The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 06, 1908, Image 8

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Await Clapps Opening
OUR NEW MILLINERY DEPARTMENT will be thrown open to bur patrons in due
lime and we wish to take this opportunity of informing every lady in McCook and neigh
boring towns that we will be pleased at that time to have you call and inspect our large
assortment of
Pattern Hats
We have secured the services of a first class trimmer and designer from Chicago who
will be anxious and glad to become acquainted with all our customers With her assist
ance and valuable experience we have selected a large variety of handsome hats copies
of Parisian models She is in Chicago this week selecting for us some of the newest
creations in the latest and most popular shapes and colors which are just being brought
out Because of the lateness of Easter this season the newest things are being brought
things are being brought out and put on the market later than usual and Miss Barnes
our trimmer will bring with her next week many of these strictly new and late models
Whether or not you wish to purchase this spring we ask yon to kindly wait and give us a
In our newly completed department we will also display a
Grand Showing of Jacket Suits Shirt Waist Suits
Princess Dresses Skirts and Waists
Many of these suits and gowns as well as the better trimmed hats have been made ex
pressly for us so that we maybe able to furnish you
Exclusive Styles and Patterns
will appreciate our endeavors
to please you in style fit and
ijyKi m JO W g - m aiJL J Jtk jm
An Ordinance to prmido for the license regula
tion and sale of intoxicating malt viiiou
mixed spirituous and fermented liquors and
to provide a penalty for the violation thereof
alo to provide for a hearing before the mayor
and council in ca e of violation of Mich ordin
ance and for the revoking cancelling and an
nullng of such licence by the mayor and
-council if it shall be found upon such hearing
that said ordinance has been violated also to
repeal Ordinance No 72 and Ordinance No 88
of the ordinances of the city of McCook
Be it ordained by the Mayor and City Council
-of McCook
Suction- 1 All applications for a license to
sell intoxicating malt spirituous vinousmixed
and fermented liquors within the city of Mc
Cook shall bo filed with the city clerk and shall
be by petition of at least thirty of the resident
freeholders of the ward or if there are less than
sixty a majority of the freeholders of the ward
where the sale of such liquor is to take place
setting forth that the application for license is
a man of respectable character and standing
and a resident of the state and a resident of the
ity of McCook for sis months immediately
prior to the filing of the petition and describing
the place where it is proposed to conduct said
business and praying that a license may be is
sued to him
Suction 2 No action shall be taken on said
petition until at least two weeks notice of the
filing of the same has been given by publication
in a newspaper published in Red Willow county
Nebra ka having the largest circulation there
in when if no objection in writing be made and
filed to the issuance of said license and all other
provisions of this ordinance have been fully
complied with it may be granted
Suction- 3 If there be any objection protest
- or remonstrance filed in the city clerks ollico
ere me finest
cake9 hot breads
or puddings are require
pyal is indispensable
Not only for rich or fine food
or for special times or sendee
Royal is equally valuable in the
preparation of plain5 substantial
every day foods for ail occa
sions It makes the food more
tasly nutritious and wholesome
hi imiihiiIIi nr i ii i i r 1
P a
will appreciate your frequent
inspection of our superior
It will be a pleasure to show you OUR NEW SPRING GOODS which are arriv
ing by express They are more handsome than ever
Walsh Block - Phone 56 McCook
against the issuance of said licenethe cityconn
cil shall appoint a day for hearing -aid cascand
if it shall be sati factorily proied that the appli
cant for license has been guilty of any violation
of the provisions of this ordinance or of the
statutes of this state regulating or prohibiting
the licence or sale of intoxicating Liquors
within the space of one year or if any former
license shall have been levoked for any misde
meanor against the provisions of this ordinance
or the laws of this tate the council shall refuse
to issue such licence
Suction 4 Ontlu wearing of any case arising
under the provisions of the last two sections
any party interested shall have process to com
