V i i 1 r OLD STYLES LIKED JEWELRY NOVELTIES HAVE AN ANCIENT FLAVOR Designs In Favor with Our Grandfa thers Are Again Popular Cameos and Belt Buckles Are Things of Beauty The novelties in jewelry this spring began the clerk Ding long ding ding ding ding Tho chimes from a big grandfa thers clock in one corner of the etoro interrupted lilm Grandfather sets the style in clocks lie said And grandmothers taste rules in jewelry So wo have paradox that the novelties in new jewelry are all old fashioned styles Grandmother had good taste Tho clerk held up a silver neck chain Its a good example of the whole fashion he said Its hand wrought you see That means that the maker had a chance to express his individuality and that no two designs need he alike Heres another scarabs you see of amethyst topaz and jade all on one chain And heres a chain of jet beads unpolished I dont know whether these vel vet collarettes mounted with solid gold buckles are grandmother style or not but they are so pretty they de serve to be These garnet bracelets though might have come straight from an old- WffS0 C ASE flNECKO CHAIN ft M T 6fcEJ3ktf 1 tjt Old Style Jewelry Is Popular Again time strong box Heres a beauty this chain bracelet of large amethysts in gold settings Amethysts will be great favorites among the stones and bracelets will be as popular as ever There is a great chance for the jeweler artist in making old fashioned silver bracelets The jeweler with artistic instincts must have taken a good deal of satis faction in making silver card cases too like grandmother-used-to-carry This shows exquisite engraving These purses made of silver are old style also Then the dealer drew out a tray of cameos He seemed to take a satis faction in looking at them and hand ling them Did I say those other things were old fashioned he asked Well what do you think of this coral cameo It is of the style in vogue in England 200 years ago There are cameos of all sixes and degrees of beauty but theyre my hobby and Ill stop Anyway the belt buckles are al most as charming This large gold one with one large stone is perhaps the type The buckles are mounted with some semi precious stone such as topaz I shouldnt forget to men tion the lapis lazuli among the new settings It is defined as an alumi nous mineral of rich blue color St Elmo a novel made it popular and it has a color which pleases the lovers of the antique-in-appearance Spanish and Oriental styles are to appear again and there will be some Egyptian designs More coral will he seen this year than before Kansas City Star The Spring Colors The leading colors of spring to quote a French authority will be blue yellow and brown with a great deal of plum color mixed in There are also several new shades of green one of which new leaf green is gain ing in popularity Yet it is rather try ing in tone Purple will always be worn In the yellows one sees a great deal of sulphur yellow And there is mustard which is a very good color indeed Cream chartreuse golden brown and apricot yellow are all to be a great deal seen And In blue there are some lovely new tones but the most popular blue will be atlantic a blue which is neither light nor dark but a clear lovely medium tone very restful to the eye and becoming to the figure It is a blue with not a parti cle or ffrar In it - v - W nvr LEVINSKY HAD GREAT SCHEME Bright Idea He Thought Meant Saving of Twenty Five Dollars Levinsky despairing of his life made an appointment with a famous specialist He was surprised to find 15 or 20 people in the waiting room After a few minutes he leaned over to a gentleman near him and whis pered Say mine frient this must bo a pretty good doctor aint ho One of the best the gentleman told him Levinsky seemed to be worrying over something Veil say he whispered again he must be pretty exbensive then aint he Vat does he charge Tho stranger was annoyed by Le vinskys questions and answered rather shortly Fifty dollars for tho first consultation and 25 for each visit thereafter Mine Gott gasped Levinsky 50 tollars the first time and 25 tol lars each time afterwards For several minutes he seemed iki decided whether to go or to wait Und 25 each time afterwards he kept muttering Finally just as he was called into the ollice he was seized with a brilliant inspiration He rushed toward the doctor with out stretched hands Hello doctor he said