I A J y i J 1 r Middlcton Ruby PLUMBING nnd STEAM FITTING All work guaranteed Phono 182 McCook Nebraska Hiss Ha M Briggs fwill teach class on piano Grad uate of Bethany conservatory ii I Ol1t 01 jjinusuurg ivmnb oiuuiu mi houio of A G Hump Phono Mack 272 Scholars call or phono for further information A G BUMP Real Estate and Insurance Room Two ovor McConnolla drug store McCook Nebraska JOHN E KELLEY ATTOENEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTEACTEB McCook Nkhraska JSftARontof Lincoln Land Co nud of McCook Wator Works Olllco in Postolllce building C II Hovik Rooms 1 nnrt 7 fccond floor Poetoflico Building H P SUTTON -At C E Eldeed BOYLE ELDRED Attokneys AT I AW Long Distunco Ione 44 McCook Neb DR R J GUNN DENTIST phone ii2 Office Rooms 3 and 5 Wulsh 151k McCook GATEWOOD VAHUt DENTISTS Office over McAdams Store Phone 190 JEWElKR MUSICAL GOODS McCOOR - NEBRASKA Were Just As Thankful For a mall package as a large one Each will receive tho i ame thorough and careful attention If we get tbo former it may in time grow to tbe later by tbe satisfaction you will derive in wearing our laundered work Family washing 3c per pound McCook Steam Laundry W C BLAIR Prop Succeor to G C Heckman PHONO 35 West Dennison St BEGGS5 BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach Seed J plant- roses bulbs vines shrubs fruit and ornamental tree Colorado grown be t on earth LOW PRICES Free cata logue Agents wanted INTERN VTION L NURSERIES Tut Big Grower Denver Colo wteWRT FRIEND TO FRIEND The personal recornmendaticaa of peo ple -who have been cured of coughs and colds by Chamberlains Cough Remedy have done more than all else to make it a staple article of trade and commerce ova ft large part of the civilized -world CITY LODGE DIRECTORY A K A M McCook LodkO No I3S A F A M mooto ovory ilrxt nud third TunHiIity of tho month at 800 p in in Masonic hull Ciiakiih L Faiinkhtock M LoN CoVK See It H M Occonoxeo Council No 10 II AS M moots on tliu last Satunlay of each month nt 800 p m n MiiFonie hull Ralph A Haoiiuuo T I M Sylvester Cordkai Sue R A M KiiiR Cyrus Chnpter No 35 It A M meote every Hrst and third Thursduy of each monthut 800 p m in Miibonic hall CiAitiscn H Gray II P Clinton R Sawykr Sec KNIOHTSTKMriAR St John Commaiidory No 10 K T meets on tho second Thurcday or each month at 800 p in in Mahonic hull Emerson Hanson E C Syiabstkk Cordkai Itec EASTERN STAR Eureka Chapter No 8G O E S moots the Hccond and fourth Fridays of ouch month at 800 p m in Masonic hull Mrs Sarah E Kay W M Sylvester Cordkal Soc MODKUN WOODMEN Noble Camp No 003 M YV A moots ovory second and fourth Thursday of each mouth at 8s p in in Ganschows hull Pay nssossmontH ut Whito IIouso Grocory J M Smi rii Clerk S E Howell V C ROYAL NEIGHBORS Noblo Cnmp No 802 R A moots ovory second and fourth Thursday of each month at 230 p in in Gaupchows hall Mrs Mary Walker Oracle Mrs Auhusta Anton Rec w o w Moots second and fourth Thursdays at S oclock in Diamonds hall Chas F Markwad C C W C Moyer Clork WORKMEN McCook Lodgo No 01 AOUW moots ovory Monday at 800 p in in Diamonds hull C R Uray Rec Fred Schlagel M W DEGREE OF HONOR McCook Lodge No 3 D of II moots every second and forth Fridays of each mouth atS00 p in in Ganschows hall Mrs Laura Osuhrn C of H Mrs MatieG Welles Rec locomotive engineers McCook Division No 023 H of L E moots ovory second aud fourth Saturday of each month at 230 in Morris hull Walter Stokes C E W D Rurnett F A E locomotive firemen McCook Lodgo No 599 R of L F E moots ovory Saturday ut 730 p ru in Gans chows ball I D Pennington M Geo A Campbell Sec railway conductors Harvoy Division No 95 O R C moots the second and fourth Sundays of each month at 300 p m in Diamonds hall Joe Hegenbeegee C Con M O McClure Sec RAILWAY TRAINMEN C W Rronson I odgo No 4S7 R of It T meets lirt and third Sundays at 230 p m aud i econd and fourth Fridays at 7 30 p in each month in Morris hall Neal Heeler M R- J Moore bee railway carmen Young America Iodgo No 155 R R C of A meets on tbo first and third Thursdays of each month in Diamonds hall at 730 p m Con Kreigee C C N II Snyder Rec Sec MACHINISTS Red Willow Lodge No fS7 I A of M meots every second and fourth Tuesday of tho month atS00 p in in Gauschow ball D O Hewitt Pres W H Anderson Rec