The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 27, 1908, Image 8

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- L f S I I
McCook Markets
Merchants and dealers in McCook at
noon today Friday are paying the fol
lowing prices
Corn G3
Wheat S2
Oats 45
Rye GO
Barley 60
Hogs i 20
Butter good 25
Eggs 12
rj -
i is
iyr V fi
I I -X f Avitg
The latest and niftiest
offerings in
Spring Overcoats
Come and see the leaders
in all garments for men
and boys
And the Prices
Are Right
The Culbertson Nursery
Took form in the year 1901 and has been in existence ever since
I take tills manner of offering a catalogue to the public and would suggest to
all Interested to cut this out of the paper and hang it up for future reference While
it is brief it is specific in naming the tribes sorts and especially adapted fruit trees
forestry shrubs and bulbs absolutely known to be adapted to this country If you
wi send me an order with the money or not at all 1 will give you notice of ac
ceptance set a day ahead for delivery and the trees shall in no wise be in trans
portation longer than six hours
Information for Your Benefit
All agents are paid a salary ranging from G0 to 100 a month and expenses in
effect 25 per cent of the value of the amount of stock solid and delivered by them
Said agents tell you all things are good for all men therefore help yourself and we
will replace your losses free of charge indefinitely and otherwise I save you this
discount and there is no misunderstanding between you and the agent you deal
with me direct
vncHHIES Any Variety
inch and up two year 40c
inch to two year 25c
j to lvo j Giir bOC
5i calaper means six feet to 94 calaper means four feet in height V to
calaper means three feet high This applies to all fruit trees
E Richmond E Iorrilla Montmorency Ordni
PLUMS American Native Drafted
Japanese varieties not good in this climate
inch and up 25c
to 30c
f and up 27c
Best varieties Hogeye Big Red North American Dwarf Desoto and Wolf
Stoddard and Lumbardi the largest grown of Ameiican type strongly recommended
to plant
PEACH TREES Any variety five foot 17c apiece Sneed early Alberta me
dium Champion later North China type surest and best varieties
PEAR Of which there are only two varieties worthy of planting B dAnjou
and Louis Bonnie Five feet high 35c each
APPLES Any Variety
4 inch and up 15c
s inch and up 12 c
2 inch and up 10c
Any variety Dutchess of Oldenburg summer Wealthy summer Wine Sap
fall Ben Davis winter Jonathan winter Northwestern Greening winter Rolins
Janette Utters Red Arkansaw Black Mcllahams Black and any other variety
CRAB APPLE inch and up Whitney Florence Quaker Siberian Hyslop
30c each
GOOSEBERRIES Houghton Downing Pearl Smiths Improved Industiy two
3car plant 200 per dozen Oregon Champion my own creation the most produc
tive and the largest Gooseberry combine known to be in existence producing five
times more than any other variety two year plants 100 each or 1000 per dozen
GRAPES Concord two year 100 per dozen 300 per hundred Proctlington
two year 200 per dozen or 450 per bundled Alivira white grape perhaps th
lienrtiest grape and the most productive grown 200 per dozen or 400 per hun
dred or any other variety at corresponding prices
CURRANTS Fays Prolific Red Dutch London Market are the three best
known varieties 125 per dozen
STRAWBERRIES Senator Dunlap Daubauch Crescent Jack Gardener Sharp
less are the best known compound to plant fertilinzing each other 73c per hun
dred 700 per thousand
JUNEBERRIES 100 per dozen or 250 per hundred
KANSAS BLACK CAP RASPBERRIES 73c a dozen or 250 per hundred
BLACKBERRIES Greggs Stones Hardy Snyder 150 per dozen or 350
per hundred
Strawberries Currants Blackberries Gooseberiies Juneberries Raspberries
None of these are replaced if they die
10 foot 73c
MAPLE Same price as Elm
HONEY LOCUST Same piice as Elm
Ten feet high all 01 them 50c each s teet nign oOc eacn 0 leet mgn 2ue eacn
FORESTRY SEEDLINGS lC inch Catalpa 100 per hundred 900 per thou
sand Honey Locust 12 inch 70c per hundred 600 per thousand Black Locust
lS inch 75c per hundred 300 per thousand Boxelder lS inch 75c per hundred
700 per thousand Maple lS inch 75c per hundred G00 per thousand Cotton
wood 40c per hundred 350 per thousand Augustive Folio 150 per hundred
1200 per thousand California Privit lS inch SOO per hundred American Arbor
vita Americanas SOO per hundred
ROSRS Crimson Rambler climber blood red two-year-old lS inch top 60c
