The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 06, 1908, Image 1

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t -
It was a disappointment to bis
McCook admirers and to tho pa
trons of tho Citizens Lecture
Course that Father Vaughan
though in town January 21 could
not deliver his lecture on account
of tho smallpox quarantine At
tho expense of time aud effort a
later date was secured for this
splendid dramatic orator and he
will appear as the last numbor of
tho course
830 p m
at tho M E Church
Father L J Vaughan trained
for tho church exporionced boforo
tho footlights and wonderfully
endowed by nature fc r seven sea
sons has been a popular lycoum
success As an eloquent orator
ho has no superior
Reserved seats for season ticket
holders on sale at McConnelPs
Saturday March 7 at 800 a m
General sale Monday March 9
Seats 50c
Session of Federal Court
Judge T C Munger of the United
States district court for Nebraska held
a session of federal court in our city
Monday Among tho court officers pre
sent besides tho Judge were Circuit
Court Clerk Thummel District Court
Clerk Iloyt and United States Marshal
Tho session of court was hold in the
district court room
There was only a small amount of
business before tho court and this was
gotten into shape for final disposition
at the next session of the court which
will be held in our city in the fall
Work of Irresponsible Vandals
Colonel W E Corwin has been ex
pending considerable timo and money
on his little island in the Republican
rivi iiORr our city in makifr approach
es from tho main land seats walks etc
And when he recently wont out to look
over tho work he was deeply chagrined
to find that some irresponsible vandals
had destroyed and removed not a little
of his work There seems to bo no ex
planation or excuse for such dirty work
and tho offenders should be severely
punished for such mean and contempt
ible conduct
Spices and Flavoring Extracts
If you want purity in your spices get
them here Guaranteed free from adul
teration and foreign matters
L W McConnell Druggist
A Leading- Specialty
our dres3 skirts The most desirable
styles at the most reasonable prices
81000 down to 200 Alterations free
The Thompson D G Co Actual cash
They Put Themselves Up
Braytons brass sash rods litany win
dow and are instantaneously put up
10c and 25c The Thompson D G Co
John Deere Listers
at McCook Hardware Cos have tho fa
mous edge selection drop plant 96 100
percent perfect
Simpsons and American Prints 6c
at The Thompson D G Co establish
es of just and proper cash prices
Smoko your meat in one hour with
McConnells Liquid Smoke
It comes in liquid form You simply
paint it on It preserves the meat and
keeps it sweet and solid Price 25c
Get a Sharpies Separator
and you can support your family and
start a bank account with your cows
The readers attention is directed to
the new advertisment of H N Rose
bush the well known cement man ap
pearing elsewhere in this issue
Ask Scott about it Fone 30
Buggies Wagons Auto
mobiles andall machinery
repaired in a first class
manner at a reasonable
price at our new location
West Dennison Street
We Respectfully Ask Your Patronaze
Adjourned Session
Thoro was an adjourned session of tho
city council Wednesday evoning March
J th All present but Councilman Mc
Connoll who is not in tho city
G W Predmoru appeared and in
quired the amount of license fee on au
tomatic talking scale No foo being
scheduled for such machine in the city
ordinances tho matter was taken under
Two resolutions were presented
adopted and approved providing for tho
calling of an election to voto on tho
proposition to issue bonds and borrow
money for the purpose of locating erect
ing constructing and maintaining a
system of water works and an electric
light plant
Report of city weighmaster read and
Ordinance No 140 regulating the sa
loon licenso feo otc was passed under
suspended rules
Bills as listed below were approved
and ordered paid
Henry Galosalary weighmaslerS 27 00
W C Bullard coal 1 50
McCook Electric Light Co
lights for Jan and Feb 257 40
R A Hawks police duty and
fumigating 27 50
W H Cooper police duty 4 00
Ted Cain work on streets 7 GO
Polk Bros hardware 50
Pado F C Co mdse 15 00
L A Fitch Co livory hire 8 00
II W Conover office supplies 2 70
Petor Miesen carpenter work 13 00
Middleton Ruby plumbing 2 00
Foss Brown attorney feo 75 00
Osburn Wentz drayage 1 15
McCook Republican printing 5 50
J H Stevens Co meals 20 65
D C Marsh meat 38 G5
Fire claims of 200 each were allowed
