The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 17, 1908, Image 6

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gjJi JUtfw n IJ JiiiJsJBi jfwsw 4rv -
The Butcher
Phone 12
J Conducted by the McCook W C T U
Tho Womans Christian Tomporanco
Union hold 11 reception for tho now
inomlorfl last Friday evening at the
homo of Mrs C II Boylo Thoro were
about sixty present Nearly all tho
hidie woro dressed in white tho em
blematic colors of tho union Tho house
was beautifully decorated tho dining
room in white carnations and tho table
festooned in white where a delicious
and dainty luncheon was served Miss
Nina Tomlinson played t overal selections
on the piano Miss Fauss readings
woro much enjoyed as were all tho
numbers on tho program Mrs M A
Northrup Mrs G E Thompson and
Rev M B Carman received tho guests
An enjoyable linio was tho portion of
all present
Remember tho county convention to
be hold in tho Congregational church
McCook Thursday and Friday April
23 21 Program in full in last weeks
Tho matrons contest will bo hold in
tho Congregational church McCook
Friday ovening April 21th
Overture Golden Eagle LULosoy
Freys Orchestra
Prayer Rov Burton
Temperance Poem Inscribed to tho
Ladies Mrs Wilson
Tho Little Pop corn Girl Mrs Young
Solo f elected Wilber A nderson
Tho Bridal Wine Cup MrsBosworth
Old Soapy M rs Gary
Solo selected Alma Weidenhamer
Good Will Toward Men MrsMeeker
A Glorious MonumentMrs Rodstrom
Bohemian GirlBalfeFreys Orchestra
Presentation of Medal Miss Flora Quick
lntermezzoRed Wing
Freys Orchestra
Benediction Rov llawkes
Admission ten cents
Always the
1 Powder i
Tlio onlv hich grnilo t
9 Baking Powder sold tek
f nt o moderate price
J H Woddell
iWcCook - - Nebraska
Will cry your street sales
for you any Saturday
The best of every
thing in his line at
the most reasonable
prices is Harsh s
motto He wants
your trade and
hopes by merit to
keep it
Mr A G Campbell or Campbell Broth
ers Show Has a Narrow Escape
From Death With a Ben
gal Tiger
During the past winter Mr A G
Campbell gonoral manager of tho
Campbell Bros groat shows made a
tour of tho foreign countries in quest of
somo wild animals to enlarge their
menagorio During tho stop at Singa
pore India ho purchased a largo col
lection of jungle animals Among tho
lot was a pair of Bengal tigers Those
tigers by nature aro very ferocious
and tho utmost precaution must bo
used in handling them Each animal
was put in separate crates and all woro
placed in tho hold of tho ship
On tho morning of the fourth day out
Mr Campbell started into tho hold of
tho ship as usual to look after tho wel
fare of tho animals when to his horror
ho behold tho large male Bengal tiger
glaring at him from the top of a crato
Before ho could retreat tho tiger mado
a spring toward him Expecting this
though ho had but a seconds time ho
jumped aside tho tigers claws tearing
his coat from his back After somo
foxy maneuvering ho managed to get
back to safety Of course tho passen
gers and crew of tho ship were in a
state of great fear and consternation
when they learned tho facts Mr
Campbell securod long ropes and with
the help of tho crew one after another
of tho ropes wero cast over tho tigers
body until ho became enmeshed in them
when he was replaced in a stronger
crato This same tiger is now to bo
seen daily in the menagerie of Camp
bell brothers consolidated shows which
will exhibit in McCook on Thursday
April 30 rain or shine under water
proof tents
Real Estate Filings
Tho following real estate tilings have
been mado in tho county clerks oflice
since our last report
Mary A Olmstead wid to Horace
W Olmstead wd to lots 10
to 10 incl L Esther Park
Bartley 3 250 00
Winnie D Williams and hus to
George E Thompson wd to
lot 7 blk 21 McCook 1 100 00
Whittaker and Gray to tho
public cert of partnership
Whittaker Wholesale Grain
Commission Co to the pub
lic cert of partnership
C E Corell and hus to L E
Hart wd to w hf sw qr 22-1-26
3200 00
Mary B Dutcher and hus to
Hoye J Arbogast wd to lots
11 to 1G incl F Esther
park Bartley 1100 CO
C S Quick jr to CS Quick wd
to lot IS blk 29 Indianola 130 00
C S Quick widr to J R Phillips
and wife wd to lot 10 blk 29
Indianola 130 00
Charles Atkinson and wife to
William F Jones wd to lot
6 blk 25 2nd McCook 1100 00
James L Clark and wife to
George Willets jr wd to lot
1 n hf lot 5 blk 12 1st Mc
Cook 3 600 00
C F Lehn and wife to Domnic
Donnelly wdtolot 10blk 10
Willow Grove 525 00
Jacob G Bottoroff and wife to
Erick O Bergman wd to sw
qr w hf so qr 31-3-26 8 400 00
Conrad Klein and wife to Len
ord P Davis wd to lot 3 blk
31 McCook 1 750 00
James E Ryan and wife to
Ethel Kennedy wd to lots 1
2 3 blk 3 Indianola ISO 00
John Harrison and wife to
Bryant E Corwin wd to lots
123 blk 19 pt
12 blk 32 Indianola 1 500 00
Frederick A Strockey and wife
to Chester A Strockey wd to
lot 3 blk 31 Indianola 100
Chester A Strokey sing to
Nancy J Strockey wd to lot
3 blk 34 Indianola
1 00
A Guaranteed Cure For Piles
