper was administered
The next semi annual session will be
held in Kenesaw
Dealings of Express Agents
Washington May 11 After thorough
investigation the Interstate Commerce
commission in a report transmitted to
the senate today recommends that all
express companies and their agents be
prohibited from dealing on their own
account in commodities transported by
express but that express companies be
permitted to continue their present
methods of conducting interstate busi
ness through their order and commis
sion department subject to such re
strictions as will prevent discrimination
Clean Up Citizens
All property owners renters and les
sors are hereby notified to comply with
the requirments of tho city ordinance
respecting the cleaning up of their pro
perties and the alleys adjacent thereto
Let us have a prompt and thorough
compliance with the law in this regard
for appearance sake and in tho inter
est of the health of the community
G W Godfrey
Street Commissioner
Have You Houses To Rem
Then you should be supplied with
rent receipt books The Tribune has
just what you want compact and com
Seeds at H P Waite Cos
Some of the Attractions
takes great pleasure in announcing that
the following attractions havo been se
cured for the Chautauqua program in
McCook this summer It is not too
early to plan upon a vacation and enjoy
tlio rich treat this program will furnish
Such a magnificent array of talent was
never beforo assembled in this stalo and
wo believe that our people will appreci
ate tho efforts that aro being made to
bring to this city tho very best that tho
chautnuqua and lycoum platform can
Dr lluch A Orchard a now big one
from the south
Prof C E Porsinger in historical
J Mohammad Ali of Lahore Indiana
Judgo Leu S Estello orator aud
statesman who locturos on The Now
Rev Lincoln McConnell tho big
southern evangelist
The Hesperian Malo Quartot said to
be tho best organization of tho kind on
tho platform
The Kirksmith Concert Company a
delightful ladies orchestra
The Royal Hungarian orchestra com
prising eight artistic players
Tho Sterling Jubilee Company seven
colored singers
Dr Frank L Lovoland tho great
western pulpit orator
Rt Rev Mgr J Henry Tihon the
highest titled Catholic prolate on tho
lyceum platform
Thomas Brooks Fletcher ono of
Americas greatest lecturers
Hon Champ Clark who will likely bo
tho next Democratic leader in congress
Dr Monroe Markley a pheaomonal
success on the lecture platform
Hon Warren G Harding of Ohio
one of the biggest political men in
America and a real headliner
Hon Carl Thompson of Wisconsin
William Rainey Bennett of Indiana
dramatic orator and entertainer
Gilbert AEldredge unique entertain
er and costumed impersonator
Dr Peter MacQueon the great ex
plorer aud travel lecturer Dr Mac
Queen has addressed 1700 audiences in
the New England states alone His
lectures are beautifully illustrated
A trained platform manager and sup
Moving pictures and picture enter
tainments for several evenings after the
regular program
Church Dedication at Cambridge
Cambridge Neb May 11 Special
to Bee Yesterday was a remarkable
day in the annals of Congregationalism
in this section of Nebraska For the
last year the First Congregational
church of Cambridge has been under
construction Tho building is one of
pressed brick and artistic in every re
spect and ha1 just been completed at a
cost of 621500 This new edifice was
dedicated Sunaay by Rev Thomas A
Uzzell of Denver Colo and Rev Alex
ander Simpson the pastor of this church
The service of tho dedication began in
the morning with the sermon by Rev
Uzzell An afternoon program was
given by the local pastors of the city
The evening sermon was also delivered
by the Denver divine Tho day being
very pleasant nearly 1000 people were
present to witness tho occasion Spe
cial music by the choir of this church
assisted by Mr and Mrs H J Enders
of Auburn Neb and Hon T A Boyd
of Beaver City added to tho excellent
services of the dav
A Chance in the Star Route
The department has authorized a
change in the route of tho carrier on
the McCook Quick star route Under
the old arrangement of years the carrier
returned to McCook over the route out
going Under the new order now in
effect the carrier will return from Quick
over a road a few miles west of the pre
sent road This will give service to
quite a number of citizens living west of
the old route and will confine service
on the old route to but once a day
the outgoing trip Thus at no advance
in cost to the department the postal
service will be extended to quite a num
ber of farmers who for years have been
deprived of any service except by going
long distances They will now be able
to put up boxes along the route and get
a daily delivery therein
Hear Dem Bells
Neighbors say that Will Fanter pur
chised a section of land near McCook
and will in the near future marry a
young widow of that place who also
has a section of land adjoining his
This looks like Will still has some grit
left He has surely had his share of
trouble in the last three years losing his
wife three years ago nearly unnerved
him and we have passed him on the
street when he looked moro like a fit
subject for a mad house than a farmer
but Will is one of thoso thinking Ger
man boys who foots up his figures with
care and bespeak for him a bright fu
ture Success to you Billy push it
along and dont forget the cigars
Arapahoe Pioneer
Rowland Miller
Monday Justice H H Berry officiat
ed at the marriage of Lewis B Rowland
5Gi and Mrs Alice Miller 17 both of
Bouge Kansas The ceremony was per
formed at the justices office
Farm Loans
Go to Johnson Rozell
Conducted by the McCook W
wnfrk rrP
Tho Redpath Chautauuuu Syatem j TMpERANCE COLUMN
