The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 03, 1908, Image 5

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v r
In this space you will
see an announcement
which can not fail to
interest you if you have
an eye to buying upto
theminute merchandise
at moderate prices
this foreword and refer
here in The Tribunes
next issue for corrobora
tion as we will hav
some very special offer
ings which will claim
your inspection and ex
ert a meritorious pull on
your careful pocketbook
J H Qrannis
The McCook Tribune
One Dollar Per Year
m n
Suggestions for Painting I
DONT paint during wet or frosty
DONT expect good results when
you paint wet sappy or pitchy
DONT fail to shellac all knots
sappy and pitch spots
DONT be afraid to use PURE
linseed oil liberally in priming coat
DONT thin with or add anything
but PURE linseed oil except in
the following cases
On old work where the sur
face is in fair condition smooth
and hard use enough turpentine
on under coats to cut the gloss
During cold weather when
any paint is liable to crawl add
a little turpentine to under
coats Nothing should be add
ed to the last coat
- DONT spread paint too thickly
as it will surely check and blister
if not well brushed out
- DONT apply less than three coats
on new work Two are not
DONT hurry Allow plenty of
time for each coat to dry well be
fore applying the next coat
DONT use anything but
Hughes Crescent Cottage Paint
H P Waite Co
No 0
No 1
Time Card
McCook Neb
uiriiuiAi ii ni
No 175 arrives Mountain Time
No 17iiltiirtH
gzii Um1
iotr r m
oo a m
ir a m
912 I m
main link wkst ijiiaut
MoiiutniiiTimu 0W A M
1112 i M
8S0 r M
1025 a M
8rO a m
rTt I M
45 A M
SlocpiiiK limine ami reclining chair cars
seats fn o on tliroiiuh train Ticket soli
anil Imkkhcu checked to anj point in the United
Stutsor aiuidii
For infonnatioii timo tallies maps antl lifk
t call on or wntn li E loo AuiMit Mel ook
Nebraska or L V WakiIoy Oonoral Pibden
Kr At wit Omalia Nebraska
Conductor A L Knowland lias been
adding to the comforts and coin eniences
of his homo
1 S P WeoKs is now engineer of
maintenance of way instead of engineer
of the lines west
Three or four stock trains and a green
fruit special helped to ginger tilings up
a little on the division this week
Engineer IJlees has been assigned to
McCook lloldrego run and will make
his homo in lloldrege moving there
from Ovfjrd
Evtra gent Paul Jones now at
Hloomington and Miss Licile 13 Ough
of Benkelman wero married at Bloom
ington March 22nd
Trainmaster V M Weidonhamer had
the pleasure of entertaining his brother
Fred Tuesd iv The latter is now super
intendent on an eastern road
Fred Irwin of Pittsburg Kansas has
been visiting old times friends ac
quaintances and scenes this week lie
formerly was employed in the Burling
ton blacksmith shop hero
Conductor Martin and Engineer Scott
ran into the small end of the sixteen
hour law at Indianola last Sunday
evening and were compelled to tie up
there Another crew was sent down to
bring them in
The telegraph office at Hastings
depot has been closed from 7 a m to
7 p m and the yard office from 7 p m
tn 7 i m effect ive last Sunday Thus
the 9 hour operators law is gracefully
sidestepped and two less men are em
ployed there than formerly
There is some talk that the Rock Is
land will lease the Oberlin branch of the
Burlington If it proves to bo true it
would indicato that this company still
contemplates straightening their
through line to Denver Bloomington
Two carloads of Italians arrived in
the city Monday night and on Wednes
day April 1ft were started to work on
the section under the Jurisdiction of
Roadmaster Rosander on the west end
More workmen of that same nationality
are expected and the work of track-repairing
will be pushed with the usual
spring vigor
Trainmaster McKenna returned to
the passenger service this week mak
ing his initial trip on No GTuesday
evening Those effected by the change
are Foley who gets 13 and 14 King
goes on 2 and 3 Miller gets 15 and 16
Oxford to Red Cloud Brown to the
Oberlin line Line and Beale to the St
Francis branch and Quigley and Hack
et to freight service Quigley will re
turn to McCook and Hackett to Denver
An Outgrown Water Plant
That the old water plant is altogether
out grown in all respects scarcely needs
to be stated to McCook voters It was
originally installed simply to enable the
Lincoln Land Company to sell the town
lots Having accomplished that object
and realizing that the plant was out
grown and worn out and not wishing to
follow the water business further the
company sold out the plant to the pres
ent owners The largest pipe on any
street is six inches Part of Main street
is only four inches and part of it only
three inches Theres nuthmg but
three inch pipe on the whole length of
McDowell street whole of Monmouth
street the whole of Melvin street and
the whole of Manhattan street seven
Chester nave only mree uicu pmt U1
Marshall street only three inch five
blocks of Madison street only three-
inch the whole of Monroe street ex
cept one block has only three inch The
largest business building in town The
Palmer hotel has no water main within
two blocks of it larger than three inches
The whole of West McCooks water
supply for houses lawns and fire pro
tection is carried in a little three inch
nine clear from the railroad depot
That is 3000 feet before the first house
in West McCook is reached with a
stream of water only one inch larger
than a fire hose Such service is totally
inadequate from every stand point The
owners of such property as the three
story Palmer hotel are entitled to better
fira nrntPftinn from the city Fire in
surance rates will be lower when the
new city plant goes in with ample mains
not only for present population but lor
the expected growth of the future
Everything in McCook has expanded
except the water plant Perhaps it
