The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 13, 1908, Image 5

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As the Season For
Spring Work
on the farm approaches it is well to look
around and get posted on the best imple
ments to buy Our spring stock is now
arriving and we will be glad to show
Moline Oliver Defiance Plows
Molilie Bradley and other makes of
Disc Harrows
Superior and Success Drills
Several kinds of spike tooth harrows and
other machines beside the
Western Belle Lister
This lister has been tried in this vicinity
for many years and has given universal sat
isfaction But if any customer prefers
something else we have other good ones
among which we will mention the Tri
Belle Oliver and Bradley We also con
tinue to sell the
Mitchell Mandt and Mifburn
Call on us for anything needed in the farm
machinery line
H P Waite
- -
7 g
tmLMAumamxtimma u f i gagBgasagaagswi
Never before in the history of McCook has
there been such a sacrifice on skirts as we are
are now offering Good serviceable skirts up-to-date
in cut and tailoring in prices ranging
from 250 to 500 all to go for the insignif
icant sum of
Sale begins Saturday the
14th at 1 030 Mm
and lasts till 900 p m
Dont let this Opportunity be Lost
Time Card
McCook Neb
main iiiNj west iiiakt
Mountain Timi
10B i
100 a
7Ir a
U2 i
97 a
1112 i
SW i
1021 A
br0 a
No 170 arrives Mountain Timo 10 i m
No nriiluimrts 1511 a m
SIccpitjK dining and rocliniuR chair cars
uats free on through trains Tiekuts MiM
and haKKai checked to any point iti tlio United
States or Canada
For information time tnMos maps and tick
ets call on or writ H K Foe Atront McCook
Nebraska or L V Wiikoloy General 1aoson
Kr AKitnt Omaha Nohraska
1ay car tomorrow morning at 8 oclock
John Murriy spont Sunday with the
homefolks at lndianola
K C True apprentice is off duty and
on the sick list
J W Chase is acting as night fore
man during Trammells absence
L V Shirley mashed a linger in the
milling machine and is on the relief
Philip Trout the new roadmaster
has moved his family to Red Cloud
Engineer W L Egbert of GJ and Gl
has moved his family to Red Cloud
T 11 Colling and C F Knosp went
up to Denver today on a short visit
Engine 13 is down on her wheels and
will out of the backshop ij a few
Flovd Stayner is now serving tho
this week They were in McCook
Tuesday morning and from here went
down over the St Francis line
A W Bradley of Juniata sought to
recover S000 from the Q in federal
court at Hastings this week for the
destruction of his barn and contents
located near the companys main line
The company won on a technicality
the difference between tweedledee and
tweedledum or more specifically be
tween railway and railroad
No 77 Wednesday evening was de
layed for some time at Holdrege by a
bad derailment A wheel climbed the
rail at tho frog of the Cheyenne line
passing track switch and did consider
able damage to track and equipment
before the train could be stopped It
took the goat and crew most of the
night to clear the mess up and get the
yard in shape for morning traffic Con
ductor Best and Engineer Inglis were in
charge of 77
Tim 20JI5 is being given a now pattern j
f jurlt arrester
Hrakeman P F Xuulmuur is resting I
up a spoil suspended
The lilil luifl beon run jntu the back
shop for an overhauling
Conductor Hagley wa off a I rip this
week and Myers had his ear
Engine 702 haH received minor repairs
this week now driving brasses etc
Engine 1019 is due to go into the
Ilaveloek shops for an overhauling
Henry Heat was called to Hlnden to
day by the death of his mother He
leaves on No 0
Engino 2820 has been given a No fi
overhauling in the roundhouse and is
about ready for service
The company has surveyed for a
switch at Marion and the people think
they hear a sound like a depot
Conductor Harvey is olT duty and
Conductor McCarl is on passenger
M A Vanhorn is on the Wrny run
Evory day local service was establish
ed between Holdrego and McCook
firft of the week Conductor Beeler
has the now car
The 12 year old son of John W Ilurtz
bridge foreman at Trenton had Iiin
head covered from the bod last night
at Trenton by the enrs The manner
of the accident is a mystery
The permanent location of the train
masters has not been definitely decided