Tho regular meeting of tho Union was
hold last Friday afternoon at Mrs Will
Holds There were a goodly numbor
out and the ladies enjoyed a lesson un
der tho leadership of Mrs M B Car
man Tho next meeting will bo a tea
at tho residence of Mrs Inglis Friday
May 22 Lot every member plan to be
there and take a friend with her Tho
lesson will bo taken up from two thirty
to threo oclock in charge of Mrs Rose
bush Lunch served from threo till
live Ton cents
Why Governor J Frank Ilanly of In
diana hates tho liquor traffic Mombors
of tho W C T U want to observe tho
following and talk it out to every one
especially men who aro interested in mak
ing our little city a purecloan moral ono
1 bear no malico toward thoso engaged
in tho business but I hate tho traffic
I hate its every phase
1 hate it for its intolerance
I hate it for its arrogance
I hate it for its hypocrisy
I hate it for its cant and craft and
falso pretenso
I hate it for its commercialism
I hate it for its greed and avarice
I hato it for its sordid loo of gain at
any price
I hato it for its domination in politics
I hato it for its corrupting influence
in civic affairs
1 hato it for its incessant effort to de
bauch tho suffrage of tho country for
tho cowards it makes of public men
I hate it for its utter disregard of law
1 hato it for its ruthless trampling of
tho solemn compacts of state constitu
I hato it for tho load it straps to
labors back for tho palsied hands it
gives to toil for its wounds to genius
for tho tragedies of its
I hate it for tho human wrecks it has
I hate it for tho almshouses it peoples
for tho prisons it fills for tho insanity
it begets for its countless graves in
potters fields
1 hato it for tho mental ruin it imposes
upon its victims for its spiritual blight
for its moral degradation
I hato it for tho crimes it has com
I hato it for tho homes it has de
I hato it for the hearts it has broken
I hato it for the malice it has planted
in tho hearts of men for its poison for
its bitterness for tho dead sea fruit
with which it starves their souls
I hate it for tho grief it causes wo
manhood the scalding tears the hopes
deferred tho strangled aspirations its
burden of want and care
I hate it for its heartless cruelty to
the aged tho infirm and tho helpless
for the shadow it throws upon the lives
of children for its monstrous injustice
to blameless little ones
I hate it as a virtuo hates vie as
truth hates error as righteousness hates
sin as justice hates wrong as liberty
hates tyranny as freedom hates oppres
I hate it as Abraham Lincoln hated
And as he sometimes saw in prophetic
vision tho end of slavery and tho coming
j rv w t 5
of tho time when tho 8un should shino
and tho rain should fall upon no slavo
in all tho Republic so I somotiuies seem
to see tho ond of this unholy traffic tho
coming of tho timo when if it does not
wholly ceaso to bo it shall find no safe
habitation nnywhero beneath Old
Glory3 stainless stars
Heal Estate Filings
Tho following roal estate tilings havo
been made in tho county clerks office
oinco our last report
Josoph B Blair and wifo ot
al to James JCaton wdto
seqr25 127 S 5000 00
Anna K Meyers and hus to
William II Kendall wd to nw
qr7 330 2000 00
Lincoln Land Co to Lawrpnco
Esmond wd to lot 3 blk 2
1st McCook
Lawrence Esmond sing to Mao
Trammell wd to lot 3 blk 2
1st McCook
Lincoln Land Co to Nols J
Johnson wd to lots 2 3 blk
0 McCook
75 00
100 00
S00 00
Paul S Seoley sing to James
Cosgro qcd to lots 13 Id pt
lot 15 blk 32 Indinnola
Lincoln Land Co to Jennio M
Burns wd to pt sw qr ne
293 29 1500 00
William A Irons and wifo to
Charles M Ryan wd to lot 3
blk 9 McCook
Abraham B Easter and wifo to
George A Remington wd to
no qr ne qr 12 1 26
Lincoln Land Co to German E
Lutheran Synod wd to lots
231 blk 5 dth McCook
Lincoln Land Co to Gorman E
Lutheran Synod agree to lot
1 blk 5 lth McCook
Allen E Pennington and wifo
to Bert D McCarty wd to pt
swqrso qr 17-1-26
1300 00
2100 00
J P Kinno sing to Mary Jano
Jolly wd to pt so qr nw qr
17-1-26 100 00
Alvin P Bodwoll and wifo to
Clyde Bodwell wd to lot 3
blk 2 Bodwoll add to Leba
non 150 00
Mary Agnes Mugan sing to Al
bert Calhoun wd to lot 2
blk 12 2nd McCook 2100 00
Elizabeth N Carnahan to the
public vacation deed blocks
232930 31 Bartley
A Guaranteed Cure For Piles
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund monoy if
Pazo Ointment fails to euro any case
no matter of how long standing in 6 toll
days First application gives easo and
rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it
send 50c in stamps and it will bo for
warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
or anything pertaining to Cement Work see
Or at Yard Two Blocks East of Main
Between Dodge and Dennison
Room S
1 00
1100 00
jf 1 ft
qL SlOOO 00 will bo Kiren for atpSh
Sfciiny substance injurious to SL
yhtaltb found lu C uiumuu gjr
tTCTAkVivJj g smroTggr
If you want a
VoUli Jlnl 0
SBsmsaagiisa - A tm
Thin If vmkm
What Lightning PMY
nn mm
It may destrov your home n a flash
Lightning is one of those unexpected things
Why chance it when theres such an easy way to make
your home absolute proof against it
Let me send you free WC Shinns little book on Light
ning Read it Then if you are convinced and you mill
be that you dont zvant to get along without
W S Infills pk
Lighting Rod System
on your home Ill quote you a price and put it up for you
under a signed and legally binding guarantee that fully
protects you in the purchase
I am Mr Shinns authorized agent and know the light-
ning rod business thoroughly
i You ought to at least read this book for the sake of your
familys safetv if for no other reason
Write me for the little book or see me at the store today
er Cable