E R Osborn CWWimer G S Scott
Frank Putnam I N Biggs Floyd
Berry W C McCarty Darvo Burnett
C A Leach S O Russey L W Jen
nings J E Ludwick M F Stoner J
W Spencer C W McMillen
Ordinance No 140 and the notice of
election to voto water bonds and water
tax appear elsewhere in this issue
Mrs William Hammel Sustains a Stroke
Mrs William Hammel we were deep
ly pained to learn sustained a stroke of
paralysis early Sunday morning from
which serious results were at first fear
ed but which at tim willing uud ioi
tunately proved to be less dangerous
than was at first apprehended
She had been much wrought up and
wearied by a case in court which lasted
into the late hours of Saturday night
when the jury finally disagreed This
is thought to have been largely instru
mental in bringing on the unfortunate
It is devoutly hoped her condition
may continue to improve and that she
may fully regain her health
What People Say
The following are concise opinions of
Father L J Vaughan tho lecturer who
speaks at the M E church next Mou
day night the 9fch as the last in the
citizens course
He is a whirlwind
Concise eloquent witty
He thrilled his auditors with peer
less oratory
A star attraction
Fail not to hear him
the kind that makes you limp and wear
a worried expression these too can be
just as quickly and easily gotten rid of
as the single offender Therell be no
discomfort no loss of time You can
wear pour shoes and keep about jour
duties while the remedy is loosening
the corns and getting them ready for
removal Lightning Corn Cure 10c
L W McConnell Druggist
Jubilee Sunday at M E Church
Next Sunday will be Jubilee Day at
the Methodist church at both morning
and evening services being the third
anniversary of the dedication of the
new church and the expiration of the
church bonds There will be special
music with a processional and the
Gloria by a large choir The pastor will
preach at both services The public is
most cordialy invited
Our Black Dress Goods Stock
includes voiles batistes panamas wool
taffetas prunellas satin saliels brillian
tines sicillians henriettas broadcloths
serges jacquards tricots cashmeres
and other weaves 35 cents to 150 a
yard The Thompson D G Co One
price plain figures cash only
Rubber by the Mile
is the way McCook Hardware Co buy
their hose of the factory and this hose
has been found the most satisfactory
and lowest priced
Save the Price of Hired Help
and get your corn in early with a John
Deere two row lister at McCook Hard
ware Cos
Ask Scott about it Fone 30
Burial of Mrs J P Notley
A largo and sympathetic concourse of
neighbors and friends gathered at the
homo of J P Notloy last Saturday af
ternoon to pay a last tribute of respect
to tho departed wife of that bereavsd
gentleman Many followed the remains
of the departed to their last resting
placo in Rivorviow cemetery after ser
vices at tho home
Rev G B Ilawkos of tho Congrega
tional church of which she was a mem
ber conducted the services the church
choir singing for the sad occasion
Tho floral offerings wore lavish and
splendid a fitting tribute of dear ones
and friends to the hallowed memory of
the beloved one gono on boforo into the
spirit land where pain and sorrow and
tears have no place
A son John Billings of Iloisington
Kansas and nephew Earl Davis of Con
cordia Kansas wore present from away
Tho two sisters of the departed Mrs S
B Glidden and Mrs Carrie Layton
both of Concordia Kansas were unable
to be present Mrs Glidden being too ill
and Mrs Layton being held at homo by
the illness of her sister
The pall bearers were selected from
tho membership of the local G A R
post of which Mr Notley is a mem
ber They wore Comrades I H
Wasson John OBrien J H Yargor
J H Henderson W P Burns C H
Anna E Jones was born at Lafayette
Ind May 22 1818 She joined the
Presbyterian church of that place at the
age of fourteen Sho was married in
1863 to Mr Billings three children living
as tho result of this union During
this time sho moved to Concordia
Kans where her letter wa3 transferred
to tho Presbyterian church She was
married in Concordia December 31
18S5 to J P Notley They lived for a
time in different parts of Kansas and
Colorado and came to McCook in 1893
which has since been her home Mrs
Notley has been sick much of the time
since living in McCook being confined
to her bed the past few months Sho
died Wednesday afternoon February
26th She leaves her husband and their
son Earl Since corning to McCook she
has held her membership in the Con
