l fi I ft S rrrrrri UFDIKb bKAWN COMPANY SELLS Ior Toil Canon City Lump 900 Maitland Lump 850 Maitland Nut 800 Rex Lump 750 Sheridan Egg 750 Wier Lump 700 Pennsylvania Nut 1300 S S GARVEY Mgr miruvnc i ao VM High Class Goods at Lowest Prices FINCHS 7 vKa West Dennison Street Furniture Suit Cases China and Glassware E F OS HORN J W WENTZ OSBORN WENTZ Draymen Prompt Service Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices GIVE US A TRIAL Seed- plantb ro s bulbs incs shrubs fruit and ornamental tree- Colorado Krow n best on earth LOW P HICKS Free cata logue AkciiU wanted INTERN VTIONAL NUKSKK1KS Tin Kit Ghoulrn Denver Colo MEW YORK 53k EI E3 MBftt fHCL CHulII l35A ff a Ey ni5 foi Er SO Ndf m H hh Si IS THE GREATEST THEATRICAL i SHOW PAPER IN THE WORLD 400 Per Year Single Copy 10 Gs ISSUED WEEKLY Sample Copy Free FRANK QUEEN PUB CO Lid ALBERT J BOME PI BLUSHER 3UAGKi 47W2VTH M NEWYOKK 6HIGHESTEHSPiLLf DIAMOND IADXES M Auk your Drnratst for CHI- DIAMOND BRAND PILLS Gold metallic boxes sealed Ribbon Taeb no other I BRAND jgJP ti i vf nTtrriiKSTiirs DIAMOND BUAND PIIIS for twenty firO years regarded as Best Safest Always Reliable SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TIME TRIED CHES TERS A in Red andA with Blue Inv oFTonrW EVERYWHERE -I I H M t t H J fc i 4 4 i WORTH TESTED We are Anxious to extend our ac quaintance One time customers invariably become permanent Large stocks of building material and coal on hand con stantly BUTT jUllllJlJM Ill 2V DM iiivwnviiimi LAST RESORT FOR HIS CASE Yokels Recipe for Man Who Would Be Cured of Love Apropos of leap year Robert Barr the Anglo American novelist and edi tor told at it dinner reecntly a story about love A man be said being profoundly In lovo consulted a philosopher 1 am In love be complained and I dont like It It keeps me from working from acquiring fame Can you cine me In the study of astronomy said the philosopher stroking his gray heard you will find a cure for love Contemplate the planets and in the Infinite depths of interstellar space the puniness of yourself and the insig nificance of your love will stun you So the lover commenced star gaz ing and all went well for a night or two Then as he sat in ids lonely tower with ins eye glued to a tele scope the girl came and put her white arms about ids neck That night he gazed at the stars no more Astronomy be saw was no cure But love irked him and lie sought out an alchemist Give mo a philter he said that will cure me of love The alchemist smiled There are many stories lie said about philters of this sort but they aie all young sir quack nostrums The only love cure I can give you is prussic acid But the man shook his head Ho did not want to die lie wanted with a free calm mind to do his work And as be mused on his hard caso he saw a yokel digging in a ditch and as he dug the yokel regarded the man curiously Plainly you are rich the yokel said why then do you frown and sigh I am in love the man answered It is torment How can I bo cured The yokel roared with laughter Ho ho he shouted that is an easy one Dont you know the an swer No said the man What is it Tell me quickly Marry the girl said the yokel and he resumed his digging Exiles Life in Siberia A letter dated August 1907 on the Amir High Road once more directs attention to the sufferings of the thou sands of exiles banished to Siberia At the outset the writer explains that he formed one of a party of 120 exiles 23 of thorn being state or political orend ers detailed to work on the construc tion of the Kolessnava literally wheel load and sent thither under Cossack escort from the penal settlement at Irkutsk After describing the journey of tho party to Pashkovo a Cossack settle ment on the Amir he says One single days rest Avas allowed us but on the following day we were roused at -1 a m and driven to work It was raining fast and for a whole verst our way lay across submerged land Every day for a fortnight we had to cross this same Hooded ground stripped to the skin and carrying our shovels on our shoulders This was our life of torment Up every morn ing at four working until five or sis in the evening and returning then utterly wo in out for roll call prayers and sleep Sleep In ragged and battered tents open to the rain and dirty and damp within No mattresses only sacks to lie on sometimes stuffed with grass We are already bitterly cold here in August and in these same tents we must live until November The spot where we are working is between 14 and 16 versts from the camp We have thus to walk some 30 versts daily besides performing our hard task How hard that task is may be gathered when it is said that ten men are required each day to excavate a length of some 200 feet and a depth and width of 1 arshins about a yard One has to work knee deep in mire and after about three weeks rheumatism sets in and the legs of the workers being to swell Girl Seventeen Years Old Saves Boy Emma Werner 17 years old of Cor ona L I dressed in her best Sunday clothes jumped into Frog Pond near her home a few days ago and saved Robert