General Jack red 40c Margaret Dixon white 40c Paul Nyron deep pink large
rose in cultivation sure to bloom in thirty days 40c Prince D Rohan almost black
stiong grower blooms often in the summer 40c
Q des Alps snow white 40c Baby Rambler blood red These two roses bloom
in thirty days without intermission until frost
PEON AS Whole root which insures to bloom the first year any color 100
separated roots which will bloom in three years any color 40c
DAHLIAS Choice colors 25c each
Hearty Flowering Shrubs all that are worth planting in the state Lilacs 35c
each Snowball 50c Spr Vanhoutii or Bridal Wreath 40c each Beachtells Flow
ering Crab perfectly haidy a thing of beauty four feet high 50c Althea varigated
three feet high at 5c any of the Clematis two yeais old 50c each
KOSTERS GRAFTED BLUE SPRUCE The heartiest and the handsomest and
the longest lived tree that grows 500 each three feet high and money refunded
thiough the medium of sight draft in ten minutes after it is dead for twelve whole
After twelve years of experience with the Augustus Folia I say to you that it
will stand more drouth with less cultivation endure more hardships uninjured by
hailstorms or anything else rapid in growth makes good hedge makes a good
shade tree and makes good timber grows to 10 inches in diameter in twelve years
exceeds any tree that is planted in the United States for the much needed useful
ness of any tree grown Come with me and try a half dozen three to four feet
high at 20c apiece
These trees are not grown by irrigation and if they do not live I will replace theinat half
price until they live If sou have any doubts as to my responsibility or truthfulness write to
any man in Hitchcock counts Nebraska and lwill abide bj what he says Remember there
will be no flap doodle or jingo discussions created by tree atrents manipulation or ambiguous
statements You will tell jour troubles to me direct and thereby find out whether sou want to
continue business with me
Thisjcatalogue suggests to you the varieties to plant backed b the experienced te ts and
propose and pledge ourselves to replace sour looses at half price and the transportation which
you must paj
We further supply any article in nursery stock listed in any other catalogue in anv size or
ariety sou may desire at the samo discounttind guarantee and replace at half price We hao
manythings in stock not mentioned for want of space and unnecessary expense of incorporating
them in this catalogue
I call the attention of the people of McCook to this fact that you can buy of me any house
plant any tiling in shrubbery and call me by phone No 105 at m expense 1 am at the door of
jour homes
Culbertson Nebraska
Look Look Look
and see what we have this week
A 14 inch No 2 Star plow or hbter lay
fitted and sharpened on anv plow or
lister for 5275
G W Predmore Sons
Phone 197 residence 3605
Have You Houses To Rent
Then you should be supplied with
rent receipt books The Tribune has
just what you want compact and com
Where Idols Are Eaten
At certain seasons In some parts of
India It Is the duty of every devout
person to eat a special sort of confec
tlonerj Every confectioner in Octo
ber for Instance has a pole about six
feet high at his door and to this Is
nailed a great hook about a foot long
and thick in proportion On one side
of this is a brisk fire with a huge
earthen pan on it Before the pan a
man may be seen sitting for nobody
stands when he can sit with a kind of
wooden ladle and with this he briskly
stirs a quantity of bubbling black
looking sugar till it becomes quite
tough He then scrapes It together
and puts it on a piece of board to cool
a little and then getting up and dex
terously throwing It on the large hook
he begins to pull out the tough sub
stance He draws it out to the length
of four or five feet at a time and throws
it back and elongates it again and so
he manipulates it till the mass becomes
as white as snow This composition so
treated is manufactured in ail sorts of
sacred forms figures of little idols and
gods and is eagerly bought for con
sumption Strand Magazine
Ink Froze on the Pen
The winter of 1G83 4 In Europe still
holds its place as one of the most se
vere and remarkable on record So
tremendous was the cold that trees
split asunder with deafening reports
The strangest sight of all was on the
Thames Here on more than a ft
thickness of Ice a thoroughgoing t 1
of streets was erected There re