would too but it cant It isnt built
that way Voters vote for a larger
McCook in every way Vote for the
bonds and for Meeker for city engineer
The Water Consumers League
Railroad Men Attention Please
The rumor is abroad loday and at
tnbutcd to its most plausible source
the watt r com pan that the railroad
officials will mh to it that every cin
ploc casts his vote against tin bonds
We do not believe the rumor for the
following reasons 1st The railroad
companies are studiously avoiding any
and all disagreements with the people
thanks to the wholesome presence of
the T R biir stick This is also evi
dent from their general instructions to j
their officials to keep hands otf from
local concerns 2nd The railroad com
pany has no imjiortant interest to be
affected by the voting or bonds by the
City or McCook as they pay only per
cent of the taxes raised in the city
Their interest in that way is very small
3rd The water company has attempted
so brazenly to rob everybody that it is
impossible to believe that the railroad
company could sympathize with them
in their etlorts to defeat the bonds The
railroad broke awav and built their own
waterplant to avoid being raised fromc
to Uc per 1000 gallons Can they blame
us for defending oflrselves against a
raise of more than 20c per 1000 gallons
We dont believe they do Jth e
dont believe the rumor because it is
several years too late in this Tree nation
jiosacssed of its secret Australian ballot
ntem to attempt to coerce a free
votet who casts his ballot in perfect
secrecy and freedom Therefore on all
accounts we reject the rumor and
whether it be true or not we rely upon
the manhood of free American citizens
to record their free and un trammeled
will at the polls next Tuesday in behalf
of the bonds and for Meeker for cit
Thk Watei Consumiks Lkacti
A Smooth Play Expos d
Vl wiitnr Inmnanvq ehestuuls are
pretty badly in the fire and in its elforts
to have them pulled out it has sought
to alarm the saloon men over the com
ing election and to make them believe
that their interests lie with the water
company It is time to say a word on
this subject right out in meeting The
Water Consumers League is
it is made up of people favoring
both the citv tickets It has no interest
in the campaign except for the oonds
and of course for the election of a city
engineer who would build a plant if
bonds are voted and that is C II Meek
er and not Charlie Kelley As to the
rest of the two tickets the Water Con
sumers League is not concerned There
fore it is in an impartial position and
can help all parties by stating that it
has been understood and agreed by all
sides chat there should be no saloon
fight Therefore the effort of the wat
er people to stir up the saloon men
against the bonds has nothing to go on
but the very apparent needs of the water
company to divide the people by some
subterfuge or deception as upon the
water question alone there can scarcely
be said to be two sides We trust this
non partisan statement of the case will
make it easy for all parties to vote for
the bonds and for Meeker for engineer
Water Consumers League
Garden seed in bulk lawn j
j grass flour and feed Call on j
DIOCKS On lULTiiriiiuu ancou uu
three inch pipe five blocks on
- I- t
C J Ryan
j iaai
Murder and Suicide
Mrs Matilda Nelson of Holdrege and
nine-year-old son were run over by train
12 last Friday morning and both in
stantly killed the tragedy occurring
about four miles west of Holdrege
Tbev were walking on the track and
as the train approached the mother
caught and held the struggling boy
until they -were struck down by the lo
comotive and perished under the wheels
It is believed the unfortunate woman
was insane from domestic and financial
worry the family being in straitened
circumstances and their small amount
of property being mortgaged by the hus
band who with a daughter had left
Sunday for California to visit his aged
mother who had expressed a desire to
see her son before she died
The woman and son were walking to
J N Hyder of Lincoln was the en
gineer driving the train
Conductor S E Harveys new home
opposite the Catholic church is now
coming on nicely
G L Burney has purchased the Mrs
Sarah McCarl dwelling just south of
the family residence
Claude Corey has begun the erection
of a modem and cosy home in the
northeast part of town
A new baby grand Mathushek piano
was installed in the high school assem
bly last Friday
Scott has strawberries Fone 30
Let Us Show You
our Wall Paper before you make
your purchase
A McMillen Druggist
McCook Nebraska April 3 1908
Notice i hereby Riven that Mitchell Brothers
a firm composed of J H Mitchell and d L
Mitchell have filed in the city clerks office
their bond and petition for a license to sell
malt spirituous and vinous Jujuors in the
building on lots 1 and 2 block 21 in the Second
ward of the city of McCook from May 1 1908 to
April 30 1909
Mitcheul Brothers Applicants
It 5 less work to buv
clothes TethdjrpA r
nnVt 1
Cofngfcr lJoJ bv
cMnbitnf Oftbics Co Chit
r J 1 f
K vf
If you dort efcre to do II of tli drudgery
of getti9 clothes rnade you will flgd If you
conje to us tlxt you cfcQ get every gfcrnjeijt
you 9eed II redy ndide tlt will fit you
fit is just s 9ecessry s nykterlsd AW
redy nde grrnetyts doit fit tlpe sxrre
Wle9 you buy get tle tailored
dd 90t dropped out injittaioi
iee low dpesply we c9 sell you grnjeijts
JI ready to put 09 pri9g Jackets 517 5
kid up Dress Skirts beauties 50 0
750 e9d 1000
Let us sve you tt dress trouble
You will be pleased witl tle qualities 9d
prices of our iunner underwear
If you want a Side Walk Curb
Stone or Cement Work of any kind
H N Rosebush
Successor to Rosebush Northrup PHONE RED 1 96
White House Grocery
New Library Post Cards
at The Tribune Office
Strawberries Radishes
Lettuce Celery
Beets Onions Tomatoes j
Ask Scott About It
Fone 30