m T 14 - i V 4 81 f r t 1 sH 1 Are You aTn lO Vgga TO lidn t that ever occur to TO T B which means note Ty at home instead of helping to 10 home place BAJLWbUSI nil mmMimmmjB0wmamxManTmrm maamaammaamamaamaaBm LTey You Yes YOUKE mandizing theres rust Buster 1 the OX man we mean Youre always talk ing about the harm the trusts are doing The countrys going to the demnition bowwows you say because of the un curbed trusts Rich grow ing richer poor getting poorer Used to be that a poor man could go into business for himself in a modest way and make a good living Now he must become a clerk or a roustabout or a hodcar rier for some corpoia tion some combination that has grown to be a Goliath of bigness that has devoured the fat of the land and is still upon it till not a scrap of bone left for the under aog Thats your line of talk Youre still handing it out and youre proud of it Well uow lets see Are YOU a trust buster YOUR SELF Didnt we see you stalk up to the postoffice just now and mail a letter with the address of a city Mail Order Store on the envelope Hey Didnt we Dont you know that the Mail Order Store is a trust one of the most dangerous in the crowd Dont you know that it is secretly and silently and slyly closing the doors of opportunity to the young men in country towns and small cities like ours Dont you know that the Mail Order Trust is collecting the patronage of town and country people by the mail route thereby cutting down the patronage of the smaller merchant the local man who is trying to build up a modest independent antitrust business Hey you 5 well Why dont you trade build up a trust that hurts your KILL THE BRUTE T O SKIN HIM PROPERLY AND SHIP HSS SKIM AND ALL OTHER IISPaT5WQQl e TO THE SHIPMENT HOUSE BR H A Ai I la Minneapolis Ninix THERES MONEY IN IT Write for Circulars Flfh District Convention Pursuant to the call of the national committee issued December 7 1907 the Republican electors of the Fifth congres sional district of Nebraska are hereby called to meet in convention in the city of Hastings on Monday March 9 1908 at 300 p m for the purpose of select ing two delegates and two alternates to the Republican national convention to be held in the city of Chicago June 16 190S for the nomination of candidates for president and vice president of the United States The basis of representation of the sev eral counties in said convention shall be the vote for Hon II H Wilson for pres idential elector at the general election held November S 1904 giving one dele gate for each one hundred fifty votes -and the major fraction thereof so cast for said Hon H H Wilson Said apportionment entitles the sever al counties to the following reprasenta tion in said convention Adams 13 Chase 2 Clay 14 Dundy 3 Franklin 8 Frontier 7 Furnas 10 Gosper 4 Hall 17 Harlan S Hayes 2 Hitchcock 4 Kearney 8 Nuckolls 11 Perkins 1 Phelps 10 Red Willow 9 Webster 11 Total 144 It is recommended that no proxies be allowed and that the delegates present from each of the respective counties be authorized to cast the full vote of their delegations Geo A ALLENChairinan J R McCarl Secretary A Handy Receipt BooK Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to the page for sale at The Tribune office C R Woodworth Cos Success C R Woodworth Co the enterpris ing druggists rather than await the or dinary methods of introduction urged the Dr Howard Co to secure a quick sale for their celebrated specific for the cure of constipation and dyspepsia by offering the regular 50e bottle at half price So much talk has been caused by this offer and so many new friends have made for the specificthat the Dr How ard Co have authorized C R Wood- worth Co to continue this special half - price sale for a limited time longer In addition to selling a 50c bottle of Dr Howards specific for 25c C R Woodworth Co have so much faith in the remedy that they will refund the money to anyone whom it does not cure When yourhead aches your stomach does not digest food easily and natural ly when their is constipation specks before the eyes tired feeling giddiness bad taste in the mouth coated tongue heartburn sour stomach roaring or ringing in the ears melancholy and liver troubles Dr Howards specific will cure you If it does not it will not cost you a cent Only two worthful items enter into the value of advertising namely quant ity and quality that is how many and how good The McCook Tribune is in a field by itself locally on these two points We challenge and invite in spection and comparison We can give you from two to three times the value for your money that any other Red Willow county publication can offer you Ask to see the Strathmore typewriting paper at The Tribune office Say you saw it in The Tribune TARPON TACTICS Wonderful Feats Flights and Leaps of the Silver King Iu the big puss tarpon can best be caught from near the bottom of the channel and hould be tished for with fifty feet of line and a heavy sinker In shallow water the tarpon leaps high in air the instant he feels the hook but in the pass he often tights for a minute or two before coming to the surface More than once when I had come to fear that my tarpon was n shark he has suddenly shot above the surface like a bullet from a gun and in the first wild shake of his head thrown hook and bait fifty feet in the nlr and one even sent a four ounce