The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 20, 1908, Image 3

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L ir
- i
As the Season For
Spring Work
on the farm approaches it is well to look
around and get posted on the best imple
ments to buy Our spring stock is now
arriving and we will be glad to show
ine Oliver Defiance Plows
MoHlie Bradley and other makes of
Disc Harrows
Superior and Success Drills
Several kinds of spike tooth harrows and
other machines beside the
Western Belle Lister
This lister has been tried in this vicinity
for many years and has given universal sat
isfaction But if any customer prefers
something else we have other good ones
among which we will mention the Tri
Belle Oliver and Bradley We also con
tinue to sell the
Mitchell Mandt and Milburn
Call on us for anything needed in the farm
machinery line
H P Waite
Dont forget about our
In every conceivable material design and price
Tissues Voiles Silks
Lawns Dimities Chiffon
Checks Foulards and
Organdies beside Em
broidered Linens for the
swell spring suits you
read about
In an assortment like this
surely there will be some
thing to suit the most
fastidious woman
11 Line of Waists
In Silk Net Batiste Lawn and Linen
Give Us An Early Call
I J n uixAiililof
No f
No 1
Time Card
McCook Neb
main iixi wrst ijhiaut
Mountain Timo
No 175 arrives Mountain Timo
No nMlejjurts
00 A M
7ir A M
912 M
97 A
1112 I
102 1 A
650 A M
015 A
Slcciiintr diiiintr nnri reclining cliair cars
Mints frt oj on through trains Tickets sold
and Ikikkhw chuckuil to any point in tho United
Stati s or Cimada
Kor information liniutnlIos maps and tick
et call on or writo 1 I Too Afjiiit McCook
Nebraska or L W Wakeloy Gunoral Iafcsun
tor Aent Omaha Nebraska
Conductor Herman Ilejjonborgor ro
turned to work Monday
Engines 9S and 1750 received round
house repairs this week
Earl Notley is ofT duty on account of
getting his great too smashed
Engine 320 left to day for the Orloans
St Krancis lino after an overhauling
HraUemon Leonard and Hammond are
now additions to tho train service this
Arapahoe lias been made by superin
tendents bulletin a regular stop for
No 0
Brakeman Johnson of tho
Iloldrege local has retired from tho
Tho 11 is going through tho breaking
in process today after a bacltshop over
Engine 133G went into the backshop
close of last week for a general over
Christ Scheldt is a new holper on
wheel work in placo of Roy Rogers re
Brakeman YV A Brown has taken a
sixty day furlough to go up to his Colo
rado homestead
Conductor Worth Humphrey isofl for
fifteen days and will spend tho timo in
Iowa and Illinois
Georgo Ilollister tho Red Cloud
roundhouse foreman was at headquart
ers first of tho week
Engineer P A Whitnoy was released
from quarantine Tuesday and went
out on his run Wednesday morning
Phil Egan a former McCook employe
of tho Q arrived in the city Wednesday
night on a visit to relatives and friends
Herman Hegenbergor and family
have returned from Glenwood Iowa
and ho will resume service with tho
According to General Manager Hol
drege 11000 less men aro employed on
the Burlington lines east and west than
during March 1907
J W Ridenour departed this morn
ing for the east to be absent two or
three weeks visiting Cedar Rapids
Iowa and St Louis Mo during his
Switchman Georgo Beard of the Red
Cloud yard has resigned from the ser
vice and will devote his efforts along
agricultural lines Brakeman H O
Andrews succeeds him in the yard
Master Mechanic Felix Kennedy and
family of Sheridan Wyoming visited
her mother Mrs Mary Mullen this
week The family preceded him a few
days Felix arriving on St Patricks
day in the morning
McCook lodge No 407 Brotherhood
of Boilermakers and Iron Ship Builders
of America will hold their second an
nual ball on April 20th The boys are
hopeful of excelling their initial effort of
last year The dance will be held in
the Menard
Monday 1500 boilermakers and mem
bers of kindred trades working in the
Denver and Rio Grand shops at Denver
went out on strike which is the re
sult of an order posted by tho company
abrogating all contracts made with un
C E Bauer the Burlington agent is
away on a visit and extra ajrent Paul
Jones is holding down the job From
recent maneuvers of Mr Bauer and the
visits he is receiving from a party of the
feminine gpnder from out west it looks
a3 if there would be something doing
pretty soon Bloomington Advocate
On Saturday afternoon at tho home
of her brother J P Hanson occurred
the wedding of Miss Georgie Gard a
well known young lady of this city and
daughter of Col Gard to Mr O J Per
kins private secretary to Supt Luke of
the motive power department of the Q
sjstem at Lincoln They left Sunday
morning for their new home Lincoln
accompanied by the best wishes of their
mauy friends in this city Red Cloud
Mrs Joe Chehey of McCook visited
with her sister Mrs Roy Shorey at Mar
ion over Sunday returning here Monday
evening and will spend tho week at the
home of her parents during Mrs Shorts
absence at Beaver City WilsonvUle
Christian Sunday school at ten am
Preaching services at 11 am by Rev
