The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 03, 1908, Image 3

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Coiiductoil by McCook W C T U
Tho cauao of tempornnco is certainly
making groat stridoH forwnrd in those
days A statement recently issued by
tho National Temperance society de
clares that considerably more than one
half of tho United States territorially is
governed by some Hort of prohibition
law JJolow Mason and Dixons lino
nearly overy community outside tho
largo cities has bocomo dry
Dkink a Dkbtkoykk Sir Frederick
Troves states that in tho march of tho
thirty thousand British soldiers who
wont to tho relief of Ladysmith during
tho Boar war those who wore tho first
to fall out were not tho fat or tho thin
tho young or old or tho short or tall
but those who drank So well marked
was this fact that tho drinkers could
have boon no more clearly distinguish
able if thoy had worn placards ou their
Tho Pullman Company has decided
to discontinue tho sale of liquor on its
cars in every part of tho United States
as soon as tho order can be put into
effect Such ordor has been sent out
from Chicago to tho various superin
tendents Profits have recently declin
ed materially because of state laws for
bidding its use within their linos Of
ficials of tho company say also that
thore has been a strong tendency in this
direction for years because of frequent
disturbances on trains because of free
U90 of intoxicants by passongers Ar
rangements aro being rapidly pushed to
carry into effect tho order By March
1st this will bo done in Pennsylvania
and soon following throughout tho
country Yet prohibition dont pro
Toppling prices in brewery stocks in
Ohio followed tho passage of a local op
tion bill by tho Ohio state legislature
Tho stocks had been weakened through
the deferring of dividends not one of tho
browing combines having declared a
dividend on January 1st This admit
tedly was caused by tho fear of impend
ing tomperanco legislation Tho de
crease in liquor consumption caused the
announcement from New York that the
Distilling Company of America had re
duced its output 23 per cent that tho
sale of champagne had fallen off 35 per
cent despite a reduction in the whole
sale price and that the increase in the
price of ingredients for the making of
beer had further weakened brewery and
liquor securities Chicago
We aro fighting drunkenness in this
country Drunkenness is not the most
dangorous thing about drinking though
wo sometimes think it is We are told
that only about one third of those who
drink in America become what is termed
drunkards but harm begins tho
harm when the man begins to drink
Alcoholism is chronic poisoning The
way is prepared for it with the first
drink It is what a man who drinKS
leaves to his posterity May God him
self aid the brave men and women who
are lifting voice and pen who are work
ing mightily for this great cause of
The power of the saloon as a director
of public policy is decidedly on the
The pupils of tho land almost with
out exception are open to those who
carry the gospel of the white ribbon
and tho unqualified praise of our organ
ization by the press far esceeds its criti
cisms Our long campaign of education
is finding its logical expression in the
present tidal wave of prohibitive legisla
tion and if the sons we have reared
sometimes forget that the weapons they
wield with intelligent and discriminat
ing power were forged in the fire of a
mothers prayers and admonitions the
result will be none the less to our honor
and glory
The Womans Christian Temperance
Union met with Mrs M B Carman
last Friday afternoon with a good at
tendance The interest and enthusiasm
increases with each meeting After
singing the hymn My Faith Looks Up
to Thee and a scripture lesson taken
from Gal 5M 2G prayers were offered
minutes read and the roll called and the
business taken up The president Mrs
Mrs J W Wimer made a few changes
in the officers The plans for the recep
tion for the new members were made
It will be held next Friday evening
April 10th at the home of Mrs Chas
Boyle Mrs Northrup was appointed
chairman of the reception committee
Mrs Carman on the program Mrs In
glis flowers Mrs Wimer refreshments
It was decided to postpone the next reg
ular afternoon meeting on account of
the evening reception The second and
fourth Fridays are tho meeting days
After the bupiness was finished the
meeting was turned over to Mrs Finity
who led a drill on parliamentary rules
On the 24th and 23th of April the coun
ty convention of tho Womans Christian
Temperance Union will be held in the
Congregational church Friday even
ing April 21th will be held the Ma
trons silver medal contest at the same
A Handy Receipt BooK
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at Thh
Tribune office