pel the attendance of witnesses who shall have
the same compensation as now proidedby law
in the district court to be paid by the party
calling said witnesses The testimony therein
shall be reduced to writing filed in the ollice of
the city clerk and either party may appeal
therefrom to the district court and said testi
mony shall be transmitted to said district court
and said apieal shall be decided by the judge
thereof on testimony alone
Suction The applicant shall at the timo
of tiling his petition for licen e file with the
city clerk his bond payable to the State of Ne
braska in tho penal sum of five thousand dol
lars SiOOOUO with one surety to be approved
by the city council where such surety is an in
corporated Surety Company authorized by the
laws of the state of Nebraska to transact such
business within this state or with at least two
good and sufficient sureties freeholders of the
county of Red Willow and state of Nebraska
where such sureties are natural persons such
bond to be approved by the city council and
conditioned that tho said applicant shall not
during the continuance of his licen e keep a
dtsorderly house and shall not iolate any of
the provisions of the laws of tho state of
j I ii n ii iii iiiii nfFiii in i iiniTiiIrr i in i Vrir ai i i i ii it i n 1 a
Mi Where biscuit I3
g O H
braska regulating the licen e and sale of malt
spirituous and a inous liquor- and that he shall
not violate any of the provisions of the ordin
ances of the city of McCook and that he will
pay all damages fines penalties and forfeit
ures which may be adjudged again t him under
the laws of the state of Nebraska and under the
ordinances of the city of McCook
Suction 0 He fore said license shall be grant
ed tho applicant shall pay to the treasurer or
the city of McCook for the support of the
district of the city of McCook in ied Willow
county Nebraska the sum of ten hundred dol
lars 100000 which shall bo in full for
the license for one year The applicant shall
take the city treasurers receipt for said amount
in duplicate and file one copy of the same with
the city clerk before the license shall i stie and
the city treasurer shall credit to the account of
tho school district of the city of McCook all
moneys now in his hands or which may here
after come into his hands from any license here
tofore issued and hereafter to be issued for the
sale of malt spirituous and vinous liquor- v it h
in tho city of McCook which money shall con
stitute a school fund and be used for the ole
use and benefit of said school district
Suction 7 Vhene er the petition for licen e
has been granted and the required bond approv
ed by the council and the treasurers receipt for
tho amount required to be paid has been filed
with the city clerk by the applicant as required
by the provisions of this ordinance the clerk
shall issue to sucli applicant a license for the
sale of malt spirituous and vinous liquors in
the city of McCook for tho term of one year
and said license shall be in the following form
as near as practicable
State of Nebraska
County of Red Willow
City of McCook
to all who shall suu these pkusexts
Know ye that having on the day
of A D 10 filed his petition and
bond according to law and paid into the city
treasury the sum imposed upon him as a vendor
of malt spirituous and vinous liquors therefore
the said is hereby authorized to sell malt
spirituous and vinous liquors in the city of Mc
Cook Red Willow county Nebraska for the
terui of mouths ending the day of
In testimony whereof I clerk of the
city of McCook Red Willow county Nebraska
have ailixed tho seal of said city this day
of lJ
City Clerk
Suction S Any person who shall sell or give
away any malt spirituous or vinous liquors or
intoxicating liquors of any kind within the city
of McCook upon any pretext without first hav
ing obtained a license as provided for in this
ordinance or who ha ing obtained such license
shall violate any of tho conditions or provis
ions of this ordinance concerning tho sale of
any malt spirituous or vinous or other intoxi
cating liquors shall on conviction thereof be
fined not less than five dollars i00 or more
than one hundred dollars 10000 in the discre
tion of the court and shall pay all costs of the
suit and bo committed to jail until such fine
and costs are paid And shall be liable in all
respects to the public and to individuals tho
same as ho would have been had he given bonds
and obtained license as herein provided Pro
vided that any person or persons shall be allow
ed to sell wine made from grapes grown or
raised by said person or persons on land belong
ing to or occupied by -aid persons in the state