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case
no matter of how long standing in 6toli
days First application gives ease and
rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it
send 50c in stamps and it will be for
warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St TJouis Mo
Same price twice the service The
Tribune to its advertisers
fefefefe fefefefefe tV
v FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier
JAS S DOYLE Vice President
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 15000
Curious Conceits Which Any One Can
Easily Contrive
Accompanying this article aro pic
tures of four Easter eggs No 1 shows
the pretty effect of a cabbage rose
This Is obtained by painting the sur
face of the egg to represent tho closely
folded petals of a rich red rose and
fastening- about its lower end a bunch
of green tissue paper leaves the long
points being wired to hold them in
place about the egg Such eggs aro
unique and pretty to adorn the break
fast table Easter morning placing one
vVC A1 N D
on the folded white napkin at each
plate No 2 shows an egg lepresent
ing our idea of a cranky Aunt Nan
long faced and of sour mien A bit of
white Iuwn closely folded to lit the egg
forms her cap A large potato may be
cut to answer for a shoulder block
into which the lower end of the egg
fits This potato foundation must also
be covered with white lawn The
features are drawn in first very care
fully with the pencil then painted with
water colors
No 3 is the head of a jolly chappie
whose hat may be of sewed straw or
made of plaited tissue paper The collar
is cut from ordinary white note paper
and a bit of black or gay ribbon forms
the necktie This style of Easter egg
may be made most laughable by paint
ing the nose at the end very red the
lips a bright pink the cheeks a trifle
paler than tho lips the eyes a twin
kling black and the hair a color usually
known as sandy
No 4 gives an Easter egg in the
form of a very fat babys face looking
from the full rufllcs of a hood The
egg is turned small end up so as to
give all the roundness to the double
chin and fat cheeks Paint with wa
ter colors the eyes wide open a baby
blue the cheeks and chin delicate pink
and the hsir flaxen Tick out long
lashes about the wide open eyes with a
black lead pencil
Easter Morn In Rome
Surely no sun upon an Easter day is
half so fine a sight in any part of the
world as in Rome The relief is so
intense after the realistic scenes of
Passion week First Ave have the cere
mony of lighting the lire iu the vesti
bule of St Tctcrs from which the fire
is taken to light the lamps before all
the altars then the washing of the
high altar in holy oil by one of the car
dinals then at a given signal former
ly the blast of the trumpet from the
loggia of St Peters the bells of 400
churches peal out the good news
Rins out the darkness of the land
Ring in the Christ that Is to be
The curtains are drawn from the
paintings and the organ bursts forth
with the glorious jubilate My heart
stall swells to bursting as I recall the
scene and my intense Thank God
Mrs M E Gabbett in Atlanta Constitu
Holy Saturday In Florence
At Florence on Holy Saturday a
chariot is drawn into the square be
fore the cathedral Within the chariot
are bundles of powder connected one
with another by means of a fuse and
from the chariot to the high altar of
the cathedral rims a wire When the
crowd lias gathered at a safe distance
around the powder laden car and just
as the bells strike noon the archbishop
releases a toy dove which travels down
the wire with a bit of flame in its beak
As the messenger of fire flies into the
chariot its gaudy decorations are hurl
ed into the air with a roar and a cloud
of smoke If the dove flies steadily to
its goal the year will be a propitious
one but if the bird hesitates there is
evil ahead New York Tribune
A Novelty For Easter Brides
One of the new features of Easter
weddings is the introduction of the
prayer book with shower flower mark
ers in lieu of the brides bouquet
Through the leaves of a pure white
prayer book there are laid three rib
bon markers the ends falling down to
within a short distance of the bottom
of the gown At intervals each of the
six ends is tied with lilies of the val
ley with double bowknots making a
shower effect exactly the same as with
the shower bouquets The ribbon is
white of course and about a third of
an inch in width
New Yorks Easter Collection
There are above 400 churches of one
kind or another in Greater New York
and their total collections on Easter
morning reach about 250000 Last
Easter twenty of the larger churches
had collections of 2000 apiece seventy-five
averaged only 300 apiece
and the remainder found much less
than 300 in the contribution boxes
New York Times
Pussy Willows In Place of Palms
In England where the palm cannot
be procured branches of willow with
catkins on them are used It is a Lin
colnshire saying that unless catkins
are in bloom by the fifth Sunday in
