The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 13, 1908, Image 1

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1 1
Jack for Sale
Good record will trade
cattle or land I M
Neb 2 2S tf
3 i r
Your honorublu pres
ence will bo hifjlily
appreciated by your
humble little sisters
of tho Mission Study
Class at n Chinese
at tho Methodist Church Friday
evening March 20 Insignificant
refreshments will bo served You
Chine etiquette
nro begged to partake
iquette will bo observed All who
desire wear Uimonas and carry fans
25c includes program social and
refreshments Help tho mission
1 March with temple chant by
entire chorus in costume
2 Chinese Song by chorus
Keading by Princess Su
4 Vocal Solo by Pitti Sing
5 Song lum
Yum Wun Shu Wen Wang
Ti Ping
6 Quartet
7 Fan Drill by twelve Chinese la
S Chineso Round by chorus
Building Operations
Notwithstanding the earliness of the
season and quiet times McCook is al
ready making quite a showing in build
ing operations for 190S
There are at least two opera house
schemes in embroyo
A Masonic temples faintest outlines
are looming up
North Manhattan and north McDow
ell streets are places of most active
building operations
i n nrf1rprs will build a modern
homo on lower Manhattan street east
of Captain Evans homo
A Splendid Lecture
A largo and appreciative gathering
was that in tho Methodist church Mon
day evening to hear Father Vaughans
superb lecture on Shakespeare
Father Vaughan is a dramatic orator of
hif h rank and his treatment of tho im
mortal bard of Avon from the view point
of art was unique forceful and impas
sive while his impersonations of Shakes
pereau characters wero most painstaking
and artistic
Mens Club Program
On next Sunday evening in the Con
gregational church a music program
will obtain under auspices of the Sun
day Evening club The choir will give a
number or two in the anthem class Helen
Schwab will sing a solo Tho pastor
will have a short sermon on a timely
subject The public is cordially invited
to enjoy an evening of music witn us
Our Black Dress Goods Stock
includes voiles batistes panamas wool
tatTetas prunellas satin saliels brilhan
tines sicillians henriettas broadcloths
serges jacquards tricots cashmeres
and other weaves 33 cents to S150 a
yard The Thompson D G Co One
price plain figures cash only
Postponed Their Bean Supper
The Ladies Circle of the G A R
have decided to hold there annual bean
supper at some future time to bo here
after announced in tho papers
Kate Dutton
Department President
A Leading Specialty
our dress skirts The most desirable
styles at the most reasonable prices
1000 down to 200 Alterations free
The Thompson D G Co Actual cash
No Use Loading Up
on cheap stuff when you can get good
enameled steel and tinware at McCook
Hardware Co for less money and every
piece guaranteed
for horses
Smith McCook
Simpsons and American Prints 6c
at The Thompson D G Co establish
es of just and proper cash prices
Save All the Cream
by using a Sharpless separator easy to
buy and easy to clean
Buggies Wagons Auto
mobiles and all machinery
repaired in a first class
manner at a reasonable
price at our new location
West Dennison Street
We Respectfully Ask Your Patronage
National Corn Exposition
Tho Nebraska Commission for tho
National Corn Exposition to bo held at
Omaha in December have been ap
pointed by Governor Sheldon upon
recommendations from tho State Board
of Agriculture and the Corn Improvers
Association and are as followa
Willian Ernst Johnson county presi
E A Burnett Lancaster county vice
R Hoguo Saline county 2nd vice presi
W R Mellor Sherman county treas
At tho first meeting held by this com
mission E G Montgomery of Lincoln
was sppointed secretary Tho State
Board of Agriculture have appropriated
sufficient funds to start tho promotion
for a first class Nebraska exhibit and
wo would suggest that every enterpris
ing farmer in this vicinity join in per
fecting an organization for tho growing
of a superior grade of corn If you will
try send in your name to tho secretary
Lot us show that our country is pro
Republican Primary
The Republican electors of the city of
