The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 24, 1908, Image 1

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Frank Conner Slays His Own Wife
In Cold Blood
Expresses No Regret Utters Not a Word
In Extenuation of His Horrible
Crime Expects and Hopes
to Be Hung
Thursday afternoon between four and
five ocIock Prank Connor a farmer
living about 10 miles south of this city
near the Kansas line between Marion
Neb and Cedar Bluffs Kansas shot
and killed his wife Mrs Conner was
in the act of telephoning to her mother
Mrs Lucy Rebman postmistress in
Cedar Bluffs Kansas when the mur
derer iired two bullets into her head
firing a third bullet into the womans
head as she lay upon tho iloor Two
little children were the only witnesses
of the terrible crime
After committing the cowardly and
cruel deed Conner went to the near
by farm of his brother-in-law Orla L
Macey and told of the crime The
brother-in-law returned to the Conner
home with him and found the report
only too true The children were taken
to the Macey home and were cared for
by the murderers sister Mrs Macey
while Mr Macey started soon after
with the murderer for McCook fearing
the now aroused neighbors would hang
Word was phoned to Sheriff Peterson
who with deputy Osborn and County
Attorney Reeder departed at once in an
auto for the scene but met Conner in
Macey s charge on the bluff south of
McCook The murderer was soon
placed in the county jail at this place
Mrs Conner was Miss Minnie Keb
man before her marriage with Conner
It is claimed that Conner had threat
ened her life However that may be
he has an unsavory record and was
about a year since before the insanity
board for examination The Redbern
Conner shooting affair of a few years
since will also be recalled
He does not deny the deed nor does
lie express the slightest remorse or
give any statement in attempt at ex
tenuation of the brutal murder About
the only feeling exhibited is for the two
little ones who witnessed though did
not realize the slaughter of their
Some Staple Items
Simpsons prints Gc amoskeag apron
ginghams 6c yard wide muslin 5c
9 quarter pepperell bleached sheeting
best table oil cloth 15c peerless carpet
25c warp 22c pound American A 2-bush-el
grain bags 20cmosquito netting 5c yd
full length sleeve aprons G5c plain band
aprons 20c solid black lawns 5c ladies
vests 5c boys Sampson hoso 15c a pair
mens suits 500 to 1250 yard wide
black taffeta silk 73c 8115 S135 mens
muleskin gloves ISc pair 1000 other
items at actual cash prices The Thomp
son D G Co
here and there where it is needed costs
but a little and brightens things up
wonderfuly Spring renovating time is
here and during the overhauling youll
probably see many places where a little
enamel varnish or varnish stain will
make great improvement Let us sup
ply you with materials We have a
full line of paints etc and guarantee
the goods the best obtainable Our
prices are as low as high grade goods
can be sold any where
L W McConnell Druggist
Outside Icing Refrigerators
Let us furnish you plans and specifi
cations of the Herrick McCook
Hardware Co
Childrens Parasols 10c to 50c
at The Thompson D G Co Actual
cash prices
Let Us Show You
our Wall Paper before you make
your purchase
A McMillen Druggist
July 3rd and 4th 1908
Four Races Each Day
Arrangements are being made for
Patriotic celebration July 4th i
Makes Good
What was only a few years ago
a small wagon show has by tho uso
of acuto business ability and por
sevoronco on tho part of tho Camp
boll Brothers come now to bo at the
top notch of tent shows and the cir
cus which Campbell Brothers present
to tho public today takes its place as a
standard circus among tho boat in tho
At a great outlay of money and
hard work theso progressive gentle
men have been gathering together
from all over tho world and adding
to thoir shows all the extra attractions
that go to make up tho best
Famous acrobats gymnasts equili
brists contortionists aerial performers
dancors fun making clowns and sen
sational specialties besides tho daring
bareback riders and exhibitions of
handsome high spirited trained horses
and trained elephants ponies mules
and dogs go to make up an entertain
ment that is unequalled
