ADVERTISED LIST Tho following lottors cards nnd pack ages remain uncalled for at tho McCook poatollico April 17 lflOS IKTTKU8 Clark Mr Wilhcr H Ickurdt Mr Adam Kwllcy Mr Ijih Mutlitows Mr Marion Itowlco Mr lilliort Satilciis IocIi Health Insurance at little cost Davis Mr Iny Kiiifj Mr Comull Miller Laura i Alyrrs Mr Lisa Kuiflfr Mr Karl Suliuliz Mr Willio Vouroll r CARDS Clark Mrs James Darin MrsCnnsy HaKKani Mis Jx la Loan Mr Mary Lout AIIxtL L Milchcll Mr Lawriiico Ifoberlsou Mr TI ltiiH ill Mrs Cecelia Ituft ol Mildred and Mnrjorio Itrown MihbJunila ami Velvin When calling for those ploaso say tnoy wore advertised S U McLkan Postmaster APPLICATION YOU LICENSE Indianola Nebraska April 17 1908 Notice is lierchy kimii tliat I have Hied with tho city clerk of the city of ludianola Nebras ka my petition and bond for a licente to sell mall spirituous and vinous liquors in the building on the west twenty feet of lots II and 12 block C in tho second ward of the city of ludianola Ited illow count Nebraska from May 1 lJUS to April lSMKI Ciiakii s IJoas Applicant NE1LL BROS Contractors and Builders Estimates Furnished Free Phones Shop Illack 1JI Residence Hlack i2 J H Woddell UC McCook - Will cry your street for you any Saturday loneer Nebraska sales The best of every thing in his line at the most reasonable prices is flarshs motto He wants your trade and hopes by merit to keep it anyone for any sub stance injurious to the health found in Ctllmiiet Baking Powder Pnrity is a prime essential in food Calumet is made only of pure wholesome ingredients combined by skilled chemists and complies with the pure food laws of all states It is the onlv hieh errade Baking Powder on the market sold at a 1110 derate price Calumet Baking Powder may be freely used with the certainty that food made with it contains no harmful drugs It is chemically correct CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Christian Bible school at 10 a m Y 1 S C E at 7 p in All are wel come to these services Episcopal Prenching services at St Albans church at 11 a m and 730 p ni Sunday school at 10 a in All are wolcomo to these services E It Eaicle Rector Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sormon 1000 a m Evening Bervico at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday WM J Kikwin O M 1 Baptist Sunday school at 10 a in Preaching service at 1100 a m Even ing service at 800 B Y P U at 7 p m A most cordial invitation is extended to all to worship with us E Burton Pastor Christian Science Services Sun day at 11 a in and Wednesday at 8 p m Subject Doctnno of Atone ment Meotings held in tho Diamond block Room open Wednesday and Saturdays from 2 to 1 p in Science literature on sale Congregational Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching at 10 a m and 8 p in by pnstor Junior C E at 3 p m Senior C E at 7 p in Prayer meeting every Wednesday at S The public is cordially invited to these ser vices G B IIawkks Pastor Methodist Sunday school at 10 a 111 Sermons by pastor at 11 and 8 Junior Leaguo at Epworth League at 7 Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 8 pm You aro welcomed and made glad at this church Sunday school every bunuay in fcjoutu McUook at 3 M B Carman Pastor Filed Voluntary Petition Thursday of last week William Schroeder a merchant of Eustis filed a voluntary petition in bankruptcy in the McCook division of tho federal court The papers were forwarded to Lincoln by Clerk of the Court Rodgers and on Monday the same were signed by Judge T C Munger and returned to the clerk here TSiiMWi S 7h i T 1MIE1 II U II right fit flBlvWWl 11 r5SiiilH jsmm mOBSF sa f tSI al L 1 tfM hit i nriTT 11 111 1 lllll svS The Butcher Phone 12 1 - GAL mm SI fntSlfl nfl reward is offered to tarn iJJwbi i V FRAHKUH U and makes Pure Wliolesom Food B DIRECTORS JAS S DOYLE auv UMMMIIlllI V inrai lll1lli ni liilllJ riwrtwMjs i 1 1 c r t it 1 MTJ 2SSS3 stern slims closest because it follows most closely every law of nature assisted by artificial forces in the most of f ective wav It is Ball bearing which means easy run ning has low down large Supply Tank The Crank is just tho height to make the machine turn easy Gears run in oil prac tically self oiling and has wide base to catch all the waste Made as accurately as a watcb - increases your yield of cream and butter SIS per cow each year Ask your dealer about The Great Western and dont let him work any sub stitute came on you Its your money you aro going to spend you should insist on having the best The Great Western is the worlds best Write just these words in a letter Send m Thrif t Talks by a farmer and your book Noi03 which tells all about the breeds dairying the care of milk etc They are free Write now SMITH MFG CO 158 Harrison Si Chicago III FOR SALE IX McCOOK BY RWaite Co fcfcVVfcfcVfc fefefeVfe V rKANKLIW PRESIDENT A C EBERT CASHIER JAS S DOYLE Vice President THE CITIZENS BANK OF MeCOOK NEB Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 15000 f A 0 EBERT Resolutions of Respect to T D Watson Whereas tho A 11 Wise Providence has seen fit to call our friend and neighbor Thomas D Watson to appear in that groat beyond Therefore bo it resolved