McCook are hereby called to meet at fhe
city hall on Thursday March 19 1908
at eight oclock p in for the purpose
of placing in nomination candidates for
tho following ollicos
City Clerk
City Treasurer
City Engineer
Ouo Member of the City Council for
each ward
Two Members of tho Board of Educa
And to transact such other business
as may properly come before the meet
ing By order of the committee
Sicued Lon Cone
C A Rodgers
II I Peterson
J R McCakl
The Plan
People live on tho inside not tho out-
aHn nf thnir houses It is Well to hllVG
the exterior surroundings attractive
both for personal good and tho good of
tho nmmminitv but it is necessary to
havo tho interior of tho home restful
and beautiful because there if any
where must bo secured most of the
happiness that life will yield No mat
ter what kind of a home you live in it
can bo made cozy and attractive by
rightly selecting your wall paper By
properly planning tho wall decorations
beautiful effects can be secured in any
home Many do not realized what can
bo done when the resources of a stock
ours are drawn upon
L W McCoNNELLDruggist
Meeting- With Encouragement
The Masonic bodies havo advanced a
stnn in the matter of tho con
tomniii A tontntive organization lias
been formed with C L Fahnestock
president M O McCluro vice-president
Alonzo Cone secretary C B
Gray treasurer directors in addition to
preceding L W McConnell George
Willetts S S Garvey II P Sutton F
M Kimmell
Alreadv the directors havo had gener
ous offers to take stock in the enterprise
and the progress made withal is en
couraging as to ultimate results
Fred Acquitted Rudolph 1000 And
A number of residents of Missouri
Ridge were before Squire Berry Mon
day to havo a little matter adjudicated
Fred Quaduor on complaint of William
Brinkman was charged with carrying
concealed weapons- He was acquitted
Rudolf Quaduor on complaint of Emil
Plazgrafd was charged with assault
He was found guilty and the squire
taxed him 1000 and costs There was
a numerous array of witnesses from that
section and no small amount of interest
Married at M E Parsonage
Last Saturday evenine at the Meth
odist parsonage Rev M B Carman of
ficiating William Musgrave and Lena
Goodenberger two well known and
esteemed young people of the Beaver
county were happily married xney
will make their home on a farm near
Danbury with the good wishes of miny
friends Bride is a sister of Mrs Will
C Harmon of our city
Missionary Tea
Mrs Bertha S Berry entertained the
members and friends of the W F M S
of the Methodist church Thursday af
ternoon at her home The lesson was
on Industrial Missions Miss Nina
Tomlinson played a piano solo which
was enjoyed by all Mrs G H Thom
as sang and Mrs Eugene Gary recited
Dainty refreshments were served
Will Not Be Submitted
On account of some irregularity in the
document or in the filing of the petition
the question of voting upon the initia
tive and xeferendum proposition will not
be submitted at the city election This
will be a distinct disappointment to
many but the matter evidently cannot
be helped at this time
New Jabot Waists
A verv extensive assortment of new
waists just receivedincluding four num
bers with handsome removable j bot
ties at 5150 for waist and tie Also a
wide range of very elaborate styles from
8150 to 3150 We solicit your inspec
tion The Thompson D G Co
Died In Tender Years
Lydia tho year and one nait old
daughter of John Hoff died last Friday
night after short illness Services were
conducted at home German Congrega
tional church and grave by Rev G L
Henkelmann after which interment was
held in Riverview cemetery
Best Table Oilcloth 15c
at The Thompson D G Co Maintain
ers of true and actual cash price3
A Successful Convention
It is the concensus of opinion among
those who devoted time to the session
that the McCook District Sunday
school convention which held forth in
tho Congregational church Sunday
afternoon and evening was one of the
best over held in Red Willow county
Tho attendance was large and the in
terest wide awake This was especially
marked at the afternoon session
There was a rousing song and devo
