The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 03, 1908, Image 1

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Temple and Opera House in One
Tlio mooting of tho stockholders
Tuesday ovoning with tho board of di
rectors of tho Masonic tcmplo craft gnvo
a distinct and porceptablo boost to tho
Mnsonic tcmplo ontorprise
It was tho quite unanimous opinion
and tho heartily expressed sentiment
that tho opera house proposition shall
bo incorporated with tho tomplo project
and tho board of directors was instruct
ed to proceed to tako options on desir
able and available real estato with that
decision in view
It was disclosod that about 3000 in
stock had already been subscribed and
of this amount 2000 has already boon
paid into the treasury This makes it
possible for tho board of directors to
tako stops to acquire tho requisite real
estate which will bo done at tho earliest
possible dato
This dotorminntion to make it a
house enterprise at onco gives
wido significance
tho project a community
cance Every citizen of McCook is
deoply interested in securing a suitable
modern adequate opera house Tho
proposition now before our people will
give McCook just such a noodod place
of amusement and public gathering bo
sides giving tho Mnsonic bodips lodge
facilities not excelled in this section of
Nebraska and tho city of McCook a
structure which will bo a credit to tne
city and a substantial ornament to its
Tho Masons of the city are now solidly
lined up for the enterprise and to make
it a quick and praiseworthy success it
now remains for tho enterprising citi
zens of McCook to join hands and purses
with tho fraternity in raising the money
for this splendid project United and
energetic work will realize our expecta
tions within a year
Join tho boosters Do it now
Give your stock subscription today to
any of tho following members of the
board of directors C L Fahnestock
Lon Cone C B Gray F M Kimmell
M O McClure L W McConnell II P
Sutton George Willetts orS S Garvey
indigestion constipation biliousness
sallow complexion and rnauy other
troubles result A person can not bo
nprfectlv well unless stomach liver
and bowels are kept in natural condi
McConnells Little Liver Pills
for the clogged
are a valuable remedy
condition They tone the liver stom
ach and muscular lining of the bowels
Renewed activity of these organs keeps
the digestion perfect and all waste mat
ter expelled from the system Price 25c
L W McConnell Druggist
Eighth Grade County Examinations
County examinations of the eighth
grade will be held at the school houses
in tho towns given below on the dates
Lebanon April 6th and 7th
Danbury April Sth and 9th
Indianola April 10th and May 18th
McCook at my office in the court
house April 11th and May 20th
Bartley April 13th and May 19th
Claudia B Hatcher Co Supt
39C 69C 99C
Our new deal in overalls gives you the
usual 50 cents quality for 39 cents a
great big 75 cents one for G9c and ts
finest thing obtainable for 99 cents
Jackets to match each price Ask your
neighbor about them The Thompson
D G Co Actual cash values
They Sell Sunshine
Yes we have it in all colors The
best varnish stain ever made Put some
Sunshine on that old recking chair or
book case and it will look like new For
sale at Woodworth Cos Druggists
Initial Emoossed Free
You can have your initial embossed
free on fancy box paper bought at Ilof
ers the up-to-date dealer in stationery
souvenirs and post cards Always pat
ronize tho old reliable
For Sale
160 acres of land three miles north of
McCook A good stock farm No build
ings For sale cheap Enquire Box
402 David City Neb 3 134
For the convenience of
those wishing to attend
banquet at Holdrege Apr
8th arrangements have
been made to run a spe
cial train leaving Mc
Cook at 10 a m return
ing the Same night All
are invited to go
Further Facts and Reasons
Very extravagant and
statements aro being mado by tho
agents and friends of tho water and
light companies as to tho advantages of
private oporation of plants over city
ownership Lot us oxamino a little
When tho city builds it will build ono
power house to shelter both light and
water machinery the private companies
maintain two Tho city will havo one
commissioner or superintendent the
private companies pay two Tho city
will visit your home onco to road the
water and light meters tho private
companies make two trips The city
wil havo ono book keeper for both
items tho private companies havo one
for each Tho city will havo its water
office and light office together in tho
city hall for which no expense will ac
crue beyond the present rent tho private
cnirmnnioq nav ront for two offices The
city will bo a larger buyer of fuel than
eithor of tho private companies thus
securing lower prices and more prompt
service Tho city will supply its own
hydrants will flush its own sewers
sprinkle its own park and streets and
light its own streets at simply the cost
of a little additional fuel instead of 4000
cold cash paid out to the two companies
Another point A now and
plant would do away with all shovelling
of coal as against the four times shovell
ing for the water plant and tho three
shovellings and ono climbing up ladder
and pouring coal from basket of the
light people Another point Instead
of several small electric generators which
aro wasteful such as tho light people
run tho city would install amply large
ones which run at greatest economy
These points show why the city may
reasonably calculate upon operating its
plant at smaller cost than General Halo