Tho menagerie annex contains the
most conipleto and valuable collection
of wild animals and ferocious beasts
from all parts of the world
At 10 a m every morning rain or
shine takes place Campbell Brothers
great sensational street parado with its
hundreds of horses with glittering
equipment to dazzle the eye hand
some women riders soldiers and men
of all nations mounted and carrying
the flags of their country cages of
wild animals and all intorsporsed with
bands of catchy music The above
shows will exhibit in McCook on Thurs
day April 30 rain or shine and prom
ise every feature as advertised both in
parado and in tho big shows at 2 and
8 p m
Citizens Meeting
A meeting of McCooks business men
and boosters will bo held in the Com
mercial club rooms next Monday even
ing for the purpose of inaugurating a
campaign which will result iu the erec
tion of a temple opera house The
temple board of directors and club com
mittee will be present to place tho facts
and figures before the meeting It is
already established that we need the
opera house Wo will have tho temple
Do tho people of McCook want tho best
opera house in Western Nebraska at
half price Come to tho meeting Mon
day evening and express yourself Mc
Cook will never have a better opportun
ity may not soon have as good
We can
Will we
One Point of Beauty
about a woman is her waist if purchas
ed at The Thompson D G Cos Our
line is very choice and complete includ
ing literally dozens of beautiful designs
Elbow or three quarter sleeves with
button back long sleeves with button
front trimmed with laces embroideries
medallions shirrings tucks and pleats
Made of silk finished mulls of persian
lawns of india linensof figured mercer
ized waistings of all over embroideries
of nets over silk and of silk Prices
8100 to 8500 We expect you to see
them The Thompson D G Co Act
ual cash prices
McCook to Get a Site
The Omnibus public building bill to
be reported to the house tomorrow will
carry appropriations for the erection of
federal buildings at four Nebraska
towns Fairbury Plattsmouth Colum
bus and IToldrege It will also provide
for the purchase of sites for buildings
at McCook and North Platte This in
formation was given out today by a
member of the committee for publica
tion in The State Journal Lincoln
Journal 24th
Well Well What
do you think of it a 14 inch Lister Lay
for 175 sharpened and guaranteed to
fit the lister for which they are intend
ed Moline Western Belle John Deere
Canton Morrison Rock Island Brad
ley Brown and Case G W Predmore
Sons have them in stock and can get
others on short notice Shop phone
197 residence ash 3G05
Dress Skirts
in wire voile in batiste in shadow
striped chiffon panama in plain pana
ma in mohair blacks browns blues
tans greys and a few wines and greens
Prices 8200 to 81250 Alterations free
The Thompson D G Co Actual cash
Look Look Look
and see what we have this week
A 14 inch No 2 Star plow or lister lay
fitted and sharpened on any plow or
lister for 8275
G W Predmore Sons
Phone 197 residence 3605
Majestic Ranges
have air tight ovens and are made of
malleable and charcoal iron making
them the longest lifed range made
McCook Hardware Co
8f vsH
Special Elaborate and Impressive Services In All of the
Churches of the City
Day Characterized by Superb Weather Large Attendance Upon the
Services Effective and Appropriate Decorations
The Details In Part
Nature was in happy accord with tho
joyous heart of mankind Sunday and
added its charm of porfect weather to
tho observance of tho supreniest festival
in Christendom Easter At all of the
churches there was a largo and earnest
attendance of worshipers and the pro
grams and orders of service were replete
with interest aud vitality Special
music and appropriate decorations
added peculiar effectiveness to the day
In somewhat of detail follow accounts
of the celebrations in the several
churches of tho city
There wore two sorvices in Saint Al
bans church Sunday In the morning
at eleven oclock the rector preached to
a good audience on the topic What
Mean Ye by This Service Ex 1226
There was the celebration of the Holy
Communion and special music
At evening prayer at 745 tho rector
used John 1224 as tho basis of his
The offerings of the day amounting to