Sec BOILERMAKERS McCook Lodge No 407 R of R M I S R of A meots first and third Fridays of each month in Odd Follows ball KNIGnTS OF TYTniAS McCook Lodge No 42 K of P meets every Wednesday at 800 p m in Masonic ball M Lvwritson C C J N Gaarde K R S odd fellows McCook Lodge No 137 1 O O F meets every Monday atS00 p in in Ganschows hall Scott Doax Sec E H Doan N G McCook Aerio No 1514 F O E meots the second and fourth Fridays of each month at S00pm in Diamonds hall Social meetings on tho first and third Fridays V - - R S Light W Pres G C Heckman W Sec KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS McCook Council No 1126 K of C meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 800 p in in Diamonds hall G R Gale F Sec Frank Real G K DAUGHTERS OF ISABELLA Court Granada No 77 meets on tho first and and third Tuesdays of each month at S p m in tho Morris hall Anna Hannan G R Josephine Mullen F S LADY MACCABEES Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M meets every first aud third Thursday evenings of each month in Ganschow ball Mrs W R Mills Commander Harriet E Willetts R K g A R J K Rarnes Post No 207 G A R meets on the first Saturday of each month at 230 p m Ganschows hall J M Henderson Cmndr J H Yarger Adjt L OF G A e McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meots on the first aud third Fridays of each mouth at 230 p in in Diamonds hall Adeline Dole Pres Matie Welles Sec p e o Chapter X P E O meets tbe second and fourth Saturdays of each monta at 230 p m at the homes of the various members Mrs G H Thomas Pres Mrs C H Meeker Cor Sec FENNEY WALKER GENERAL CONTRACTING PAINTERS AND DECORATORS Not How Cheap but How Good with Us Office and Shop west of First National Bank Steel Ceilings Sold Put Up and Decorated KILL THE BRUTE SKIN HIM PROPERLY AND SHiP HIS SKIN AND ALL OTHER URSKiDESPaTSWO0L TO THE SHIPMENT HOUSE nMUAMFURWOQLC0 Minnepoiis Miruv THERES MONEY IN IT Write for Circular ctsi7 3atptmW fi FINE SiGNLAHGUAGE Droll Incident In the Reign of James I of England A TRICK ON AN AMBASSADOR The Different Interpretations of the Same Acts Performed by a Crochety Spaniard and a Hard Headed and Canny Old Scotch Butcher It Is said that King James 1 on re moving to London was waited upon by the Spanish ambassador a man of eru dition but who had a crotchet in his head that every country should have a professor of signs to teach him and the like of him to understand one another The ambassador was lamenting one day before the king tins great desider atum throughout all Europe when the king said lo him Why I have a pro fessor of signs in the northernmost col lege in my dominions viz at Aber deenbut it is a great way off perhaps GOO miles Were it 10000 leagues off I shall see him said the ambassador and am determined to set out in two or three days The king saw he had com mitted himself and wrote or caused to be written to the University of Aber deen stating the case and desiring the professors to put him off some way or make the best of him The ambassa dor arrived was received with great solemnity but soon began to inquire which of them had the honor to be pro fessor of sigus Being told that the professor was absent in the highlands and would re turn nobodj knew when the ambas sador said I will wait his return though it were twelve months Seeing that this would not do and that they had to entertain him at a great expense all the while they con trived a stratagem There was one Geordy a butcher blind of an eye a droll fellow with much wit and rogu ery about him He was got instruct ed to be professor of signs but not to speak on pain of death Geordy cheer fully undertook the role The ambas sador was told that the professor of signs would be at home next day at which he rejoiced greatly Next day Geordy was gowned wig ged and placed in a chair of state in a room in the college all tho profess ors and the ambassador being in an adjoining room The ambassador was shown into Geordys room and left to converse with him as well as he could the professors awaiting the issue with fear and trembling The ambassador held up one of his fingers to Geordy Geordy held up two of liis The ambassador held up three Geordy clinched his fist and looked stern The ambassador then took an orange from his