The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 27, 1908, Image 2

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i jfttfrulc pfae
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Will tho city council just kindly ro
5al that
ordinance Or oinbalm it
Whon virtue morality good govern
ment tho bottor things of life run up
against tho balance Hheot thoy usually
iavo a pretty tough timo of it
With each days tilings of real estato
Sransfors western Nebraskas list of un
expected woll todos grows Some are
born others acquire still others have it
ihrust upon thorn
That small stunt of lloratius at tho
Sjidgo and of Lconidas and his iminor
tain at Thermopylae may bo O K as
matters of historic dato or mythological
moment but thoso ancient boys cut
sorry liguro besides our modern heroes
Ihn popular high school baso ball and
foot ball deities
Not a few have mistaken a small pay
streak of smart ahekism for genius
nd perhaps realized more dust
-3 lady friond complains that season
able hats are not psychological that
they are dosignod moro to suit tho
than with regard to physiog
aorny Wo can follow the sister on tho
Tsycho tack O K when wo see some
dear little bud courageously essaying to
acaintain equilibrum under one of tho
iite and monstrous creations but wo are
a rank quittor on the monetary aspect of
ihe proposition
Its hard to maintain your full quota
yi christian graces when your wife in
3sts upon trying to imitate a now and
intricate style of coiffure she has seen at
She Whist club after you have retired
seJ the clock in tho steeple has struck
Important If True
Red Willow county had tho distinc
tion of sending tho only anti Taft de
tection there was in the republican
stftts convention Hayes Center Ro
But it isnt true
The probabilities are Victor Rosewater
had nothing to do with causing the Oc
Oiber panic newspaper brethren
rfcLDRKGR temperance people have
Eomiuated a city ticket and raised a
campaign fund of 100 to forward tho
The next session of the Southwestern
Nebraska Dental association will be
held in McCook at a dato to be de
Thi public accountauts and auditors
3 the state have formed an organiza
tion with J M Gilchrist of Omaha as
The liquor interests of Nebraska will
do well just now to sing low to be con
spicuously modest in their conduct and
general demeanor A show of ugly re
sistance a too free hand in the muni
cipal elections over the state in their
asual and familiar tactics will but
iring down the sooner the inevitable
and irresistible wave of temperance now
weeping the land
rfesitASKAs Congressional delegation
doas not allow its modesty to interfere
jrflb business especially when the item
of business is the seeking of official ap
pointments for constitutents The
comptroller of the currency and the gov
printer are the particular
plums now involved and for which the
delegation is unitedly and vigorously as
Tailing the patronage tree
ZbsiKG the figures of the railroads
bDm3elves their total business for 1907
Including tho October panic and suc
ceeding months exceed the total busi
ness of the roads for 190G by many mill
ions And tho Jway business hag been
porking up this month makes the gener
al outlook for business in all lines much
orcors encouraging especially in the
7estr where the effect of tho stock
gambling panic in Wall street was but
slightly felt
Five From Holdrege Citizen
33t2ier Dunlap of the City National
apsnt Tuesday looking after busi
ness matters in McCook
Edith and Earl Parsons went to
McCook Friday afternoon and visited
vrith friends until Monday morning
Mrs W II Waugh and Mrs Dr
ampbell of Lebanon visited over Sun
day with their cousins Mr and Mrs W
61 Hunt
Mr and Mrs Steve Campbell of
McCcok aro visiting this week with
rclatiyes inthe city She will stay
Jiere while he will spend a part of the
-reek looking after business matters in
No 2 went east Tuesday morning
rith a crippled engine one of tho
spring hangers having given away
9rhch lot tho other end of tho spring
cone squarely up against the boiler
The train was delayed somewhat but
the engineer thought it could be patch
ed up enough to get into Hastings
When Actors Play te Actors
When he Henry Irving- engaged me
to play Ophelia In 1878 ho asked me to
go down to Birmingham to see the
play and that night I saw what I shall
always consider the perfection of act
ing It had been wonderful In 1S7 1 in
1878 it was far more wonderful wrote
Ellen Terry in McClures It has been
said that when he had the advantage
of my Ophelia his Hamlet improved
I dont think so lie was always quite
Independent of the people with whom
he played The Birmingham night he
knew I was there lie played I say it
without vanity for me We players