of Nebraska the same being sold in quantitie
not less than one gallon without procuring a
licence provided for in this ordinance
Sni ion J Any person licensed as herein
provided who shall ghe or sell any intoxicat
ing malt vinous mixed spirituous or ferment
ed liquors to any minor apprentice or servant
under the ago of twenty one years or who shall
allow any such minor appreLtice or servant
under the ago of twenty one years to be in or
about the premises where such intoxicating
malt vinous mixed spirituous or fermented
liquors are sold shall be deemed guilty of a vi
olation of this ordinance and upon conviction
thereof shall bo lined in any sum not less than
one dollar nor more than twenty five dollars
2500 and shall stand committed to the city
jail until such line and costs of prosecution are
Section 10 Any minor apprentice or ser
vant who shall for the purpose of eadingthi
provisions of tho preceding section falsely
represent his age shall be deemed guilty of a
violation of this ordinance and shall upon con
viction thereof be lined in a sum not less than
one dollar nor more than twenty dollar- anil
shall stand committed to the city jail until said
fine and costs of prosecution are paid
Section 11 Every person so licensed who
shall sell any iutoxjeating liquors tt any Indian
insane person idiot or habitual drunkard
shall be deemed guilty of a violation of thi
ordinance and upon conviction thereof shall
be fined in the sum of fifty dollars and shall
stand committed until said fine and costs of
prosecution are paid
Section 12 Any person so licensed aud any
other person who shall intentionally or other
wise sell give away director permit any per
1 son or porsoiih in his employ to sell orirho
away any intoxicating malt vinous mixed
spirituous or fermented liquors which shall be
1 adulterated with strychnine stroutia sugar of
lead or any other feubdtauce shall be deemed
guilty of a violation of this ordinance aud up
on conviction thereof shall bo fined in a sum
not li s than one dollar nor more than one hun
dred dollars and shall stand committed until
said line and costs of prosecution nro paid an
analysis made by a practical chemist shall lie
deemed competent testimony under the provis
ions of this section
bmrioN 13 Jiery person who shall sell or
give away any malt vinous or spirituous liquors
on tho day of any general or special election or
primary election or at any time during the lirst
day of tho weekcommonly called Sundayor be
tween tho hours of eleen oclock p m moun
tain standard time and four o clock a in
mountain standard time the following morning
shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this or
dinance aud upon conviction thereof shall bo
lined tiio sum of one hundred dollars and -hall
stand coma itted till said fine aud the costs of
prosecution are paid
suction II Any ersoii who shall keep for
the purpose of sale without a license malt
spirituous or tiiioiin liquor- in this city and
who shall be found in possession of any intoxi
cating liquors in this cit with the intention of
disposing of tho -nine without license in viola
tion of this ordinance shall bo deemed guilty of
a violation of this ordinance and onconvictiou
thereof shall be lined in any sum not less than
one dollar nor more than one hundred dollars
and shall committed until said fine and
costs are paid provided that this shall not ap
ply to phjsicians or druggists holding permits
lor the sale of liquor for medicinal mechani
cal chemical or sacramental purposes or per
aous having liquors for homo consumption If
any credible lesident freeholder of this city
hall before the police judge make complaint
and information in writing and on oath that he
lias reason to believe that any intoxicating liq
uors describing it as particularly as maj be in
said complaint is in said cilj in ail place des
cribed as nciilj as may bo in said com
plaint owned or kept by any person
named or described in said information as par
ticularly as may be and is intended to be or is
boiug by the person named or described in said
complaint sold without license in violation of
this ordinance said police judge shall upon fil
ing said complaint and believing there is prob
able cause therefor issue his warrant for the
search of premises described in said complaint
and arrest f the person therein named or de
scribed as tho case may bo naming aud describ
ing the liquor- person and premises as in the
complaint which warrant shall bo directed to
tho city marshal of this city aud said warrants
shall further command the othcer that if after
a thorough and diligent search of said premise-