Ask to see the Strathmore typewriting
paper at The Tribune office
- SCk t w i w
Strong Probability That Trimmings of
Valenciennes Lace and Pink Rib
bons Will Soon Be a Thing
of the Past
Give me lingerie that Is buttonless
rlhhonlcss lacelcssand laundry proof
exclaimed an eminently practical
young woman Im tired of dancing
attendance on my underwear Life Is
too short Many other women have
come to the same conclusion since the
extraordinary run of Val lace and
pink ribbons which began with the
lingerie waist fad Every laundering
means a solid hour of mending torn
lace patching ruffles and running in
ribbons until women who have any
thing else in the world to think of be
sides the flufflness of underwear that
never shows anyway are giving it up
This reaction happened just at the
time of the no hips fashion when
everything that increases ones size is
reduced to a minimum and the result
Is the plain embroidered underwear
Many women are even abandoning the
dainty nainsook which they always
considered a necessity of well bred
life for long cloth This stocky ma
terial isnt so soft and pretty as the
nainsook but it is much finer than
ordinary cotton cloth and wears fully
as well Its said by some to stand the
attacks of a steam laundry better than
anything else yet found Some women
who will be dainty at any cost have
compromised by using cambric This
is especially good for long white petti
coats as it takes starch beautifully
As for trimmings primeval simplici
ty in effect at least reigns supreme
No more fluffy shoulder ruffles and
frills down the front The very nicest
underwear shows either the fine em
broidery or insertion and embroidery
combined and everything Is put on
flat For everyday wear nothing lasts
so well as the buttonholed edges and
French satin stitched flowers Women
who never did any hand work on their
underwear before are doing this work
now instead of setting on lace
I think it takes less time in the end
than continually mending fine lace
said one woman Some who begrudge
even this time on things that dont
show trim their underwear wholly with
narrow linen lace which stands laun
dering as though it were made of cast
iron This lace costs a bit more than
cotton but its a very little more and
lasts at least three times as long
In giving up ribbon trimmed under
year except for very best wear many
busy women have found a substitute in
narrow linen tape This can stay in
during the trips to the laundry and
comes out beautifully white It is a
good plan to catch these strings to
the beading or run in the middle of the
back to prevent them from pulling
Pale shades of mole color are much
in favor just now
They are most becoming and com
bine all the advantages of light and
dark tints in themselves They also
lend themselves to curious color com
binations For instance a mole colored
cloth skirt is trimmed with a curious
embroidery carried out in black dull
crimson and deep purple velvet This
is laid around the skirt in two bands
one at the hem and one just below the
knee The design is a black velvet
trelliswork on which lies the deep pur
ple miniature arum lilies having crim
son velvet pistils
The style of the dress is the still fa
vored Empire at the back where it is
caught up onto the bodice with small
bows of black velvet In front it is
drawn down to the natural waist line
and finished with unobtrusive folds of
mole colored silk
Physicians say that reading aloud is
one of the best of exercises
Be extremely careful these days
with grip rampant not to get the feet
which has been standing in a covered
pitcher can be poured over the lemon
and drunk before arising
While lemon and water is an admir
able drink for anyone who is nor
troubled with overacidity care must
be taken that it is not too strong A
slice or two of lemon or at the most
a half lemon is quite enough for a
tumbler of water
Do not think you are strong enough
to wear low shoes on the street in
winter It apparently may not hurt
you now but it is laying the seeds of
weakness that with the first heavy
cold or run down condition will bear
bitter fruit
The Fashionable Color
Violet sans doute is certainly the
most fashionable color of the day The
rage for this tint which strangely
enough does not emulate the modey
of the fragrant flower from which it
derives its name seems to increase
General Roadmaster Employs One to
Make Inspection Tour of System
Completing a tour of the lines of the
Cotton Belt in Texas In the companys
new motor car General Roadmaster J
J McCarthy of Mount Pleasant was in
Fort Worth Monday morning
The car No 2429 is of the largest
pattern seating nine people com
fortably is of the Sheffield shops and
cost about 1500 The Cotton Bolt
is one of the first Texas roads to pro
vide Its officials with such a car for
close Inspection work according to
