The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 17, 1908, Image 5

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am0mvmvbmts tu
Ul I Ull
You just ought to see what a nice line of dainty I
Muslin Underwear they have at GRANNIS I
All kinds of garments in all kinds of designs and
These windy days call for
Pretty Veils
as well as those that are durable We have them
in all colors in chenile dotted chiffon and net
Need anything in the way of
or Handbasrs
We sell them at prices so reasonable that you
neednt carry your money in an old purse any
We have a nice line of
in all colors and prices Come in and see for
J n
The McCook Tribune
One Dollar Per Year
Suggestions for Painting
i DONT paint during wet or frosty
2 DONT expect good results when
you paint wet sappy or pitchy
3 DONT fail to shellac all knots
sappy and pitch spots
4 DONT be afraid to use PURE
linseed oil liberally in priming coat
5 DONT thin with or add anything
but PURE linseed oil except in
the following cases
On old work where the sur
face is in fair condition smooth
and hard use enough turpentine
on under coats to cut the gloss
During cold weather when
any paint is liable to crawl add
a little turpentine to under
coats Nothing should be add
ed to the last coat
DONT spread paint too thickly
as it will surely check and blister
if not well brushed out
DONT apply less than three coats
on new work Two are not suf
S DONT hurry Allow plenty of
time for each coat to dry well be
fore applying the next coat
9 DONT use anything but
Hughes Crescent Cottage Paint
H P Waite CoJ
LiliLI LLLiHi lU 1 1
No 1
Time Card
McCook Neb
Mountain Titnu
No 175 arrives Mountain Time
No 175Iimrtb
Hii5 r
rioo a
715 A
942 I
07 a m
1112 i M
8K i
1025 A
S50 A
5Ki I
015 A
Sleeping lining and reclining chair cars
scats free on through trains Tickets sold
and biiKwmc chocked to any ioint in the- United
States or Canada
Kor information time tallies maps and tick
ets call on or writo K J Foe Aent McCook
Nebraska or L W Wakoloy General Iassen
Kor Akoiit Omaha Nebraska
Tbo 2043 ia over the drop pit
Engine 313 is down on her wheels
Machinist Tom Gettings will pass the
lny ofF in St Joe
George Eukhard will sojourn in Hast
ings during the lay off
Conductor Vanlloru is back from his
claim and at work again
A G Arnold late with the Adams at
Lincoln is now located at Kearney
Engineer Harry Dungan took the
Shrine degreo at Lincoln this week
Helper A L Loshbaugh will be at
home in Riverton to spend the lay oil
Walter Stii well timekeeper for Fore
man Wiehe was a Denver visitor Sun
Conductor and Mrs E O Scott left
Wednesday morning for Lincoln on a
Walter Stilwell says its a mistake in
the printer he is not a member of the
white wash gang
Engineer Schenck and family were in
Denver early portion of the week going
up Saturday last
L T Harding agent at Trenton has
been transferred to Ilaigler where Mrs
Harding will be operator
The round house machine shop and
blacksmith shop all show the effects of
the recent house cleaning
Engineer W W Archibald was up
from one of the Kansas lines over Sun
day visiting the wife and son here
Thomas ONeill general boiler in
spector va9 at these headquarters
Wednesday on business of his position
Kempster and Foyer of the store de
partment were in Akron closing days
of last week taking a general inventory
Chief Dispatcher Pate was in Lincoln
part of the week on business connected
with the issuance of the May time card
W O Browns the engineers griev
ance man from Denver was in town
yesterday looking after B of L E
Engineer Schenck and family left
this week for Dodge City and Preston
Kansas to visit his parents and other
Earl Newkirk and C W Shirley
machinist apprentices are enjoying a
touch of high life in Denver and will
return to work Monday
Bulletin No 20A announces that the
locomotive shops at McCook close on
Friday aDd Saturday April 17 and IS
and Saturday April 25th
Fred W Schultz now master mech
anic at McGehee for the Iron Mount
ain line of the Missouri Pacific was a
brief visitor here this week
A spark from a switch engine set fire
to the Wymore freight depot Sunday
afternoon doing about 100 damage
before the fire was extinguished
The companys importation of Ital
ians and Greeks for section laborers is
not meeting with the glad hand in every
instance Indeed several communities
have evinced unmistakably an aversion
to the foreigners
A gang of dago section hands was un
loaded at Riverton Monday but was
run out of the town and came to Red
Cloud Tuesday The railroad boys
here got after them however and they
soon left town Red Cloud Chief
Effective Monday of this week P B
Miller of the Sterling division was pro
moted to the superintendency of the
Sheridan division E P Bracken has
been transferred to the Brookfield Mo
division L B Lyman trainmaster of
the Sheridan division has been made
superintendent at Sterling
Edgemont S D is excusably excited
and delighted over the success of the
new deep well just completed in that
burg The water question has long
been a serious one with them The new
well has the two requisites volume and
quality it being especially free from the
deleterious substances which cause
scales in engine boilers
It is rumored that when the com
pany sought to rebuild the coal chutes
at Holdrege recently destroyed by fire
they found themselves unexpectedly
within fire limits The Holdregese got
the scare of their lives during the late
fire which prevailed during a high
wind and they have no desire to again
undergo the experience
Arthur Douglass an engineer on the
Missouri Pacific out of Wichita Kan
sas with his wife is visiting in the
city a few days He will also visit Den
ver relatives and here again briefly on
his way back to Kansas Mrs Doug
