The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 13, 1908, Image 4

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    By F M KIA1A1ELL
Largest Circulation in Red Willov Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
The Nebraska Delegation
Governor Georgo L Sheldon No
Senator Morris Brown Kearney
Victor Rosowater of Omaha
Judgo Alien V Field Lincoln
First district United States Senator
E J BuroUtt Lincoln J A Aronds
Second district L Learned and
A O Smith hoth of Omaha
Third district W Hush Norfolk
F P Voter Wayne
Fourth district Samuel Rinnkor Be
atrice F A Williams Aurora
Fifth district A W Sterne Grand
Island J C Gammill Stockville
Sixth district O G Snydor OXoill
W A Georgo Broken Bow
The local press attests silontly to the
immodorato modesty of McCooks pro
fessional men Shades of Esculapius
and Black3tono
It is every ones duty to visit occa
sionally outside the home precinct to
change onos perspective and adjust
ones sights
Have you over noticed that the unc
tious brother who on a Sunday morn
ing with conspicuous fervor and voci
ferous abandon sings Lord I earn not
for riches neither silver nor gold goes
dollar chasing a littlr earlier than usual
Monday morning
Indianola has reached the
meeting stage in its campaign
lightning plant
na s
for a
The state of Hayes county was among
the unrepresented counties in the late
enthusiastic and harmonious
convention of the Fifth Nebraska
district This is the third consecutive
dereliction Whats the matter Judge
Little or no serious opposition to Con
gressman Norris materialized in Mon
day s convention G W is making good
and can quite clearly read his title to
another term in the lower house
Good Words For Shively
Central City Nonpareil One of the
candidacies which will bo regarded
with favor by a great many Republicans
i he state is that of J M Shively for
t oismissioner of public lands and build
ings Mr Shivelys candidacy was
announced last week by the Fremont
Tribuno and Editor Hammond made
use of the opportunity to say a great
many nice things about his fellow towns
man without however going farther
than the record or the character of Mr
Shively would warrant For three
years Mr Shively has been deputy in
the landjcommissiocers office Previous
to that he was clerk of the court of
Dodge county being elected the first
time by 10S in tle face of a democratic
majority that wiiit as high as 950 and
the second tim ho received a plurality
of 1370 phenomenal majorities
are a pretty accurate index as to his
standing at home The editor of this
paper has the gooa fortune to know Mr
Shively and he has found him to be a
resolute capable genial gentleman
He has had an active part in the new
progressive republicanism of the state
and is in complete accord with the prin
ciples that now dominate the party
The party is in a mood to demand safe
dependable men this year and Mr
Shively meets that requirement
Following are the marriage licenses is
sued since our last report
Ely A McCain 23 Bartley and Lillie
Housley IS Freedom Neb
Charles H Shelly 22 and Viola
Frace OverLoltzer 19 both of Cam
bridge Married March 12 by county
William Sullivan of our city visited
familiar scenes at Alma last week
no i
Dit S C Bkaoh arrived homo today
Mks II A Bkalk arrived home close
of past week from a visit in Lincoln
Mihh Doiuk Rlmiv has gone to Union
this state to live with a married sister
Miss Blanche McFann ha resigned
ns hello girl at Indianola and returned
Miss Makv Powers was with the
homefolks in Trenton over Saturday and
are entertaining his sister Mrs Josio
Leisure of Dnnbury
Elmkr Rowell was down from Max
Dundy county fore part of the weolt
guest of his mother
R D Austins mother arrived from
St Joe this week and will mako her
homo with them hero
Mks II C Thayer came up close of
last week from East Valley precinct on
a visit to McCook relatives
T C Cain departed last Saturday
driving overland for North Platte
where he will mako his home
G E Thompson is in eastern markets
this week completing preparations for
the spring and summer trade
J E Dillon of Wray Colo had
some matters of business in McCook
his former home Wednesday
Miss Grace Paxton of Denver on
route homo from a visit east is a guest
of her cousin Mrs U II Boyle
