TCjP IWv St J p M - J H TWENTY SIXTH MMr40MMM Ill mr PUBLIC SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT Thursday and Friday Evenings May 28th and 29th in tho Assembly Room of the New High School Building Tho Exercises Will Bo Now and Bettor Than Ever Among thospeeinl features will be A Year of Holidays A Garden Piny Selections by high school baud A Carnival of Flowers short comedy Tho Sunbonnot Babies and Overall Boys Plenty of Good Music and Many Interesting Novelties On Thursday night tho older chil dren will appear On Friday night tho younger ones School children will sell tickets The proceeds are to apply as a payment on tho Baby Grand piano recently installed in tho high school ROOM MOULDING AND PLATE RAILS If you are building a new house or renovating tho old youll probably need something in room mouldings and plate rails Youll find the latest styles in our stock Something different from what you see in the houses around you Have these new mouldings and rails in beautifully finished specially selected natural wood3 and in enamels to har monize with your wall paper L W McConnell Druggist Special Meeting M W A A special meeting of tho Modern Woodman lodge of McCook will be held in the commercial club rooms Tues day evening of next week May 19th for the purpose of taking action in tho matter of subscribing stock in the temple-opera house enterprise Let every Woodman be on hand This is a large and worthy enterprise and should inter est every patriotic citizen cf McCook Words Cannot Adequately Describe what gas fuel has done for womankind It has opened up for her the ideal home with perfect service the best living with ample license and opportunity for higher things yet gas with all its ad vantages cannot be made without a good gas range This you will find in the Detroit Jewel sold by The McCook Hardware Co Bankrupt Sale The Harry Simons stock of clothing furnishings shoes fixtures etc will be sold in bulk by the trustees at public auction to the highest bidder at Mc Cook Monday May 25 1903 at 2 p m G C Hamilton F A Pennell Trustees Herrick Refrigerators have dry air circulation and are very economical absolutely sanitary and are sold by McCook Hardware Co Boost For McCook Better service good goods and less profits with cash on delivery after June 1st Magner Stokes The best will suit you best 5- Garden seed in hulk lawn grass flour and feed Call on C J Ryan List Your City Property Farms Ranches with WHTTTAKER GRAY Office in Electric Light office rear Citizens hank Phone 283 i i t t I e I Bt i ATTEND THE I 4th of July Celebration AT McCOOK I S i Races July 3rd and 4th j i t i BIG PURSES Four Races Each Day I i i 9 1 wnmmtymttt DECIDES FOR THE CITY Judge Orr Refuses to Issue a Per manent Restraining Order in Water Works Case MEANS REFUND AND LOWER Rale For Water Consumers In the City of McCook The Case a Hotly Con tested One and ot Large Im portance to the City Tho water works question which has agitated McCook for many months was finally disposed ofT by Judge Orr in dis trict court last Saturday evening Tho arguments for the city wore made by J R McCarl city attorney who was assisted by his partner J F Cordeal and C C Flansburg of Lincoln W S Morlan appeared for tho water works company The suit of the water works company was brought to secure a restraining or der from the district court running against tho mayor and council of the city of McCook restraining them from enforcing ordinance No 13G of the city of McCook This ordinance reduced the water rates to consumers from 30 cents under ordinance No 100 to 16 cents per 1000 gallons it also reduced tho minimum rato from 250 to 150 per tap The water company in the district court sought to show that the new rate was not remunerative The decision of Judge Orr indicates that they failed to convince him of tho fact The result will be received with gener al satisfaction by water consumers of the city of McCook who will now re ceive a refund of the amount over the 1G cent rate paid by them since last October while the rate will be effective at 16 cents per 1000 gallons under the city ordinance numbered 136 Of course this action is subject to the supreme court But as the matter now stands the city of McCook and the water consumers of the city are winners Judge Orr is not in the city and has not signed up the journal entry in the case but the docket entry is complete and is given in this connection Entry on trial docket is as follows April 23rd Defendants move court for judgment for defendants overruled and defendants except May Sth Defendants demur to the evidence May 9th Arguments had Court sustains the demurrers to tho evidence Injunction denied Plaintiff excepts Petition dismissed Plaintiff excepts Motion for new trial Motion overruled Plaintiff excepts Forty days for bill of exceptions This decision is one of the greatest importance to the people of McCook in their efforts to secure water at a more reasonable rate Just Staples Simpsons prints 6c yd Amoskeag apron ginghams 6Jc good yard wide muslin 5c lonsdale bleached muslin 10c lonsdale cambric muslin 12 pep perell 9 quarter bleached sheeting 25c yd best grade