gregational church hero
We are most deeply grateful to all
fi kijrl piphhors and friends for bjjp
and sympathy and especially do
thank the members of the G A R
post and I A of M for kindnesses and
assistance in our hour of sadness and
J P Notley
Earl Notley
John Billings
District Sunday School Convention
The McCook district of the Red Wil
low County Sunday School association
will hold a convention in the Congrega
tional church McCook Sunday March
S 1903 The afternoon session will be
gin at 230 and the evening service with
ii song service at 730
230 Program
Song and devotional service
Conducted by Rev Carman
Home Department paper Mrs Wimer
How May Snpt Increase Interest and
Attendance Paper H H Miller
Music Male Quartette
Parents Obligation to the Sunday
School Paper Mrs G B Hawkes
Open for general discussion
Supplemental Work
Miss Nina Stooker Lincoln
What Should Young People Read
Paper Miss Gertrude Storer
Young People and Missions Paper
I Mrs Edker Burton
Solo Miss Alma Weidenhamer
The Boy Problem Rev Burton
Adult Movement
Rev H M Steidley Lincoln
Evening 730 Oclock
Anthem Congregational Choir
Address Ways That Win
H M Steidley Lincoln
It is hoped that delegates will be pres
ent from every Sunnay School in the
McCook district Entertainment will
be provided
American Beauty Corsets
The recognized leading corsets In
coutil in batiste in satine in tape in
gauze At 35c 50c 75 8100 Your
money back after 4 weeks actual wear
if dissatisfied Sold only by The
Thompson D G Co One price plain
figures cash only
McCook Electric Light
McCook March 6 1903
All electric light bills are due on or
before the 15th of each month
McCook Electrig Light Co
American Woven Wire
at the McCook Hardware Cos is made
of hard stiff steel wire heavily galvaniz
ed is pig tight and bull proof Works
like a hinge
Chamois Skins
We have an extra large assortment of
fine quality skins Soft and pliable
All sizes for cleaning and polishing
L W McConnell Druggist
Best Table Oilcloth 15c
at The Thompson D G Co Maintain
ors of true and actual cash prices
Ask Scott about it Fone 30
Try McMillens cough cure
Hot Springs Doctors Want Location
Branch Institute
The Hot SpringB doctors who have
thoir Nebraska State Institute perman
ently located at 14th and O streets in
Lincoln are looking about tho stato for
a suitable location for branch insti
tutes which will bo established in tho
spring and may select McCook as a
location for one of these branches
A representative of the doctors was in
the city this week and bo well pleased
was ho with our town that ho has prom
ised to havo Dr Ben W Kinsey chief
of staff of tho Hot Spring doctors spond
three days in our city from March 19th
to March 21 During this visit to Mc
Cook Dr Kinsey will stop at tho Pal
mer hotel where ho will receivo patients
All patients will be examined free of
chargo but only those found to be
curable will bo excepted for treatment
Those that aro found to be incurable
will not be accepted for treatment at
any price or under any condition
Th03e that aro found to bo curable by
the Hot Springs system of treatment
will be treated free of charge except
for tho cost of tho medicines used
This grand free offer is made in order to
got a few good cases quickly
The object of Dr Kinseys three days
visit hero from March 19th to March
21st at the Palmer hotel is to secure a
few cases in McCook to show what this
wonderful Hot Springs system of treat
ment will do in tho way of curing dis
eases oven after all other methods have
failed Dr Kinsey wants to secure
these cases now so that if a branch in
stitute is located here in tho spring
tho work of tho Hot Springs doctors
will be known hero and tho cured pa
tients will bo good advortismonts
For months the Lincoln daily papers
have been full of reports of wonderful
cures that have been made by tho Hot
Springs doctors at their Lincoln insti
tute Not long ago the Nebraska
State Journal contained a half column
account of a woman who had been
cured of gall stones This woman had
suffered many years and all tho doctors
had given up hopes of curing her with
out an operation when a friend advised
hftr to go to the Hot Springs doctors
wo rfhe look the Hoc Springs treatment for
a short time and is now well for the
first time in years and was saved from
having an operation
Other issues of this paper have told
of wonderful cures in cases of rheuma
tism arid other cures of stomach trouble
where the patients were unable to eat
any food except malted milk and were