pocket and held it up Geordy took a piece of barley cake from his pocket and held that up After which the ambassador bowed to him and retired to the other professor who anxiously inquired his opinion of their brother He is a perfect miracle said the ambassador I would not give him for the wealth of the Indies Well said the professors to de scend to particulars Why said the ambassador I first held up one finger denoting that there is one God he held up two signifying that these are the Father and Son I held up three meaning the Father the Son and EToly Ghost he clinched his fist to say that these three are one I then took out an orange signifying the goodness of God who gives his crea tures not only the necessaries but the luxuries of life upon which the won derful man presented a piece of bread showing that it was the staff of life and preferable to every luxury The professors were glad that mat ters had turned out so well so having got quit of the ambassador they next got Geordy to hear his version of the signs Well Geordy how have you come on and what do you think of yon man The rascal says Geordy What did he do first think ye He held up one finger as much as to say You have only one eye Then I held up two meaning that my one eye was perhaps as good as both his Then the fellow held up three of his fingers to say that there were but three eyes between us and then I was so mad at the scoun drel that I steeked my neive and was to come a whack on the side of his head and would ha done it too but for your sakes Then the rascal did not stop with his provocation here but forsooth takes out an orange as much ns to say Your poor beggarly cold country cannot produce that I show ed him a whang of a bear bannock meaning that I did ua care a farthing for him nor his trash neither as langs I ha this But by a thats guid con cluded Geordy Im angry yet that I didnt thrash the hide o the scoun drel London T IYs Weekly The Wily OvI A party of horsemen were traveling along Bridge creek a tributary of Bad Water river Wyoming when their horses suddenly shied off the track at the sound of a rattle Search was made for the snake but it was finally found that the sound proceeded from the burrowing owl which lives in the burrows of the prairie dog often it is said in company with the rattlesnake Seated on a post the party heard the owl give a third rattle And whenever they passed the spot it gave warning by its rattle and the horses alway shied off the track in alarm American Naturalist Beware of no man more than thy self Terence BARTLEY Mrs Olmstead loft Hartley Thursday on 13 for Black Kivor Washington with her Bon Will Mrs Olmstead hnB been a long time resident of Bartloy and has property hero Sho is going for her health but will not sell her residence hero so that sho will have a good homo in n good town if she desires to return Mr nnd Mrs Rao Iliudman woro ovor last week to visit Mrs Hindraans parents Mr and Mrs Axtel Thoy returned to tho Beaver this wook W P Wndo of Holdrege was in Bart loy making arrangements to orect a business building to be used exclusively for furniture aud undertaking goods Mr and Mrs A J DoArmond are rejoicing ovor tho advent of a fine girl baby born Tuesday morning Tho Lewis Stock company occupied our opera house three nights last week The play was entirely satisfactory to tho attendance Tho receipts for tho throe nights wero 32135 Blind Boone will bo hero ono night May 21st Postmaster S W Clark put in 500 feet of cement walk in front of his busi ness lots last week Tho Duff elevator has ju3t been fixed up in first class shape with several hundred dollars repairs Two thousand dollars has been sub scribed to put up a cement telephone oflice just south of the post ollico Wo will thon hnvo both day and night service About 200 new phones have been ordered in the town and country The high school social in the Chris tian church last week was a pleasant affair and netted a nice sum of money C E Matthews and Will Flint went to Holdrege Wednesday to tho Bryan banquet Town election passed of quickly Officers elected A F McCord Jag Sipe and Frank Prours Ira Sheets was the only hold over trustee GRANT Jake Wesch who has been sick the past week is recovering B W Benjamins children who wero down with