2500 were placed with tho parish
church building fund
The morning service was usual with
the notable exception of special music
by an augumonted choir composed of
Miss Ruth Wieho Mrs Louis Suess
Mrs C A Rodgers sopranos Miss
Myrtle Meyer Mrs A R Scott Miss
Millicent Slaby altos Mr II C Clapp
Mr B II Stewart tenors Mr C A
Rogers Mr P L Wolff basses which
rendered two excellent anthems in ad
dition to tho customary music of tho
The pulpit platform was appropriately
decorated in white and green ferns
potted plants easter lilies etc
In tho evening tho children of the
Sunday school gave an Easter program
of song and recitation before a full
house with pleasure and profit to all
The morning decorations rearranged
to suit the situation served for this
occasion as well
Following is the detailed program of
the evening
Piano selection Frank Barnett
Sous School
Invocation Pastor
Sons Mrs KiminelPs clats
Recitation Wake Up Mr Kodgers class
Sons Martha Rogers
Solo and quartet Why Wecpest Thou
Martha Suess
Leta Monks Harold Heckmau Oak Rankin
Bible reading Leader and school
Solo Helen Schwab
Exercise Praise God Mrs Hawkes class
Sons School
Exercise The Lilies Mrs Youngs class
Solo Nellie Schwab
Flower exercise Mrs Hawkes class
Easter promises Miss Slabys class
Solo Velma Sutton
Recitation The Harriet Youus
Sons Teachers
Address Pastor
Sons School
Benediction Pastor
Uncommon interest centered in tho
Methodist church whore the members
of Saint John commandery assembled
for their Easter service The church
had an overflowing audience
The decorations of the church were
appropriately in white and green ferns
palms Easter and calla lilies serving tho
purpose handsomely
Special orders of service were printed
the chief items being as follows
Organ Prelude
Enter Sir Knishts
Processional Lift Up Your Heads O Ye
Gates Green
Roll call Sir Knights
Hymn The Yoice of Triumph
Apostles Creed
Prayer followed by choir response
Anthem Christ Is Risen Parks
Responsive Scripture reading
Gloria Patri
Scripture Lesson
Hymn Come Thou Almighty Kiug
Sermon Heavens Easter Greeting
Offering for Christian Missions
Hymn Crown Him
Doxology and benediction
In the evening a special church choir
presented under the direction of Mrs
G H Thomas one of the most splendid
musical events by local talent a McCook
audience has had the pleasure of hear
ing in many years Messiah Victor
ious as its name implies is an Easter
cantata by Hammond ropleto with in
spiring music and lofty libretto and sen
timent and tho manner of its giving re
flected tho pains taking work and fine
interpretation of tho choir and its di
rector Tho solo work was all that
might be expected from such nn array
of our best talent while the chorus
called forth highest expressions of ap
preciation from tho overflowing audi
ence The entire production was of
such a high and excellent character
throughout as to make all present most
proud of the fact that McCook could
offer from within her own musical tal
ent so worthful an event of music of
suvh grade and performance
Sopranos Mrs G II Thomas di
rector Mrs II A Beale Miss Gertrude
Storer Miss Nina Kenagy Miss Virginia
Heckman Miss Deborah Heckman al
tos Mrs II L Kennedy Mrs A N
Lineburg Miss Kathryn Sawyer Miss
Gertrude Kenagy tenors T E Mc
Carl S B McLean D N Cobb E D
Perkins bassos II L Kennedy J R
McCarl Wilbur Anderson II N Rose
bush soloists Mrs G II Thomas Miss
Gertrude Storer Miss Kathryn Sawyer
Miss Gertrude Kenagy T E McCarl
D N Cobb J R McCarl organist
Mrs W B Mills
Tho East McCook Sunday school had
a special program of recitations and
music appropriate to tho day tho exer
cises taking place on Sunday afternoon
ari i ailing out young and older ones to
tho limit of the capacity of tho little
There were two Masses at St Pat
ricks church Easter morning at 8 and
1030 oclock respectively with crowded
attendance and deep interest Tho ser
mon by Rev Kirwin on the Resurrec
tion was marked by great earnestness
of delivery and profoundly of knowl
edge in preparation The music was
especially fine and finished program be
ing given below Tho altar decorations
have perhaps never been excelled on
any occasion consisting of an abund
anco and splendid selection of palms