entirely cured by the Hot Spriugs treat
ment One man who had kidney troub
le and had been given up to die of
Brights disease was cured with three
months treatment Another man who
bad epileptic fits for two years was un
able to work at his trade as a machin
ist for fear of falling among the heavy
machinery and being killed this man
was cured by a short course of Hot
Springs treatment and is now back at
work It is such cases as these that
have made the Hot Springs doctors
famous all over the county This is an
opportunity of a life time to thosa who
are sick and want to be cured
The Hot Springs doctors are endorsed
by the leading banks business men
clergy and newspapers and physicians
of Lincoln where their work of curing
the sick is so well and favorably known
Tho Hot Springs treatment system of
has a national reputation as is attested
by the fact the United States govern
ment has established its arm and navy
hospitals at Hot Springs Ark where
soldiers and sailors are sent after all
ordinary methods have failed to cure
Thousands of private citizens go to Hot
Springs every year to be cured of mala
dies which are incurable by ordinary
methods They go on crutches in car
riages and on stretchers and most of
them go home happy and cured Hot
Springs is a national blessing
It remained for Dr Kinsey to discover
the secrets of Hot Springs and to per
fect his wonderful system of home treat
ment so that it can be used any where
in any home without inconvenience
annoyance and without publicity or
detaining the patient from his or her
usual occupation
The Hot Springs doctors treat dis
eases of the nerves including rheuma
tism paralysis neuragia loss of nerve
force gall stones goitre piles rupture
and diseases of men and diseases of wo
men The Hot Springs system is all
home treatment so that frequent visits
to the office aro not necessar
The Hot Springs doctors have estab
lished a world wide reputation by their
honest dealings with their patients and
by the fact that they will not accept an
incurable case for treatment at any
price or under any conaition
The Hot Springs doctors have for
years beon operating medical institutes
in many of the large cities of the United
States where a staff of medical experts
are kepjt busy curing diseases by natures
remedies as found in the curatives wa
ters of these wonderful hot springs
As stated above the Nebraska State In
stitute is permanently located at 14th
and Ostreets Lincoln
This three days visit of Dr Kinsey at
the Palmer hotel will be a grpat oppor
tunity for the sick as no charee will be
made for examination All curable
cases will bo treated free of charge ex
cept for the bare cost of the medicines
Remember the date and place
Three days only March 19 20 21 at
the Palmer hotel McCookNeb
miMmii iiwuimn wwmWwii
Boys Extra Stout Hose
To havo ono pair wear whoro two
were before tis a consummation you
devoutly wish Lot us be of assistance
to you Ours aro as heavy as others
except in the price Sizes G Gf nnd
7 are 15c Sizes 7 8 nnd 8 18c
Sizes 9 9J nnd 10 nro 20c Bo fair to
your purse Tho Thompson D G Co
Actual ca9h prices
Rubber Rubber Rubber
G W Predmore Sons havo tho
largest and best rubber tiro machiuo in
southwestern Nebraska Dont send
your wheels away for rubber tires till
you got Prodmoros prices
Rubher Ruiiuer Ruisuer
We havo tho best that money can buy
Phono 197
Our Black Silks
Yard wido taffetas at 73c and 8115
Yard wide peau do soie 125 19 inch
black satin rhadame 49c 27 inch black
china silk 50c 48 inch black gloria
100 Give your purse the benefit of
examining these qualities Tho Thomp
son D G Co Actual cash prices
Association and Contest
Tho Red Willow County Teachers as
sociation will meet in Indianola on Sat
urday March 14th in the Congregation
al church The spoiling contest will bo
held the same day at 11 oclock in tho
public school houso Teachers and
school officials are cordially invited
Claudia Hatcher Co Supt
New Jabot Waists
A very extensive assortment of now
waists just received including four num
bers with handsome removable jabot
ties at 150 for waist and tie Also a
wide range of very elaborate styles from
150 to 450 Wo solicit your inspec
tion The Thompson D G Co
True Paint Economy
lies in using paint before it becomes
absolutely necessary Dont wait until
the old coat has entirely worn off Tho
Sherwin Williams paints aro honest
paints full measure easy to use wear
well Sold by McConnell Druggist
Initial Embossed Free
You can havo your initial embossed
free on fancy box paper bought at Hof