table oil cloth 15c yd mens good union made blue overalls 39c jackets to match 39c white ones for painters and plasterers same price Peerless carpet warp 22c lb America A 2 bu grain bags 20c mosquito netting 5c yd good lawns 5c yd and up long sleeve aprons 65c band aprons 20c lace curtains 50c a pair and up We serve the people Your dollar goes the farthest here Tho Thompson D G Co One price plain figures cash only Notice to Taxpayers The Board of Equalization of Assess ments will meet June 9th 1908 and will remain in session at least three days to equalize the personal and real estate assessment of Red Willow county for 190S as required by law All persons interested are hereby notified Charles Skalla County Clerk For Sale One 14 h p Star engine tender and tank 32x52 Port Huron separator self feeder weigher and wind stacker Price 1000 F B Amann Bloomingtion Neb They Are Doodles A new consignment of clothing for young men and boys just received at Rozell Bargers clothiers to the peo ple Dont buy that spring suit before seeing these For Sale Show cases tables counter scales and other usefnl articles about a store Call and see them at the Bee Hive The prices will be right to you Detroit Jewel Gas Ranges and water heaters are built to save fuel and last Sold by The McCook Hard ware Co The be3t will suit vou best McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING MAY 15 1908 Slxteen Cent Water Judge Orr disposed of tho celebrated water suit last Saturday evening by ontoring his decision in the case as fol lows Court sustains defendants demurrers to tho evidence of the plaintiff In junction denied Petition dismissed Motion for a new trial overruled Thoroupon fell down the restraining order under which the Water Co has collected two quarters at the rate of thirty cents per 1000 gallons Upon be ing questioned City Attorney McCarl stated to us that the situation is now the same as if suit had not been brought and that if tho litigation goes any farther it will not change the rato from sixteen cents until a decision by the supreme court of the state should so de cide Tho Water Co must now pay back the amount wrongfully collected in January and April The Water Consumers League takes this occasion to point out that it was shown at the trial by the Water Cos own books that the cose of water per 1000 gallons has been only 4 and 1 11 cents That includes every kind of oper ating expense fuel labor office salaries repairs supplies insurance taxes meter-readings and collections It was also testified by the Water Cos expert wit ness that one half of one per cent per year will cover depreciation The same expert a civil engineer in the employ of the B M stated without qualification that 3 inch and 4 inch mains are not sufficient for fire protection It was also shown at the trial that the stock of the water company is watered to tho extent of 2 and 10 15 times the amount of cash paid for the plant It iva3 also shown that in the year when the water com pany earned and paid 500000 dividends if received only SJ4 cents per 1000 gal lons for its total output Also that its profits last year 1907 wore 587300 In the face of these proven facts tho Water Consumers League points back to its petition filed with the city council last summer and submits that every state ment made therein has been shown to be true We congratulate the people of McCook on the outcome of the injunc tion suit and their relief fiom the extor tionate rate of thirty cents The rate of sixteen cents can be endured until tho new city plant is built and we got the full benefit of adequate mains mod ern machinery honest and competent operation and the increasing population Meanwhile the sixteen cent rate will justify the use of much more water than has been consumed the past twelve months and we predict that it will be taken Water Consumers League Charlies Aunt Local talent under direction of Dr Beach is preparing to give Charlies Aunt in the Menard May 30th The play will be given for the benefit of the temple opera house enterprise It is clean comedy of a highly humorous sort and will be sandwiched with numerous musical numbers and specialties the whole forming a program which it is claimed will afford a full evenings en tertainment of a worth while sort MastersDowns Last Friday afternoon at the home of the justice H H Berry united in marriage Thomas H Masters and Miss Ida May Downs daughter of Nelson Downs the ceremony taking place in the presence of the near relatives of the contrasting parties Both are well known young folks and many friends join in well wishes for their happiness and success Gauze Corsets 35c and 50c American Beauty make too Also tape and ribbon girdles at 50c and 100 Also batists coutil and satine styles in all the good shapes 50c to 100 Mon ey back after 4 weeks actual wear if dis satisfied The Thompson D G Co Sole agts Actual cash values Fruit Crop Destrojed There is small basis for the hope that any considerable portion of tho fruit crop has escaped the blight of killing frosts and cruel freezing This fact tho warm weather is demonstrating beyond peradventure Met a Decisive Waterloo The girls of