tional service by Rev Carman to open
the session
An interesting paper on tho Home
Department by Mrs Wimer followed
II II Miller presented a paper on
How May tho Supt Increase the In
terest and Attendance
A paper on the topic Parents Obli
gation to tho Sunday School was finely
and ably presented ny iurs j o
Ilawkes A general discussion of this
paper followed
Uneof tho state wonters iuiss iua
Stooker of Lincoln was very interesting
and instructive in her address on Sup
plemental Work
A splendid and complete paper was
that of Miss Storor on What Should
Young People Read
Young People and Missions was
strongly presented by Mrs Edker Bur
Rev Edker Burton handled the Boy
Problem in his practical and effective
Miss Alma Weidenhamor sang very
H M Stoidley of Lincoln closed the
afternoon session with an able address
of practical points on the Adult Move
In the evening II M Steidley ef Lin
coln occupied the hour with one of his
inspiring addresses on Ways That
Solos by Miss Ruth Wiehe and Mr
F M Kimmell completing the program
Citizens Party Caucus
A caucus of the citizens party of the
city of McCook will be held at the
court house in said city Monday
March 16 190S at tho hour of eight
oclock p in for the purpose of placing
in nomination candidates for tho follow
ing offices to be voted for at the city
election to be held in said city Tuesday
April 7 1908
City Clerk
City Engineer
City Treasurer
Police Judge
nnuncilman first ward
Councilman second ward
Two members of the board of educa
And to transact such other business
as may properly come before said cau
We urge upon all legal voters to join
with us in an effort to eliminate party
poitcg from the administration of city
templaled affairSj to the end that we may secure
the proper enforcement oi an our iawa
and an economic wise and business
like administration
By order of committee
I M Smith Chairman
O E Pearson Secretary
Three and Trimmings
TnUnrt fonliinq hus driver for tho
Commercial house and A II Rouse
who does a similar stunt for the Palmer
hotel couldnt agree peaceably as to the
comparative merits of their respective
hostelries Tuesday night and resorted
to their dukes Police Judge Berry
thought them both guilty of an en
fringement of the law and peace and
dignity of the city and considered that
three dollars and trimmings each would
about repair the injury
Regular Mothers Meeting
mi irwmo niiriaHnn TpmnnrnnRfl
Boys Extra Stout Hose
hnvR one nair wear where
were before tis
devoutly wish
to you Ours are
except in the price
consummation you
Let us be of assistance
as neavy as ouiers
Sizes 6 6J and
7 are 15c Sizes 7 a and oys ioc
Size3 9 9 and 10 are 20c Be fair to
D G Co
your purse The Thompson
Actual cash prices
Beautiful Keg-
Old fashioned Hires root
served in a new fashioned way direct
from the keg cool sparkling and delic
ious To be up with the times we have
installed one of Mr Hires beautiful kegs
and the genuine Hires root beer can be
had from us at any time from now on
5 cents Woodworth Co
Atmrican Beauty Corsets
The recognized leading corsets In
coutil in batiste in satine in tape in
fgaUZe At aO UUC IU gLW auu
monev bacK alter i weeKs aciuui wen
if dissatisfied Sold only by The
Thompson D G Co One price plain
figures cash only
Basket Social
A basket social will be given in the
Pleasant Hill district 5S school house
Friday evening March 20th for benefit
of the school library fund
Miss Sallie Hawkins Teacher
Lng Sleeve
made from
Allens and
aprons 20c
Full Length Aprons 65c
Simpsons American
Garners prints Band
The Thompson D G Co
Actual cash prices
For Sale
160 acres of land three miles north of
McCook A good stock farm No build
ings For sale cheap Enquire Box
402 David City Neb 3-13-4
Who They Are and What They
The Sick
or under any conditions
Union held their regular mothers meet- j sick and afflicted and wane
t t u fi inmo nf ma nnd hnnnv call on
I T rr iuii ill II - iLiiuiil iiu j u w w i --
Mrs Kimmell March Gth Subject A
Boy and His Room At the close of
the meeting Mrs Kimmell served a de
licious lunch The next meeting will
be held Friday March 20 at the Baptist
