Illustrated by Ryder Verje by Earle HooKpr Eaton Copyright 1D08 by C JV Lurie V b what a sight on 6aster morn ncatb Rxr ehiea of blue Idbcn after church the rabbits stroll along the avenue Cbc swells of Bunnvvillc are there and every one in town Is out in Sastcr suit and hat and stunning Gaster govn Hnd what cjecitcmcnt stirs the throng hove all the rabbits stare Cdbcn jviolly Cottontail sweeps by with Mr Belgian Rare CIL - Ml Altai days of Lent THROUGH intent Dan Cupid fashioned arrows And every day His aim they say He practiced on the sparrows Now days of Lent Myrtilla spent In projects for adorning A costly hat Of splendor that Shed wear on Easter morning Thus Cupid and Myrtilla planned And toiled I through Lent- I en weather Till Easter day f When on the I way J From church 1 they came to- 1 gether And Cupid laughed And aimed a shaft With skill and sviftness ft 3SSSS7 ilY nHAKT IS IX MY EASTEIt HAT Silt w 7 TT my 2tiZlirfi CTPID AIMED A MIAFT laden But lo the dart Found not the heart But the headgear of the maiden Ho ho she cried With saucy pride You did it very neatly My hat was bare Your arrow there Becomes it most completely But filled with shame At wretched aim And practice unavailing The pretty boy Bereft of joy Before her stood bewailing Then to his side She stepped and cried Cheer up you silly Cupid That Love is blind Ive heard I find That Love is on ly stupid Your skillful eye Did aim awry Tis true but what of that sir If you were smart Youd know my heart Is in my Easter hat sir And Cupid smiled With joy beguiled And through the April weather And meadows fair That precious pair Went oer the hills together San Francisco Call Palms as Lightmng Conductors There was a belief in Spain as late as 1S2S and perhaps even still held by many that palms blessed by the priests carried in procession on Palm Sunday were a sure preventive of the ill effects of lightning when fastened to a con spicuous part of the house balcony Whence 3aEf 4lJH 4 f estmty Oh why mamma for Eastertide Do people buy the candy rabbit I do not know my child she sighed Unless it bo from force of habit Oh whence mamma the painted egs We see in windows by the dozens Ah do not ask me child I beg But go and ask your country cousins Oh why mamma are hot cross buns So popular at Easter season They may be better than the ones I bake I reckon thats the reason Oh why mamma But she forsook Her child and hied her to a college To read a cyclopedic book And freshen up on Easter knowledge HY is our Easter a time of gifts and new raiment and how and why is it associ ated with the egg and the rabbit What has any of these things to do with a Christmas religious fes tival Easter is not a Christian festival merely It is pagan as well The early church in its wisdom saw more spiritual profit a greater harvest of souls in Christianizing as far as possi ble the great national festivals of every people among whom it planted the RAN FKOM OXE SIDE OF THE STBEET TO THE OTHER cross than in taking a hostile attitude toward them Thus the Roman Satur nalia and the Druidic midwinter orgies and those in honor of Thor were strip ped of their grossness and molded into our Christmas And so it was with Easter The missionaries who reached Rome from Judea to preach the new dis pensation fixed the time of the resur rection as being on the Sunday within the week of the Fassover which be gan on the fifteenth day of the first month of the Jewish year This was a season varying a little year by year according to the Roman calendar but always occurring about the end of March or early in April when the south Italian country was decked with the flowers of spring in welcome to the coming guest sweet summer None of the great national festivals was held at that season but when the new religion had taken the evil out of the Saturnalia and even surpliced that feast in its own service it worked to continue two other great festivals of pagan Rome and have them held on the date of Easter These festivals were the Luperealia held on Feb l and the Arval broth erhood celebrated about the end of May The Luperealia was in honor of Lupcrcus the god of purification and fecundity Goats and dogs were sac rificed to him hi his temple on the day set aside for his worship in the blood of the sacrifice a sword was dipped by a priest and with its point the fore heads of the noble Roman youths were touched Another priest washed away the blood with milk The youths stimulated by great drafts of wine and clad only in the torn skin of a goat just sacrificed and holding in their hands thongs of the same followed by a great processiou of the priesthood and crowds in holiday attire ran from one side of the street to the other striking with the goatskin whips at the women who presented themsehes for the blows The feast of the Arval brotherhood was celebrated in honor of the tie foster brothers of Romulus gods who continued the fertility of the fields to which Lupcrcus gave the initiative It was held in the grove of Dea Dia about five miles from the city and gave opportunity for annual athletic games There was an egg shaped track in the grove and on this races weo run with eggs for prizes Eggs wre wagered too and in all the 1 such an abundance of egg J 1 to the grove that more than ILiei the holiday merrymakers gorged them selves