leaden sinker flying over my head from nearly twice that distance Other tar pon when struck came straight up from the bottom one grazing our gun wale as he rose and another leaping over the stern of the canoe As soou as a tarpon was tired enough to let us pull the canoe beside him we removed the hook from his mouth and let him swim home to his family It happened once that a tarpon was less tired than we had assumed On that occasion we swam home and he had a good man story to tell his friends It had been counted a poor year for tarpon yet in fifteen consecutive days of fishing we were fast to forty four tarpon each of which had jumped for us from one to twelve times is high water mark of twelve vas made by a tarpon which was j i nu lated to his later efforts by the pres ence of a pursuing shark and the twelfth jump was a double number There was commotion in the crimsoned water new vigor at the other end of my line and it was an hour later when I finally landed ou a sand bar a shark with an aldermanic stomach A knife drawn across this distended organ dis closed the tarpon in sections with the hook still fast in his jaw and enabled the camera man to photograph to gether the subjects he had recently photographed separately Although this suark was only one uitn tue size of our big hammerhead yet he made but two bites of his victim Our work at Boca Grande ended with the red letter day of the season of all seasons I was fishing in the pass with fifty feet of line and the bait was di rectly under the canoe when a tarpon struck fiercely quickly carried away a hundred more feet of line and then swam so swiftly toward us that I fear ed from the loosened line that he had escaped Then fifty feet from the ca noe there shot into the air a giant tar pon measuring as we learned after ward an even seven feet Up up up he rose until the camera seemed to be pointed at the zenith and before the rattled camera man could get his aim the silver king had turned gracefully in the air and was plunging downward The captain swears that he saw swing ing clear of the water the ribbon which marked twenty five feet on the line as it hung plumb down from the tarpon Once I gave my own estimate of the height of the jump to a group of friends and after a glance at their grieved expressions appealed to the one of most experience on the coast and with the tarpon After a single mo ment of hesitation he remarked firmly We fishermen must stand together I believe the story A W Dimock in Applerons When Drammers Come Easy At the Players club in New York one evening there was a guest from out of town a playwright well known for his extraordinary facility in turn ing out the alleged drammers that do the circuits It is no uncommon thing for this pro ducer to grind out five or six of his plays annually Some one innocently asked the play wright if it was rather difficult to find new ideas for his plays Really I dont know was the frank answer of the man who has made thousands of dollars from his dram mers I have never tried it New York Tribune Wooden Almanacs An antiquary in Chicago took a curi ously engraved block of wood from a case Here is an original almanac a Sax on one he said The engraved fig ures on it all concern the moon They forecast the new moons and full moons and lunar changes for the year hence being devoted to lunar matters the Saxon block was called an or observation of all the moons From our word alma nac comes Usual Result Well asked the motorman did you manage to collect your little bill from that conductor No answered the disgusted pas senger I got tired trying to collect it at his house and the other day 1 caught him on his car What did he do The same thing as usual put me off Real Genius That artist is a real genius re marked the admirer No answered Miss Cayenne he cant be a real genius or people wouldnt be saying so many compli mentary things about him before he is dead Washington Star Superstitious Golfers The two chief golfing superstitions are that two up and Gve to play never won a match and that it is unlucky to win the first hole It is hard to say which is the sillier of the two London Mail One lie must be thatched with an other or it will soon rain through Owen i tTWmiHwTyrarMfe Real Estate Filings Tho following real estate filings have been made in tho county clerks office Binco our Inst roport Thankful P and Ada P Buck to John F Helm wd to w hf 8 3 28 811000 00 McCook Loan Trust Co to Thomas II Bales wd to lots 1 3 4 5 C 7 8 9 10 11 12 blk21 Browns Park Mc Cook 20000 John Hoevcko and wifo to Mel- vin Choat wd to o hf bw qr lots 3 47-4-30 2200 CO RoseooL Malono and wifo to Wat H Whito wd to hf int e hf no qr 24-2-28 w hf nw qr 19-2-27 1500 00 August Hilgendorf and wife to C E Corell wd to w hf sw qr 22-4-26 3200 00 Elda E True to J P Kummor wd to pt lots 1 2 blk 1 West McCook 900 CO Laura Cordelia Kithcart and Jas A Barnhart to Ernest Perry qcd to u hf nw qr 22 4 26 1 00 William T Schwert et ux to W T Davis wd to no qr sec 14 29 3500 00 Taylor Ginthor et ux to John A Ginther vd to sw qr sec 1-4-27 2500 00 Samuel S Graham widower to Murry E Graham wd to sw qr sec 2-1-28 8000 0C Samuel Graham widower to Murry E Graham wd to se qrsoc31 28 8000 00 ohn Rowland ot ux to I J Brinegar wd to sw hf 27 s hf sw 26 e hf nw qr 35 all inl 30 6000 00 Edward D Perkins ot ux to John II