The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 03, 1908, Image 7

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Middleton Ruby
All work guaranteed
Phono 182 McCook Nebraska
Hiss Ha M Briggs
will teach class on piano Grad
uate of Bethany conservatory
01 Jjinusuorg jvhuh oiuuio m
homo of A G Hump Phono
Muck 2f2 Scholars call or
phono for further information
Real Estate
and Insurance
Room Two over McConnolls drug
store McCook Nobraska
McCook Nehraska
C33t AR6ntof Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Wator Works Oilico in Pontoilico building
C II Hoylk
C EEldbed
Attorneys AT I AW
Long Distance Ione 44
Rooms 1 and 7 second tioor
PoEtoflico IJnilding
McCook Neb
Office Rooms 3 and 5 Wnlsh Blk McCook
Office over McAdams Store Phone 190
Were Just
As Thankful
For a smnll package as a large one
Each will receive tho samo thorough
and careful attention If we get tho
former it may in time grow to the later
by the satisfaction you will derive in
wearing our laundered work Family
washing Cc per pouud
McCook -Steam Laundry
Successor to G C Ileckniau
PHONE 35 West Dennison St
CURES catarrh of the stomach
Seeds plants roses
bulbs vines shrubs
fruit and ornamental
trees Colorado grown
best on earth LOW
PRICES Free cata
logue Agents wanted
The Big Growers Denver Colo
The personal recommendations of peo
ple who have been cured of coughs and
colds by Chamberlains Cough Remedy
have done more than all else to make it a
staple article of trade and commerce ova
a large part of the civilized world
nSTTMi i in
HB IA jji Hi 1kB HlktfS rj
A Y A A 51
McCook Lodgo No 135 A F t A M moet
ovury ilrHt and tliird Tiicnday of tlio moutli at
8KXJ i in in Masonic hall
Ciiaumjh L Fajinkstock W M
Lon Conk Sue
it h si
Occonozuo Council N 10 It it S M moots on
tho lant Satunlay of ouch mouth at 800 p in
u MiiHonic hall
Ham ii A Hagbkiui T I M
Syivkhtkii Couiial Sec
King Cyrus ChapUir No i3 R A M moots
ovory llrat ami third Thursday of each mouth at
800 p in in iM atonic hall
Ciakknci H Okat II P
Cmnton II Sawyije Sue
St John Commatidory No 10 K T moots on
tho second Tlitiriluy of oach mouth at 800 p
in in Masonic hall
Emurhon Hanson E C
SylvesteuCoudeal Roc
modkkn woodmen
Noblo Camp No G03 M V A moots ovory
second and fourth TbiirHilay of each mouth at
Hit p m in Jiiiibcliows hall Pay assessments
at Whito House Grocery
J M Smith Clork S E Howell V C
w o w
Moots second and fourth Thursdays nt S
oclock in DiumondH hall
Ciiah F Maukwad C
W C Moyek Clork
McCook Lodgo No 01 AOUW moots ovory
Monday at 800 p in in Diamonds hall
C U Ouay Rec Feed Schlahel M W
locomotive engineers
McCook Division No Cij H of L E moots
every second and fourth Satunlay of oach
month at 230 in Morris hall
Walter Stokes C E
W D Uurnett F A E
locomotive firemen
McCook Lodgo No 599 It of L F E
moots ovory Saturduy at 730 p in in
cliow s hull
I D Pennington M
Geo A Campbell Sec
Harvey Division No 95 O R C moots the
second and fourth Sundays of oach month at
300 p in in Diamonds hall
Joe Hegenbeeqer C Con
M O McClure Sec
C W Bronson Lodgo No 487 B of R T
meots flrht and third Suudnyi at 230 p in and
second and fourth Fridays at 730 p m each
month in Morris hall Neal Heeler M
R J Moore Sec
Young America I odgo No 455 B R C of A
meets on tho first and third Thursdays of each
month in Diamonds hull ut730 p m
Con Kreiger C C
N II Snyder Rec Sec
Rod Willow Lodge No 587 I A of M meots
every s ecoud aud fourth Tuesday of tho month
at 800 p in in Ganschow hail
D O Hewitt Pres
W II Anderson Rec Sec
McCook Lodgo No 407 B of B M I S B of
A meets flrst and third Fridays of each month
in Odd Fellows hall
McCook Lodgo No 42 K of P meots every
Wednesday at 800 p in in Masouic hall
M Lawritson C C
J N Gaarde K R S
ODD fellows
McCook Lodgo No 137 1 O O F meets ovory
Monday at 800 p m iu Ganschows hull
Scott Doax Sec E H Doan N G
McCook Aerio No 1514 F O E meets the
second and fourth Fridays of each month at
800 pm in Diamonds hall Social meetings