C Clutter from Cotner university sub
ject A Church Inspected B Y P
TJ and Y P S C E at 7 p m leader
Mrs Riley Union Baptist aDd Chris
tian services in the Baptist church at S
p m Rev Clutter will preach All
A Card
McCook Neb March 20 100S
To the Citizens of McCook
There is a moral insuo of vast import
ance in its meaning to tho lnmsof our
city which issue will bo settled for a
year at least in the selection of a mayor
The inforcement of all laws and ordi
nances is with the major and not the
council Tho present mayor ordered
houses of infamy closed A bribe of
00 was offered if these houses would
bo allowed to run Tho bribe was em
phatically rejected Fahnestockcouldnt
bo bought Some of those women aro
still hero and they are hero because
they havo been promised their hellish
liberty if tho Citizens candidate for
mayor is defeated
Tho national laws aro against thoso
houses tho state laws aro against theso
houses the city ordinances aro against
theso houses and certain persons pro
pose to defy all theso laws and permit
prostitution to be permitted to provail
for the sake of satisfying lust and add
ing a few dollars per month to tho city
treasury tho prico of virtue The
Citizens platform in part says
We declare most emphatically
against tho least toleration whatever of
houses of infamy and denounce as a
menace to our homes a disgrace to our
morals and bribery on tho part of offi
cials to permit them to run for a mon
ey consideration as a means of city rev
enue it being worse than blood money
tho price of virtue Tho other party
platform favors revenue from thissource
If theso houses run it takes bojs and
girls to run them What father and
mother will furnish their inmates Do
you want to lend your children for
such traflic Think on theso things
M B Cakmav
Easter post cards Bon Ton
Say you saw it in The Tijiiiune
Everything in drugs McCounell
Picture framing The Ideal Store
Miss Harrison nurse Phone black 2SG
Fruits of all kinds at all times at
McMillens cold tablots will cure your
cold and stop your cough
Ask to see the Strathmore typewriting
paper at The Tkibune otlice
II P Waite Co sell tho Western
Belle lister It has no superior
Dr Hare examines eyes free and guar
antees satisfaction in fitting glasses
Use Lincoln absolutely pure paint and
be satisfied A McMillen
Nothing more beautiful in wall paper
than our spring line
L W McConnell Druggist
Fresh lettuce celery cauliflower
rheubarb etc constantly on hand at
Nels J Johnson has begun a new
dwelling house just north of the Bap
tist church
Work is progressing on a new cement
stone dwelling for Joe Lowley on north
Monroe street
Belts fancy colors scylish buckles
25c 50c and 75c at Rozell Bargers
Dandies all of em
We have a large lino of new wall paper
in stock and more coming
A McMillen Druggist
Double - strength Ileinz vinegar
imitated by all equaled by noue for
sale by Magner Stokes
Every day is bargain day at H S
Godfrey Cos the popular leaders in
selling flour feed and hay
Magner Stokes keep their grinder
going some these days and have plenty
of ground bone for chickens
If it is from Marshs its the best ob
tainable Anything and everything per
taining to the meat market business
His half interest in The White Line
Transfer Co has been sold by R M
Douglass to Eph and M E Benjamin
Mrs Merle and Mrs Bronson will
give a Lenten Tea at tho home of Mrs
Bronson Thursday afternoon March
20 Ail are cordially invited
Christian Endeavor topic for March
22nd at tho Congregational church
The Wise Use of Influence Miss
Mary Powers leader All young people
are urged to have a part in these meet
Have better health and more energy
for months to come by taking
ells Saksapakilla
It purifies and enriches the blood In
creases strength and vitality
L W McConnell Druggist
Spring hats the latest out all sizes
styles and colors -for men and boys
Nice line in now more coming Come
and see them We will please you and
make your pocket book happy at the
same time Rozell Barger
Secretary Wilson of the department
of agriculture says that the unbounded
prosperity of the agriculturist is not due
to chance but is the result of intelli
gent scientific business methods A
reader of The Weekly Inter Ocean has
placed before him each week the prac
tical and approved methods to which
Secretary Wilson refers It is a good
investment Only 125 for The Weekly
I Inter Ocean and this paper one year
nSf -
with our
m be cexTTied w
unbonnef rfconhiW
Wfyep you cofQe to our store you vill be
carried vdiy iX tle befxutiful Xv ve C9
c9 slow you for eiprir
AtA you will crry vy n9y of tlpese
because te styles will be rigt sqc le prices
will be ricjlpt
If you deaJ t our store you njy feel sure
tt your reicjlpbors e9 9ot sy 0 tit
dress or tt wrp is9t really i9 it its just
9 initditio9
If you buy 90W you C9 e9Joy your clothes
tle wlpole spri9 tfyroug
If you want a Side Walk Curb
Stone or Cement Work of any kind
9 i
Successor to Rosebush Northrup PHONE RED 196
New Library Post Cards
at The Tribune Office
White House Grocery
Absolutely Guaranteed
Ask Scott About It
rone 30