and tho water people have to stand
Vote for tho bonds and for Meeker for
city engineor
The Water Consumers League
Wonders cf the World
A large audience filled tho Presbyter
ian church last night to hear Presi
dent Turner of Hastings college in his
interesting and instructive illustrated
lecture on Seeing Switzerland The
new stereonticon which was used for
the first time last night and which has
been bought especially for the use of
tho science department of the college
and the church was in perfect working
order and the colored views were beau
tiful Dr Turner handled his subject
with ease and the familiarity of one who
was well acquainted with the scenes
which he described Dr Turner has
traveled quite extensively not only in
Switzerland but in many other Euro
pean countries and his lecture was in
terspersed with humorous bits of inci
dents of travel and historical references
that added much to the pleasure of the
evening The number present was per
haps greater than had been anticipated
and this fact alone speaks well for the
popularity of Dr Turner and the es
teem and favor in which he is held by
the people of Hastings Hastings Daily
Methodist church MondayApril I3th
Multiplied Sorrows
It is seldom that sorrow knocks so
often at the door of one citizen as has
been the sad case of John W Randal
who lives southwest of our city About
a moiith since he was called to Illinois
to bury his aged father Upon his ar
rival home he found his oldest son and
child Charlie very ill and this week
Monday the young man was laid away
in Calvary cemetery After the inter
ment and while at the home of Harry
Barbazette in our city a message came
from Illinois announcing the death of
his mother but circumstances preclud
ed his attending the funeral
The death of his wife not long
since will be recalled by Tribune read
Every heart goes out to him in this
succession of bereavements
Sunburn tan and the inflamed con
dition of the skin caused by the unusual
exposure used to spoil half the pleasure
of the summer outing Will spoil it
yet for those who have not discovered
the merits of
McConnell s Fragrant Lotion
This is a dainty healing lotion that
cures sunburn and tan in the shortest
possible time Use it before going out
doors and you will be immune to every
kind of complexion trouble It builds
up and protects the skin and keeps it as
soft as velvet Three ounces 25c
Fence Your Farm
with American hog and you can
make money on hogs at any price but
hogs are going high again
McCook Hardware Co
Grass flower garden and field seeds
at H P Waite Cos
McCook April 3d 1903
To The People ok McCook
Tho W C Leagues branding me as a wolf in sheeps clothing for
writing a letter on municipal ownership over my personal signature can
bo lightly passed over as amusing as it was assumed that the people aro
aware or would promptly learn that I am a stockholder not owner of
tho McCook Electric Light Co In fact my second letter stating tbo
companys position and published in the same issue as theirs was signed
as secretary of tho company j
I frankly admit a deep personal interest in this movsment to destroy
the investment in which myself and a few of my friends have put our
monoy some of us tho majority af our savings for years in purchasing
improving and increasing this plant
I must also plead guilty to tho accusation of not being a citizen or
McCook But is it the spirit of this city that outsiders who invest their
monoy in good faith in their enterprises havo no right to protect tnoir
interests by oven presenting arguments against the means employed to
drive them out of business Q
They rofer sarcastically to our reduction of rates from 20 cents to lb
cents per kilowatt hour mentioning only our maximum rate Would ic
not bo fairer to give the true and complete facts Our regular rates run
from 18 cents to 14 cents according to quantities specified in the circular
while larger meter and ilat rate customers go as low as 10 cents and street
lights yield less than 7 cents per kilowatt hour vf
Tho Weber Cos claim not guarantee to sell their apparatus that
current should bo produced at switch board for ono cent per kilowatt
hour is as all familiar with the subject know prosperous Iho accom
panying letter to them gives them a chance to make some money and rep
utation by demonstrating that they can do this for 4 cents per Kwatt
hour Even then such statements are misleading as the cost or ruei
even including station attendance is only a fraction of tho total expense
of furnishing electric light We must consider other labor water oil
repairs expense and loss in distribution of current linework reading and
adjusting meters rectifying troubles book keeping collections office rent
and expensos management and general incidentals and expense Jaes
must uot be overlooked even in a municipal plant as the city loses me
taxes paid by a private company A very important item not usually con
sidered or provided for in municipal plants is depreciation conservatively
estimated at 7 per cent to 10 per cent and representing 3 cents to 4 cents
per kilowatt hour delivered Then ordinary interest at least must ho add
ed It must bo considered that our load averages only two hours per
night or in other words we deliver only 2 kilowatt hours per nigut for
each 1 kilowatt capacity installed aud the total expense must bo divided
among this comparatively small output of kilowatt hours When all these
items are figured it is evident that at 7c to 18c per kilowatt hour at -customers