are not above that weakness if it be a
weakness If ever anything Inspires
us to do our best it is the presence in
the audience of some fellow artist who
must in the nature of things know
more completely than any one what we
Intend -what we do what we feel The
response from such a member of the
audience flies across the footlights to
us like a flame I felt it once when I
played Olivia before Eleanora Duse I
felt that she felt it once when she play
ed Marguerite Gautier for me
The Topsyturvydom of Religion
At the opening of King Edward VIIs
Grst parliament he had to repeat after
the lord chancellor an oath which con
demned in almost brutal words all
things papistical Yet held aloft by a
Protestant peer for all Protestants to
reverence was a veritable emblem of
papal supremacy a quaint little bon
net of crimson velvet turned up with
ermine This is tho cap of mainte
nance and so sacred is it that no
hands but royalty may linger it Thus
the premier marquis whose hereditary
right it is to carry it balanced it some
what after the fashion of a conjurer
upon a white staff This cap was
granted to Henry VIII by Pope Leo
X In the middle ages it was held as
symbolic of the overlord only being
granted to vassals and feudatories
whom the lord wished to honor so that
it implies as nothing else could the su
premacy of the pope over the kings of
England London Standard
What Makes the Heart Eeat
Professor Jacques Loeb the celebrat
ed biologist in his book Dynamics
of Living Matter has shown that a
strip cut from the ventricle of the
heart put in a solution of chloride of
sodium will continue to beat for a
number of days until putrefaction sets
in He sa3s this can be done with an
ordinary muscle after it has been ex
tirpated from the body This would
tend to prove that the heart is a chem
ical machine and that it is all due to
chemical action The muscular con
traction is probably due to the substi
tution of sodium for calcium salts in
the cells of the muscles
The difficulty of this theory is that it
does not explain the control of the
muscles It is plain that the problem
of control is not solved by the chem
ical theory
A Fair Chance
Dressed in the latest and most ap
proved motor cycling costume with
goggles all complete the motor cyclist
gayly toot tooted his way by Regents
park toward the zoo Suddenly he
slackened dismounted and said to a
small grubby urchin
I say my boy am I right for the
The boy gasped at so strange a sight
and thought it must be some new i
mal for the gardens
You may be all right if they have a
spare cage he said when he could find i
his tongue but youd ha stood a far
better chance if youd d a tail Lon
don Answers
Lewis Carrolls Humor
An English magazine gives some
amusing pieces of Lewis Carrolls j
mor from the forgotten pages of Ox
ford pamphlets During the election at
Oxford in 1SG3 he gave vent to the fol
lowing Euclidean definition Plain su
perficiality is the character of a speech
in which any two points being taken
the speaker is found to lie wholly with
regard to those two points A note is
also given on the right appreciation of
examiners A takes in ten books and
gets a third class B takes in the ex
aminers and gets a second Find the
value of the examiners in terms of
books also their value in terms when
no examination is held
An old lady unaccustomed to travel
ing innocently seated herself in a first
class carriage although she only had a
third class ticket The guard think
ing she had made a mistake popped
his head into the carriage and inquired
Are you first class maam
No sir not altogether she replied
but much brighter than I was thank
you London Scraps
Cause For Worry
Did you have a good time at your
No answered Mr Cumrox Ev
ery time the band played anything I
enjoyed I got worried for fear it wasnt
classical enough to be the moneys
worth Washington Star
Willing to Help
I suppose old Cashman has more
money than he knows what to do
Yes but his wife and daughters are
ready to supply the needed informa
A Martyr
Mamma have I got to take a bath
Im afraid you have my dear
But I havent done anything all the
veek to deserve it New York Life
The Force of Habit
A certain accountant is so devoted to
his profession that when he has noth
atr else to do he casts up his eyes
Mondays Sessions Minutes
Tho city council was in regular ses
sion Monday evening with all present
oxcopt the city attorney
Rocord of previous feession was ap
Petition filed requesting that block
10 original McCook now in tho lire
limit bo placed outside tho limit was
referred to ordinance committee
Report of tho police judge was referr
ed to tho city attorney
Petition of C G Bosworth for per
mit to build a brick addition to tho Na
