The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 28, 1908, Image 5

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As the Season For
on the farm approaches it is well to look
around and get posted on the best imple
ments to buy Our spring stock is now
arriving and we will be glad to show
Moline Oliver Defiance Plows
Moline Bradley and other makes of
Disc Harrows
Superior and Success Drills
Several kinds of spike tooth harrows and
other machines beside the
Western Belle Lister
This lister has been tried in this vicinity
for many years and has given universal sat
isfaction But if any customer prefers
something else we have other good ones
among which we will mention the Tri
Belle Oliver and Bradley We also con
tinue to sell the
Call on us for anything needed in the farm
machinery line
H P Wait
seNsvaNSEsBarssvavKssssasas sksss saasaNasassNasB sa
The Only Place
In McCook
where you can buy
i can Van Camps Saur Kraut ioc
i can Van Camps Hominy ioc
i can Pumpkin ioc
Navel sweet oranges all sizes per peck 65c
12 oz pkg seeded raisins for ioc
16 oz pkg seeded raisins for 1 5c 2 for 25c
Evaporated apricots per lb 20c
Extra large evaporated yellow or Muir
peaches 20c or 3 lbs for 50c
Bulk seedless raisins per lb ioc
Bulk two Crown raisins per lb ioc
Bottle pickles Chow Chow Celery Relish
cauliflower stuffed or plain olives ioc
3 cans standard corn 25c
2 large size can tomatoes 25c
1 can Lemon Cling sliced peaches 25c
1 can yellow free peaches 25c
1 can white or black cherries 35c
1 gal can apples 40c
1 gal can peeled pie peaches 50c
1 gal can impeded pie peaches 45c
1 gal can white cherries 60c
80 oz K C baking powder 65c
50 oz K C baking powder 45c
In Tea Coffee and all Groceries we
defy competition
We have a large stock of Groceries all
fresh and new and needing money will for a
short time sell at above prices
Phone 23
No 0
m -- ii
McCook Neb
our own solar orb Wo are Journeying
in its direction at the rata of millions
of miles a day and ti somo future
time it may gobblo tfs all up
For after all humiflatilLa tiiough the
confession be our sun ia only a very
small star of the sixth magnitude or
thereabouts and of an importance in
the universe so slight as to le scarcely
within the pale of respectability
Reader Magazine
One Seam For Fifteen Yscrs
It has been said that the most mo
notonous form of labor Is gumming
labels But there are many others
which come very near it in the boot
turn of the machine handle In some j j
cases a pair of shoes have passed
through fifteen pairs of hands b fore
reaching completion As a uaturui re
sult there are workers who week ufter
week go on performing the same v ork
hundreds of times a day Indeed in
one factor- there is a woman who for
fifteen years has sewed only one seam
Her machine works so rapidly that she
spends as much time inserting and
withdrawing her work as in tlie actual
sewing Westminster Gazette
What would you do asked the es
cited politician if a paper should call
you a liar and a thief
Well said the lawyer if I were
you Id toss up a cent to see whether
Id reform or lick tho editor Cleve
land Leader
Never Touohod Him
Doesnt begging make you asham
Sure If you knew how stingy some
men were you would be ashamed of
being human Philadelphia Ledger
CoiitralTtnio J03 i M
100 A 5
maim mni west iikpaut
So 1 Mountain Timo
5 Arrives
715 A
U2 v
9M A M
1112 i M
S v m
1025 A si
5 iJ A M
No 17G arrives Mountain Timo S K l m
No 17riJojartj 6ir a m
Sleeping dining and rocliniiiK chair cars
seats fruu on through trains Tickets sold
and buniio clu cked to any point in the U itcd
states or Canada
For information timo tables maps and tick
l call on or vril H E Foo Aeorit McCook
Nebraska or L V Wakuluy Uonoral tirseu
fjer Agout Omaha Nebraska
Guneral Supt By ram win at division
headquarter last Friday
Chiol Dispatcher und Mm W F Pa to
went up to Denver Wednesday night
Supt Young was at Omaha and also
spent a day each at Hastings and Ox
ford this weok
Conductor Herman liegenbprgor re
turned to work this week taking
Nashs car the 14151
Engineer Ratchffo has Whitneys run
on the Wray local while F A is quar
antined with small pox
Conductor Neal Beeler has returned
to work after a months vacation which
win ppaut with the folks at Heaver City
Four engineers were set back Iking
and ton firemen were let out of the ser
vice Tuosdaj A big cut in the train
sorvieo is also anticipated
Conductor George Peareo returned to
work first of the week after a brief
lay off Ho coo templates a trip to the
western coast oud iaterineilito points
in the near future
While switching No 2 laet Friday
morning tho goat was derailed caus
ing a considerable delay to that train
No 77 was also delayed ono hour and