10c at switch board tnero
meters or lights we hardly average
is little or nothing left for profit or compensation for the work and worry
of running such an enterprise and which is expected in every line of
We have had a very moderate return on our investment some years
and not others and actually lost money last year on regular operation
which provided for by special i subscription
entirely outside of new installation was
scription by stockholders With our new plant better economy and an
ticipated increased business we had hoped even with the recent and
probable further reduction in rates to get a fair dividend on our
mnWe are willing to prove all the above statements by showing our
books and records to the mayor and council if they feel disposed to take
tho matter up in an impartial and business like way and determine wliat
rates are just to both tho investor and consumer
We request onlv a chance to live and let live
Very truly yours
Secretary McCook Electric Light Co
A Letter From Mr Carruth
Fort Morgan Colorado April 1 1903
Mr R L Childers
McCook Nebraska
Dear Sir
Replying to your letter of the 31st ult regarding the workings of our
Municipal Water and Electric plants here will say
First our water plant was installed about 1902 at the initial cost of
8 10000 obtained by voting bonds at that time It has been increased
from time to time by revenue derived by taxation and appropriation from
the earnings until now it represents a construction cost to the city of
With our sewer system we are just installing it makes it necessary to
with water mains that is not now
at once cover the balance of the city
covered that expense has just been approximated by our commissioner
at 823000
Our water rates as you know are all on a flat rate basis and compare
favorably with the surrounding Colorado towns the gross earnings for
the fiscal year just closed have been 87700 from this water department
When you were here all the water was pumped with those steam working
heads at a cost of about four cents per thousand gallons now most of it is
done with our electric motor at considerable less cost
The department for electric lighting was added two years ago when
the town was only able to vote 87500 bonds for that purpose but the en
terprising citizens advanced 82500 more without interest and took their
returns in light
A 75 K W generator and engine was installed in the water works
building using the boilers already there
The city at the present time is about half covered with service wires
and our generator is loaded the construction account shows an expendi
ture so far of 813360 with a debt of 84500 still owing on the original
The proposition is a paying one so far showing 82559 to the good for
the past eleven months of this fiscal Tear There is plenty of new busi
ness in sight but the city hasnt the means to reach out for the new busi
ness as I say the present generator is loaded and some provision will have
to be made before another winter just how that will be done remains to
be seen To cover the balance of the city properly with service wires and
add another generator and power of sufficient capacity would at least
double their present investment or make it close to 836000
I understand you are figuring on a municipal proposition in McCook
for lighting From what I know of the plant there when father sold it in
1903and what it has grown since the amount you propose for that pur
pose would not near cover your city It only had a 60 K W capacity
then and represented nearly a 820000 investment while now I understand
it is over three times larger
I trust this will answer all your questions if 1 havo missed any will
be glad to answer at any time
Suppose Fort Morgan will see you back here again some time for we
are surely going some Yours truly
Fred W Carrcth
In the spring time a boys fancy turns
to thoughts of love and cameras Our
Ansco camera gets the picture every
time you push the button A large as
sortment at all prices to select from
Woodworth Co Druggists
Last Saturday being Ella Rankins
38th birthday her friends prepared a
surprise for her and gathered at her
home in North McCook where a great
time is reported Miss Ella among
numerous other presents received a
gold watch from her parents
Wall Paper at McMillens
Hose direct from the factory at jobbers
prices McCook Hardware Co
Tho Gray Fitch barn on East Denni
son street has been purchased by Wil
liam Jeffries the well known horseman
of Palisade owner of Carter G Cecil
Leo and other racers Mr Jeffries is
the owner of the Beardslee dwelling on
Main avenue and will remove to
McCook at once to make his home
pj r
Death ot Charlie Randal
After suffbring during an illness of
four weeks Charlie Randal son of
John W Randal who lives southwest
of tho city died on last Friday ovoning
The remains woro brought to McCook
Monday morning where requiem high
maBS waB held in St Patricks churcti
Rov W J Kirwin O M I celebrant
After which intermont took plnco in
Calvary cemetery this city
The deceased was born in Illinois
November 25th 18S8 coming to McCook
with his parents in 1800 and living on
farms near this city until his death
March 27th 1908 Charlie was a bright
and promising young man and his
death is a sad and severe blow to tho
father and tho younger children of tho
devoted family
Wo wish to remember in great grati
tude and deep thankfulness tho many
kindnesseo and tho untiring assistanco
of friends and neighbors to whom wo
are indebted most profoundly in this
loss and sorrow
J W Randal and family