parsonage We urge all ladies to attend
when he makes his visit at
hotel March 19 20 and 21
the dates and the place
Do for
Since tho announcement has been
made in tneso columns that Dr Ben
W Kinsey chief of staffs of tho Hot
Springs doctors who havo their Ne
braska State iustitute permanently lo
cate at tho corner of O and 14th streets
Lincoln would pay a visit of three days
to McCook the question has been ask
ed many times who are tho Hot
Springs doctors and what do they do
The answer is the Hot Spring doctors
are an association of specialists who
havo established institutes in tho var
ious larger cities of tho United States
with one or more Hot Springs doctors at
each institute Tho Hot Springs doc
tors aro specialists in tho treatment of
chronic cases of rheumatism kidney
and stomach trouble lung trouble
goitre gall stones piles and nerve weak
ness by the famous Hot Springs system
of treatment The Hot Springs doc
tors always cure they accept no incur
able cases for treatment So well
versed are they in the anatomy of tho
human body that they can diagnose
any case in a few minutes timodescrib
ing every ache and pain and locating
the cause of the trouble without ask
ing a single question To aid them in
this diagnosis they have tho most won
derful instruments made some of them
imported from tho various medical cen
ters of the world besides many of their
own invention which are used by no
other doctors but the Hot Springs doc
tors For many years the Hot Springs
rlnofnra hnvn nnsrated institutes in tllO
larger cities of the United States
They are now looking around the state
for smaller branch institutes to bo
established in the spring The idea of
ostablishinc these branch institutes is
to put the Hot Springs system of treat
ment within the reach of all
The Hot Springs system of treatment
has national reputation is evidenced by
the fact that the government has estaV
lished its armv and navy hospitals at
Hot Springs Arkansas where sailors
and soldiers are sent after all other
methods have failed to cure Thous
ands of private citizens go to Hot
Springs Arkansas every year for treat
ment some go on crutches others were
carried on stretchers without any hope
of getting well but often go homo
happy and cured Dr Kinsey made a
careful study of this Hot Springs treat
ment inrl norfocted a system of home
treatment so that now this wonderful
Hot Springs sj stem of treatment may
be used in any home any where with
out annovance inconvenience or public
it or without detaining the patient
from his or her occupation Realizing
that there are many who cannot nuord
the time or money to go to Hot Springs
is the cause of the Hot Springs doctors
establishing these various institutes
As stated above the Nebraska state in
stitute is located at 14th and O streets
Lincoln where thousands of testimonials
of these almost miraculous cures made
by these great specialists are on file
The work of these doctors is not only
endorsed by the people they have cured
but by the press as is shown by the
fonf thnt rlailv naners all over the
I United States are continually publish
ing tho accounts of cures made by tnese
Hot Springs doctors This wonderful
Hot Springs system of treatment is
what Dr Kinsey is bringing to McCook
He will be here only three days and
while here will receive patients at the
Pfllmnr hntnl narlor
Consultation and examination are
free All patients who are found to be
curable will be treated free of charge
except for the cost of the medicines
used Those who are found to be in
curable will not be treared at any price
If you are
to be made
Dr Kinsey
the Palmer
The opinion is sometimes expressed
that paints are not as good as they once
were Tho fact is that there never be
fore were such paints as can be had
today if you know where to find them
We carry these high grade goods only
and we guarantee their quality Leads
zincs oils colors household paints
varnishes enamels interior finishes
mixed paints special paints etc i ou
get what is best for any purpose here
and get it at the lowest price possible
consfstent with the quality
L W McConnell Druggist