fifty minutes the accident blocking the
went end of tho yard
A change in tho trainmaster- here is
a probability for March 1st
hamer will go to Denver to relievo
ford who will go back into tho train
service McKonna will have jurisdic
tion as far west us Aluon and Woiden
hamer tho Donver terminals and as far
east as Akron
On Tuesday Brakeman J K Van
Horn who has been at Omaha for a
slight operation was attacked by an
hemorrhage of tho throat or back of tho
head which resisted tho efforts of phy
sicians to control until some alarm was
felt for his condition Accordingly
Queer Vessels Thrt Are Used
111 i p 1 it i
tlie ItIe
of Koderijrt Dh
pecuniary dillieiI
gave tho
liae I
H 1lH - f
itwI Khnr triwlfv fnr instntipo li ltla mwe
is divided among as many workers as
possible One will thus make a single i
cut in the leather and another give one
a 11
rents du too
a piece called
In Wild
Timbor Districts
Deep In the wilds of the Canadian
timber lands and In n number of the
northern lumber districts of the United
States wonderful boats climb hills
creep through swamps and woods
traverse small streams from one lake
to another and even climb upon freight
ears if long transportation Is
Practically a steamboat and steam
winch combined the engine can be
thrown in gear to drive the paddle
wheels or twin screws according lo
which of the two the boat Is equipped
with or drive a cable drum which
holds a mile of five eighths Inch steel
cable used for warning and crossing
At the end of a water journey the
cable Is carried to a tree some distance
Inland and at one side of the path des
ignated for the bout to pass over Pass
ed through a pulley block It is carried
back to the boat and run through a
pulley block at the bow Then re
turned inland again it Is fastened lo a
tree on the other side of tho path and
just opposite the first tree thus mak
ing It possible for the boat to travel
a straight course without dodging the
anchor trees The engine Is geared to
Hie cable drum and the cumbersome
but powerful craft commences its rock
strewn journey
No vay is required log- and
skids being thrown a few feet apart
across the p ithuay to keep the dioeing
from grindlig oi the rocks In this
manner the boat can fr - rrn one
to two miles a day ai I i uf a ra e
of one foot ii thru1 iv
Popular Median Vs
la prt
Iti to I n
Vriiou lludei i k
1oleiick DMi
Yco and your
On the production of
The Spy tkj early
u nnfl i r 4y a uuuicu uuwu ms lux
to be with him Later reports state that
the loss of blood was not serious and ho
is doing nicely
Color of the Sky and the Moon and
tho Hues of tho Stars
It is the atmosphere that makes the
sky look blue and tha moon yellow If
we could ascend to o elevation of fif
ty miles above tho earths surface we
should see that tho moon is a brilliant
white while tho sky would be black
with the stars shluiug aa brightly In
the daytime as at ulsrlit
Furthermore as a most picturesque
feature of the spcctaclo wo should no
tice that some of the stars are red
others blue yet others violet and still
others green in color Of course all
of the stars If wo bur the planets of
our own system are burning suns
and the lines they wear depend upon
their temperature
The hottest stars ara blue Thus
Vega in tho constellation Lyra Is a
blue sun hundreds of tlmoa as large as 1
acts showed that it was going lo prove
a failure So when at a certain point
a character had to rush on and shout
Five hundred pounds for tho spy
the author actor who was concealed
behind a rock arose ami cried Its
yours copyright manuscrii1 and
parts That was the end of the per
When eating takes place on tlie
stage the temptations to play tricks
with the food are naturally great In
Henry V the leek which that inimi
table braggart Pistol has to eat i
usually made from an apple But on
one occasion at Sadlers Wells the
Fluellen of the evening gave him a
real onion and he had no choice but
to struggle through it though tho
Saved His Goldfish
When a Bavarian peasant treats him
self to a new hat he does not throw
the old hat- away lie just puts the
now hat on top of the old ono The
other day an amusing scene was wit
nessed at the Munich railway station
A peasant who had bought a new hat
and a bowl containing several goldfish
found himself hustled by the crowd
surging at the entrance to one of tho
platforms In the crush the bowl was
broken and the fish fell out For a
moment the peasant knew not what to
do Suddenly he made up his mind
lie snatched his two hats from his
head and picking up the lively fish
he put them inside the old hat which
he then filled with water at tho near
est water tap Carrying the improvised
aquarium the ingenious peasant en
tered his train smilingly but very care
