The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 17, 1908, Image 1

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The Mayor and the Councilmen At
Once Disclose Lack of
Not Confirmed In Several Instances Sal
ary Ordinance Passed Numerous
Claims Allowed Some at Re
duced Sums Other Im
portant Business
The old city council met iu regular
and final session Monday evening with
all present but Councilman Eldred
Minutes of previous meeting read and
Ordinance No 141 was passed and
approved under suspended rule See
elsewhere in this issue
Reports of chief of police and weigh
mcster were received and placed on file
Police judges report was read and
referred to city attorney
Fee bill in case of City of McCook
versus McAdams was presented and
action deferred
Proposal of C H Boyle et al with
reference to operating water works and
electric light plants for city was read
and placed on file
Ordinance committee reported against
setting outside the fire limits block 19
original city and petition asking for
such action was rejected
Canvass of ballots was then taken up
and the water bonds proposition was
first considered Result showed 4S5 for
and 170 against proposition Motion
carried that it is the sense of the city
council that the water bonds carried
The electric light vote was then can
vassed and the result was found to be
319 for and 213 against It was de
clared the sense of the city council that
the electric light proposition failed
The vote for city officers was then
canvassed and declared
Mayor Stephens 469 Fahnestock 328
Cify clerk Conoyer 729
City treasurer Ebert 481 Ludwick
291 Henderson 1
City engineer Kelley 2S5 Meeker
401 Henderson G7
Police judge Biggs 630 Berry 46
David Diamond 1 James Egan 2 Chas
Weintz 2
Councilman 1st ward John Morris
Councilman 2nd ward M O Mc
Clure 325
Members board of education Albert
Barnett Lewis Suess
The mayor announced the result as
above given
F A Pennell then swora in H W
Conover city clerk who performed that
office for the rest of the officers elect
The old council then adjourned and
the new regime commenced
C E Eldred was chosen president of
the council
The mayor then announced the ap
pointment of the following standing
Finance McClure and Eldred
Ordinance Real and Eldred
Fire Morris and Real
Street alley and sewer McClure and
Cemetery and health Morris and El
Light and water Morris and Mc
Sexton and special police of cemetery
W A Gold Confirmed
Poundmaster R M Douglass Con
Committee on parks Barney Hofer
L W McConnell and W B Mills
Trustees for cemetery Mrs E M
Easterday Mrs Augusta Anton Mrs
Marie Bronson Barney Lewis Emerson
Hanson Confirmed
Chief of police G W Godfrey Ap
pointment not confirmed
Night policeman Edward Fitzgerald
City physician Dr J D Hare Ap
pointment not confirmed
City weighmaster Henry Gale Con
City attorney J R McUarl Con
Mayor was authorized to enter into
contract with a person to sprinkle
streets etc under supervision street
Petitions and bonds of applicants for
saloon licenses and druggists permits
were referred to city attorney
Sidewalk petition for walk commenc
ing at northeast corner of block 6 4th
contixted ox sncoiro tage
Let Us Show You
our Wall Paper before you
your purchase
A McMillen Druggist
aawuiWfftMiijp4 jh tjf PBFS2 tjim 2gV5gTTrwy
Special Meeting In Two Weeks
The McCook Commercial club met in
regular session Tuesday evening and
discussed several matters of interest to
the city
C B Gray of the board of directors
of the Masonic temple craft was present
and statod the progress of the temple
opera house proposition and this matter
received attention at length of the com
mercial club members presont It was
the sentiment of the members that this
afforded the people of McCook an ex
ceptional opportunity of securing an
opera house at ono half the cost such a
building would cost the city alone and
that every effort should be made to se
curo the funds pledged for the enter
prise To this end a special meeting of
the commercial club will be held on
April 28th or in two weeks from Tues
day of this week at which time this
matter will bo fully and finally presented
by the temple craft for decision on the
part of the citizens of McCook who de
sire an opera house
At this same meeting action will bo
taken on the suggestion of the driving
park people for the citizens to hold a
4th of July celebration in connection
with their races July 3 and 4
Just Staples
Best prints Simpsons etc G cents
Amoskeag apron ginghams 64c best
table oil cloth 15c a yard Peerless car
pet warp 22c a pound American A 2
bushel 16 ounce seamless grain bags
20c kitchen aprons of best print 20c
sleeve aprons of best print 65c good
yard wide muslin five cents a yard
Lonsdale ten cents mens stout blue
overalls and jackets 39c each as good as
others 50c to 65c ones our best bibb
overalls 69c jackets to match chil
drens romper suits the best for 39c
mens suits 500 to 1250 Izzer home
made bed comforts 185 childrens
fancy parasols 10c lace curtains 50c to
675 a pair 1000 other equally inter
esting items All at The Thompson D
G Co Actual cash prices
is now on and we have prepared for a