the Fort Worth Record
I am finishing a tour of every foot
of Texas track of the Cotton Belt
said Mr McCarthy and have been
on tho trip for two weeks I ex
pect to finish it soon The car works
beautifully and not an accident has
occurred On the trip a motorman
has operated it and a conductor was
in charge as we received regular train
orders and operated as a special We
averaged about 20 miles per hour
Lll I I
Motor Car for Close Inspection
when traveling but could have made
better speed had it been necessary
Stops were made at every switch and
where every section or extra gang
was at work and the most minute in
spection made all the way I dare
say it was as close an inspection as
was ever made in Texas
The advantages of motor car in
spection becomes obvious By such
slow close inspection when stops can
be made at will and the inspector can
step out and scrutinize the tracks ties
switches roadbed etc no defect
should escape the eye and many
should be discovered that would re
sult in averting possible wrecks I be
lieve the motor has come to say and
that its usefulness will soon be recog
nized And not far off is the day
when motor cars for railroad inspec
tion will be generally conceded to be
The cost of operation is declared
greatly less than a special train
Designed to Open Up Rich Section of
the Country
Reports from Pekin state that the
railway between Tientsin and Chin
kiang is to be built without delay
This road one of the most important
links of the Chinese railway system
will be 600 miles in length and for
the greater part of its course will
parallel the Grand canal An agree
ment for the construction of this line
was signed by the Chinese govern
ment on the one part and by the Hong
kong and Shanghai banking corpora
tion Messrs Jardine Matheson Co
and the Deutsche Asiatische bank on
the other in May 1899 The syndi
cate was authorized to issue an
perial five per cent loan of about day
35000000 the actual amount to be
determined after the survey Internal
disturbance delayed matters Gener
al supervision was to be exercised by
a board consisting of five members
three members of which were to be
European and two Chinese
A quick construction of the line
would mean much Kiaochow will
when it is built be in direct rail com
munication with Berlin and Shanghai
Big Bill
agreed Devery
to tell the boohs when I was chief of
police and they came to me with their
hollers Its a good thing I says to
them and I dont see why you dont
get a million out of it But they were
always there with a foolish holler about
the horse coming in second and the
wire man getting away with the coin
Something like that was always hap
pening to crab the act The Aus
tralians were on their feet and edging
towards the door Oh dont hurry
hoys said Devery reassuringly I
aint on the job now Man named
Binghams tending to that work But
I was the best chief New York ever
had all right all right Must be
some mistake stuttered one of the
Australians No no offense 1 hope
Oh not a bit was Deverys cheerful
reply But I dont think Ill go into
it When I want to beat the book
makers Ill take a night stick
Carnegie Scotch Devil
I remember I attracted some
tention one day 1 was a telegraph
operator down in Pennsylvania said
Andrew Carnegie Over my head
was T A Scott that great railroad
man He was supposed to direct the
movement of the trains on that divi
sion giving orders at his command
I signed his name to the orders T
One day he was away The trains
were all late The eastern express
was three hours late The freight
boys were lying about the yard wait
ing for orders Remembering Nelson
I said to myself Death or Westmin
ster Abbey I began getting out the
trains signing all orders T A S
Then the chief came in
Come come Andy how did these
trains get out
Why I gave the orders I couldnt
sit here like a dummy with things
getting behind and all mixed up I
have given the orders many a time
with you standing over me I knew
what you would have done
Well he didnt approve at all of my
action to me But I heard him say
a day or so after to a big man with
little disapproval in his voice
Do you know what that little
white haired Scotch devil did the oth
er night He ran every train on the
division himself
That was the turning point in my
Of Henry James who to the dis
tress of many of his admirers is re
vising Daisy Miller the Portrait of
a Lady and his other early works
a Chicago publisher said the other
Here is something funny that hap
pened during Mr James visit to Phil
Two housemaids in the down town
house where he stopped were dis
cussing him
Hes a very finicky fussy gentle
man said the first
Indeed youre right he is the
other agreed warmly He caught me
using one of his razors one morning
by means of the Shanghai Nankin line to pry open a stiff window with and