fully Munich Cor Loudon Globe
Facing a Waterspout
What k means to encounter a water
spout in the south seas is described by
Beatrice Grimshaw First of all a
black trunk like an elephants began
to feel blindly about in midair hang
ing from a cloud It came nearer and
nearer with uncanny speed drawing
up to itself as it came a colossal cone
of turbulent sea until the two joined
together in an enormous blsck pillar
some quarter of a mile broad at the
base and probably a good thousand
feet high uniting as it did the clouds
and the sea below Across the darken
ing sea against the threatening copper
crimson sunset came this gigantic ho
ror waltzing over troughs of torn up
water in a veritable dance of death
like something blind but mad and
cruel trying to find and shatter our
A Gladstone Bull
Mr Gladstone dearly loved a joke
even at his own expense and he poc
i sessed considerable mimetic powers
lie was once guilty of an amusing
bull in a debate on the question of dis
establishment Dilating on the hold
held 011 the affections of the people by
the Church of England he said
When an Englishman wants to get
married to whom does he go To lae
parish priest When he wants his
child baptized to whom does he go
To the parish priest When lie wants
to get buried to whom does he go
The house answered with a roar of
laughter in which Mr Gladstone him
self joined adding As I was con
trasting the English church with the
Irish a bull is perhaps excusable
A Very Mad Uog
A little girl came running to tell
alout a mad dog she had seen We
saw a mad dog Bhe gasped but the
words seemed too tame to do justice to
tho situation Oh he was mad mad
she added frowning and pumping her
Gsts He was furious Harpers
- i I i
1 S
-- sy r yirir
ff i r - -
ou con see now v
mde waists rit
untonnct T c0vbie3
irnr iio t far
- enbnoir 5 KWttc
C ChieKP
Hve you ever bought piece of goods tfyt
you tlouclt would nrxke you just tlpe lovliest
slpirt WdJst Td tie9 spoiled tt piece of
goods by cuttityg it oi JT09g p9itter9
Ve e9 sve you aJI of tt dred of cutting
njisfit Siid sve you fron vatstiijg your
You e9 cone iijto our store yd see just
lov tle sirt wadsts you re 0193 to vsr
will look before you buy tipeip
9d see for fow little rponey we cd9 ive
you di slirt weast
For 1 you C9 get wist
For SL you e9 get 9icely trinjnjed wlite
Wad st
For 5Lc0 9d a you C9 get stylisl
well ndde Ice or embroidery trinjrned waists
None cheaper none better than our line
If we waist you you wont waste your money
Wliof lc -- rtt CU--0 9
ty nctu ia ututci 11idll ci uuuu oiiucr
A Good Shoe
that fits the foot
These you will find at The
Model Shoe Store
We carry none but the best
right Come in and get a fit
The Opportunity Is Here Backed
McCook Testimony
Dont tako cur word for it
Dont depend on a strangers state
Read McCook endorsement
Read the statement of McCook citi
And decide for vourself
Here is one case of it
Peter Foxen living north of court
house McCook Neb says 1 cannot
begin to tell what torture I endured
from kidney trouble 1 had a dull ach
ing through may loins and kidneys that
seemed to be with me constantly I
was unable to bend without liikig
hold of something and then sharp
twinges would pass through my loins
I was uuablo to rest well at night as I
was forced to be constantly changing
my position The secretions from my
kidneys were irregular and the passages
much to frequent I consulted a pby
scians but did not receive more then
temporary relief I than used some
highly advertised remedies and they al
so failed to help me I then heard of
Doans Kidney Pills and procured a box
at McConnells drug store They help
edme wonderfully I continued using
them and my former good health was
For sale by nil dealers Price 50
cents Foster Milbura Co Buffalo
New York sole agents for the United
Remember the name Don and
take no other
Our prices are
Fisher Perkins
iVa f cSysg r
Salf A Reliable incubator
as new Inquire of F V7
FokSaleokTijade Four room house
in West McCook for sal or will trade
for horses Chas T Harri3 2 M3ts
Two furnished rooms for rent on
block east of electric light plant tf
Mrs Lottie LJiiewei
Ror Rent After March 1 new
room cottage with bath
O N Ecctor
Fon Kest Six room house Inquire
of J M Henderson at S10 Madison
Foi Rent lGC acr farm Inquire
of Mr Ma y Cain 10
Wanted Second hand roll top desk
O R Livingston
Wanted A little needy girl 10 or 13
years of age to clothe and send to school
Mrs T Porter McCook Neb
Wanted to Trade A line piano for
a nice driving horse city broke prefer
black in color weight about 1200 Also
want to rent a fine piano cheap tu good
parties Drop a postal card to C Gi
Parks Commercial Hotel McCook
Have you over tried an eraso ink
eraser See one at The Tribune of