ferns lilies cut flowers and potted
There was also evening prayers with
sermon at eight oclock
Everything was in keeping with tho
greatest festival of the church
Kyrie Eleisou Durand
Gloria in Excelsis Durand
Credo Durand
Offertory anthem Regina Coeli Giorza
Agnes Dei Durand
Soloists Mrs P F MeKenna so
prana Miss Alice MeKenna contralto
Mr Francis J Colfer tenor Arthur V
Coupe bass and director Miss Millie
Elbert organist
In the morning there were special
sermon and music The church was
handsomely decorated in ferns palms
cut flowers and potted plants And
many enjoyed the services
In the evening was rendered The
Easter Evangel an Easter cantata of
such excellence and scope as the ap
pended program will inform It was
delightfully rendered
Part I Chrisfs Sufferings and Death
Chorus Hosanna
Bass and contralto solos aud ladies trio It
Is Midnight
Bass solo soprano solo with responses and
unison chorus He Was Despised
Soprano solo with responsive chorus The
Good Shepherd
Male unison chorus Deeper Than Tears
Quartet Hope Crushed to Earth
Part II Christs Resurrection and Victory
Choru ThoVeepins Is Now Over Full choir
Ladies chorus Christ the Lord is Risen
Quintet Abide with Me
Tenor solo and full chorus Lift Up Your
Final chorus Now Is Christ Risen
The Christian church held no special
services or exercises
Velle Buggies
made in one grade only You cannot
buy a better one at any price Large
line to select from at The McCook
Hardware Cos
Special Price on Pictures
Your choice of fifty designs at ten
cents each A McMillen Druggist
From School Work to Business
It will bo a matter of surpriso and re
grot to Triiiunk roadors to learn that
Supt G II Thomas of tho McCook
public schools will with tho present
school year retire from Bchool work
like so many of tho young and promis
ing schoolmen of tho state and embark
in business Mr Thomas has reeentlv
acquired an interest in tho Union Stato
Bank of Harvard Nebraska and nt tho
close of his service hero this torm will
onter upon active duty in tho bank
Mr Thomas has served McCook well
and faithfully for tho past eight years
as city superintendent of schools and
he will leave tho system standing well
among tho best in tho stato of Nobraska
The Tribune voices a gonoral regret
that he is so soon to loavo the ranks of
Nebraska instructors whoro ho oasily
stands among tho best and in particular
that McCook is to lose his services in
tho work of education
It only remains to bo said that tho
hopo and wish is as general that suc
cess may bo his continued portion
A Harvard dispatch gives the follow
ing information
Harvard Nob April 21 Yester
day forenoon a deal was consummated
by which Peter IJ Updike of Omaha
presidont of tho Union Stato Bank of
this city sold his interests in tin in
stitution to Messrs Theodore Griess
for five years past its cashier and
George II Thomas for eight years
past city superintendent of schools at
McCook Mr Thomas will romovo
hero at tho close of the present school
year and enter upon activo duty at tho
bank Lincoln Journal
A Law Exists
compelling tho purchase of mens over
alls and jackets from The Thompson D
G Co Wo refer to the law of economy
in force in tho stato of Nebraska evor
since tho Cavaliers of Coronado pressed
its soil in lull What others ask you
50c to G5c for and charge it if asked
wo hand out in exchange for 19c cold
cash For G9c you get the usual 85c
deal Jackets same way Tho white
oalls and jackots for painters are only
39c The Thompson D G Co Actual
cash values
Clean Up Citizens -All
property owners renters aud les
sors are hereby notified to comply with
the requirments of the city ordinance
respecting the cleaning up of their pro
perties and the alleys adjacent thereto
Let us have a prompt and thorough
compliance with the law in this regard
for appearance sake and in the inter
est of the health of the community
G W Godfrey
Street Commissioner
You Wear It Thirty Days
aud if then dissatisfied you bring it
back and we refund the money paid
We are speaking of American Beauty
Corsets the best on earth in every par
ticular of style quality and price 35c to
100 We are also exclusive agents for
tho unequalled and best known corset
waists tho Ferris for ladies misses