that tho Woodman camp No 5J1G of which ho was a consistent member has lost a valued friend and worker and ono who on all occasions triod to tho best of his ability to uphold protect and promoto tho interests of tho lodgo That ho was esteemed by all of his noighbors for his sterling qualities and straight forward methods May it bo further resolved that this camp express its sincoro sympathy for tho deop sorrow of tho wife and child ren in this great loss of husband and father Beit furthor resolved that a copy of these resolutions bo spread upon tho record of tho lodge and also a copy sent to tho bereaved family Jacob Bet Committee Chris Smith John Smith Charged With Car Thievery Georgo and Albort Kenner of Bartley wero before Squire Berry last Friday charged with stealing goods from Bur lington cars They aro brothers and are said to be plasterers bv occupation Considerable loot is said to have been found in their possession when arrested a few days previously by Detectives Schmidt of Lincoln and Davenport of Denver both members of tho Burling tons secret service force Both detec tives wero present at tho trial Squire Berry bound the men over to tho next term of district court placing their bonds at 300 respectively The men aro now languishing in the county jail not uemg aoie to aato to secure bonds men Farewell to Bessie Smith Tho Kings Daughters of the Method ist church met at tho homo of their Sunday school teacher Mrs S E Cal- len Tuesday afternoon and extended a farewell to Miss Bessie Smith a mem ber who has been making her home with Mr C H Meeker for the past year Miss Bessio has endeared herself to many during her sojourn in McCook and her friends and classmates were loth to have hor return to hor California home The Sunday school class ex pressed their sentiment in the form of a beautifully bound copy of Longfellows poems Playing1 the Deuce As the number of Merry Widow hats increase it is claimed the attend ance of men in churches decreases In other words the Merry Widow head gear is not to be enumerated among the means of grace Others are inveigh ing against the creations of the season because where previously six could be seated now but four can wedge in Again others are attempting to require women wearing their loves of bonnets to church to check them in at the cloak rooms So the Merry Widows are playing the deuce generally Federal Court Will Try The supreme court of the United States Monday refused a writ of man damus requested by the state of Nebras ka in the case of that state against the Chicago Burlington Quincy railroad compelling United States District Judges W II and T C Munger to re mand back to the supreme court of Ne braska the suit begun by the state to enjoin the debtor company from charg ing for its intrastate traffic more than the rate fixed by the state statute OConnellTerwIlliffer Last Sunday afternoon Mr William T OConnell and Miss Caroline L Terwilliger both of Hastings Nebraska wero united in holy matrimony in the Episcopal rectory Rev E R Earle officiating Mr OConnell is a commer cial traveler for an electric company and has his headquarters in Hastings and Miss Terwilliger has been a teacher in the Hastings Business college They will make their home in Hastings Where the Value Is Only two worthful items enter into the value of advertising namely quant ity and quality that is how many and how good The McCook Tribune is in a field by itself locally on these two points We challenge and invite in spection and comparison We can give you from two to three times the value for your money that any other Red Willow county publication can offer you Attendance Not Up to Expectations Under Epworthian auspices Monday evening the Columbia Tennesseans gave their concert in the Methodist church The concert was fairly up to expectations but not so the attendance which was limited in part at least by the fact that other attractions and in terests occupied the attention of many that evening Death of Mr Hollister Word from Miss Ida Hollister an early resident of McCook announces the death of her aged father recently resultant of an attack of whooping cough The remains were taken from Ashland to Denver for cremation Hard and Soft Paper in convenient sizes for desk use in fig uring and making notes at the Tribune office Very reasonable price Same price twice the service The Tribune to its advertisers A BILL IN CONGRESS The Method by Which a Measure Is Transformed Into Law On a day set for the consideration of the 1111 the house goes into committee of the whole A chairman apponted by the speaker presides The bill is read by sections and clauses after gen eral debate has closed and any mem ber may offer jtmendmonts All voting in committee is by rising The yeas and nays are not taken When the bill has been gone through and all amendments have been voted upon the committee rises and the chairman reports the bill back to the house with the amendments The house then votes upon them either sin gly or in gioss and by yeas and nays if they are ordered to be taken J he bill is then ordered to be en grossedthat is written out in a fair hand and just as it is after being amended and to