on the lirst aud third Fridays
R S Light W Pres
G C Heckman W Sec
McCook Council No 112G K of C moets tho
first and third Tuesdays of oach month at 800
p in in Diamonds hall
G R Gale F Sec Frank Real G K
g A R
J K Barnes Post No 207 G A R meots on
tho first Saturday of each mouth at 230 p m
Ganschows hall
J M Henderson Cmndr
J H Yaegee Adjt
eastern star
Euroka Chapter No SG O E S meets the
secoud and fourth Fridays of each month at
800 p m in Masonic hull
Mrs Sarah E Kay W M
Sylvester Cordeal Sec
degree OF nONOR
McCook Lodgo No 3 D of H meots every
secoud and forth Fridays of each month at 800
p in in Ganschows hall
Mrs Laura Osburn C of H
Mrs MatieG Welles Rec
Noblo Camp No 862 R N A meets every
second and fourth Thursday of each month at
230 p m in Ganschows hall
Mrs Mary Walker Oracle
Mrs Augusta Anton Rec
Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M meets
every first and third Thursday evenings of each
month in Ganschow ball
Mrs W B Mills Commander
Harriet E Willetts R K
Court Granada No 77 meets on tho first and
and third Tuesdays of each month at S p m in
the Morris hall Anna Hannan G R
Josephine Mullen F S
McCook Circle No 33 L of G A R meets on
the first and third Fridays of oach month at
230 p m in Diamonds hall
Adeline Dole Pres
Matie Welles Sec
p e o
Chapter X P E O meets the second and
fourth Saturdays of oach monia at 230 p m
at the homes of the various members
Mrs G H Thomas Pres
Mrs C H Meeker Cor Sec
Not How Cheap but How Good with Us
Office and Shop west of First National Bank
Steel Ceilings Sold Put Up and Decorated
Miniwftpoiis Miniv
Write for Circulars
Life In Christiania
Many of tho residences of Christiania
stand villa like In toe midst of pretty
gardens which in summer are full of
bloom and give the streets a pecullur
charm and sense of openness Within
the people live simple wholesome lives
kindly and hospitable with that truest
hospitality which invites the guest to
share In good cheer without ostentation
or display Dinner Is at 3 or 4 oclock
served by trim fresh looking maids
and supper nt 8 where except on form
al occasions the guest Is free to forage
around the table for himself Dost
and hostess drink the health of oach
guest with the word skaal replied to
by the eyes over the glass after drink
ing Adjourning to the drawing room
the guests thank both master and mis
tress of the house and on the nest
meeting never fall to say Thanks for
the last time One Is everywhere
struck by the frank and unaffected sim
plicity of the life and the straightfor
ward kindliness of the people II H
D Peirce In Atlantic
Dread of Marble Portraits
One peculiarity of human nature
that I am reminded of daily said a
sculptor is the disinclination of the
average man to look upon himself re
produced in marble The sight strikes
him with positive dread It makes
him feel as If he were looking on his
own lifeless body For that reason It
is difficult to persuade many persons
worth modeling to sit for a sculptor
Frequently I am asked why most of
my work is modeled after dead and
gone subjects The answer is that liv
ing people refuse to give me a commis
sion The art of the sculptor differs
there from that of the painter Every
body likes to be painted The sight of
ones face ones figure ones clothes in
a picture evokes nothing but pleasura
ble emotions if well done but to see
oneself carved out of marble produces
such an overpowering sense of death
that many sensitive persons put off Im
mortalization at the hands of a sculp
tor until they are really dead New
York Press
His Brothers
At the usual monthly petty sessions
court held in a certain provincial town
some weeks ago the following incident
One of the local police constables had
summoned a neighboring farmer on a
charge of having a number of asses
wandering at will on the public road
The defendant failed to appear but
his brother was present in the person
of the clerk of petty sessions who on
hearing the sentence of the presiding