tailors shops butchers shops tobac
conists printers and Indeed many oth
er businesses all being carried on as if
they had stood there for years
Writing anywhere but near a large
Are was impossible as the ink froze In
pot and on the pen whole barrels of
liquids were frozen solid and wine was
sold In one pound blocks New bread
on being taken out of the oven would
immediately stiffen and become solid
There were hundreds of deaths from
the cold and throughout the frost the
poor suffered miserably Pearsons
Little Great Men
A Chinese who had long studied the
works of Confucius who knew the
characters of 14000 words and could
read a great part of every book that
came in his way once took it into his
head to travel into Europe Upon his
arrival at Amsterdam his passion for
letters naturally led him to a book
sellers shop and as he could speak a
little Dutch he civilly asked the book
seller for the works of the immortal
Xixofou The bookseller assured him
he had never heard the book mention
ed before Alas cried our traveler
to what purpose then has he fasted
to death to gain a renown which has
never traveled beyond the precincts of
China There Is scarce a village In
Europe and not one university that Is
not thus furnished with its little great
men Oliver Goldsmith
First American Play
The first play written by an Ameri
can produced in this country according
to the Philadelphia Public Ledger was
the tragedy The Prince of Parthia
by Thomas Godfrey which was
brought out at the Southwark theater
in the Quaker City in April 17G7 by
Lewis naliams company the first or
ganization of players to visit Phila
delphia Godfrew was an ambitious
young poet who died at an early age
His play was above mediocrity and an
important part of the volume of his
works published in 17G5
A Uae For His Obituary
A well meaning and conscientious
editor on being shown by the man
most interested that the death of the
commandant was falsely reported in
his paper apologized profusely and of
fered to make it all right
Well print a correction at once he
Well said the man who wasnt
dead perhaps it would be better to let
it stand Ill show it to my friends
when they want to borrow money
Painful Etiquette
The royal court of France used to be
a great place for etiquette Louis XIV
once caugljt a severe cold owing to
the fact that on his arising from his
bed one coid morning the lord of the
chamber whose duty it was to hand
him his shirt happened to be absent
Not one of the numerous courtiers
present had the courage to trangress
etiquette by handing the garment to
the shivering monarch London Scrap
I cant jrive you an opinion on that
question the statesman replied be
cause its a question I pay no attention
to I am indifferent to it as indiffer
ent as the backswoodsmans wife
That lady jou know looked on while
her husband had a fierce hand to hand
tussle with a bear and afterward she
said it wsrs the only fight she ever
saw whero she didnt care who won
Going On
A terrible u of thumping and
stamping crme irom Bobs room early
one morning
Bobby Bobby called his mother
from downstairs what is going on
tip there
My shoea replied Bob
One Drawback
Olive What an improvement it will
be if the tiLie ever comes when every
body can get a seat in the street cars
Violet Oh I dont know A girl would
never be sure then that she was pretty
Some children act as if it were a
constant surprise to them that their
parents had the excellent taste to pick
them out Nantucket Inquirer and
Wall Paper at McMillans
Seeds nt II P Waito Cos
Easter post cards Bon Ton
Seeds at II P Waito Cos
Everything in drugs McConnell
Picture framing The Ideal Store
Miss Harrison nurse Phone black 286
Fruits of all kinds at all times at
The lady equestrians were out in
forco Sunday afternoon
A daughter wns born to Machinist
and Mrs Fred Landberg Monday
McCook Hardware Co sells seeds of
every kind all fresh No old junk
Dr Hare examines eyes free and guar
antees satisfaction in fitting glasses
Apples 8125 per box White House
Grocery Ask Scott about it Fone30
Fresh lettuce celery cauliflower
rheubnrb etc constantly on band at
Double - strength Heinz vinegar
imitated by all equaled by none for
sale by Magner Stokes
Magner Stokes keep their grinder
going some these days and have plenty
of ground bone for chickens
By Lo Talcum powder is still the
leader Have you tried it McCon
nell sells lots of it every day
If it is from Marshs its the best ob
tainable Anything and everything per