which passes through Chlnkiang will kicked up an awful row Some folks
also be connected with North China
and Europe Great Britain and Ger
many being especially benefited A
most populous part of the empire will
be opened up to trade and mining and
other industries will be given an im
petus which will beneficially affect the
Wreck Narrowly Averted
An odd accident took place on the
hate a bit of fresh air
Baptized in Icy Water
Religion must cut a good deal of ice
down in Norristown Pa if reports
from there are true With the ther
mometer 12 below zero and a cutting
wind over the hills two girl converts
of the Mennonite church were bap
tized in Hatfield creek Rev Frank
Haws presided and stood in the lev
Jersey Central road that was full of water to his waist while Miss
possibilitles in the way of a wreck ence Smith and Eva Brunner walked
An empty locomotive was going to- down into the creek The ice was four
ward Jersey City running backward inches thick where the preacher broke
When running thus an engine is par- the hole for his newly acquired sheep
wet More colds are taken through ticularly likely to be thrown from the and his teeth were chattering while
the feet and ankles than in any other track for the light tender wheels he immersed the girls Meanwhile on
way ally mount the slightest obstruction the bank the congregation sang
It is not a bad idea to have a slice The engine ran into an old crosstie Christians if your hearts are warm
or two of lemon in a glass beside ones that had been placed squarely cross j Ice and snow can do no harm
bed In the morning cool water the rails by some would be train At the same time the girls say it
wrecker Instead of climbing the tie was mighty cold
and jumping the rails the wheels of j
the sank into the wood
tender deep 0ne of His peculiarities
ceased to revolve and slid the tie rm - t
along the rails in front of them
It was afterwards calculated that the
crosstie was pushed along in this man
ner for fully five miles before the
engineer found out the state of af
fairs and even then he only learned
that something was wrong by smelling
the smoke from the crosstie which be
gan to burn from the friction
Chinas Progress in Railroads
By a recent report it appears that
there are now 37 lG miles of railway in
operation in China 1G22 miles under
construction and still other lines soon
to be undertaken The total is yet
very small for such a huge country
but the progress of the last ten or 12
ears points clearly to a breakin
I iiicico nu uae m Liiuy lu
stand my husband Hes either the
politest or the contrariest man on the
face of the earth I dont know
What have you found out about
him now
Why when he sees one of these
1 advertisements or posters headed
Dont Read This he doesnt read it
An Achievement
And you dare to criticise the finan
cial ability of the government ex
claimed the energetic citizen
Im not criticising But I fail to
pee any extraordinary brilliancy
That shows how unappreciative
some people can be What other
down of the old objections to railways ernment has turned out S20 gold
rather than wane as the season ad aild Sives assurance of more rapid de- J hose luf went n to 30
VeiOpment m tne IUtUre mamc ui a uiuuui
Notice is heruli kicii that th Miisiiuc Torn-
nL I Pllli tit nJl vl I i 1
Deverys Idea of Dealing liclf incoinnuVu tllilicf t
with Bookmakers rouiry ot statu or the Mn of NlirnU Tho
priiiciiml plncu of transact iiik this Inminoss of
Mini corporation shall bo McCook Nibruskn
Big Bill Devery has told New York general naturo of the business to lm
ncteil by said corporation shall bo to piircliitho
now to heat a bookmaker a tip that mil estate in Mdook Nebnibku upon which
the town has been seeking for some ocTct u iliHiiK nml to furnish rooms in unci
JilliHK for MiiMime rooms for
r puriMisox
m 4 i ii
time Two Australian wire sharks olhces
store anil other mirKMN ami to erect
were Introduced to him under an as- ltrict 5J vtK irn bouse
ntio to leafco and
receive the rent of said build-
Slimed name as a sucker Who would iiik and maintain -aid oiteru house and receive
bite at a wire tapping idea After the xtttlliAf
scheme had been broached here is jro shares of sioio each which are to be paid
what took place I havent got any Ut each htihHTilier thereto VV1 V time f ondlrS
reauv monev Dovorv mused when thiill have been subscribed Tn i
they had finished outlining the scheme erCMlYi1mwl1sVtihubfcCritio1 irtUl
7 alter sum one share is duo and pajable until
But I suppose I COUld raise 10000 Or such subscribers total subscription is entirely
o on Mir furrti VolIU tint do t0r m TJiis corporation shall commence on tho
5r twentieth a of March li and its duration
Start Well of course Mr Devery -ball be perpetual The JukIuM amount of in-
if thats nil vnn pan raisi But villi or I the corporation