big demand for plates films printing
papers and other things necessary to the
happiness of amateur photographers
carry the best line of goods the market
affords goods that can be relied upon
to give satisfactory results Speds
plates and Eastman N C films make
negatives with rare printing qualities
See our line of 1908 cameras
L YV McConnell Druggist
Finding of City Council
In canvassing the vote of th6 late city
election Monday evening of this week
the city council passed upon the result
in the water bonds and electric light
bonds and tax in each instance
Their finding as to the water bonds
was that it was the sense of the city
council that the water bonds and tax
carried and that the electric light bonds
and tax were defeated
Well Well What
do you think of it a 14 inch Lister Lay
for 175 sharpened and guaranteed to
fit the lister for which they are intend
ed Moline Western Belle John Deere
Canton Morrison Rock Island Brad
ley Brown and Case G W Predmore
Sons have them in stock and can get
others on short notice Shop phone
197 residence ash 3605
For Sale
One hundred sixty acres good farm
land 22 miles from Denver all smooth
near neighbors half mile from running
stream some fence seven miles from
postoffice eleven miles from Brighton
Homestead right can be used relin
quishment can be had very reasonable
if take at once Call on or address
D W Colson McCook Neb
at Hubers store and greenhouse We
also offer a choice line of plants month
ly blooming rose bushes Crimson Ram
blers etc Phono 91
McCook Greenhouse Co
Can You Afford
to feed cream to the hogs or souer milk
to the calves We say no Then get a
Sharpless Separator at the McCook
Hardware Cos and get the profits
i Easter Periumes
We have a beautiful display of Easter
perfumes this year Choicest goods
from tho best laboratories
L W McConnell Druggist
Detroit Jewel Gas Ranges
made in the largest stove factory in the
world Popular because they are good
bakers and economical McCook Hard
ware Co
Fresh vegetables at the White House
Strawberries at tho White House
The Case of Hiller vs Skalla Will Now Go Up to the
District Court Appeal Bond Has Been Filed
Tho contest case of William Hiller
against Charles Skalla involving tho
office of county clerk came up before
County Judge Moore last Friday April
10th the case being dismissed
Following is the finding of tho court
Now on this 10th day of April 1903
at one oclock p m being the time to
which this case was set down for trial
by the former order of the court the
case was called parties to suit being
presont William Hiller was sworn as
a witness for contestant Whereupon
incumbent filed his motion objecting to
introduction of testimony in this case
and asks a dismissal of the case Ob
jection overruled to which incumbent
oxcepts Witness was examined Ross
Grissell was sworn and testified on be
half of contestant Tho contestant
thereupon demanded a recount of the
ballots cast at 1907 election To this
demand the incumbent objected for tho
Interesting- Figures
What a dry goods stock consists of in
these modern days of competition may
be guessed at from a few such facts as
these Our lace stock consists of 442
different patterns and kinds of edgings
insertings bands and all overs 126 of
these are Valenciennes in edgings in
sertings and headings 60 of tho 126
are in setts of edgings and insertings to
match some of the setts consisting of
three different widths of edging besides
an inserting to match Other setts of
two edgings and one inserting and still
others of one edge and one inserting
Then there are the torchons in large
variety the mechlins the orientals the
baby irish tho bed laces and the large
variety of trimming laces bands gal
loons and all overs The prices are low
enticingly low for the quality Add
yourself to our list of steady lace cus
tomers Yours for business The
Thompson D G Co Actual cash
Nay Nay Says Joseph
The Tuicune is advised that some of
the resorts of ill repute in tho city at
tempted to resume Wednesday but
that Mayor Stephens vetoed the move
ment and sent tho police to put the seal
of his official displeasure upon the act
ion The Tiubune hopes the mayor
will during his term of office keep the
lid on these resorts and that the police
will be instructed to occasionally peep
under the lid to tho end that this most
secret vice and most appalling curse
may bo restricted to the absolute mini
mum in its secret practice
Encounter With Buzz Saw
G W Predmore had an encounter
with a buzz saw Wednesday afternoon
and has no ground for feeling satisfied
with the result The end of his left
thumb and several badly lacerated
fingers of the same hand are the troph
ies of the buzz saw His injuries will
fortunately not be serious nor will
they in any manner cripple his hand
New styles of purses hand bags and
pocket books Our new line includes
a wide variety of styles for a large
variety of purposes The new styles in
clude all the finer and more striking
leathers Beauty and utility are com
bined as never before
L W McConnell Druggist
Dance by Ladies Guild
The ladies guild of St Patricks
Catholic church will hold a dance in