magistrate Fined 2s 2d and costs
rose to the occasion by replying
Theyre my brothers your worship
Ill pay the line
He was shocked when his becoming
exhibition of fraternal love for the
asses was rewarded with an outburst
of laughter Loudon Graphic
Where the Shoe Pinched
It was easy for air Itandall to bear
with his wifes remarkable decision of
character at all times but her obsti
nacy he found most diilicult to endure
I cant quite comprehend her he
conflded to his brother after one try
ing experience Many years as we
have been married she still surprises
me Why all in the same day some
times in the same hour she will settle
a disturbance in the kitchen put the
children just where they belong adjust
some matter in the church and then
when her judgment ought to be at Its
best display the most astounding ob
stinacy in attempting to regulate my
goings out or comings in Its Its in
Moslem Prayer Rugs
Prayer rugs were evidently invented
for the purpose of providing the wor
shipers with one absolutely clean place
on which to offer prayers It is not
lawful for a Moslem to pray on any
place not perfectly clean and unless
each one has his own special rug he
is not certain that the spot has not
been polluted It does not matter to
these followers of Mohammed how
unclean a rug that is on the floor may
be because over it they place the
prayer rug when their devotions begin
An Eye Experiment
The two eyes really see two objects
If the two forefingers be held one at
the distance of one foot the other two
feet in front of the eyes and the for
mer be looked at two phantoms of the
latter will be observed one on each
side If the latter figure be regarded
two phantoms of the nearest finger
will be observed mounting guard one
on either side
Two ministerial candidates named
Adam and Low preached in a Scottish
church Mr Low preached in the
morning and took for his text Adam
where art thou
He made a most excellent discourse
and the congregation was much edi
fied In the evening Mr Adam preach
ed and took for his text Lo here I
His Economy
Father Its ouly fair to tell you that
Im pleased with your economy this
term Your requests for money were
too frequent last term Son Yes fa
ther I thought so too so this term
Ive had everything on tick London
Tit Bits
Smith Just missed running down an
old lady with my auto Jones Bah
Jove youre a lucky dog Smith
Sure I just had It painted last week
Chicago News
Little Food
Student Something is preying on my
mind Professor TV It must be very
hungry Yale Record
Real Estate Filings
The following real estato tilings have
been made in the county clerks office
since our Inst report
Willinm M Prante and wife to
Henry 11 Pinnigsmier wd to
bw qr 14 se qr 154 30 8 5080 00
Enos M Woods and wifo to
Orville B Woods wd to lot
11 blk 0 Danbury 550 00
Edgar L Moans and wife to
William Jeffries wd to lots
1231 s hf n hf sw qr w hf
se qr i 4 29 16000 00
John E Kelley and wifo to
Henry Winans and wife wd
to lot 4 blk 7 1st South Mc
Henry Winans to B It Askey
wd to lot 4 blk 7 1st South
100 00
75 00
Otto Webber and wife to John
Clouse wd to ne qr o hf nw
qr 22-3-27 3465 00
Georgb Marshall and wifo to
James Wholatonholm wd to
n hf so qr s hf no qr 18-3-28 4800 00
Allen E Pennington and wifo to
Charles S Mort wd to nw qr
sw qr 17-1-26 1100 00
Stephen Bolles and wifo to
James B Doyle wd to n hf
sw qr 27-4-29 1500 00
Elizabeth B Barrett and hus
to C S Quick jr wd to lot 18
blk 29 Indianola 100 00
Joseph H Thompson and wifo
to Robert W and John N
Stilhnger wd to w hf 26-2-30 8000 00
Farmers Trading Co to public
articles of incorporation
George W Cory and v wife to
Perry S Hamilton wd to n
hf n hf a hf 8 4 30 12500 00
Mary Lehn and hus to Mary E
Simmons wd to lot 8 blk 25
McCook 1250 00
Deane A Clyde wid to Mit
chell U Clyde wd to lot 9
blk 21 McCook
Thomas G Neill and wife to
Charles Skalla lot 8 blk 9
1st McCook
2400 00
Michael J McCaffrey and wife
to Jonathan L and Jesse G
Miller wd to b hf 25-1-30 4500 00
Clinton B Sawyer and wifo to