tional hotel on condition that com
pliance be mado with all conditions of
tho fire ordinance was granted
Mayor Pahnestock appointed judges
and clerks of election as follows
First Ward Judges J S LeIIew J
M Henderson and MJ Clark Clerks
Norman Campbell and ttrank Colfer
Second ward Judges S D Mc
Clain Howard Finity and F J Rolfo
Clerks Louis Thorgrimson and J W
Appointments were confirmed
Following bills were allowed
J R Pence fumigatingsupplios S15200
11 CLindsay supremo court costs 9l0
F M Kimmell printing 5045
McCook Republican printing 1200
C L DeGroff Co mdso US
J M Wentz fire claim 500
C W Wimer painting - -0
Chkistian Bible school at 10 a m
Y P S C E at 7 p m All are wel
come to these services
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sormon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
Baptst Sunday school at 10 a m
Preaching service at 1100 a m Even
ing service at 800 B Y P U at 7 p m
A most cordial invitation is extended to
all to worship with us
E Bukton Pastor
Christian Science Services Sun
day at 11 a in and Wednesday at 8
p m Subject Reality Meetings
held in Diamond block Room open
Wednesdays and Saturdays from 2 to 4
p m Science literature on sale
Episcopal Preaching services at St
Albans church at 11 a m and 7150 p
m Sunday school at 10 a m All
aro welcome to these services Cele
bration of tho Holy Communion at the
E R Eakle Rector
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Sermons by pastor at 11 and S Junior
League at 4 Epworth League at 7
Prayer meeting Wednesday night at
9 pm You are welcomed and made glad
at this church
M B Cakman Pastor
Congrecational Sunday school at
10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and S p
m by pastor Junior C E at 3 p m
Senior C E at 7 p m Prayer meeting
every Wednesday at 8 The public is
cordially invited to these services
G B Hawkes Pastor
R E Lant transacted matters of busi
ness in McCook Tuesday
J II Relph had business in McCook
Monday and Wednesday
Charles Randel who has been very
sick for some weeks is still quite low
but is reported to bo some better at this
A Sunday school organization was
perfected at tho school house last Sun
day Meetings will be held at 3 in
the afternoon
Charles Johnson who lives north of
Haigler visited in this neighborhood
Frank Hawkins returned home Mon
day lie has been working near Lin
Some of the young people were at the
dance last Saturday evening at Abe
J M Phillips of Valley Grange and
RevSmith a United Brethren minister
were in this vicinity Tuesday in the
line of prospective church work here
which they decided to take up The
initial sermon will be preached April
5th after Sunday school
R F D No 1
F M Kennedy is making repairs on
his dwelling house
Tho Kennedy school Mis3 Freda
Mette teacher closed on last Friday
W N Rogers is back from his sale in
South Omaha where he had a sale that
averaged him S19G25 Pretty high
Joe Crocker and Peter Voge each had
exciting experiences with autos last
Friday Ono of Peter Voges horses
was so badly cut up in tho wire that he
has not been able to get the animal
homo yet
Miss Ella Rankin is staying at W P
Frank Dudeks baby is muah better
Miss Pearl Rogers was over from near
Danbury last Friday on a visit home
Mrs Henry Williams was a guest of
W P Broomfield last Saturday
New Carnegie Library post cards at
Tribune office
C A Fisher
Yes tans are right in line again this season are going to
be more popular than ever
We have recognized this and have selected a large stock
In fact we have never before been able to show one half the
varieties that we now have at your disposal
Many styles and prices would be glad to fit you with a
See Our Windows for Tan Styles
County Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Neb March 25 IMS
The board of comity commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment present V S Lofton
15 Gray commissioners and Chas Skalla
county clerk
The minutes of previous mectinK wero read
and on motion approved
Tho following ollicial bonds were examined
and on motion approved
II II Kerry member soldiers relief commis
Jeo W Wheeler overseer district No 10
East Valley
Henry Conrad overseer district No i Indian-
The following claims on the road fund were
audited and allowed and on motioi tho clerk
was instructed to draw warrants on tho respec
tive commissioner district road funds
F A Schamel road work district 1 12 00
Albert Kamp same 7 W
John same 0 X
DelbertJ Phillippssame 00
E F Couse same district i MOO
The boards attention having been called to
it that tho real estate taxes of section 21 or
Fritsch precinct have for the year 11H11 and the
subsequent jears been credited to school dist