ers the dealer in stationery
souvenirs and post cards Always pat
ronize tho old reliable
Girls Ferris Corset Waists
This favorite and unequalled make of
waists can be found only at Tho Thomp
son D G Co Ladies sizes also in
stock Established prices
Quick Meal Gasoline Stoves
sold and gasoline stoves cleaned and
ropaired Get ready for a pleasant
summer McCook Hardware Co
Jack for Sale
Good record will trade for horses
cattle or land I M Smith McCook
Neb 2 28 tf
Fence Posts ror Sale
On tho Royal Buck farm Call on or
J P Helm Red Willow
Farm Loans
Go to Johnson Rozell
Ask Scott about it Fone 30
Choice apples aud oranges at the Bon
Picture framing to order Ideal
Fruits of all kinds at all times at
McMillens cold tablets will cure your
cold and stop your cough
H P Waite Co sell the Western
Belle lister It has no superior
Kodaks and kodak supplies
L W McConnell Druggist
Every day is bargain day at H S
Godfrey Cos the popular leaders in
selling flour feed and hay
Miss Maude Vanderpool will open her
dress making establishment in room 4
Walsh block next Monday
If it is from Marshs its the best ob
tainable Anything and everything per
taining to the meat market business
Tone up your nervous system with
McConnells Sarsaparilla It aids di
gestion improves the appetite and gives
natural restful sleep
Need any barb wire field fencing
nails etc We can supply you A car
load just received
Polk Bros Hardware
McCook Neo
Fred E Bortfeld tho well known piano
tuner is here on his regular trip Any
one wishing to have their piano tuned
leave orders at II P Suttons jewelry
G W Predmore Sons have a full
line of plows and lister lays either hard
or soft steel guaranteed to fit any plow
or lister And 50 cents off on all lays
brought in before the 1st of March
Wake up Mr Farmer and get a move
on yourself you know how the the
Predmores are rushed in the spring
Phone 197
como to everybody Life hns moro
ups than downs Right now
whiloyou aro making you ought
to bo saving then when tho downs
como you will havo something to
fall back upon
Now is tho timo to start
a bank account with
A homo bank
A growing bank
McConnell for drugs
Ask Scott about it Fone 30
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
If its meat you can got it at Marshs
Fine California iigs by tho pound at
tho Bon Ton
Prunes in 25 pound boxes at 225 per
box Hubers
Family washing taken in five cents
per pound Phono 35
Uso McMillons cream lotion for
chapped hands and face
H P Waite Co sell approved ru
ral freo delivery mail boxes
Buy your paints and oils of all kinds
at McCook Hardware Cos
Huber is still selling Wedding Break
fast Coffee You know tho brand
Ono Minuto washer
McCook Hardware Co
McMillens cough cure is just what
its name indicates A Cure for Cough
If its seasonable and in his line no
use to go any farther than Marshs meat
Fresh lettuce celery cauliflower
rheubarb etc constantly on hand at
Dr Hare xnniines eyes freo and
guarantees satisfaction in tho fitting of
glasses tf
When down town eat your noonday
lunch at tho Bon Ton Home cooking
Prompt service
Welleretto cigars sold only in drug
stores tho best 5 cents will buy For
sale at Woodworth Cos
Our Colorado peas corn etc are as
near perfection as it is possible to ap
proach in canned goods Huber
A car load of nails barb wire field
fencing etc just received
Polk Bros Hardware
McCook Neb
Look over II P Waite Cos stock
before buying farm machinery of any
kind They have many good things to
A G Bump room two over McCon
nells drug store is agent for some of
Americas best insurance companies
Consult him
Our Cream Lotion is healing and
soothing to both face and hands and
will give entire satisfaction
A McMillen Druggist
Our Carnations on sale Saturdays
at McConnells drug store X5z per
dozen McCook Greenhouse Mrs
L M Best Mgr
Tho members of the G A R assisted
by tho Ladies Circle will give their
annual bean supper in tho near future
Look for the date and menu in our next
Dont wait until you are notified call
and advance your subscription up to
January 1st 1909 April 1st 1903 all
subscriptions delinquent one year must
re discontinued Thats the law
We have no choice
G W Predmore Sons have all sizes
of disc blades Now is the time to get
your disc cold rolled sharpened We
sharpened eighty seven sets last spring
Every set is guaranteed Dont wait
until the spring rush Phone 197
A car of choice winter ap
ples Ben Davis and Wine
sap now on tracK at Burl
ington depot
Call and see us we will
treat you right