effusively Veil here I am again Everybodys Magazine Tarantula Not So Bad The terrible tarantula is said to be more abused than abusive It is not aggressive upon man nor is it often intrusive even although every old miner and prospector has shaken one out of his boots or blankets in the morning and always the size of a saucer It avoids the hot sunshine and remains well down in its burrow under the ground About sundown it sallies forth and lies in waiting just below the opening of the burrow It assumes this position whether it de sires food or wishes only to get a bit of fresh air It does not travel about in quest of food even when hungry but remains quietly in the attitude described often for hours at a time At the near approach of a caterpillar grasshopper beetle or almost any creature of like size other than its enemy the wasp it rushes out and seizes it but rarely goes farther than a few inches from the opening One fair sized insect a week is sufficient to satisfy its hunger because of its inactive existence while it can live several months without food even when most active provided it has water In autumn the spider closes the entrance with a crudely spun web It is then ready to pass the winter in a semi lethargic state partaking of no food In the spring it digs its way out A Jefferson Davis Speech On August 2 1S70 a party of young men engaged a band and serenaded Jefferson Davis After the band had played Dixie and My Maryland Mr Davis spoke these words My friends I thank you for this cordial greeting Thrown like a wave on a restive ocean it is something to receive this good old Virginia wel come As long as my heart continues to beat it must be still responsive to the warm and cordial feeling of Vir ginians Avhich I have experienced in some of the contingencies of my life This manifestation of your good feel ing towards me comes from your gen erosity and not from any merit of my own May God in his infinite mercy preserve you from every ill and may your prosperity and happiness be as wide as your borders may your homes be peaceful is the earnest prayer of one who has no more to say to you on this occasion Eugene L Didier in Spare Moments Durability of Glass It does not seem odd to find inscrip tions written ages ago still visible on the Tower of London or on the steeple of some cathedral but one would hard ly look on a fragile panel of glass in a common window for characters 200 years old A notable case in point is that of the old house in London wherein the notorious Jack Sheppard once lived j as a carpenter s apprentice One of the window panes still bears an in scription cut in it by a glazers dia mond recording the name and address of a man who preceded Jacks master in that house The inscription is John Woolley Brand Painter and Glazier March 12 1700 That was nine years before the coming to the house of the famous Jack Sheppard and over 200 years ago Sunday Magazine Not a Bad Idea Did you write to Flippanys said Mrs Xuvoe Reeshe for samples of all the latest style visiting cards Yes madam replied the secretary About 100 came all sorts and sizes What names were on them Mrs Nuvoe Reeshe inquired eagerly The very first families of the city madam The matron smiled contentedly Then dump em all she said in the gold card receiver on the parlor table Severely Practical Oh promise me that some day you and I will take our love together to that sky sang one of the boarders in our boarding house sentimentally Sunday evening in the parlor Youll have to buy an airship Mr Pipes wont you asked little Tom mie Smith in all seriousness r fv t - Tiijit3r3UtWAwi ANCIENT TOWERS IN SOUTHWEST Prehistoric Structures Doubtless Used for Defensive Purposes Denver Col In pre Columbian days probably even before the period lw lrfCdP mM9z mxf 1 W Gibraltar Rock in Utah the defensive positions picked out by I the more peaceable inhabitants for I their dwellings i In nearly every one of the ancient I communal buildings can be found towers and lookouts with small win- dows or loopholes commanding all ap proaches Usually the towers are a I part of the main building but occa sionally they are detached and stand One of these remarkable structures has been found in Navajo canyon which is included within the Mesa Verde National park in southwestern Colorado The tower still stands on if mk vii fjSiSasV vvvaw m 2- GQ4ffzzzo Postmaster