taining to the moat market business
Last week B F Eohrer of Indianola
bought some land near Cambridge and
will make it a fine hog ranch The
price paid was at the rate of 155 00 per
A small can of our Sunshine varnish
stain will make an old piece of furniture
look like new Put a little Sunshine in
your home For sale at C R Wood
worth Cos druggists
In the spring time a boys fancy turns
to thoughts of love and cameras Our
Ansco camera gets the picture every
time you push the button A large as
sortment at all prices to select from
Woodworth Co Druggists
Rare artistic skill is displayed on the
myriad of wall paper patterns we are
showing this spring It doesnt cost
much to have these fresh bright papers
on your walls Let us show jou
L W McConnell Druggist
Spring hats the latest out all sizes
styles and colors -for men and boys
Nice line in now more roming Come
and see them We will please you and
make your pocket book happy at the
same time Eozell Barger
Every lady should have one of those
new bags at McConnells Largo as
sortment of the latest style high classed
bags Bags in various colors suitable
for any suit and all occasions
L W McConnell Druggist
The Womans Christian Temperance
Union met Friday March 20th with
Mrs Rev Burton After opening of
meeting it was decided that the union
meet every second and fourth Fridays
of each month Mrs Burton then took
charge of the bible study after which
meeting closed to meet Friday March
27th at the home of Mrs Carman
Carpenters Attention
Tou can now obtain from us a very
good weight and quality union made
blue denim bibb overall and jacket to
matchjfor the very low introductory price
of 39c each Now dont jump to the con
clusion that they are good for nothing
because the price is unheard of Come
and see them Of course we have better
overals too The Thompson D G Co
Stock Taking- Is Brisk
Those having the matter in hand re
port that stock taking in the Masonic
temple enterprise is brisk and there is
a feeling of considerable satisfaction
over the way the proposition strikes a
popular sentiment in the city even out
side of order circles
Going- to Cook With Gas
Then get the Original Detroit Jewel
Gas Eange at McCook Hardware Co
made in the largest stove factory in the
world We put them in and guarantee
Its strictly against the law to rake
in the garden or yard without one of
The Thompson D G Cos sunbonnets
We make it easy though theyre mostly
25c and unusually good this year
Will Elect State Delegates
Next Wednesday in this city the five
Woodmen lodges of Red Willow county
by their chosen delegates present will
select delegates to the state meeting
April 5 G
for Sale
160 acres of land three miles north of
McCook A good stock farm No build
inS For sale cheap Enquire Bos
102 David City Neb 3 134
Long- Aprons 65c
Made from Simpsons and American
prints The Thompson D G Co
American A Grain Bags 20c
at The Thompson D G Co Actual
cash prices
Jack for Sale
Good record will trade for horses
cattle or land I M Smith McCook
Neb 2 23 tf
- I
We Always Get More or
Less Wind in March
and this condition is contagious That is why we talk so
mnnh ainf mr implements But there is something to
talk about in GOOD IMPLEMENTS
For Sale Alfalfa seed
J P Helm Red Willow Neb
For Sale Six room house at 706
Manchester street modern Inquire of
E Hanson
Wanted Twenty first class milch
cows Phone Cherry 36S1 Eiken
berry Clark 3 6 4ts
For Sale Rose comb White Leg
horn eggs 15 for 75c Mrs C C Har
less phone black 300
Dressmaking and
home or will go out
from 630 to 830 p m
In tyre -3-13 4
plain sewing at
Phone Red 2S9
Mrs F R Mc-
Sewing done at moderate prices sat
isfaction guaranteed plain sewing pre
ferred Mrs Phillips three blocks east
of Bee Hive phone black 103 3-13-4
State of Nebraska Red Willow county -
U a County Court beld at the County Court
Room in and for aid County March 2th KJ8
Pre ent J C Moore County Judte In the
matter of the e tate of E J btrode deceased
On reading and filing the petition of Etna
Belle Dje prajinc that the In trument filed on
the2rth dav of March KOS and purporting to
be the last Will and Testament of the said de
ceased may be proved approved probated
allowed and recorded a the lat Will and Test
ament of the -aid E J Strode deceased and
that the execution of aid in trument may be
committed and the administration of -aid estate
ma be granted to her as executrix Ordered
that April istn IMo at one o ciock p m i as