Aaron G King wd to lot 9 pt
lot 8 blk 3 1st McCook 2600 00
Nelly Tanner and hus to Fred
Troestor wd to sw qr e hf
nw qr 11 n hf nw qr all in 2-
29 5000 00
Mary A Colling wid to Affa C
Seeley wd to sw qr 5 2 27
Lincoln Land Co to Thomas
Moore wd to lot G blk 3 7th
Affa C and Paul S Seeley to
Mary A Colling wd to sw qr
ne qr w hf se qr 29 w hf ne
qr 32-3-27
Asa F Ballah and wifo to John
S Kennard wd to sw qr 25-2-
Ira L Elliott and wife to R S
Thomas wd to ne qr nw qr
nw qr ne qr 32 se qr sw qr
swqrseqr 29-1-30
James Smothurst and wife to
Ralph S Thomas wd to sw
qr 32 se qr 31-1-30
Ira L Illiott and wife to R S
Thomas wd to nw qr nw qr
33 ne qr ne qr 32 se qr se qr
250 00
4800 00
3500 00
5500 00
3500 00
Charles F Lehn and wife to
George W Cory wd to n hf
n hf se hf 8 4 30 10000 00
Ascar Korn and wife to Willis
ton H Smith wd to sw qr 4-1-30
700 00
Williston H Smith sin to
Michael Crocker wd to sw
4-1-30 75000
Bed ridden Sufferer Completely Cured
by Use of D D D External Wash
One of the most remarkable eczema
cures recently credited to the well
known D D D Prescription has just
been recorded in Chicago
Mrs E Hegg 1550 West Madison
street under date of Dec 9 1907 writes
as follows
I suffered three years with Weeping
eczema It started with a little spot on
my knees and spread fast over my whole
body I spent hundreds of dollars and
went to every good doctor I heard of
but kept getting worse Nothing would
stop the awful itch and burning
I had to stay in bed from the middle
of May to the middle of July Then I
tried DDD Prescription This is the
9th or December and I am entirely free
from the terrible disease DDD sav
ed my life
When I began this treatment people
were afraid of me I looked so terrible
My husband was tho only one who
would take care of me DDD stopped
the itch at once 30 I could sleep which
I had not done before Then I began
to get better fast and now my skin is
clear and white not a spot anywhere
Just a few drops of DDD Prescrip
tion applied to the skin brings relief
nothing to swallow or drink We vouch
for DDD Prescprition also the cleans
ing DDD soap Get a bottle today if
you have any skin disease Begin
your cure at once For sale by all
Same price twice the service The
Tribune to its advertisers
Miss Pearl Lyman of Bartloy was in
town Thursday
Miss Nellie Andrews who has boon
home on a short vacation returned to
her hospital duties iu Denver first of
tho weok
Newton Smith has returned from
Kansas City much improved in health
Ho oxpects to go back however and
continue tho troatmont awhilo longor
Rev A D Burruss wont down to
Arapahoe Wednesday morning to help
with revival meetings now in progress
at that place
Mr Conrad Bowers of Edison was
calling on friends in Indianola Sunday
MiBs Anna Smith spent Saturday and
Sundny with relatives in McCook
Mr and Mrs Jerry Noo and little
Claronco came over from Danbury Sat
urday morning for a visit with friends
A small snow foil here Saturday
morning but did not stay long
Tho Masons gave a banquet to their
friends Thursday ovoning and a royal
good time was had A largo crowd was
present and sociability and good will
were tho order of tho occasion S R
Smith and undo Henry Crabtroo wore
the orators of the evening
Mrs John Fritz who has been in n
Lincoln hospital for some time died a
short time since and was buried in the
Luthoran cemetery on Sunday last
R E Smith and Mr Taylor are ovor
at Alec Browns near Danbury giving
the artistic touches to his fine now resi
dence Mr Brown will have a beautiful
home when completed
Nora Silvernail Lillian Gentry Mrs
John Strunk Sarah Jensen and Ira
Horton were among the numbers that
visited McCook between trains last Sat
urday night
Grandpa Vogo who has been a visitor
in the homo of his son-in-law for the
past two months left for his homo in
South Dakota Tuesday morning His
daughter Mrs Haley went home with
him for a short visit
A small passenger arrived at the home
of Roy Smith and wife one day last