the high school basket ball team fought and bled and died at Wray Colorado last Saturday The score was 28 to 1 in favor of the Cen tennials The game was played at Benkelman The Shirt Waist Beautiful is found in most satisfactory styles at most agreeable prices in greatest var iety of proper materials and designs for 100 to 500 at the Thompson D G Co One price plain figures cash only What Is More Restful than a nice hammock strung under your tree or porch Before buying look over the line at the McCook Hardware Co The best will suit you best 2100000 SUBSCRIBED Over 2000 Worth of Stock in the Enterprise Taken This Week PEOPLE ARE DETERMINED To Make Tills Project a Winner and are Responding Splendidly to the So licitations of the Stock Committee The people of McCook will be moro than pleasod with tho progress being made in securing stock subscriptions to tho Masonic temple opera house enter prise Last week tho opening week of tho promotion effort 18000 worth of stock was subscribed This week be tween 2000 and 3000 have been added to the total which is now nearly 21000 The people are beginning to warm up to this splendid project and wo hope soon to be able to announce the realiza tion of the 25000 when operations can be commenced BE A BUSY BOOSTER Following are the names of the new stock subscribers this week Total from last week 1851 names shares E II Doan 25 C C Bosworth 2 Mike Walsh 15 S N Wilson 10 Eugene Gary 10 N E Barger 20 Ed Huber 5 Osborn Wentz 5 Fred Bruns 5 MU Clyde 25 Fred Munden 5 Joe Waters 3 Frank Walker 1 Brotherhood Carmen of America 10 A C Hippie 5 H N Rosebush 5 Mrs Mary Campbell 5 C D Noble 10 Walter Stillwell 5 Joe Mokko 2 ES Howell 5 Jacob Metz 5 R E French 5 D C Marsh 10 II E Culbertson 10 Otto L Bentley 2 M S Jennings 26 Ed Fitzgerald 10 IVm Byfield 5 Lineburg Co 3 John Ekstedt 1 G W Predmoro 3 W C Blair 2 C J Ryan 2 Blanche E Asten 2 Millie Elbert 2 Sadie Coyle 1 Claudia B Hatcher 1 J C Moore 3 Total 2099 OLD SOLS SMILE If Old Sol beams upon you long at a time these bright May days your complexion is apt to suffer Better give your skin a little daily care Use McConnells Fragrant Lotion on your face neck hands and arms night and morning and your complexion will be protected against all harm that sun or wind can do Its a dainty pre paration made expressly for dainty skins This is the most cooling healing preparation that can be used for sun burn and inflammation of the skin Price 25c L W McConnell Druggist The Melt-In-Your-Mouth Kind Paul Anton has just secured about fifty head of corn fed cattle to meet the needs of his meat market A finer bunch of cattle have never been seen in McCook indeed it is claimed for them that the best markets of the country cannot beat them These animals will be served to customers of Mr Antons market and the juiciest richest cuts are guaranteed at reasonable figures all the time These meats will almost melt in your mouth Heatherbloom Skirts 225 The flounce is wide and deep and very dressy Every skirt has the heatherbloom trade mark without which none is genuine Colors are black browns navy red tan pearl grey and green The Thompson D G Co Act ual cash values Wanted The right party can secure an excel lent steady position salary or commis sion for McCook and vicinity State age former occupation and give refer ence Address lock box 433 Lincoln Neb Buy a Velie Buggy now and get the summers use of it There is satisfaction in owning one of these buggies Sold by McCook Hard ware Co Beef and Pork High but you can raise it profitably when it is cheap if you fence with American fence sold by McCook Hardware Co Twenty Styles Mens Hats at 150 at The Thompson D G Co Others to 250 The best will suit you best mwnm Remembered On His Birthday Last Saturday May 9th 1903 Mr A C Marsh of East McCook bocamo eighty yoars of ago and tho occasion was observed by a sort of a family re union which was a source of ploasuro most genuine to all Mr D C Marsh and family and Mr F S Lofton aud family joining Mr and Mrs Marsh in commomorating tho day Mr Marsh was handsomely remember ed by his friends in the Congregational church of which he is tho life deacon and by mombors of his own family to all of whom his heart goes out in grato ful acknowledgement of tender senti ment and graceful deed Miscellaneous Shower Tho young ladies of tho Awl Os club met with Miss Joannotto Dutton Tues day evening out on the farm adding a delightful drive to the usual joys of tho occasion Tho meeting took on tho naturo of a miscellaneous shower on Miss Dut ton at which tho presents were auction ed Miss Bessie Peterson serving brave ly in that capacity A three course supper was served Mrs II A Beale assisting in the sorving Miss Deborah Hockman enlivened tho occasion with her efforts at tho piano Miss Abel Miss Whisler Miss Bowl by were guests A Strong Chautauqua Attraction The Rt Rev Monsignor J Henry Tihen the highest titlod Catholic priest on the public platform will ap pear on the Chautauqua program at McCook The Osceola la Sentinel August 15th says Monsignor Tihen a noted Catholic prelate was the at traction Friday Father Tihen is a polished orator and as graceful a