Ayer wd to s hf sw qr 22 n hf nw qr 27-3-29 Joseph Houghnon et ux to George H Cleaver and Emma E Vormillion qcd to w hf 12-3-26 John N Preston to Joseph S Bryson wd to o hf 15-1-29 John Horkey and wifo to Will iam Fritsch wd to lot 8 blk 28 Indianola 5500 00 1 00 6500 00 100 00 United States to Sam Barrett pat to no qr 20-3-27 Wilhelmine Hubor and wife to Adam Brunner wd to se qr 18-1-30 1500 00 Mose Carmoney and wife to Elda ETrue wd to lot 3 blk 2 West McCook 1100 00 Scott Odell and wifo to Elda E True wd to lot 7 n hf lot 6 blk 8 West McCook 600 CO William E Bower to John Thomas wd to o hf sw qr w hfse qr 22 3 30 5000 00 William S Hamilton to Neal H Thompson wd to e hf nw qr 13 3 30 1600 00 Ilirarn C Rider and wife to John IT Yarger wd to lot 7 blk 15 Riverview cemetery John L Clark single to Charles Hammond qcd to ne sec 7-3- 28 m i in inmii ibwmiw 15 00 1 00 Class Superintendents The following is a list of the persons appointed by tho board of managers as class superintendents for tho 190S state fair General superintendent Wm Foster Lincoln Chief of police C J Tracy Loup City Master of transportation L E Emer son Lincoln Superintendent of gates Dr II chard Wisner Superintendent of mercantile hall John F McArdle Washington Superintendent of ampitheatre W F Johnson Harvard Superintendent of fish exhibit W J OBrien South Bend Superintendent class A horses J A Ollis Jr Ord Superintendent class B cattle O E Mickey Osceola Superintendent class C swineGeo A Leonard Pawnee City Superintendent class D sheep R M Wolcott Palmer Superintendent class E poultry C M Lewelling Beaver City Superintendent class F agricul tural products Wm James Dorchester Superintendent class G dairy E M Little Lincoln Superintendent clas3 11 domestic products Mrs I Frishotte Lincoln Superintendent class I bees and honey W C Caley Creighton Superintendent class J womens department Mrs C A Mansfield Lin coln Superintendent class K fine arts Mrs F M Hall Lincoln Superintendent class L education al E C Bishop Lincoln Superintendent class M machinery Joseph Koberts Fremont Superintendent class Q specials and forage Chas Mann Chadron Superintendent class S speed Geo F Dickman Seward Speed committee C II Rudge W R Mellor and George F Dickman Typewriter lor Sale If you are interested in securing a Smith Premer Typewriter in splendid condition at half price call in The Tri bune office and see the machine It is a bargain and will be sold because the owner has two machines - i4 Just Received A CARLOAD OF ELWOOD GENUINE GLIDDEN Dennison st c CITY CHURCH ANNOUIfCFrKTS Christian Bible scho jl a 10 a m Y P S C E at 7 p m All are wel come to these services Catholic Order 8 a m Mass and of services Mass sermon 1000 a m Evoning service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday Wm J Kirwin O M I Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching service at 1100 a m Even ing service at 800 B Y P U at 7 p m A most cordial invitation is extended to all to worship with us E Burton Pastor Christian Science Services Sun day at 11 a m and Wednesday at 8 p m Subject Man Meetings held in Diamond block Room open Wednesdays and Saturdays from 2 to i p m Science literature on sale Episcopal Preaching services at St Albans church at 11 a m and 730 p m Sunday school at 10 a m All are welcome to these services Cele bration of tho Holy Communion at the morning service E R Earle Rector Congregational Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m by pastor Subject Jesus of Xazareth or Jesus The Christ Sunday School Uonvention at 6 p m ana i6U p m Prayer meeting every Wednesday at 745 p m The public is cordially invited to all these services G B Hawkes Pastor Methodist Sunday school at 10 am Sermons by pastor at 11 and S Junior League at 4 Epworth League at 745 Each service will be special commem orating the dedication of our building Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 745 You are welcomed and made glad at this church M B Carman Pastor A weekly newspaper that publishes twenty one columns of good reliable news each week is rare in these days of cheap weeklies intended only to sell some article that the publisher is inter ested in Credit is due The Weekly Inter Ocean for keeping its columns filled with fresh and up-to-date news Give it a trial by subscribing through The McCook Tribune Same price twice the service Tribcne to its advertisers -The hog and cattle wire DILLON FIELD FENCING NAILS ETC IN BUILDERS HARDWARE MECHANICS TOOLS CUTLERY We have a most complete stock of high grade standard goods When in need of anything in our line we shall be pleased to have you call for prices and examine our goods before making your purchases Polk Brothers Hardware ricCook Nebraska Any time you find yourself in need of Supplies for your Office just drop in and see if we do not have exactly what you want whether it be a box of paper clips or the latest improved filing system The TRIBUNE Office jmirKnjumiiii li - I BURGESS mm and Steam Fitter Iron Lead and Sever P pe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Tnmm ngs Estimates Furnished Free Base ment of the Postoffice Buildiri McCOOK NEBRASKA sB5vsgesars3 The best of every thing in his line at the most reasonable prices is flarshs motto He wants your trade and hopes by merit to keep it I C 1MSH The Butcher Phone 12 VT ffe V- -