General Frank H Hitch TOMB OF CONFUCIUS MODEST SHRINE MARKS GREAT LEADERS RESTING PLACE of the Aztec and Toltec peoples and at a time when a considerable portion of the southwestern part of this Seventy Seven country now embraced within Col orado Utah and New Mexico was densely populated by a race well ad vanced in many of the crude arts and Generations of His Family Have Lived in Place Where Illustrious Chinese Philosopher Was Born industries constant warfare was car- A new gniie book buries this lacon ried on between factions rival tribes lc paragraph among its descriptions of or different races as Is evidenced by tlie German port of Tsingtau and of about 50 routes in the Shantung province of China At Tshue fu on passports and cards presented to Duke Kung permis sion is granted to visit the temple and tomb of Confucius Many known tombs were very old before that of Confucius was built but there is no doubt that Duke Kung can show a longer pedigree than any other person He is the latest in the line or me lescenuaius oi uoniucius ami the family has lived for 77 generations in the very place where the illustrious Chinese philosopher was born and died The remarkable history of this fam ily is due largely to the attitude of the Chinese toward the descendants of the great toucher The family is the only example of hereditary aristocracy iu the empire The head of the house is an independent nobleman ranking next to the imperial family supported by the state on the rentals derived from nearly 200000 acres of land and distinguished by various special honors and privileges The governor of the province of Shantung in the Southeastern western part of which Confucius was I born is required to prostrate himself nine times when he pays his respeects to the duke but the few Europeans who have visited the place have been simply and cordially welcomed though making only their customary saluta tion No other family in the world of course has a record of having lived for over 2100 years in one place Con fucius died in his birthplace 23S5 years ago off at some distance and are built s uonuiuuuii ui mu mue C1L UKlL lb Iluumvu u u UUi3L sufficiently high to afford a view of the country on all sides of Confucius can trace their lineage to the philosopher If the place is to be visited hereafter by the tourists who will go to China in increasing numbers as transportation facilities improve there should be some agreement as to the of its It is spelled Spelling name ton of a snnrlstnno mn nhnnr 30 fPfit in two was in the Sulde book referred high and is perfectly cylindrical By the aid of steps worn in the stone it is to and LeSSe Williamson and some other writers Confucius have their possible to climb to the tower and on transliterations for the even to walk around it The walls own original name of his birthplace Political re are 24 inches thick and although their original height is not known I form in China sll0uld be accompanied those now in place are over nine feet j bJr reform in the Occidental spellings high This tower arising from the of Chinese place names bottom of the canyon to an elevation Sequestered among the mountains about the surrounding rim com- o Shantung the town has been al manded a view of the adjacent mesa most unattainable by foreigners and and was undoubtedlv the viewpoint even to day few pilgrims unsustained from which warnings of an approach- by firm purpose will undergo the ing enemv could be sent out to the great discomforts of the journey there cliff dwellers in the canyon below Another remarkable lookout is Gib raltar House in Ruin canyon just Six days are required to reach the town from the railroad at Tsinan fu The road is too bad for driving and across the Colorado Utah line from tne cnoice is ouerea to me tourist the Mesa Verde National park Like tween S1X uas on u uunKey or in u the round tower of Navajo canyon this structure overlooked great dis tances preventing a surprise from an approaching enemy Considering the fact that about the wheelborrow The place is called the Mecca of China but many devotees from the western world are likely to wait for the improvement of transpor tation facilities only known weapons these pre historic ome nours Deiore uie cu IS people used were the bow and arrow reached the visitor may see the large cemetery in which the remains of and a spear like implement the