be read a third time As it is usually already engrossed it is at once read the third time by title as before and passed The clerk takes the bill to the senate by which body it is referred to the finance committee In due time the committee if it sees lit and not other wise reports the bill back to the sen ate with propositions to amend In the senate the bill is considered as in committee of the whole the aud ments of tho finance committee and other volunteer amendments are ac cepted or rejected they are again voted upon when the bill is reported to the senate from the committee of the whole and the bill is passed As the two houses are not agreed upon the bill a committee of confer ence usually consisting of throe mem bers of each branch of congress is ap pointed The committee when it lias come to an agreement reports to each house and the acceptance of the re port is the final stage of the bill in its passage The measure is now enrolled that is it is printed in large open type upon a parchment and is taken first to the house where it is signed by the speaker then to the senate where the vice president signs it and finally to the president and makes tho hill a law Congress is notified that the bill has been approved and the original copy of the act is deposited in the depart ment of state Edwin Tarrisse in Har pers Weekly Full of Reminiscence At the different army stations in the west it is tho practice for the officers on leaving their post for some distant station to sell off everything thov do not care to keep In connection with this custom in Reminiscences of a Sol diers Wife Mrs Ellen Biddle tells an amusing story There was a very estimable woman living at the garrison a veritable Mrs Malaprop She told us of some jew elry she had lost and among the things was a topaz chain with a beau tiful pendulum The lady held an auction before she left after her husbands death and when some silver plated knives were put up for sale she rose and in a sob bing voice said Oh dear no I can not sell them They have been in dear Johns mouth too often Lasting Your suggestion said a depositor to the bank receiver offers very cold comfort It is a bachelors comfort that is to say no comfort at all What said a bachelor to a Rene diet only married a year and already so blue Ah but groaned the Benedict T never imagined that a wife would prove so expensive The bachelor patted the blue mar ried man on the back in a consolatory way Yes he said a wife is an expen sive article that is true But then you must remember that she lasts a very long time Aristocracy What subsists today by violence continues tomorrow by acquiescence and is perpetuated by tradition till at last the hoary abuse shakes the gray hairs of antiquity at us and gives itself out as tiu wisdom of ages Thus the clearest dictates of reason are made to yield to a long succession of follies And this is the foundation of the aristocratic system at the present day Its stronghold with all those not im mediately interested in it is the rev erence of antiquity Kdwanl Everett There i auvertism a of literature 3 tan 1 rrrificd s great genius displayed in in tu higher branches Xo proilem daunts the modern ad ertising man In the window of a in Eight viuc Wv centiy heipid a gut ib r marked vey low Xtv Bibler oileicd at such - above them in i inscription - Satn - s jLI is - -is t souk Yi v tun of es ore hojv v re i argaln ird W Lit Hi v Well Crsarccd Is my son getting well grounde i In the classics V aked the anxious mil lionaire I would put it even stronger than that replied the private tutor I may say that he is actually stranded on them Chicago Ilecord Iierald Certainly Would City Man to villager Wouldnt It open your eyes if you were to look across at that lot there and see one of our city skyscrapers covering it Vil lage Man Waal I guess I would see In as Ive got twenty head o cattle grazln there Bohemian Wait Is a hard word to the hungry German Proverb Odd Use For Bread Perhaps the most novel use to -which bread is put may be seen In one of our great watch factories where more than forty loaves of fresh broad are required each day An oflicial of tho watch fac tor is quoted as saying There is no secret regarding the use of bread In this factory and I am will ing to toll all I can concerning It I rom the earliest times in the history of watchmaking it has been the custom of watchmakers to reduce fresh broad to the form of dough This is done by steaming and kneading They then use this dough for removing oil and chips that naturally adhere in course of manufacture to pieces as small as a part of a watch There are many parts of a watch by the way that are so small as to lie barely visible to the naked eye Tho oil is absorbed by tills dough and the chips stick to It and there is no other known substance which can be used as a wiper without leaving some of its particles attached to the thing wiped This accounts for the continued use of bread dough in the watchmaking industry American Food Journal A Quaint Compliment On Mark Twains seventy second birthday a Hartford clergyman said of him No wonder he finds happiness in old age All the aged would be happy if they were