pneumonia aro a little bet ter this week Edwin Towlo entertained II Blunk and family last Saturday The Banksville base ball boys organ ized Sunday They expect the Prairie Dogs to play on the Banksville diamond Friday April 17 190S Mrs August Wesch who has been visiting at Hastings expects to return Thursday Clara Cunningham visited with Mrs Alma Johnston near McCook last Sat urday This is examination week in district 51 Also practicing for the entertain ment to be given the last day of school on the evening of April 37 All patrons and friends of the school are cordially invited Ernest Anderson and Miss Daugherty were visitors at the J Wesch homo one evening during the past week too late for last week Peter Wesch a well known old set tler of Grant precinct died March 28th 190S He was 74 years 5 months and 24 days old at his death Deceased was born in Germany Oct 4th 1833 He has lived in Red Willow county this state for 22 years and was well known by everybody Six sons in Red Willow county and one daughter in Portland Ore mourn his death Jacob Wesch and son sold a fine bunch of red hogs to W Waldo last week RED WILLOW Mrs Sawyers excellent well one of the very few dug wells still in use caved in last week She is having a new one drilled close to the old one Mrs Taylor and son Horace have been quite sick with grippe Horace is better but Mrs Taylor continues ill Mrs Sexson is still very sick with grippe Vira Loomis returned from Haigler on April 5th and went to Michigan on April 8th Mrs Rose Hauxwell is the only one of the Loomis family left in this country Lucy Miller who has been with Mrs Owens Longnecker for the past three months left on Monday to take up the position she formerly occupied in Hard- estys drug store j Mr and Mrs Daharsh were visitors at Mr Sexsons on Sunday Mr and Mrs Smith and sons and Miss Rozelle took dinner at John Long neckers on Sunday INDIAN0LA April fools day had its usual num ber of victims Mrs F S Phillips has gone to Yampa Colorado for a visit with her daughter Mrs Little Marjorie Phillips has the scarletina The family are under quarantine The first of the series of lectures com menced at Shorts opera house Wednes day evening by Rev Simpson of Cam bridge Eunice Horton and Maude Goben left on train No 14 Wednesday evening for the east Miss Horton goes to her home in Indiana and Mis3 Goben goes to visit relatives in Milton Illinois Mrs Hammond of Denver is in town visiting old time friends and neighbors Young Stothnrd and wifo o Koarnoy Nob camo on No 13 Monday morning They intend making this their homo W II Smith and wifo left Thursday night on train No 14 to Oklahoma for a visit with the children G W Burt was at McCook on busi ness Monday Patrick Callnn has a sick son at his place Frank Mnrsh loft Tuosday ovoning for Omaha to boa member of tho fodoral grand jury Tho election hold hero Tuesday re sulted in the license victory with a ma jority of nineteen votes Dan Crtshon of Danbury was in town Wednosdny Tho Indianoln jail is completed Mrs TIIaloy returned homo Wednes day evening C W Dow and J L Sargent went to Yampa Colorado Tuesday A small crowd attended tho Bryan meeting at Holdrege Wednosday DANBURY Mrs R E Pogue and two children of Bortrand Nob arrived hero Tuesday for a four weekti visit Mrs Stevens and Mrs Moore of Leba non were Danbury visitors Monday Quite an excitment was caused in Danbury when Al Boyors house caught fire from an overheated stove but was soon extinguished Mrs Alfred Ashton and children visited at the DoMay homo over Sun day Isaac Wade of Lexington Indiana delivered a temperance lecture to a largo crowd at tho Congregational church Sunday night Ho departed for his home Monday after two weeks visit with friends and relatives in this com munity Will DoMay of Marion was a Dan bury visitor over Sunday The Royal Neighbors had a dinner in the town hall for their children Mon day All enjoyed themselves Harvey Creasman who was severely injured by a horse is improving W J Stilgebouer and wifo and S W Stilgebouer attended the funeral of Herbert Drath at Ilerndon last week Mr Drath was a grandson of S W Stilgebouer by marriage Mr and Mrs Oscar Tnomas visited in Atwood last week Minnie and Esther Dolph gave a party for their friends last Saturday evening About 