with them after the running and the wagering were done Whence the Romans got the idea of associating the egg wilh fertility is not certain The Egyptian however had for centuries before regarded the egg as a symbol of the renovation of man after the delude Indeed almost all peoples had religious ceremonies in which it figured as emblematic of re production It was therefore especial ly fitting for the great festivals with which all the peoples welcomed spring From the Jewish missionaries to the Christians in Rome had been handed down the tradition that the Hebrew put an egg on the table at the Pass over to typify the departure from Egypt Perhaps this link between the Passover and the games in the grove of Dea Dia had to do Avith suggesting the merging of the Arval and Lupercal and holding both at the Easter time a season midway between However that le the thing was done when the Christians became powerful enough to do it Among the Cermans the Gauls and the people of the present British is lands the absorption of their ancient spring festivals by this new one of Easier was easy It came to them from Rome with their new religion and chanced to be about the time they held their own pagan spring feasts in honor of the gods they supposed to be awakening nature Among the Germans the hare as well as the egg had a part in the spring feasts as an emblem of fecundity So close was the association that even now the children there believe that the hare lays their Easter egs and as the rabbit is a cousin to the hare it is not strange that the children of English speaking people have the same curious belief about that frisky animal and hold it sacred to Easter WALTON WILLIAMS The Scala Santa I found the Scala Santa holy stair case most interesting for certainly it is the strangest sight in the world writes a woman who spent last Easter in Rome An enormous crowd of both sexes all ages and all ranks was ascending the staircase on their knees kissing each step I saw elegantly dressed ladies princesses her majesty the queen following immediately be hind skin clad countrymen with their sandaled feet almost in contact with the faces of the ladies following All Good Friday the procession is kept up La Scala Santa is said to be the stair case down which our Lord was dragged when Pilate had sentenced him to be crucified It was brought from Jeru salem by St Helena as in an adjoin ing church the true cross is shown also brought by St Helena from Jerusa lem A Lasting Easter Gift An Easter present that will give real lasting pleasure is a window box filled with growing plants Cut flowers are ephemeral and often the potted plant bought and sent as an Easter gift lasts but a little while These window boxes are a new de parture for this purpose They are of rustic bark oblong square or round as you choose They should contain flowers of an enduring nature A baby rambler rose sweet alyssum ferns pansies mignonettes and the bright yel low genesta are all good Sometimes the florist puts a bit of Scotch heather in the box Such a box set in a sunny window would give pleasure all through the spring and later could be put outside Boston Traveler A 4000 Easter Egg In extravagant Paris an egg was manufactured some years ago for a certain Spanish infanta which cost 20 000 francs or 4000 It was white en amel on the outside and had the whole gospel of Easter engraved on the in side A mysterious mechanism within it sent forth a little bird who sang twelve popular airs from the opera Sewing on Good Friday The good women of Shropshire Eng land devote every spare minute on Good Friday to sewing believing that sewing done on that day will never come undone r - V - rfVviO j WE A want to take care of your shoe needs I YOU want the best values for your money 1 IF YOU x A4fck4s tfv wy VprY call at our store we can show you that it is to our mnttml benefit to give us your business TH F N C A Fisher M HORSE SHOE O E D Perkins The Shop of Shoe Supremacy OLD COUNCIL OUT NEW IN COXTJNTEU FItOll FIRST IABKI addition and running south to the southeast corner of block commencing at southeast corner of addition and running west to the southwest cor ner of block 27 2nd addition Petition referred to finance committee Following bills were allowed and war rants ordered issued on respective funds CWKelley services city engineers JO 00 J R Pence fumigating supplies 1 71 McUook liilee Light Jo March 128 70 McUook Water Works Uo f20 tii McCook Water Works Co claim 310KJ33 allowed at f50 00 W A Gold cemetery 8 00 W U Uullard coal 5370 F J Mason 0130 allowed at 533 00 Maurice ORourk police 2 CO McCook Republican 32 5 Sarah E Kay booth rent 53 00 York Blank Book Co supplies 4 fi F M Kimmell printing 537 00 Dr J A Toren services 2 00 McCook Loan Trust Co rent 75 00 Neb Tel Co phones 4 530 Burnett Lumber Co coal 11 70 J E Ludwick furniture 3S 50 J R McCarl expense 5S 10 Frank Colfer clerk 3 00 Norman Campbell clerk 3 00 M F Stoner clerk 3 00 J W Spencer clerk 3 00 F J Rolfe judge 3 00 J S Lellew judge 3 00 M J Clark judge 3 00 W A Middleton judge 3 00 S D McClain judge 3 00 II M Finity judge 3 00 Frank Real salary 12 50 L W McConnell salary 12 50 C Li Gray salary 12 50 C L Fahnestock salarv IS 75 J R McCarl salary 25 00 IT W Conover salary expense 37 S5 Henry Gale saiarv 27 00 Ed Fitzgerald salary 7S