cessity for the great fortresses and oniucnis ana nis descendants repose thick walls is quite unexplainable SUCCESSOR TO HITCHCOCK Dr Grandfield Made First Assistant Postmaster General Washington Charles P Grand field of Missouri the ranking officer of the bureau who has acted as first assistant in the absence of Assistant Near the top of a gentle eminence is a terrace to which a stone stairway gives access The terrace is covered with flagging stones not in the best of repair for the surface is uneven and at the further side of the flagging op posite the stairway rises a tombstone of ordinary height embedded in mor tar between cross pieces of stone The flat surface is covered with the inscription and in front of it are a stone prayer stool and a handsome vessel in which incense is constantly burning This is the modest and simple tomb of the man who Avas deified by hi1 countrymen and whose temples reared for his honor and worship may be seen in all the larger cities of the empire Georgia Cotton Seed Sent to Mexico R H Smith of Monticello Ga one of the most prominent cotton planters in Georgia was in Atlanta recently superintending the shipment of 20 tons of seed cotton which he had grown to Elderg Ulmer of Torreon Ccahuila Mexico The fame of these seeds has spread over the country and Mr Smith is making quite a name for himself and his cotton by its extensive sale and general use This cotton will be placed in Mex ico and doubtless will bear fruit equal to that secured from it in Georgia This is the longest distance ship ment of seed cotton yet recorded from cock nas succeeded to tne vacancy Georgia Atlanta Constitution created by tne latter s resignation Mr Hitchcock recently decided to accept the invitation of the friends of Secretary Taft to assist in the man- Defending Portsmouth Harbor The construction of the new defense agement of his campaign for the breakwater at Portsmouth England dential nomination nf thp Tpnniiiifnn has been commenced This is a unique party undertaking in order to prevent Dr Grandfield was born at Troy tiIe vessels rushing the naval harbor Lincoln county Missouri in 1861 and under cover of darkness A row of keeps his voting residence there He huge concrete blocks is to be dropped was appointed to the post office de- across the shallow sandbanks These partment as clerk at 1000 in August blocks weigh 34 tons each and placed 1885 and has risen through every end to end will make a formidable grade to his present position While wall which no destroyer can jump in the department he took a course in medicine at Howard university get ting his degree of M D in 1S89 Dr Grandfield resides with his wife and two daughters at 949 S street There is a fort at either end one on shore and one in the sea and the only way of getting through the break water will be through a gap which can he quickly closed in case of need NOTICE Notice is hereby tfivon that Hie Mas tnic Tem ple Craft of Mc ixk Nebraska lias llleil its articles of incorpor ition in the oilke of the -re-rotary at state of the Stale or Nebraska The principal place of transact inc the business f Mini corporation shall be MeCook Nebraska the Kcneral nature of the business to bo trans acted said corporation shall be to purcha e reitl estate in MeCook Nebraska Uwii which to erect a building and to furnish rooms in said huudiiiK for Masonic purposes rooms for ollices store and other purposes and to erect anil construct in sun hiiildiiiK an opera lioii e and to lease and receive the rent of said build iiiK and maintain Miid ox ra house and rccehe the profits therefrom The amount of capital stock itiitiori7fil shall be iKX l diidd into 2Xlsliireofsltnieach which are to be paid as follows i The full amount of one share by each thereto at the time hlitill June been subscribed 2nd Ten per rt iit of each total subscription monthly after said one share is due and payable until such subscribers total subscription Ui ntiicly paid This corporation shall commence on the twentieth dnj of March lmft and its duration shall be jxTpctual The highest amount of in debtedness or liability to which the corporation isat any time to subject itself -hall not exceed two thirds of the capital stock subscribed 1 he allairsof the corporation are to be conducted by a president vice president secretary and treasurer who together with file other persons selected