anj such liquor shall be found he shall seize
tho said liquors with the vessel containing it
and to keep tho same securely until final action
be had thereon and immediately arrest tho per
son named or described in said warrant or tho
person in charge of the said liquors and bring
him before the magistrate for examination and
tho possession of any of said liquors shall be
presumptive evidence and subject tho person
to the lino provided above unless after exami
nation ho shall satisfactorily account for and
explain the possession thereof and that it was
not kept for any unlawful purpose Where any
liquors have been seized by virtue of any such
warrant tho same shall not bo discharged or re
turned to any person claiming tho same by
reason of any alleged insufficiency of the de
scription in tho complaint or warrant of tho
liquor or places but tho claimant shall bo en
titled to an early and speedy hearing on tho
merits of the case Provided that in case tho
place described in said complaint aud to bo
searched is the re idenco of the person named
in the complaint or any other person then and
in that case the warrant shall not is no unless
the complaint shall state that within thirty
days immediately preceding the filing thereol
describing it has been sold therein in violation
of this ordinance
Suction li If upon said examination tho
police judge shall bo satisfied that tho person
namtd or described in the complaint or found
iu possession of said liquors aud premise-described
therein had been selling liquors with
out license in violation of this ordinance or
had said liquors seized in his or her po es
sion with the intent to dispose of the same in
violation of this ordinance said magistrate
shall hold said person arrested for trial at
tho next term of the district court and snail
order the liquors so seized destroyed by said
ollicer having them in charge
Sue rioN Hi The city council under the re
strictions coutained in Section 1 of this Ordi
nance may grant permits to druggi ts to sell
liquors for medicinal mechanical and chemical
purpo es upon compliance with all the provision-
hereinbefore contained and subject to all
the requirements and penalties contained in
this ordinance except that no liceu e fee -halt
be required The druggi t shall pay the costs i
of i suiiig the iermit
Suction 17 Any druggist to whom a permit
has been granted as above provided shall
keep a book provided by him for that purpo e i
a regi ter of all liquors -old or given away by i
him which regi ter shall show the date- kind
quality for what purpo e and to whom j
liquors was sold or given away which book i
shall be at all times open to the inspection of I
the public all druggists to whom such permit-
may DC granted sliail on the lir t Monday ol
January and July of each year file in the ollice
of the city clerk a report of all entries made in
said register a- contemplated in
since his last report which report -hall be sub
scribed and sworn to a correct by -aid
and that he ha- not sold or given either
by himself clerk or agent any liquors other
than as stated in said report Any druggi t
failing to comply with tho provi ions of
shall on com iction thereof bo fined for
each offense in a sum not less than twenty dollar-
nor more than one hundred dollar- and
shall be committed to the city jail until said
fine and costs arc paid
Suction lb That whenever it -hall be
brought to tho notice of the city council by
davit filed with the city or with the mayor i
that any person or per ons holding a licen e or
permit under the provisions of this ordinance
have violated any of the provisions of this ordi
nance it shall be the duty ol the city council to
at ouce proceed to investigate the complaint
contained in said aliidavit ami to give the per
son accused not le than three days nor more
than ten days notice of tho time and place
where said matters will be considered by- tho
city council such notice to be is ued by the
city clerk uuder the seal of his ollice if upon
such hearing the city council shall find that a
violation of this ordinance has been committed
by the person or persons so charged then it
shall be tho duty of such council to at once re
voke cancel ami annul the license or permit
held by such party or parties and upon such
hearing before said council witnesses may be
examined under oath in said matter aud said
council may consider any other competent evi
dence as may bo offered by either party
Suction 10 Ordinance Number 72 of the
city of McCook aud ordinance number SS of the
city of McCook and all ordinances and parts of
ordinances in conflict with this ordinance bo