J W Corner Dead
J W Conner a former resident of
Coleman precinct this county but who
for a few vears past has resided at Pali
sade up on the Frenchman passed
nwiv ATnndav eveninsr Mr Corner had
not been in good health for some time
The remains were buried in Palisade
Wednesday morning services being
held at 11 oclock The bereaved wife
and children have the sympathy of
many Red Willow county friends in
this great sorrow
Association and Contest
The Red Willow County Teachers as
sociation will meet in Indianola on Sat
urday March 14th in the Congregation
al church The spelling contest will be
held the same day at 11 oclock in the
public school house Teachers and
school officials are cordially invited
Claudia Hatcher Co Supt
Girls Ferris Corset Waists
This favorite and unequalled make of
waists can be found only at The Thomp
son D G Co Ladies sizes also in
stock Established prices
Herrick Refrigerators
are wood and enamel lined and filled
with mineral wool and have absolute
dry air circulation See them at
McCook Hardware Co
Primary Teachers Union
One special result of tho lato McCook
District Sunday school convention was
tho organization by Miss Stooker of a
Primary Teachers Union which comes
into being with a membership of seven
nnd Mrs W II Dungan as president
Miss Millicent Slaby secretary
Membership is open to Sunday school
teachers of any grade and to any teacher
in Red Willow county
Tho next meoting of tho union will bo
held in the Methodist church of our
city next Sunday afternoon at four
oclock Mrs J D Young will bo
Interest Good and Growing
Tho revival services at tho Baptist
church aro still in progress with grow
ing interest There will bo no services
Saturday evening Tho matter of con
tinuing next week will bo decided at
tho Sunday services Tho members aro
all -urgently requested to bo present
Sunday a m when this matter will
como up for consideration Everybody
Well Well What
do you think of it a 14 inch Listor Lay
for S175 sharpened and guaranteed to
fit tho listor for which thoy are intend
ed Moline Western Belle John Deere
Canton Morrison Rock Island Brad
ley Brown and Case G W Predmoro
Sons have them in stock and can get
others on short notice Shop phono
197 residence ash 1605
Our Black Silks
Yard wide taffetas at 73c and 8115
Yard wide peau do soio 8125 19 inch
black satin rhadame 49c 27 inch black
china silk 50c 48 inch black gloria
S100 Give your purse the benefit of
examining these qualities The Thomp
son D G Co Actual cash prices
A New Business Combination
W C Moyer as president W M
Hiller as secretary and II II Berry as
treasurer under the title of Tho McCook
Abstract Loan Realty Co havo en
tered into a business combination Of
fices under tho Citizens Bank
There is Health in Hires
It satisfies every thirst revives tho
appetite creates nerve force A pure
food temperance drink Ask for Hires
the only aonuine root beer on tap at
Woodworth Cos drug store
Tiiir Put TViptnsplvps Tin
Braytons brass sash rods fit any win
dow and aro instantaneously put up
10c and 25c Tho Thompson D G Co
Were Crowded Out
Practically all our correspoudencelast
week was crowded out by a rusn ot
other matter at a late hour
Farm Loans
Go to Johnson Rozell
Picture framing
Miss Harrison
The Ideal Store
Have you over tried an
eraser See one at The
Phone black
ekaso ink
Triisunk of-
Fine California figs by the pound
tho Bon Ton
Use Lincoln absolutely pure paint and
be satisfied A McMillen
fintT Wanted For general house
work Steady position Mrs L M
Fresh lettuce celery cauliflower
rheubarb etc constantly on hand at
We have a large line of new wall paper
in stock and more coming
A McMillen Druggist
A kensington will be held at the home
of Mrs A C Wiehe next Thursday at
three oclock She will be assisted by
Mrs E S Waite and Mrs George
Death claimed the new born baby of
Mr and Mrs Louis Yost last Friday
The little remains were mingled with
mother earth in Riverview cemetery
last Saturday
Have vou seen that beautiful root
beer keg at Woodworths drug store It
is especially made for nerving Hires
root beer in the most delectable form