Mits Joseph Shmiey wont over to
Wilsonvillo close of last week on a visit
to her parents Mr and ilrs Short
Mks W J Krauter came down from
Akron close of last week and has been
a guest of hor father Judge Lollow
Mr and Mks J G Schobkl were
Denver visitors Sunday and Monday
returning home on lueday morning
of our city and Marie
Alice McGuiro of Imperial were married
at the home of the bride February 11th
Miss Blanch Cadman went over to
Dnnbury and has been the guest of Mr
and Mrs Frank P Allen since last week
E T Myek of Pickerell Nob spent
a few days in this vicinity this week
looking after some real estate interests
Mb and Mks Jekt Marshall of our
city are now in charge of the Indianola
telephone exchange he as lineman and
she at tho board
Thomas Neff and family moved here
from Alma last week and will farm in
this vicinity this season Mr NeiF
went to Alma in 1878
M L liuiiY who has bemi a sufferer
for weeks with rheumatism is now able
to be out some although crutches are
necessary in his difficult locomotion
Arthur Keezer Lewis and Ed
son came down from Hayes Center last
week to catch onto tho moviug picture
business in which they expect to engage
Mr and Mrs C T Jackson of near
Hajes Center were guests of Mr and
Mrs J R Pence fore part of the wepk
The Jacksons expect to return and make
McCook their home
Elsie Green daughter of Mr and
Mrs R A Green after an illness of
three or four weeks with inflammatory
rheumatism and other ailments is now
much improved in health
Prof Stkntz the gentleman who
sang during the Lyon revival meetings a
little over a year ago was a brief city
visitor Saturday Sunday He has been
assisting in the great Hastings meetings
Mrs F M Kimmell departed this
morning for Aurora Nebraska on a
visit to her sister Mrs E E Magee
Before returning home she will exteud
her journey on to Wellington Kansas
on a visit to her parents Mr and Mrs J
B Meserve
Dr S C Beach writes that he ex
pects to arrive at homo about the 15th
After doing some post graduate work in
the Chicago hospitals he went to the
famous hospital of Drs Charles and
William Mayo in Rochester Minn
from which he announce he will return
to McCook primed for a campaign to
establish a hospital in McCook
Walter Thorgrimson has been en
gaged to hold down the secretaryship of
the Lincoln base ball club during the
coming season Thorgy needs no in
troduction either to the baseball public
of the Nebraska capital or to Mr Green
He has been a well known amateur ball
player in Lincoln for several yeais later
going on the road as a player with Mr
Greens Nebraska Indian team Lin
coln Journal
Mr and Mrs G H Thomas and Miss
Budlong were in Harvard Saturday
and Sunday last the ladies participat
ing in the P E O dinner and election
of officers of chapter L at the homo of
Mrs G J Thomas Miss I3udlong a
past president of chapter L was install
ing officer Before the meeting six ladies
of division B of the chapter served a six
oclock dinner in five coursesin exquisite
style and of many delicacies
XV3 X0
i V fvf r
i piVv li tent 5S3fc
AS--- - for
- iy
s26 BFsife Hcyil rape
p Mum3 H Lime Phosphate
World Famous Medical Specialist Will
Arrive Next Thursday
Since tho announcement has been
made in these columns that tho Hot
Springs doctors who have their Nebraska
state institute permanently located at
11th and O streets Lincoln wero looking
about tho state for suitable locations for
branch institutes considerable interest
has been aroused in several towns in
different parts of thestato two of which
have taken active stops to secure tho
branch institute of these world famous
specialists As has been considered b
tho Hot Springs doctors and sinvo Dr
lion W Kinsoy tho chief of stair has
consented to mako a three days visit to
our city we feel that it is the duty of
every citizen to work to secure tho
branch of that institution Tho other
towns who are working to secure tho
branch institute are Fairbury and
Kearney but McCook has so much
better surrounding country to draw from
than either of those two cities it would
be easy for us to secure the branch in
stitute providing we exercise ourselves
a little bit toward that end The fame
of these specialists is world wide Daily
papers throughout the United States