and they are hereby repealed provided that
the pas age of this ordinance or the repeal of j
said ordinance No i2 and ordinance No S
shall in no manner effect any license heretofore
issued or any olleuce committed penalty in
curred or rights acquired under any ordinance
of the city of McCook but all such licenses is
sued olleuces committed penalties incurred
and rights acquired shall be regulated prose
cuted and determined accordiug to the provis
ions of the ordinance under which such license
may have been
Section 20 This ordinance shall take effect
and be in force from and after its passage ap
proval and publication according to law
Passed and approved this 4th day of March
lf0S Charles L Fahnestock Mayor
heal Attest H W Conovek City Clerk
Programme lor July Races
The McCook Driving Park association
directors held a meeting last Friday
and determined upon the programme
for ttie races to be held in this city July
3rd aud 4th next The purses are gener
ous and will no doubt call out a goodly
representation of fast horses on that oc
July 3
2 paco S 200
Freefor all 300
Half mile dash ruDning 0
Three quarter mile dash running 10
Automobile free-for-all Prize
July i
230 trot S 200
Free-for-all pace 300
Half mile and reneat running io
Two mile relay running 50
Equestrian exhibition ladies Prize
Automobile free-for-all Prize
The entries in the harness races will
close on Saturday Juna 27th All races
to be threo in five
It was also decided to hold the fall
meet on Octobor 1st 2nd 3rd
Ask Scott about it Fone 30
To tho qualified electors of tho City or McCook
in Red Willow county State of Nebraska
Notice is hereby given that an election will bo
held in sntd city on Tuesday tho ith day of
April 100S between tho hours of niuo o cl ck a
in and sovon oclock p in control stniuUrd
timo for tho purposo of submitting to tlm qual
ified electors of suid city tho followiiiK
SlShall tho City of McCook in Red Willow
omity Nebraska borrow money und issuo the
howls of said city for tho purposo of erecting
constructing and iiiiiiiitniiiinfr a system or water
works for said city in the sum of oighty llvo
thousand dollars 500000 said bonds tt bo
issued in sums of five thousand dollnrsj00000
each to become duo in twenty yonrs from tlio
date of issuuuco and to bo payabU at any timo
uftor five years and drawing interest at tho
rate or six jwr cont per annum payable souu
nnnuallyaid bonds to h culled W liter Roads
aud shall said city of McCook annually at the
timo required by law for making tho levy Tor
taxes for city purposes and in addition thoroto
levy a general tax upon till tho taxiiblo property
wichin tho limits of snid city of McCook aiilllc
iont to pay tho interest on said bonds and to
create a sinking fund sufficient to pay said
bonds whon they mature said tax to lie loviod
and collected in tho samo manner as i other mun
icipal taxes aro loried and collected and emit
tux to bo known ns a Water Fund the proceeds
of said bonds whon sold to bo applied to tho
erection construction and miiiutouanco or a
system of wntor works for said city of McCook
Tho ballots used a- said olection shall have
printed theroou and submit said proposition in
tho following form
For tho Water Honds aud Water Tax
Against thoWator Honds and WatorTa
jif inmmt
- aafd nrODOSitlon
Voters dqsmngio - 3rt ia tho
f lfM
-- s l
win so IIIUI OK TCOrdg For tho wat
square at tlm rid rfinJnrm votor3 dosiritu
Honds - t
or ghaU
V -it iironositlon 81
lw Ugni T Am A in tho sounro nt tho
lit nf tho words
These eorvicos
next week
invited to
Article a
- M
r4 4T W Tfn 1k lv T
tti in jt y a - i -I
S r
sfiss fcaaajs
rrv tlm Wntor uoncn
nDTiKco atsald election of thirst
Ward of said ci y wr r bo t o f votillK
SriSecSdSnu city will bo
at thohoso house in sai citj
DatgUUU 4th dnv of Mifcity Clerk
nnrvii nq nXO bettlCT
r Hm Hantiat church
intorest bna been very tood
1 rsn lino nnt
boon large
UIO niiouuaiiii - it wK
will continue iuK
nt loast All aro cutumj
Tho V C T U mot Monday after
noon with Miss Finity and organwod
a CountyUnion and oloctod thoirolllcors
for tho remainder of tho year Mrs
LafTorty was prosont and presided at
tho meeting
WC Moyer came in from Des Moines
In Wodneadny to look after business
nfTairs hero and will preach at the
Ohristiau church both raorninir and eve
ning Subjects Tho New Testament
Plea February Events and 1008 m
Relation to tho Kingdom
S If you have not been
there yet
dont miss attending the
Best Prices
Bring In Your Pictures
LSfiei The Ideal Store
Look I
If you want a Side Walk Curb
Stone or Cement Work of any kind
H N Rosebush s
Successor to Rosebush Northrup PHONE RED 1 96 S
fcjyy j f