For tho present Woidonhamor is in
charge at D nver and McKenna has
jurisdiction Hasriiips to Akron Form
er Trainmaster Stafford of Denver was
3ot back in the train service and
company at lndianoli in the capacity of cessor has not yet been appointed
Conductor A G King has purchased
the C 15 Sawyer residence on north
Marshall street
A V Bloom is now night operator at
Arapahoe A Haines has been trans
ferred to Oxford
C I Uailey was in Hastings fore
part of tho week on a company case in
the federal court
W S Perry head of the bridge ser
vice west of tho river was at McCook
headquarters Wednesday
J M Trammell night foreman went
up to Denver on No 3 Wednesday in
company with his uncle on a visit of a
After making two or three trips as a
fireman J W Bartholoma is back on
tho right side agaiti running the switch
engine nights in McCook yard
Fireman P J Matz of Akron and
Miss Elizabeth Beck of McCook were
married Monday of last week in Akron
where they will make their home
Conductor George Pearee departed
last Monday on a trip to tho gold fields
of Nevada and will probably go to the
coa5t before he returns Conductor
Humphrey has his car
J O McArthur boilermaker foreman
was in Hastings part of the week on a
case in federal court in which the comp
any was interested From there he
went to Havelock to look over the big
As a result of the 10 hour service law
effective March 4th extra engine and
train crews were sent from McCook and
Denver to Akron one from each place
as lay over crews
Vice Presidont Daniel Willard Gener
al Manager George W Holdrege Gener
al Supt By ram and Supt Young have
bopn going over the McCook division
McMillen proscription druggist
Everything in drugs McConnoll
Choii e apples and oranges at the t5on
framing to order
Fruits of all
kinds at all times at
aevxsv vQsrvairk
l We Are Better
1 KnnDHnBBaBnsaBBiHaiMHHcnianwcviHiHHnnMnMcvHi
McMillans cold tablets will cure your
cold and stop your cough
II P Waite Co sell the Western
Blo lister It has no superior
McConnells Fragrant Lotion for
chapped and roughened skin 23c
Dr Hare examines eyes free and guar
antees satisfaction in fitting of glasses
Double - strength Heinz vinegar
imitated by all equaled by none for
sale by Magner Stokes
Every day is bargain day at H S
Godfrey Cos the popular leaders in
selling flour feed and hay
Magner Stokes keep their grinder
going some these days and have plenty
of ground bone for chickens
A Reo roadster did the pace making
for the great auto racers Tuesday for
thirty miles leading into Cheyenne
If it is from Marshs its the best ob
tainable Anything and everything per
taining to the meat market business
McConnells Sarsaparilla and Bur
dock will make your blood what it
should be to keep you well Begin
taking it now Price 81 00
The city council held a orief meeting
Monday but nothing of record was ac
complished but the allowing of several
claims against the city of a minor
If you are particular about your
stationery youll want to see our new
spring styles Beautiful papers in
quality varying in price
L W McConnell Druggist
Action in divorce has been instituted
by Mrs Grace Dixon against her hus
band Zach Dixon on alleged grounds of
failure to support March 16 190S is
answer day
to take care of trade than ever before Our
spring stock of LOW CUTS includes lots of
new things and is by far the largest ever
shown in McCook See the new effects in
Patent Gun Metal Vici Kid Chocolate Kid and
Russia Calf Leathers in the New Lace Button
BuckleJor the Pump Patterns
Prices range to suit all purees
Watch our windows
Model Shoe Store
C E Fisher
E D Perkins
ouWili be cTriep w
witty ovf npvpring Goods
1769 you conje to our store you will be
carried wy witl tle beautiful tlpirs we cd9
C9 slow you for pri9c
9J you will crry wy n9y of tlpese
because tle styles will be ricjlpt td tle priees
will be ricjlpt
If you deaJ t our store you ny feel sure
tfydit your 9eii7bors ca9 9ot sy O tit
dress or tlt wrp iS9t resqly i9 it its just
9 inittio9
If you buy 90 w you c9 e9Joy your clothes
tle wfyole spri9 tlprougl
Best Advertising Medium THE McCOOK TRIBUNE
White House Grocery
Paxton Gas Roasted Coffees
Absolutely Guaranteed
Fresh Vegetables
Young Onions
New Cabbage
Ask Scott About It
Fone 30