S3 J R Pence salary 13 10 John Ekstedt salary 70 20 The following 62 fire claims were al lowed Ellsworth Ward E O Vahue I N Biggs J N Gaarde V C Mo Carty M F Stoner M R Osborn Albert Blatt J V Spencer C W Wimer Charles Leach Darvo Burnett G S Scott R C Cathcart W II Shrigley L V Jennings Hurley Dye Fred S Wasson Frank Ptitman Harry A Cole C V McMilien A B Camp bell Ellsworth Ward E O Vahue A B Campbell Fire claims Andrew Sherman 8125 White Line Transfer Co 8100 M R gMI 1 lH VtIUfflilWralMll JlliIUJ f Osborn 8125 Osborn Went SI 00 E F Odliurn S3 00 Tho mayor on Tuesday morning tiled the following paper McCook Nebraska April 14 190S S oclock a in The oflieo of chief of police of the city of McCook which ollico includes that of street euiiunission er of tho city of McCook being vacant I hereby appoint Walter Godfrey as chief of police and street commissioner of the city of McCook with full pow er and authority to act as such un til his successor is duly appointed and confirmed J II StkiIIKNs Mayor of tho City of McCook Chautauqua Ideals Highest What will it mean to tho general up lift of our town to have such men as aro brought by a good chautauqua address ing our children and leaving their im press upon every ono These strong characters who by hard toil have risen to places of prominonce always hnvo a message for our young men and women Let us open our town to those noted men and women celebrated lecturers and entertainers Lot us say to our neighboring towns wo aro in for tho highest and best for our people Why may we not secure for our town the pres tige which always follows a good chau tauqua We aro interested in this town and it is our purpose to advocate every thing possible for us to get that which has as many good features as a modern l chautauqua This is an ago of com mercialism but let us inject into it all wo can that tends to elevate and en noble Let us strivo to do all tho busi ness we possibly can but at the same time have a regard for tho moral and educational tone of our town Who will join us for better things for lc Cook McCook Band May Accompany There is a prospect that the McCook band may accompany the trade excur sion of the Omaha Commercial club on its trip west of here commencing May I T1 ovnnrctnn itll rtm rmf rrm Omaha during tho night of Sunday the 21th arriving here at six oclock A f ter breakfast they will continue on their way west remaining in MoCook two hours A Handy Receipt Book Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to tho page for sale nr Thf Tkirune oflice i 1 rv J1U nrrnu j iu u j 1 A tag from a 10 cent piece will count FULL valuo A tag from a 5 cent piece will count HALF valuo CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Ciikistian Bible school at 10 a in V I S C E at 7 p 111 All are wel come to these services Episcopal Preaching services at St Albans church at 11a in and 730 p in Sunday school at 10 a in All aro welcome to these services E R Eaklk Roctor Catholic Ordor of services Mass 8 am Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p 111 Every Sunday Wm J KmwiN O M I Baptist Sunday school at 10 a in Preaching service at 1100 a in Even ing service at 800 B Y P U at 7 p 111 A most cordial invitation is extended to all to worship with us E Bl kton Pa3tor Chkistiax Sciknck Services Sun day at 11 am and Wednesday at 8 p m Subject Doctrine of Atone ment Mootings held in tho Diamond block Room open Wcdnesdayb and Saturdays from 2 to 1 p in Science literature on sale Concjieeuatioxal Sunday school at 10 a m Easter service with sermon by pastor at 11 a in and Easter Concert b the Sunday school at S p in Junior E at 3 p in Senior C E at 7 p in Prayer meeting every Wednesday at S Tho public is cordially invited to thehe services G B Hawkes Pastor Methomst Sunday school at 10 a in Easter sunrise prayer meeting at 7 a in Worship with special Knights Templar service at 11 Junior League at 4 Ep worth League atG Easter Cantatta Morriah Victorious by church choir at S Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 9 pm You aro welcomed and math glad at this church Sunday school every Sunday in South McCook at M B Cakman Pastor Look Look Look add see what we have this week A li ineh No 2 Star plow or lister lay fitted ana sharpened on any plow or lister fur 275 G W Pedmoke Sons Phono 197 residence 3005 Ask to see the Strathmore typewriting I piper at The Ticiijl ni ollico r J1 J 1U iT with valuable tags Save your fags from J T STANDARD NAVYy TINSLEYS ie Gi3 Natural Leaf SPEAR HEAD t Master Workman Sailors Frida Eglantine Pick Jolly Tar Ivy Old Statesman gBAKSER TWIST Big Four Old Peach Old Honesty Black Bear Tenpenny Bridie Bit W N Tinsleys Natural Leaf Tags from the above brands are good for the following and many Other useful presents as shown by catalog Gold Cuff Buttons 50 Tags Fountain Pen 100 Tags English Steel Razor 50 Tags Gentlemans Watch 200 Tags French Briar Pipe 50 Tags Leather Pocketbook 80 Tags Steel Carving Set 200 Tags Best Steel Shears 75 Tags Ladys Pocketbook 50 Tags Pocket Knife 40 Tags Playing Cards 30 Tags l 60 yd Fishing Reel 60 Tags Many merchants have supplied themselves with presents with which to redeem tags If you cannot have your tags redeemed at home write w for catalog pREMUM DEPARTMENT THE AMERICANTOBACCO CO Si Louis Mdift JMaf W - tk f s 4