Lent the season will be a bad one for
the farmer
TTim IBrafiiMiiis
EE Toms in luck said Larry
Finn as he watched two of
the prettiest girls in the
ward sail by the engine house
and give Tom IJronnan the handsom
est fireman of hook and ladder com
pany No a perfect fusillade of eye
To tin divil wid Tom said Dooley
rryan shrugging his brawny shoul
ders in downright disgust He dont
be human What ails him Oi duuno
all tho gurrils in the parish crazy over
his black eyes an he not noticin thim
Was he always soV inquired Larry
lie was returned Dooley iver
since Maggie Ilarrigan tiik the veil
Oho said Larry
They were engaged said Dooley
enraptured with himself as a gossip
when Maggie got the vocation It was
near killin Tom but av course he could
do nothin
He couldnt said Larry Whv
didnt he carry her off
Murder ye divil phwat ye besayin
Tis tho bride of heaven she is Its
ashamed av you Oi am ye baste No
poor Tom had to
submit but hes
niver been the
same Oi sup
pose now con
cluded Mr lry
an ineditathely
if wan av thim
numbers av the
Four Humid rod J
were 10 come nv J
and give Tom 2S
the glad eye hed
uivcr iucourage
her Tis subrange
thot the nuts al
ius fall to the
uMm KSrr w
5 USc7gDvS
toothless divils to the divil win
With which toii said dooixv
Iage observation beyan
Mr Bryan betook himself to the bur
nishing of the hose cart as a relief to
his overcharged emotions
All was true Since the day Tom
Brennan tore his manly heart out in
bidding an eternal farewell to the
beautiful girl who renounced him for
her vocation the big fellow had never
been the same
All women wore like shadows to him
lie had loved one truly devotedly and
he had been forced to give her up to
heaven He could never love another
Tom never noticed women He sim
ply went about his business of saving
property and lives as if there were
nothing else in the universe for a big
handsome athletic fellow
Often as he lay in his bunk at the
engine house as he rode tempestuously
through the crowded streets as he
fought the flames he repeated to him
self the last words he had said to his
beloved I love you Maggie darlin
I would live for you or I would die for
you aud since you bid me tear out my
heart I must do it
The Easter morning dawned the
very Easter on which Tom had hoped
to lead his sweetheart to the altar lie
thought of her as he roused from his
dreams of her sweet face Life was
over for him he said He saw again
the crowded church the white robed
novices He smelled the incense he
heard tho roll of the organ the solemn
voice of the priest He shivered and
turning buried his face in his pillow
Suddenly the alarm roused him He
listened He sprang from his bunk
and a moment later was down the pole
and in his place on the truck His
face was like the face of the dead As
in a dream he heard the cry Where
is it and the answer from a dozen
lusty throats The convent
The convent and the orphans home
adjoining wero ablaze It was evident
at a glance that the buildings were
doomed The main business was to
save the sisters and the children
The bravery of the nuns and their
proteges was only second to that of
the magnificent fellows who fought for
the lives of these helpless people Ev
ery one recalls the amazing fortitude
and courage displayed at this fright
ful hour
The children had been well drill
ed for just such a moment of peril
and nobly did they now obey their in
structors Such deeds of heroism as
wero dom that bitter morning are nev
er lost Their memory remains as an
eternal in piration
Tom Brt uiai thrust i ladder up to a
window of the doviirory jt beneath
the hug gildid cries ihat surmounted
the roof of tin coaviiif
tu this win low sj r in her
lips moving in prayer stood a sweet
fa cod sister
1 V 111 nvr
V VfS f
1 ri
Uiis tiny
boy So
n - - - i i r
A53 tiK tJtnelo of
0 zhU hy 0-
O KM fVt not on
r kiTii iiirt i in
tho vast crowd
below failed to
re pond
Mary Ileatricel
moaned the
mother superi
or She knelt
upon the bare
ground and
crossed herself
When Tom
Brennan his
face blackened
with smoke and
his eyes blazing
with heroic ex
citement reached the window Sister
Mary Beatrice looked steadfastly at
him with her old sweet smile the smile
he had lovtd
lie held out his arms
The child first Tom she said as
she laid the little boy on the broad
breast of the fireman
A mighty shout went up from the
crowd below AH had seen that sub
lime act All realized what it meant
A dozen hands received the child
and Tom Bronnan turned back up the
He lifted Sister Mary Beatrice from
the window
For one instant he held her on his
Then as the frenzied spectators
groaned and cursed and prayed the
convent walls swayed in
And at the foot of the cross Tom
rreuuan died for his Maggie darlin
Edith Sessions Tupper in New York
a Gourdful of Stones Postponed
Priests Easter
In the riivek church every priest is
called a pope This title comes from
the old Crook papas father a term
which in the Latin church came to be
applied only to bishops and finally to
the bishop of Home alone The peas