as sympathetic and as kind as he lie is continually going out of his way to please others and the result is that he is continually pleasing him self Listen for instance to the quaint compliment he paid me the last time lie came to hear me preach He waited for me at the church door at the serv ices end and shaking me by the hand said gravely I mean no offense but I feel oblig ed to tell you that the preaching this morning has been of a kind that I can spare I go to church sir to pursue my own train of thought but today I couldnt do it You interfered with me You forced me to attend to you and lost me a full half hour I beg that this may not occur rgain Philosophy of Descartes Turning the mental vision inward as Bacon turned it outwail Descartes watched the operations of the soul as an object in a microscope Resolved to believe nothing but upon evidence so convincing that he could not by any effort refuse his ascent he found as he inspected his beliefs that he could plausibly doubt everything but his own existence Here at last was the everlasting rock and this was re vealed in his own consciousness hence his famous Cogito ergo sum I think therefore I am Consciousness said ho i 5 the basis of certitude luterro g it and its clear replies will be so n e for all clear ideas are true Do- ii in the depths of the mind is the idea of the infinite perfection the mark of the workman impressed upon his work Therefore God exists New York American Science and Sound Fact The workings of the human mind when asleep are full of wonder re marked a scientist who was paying a visit to an acquaintance Have you ever started up from a sound dream less sleep with every sense on the alert and with your whole being thrill ed with a vivid yet indefinable feeling that something was wrong and instant action required V Often replied his hostess and in nearly every case I have found that 1 was awakened by the fumbling of my husbands key at the front door Impertinent Speaking of a man noted for his im pertinence an acquaintance said Blanks impudence was second only to that of a waiter I heard about the other day Look here waiter said a guest this fish is not cooked properly I know it sir said the waiter but 3ou told me it was for your wife Well what of that asked the sur prised guest Why said the waiter I knew that if the lady was your wife she couldnt be very particular Realism In Art Two artists were boasting how they could paint Do you know said one I painted a sixpence on the ground one day and a beggar nearly broke his fingers trying to pick it up I Thats nothing to what I did said the other 4T nnmtnrt n in nf mTifMn rrt n ctnnn His Nsrrow Escape I toll you the closing of the Stoenth National was a migaty close call for me How va fiit V Why a f id had Advised me to put my roisr i it und And yvi - dva e Xo brt I if 1 any nitn ey PhiIt L i LeJger Nc tho Kind He Wanted Little t u awa To hunt red skins Yes But Iu ftr fal nv until his fa ther had ft v ifi hji Harpers Weekly My fa v is my firir sir she said Well he replied poverty is no dis grace but its awfullv inconvenient at times The Wicked Husband Why does a man lie to his wife asks a woman writer Dear me does he Duluth Herald A moral sensible well bred man will not insult me No other can Cowper A Guaranteed Cure For Piles Itching Blind Blooding or Protrud ing Piles Druggists refund money if Pazo OivrMKvr fails to cure any case no matter of how long standing in J toll days First application gives easo nnd rest fiOe If your druggist hasnt it send 50e in stamps and it will bo for warded postpaid by Paris Medicino Co St Louis Mo 1 it v Updike Grain Co t GIVE US A TRIAL oit Phone 169 SS CARVEY Mgr YOU WOULD DO WELL TO SEE J M Rupp FOR ALL KINDS OK gpj P O Box lJl McCook Nebraska A Edpar Hawkins Kril vxi H H Evans lhoiic Hod m HAWKINS EVANS Contractors and Builders Plans drawn and estimates furn ished on McCook Nebraska E F OSUORN J W WENTZ OSBORN WENTZ Dra3men Prompt Service Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices Office First Door South of DeGroffs Phone 13 ss3vrsavzrNj3Nessysr3 F D BURGESS Plumber and Steam Fitter Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free Base ment of the Postoffice Building McCOOK NEBRASKA SMtaNJMSfSKMVsSvEsafsEJS HS NEW YORK bk at cjafe jTTBv jrK in IS THE GREATEST THEATRICAL i SHOW PAPER IN THE WORLD 400 Per Year Single Copy 0 GIs ISSUED WEEKLY Sawiple Copy Free FRANK QUEEN PUB CO Ltd ALBERT J BOEIE M IU K JliSAGt DIAMOND 47 l I iiM IOKX LL BRAND Ask j our lruKKt for CIII CIIETERS iimuuiu rHuisu i iLi in k a anJA Gold metal ic boxes sealed with BlueWj Ribbon Take no oninn iiinr ivniKRHi ana mt ir I llll IIES TJUS 0 DIAMOND BA5I PIIIS for twentv five - io ou tuiii u uu aiu years regarueu as nest balest Always Reliable uau tue bioiie ueiore nc iounu out ms mistake LADIES t SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TIMK TRIED EVERYWHERE ftuitftnim fcT Rubber Roofing Old Hickory 2 ply Kubber Koof ing per square complete includ ing Rubber Cement and Broad Headed Xails 5225 American Rubber Roofing 1 ply per square complete including Lap cement Tin Caps and Nails 195 BARNETT I IIMRFP HI UIITIIMTIUMMMT V V T i A