the Menard opera house next Wednes
day evening Tickets 100 Best
obtainable music will be provided for
the occasion and a genbrous patronage
is solicited
Easter Novelties
The children will be expecting some
of those little chicks rabbits eggs etc
and they give an amount of pleasure
out of all proportions to the price
L W McConnell Druggist
Fresh vegetables at the White House
New cabbage at the White House
July 3rd and 4th 1908
Four Races Each Day
Arrangements are being made for
Patriotic celebration July 1th
reason that the same is incompetent
immaterial and no foundation laid for
its admission Said objection was ar
gued to the court by counsel and tho
court being advised in tho premises
sustains said objection to which con
testant excepts Charles Skalla was
sworn as a witness Thereupon con
testant rested his case Thereupon the
incumbent filed his motion to dismiss
Motion sustained Contestants action
herein is dismissed It is therefore
ordered by mo that incumbent go hence
without day and is adjudged to be on
titled to hold said office to which ho
was declared to be elected and that he
recover his costs herein expended taxed
at 1225 Contestant gives notice of
Contestant Hiller on April 11 1908
filed his appeal bond with P Walsh
D W Colson Barney Hofer and Harry
Barbazette as sureties
Three Lots Purchased on Main Av
enue North of the Post
office Buildingf
Shall McCook Have a Creditable Opera
House The Hatter Is Now Up to
the Generosity and Enter
prise of Our People
Those of our readers who are interest
ed in tho proposed Masonic temple and
opera house proposition will bo encour
aged to learn that the board of directors
has already purchased a most desirable
and suitable building location tho three
lots just north of the postoffice on Main
avenue Perhaps no better location is
available in the city of McCook than
these three lots for the building purpose
rVquirod Situated on tho main busi
ness street of the city on the hill side
where such a structure would stand out
in handsome prominance removed from
tho noise and smoke and dirt of the
railroad the location is ideal
Now the question is before the people
of McCook to subscribe sufficient stock
to carry along this desirable and needed
enterprise to realization
When the committee approach you
subscribe liberally as the enterprise is
a heavy one and will require the united
and utmost support of the people of this
city if it shall become a reality
With communities like with individ
uals some sacrifice must be made to se
cure so great a boon and The Tkiuune
fully appreciates the fact that this is a
large undertaking Are we willing to
make tho sacrifice
It is worthwile
Very Complimentary
are tho remarks and exclamations over
our display of white waists seen to full
advantage as hung about our garment
section We agree with them all
knowing the pains taken and expecting
the end realized If you expect to shop
for waists you will certainly regard
your interest and purse enough to see
our lines They embrace those button
ing before with short sleeves and those
buttoning in the back with long sleeves
They include the very soft silk finished
mulls the india linens the persian
lawns the all over embroideries the
all over nets the more substantial mer
cerized waistings and the silks They
are trimmed in laces insertings em
broideries medallions plaits tucks
and shirrings Prices from 100 to
500 The Thompson D G Co
Actual cash prices
A Mistaken Rumor
The change of city administration
caused tho rumor to go abroad that Mc
Cook was to be a wide open city and
this resulted in a large influx of female
undesirables Mayor Stephens vetoed
this impression Wednesday night
through the police force ordering the
aforesaid undesirables to move on
And may they never stop
We Invite You
to come in and see our magnificent
showing of new wall papers We shall
not ask you to buy we simply want a
chance to show you what beautiful de
signs we have selected for those who
will paper this spring
L W McConnell Druggist
Do Your Painting
with the Best Paint Sold made by
Patterson Sargent Chicago and sold
by McCook Hardware Co Everything
in the paint and varnish line
Fresh vegetables at the White House
McConnell for drugs
Evorybody feels better now
Seeds at II P Waito Cos
Strawberries at tho White House
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
Fresh vegetables at tho White House
right after tho dandelions on the
If its meat you can got it at Marshs
Prunes in 25 pound boxes at 225 per
box Hubers
Get your Easter postcards and novel
ties at llofers
chapped hands
Fragrant Lotion for
New lino of leap year Bryan and Taft
post cards a llofers
Grass flower garden and field seeds
at II P Waite Cos
See that attractivo display of Easter
post cards at the Bon Ton
Easter novelties candies and egg dyes
L W McConnell Druggist
No office is complete without a Red
Dwarf Ink Pencil Hofer sells thorn
Godfrey Co are operating a feed
mill See them for feed of all kinds at
right prices
Hear Dr Turner Monday April 13
in M E church on Wonders of tho
World illustrated
Large and stylish display of shirts in