speak er as we have ever heard His word painting and beautiful rhetoric were masterful and his conclusions logical Buried In McCook The remains of Mrs Sarah Wilson arrived from Parks Wednesday night on 14 and were buried in Longview cemetery at 230 this afternoon from the residence of Joe Kummer in West McCook where services were held by Rev Hawkes of the Congregational church Mrs Wilson was in her G5th year dying near Norton Neb on the 13th inst A son J P Wilson accomp anied the remains here Farmers Attention 1 am receiving cream for the Fair mont Creamery Co of Crete Neb Bring your cream to me and 1 will guar antee good results You get your checks every shipment To those part ies that are delivering cream to other creameries if you will divide give one half to me I think after a few ship ments you will bring it all to me M Walsh Strictly Cash Basis June l This is to notify my patrons that on and after June 1st 190S my meat mark et will be conducted on a strictly cash basis Business conditions make this action necessary and it will bo strictly adhered to D C Marsh Charcoal Iron costs more than steel and does not cor rode or scale like steel Majestic ranges are made of this and malleable iron so they will last a life time Do not accept substitutes McCook Hardware Co Almost an Inch or Rainfall Wednesday night 90 of an inch of rain fell in this city and vicinity This makes with the rainfall of May 3 5 173 inches so far this month and puts the soil and crops in excellent condition Fireless Cookers save ninety per cent of the fuel fifty per cent of the womans work and ten per cent of the food and are sold by The McCook Hardware Co Handsome Muslin Undergarments Corset covers white skirts gowns chemises drawers at 200 down to 25c each The Thompson D G Co Act ual cash values Suit Cases and Trunks Dont fail to see our stock in the above lines and let us quote you prices We can meet your desires Rozell Barger Neckwear Belts and Bags Very superior assortments in all trades Newest things in elastic belts just received The Thompson DG Co Box Elder Will Celebrate A rousing 4th of July celebration at Box Elder in Bolles grove Particulars later Tan Hose With Lace Boots in fine lisle thread quality for 3bc at The Thompson D G Co Actual cash values Acme Quality Paints and Varnishes and every thing in the paint line McCook Hardware Co The best will suit you best Deposit It when you havo a surplus with MONEY im 9 vvvvv NUMBER 5 1 Borrow II when in need from THE McCOOK NATIONAL BANK To Deiosilors Wo pay four per cent on time deposits To Borrowers You pay interest on money borrowed only for the time you use it PWalsh C FLehn President Vice President C J OBrien Cashier Flltcraft Residence Finished Tho Flitcraft residence ono of the finest in this part of tho county has just been completed by W E Carson builder and it is a credit to the owner as well as to the builder Mr Carson is also building the Leon Clark Claude Corey and James Modrell homes all of which are creditablo and cosy homos which will bo finished in about ton days and add to thereputatioc of Mr Car son as a first class workman in his line A Social Affair Tho ladies of the M E S entertained tho gentlemen of tho club Wednesday evening in jauschow hall The hall was tastefully decorated in club colors with a profusion of artificial lowers The evening was spent in social games and after a two course luncheon dancing was of a absorbing interest with Miss Tacie DeLong at tho piano Your Daily Bread We have just received a handsome sanitary Studobaker bakers wagon which will bo placed in service Monday May 18th and will make daily deliver ies of our famous breads cakes cookie3 etc all fresh and crisp from tho oven On and after above date wo will sell for cash only Heckmans Bakery Strictly Cash Basis June i This is to notify my patrons that on and after Juno 1st 1903 my meat mark et will bo conducted on a strictly cash basis Business conditions make this action necessary and it will be strictly adhered to D C Marsh Dress Skirts For 200 to 1250 Handsome ones for 500 to 650 Alterations free Tho Thompson D G Co Actual cash values Go to Heckmans bakery for your fresh bread canes cookies etc The best will suit you best Cash Beginning June l On and after June 1st 1903 I S lc shall sell meats on a strictly cash basis This action is made j cessary by business conditions i and will be strictly adhered to Paul P Anton fV v Strictly Cash Basis June l This is to notify my patrons that on and after June 1st 1903 my meat market will be conducted on a strictly cash basis Busi ness conditions make this action necessary and it will be strictly adhered to D C Marsh KBr oaaiixiBemfMKaaMii We are pleased to announce that our soda fountain is now open We will execute all the care possible to sustain our repu tation of last year for serving the very best cold drinks Many new and delicious ones are added to our menu this year and we hope to see the same satisfied smile of appreciation on all our last years customers mingled with the look of joyous surprise of a great many new ones Come visit us Wood worth Co Druggists t j i s i 1 e I I - i 3 i I j I 1 I I I -