from among the stock holders shall constitute the Hoard of Directors Masonic TnMi iKOtArr I ma ij or Mi Cook Nkiskaska By C L Faiixi stock President Attest I ox Coxt Secretary rem i cat i on not i en Ieter Holmes Updike plaintiff and Kli Titus Mrs Kli Tit us first iiaino unknown wife oT Kli Titus Charli s F Lehn Mary A Iehu Anna Helena Vrrelanil and the Nebraska Mortgage Company a corporation defendant will take notice that ha 1 Klliott ami Alice KIHott de fendants hate filed their miswer and the district court of Ited Willow coun ty Nebraska against said plaintitr and said de fendants the object and prayer of which croi pctilion are that tho title of the said Ira I Klliott in and to the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section twenty nine the west half of the northwest quarter at d the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section thirty two all in township one north of range thirt west of the principal merid ian in snid Jti it Willow county be quieted in said Ira L hlliotl as against the plaiutilf here in and all and each of said defendants and that the mortgage giicn on said premises by Andrew N Allen to the Nebraska Mortgage Company recorded in book P at pace 1M of the mortgage records of said cotmH ami the gage given on said premises by Kli Titus to the j Nebraska Mortgage Company recorded in book I I tt 1 if I tw irl if in ti nl fiil p an 1I1 v - 111 il e mortgage given by said Kli Titustosaid Ne braska Mortgage Company recorded in book Lll iit page JTI r said mortgage rerord sind each or them be declared imeuforciblt and ordered cancelled You are required to answer said petition on or before the 27th day or April lOS Its 1ia Ij Elliott and Aiick Kiiioi r Defendants liy Morlan Ritchie A Wollf their attorneys 0DiH OF HEARING ON ORIGINAL IRORATE OF WILL State of Nebraska Red Willow county At a County Court held at the County Court Room iu and for said County March 2iitli lOS 1resfiit J C Moore County Judge In the matter of the estate of E 1 Strode decea ed On reading and filing the pet il ion of Etna Relic Dye praying that the Instrument filed on the 2ith day o March 1UJS and purporting to be the last Will and Testament cr the said de ceased may be proved approved prohati d allowed anil recorded as the last Will and Test ament of the said E J Strode deceased and that the execution ir said instrument may he committed and the administration of said estate may be granted to her as executrix Ordered that April 18th KRIS at one oclock p m is as signed Tor hearing said petit ion when all interested iu said matter may appear at a County Court to be held iu and Tor said County and show cause why the prayer or petitioner should not he granted and that notice or the pendency r baid petition anil the hearing there of be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in tho MeCook Tribune a weekly- newspaper printed in said countv Tor three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing A true copv -27-it J C Moouk County Judge NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the county court within and Tor Red Wil low county Nebraska in the matter ir the es tate oT Ella A Ruck deceased To the creditors or said estate You are here by notified that 1 will sit at the county court room in MeCook iu said county on the IMh day or September 190S at nine oclock a in to receive and examine all claims against said es tate with a view to their adjustment and allow ance The time limited Tor the presentation or claims against said estate is six months from the IJth day or March A D IOS and the time limited Tor payment of debts is one year from said 11th day or March seal J C Mooke County Judge IJoyle Eldred Attorneys It makes you long for dinnertime Best for flaky pastry wholesome bread and biscuit -best for crisp cookies best for delicious cakes tooth some muffins doughnuts that will melt in your mouth Everything you make well it will help to make better because its best by test Anybody can cook well if they cse Calumet Baking Powder Failure with it is almost impossible It is chemieally correct and makes Pure VliolesoiueXood ZM I ORDER OF HEARING Illtlie comity court id Ied Willow count Nebraska Slate id Ncbraxkn county of leli Willow i To I rank C Hamilon - 1 IhihIINhi Clinton 11 Hamilton ami e E Sniunl rnuinl to nil ixirsons interested in the ewttlte of hliA M Hamilton