fancy whites and colors at Rozoll
Bargers Call and see
Wellerette cigars sold only in
stores the best 5 cents will buy
sale at Woodworth Cos
Bo sure to attend tho loctures and
demonstrations to be given April 20 21
and 22 in tho west room of tho Walsh
Dont forgot to specify Marguerite
when you want a delicato and lasting
odor of perfume
Woodworth Co Druggists
The McCook city team will play Cul
bertson on the local B M diamond
next Saturday afternoon Admission
twenty cents ladies free
The Epworth League has secured the
services of the Columbia Tennesseans
who will give a concert at the M E
church Monday night April 20th
There is no question about it Wood
worth it Co druggists certainly have a
fine complete and up-to-date line of
wall paper better see them before paper
The Epworth League of tho M E
church invites you to spend an evening
on the plantation with the Columbia
Tennesseans as your entertainers ME
church Monday April 20th Admis
sion 25 and 50 cents
Investigate the cost of lighting with
gas and be convinced of the advantages
of using our lights Attend the demon
strations and place an order for a range
lou will not regret it
The McCook Gas Co
Christian Endeavor society meets
every Sunday evening in the Congrega
tional church at 7 oclock Topic for
next Sunday is Sunday Our Weekly
Easter and How to Observe It Led
by Miss Claudia Hatcher
The Heath Milligan paint the paint
that spreads farther covers more sur
face and lasts longer than any other
paint has been on the market 5S years
If you are going to paint see us before
you do Woodworth Co
William Weygint of our city who is
now in his 89th year claims to have
plowed the first furrow ever turned in
Red Willow county Among tho articles
he now highly prizes is the old gun he
carried in the war of the rebellion a
weapon which ho thinks killed as many
buffalo as any gun in the state of Neb
The street parade that will be given
in McCook April 30 at 10 a m by the
Campbell Brothers Consolidated Shows
will be a brilliant spectacle consisting
as it does of hundreds of high spirited
horses with their natty trimmings
South American Gauchos and Austral
ian boomerang throwers bright eyed
seuoritas from Mexico desert born Be
douin Arabs Japanese athletes and
Hindoo fakirs detachments of cavalry i r
troopers of many flags master horsemen
of the universe Mexican Indian and
American bands and strange oriental
music of many nations funny clowns
with their funny mules and ponies and
the magnificent cages containing the
wild beasts of the desert and trained an
imals In fact it is a parade that is in
itself a grand and beautiful show
Everyone be sure and see it at 10 a m
Prosperity dates from tho
first dollar saved If you
aro earning money you
ought to save something
What you do now in tho
way of suving may deter
mine what tho future
may bring you Wo pay
four por cent on time de
Let Us Open One For You
Wo aro propared to servo
tho public in an accept
able way Have you tried
A homo bank
A growing bank
The C L DeGroff Company Is Making
Preparations to Realize a
Long felt Desire
Tho firm of C L DeGroir Co has
decided to incorporate in anticipation
of an enlargement of its business inter
ests and in furtherance of a long felt
desiro of those interested to secure ade
quate quarters for its business by erect
ing a now business block on tho corner
now occupied by tho firm which has
been their business homo for a quarter
The company incorporates with a
capital of 70000 which will provido
ample capital to carry out tho proposed
and contemplated desires and purposes
of the concern in relation to now and
niodurn quarter u tiii ir business
While tho matter has not come to
definite determination plans and speci
fications aro in making and it ia tho
hope of tho company that matters can
soon be arranged and tho desire for a
new home of adequate facilities and
dimensions can bo realized in the near
As the company has one of tho best
and most sightly corners in the business
section of the city this hope will bo
greeted by all McCook boosters with
especial satisfaction
113 Pieces ot Dress Ginghams
by actual count on our tabks at 10c
12j4c 13lj anl 35c Besides those wo
show J7 pieces of apron chock ginghams
in tho various colors and sizes of checks
at 5c and 0c These are all in stock
and may bo seen in largo sample
swatches in books no labor for us to
show you them all Drop in and sco
them The Thompson D G Co Ac
tual cash prices
For Sale
Show cases tables counter scales
and other usefnl articles about a store
Call and see them at the Bee Hive
The prices will be right to you
Plant a Garden
with good seeds selected for this coun
try and it will be a source of pleasure
and profit McCook Hardware Co have
the seed
Farm Loans
Go to Johnson Rozell
Now cabbage at the White Holism
Successful Painting
can be dono by using Lincoln A
P Paint and at less cost owing
to its spreading capacity
A Druggist
The R R B and S C will
present the cantata Trip to
Europe in the Congregational
church April 28
List Your City Property
Farms Ranches with
Office in Electric Light
office rear Citizens bank
Phone 283