week to remain
until further announce
Mrs Charles Thompson has gone
east on a visit
Miss Flossie Andrews was an Indina
ola visitor this week
Mrs Schultz and little daughter visit
ed in Cambridge last Wednesday
Charles Thompson has his new house
almost ready for tho painters When
completed it will be one of tho finest
residences in Indianola
Mrs Charles Byfield and children
were down from McCook first of the
week visiting relatives
Miss Edith Allen is visiting her sister
Mrs Earl Calhoun in Cambridge this
Mr and Mrs Barrett of McCook were
visitors at Mr Hatchers on Sunday
Mrs Sexson is quite sick with the
Mrs Rinck was ill with heart trouble
but is better
Mrs Hauxwell gave an old fashioned
quilting where tongues and fingers
moved fast and justice was done to tho
sumptuous dinner
Mrs Giese from Colorado and Mr
and Mrs Earnest from near Benkelman
came to the wedding of their sister
Aimee who was married to Arch Hat
cher on the 25th
A number of invited guests from hero
attended a Masonic banquet in Indian
ola on Thursday evening
Mrs Sawyer had quite a scare one
day last week when a man living about
6 miles north stopped at her home
drunk and took possession with a re
volver shooting so promiscuously that
she and the children took refuge with a
neighbor She thinks its no wonder
women are assaulted out in the country
as her experience proved that too much
red tape was necessary to have an officer
come to dislodge a drunken intruder
C M Lofton is pushing the work on
his new house and expects to have it
completed in time to plant corn
R E Lant traded teams with Tom
Relph last week
Jim Goodanberger of McDonald
Ivans formerly residing here was visit
ing with her mother and home folks
last week
George Lincoln and family and Bob
Kennedy and family of Cedar Bluffs
were visiting at Mrs Goodenbergers
last Sunday
The petition to divide school district
No 35 has created quite a stir in this
neighborhood and the end is not vet
The sad death of Charlie Randal cast
a gloom over the entire neighborhood as
he was well liked and will be greatly
missed The family have the sympathy
of all in their bereavement
Dont forget the Sunday school and
preaching service at the school house
next Sunday afternoon
Hard and Soft Paper
in convenient sizes for desk use in fig
uring and making notes at the Tribune
office Very reasonable price
Rozell Barger
Dennison Street
McCook Nebraska
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Now location just across rnC
street iu I Walsh building l H VVK
You Carry
on your life on your property
Why not insure yourself against
adversity in tho future by invest
ing your surplus funds in a bank
account Allow it to accumulate
until a time comes when you need
it badly that is when you will
appreciate its true worth
Just as tho valuo of your life in
surance increases as you grow
older so will your bank account
grow as you add to it weekly
monthly or yearly In fa t tho
possibilities of your bank ac ount
is limited only by your earning
and saving capacity
An account with this bank is
Good Insurance
The Old Reliable
22 Years in Business
McCook Nebraska
California Trip Now
Go Somewhere
Make That
Low one way colonist rates daily
until April 30th to Utah Cali
fornia Oregon Washington and
Winter Tours
To the south and Gulf resorts
daily until April 30th
Homeseekers Rates
1st and 3rd Tuesdays to Colorado
Big Horn Basin Montana and
The Big Horn Basin
Mr D Clem Deaver Landseek
ers Information Bureau Omaha
will personally conduct landseek
ers to this country the first and
third Tuesdays in April Write
Mr Deaver for information about
very desirable irrigated lands in
tho basin subject to homestead
under the big government ditch
or under private ditches 100000
acres of new basinland will come
under water in 1903
Business Openings
We have a list of excellent busi
ness chances in new growing
towns on Burlington extensions
gpt established early ahead of
the coming population Write
Mr Deaver
vicket Agent McCook Neb