ileceiiMd On reading the peli tionof Charles W Hamilton rHjin thnt thr administration of said estate be grnoted to bun as administrator It is hereby or l rd thai you and alt ihtmiih interested in said matter may and do ap ar at the county court to Is held in and ror said countv on the 25th di of April A D IJOfS hi ten oVlorh a in to nfmv cause ir au th re be why the prnver of tli Iietitioucr should not Im granted hikI tlnvt notice of the pendency id said petition and thai the hearing thereof be given to all in terested iu said matter b publishing ueopy of this order in the MeCook Tribune a weekly newspaper printed in snid county for thns successive weks prior to said day of hearing Witness my hand and eal oT said court this ithday or April A 1 HHM stL J C Mookk County Judge AITEICATTON FOR LICENSE MeCook Neb Iprit 3 1U0S Notice is hereby given that Innies Steinnmif has tiled iu the city clerks ollice bis hoixi and petition Tor a license to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquo s in the building on lot It block 27 in the First ward of the city or Me Cook from May I 1HM to April U WW lMis Sri IXMAS Applirnnt AIILICATION FOR LICENSE MeCook Nebraska pril tIUK Notice is hereby given that Ilendrick A 1m throp it firm composed T E U Ilendrick nut Walter Lathrop have Hied in the rttv rlerk ollice their bond and petition Tor a license to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in tint Doyle building on lot bb ck 22 in the Firt ward of the city ir MeCook from May I WK tit April m i us t IIiMiich V Lai tutor pplicants AriLlCVTION FOR LICENSE MeCook Nebraska April 3 1 Notice is hereby given that Mclaim A Cox a firm coinpi loT J I McFann and Harry I Cox have tiled in the city clerks o their bond ami pel i I ion Tor a license tit sei malt spirituous anil vinous liquors in the tiuil Iuk at No in Main avenue in the First arf of the cit r MeCook rrom May I IJOS to April lijy McFaxn Cox Applicants AFFLICATION I OR LICENSE MeCook Nebraska April 3 tttK Notice U hereby given that W JoIiomjij hat Hied in the city clerks ollice his Ixmt ami titioii for a license to -ell malt pirituou and vinous liquors in the building on Jot IS tlm k 27 in the First ward of the city or MeCook rrom Maj I IMb to April litis 4 wts W Y Jon sson Applicant AIILICATION FOR LICENSE MeCook Nebraska pril 3 Um Notice is hereby given that Mitchell Brother i linn i iniiiiieil of 1 I Mili Iielt and 1 11 Mitchell have iiled in the city rterks oiiii v their bond and petition Tor a lu eiife to self malt spirituous and vinous liquors in tln huilding on lots I and 2 block 21 in tho Seroifi ward oT the city ir MeCook rrom May I HON u April it IKi l Kits Mrn iiLLi IJuormKs Appliraut v AIILICATION FOR LICENSE MeCook Nebraska March 27 1SK Notice is hereby given that M V Clyde liar Hied in the city clerks ollice hi- bond and ioti t ion Tor a license to sell malt spirituous ami v hums liquors in the building on tot btoc 21 iu the Second ward original city of McOok rrom May 1st 1108 to April J0tl lltH -3-21-31 U Clmk Applicant AIILICATION FOR IKRMIT MeCook Nebraska pril 3 lii M Notice is hereby given that L W McConnell has Iiled in the city clerks ollice his bond met petition Tor a druggists permit to selirnait spirituous and vinous liquors in the buildt lot 7 block 21 iu the Sei ond ward or the citj of MeCook rrom May 1 lOS to April 30 HUM L W MrCoNXi Applicant AIILICATION FOR PERMIT MeCook Nebraska April 3 Ijfis Notice is hereby given that Albert McMilleu has filed in the city clerks ollice his bond and petition Tor a druggists permit to sellnialt spirituous and vinous liquors in the building on lot 11 block 22 in tho First ward of tho city of MeCook Trom May 1 1J to April UK IV Aliikut MiMillln Applicant AIILICATION FOR PERMIT MeCook Nebraska pril 3 lift Notice is hereby given that C R Woodwortr A Co have filed in the city clerks ollice thei bond and pet ition lor a permit to sell mal spirituous and vinous liquor- in the brick building on lot 11 block Pi in the Second ward or the city ir MeCook rrom Mt 1 UOS to Aprn 30 C R Woodworth iV Or pplicants GALUM AKING Prico is Moderate I w 3T madebythets 9a sjs mm m r a i iwa m r 5 WM Hi i A Si r a2 J J sij r S0323 m r ni niyji Fly Time Co m i n g Orders taken for WINDOW AND DOOR SCREENS -v -v Sells the Best LUMBER AND COAL Satisfaction Guaranteed W C BULLA M O McCLURE iMgr Phone No 1