ants of Bulgaria aro mainly of the
treek faith and the village pope is to
them what M le Cure is to the devout
peasants of France Consequently he
figures in many of the Bulgarian folk
lore stories and is sometimes even made
the object of a good natured joke The
story of how a pope lost his Easter is
repeated every Lent
There was a pope once upon a time
who was unable to read and therefore
did not know when Easter was to be
Knowing- that his people expected him
to know it he was greatly disturbed
by the fact and confided his trouble to
a friend It is easy enough said that
man to the pope Jet you a dry
gourd put as many pebbles in it as
there are fast days in Lent and when
people begin to fast you begin throw
ing pebbles one little stone each day
When the last one is gone the next day
would be Easter sure And judging
from the clamor the pebbles make
when you shake the gourd you can also
tell the people whether Easter day is
far or near added his adviser
The pope thought the idea excellent
and adopted it immediately lie got
him a fine gourd counted fifty five peb
bles in it and as the people began to
fast he commenced to throw out a peb
ble every morning as he washed his
face Whatever he did wherever he
went he carried the gourd along with
him But one evil day the pope fell
asleep and some mischievous man who
1 n discovered the secret of the gourd
I t in it as many more pebbles as it
1 aid nossiblv contain Tins none
1 suspecting anything amiss went on
v ih his pebble throwing business as
ueiore jL maiiy me great day came
as some one had read in a book and
the people and all the children dressed
iu their new clothes started merrily to
go to church when to everybodys
amazement they met their own pastor
driving a plow and a yoke of oxen
Father Pope exclaimed they do
you mean to plow on Easter day
Easter day quoth he while shak
ing vigorously his gourd Listen to
the clatter of this accursed squash and
then tell me if there be any hope for
Easter either during this year or the
next Chicago Tribune
An Indian Passion Play
A remarkable Easter celebration is
the Passion plays of tho Indians of
the Schelt tribe on the banks of the
Fraser river Skwa Vancouver Its
motive is that of a sincere desire to in
struct the Indians in the grand lessons
of tho death of Jesus Father Chi
rouse a French missionary adopted
the plan as the best to reach minds
that could not comprehend the full sig
nificance of the spoken word
Its lirst representation in 1SJ9 re
sulted in hundreds of conversions It
has been continued since with the re
sult that Indians of other tribes come
from a great distance to see the spec
tacle and in many cases go away be
Father Chirouse insists on the most
reverent presentation Three hundred
Indians take part in the twelve tab
leaus First comes the garden of Geth
semane next is the betrayal and then
in order follow Christ before Iilate
the mocking of Christ by the Itoman
soldiers the famous Ecce Homo and
all the other incidents until linally the
climax is reached in the crucilixion
Brooklyn Eagle
Easter Weather Lore
According to an oll English proverb
a wet E rr s uf favorable to tin
consequent of hay
A good dfal of raii on Easur day
Gives a crop of pood srss but little good
If tlu mi i I- I er morning
it will - - I Mine author
ity shine m i i Sunday A
Susse f v re goes fur
ther le- sun shines
on Ei r - Ii vi Ylt a little ev
ery day i liik there
is a erv i that if it
rains the iz li 1 Utile if only
a few drv - c - - the en
suiu ye - v Vo II raid
Easter Used la Laai Eiht Days
In th ancle xl celebration
of Easter Xs LI eit dry
the eleventh - tury ti time was lim
ited to three day and 5oqh again re
duced to two liy J It wa formerh
the favorite time for performing the
rite of baptism The courts of justice
were closed and alms distributed to
the poor and needy who were even
feasted in the churches Slaves wero
set free and as the fasting of Lent
was over the people gave themselves
up to every enjoyment
tjlv Updike Grain Co
Phone 169 SSGARVKY Mjjr
J M Rupp
l O Box 131 McCook Nebraska
A Edjjar Hawkins
Iliiinr Red li
II II Evans
Ill nr Ki il ji
Contractors and Builders
Plans drawn and estimates furn
ished on application-
McCook Nebraska
High Class Goods
at Lowest Prices
Furniture Suit Cases
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Prompt Service
Courteous Treatment
Reasonable Prices
9 Plumber and
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Estimates Furnished Free Base
ment of the Postoffice Buildinp
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400 Per Year Single Copy 10 Gis
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Old Hickory 2 pty Rubber Koof
imj per square complete includ
ing Rubber Cement and Broad
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American Rubber Roofing 1 ply
per square complete including
Lap cement Tin Caps and
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Mnrnrn g I
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