Pick from drowning Robert is ten years old He was coasting on Randall avenue when his sled got beyond his control veered from the highway ran down an incline and out onto the pond The thin ice broke and boy and sled disappeared from view From her window Miss Werner saw the accident and with no hesi tation she ran across the street and plunged in The water came up to her shoulders She waded out caught hold of the struggling boy and started for the shore By this time others had arrived on the scene and together they got the boy and Miss Werner out Youngest Midshipman in Navy Louisiana has the distinction of hav ing the youngest midshipman in the United States naval academy Annapo lis Md Alfred Shepard Wolfe was born in the city of New Orleans March 5 1S91 and entered the naval academy July 6 1907 after having successfully passed both the mental and physical examinations The min imum age allowed at Annapolis is 16 He was appointed by the Hon Rob ert C Davey from the Second congres sional district Alfred Wolfe received his entire education in the public schools of New Orleans leaving the junior intermediate boys high school class to enter the academy INDIANOLA Mish Elma George visited bomefolks in Cambridge Sunday Charles Lohn of McCook spent Sun diy in Indianola the 8th Alis Iliizol Phillips wont to Holdrege Sunday morning and 3pont the day with friends Mr and Mrs Tom Haley and father drove down to llolbrook Monday to visit a few days with friends Tho Misses Mamie Mann Bertha Walker and Margaret Townloy were McCook visitors Saturday Miss Mann resumed her school duties again Monday morning after two weeks vacation caused by tho serious condi tion of her father Anna Smith attended church and Sunday school in Bartley last Sunday after which suo was the guest of friends Ernest Crabtroo loft Monday night for Seattle Wash to bo gone a few weeks Cal Rollins wont to McCook Thursday ovoniug on business Miss Josephine Murray was a passen ger on going to McCook Mopday evo ning Chester L Walker of McCook was an Indianola visitor Friday A number of McCook people attended Catholic church hero Sunday Bert Marshal and frau have departed from their late job of holding down the central oilice Kov Burrus and wife and Mr and Mrs Frank Moore drove out to the home of Mr Seddon Wednesday and visited through tho day John Murray of McCook accompanied by a lady friend visited the home folks west of town Tuesday Jim Murray has gone to Washington for a while The members of tho Jtf E church gathered at tho parsonage Tuesday evening and proceeded to givo their pastor a pounding in the way of good things such as makoth tho inner man co rejoice A large crowd was in atten dance and all enjoyed tho occasion im mensely When at a late hour tho company dispersed it was with the impression that the minister and his wife were royal entertainers Henry Sherer had his baud crushed in a corn sheller Tuesday Tho doctor thinks he can save part of his hand Clark McClung and family arrived in Indianola for a visit with relatives and friends Tuesday evening D W Schoenthals Sunday school class gave him a surprise party Friday evening They also presented him with a nice rocker in token of their good wishes Tho evening was very pleas antly spent in various ways such as placing games eating oysters cake fruit etc Every body present had a fine time Quite a number from this place at tended the sale out at the farm of W A McCool on Tuesday last Grandpa Phillips died at an early hour Saturday morning after a linger ing time of old ago and its attendant infirmities Tho funeral occurred at tho home Tuesday morning at 10 oclock Sermon by Kev Cox of the Christian church All the children were present at tho funeral Fred Kennedy brother of the Ken nedy brothers in the east side restaur ant is hero on a short visit with the folks Mrs Charles King is very sick Rumor says that Johnny Harrison ha3 traded his house and barn livery for a farm in Kansas PLEASANT PRAIRIE Charles Olmstead and family visited in Kansas Sunday Mr and Mrs J G Relph and family of Marengo Iowa stayed over night with C M Lofton Friday They are going on their farm north of Traer We are sorry to hear that Charley Randel who has been confined to his bed for sometime with quinsy and rheumatism is but little better Charley Olmstead Fred Dillon and Jos Albrecht leave for Colorado Wed nesday in quest of land John Styer of Marion shelled corn for C L Hawkins and Bert Goodenberger this week This is fine weather and the time of year when a fellow must get up and dust RED WILLOW Mrs Smith Miss Rozelle and Gabriella Longnecker attended a school entertain ment in Indianola on Friday afternoon Mrs Fulk of Joplin Missouri who wns once Mrs Method of Red Willow called on some old acquaintances last week Leon Smith has walked five miles to school almost every day during the winter rain or shine snow or not there by developing into a strong robust youth William Randel has been feeling the effects of grippe Mrs Owens Longneckers little baby is sick again While shelling corn at Mr Hatchers on