and children 50c to 8100 The Thomp
son D G Co Actual cash prices
Boys and Girls Rompers 39c
of best materials and trimmed with pip
ings with belts with turkey red and
indigo blue bands made with or with
elastic at ths knee A nice assortment
of the most desirablo ones obtainable
and only 39c The Thompson D G Co
Actual cash prices
Economy In Ice Consumption
is an essential requirement This is
given special attention in the Herrick
refrigerators all doors and walls packed
about two inches thick with mineral
wool and doors that shut air tight Sold
by McCook Hardware Co
May Day Breakfast
Those who attended the May day
breakfast at the Congregational church
last year will be glad to learn that the
Christian Endeavor society will serve
breakfast Saturday May 2nd from G30
to 9 a m Price 25 cents
Long Gloves
from Goc to 8150 in black white brown
and blue Elbow mitts in black white
and brown for 35c Wrist lengths in
lisle and silk in all colors No trouble
to show goods The Thompson DGCo
Actual cash prices
They Sell Sunshine
Yes we have it in all colors The
beat varnish stain ever made Put some
Sunshine on that old rocking chair or
book case and it will look like new For
sale at Woodworth Cos Druggists
For Comfort
you will want a gas or gasoline stove
The Quick Meal Vapor gasoline stove
is the next thing to gas and you can
get them in any style at the McCook
Hardware Co
Plenty ot Good Pasture
for 25 or 30 head of stock during season
Good well water Pasture cant be
A Shera
ttin 3wKir Wtri
Liko to foil that in bringing their
business to a bank thoy aro help
ing to build it up in other words
thoy aro giving something for
what thoy receivo Wo want you
to feel that way toward us
Wo want your account want you
to know wo will approciato it bo
it largo or small want to make
ourselves uso to you in financial
matters and wo can handle your
business with profit to you and
to ourselves
PWalsh C FLehn
President Vico Presidont
C J OBrien Cashier
Stole Some Patent Medicines
William Whito of East McCook ac
quired somo patent medicines belonging
to B W Benjamin irregularly recent
ly and on last Saturday ovoning a
soarch warrant was secured by Benjamin
and search was made of the homo in
East McCook where Whito domiciles
to tho end and purposo that a quantity
of tho goods wore recovered Ho was
arresied and placed in durance until
Monday morning when Squiro Borry
heard his plea of guilty and fined him
81000 and costs Mr Whito is in coun
ty jail until tho sum of 795 has been
Surprised Him Happily
A jolly surprise was perpetrated on
Elmer Kay last Saturday evening at
the Omruerxiial hoifiloo4be occasion
of his 30th birthday Tho members of
tho band were invited in light refresh
ments wero served pome toasts were
uttered in happy vein and a brief
social time enjoyed Tho band boys
presented Elmer with a gold headed
umbrella as a token of the occasion and
of their regard
Bitten By a Small Dog
The little girl of Mr and Mrs Ben
King was bitten by a small black dog
last Saturday evening on Main street
and no little excitement ensued The
little girl attempted to pet tho dog
when tho animal jumped up and bit the
child in the face clinging to the childs
face with its teeth until the horrified
mother pulled them apart After much
excitement the dog was finally killed
farmers Attention
I am receiving cream for the Fair
mont Creamery Co of Crete Neb
Bring your cream to me and I will guar
antee good results You get your
checks every shipment To those part
ies that aro delivering cream to other
creameries if you will divide give one
half to me I think after a few ship
ments you will bring it all to me
M Walsh
For Sale
Show cases tables counter scales
and other usefnl articles about a store
Call and see them at the Bee Hive
The prices will be right to you
The Cow Said
skim my milk clean on a Sharpelesa
separator and I will make you money
Sold bv McCook Hardware Co
Successful Painting
can bo done by using Lincoln A
P Paint and at less cost owing
to its spreading capacity
A McMillen Druggist
The R R B and S C will
present the cantata Trip to
Europe in the Congregational
church April 28
List Your City Property
Farms Ranches with
Office in Electric Light
office rear Citizens bank
Phone 283