signed for hearing ajd petition when all per
sons interested in said matter may appear at a
County Court to be held in and for said Counts
and show cause why the prajer of petitioner
not be granted and that notice of the
pendency of -aid petition and the hearing there
of be gheu to all persons interested in said
matter bv publi hing a copy of this order in the
McCook Tribune a weeklj newspaper printed
in said county for three successive weeks prior
to said day of hearing true copy
J C Moore County Judge
McCook Nebraska March 27 190S
Notice is hereby given that M U Clyde has
filed iii the city clerks oflice his bond and peti
tion for a license to sell malt spirituous and
vinous liquors in tho building on lot 3 block 21
in the Second ward original city of McCook
from May 1st 1WS to April 30th 1S09
M V Cude Applicant
For instance
The John Deere Discs
with six bearing and wood boxings and all made heavier
ihan others bnt well balanced so you can put them down
to the axles without weights and then the
John Deere Listers
made with extra heavy frame nd equipped with the Edge
Selection Drop which is the most accurate drop made
which has been proven by tests made at the NEBRASKA
Farmers Are Looking
for comfort for themselves and horses which they justly
deserve and with our
Tongue Trucks and Harrow Carts
you can get it besides getting something for service and
made to last as they are fitted with dust proof boxings
and hard oil caps which you know is right But in speak
ing of good things ask your neighbor what he thinks of his
New Moline or Weber Wagon
with clip gears ent or sawed felloes poplar boxes made
to run easy and all wheels
Boiled in Oil
to stand heavy loads and dry country and for the present
we are selling 8300 wagons for 7300 This means you
save a
Ten Dollar Bill
Our sale on buggies is progressing nicely and people
are taking advantage of the opportunity to
Save 500 on Buggies
until April 15 But speaking of the wind how about that
Eclipse or Dempster Wind Mill
that you expect to buy and probably a steel tcwer
carry tnem all in stock ana
their proper working Also
put them up and
Fairbanks Gasoline Engines
for all purposes nd we are not forgetfnl of
The Womens Needs
and have the best line of Kitchen Ware ever shown at
baugain prices Think of
Enameled Wash Basins 15c
which you usually pay twice as much for We want the
women to call at our store every time they are in town
as we will always have something to show them how they
can make their butter and
Money Go Farther
and that is what we are all looking for
Phone 31 R b simmons
m itJl iiJir ijjmwjpwii ijm 11 ii i
KM7VnCKnPtliJIkmwrwm -- wwymyp j f timmp p jjm J
Seeds at II P Waite Cos
State of Nebraska Red Willow county Jn
the county court To all persons interested in
the estate of Mary A Lonergan deceased
hereas John b Xordeal has filed in my oflice
a duly authenticated of
copy an instrument
porting to be the last will and testament of
Mary A Lonergan deceased and of the probate
thereof in the county of Cook state of Illinois
and a petition praying that a time and place
may be set for hearing the same and that said
last will and testament may be admitted prob
ated allowed and recorded in Red Willow
MrlirarSkaaiUeIatwillaud testament of
Mary A Lonergan deceased
omvWLred tlat Monday April 20th
1WS at oue o clock be
p m ass gned for hear
ing said petition when all persons interested
aiPPear at ny nico in the citv f McCook
in said county and show
cause why the prayer
of said petitioner should not be granted It is
further ordered that notice of said hearing be
gn en to all persons interested in said
matter bv A
pubhshmg a copy of this order in tho S
Tribune a newspaper published
circulated in sUd county for threV successive
weeks previous to the day of said hearing
Dated this 26th lJos
dav of March 27 3t
lhEALJ J p Moque County Judge
H S Brown will take notice that on the 20th
day of March ij8 H
H Berry justice of the
peace of Red Willow county Nebraska issued
an order of attachment for tne sm of sixtv tlvo
and fifteen one hundredths dollars iSP 15 Tin
an action pending before him where n John H
iVf 5 anH anH -S Brown defendant
property of the defe d t S
household goods has been attached under said
sK - I -
Site SSF
r aft i -
of Jhv 1 Sq- Yalcontinued to the 2d day
Datcd Marc
John- H Grannis Plaintiff
Say you saw it in The Tribune
flf - --
5 l
tCtrf - -5
r a L
- -
Rozell Barger
Dennison Street
j McCook Nebraska
p Jl