rict GO when they should have been credited to
district 42 on motion orders the county treasur
er to transfer the amount of 77r0 being the
amount so collected Trom the funds oT district
GO to the fund of district 12 where it rightfully
On motion the county treasurer was instruct
ed to refund to the following named persons
the amount illegally as essed to them in 1107
and paid by them under protest as follows
Mrs Mary Campbell beint assessed on lot J
block It first addition to McCook for 32000
asesed valuation when it should have been
220 tlc amount to be refunded beiiiK SH10
W W Wil on beinj assessed on the north
east quarter of on a ichool district levy
for district 9 when land i in unorganised ter
ritory and not subject to any school levy the
amount to be refunded being 5G
Y W Morrison being assessed for poll tax
while he is overage and exempt from poll tax
amount to be refunded 2fi0
Claim for poll tax refund of James I Lee and
also of W G Jones were rejected as they were
not exempt under the law
The petition of Win ISriiikmau Fred Hames
berger and others asking for tho establishment
of a public road was read and considered The
board finds that all the requirements of the law
have been complied with and that the public
good require- it and on motion same was grant
ed and road established as follows
Commencing at the southwest corner of sec
tion No KI township 2 range 27 riinningthenco
one mile south between sections 2 and 21 and
terminating at tho southwest quarter of section
21 said town hip and range
On motion clerk was instructed to notify over
seer of highways to open said road
On motion damages wero allowed on said
road by reason of establishing same as follows
Fred Quadour on northwest quarter of 21 and
on north half of northeast quarter of 23 three
acres at SJ an acre W0O
No damages were allowed to Fred Quadour on
the southwest quarter of 24 for the reason that
this part of tho road has been used by the pub
lic for a suflicient number of jears to establish
same as a public road
On motion board adjourned to meet April
21st lltOS F S LorrON Chairman
Attest Ciiakies Skalla Clerk
Tho following letters cards and pack
ages remain uncalled for at tho McCook
postollice March 21 1U0S
Exior Mrs Geo
Finley Mr Geo
Hergert Mr Jacob
Hawke U A I
Lawles It It
Mills Mr Geo L
Morse Mis Mary
Itutledgo Mr EH
Abel Lawrence
Hartlett Mi s Uernicc
Leach If W
rarsons Mrs T I
Smith Mr Will
Franklin Mrs C
Hugley W H
ITazzard Miss Lela
Jones Mrs CJ
Lake James I
Mooie Mr A F
Matthews Mr-
j r
IJartholcmen Mr Irben
Iters Mr E
Morse Miss Mary
Shcrving Jacob
Tarver Joe
Thompson Mr
Jewell IJertha
When calling for these please say
they wero advertised
S 13 McLean Postmaster
jj ULai ui
E D Perkins
iiht mi n ii mi i iiir t minu ii mi una
The best of every
thing in his line at
the most reasonable
prices is flarshs
motto He wants
your trade and
hopes by merit to
keep it
- UgJMlJ
The Butcher
Phone 12
Only TwentyFive Cents More Than the
Ail me
Both a Full Year For Only
News of the World an
d Horn
The Weekly Inter Ocean Contains Each Week
21 columns of news
Ii columns of talks by a practical farmer on
farm topics economical machinery planting
growing and storing of fruits and vegetables
breeding and marketing of live stock
20 or more Lost and Found Poems and Songs
1 column of Health and Beauty Hints
Best short and continued stories Chess and
Checkers Puzzles and Complications Dr
Reeders Home Health Club Miscellaneous
Questions and answers Poems of the Day a
special Washington letter taking cartoons
and illustrations
5 columns of live entertaining editorials
7 columns of live stock and market reports
j 40 questions and answers by readers on anything
pertaining to the business of farming garden
ing raising of live stock and poultry etc etc
10 to 20 nuestions on veterinary snhienta
7 columns of information on recipes patterns
formulas etc furnished by readers
11 to 21 columns of stories of public men his
torical geographical and other miscellany
5 column of a specially reported sermon by the
Rev Dr Quaylo of Chicago and the Sundav
School lesson
These features together with a Special Magazine Department make
up the Leading Farm Home and News Paper of the West
ai jp r The price of The Weekly Inter Ocean remains 100 a year
The price of The McCook Tribune remains 100 a year
OFFE R The two papers each one year will cost only 125
N B This special arrangement with The Weekly Inter Ocean is for a limited time only Subscribers
to The Weekly Inter Ocean are assured that no papers will be sent after their subscriptions expire unless
their subscriptions are renewed by cash payments
- 7 fffr
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