lass will spend some time visiting her
parents and other relatives and friends
Mysterious Shooting Affair
Quito a little excitemont was caused
last Friday foronoon by the discovery
of a man at the east end of the H M
coal elm to with a gunshot wound in
his right leg About nino oclock a
message was sont up town to Fr Fitz
gerald to go to the depot that a
wounded man wanted to suo him Fr
Fitgerald hart tho man taken to Dr
Cooks sanitarium whero ho was taken
care of and is now resting easy Tho
man gave his name as John M Hickoy
and said his home wasin Kookuk Iowa
and that ho was a stone cutter and
was on his way to McCook when ho
met with tho acpident There seems
to be some mystery connocted with tho
shooting but Hickey says that he was
on the train five or ten miles east of
Red Cloud when a revolver was acci
dentally discharged taking effect in his
right leg ovor half way abovo tho knee
and ranging down into the kneo or calf
of his leg after which he says ho fell
off tho train and laid whero ho was
found from Thursday morning until
this morning at 9 or 10 oclock He is
about io years of ago A tolegram was
sent by Fr Fitzgerald to his mother in
Iowa stating his condition Red Cloud
Settled Starbuck Case
A surpuse was sprung this afternoon
at tho iirt day session of tho special
term of the petit jury of the United
States court in tho case of Moses Y
Starbuck against tho Burlington rail
road in that after the greater part of
tho day was consumed in examining of
jurors the parties to the suit secretly
effected a compromise After tho at
torneys on both sides announced that
the case had been settled a motion to
dismiss tho action was sustained by
Judge T C Munger
The suit was for SoO000 damages
against the Burlington for alleged per
manent injuries sustained by tho plain
tiff who was a railway mail clerk in a
Burlington wreck at York Neb two
years ago Tho exact amount involved
in tho settlement has not been made
public However it has been officially
learned that tho settlement was for an
amount in the neighborhood of SGO0O
to be paid to the plaintiff by the defend
ant Lincoln Star
The Boilermakers Dance
Next Monday evening McCook lodge
No 407 of the Boilermakers union will
hold their second annual ball in Me
nards hall The success of last years
dance which was held in May is a
guarantee that the boys of No 407 will
give their patrons this year a good time
Arrangements for excellent munic have
been made in fact the union is prepar
irg to outdo their initial success If
you havent bought a ticket see one of
the committee at your earliest conven
ience It is next Monday evening
Increase Salary ot Attorney
Ordinance No 141 which appears in
another column in this issue increases
the salary of the city attorney to 823000
per annum The work of the city at
torney has rapidly expanded during the
past year or two and the need of in
crease has plainly grown to a demand
The future has in store for the position
added importance and labor
Trainmen Discharged
Wymore Neb April 13 Two more
trainman were let out of the Burling
tons employ this morning for imbibing
of the flowing bowl This makes about
ac even dozen men let out here for the
same cause It is said there are still
others who will follow Lincoln Journ
Should the proverbial wet weather ac
company Easter wo believe there will be
more smiles than tears een among the
fair sex
A couple of men from the east were
looking for real estate in this vicinity
first of the week
School district 33 will be divided al
though there are no more scholars than
there were 23 years ago
A M Benjamin and family of Grant
precinct visited with J II Relphs fam
ily Sunday
The good attendance at Sunday school
and preaching services is very encour
Wo understand that the Prairie Dogs
are reorganizing their ball team Let
us encourago the boys by giving them
Saturday afternoons for practice and
thus discourage Sunday ball playing
Alex W Hitchcock 26 of Oberlin
Kansas and Minnie Brown 21 of
Yuma Colorado were united in mar
riage Wednesday by Judge Moore
Indianola Xebra ka pril 17 190S
Notice is hereby znen that Charles II Hatt
has filed in the city clerk- ollice of the cit of
Indianola hi- petition aud bond for a license to
sell malt spirituous and liquors in a
building on lot 21 block 3 second ward of the
city of indiauola Hed Willow county Nebras
ka from May 1 t 11XJS to pril 30 1909
Charles H K tt Applicant
Indianola Nebraska April 17 1908
Notice is hereby Ki en that I havo filed with
the city clerk of the city of Indianola Nebras
ka my petition and bond for a license to sell
malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the
building on the west twenty feet of lots 11 and
12 block 33 in the second ward of the city of
Indianola Red Willow county Nebraska from
May 1 1908 to April 30 1909
Charles Boas Applicant
CURES catarrh of the stomach
ItV going to roJoL
vunDonneT dycvbies
SrSSifnlrabsCo y
If it riQS 9d you lve 90 urgbreita wo9i
you ve to go tlprougl t xXx to get 09c
If its xsATt p09e us ad we will se9d 096
riglpt up to you tlpkt you rojglpt conje X see
tlpe 9ew k rrivdJs i9 wsl goods eve9 if it
should xsat dpecidd good values 90W i9 tle
njediun priced 9unbers 10c 1SL i 5Le I5c
sk to see Kyoto diilks t 5 0 c Iso tle spec
ial silk xt 48c
For tlis 19UC17 you C9 get protectio9 aigaJflsi
xlxj tkxjd styxje
50c to JS75 for 26 i9cI Umbrella
1 9d upward for 28 I9CI7 Unbrelk
Let us protect you
Any time you find yourself in need of
Supplies for
Ask Scott About It
your Office
just drop in and see if we do not have
exactly what you want whether it
be a box of paper clips or the latest
improved filing system
The TRIBUNE Office
f f mM jinm iiTti p
White House Grocery
DvineII Wright Cos
Teas and Coffees
Groceries Fruits and
Fone 30
1 1 i