Tuesday Henry Sheere had his hand terribly mangled in the sheller Ask to see the Strathmore typewriting paper at The Tribune office DANBURY Mr Williams and family have moved hero from Alta la and will live hero Miss Nollio Andrews who has boon nursing in a hospital in Dunvor is homo on a vacation Phillip Gliom and family left Wednes day for their now hoiro in Detroit Mich Wo regret losing thorn from our town W J Stilgobouor and family were visiting in Birtley last week Mrs F G Stilgobouor of Bartloy visit ed with friends and relative a fow days last week She was called horo on account of her mothers accident J E Noo and family and Miss Grace Phillips were called to Indianola Satur day by tho death of Mrs Noos father Mr Phillips Harold Stone gave a surprise party on Otto Glietn Monday night Otto will bo greatly missed among the young peo ple of Danbury J W Andrews and family visited in Lebanon Sunday Married at McCook last Saturday evening Miss Lena Goodenberger and Mr Win Mustgravo They will livo with Thos Mustgravo south of town Miss Julia Hundly visited with honie folksin Benkelman last Saturday Quite a number of Danburyites at tended tho homo talent play in Lebanon Friday ovoning Thoy pronounced tho play fine Mrs Josie Leisure is visiting in Mc Cock with her brother Clifford Naden and family Miss Mary Greenway closed a success ful term of school in tho Thomas dist rict last Friday She will finish a term near Lebanon which was begun by her sistor Dora who will work in tho res taurant for her cousin Rob Cathcart Miss Grace Gorver arrived from Wheeler Kans to work in the hotel BARTLEY Mr Lon McCann and Miss Rogers of Freedom were married Sunday We wish them happiness and prosperity Zack McCollum went this week to Kimball county with a carload of stock and household goods for the homestead Charles McCollum recently secured in that county Tho new residence James Finnegan is building will bo a good ono when completed and is in a fine location More land buyer hero this week from the east Street grading concrete street cro3S ings and more sidewalks will be built soon Tho revival meetings at the Methodist church are being well attended and much interest manifested in religious work Bartloy is not booming it hi just mak ing a steady growth to keep up with the improvement being made in the sur rounding territory A movement is on foot to erect a new telephone building with prospects of a successful termination It will be a good thing for all concerned We will then have both night and day services Several carloads of cattle and hogs shipped from Bartley this week Frank Doak is now miller and Smith Durbin engineer at the Bartley mill Dr Brown has resigned his member ship of tho Board of Pension Examin ing Surgeons R F D No 1 Amos Rogers and bride arrived from California last Friday on No G and wore the objects of a stirring charivari on the following evening at Shadeland J W Walker with two carloads of goods arrived from Naponee last of last week and moved onto the Joseph Downs farm Tho family arrived on Monday of this week Franz Arp is the new owner and oc cupant of the Henry Voge farm A bouncing twelve pound baby girl at W P Broomfields Herman Bey who recently bought the house on the Kern place has moved the house from the same onto his home place The relatives who have been visiting Mike Esch have gone down to the east ern part of the state on a visit to friends and will go from there to their home in Canada Rev Ramelow and wife have both been on the sick list as a result of the excitement incident to the burning of the parsonage barn Mis Amos A Rogers is visiting rela tives over in Atwood Kansas Where the Value Is Only two worthful items enter into the value of advertising namely quant ity and quality that is how many and how good The McCook Tribune is in a field by itself locally on these two points We challenge and invite in spection and comparison We can give you from two to three times the value for your money that any other Red Willow county publication can offer vou Typewriter lor Sale If you are interested in securing a Smith Premer Typewriter in splendid nnnrlirinn at half mice Call in THE TRI BUNE office and see the machine It is a bargain and will be sold because the owner has two machines FENNEY WALKER GENERAL CONTRACTING P INTERS AND DECOR TORS Not How CIiMiip but Mow Good with Us Office and Shop west of First National Bank Steel Ceilings Sold Put Up and Decorated The McCook Tribune One Dollar Per Year Fly Time Coming Orders taken for WINDOW AND DOOR SCREENS w Much AND ome Sells the Best LUMBER AND COAL Satisfaction G uaranteed C BULLARD M O McCLURE Mgx Phone No 1 0lkVVVVUV9 V FRANKLIN PRESIDENT A C EBEKT CASHIER JAS S DOYLE Vice President THR CITIZENS BANK OF MeCOOK NEB EBBS Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 15000 d o a a a DIRECTORS FRAHKUH JAS S DOYLE A C EBERT WOissWb ysyvtaliaa Save tV -d t I rouDie Money If you want to subscribe for a daily a magazine or a weekly newspaper your order will receive prompt attention at this office TheTri bune McCook Nebraska