are continually publishing accounts of
wonderful cures made by these doctors
Wo cau hardly pick up a paper on our
exchango table but what it contains a
report of tho remarkable work done by
tho Hot Springs doctors The following
articlb wo clipped from tho Lincoln
State Journal of Sunday February lGth
confidence restored
Had Lost All Faith In the Medical
Is Profuse In Recommendations of Hot
Springs Treatment
IIallam February 1G What is con
sidered one of the most remarkable feats
of modern medical skill was accom
plished recently in the case of August
Albers of this city
For over thirty years Mr Albers had
suffered with a general complication of
diseases which fiually brought on a com
plete nervous breakdown Mr Albers
friends had recommended one physician
after another and after fourteen had
treated him with no other success than
to use up nearly all the money he could
earn Mr Albers gave up all faith in
tho doctors ability to cure him
Since September of last year a decided
change for the bettor has been noticed
in Mr Albers condition Upon inquir
ing as to the cause of this wonderful
improvement Mr Albers gave out this
remarkable interview
When I was eleven years old I had
an attack of what the doctors called in
flammatory rheumatism I got over
this but had another attack when I
was eighteen which was not so bad but
for the last twelve years I have beeu
sick most of the time 1 have been able
to work but much of the time 1 had
considerable pain and the ailment kept
me weak especially my nerves are weak
I have been treated by many doctors
some treated me for one thing and some
another but most of them called it
rheumatism Sometimes I would get
better for a time but improvement was
only temporary and I was gradually get
ting wnrse until in September I com
menced treatment with the Hot Springs
doctors of Lincoln Under the Hot
Springs treatment I got better from the
start and for the first time in years I
am free from pain and feel I am getting
well I am building up and nerves are
stronger I am well pleased with the
Hot Springs treatment lam a farmer
and live one mile south east of IIallam
Neb August Albers
This cure is without doubt almost a
miracle but the Hot Springs doctors
have hundreds of letters on file in their
offices at 14th and O streets which are
even more remarkable than this llard
ly a case of chronic disease can be men
tioned but what these Hot Springs doc
tors have a living testimonial in a paral
lel case which they have cured These
doctors do not claim they can cure all
cases but they solicit only difficult
cases cases that other methods have
failed to cure Consultation and exami
nation which is free will convince the
most skeptical of the wonderful power
of these world famous specialists Their
permanent location is at 14th and O
screets Lincoln Examination and con
sultation is free to all who call
When metropolitan daily papers gives
such lengthy space to record tho work
of the Hot Springs doctors we think it
no more than the duty of our citizens
than to make Dr Kinseys visit here
March 19 20 and 21 a success Dr
Kinsey says the best way to show him
that we desire the branch institute is
for those who are sick and afflicted and
who havo been given up by other doctors
as incurable by ordinary methods to
call on him at the Palmer hotel when
he visits here Dr Kinsey does not
claim that he enn cure all diseases but
he solicits only difficult cases cases that
have failed of a cure by ordinary meth
ods Consultation and examination is
free If your case is found to be cur
able you will be treated free of charge
except the cost of medicines used If
have anticiDaletl this and
just received our spring
supply of
John Deere Implements
PLOWS Walking sulky and gang
stubble and breakers
DISC HARROWS the famous John
Deere -Model H and Model
B We also have Rock Island
and Ohio discs All of these you
know so well that it is hardly
necessary to mention them except
to tell you where to drive to load
one in your wagon The steel
plow invented by John Deere was
the greatest gift to man but of
course you need to follow it with a
have with from 6o to 140 teeth
round or U bar We also have
HARROW CARTS which are cheap
er than shoe leather besides pro