Demurrer Overruled in Water Case
The demurrer in the McCook Water
Works case was argued before Judge
Orr in chambers last Sunday The
judge overruled tho demurrer
Demurrers to tho amended petition of
the water company were made by both
the city and the mayor and city coun
cilmen IJoth wore overruled
Tho defendants were given to April
11th to answer and the defendants to
April 15th to plead
A special term of district court will
be held the latter part of April about
the 20th to try the case
In the meantime tho old 30 cents per
1000 gallons rate obtains
This decision of course will bo un
derstood by readers of The Tribune as
being in favor of tho water works comp
Were Married Last Evening
Mr Earl Notley of our city and Miss
Maude Wilson of Box Elder were mar
ried at the Methodist parsonage in Box
Elder last evening Rev Miller tho
local pastor performing tho ceremony
in the presence of tho relatives and
a few friends of the young people
Tho young friends at onco came to
their home in tho southeatern part of
the city where the neighbors and
friends had prepared a welcome and
refreshments for them which was the
more appreciated and enjoyed because
of being a complete surprise
The young friends are highly esteem
ed by many friends who havo for them
only good wishes and high hopes for
their happiness and prosperity
They will make their home with his
father J P Notley
Store Your Stoves
with us in a good dry room
HiRin and sot them un again
Base ball outfits
shape at little expense to you
McCook Hardware Co
Farm Loans
Go to Johnson Rozell
Seeds at H P Waite Co
Scott has strawberries Fone 30
McCook Hardware
Co J
Buy your flower field and garden
seeds at McCook Hardware Cos
Dr Hare examines eyes free and guar
antees satisfaction in fitting glasses
Rubber hose grass seed and all lawn
nrl rtntrtan cnnnlipQ nt II P Waite I
Alaska refrigerators are insulated
with pure charcoal They preserve food
perfectly II P Waite Co sell
Our almond and cucumber cream does
just what we say cures sunburn
chapped hands and all roughness of the
skin Woodworth Co Druggists
A small can of our Sunshine varnish
stain will make an old piece of furniture
lnok like new Put a little Sunshine in
your home For sale at C R Wood
worth Cos druggists
Spring hats the latest out all sizes
styles and colors -for men and boys
Nice line in now more coming Come
and rrr them We will please you and
make your pocket book happy at the
same time Rozell Barger
McConnells Balsam is the quickest
most harmless and most thorough cough
cure we know of We have made and
sold it for years and the increased sale
each year is evidence of its efficiency
L W McConnell Druggist
If vou are going to paint give us the
dimensions of your house and let us tell
you just what the material will cost
You can use mixed paint or white lead
and oil but get our prices before you
paint Woodworth Co Druggists
Seeds at H P Waite Cos
A homo bank a sul
tial bank and a growing
It aims to be abreast of
tho times and still bo con
It morits your confi
dence and invites your
business whether you aro
a depositor or a borrower
Walsh President
C P Lohn V Pros
C J OBrien Cashr
McConnell for drugs
Baseball goods at Hofers
Scott has strawberries Fono 30
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
If its meat you can got it at Marshs
April 1st is the dato
gaily get busy
n ells drug store is
Americas best
tho assessors lo-
Prunes in 25 pound boxes at 8225 por
box Hubers
chapped hands
Fragrant Lotion for
New lino of leap year Bryan and Taft
post cards a Hofers
See that attractive display of Easter
post cards at the Bon Ton
Huber is still selling Wedding Break
fast Collee You know the brand
Anything everything in spring caps
Rozell Bargkr
Kodaks and kodak supplies
L W McConnell Druggist
Godfrey it Co aro operating a feed
mill See them for feed of all kinds at
right prices
When down town eat your noonday
lunch at tho Bon Ton Homo cooking
Prompt service
Rozell Barger the leading clothiers
can have your Stetson hats reblocked
for you good as new
Welleretto cigars sold only in drug
stores the best 5 cents will buy For
sale at Woodworth Cos
Our Colorado peas corn etc are as
near perfection as it is possible to ap
proach in canned goods Huber
A G Bump room two over
for some of
Consult him
Special services at tho Congregation
al church Sunday evening April 5
Subject of sermon On Trial for Life
by the pastor- Music by tho choir and
We have them galore spring caps for
men and boys in all sizes every color
latest and nobbiest styles Come in
and see them We will please you
Rozell Barger
The nicest and most up-to-date line
of mens oxfords including tans patent-leather
vici kid gun mettle in
button blucher buckle all the lateBt
shapesyou will find at Diamonds fami
ly shoe store on West Denmson street
It is no small matter to decide on tho
patterns you may wish to use in prepar
ing your home this spring We can give
you great aid at our store by showing
you our new line and late styles Its a
tor us to do so uau ana see
Woodworth Co
The Christian Endeavor subject for
next Sunday evening in the Congrega
tional church is The Men Whom God
Accepts Psalms 21th chapter Con
secration meeting Arthur Randel
leader All members are urged to be
present and all young people are in
If you get hold of a poor paint it will
be a year or two before you find it out
and your time and money have been
The Sherwin Williams Paint
is strictly high grade and none other
withstands the weather so well Sold
by L W McConnellJDruggist