51 was cleared at tho school entertainment last Friday evening Mrs James Morgan and daughter departed for Kansas City where Mr Morgan is Joe McGuire and wife will move into the house vacated by WRBurbridgo Miss May Moss went to Cedar Bluffs Monday to assist Mrs Alfred Ashton in her housework R F D No 1 Mrs Joseph Downs and son Ed were out from McCook Sunday visiting Ash Creek friends Grant Clark of Albia Iowa was a guest of W P Broomfield and Jos Downs Saturday Sunday Mr and Mrs Alpha Warfield are with his parents while he is recovering from an attack of rheumatism Mr and Mrs J B Fiechtner and Mike Fritz and family were visitors on School Creek Sunday A moving picture show was an en joyed entertainment in the Nelson Downs school house Tuesday Dr Campbell and chaffeur of Lebanon met with an accident Wednesday of last week while returning home from McCook Just south of the middle river bridge while running their chug wagon at a good speed the auto ran into a deep hole with the result that the doctor was thrown out of the car head long into the river The medic waded out and went on his way as soon as the chaffeur could restrain his laughter He Drew A very pretty girl had a bashful art ist for a sweetheart but he would nev er come to the point One night after he had made a desperate attempt to test her feelings she looked at him in a very significant way What do you mean by that he asked with a startled look Do you profess to be an artist she replied evasively Yes Do you think you are a good one I flatter myself that I am Well I dont think so Why not Because you cannot even draw an inference He did though and now they draw conclusions Secretary Wilson of the department of agriculture says that the unbounded prosperity of the agriculturist is not due to chance but is the result of intelli gent scientific business methods A reader of The Weekly Inter Ocean has placed before him each week the prac tical and approved methods to which Secretary Wilson refers It is a good investment Only 125 for The Weekly Inter Ocean and this paper one year M vm mfflMmm ENGRAVER and ELECTROTYPER PtIOHt 1114 1420 24 LAWRIHCL DLNVCtt COLO G77T W ilL JMJ TT3 II 1 IHIIHSJ H Ml PRE Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY fc EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Now location just ncros 1 rC rrYr street in I SVuIhIi building l iwvuuri You Carry Insurance on your life on your property Why not insuro yourself against adversity in tho future by invest ing your surplus funds in a bank account Allow it to accumulato until a time comes when you neod it badly that is when you will appreciate its truo worth Just as tho value of your life in surance increases as you grow older so will your bank account grow as you add to it weekly monthly or yearly In fact tho possibilities of your bank account is limited only by your oarning and saving capacity An account with this bank is Good Insurance The Old Reliable 22 Years in Business THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK McCook Nebraska jgCTgfesadghjggsaassagsi i3eMMMMvm April Specials To the Pacific Coast Very favorable excursion rates to the Pacific coa3t during the sum mer season of 1003 including special dates in April to California as follows April 25th and 2Gth Illustration only SCO round trip The coast tour is the finest rail road journey in the world Make it this summer Also low one way rates during April To Colorado and the Rocky Mountains Plan now for your summer vaca tion in Colorado Wyoming the Black Hills or Yellowstone Park Very low and attractive summer tourist rates to the cool mountain resorts after June 1st Homeseekers Rates First and third Tuesdays to the west generally The Big Horn Basin Auction sale for choice of the newly irrigated lands under the Oregon Basin or Wiley ditch near Cody Opening in May1903 Also splendid chances yet for homesteading government irrigat ed lands near Garland Wyo Write D Clem Deaver Lancseek erri Information Bureau Omaha He will personally conduct land seekers excursions to the Big Horn Basin first and third Tues days of each month through the summer Excellent business chances in new growing towns on Burlington extensions Write Mr Deaver or R E FOE ticket Agent McCook Neb L W WAKELEY G P A Omaha Neb