viding you a comfortable seat and
giving you a chance to think how
you will soon want to come in and
pick out a
or two row or walking depend
ing of course on the amount of
corn you expect to plant but all
of them equipped with the fa
kind you always have wished you
had on that old lister besides the
Edge Selection Drop the accur
acy of which is 96 percent per
fect and its use has raised the
average yield of corn in Iowa 20
We do not want to bother you unne
cessarily but we would like
to say about
That New Wagon
we still handle the New Mo-
line Weber Birdsel and Bur
Oak all full clip geared and poplar
boxes with exra cross braces in fact
built for heavy loads and dry country
And there are many other things
such as Manure Spreaders Gasoline
Engines Wind Mills and Pumps
And in speaking of
Wind Mills
we want to make special mention of
the celebrated Eclipse Dempster
and Woodmanse wind mills like
those you have seen running on your
neighbors farms for the past 1 8 years
We put them up and guarantee their
proper working But for all of this
you should not forget the comfort of
yourself and family and for this we
have on hand brand spanking new and
right from the factory the largest line of
Buggies and Spring Wagons
ever shown in the west and to induce
you to BUY EARLY and get the sum
mer use of them we will until March
15th make each purcasher of a ve
hicle a
Present of a 500 Bill
This will help you and help us to make
room for other goods arriving later
And then we have
Harness Blankets and Robes
for every purpose all going at a spe
cial low price
Besides what is mentioned you will find in our store
Everything for the Farmers Farm and Your Wifes Kitchen
Yours for Business
Phone 31
Vwyr y
B Thf RsvnoMf Wffltllfl 2M 8
WCtfi I INI M I 1 B 3R yi i nH W w ft am 1 I di J fllll U3 -
Sw IlIL I A Ill XlJlS IT VlllllVl gg
will result in every foot of plow land being worked But you can not
do good farming with poor tools Everybody wants to FARM BETTER
rrz Ml A MVY3rn vvirvA aan tftjj
nt n wAniAfWijMriia i rviunrvM - w - -
1 1 - --
your case is incurable it will not be ac
cepted for treatment at any price or
under any condition as it is the invari
able rule of the Hot Springs doctors not
to accept an incurable case for treat
ment As stated above Dr Kinsey will
receive patients at the Palmer hotel
McCook Neb
If you are sick and wanf to be made
well and happy call on this famous
specialist as soon as he arrives as con
sultation and examination are free And
no charges made for treatment except
for bare cost of medicines used
C II Boyle was in Lincoln
day on business matters
D V Colson had business in the
states capital city Wednesday
Kev Allen Bartley founder of
Bartley this county difd in Los An
geles Calif March 5th
Mrs Barney Hofer went up to Wau
neta first of week to see her father
who is in very precarious health
W N Rosebush was in Bartley Wed
nesday arranging to resume his cement
work in that town in a few weeks
Drs R J Gcnn Earl Vahue and
Robert Gatowood of the local dental
fraternity attended the dental asso
ciation meeting in Holdrege yesterday
Dr and Mrs J D Hare entertained
the Thursday Whist club this week
Mrs F W Eo3Worth won the honors
and Mrs V B Mills the consolation
Mrs A Barnett returned Wednes
day night from Omaha and Lincoln
Mr Barnett who is progressing very
favorably and nicely from his recent
operation will return shortly
Hj virtue of an order if -ale i neii from t lie
district court of Red illow counu Nehra ka
under a decree in an action wherein R V l3e
oe 1- plaintill and Edward F Ncwlon ct al
are to me directed and delivered I
shall ofFer at public ale and -ell to the highest
bidder for ca h at the ea t door of the court
hou e in McCook Red Willow county Nebras
ka on the 13th day of April 1MK at the hour of
one oclock p in the follow inn decribid real
e tate to wit Lot number four ill in block
number twenty one 211 in lirst addition to Mc
Cook fted Willoji county Nebra ka
Dated this 13th day of March lli
H I Iltlrov Sheriff
Say you saw it in The Tribune
i fliCLOuK Markets
Merchants and dealers in McCook at
noon today Friday are paying the fol
lowing prices
W h ea t VV
Butter good
The Ideal Store
New Library Post Cards
at The Tribune Office
L rsjjar
Mr -