five cents per stein
Dont wait until you are notified call
and advance your subscription up to
January 1st 1909 April 1st 1903 all
subscriptions delinquent one year must
be discontinued Thats the law
We have no choice
Christian Endeavor tonic for March
15th The Wise Use of Money
Bible reference 1st Timothy bli iy
Congregational church Oliver Jeffries
leader All joung people are invited
and will be welcomed
Spring hats the latest out all sizes
styles and colors -for men and boys
Nice line in now more coming Come
and see them We will please you and
make your pocket book happy at the
same time Rozell Bakger
The Sunshine club
nartv to one of their
gave a farewell i
number Mi s
Dollie Ruby at tho home of Mrs F M
Kimmell last Friday afternoon Ke
frpshments were served Miss Dollie re
Paints and oils for
McCook Hardware Co
Is tho greatest incentivo towards
saving money
Whon you find your
earning something
like saving
money is
vou fuel more
lntorest like a much advertised
romedy works while you sleop
We nay four per cent on time de
Absolutel safety liberality
courtesy our watch words
A homo bank
A growing bank
McConnell for drugs
Try McMillens cough cure
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
If its meat you can get it at Marshs
Prunes in 25 pound boxes at 8225 per
box Hubers
every purpose
Use McMillens cream
lotion for
chapped hands and face
A son was born to Mr and Mrs A J
Markwad Tuesday night
LI P Waite Co sell approved ru
ral free delivery mail boxes
For skin comfort during March
McCounuIPs Fragrant Lotion
Latest designs and colorings in wall
paper at McMillens drug store
Huber is still selling Wedding Break
fast Colfee You know tho brand
Quick Meal Gasoline Stoves
McCook Hardware Co
Kodaks and kodak supplies
L W McConnell Druggist
McMillens cough
its name
cure is just what
-A Cure for Cough
Largo and complete now lino of wall
paper at Woodworth A Cos druggists
Buy your seeds of all kinds at The
McCook Hardware Co Guaranteed
If its seasonable and in hi3 line no
use to go any farther than Marshs meat
When down town eat your noonday
lunch at the Bon Ton Home cooking
Prompt service
Have you seen tho John Deere two
row listers at McCook Hardware Co
Cheaper than hired men
Wellerette cigars sold only in
stores tho best 5 cents will buy
sale at Woodworth Cos
nells drug store is agent
Americas best insurance
Consult him
purpose oee us ueiore pitiutiug
Woodworth Co
ceived two volumes of sunshine from I sharpened
hprvoumr friends as a token of their iivery set
G W Predmore Sons have a full
lire of plows and lister lays either hard
or soft steel guaranteed to fit any plow
or lister And 50 cents off on all lays
brought in before the 1st of March
Wake up Mr Farmer and get a move
on yourself you know how the the
Predmores are rushed in the spring
Phone 197
Our Colorado peas corn etc are as
near perfection as it is possible to ap
proach in canned goods Huber
Look over II P Waite Cos stock
before buying farm machinery of any
kind They have many good things to
The new postmaster at St Ann Fron
tier county is Glenn A Somerville late
of our city vice Guy E Garlick re
A G Bump room two over
for some of
Our Cream Lotion is healing and
soothing to both face and hands and
will give entire satisfaction
A McMillen Druggist
Of course we do Sell paint every
day all kinds of paint paint for every
Bliss native herbs the liver and kidney
regulator are for ale now at Wood
worths drug store 200 doses three
months treatment for 8100
You cant help finding paper to suit
you in our ample stock All new de
signs This seasons most artisitic
L W McConnell Druggist
G W Predmore 6c Sons have all sizes
of disc blades Now is the time to get
vour dic cold rolled sharpened We
eighty seven sets last spring
is guararueeu uuu u u
until the spring rush Phone 197
It is a matter of current rumor in tbe
citv that Ben G Gossard lately proven
innocent of embezzling 8G0C0 of the
money of Red Willow county by a jury
of his peers is now located in Hayes
Center and said to be in the real estate
business and said to be not remotely
associated with oue of his state-provided