really ought to go to It for the house
and lot Its a swell chance to make
sat any time to siibiect iiself slml mt
two thirds of the capital stock Mibscribed 1 ho
iiiluirsof the corporation are to be conducted
b a President Mmlurv m
a fortune in a hurry I know it is treasurer who together with iie other persons
Tlnrc wlnr 1 iind mo siocK noniurs slinll
constitute the Hoard of Directors
M asovh Tiimiii icaft
H f L Kaiixksiock President
Attest Lon Cosi becretarj
H ri Rrown will take notice that on the 2th
daj of March M H Ii Horry justice of the
peace of lied Willow couut Nebraska issued
an order of attachment for the mum of sixt tuo
and fifteen one hiindredths dollars Clrn in
an action pending before him wherein John II
Ii ramus is plaintiff and US Hroun defendant
that property of the defendant consisting of
household woods ha- been attached under said
order Said cause was continued to the 2d day
of May lKIS at ijclock a in Dated March
Joirv If liiiisMi IlaiutiiT
McCook Nebraska March 27 1WK
Notice is hereby niti ii that M I Cljdo has
filed in the cit clerk- ollice hi- bond and ioti
tiou for a license to -ell malt spirituous and
liquor- in the building ou lot II block 21
in the Second ward original cit of McCook
rrom May 1st ISKJS to nril StHli 10011-3-27-31-
M I1 Ciwih Applicant
I ias as r fl jzm ill
State of Nebraska Red Willow county w
At a County Court held at County Court
Room in and for win County March tilth Utf
Present J C Moore County Judfte In the
matter of tho estate of K 1 Strode defonhod
On rendiiiK and Minn the petition of Etna
Ijello Dje primus that tho Instrument tiled ou
the 20th day of March M and purorlin to
be the last Will and Testament of the said de
ceased may l prowd approved probateL
allowed and recorded as the last Will mid Test
ament of the said K 1 Strode ileceriM d find
that the execution of said instrument may X
committed and theudmiinstratiouof said total
may be Kranted to her as execulns Ordered
that April 18th I WW at one oclock p m is as
siKiied for heariiiKsnid petition when all tor
foiis interested in said matter maj uniienr at iv
Comity Court to be held in and for said County
ami show cause why the pruir of etitioner
should not be rallied and that notice of the
tendency of said jK titiou and the hearuiK thoro
of bo iven to all por ous interested m wiii
matter bv publishing a copy of this order in tliA
McCook rnbuiie a weekly new paper printed
in Mild county for three uccesue v eks prior
to said day of heariiiK A true eop t27 tts
J C MooltK County JudKe
State of Nebraska Red Willow county -- In
the county court To all per nns interested in
the estate of Mary I ouerKa a deceased
Whereas John KCordeal ha- tiled m in oHice
a duly authenticated copj of an iii truinent pur
porting to be the last will and testament of
Mnrj A Lone ran deceased and of the jirolml
thereof in the county of Cook of Illinois
and a iKtitiou pnijiiiK that a time and place
may be set for hearing the same anil that said
last will and testament ma be admitted proi
ated allowed and recorded in Red Willow coun
ty Nebraska as the last will and textameiit of
Mary A Lotieruan deceased
It is here h ordered that Motula Afrit 20th
1WKS at one o clock p in be a mned for hear
ing said petition when all mt oiis interested
urn appear at my ollice in the city of McCook
in said county ami show cau e why the praer
of -aid petitioner should not be granted It is
further ordered that notice of -aid hearinn s
iiiwu to all per-on-interested in -aid matter by
iiuhli hiuK a copy of hi- order in the Mcook
iribuue a new -paper publt heil print ami
circulated in -aid count for three suo
week- pre to the la of -nil heaniif
Dated this 2ith day r March IVtW
SialJ J MouiiK County Iulc
Hiivo you over tried an
orasor Sei ono at Tiik
kuaho ink
TiClllLNK of-
The more simple a hat this tnoro
attractive But every line must be
graceful overy flower and feather
und piece of ribbon one harmonizing
whole In iegina hats you see thu
greatest possible amount of clever
ness thoy are the ParU hats of
The spring styles are certainly be
witching Of ilowors almost ieil of
chiffons wavy and light of ribbons
shimmery and soft Come in today
and pick one that suits your face the
Heros one of tho sweetest hats
shown this season Its a Kegina
and you know that means pmfectioi
of coloring and a fresh and charming
air The spring styles are ready to
greet vou todav
Fly Time Comin
Orders taken lor
or KNOwixi ucr
jwyw xxvvsj - a v v
zJ i
Sells the Best LUMBER AND COAL
Satisfaction Guaranteed
M O McCLURE Mgr Phone No 1
I f j
V A w J
t lv I
i k y Yih
j I f
f iv
I w t wr
M r S
I 18- 1
I - k i
8 1
The latest and niftiest
offerings in
109 West Dennison Street McCook Nebraska I
Spring Overcoats I
Come and see the leaders
in all garments for men
and boys
And the Prices
Are Right