The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 28, 1908, Image 4

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v 7
Ureji Circulation in Red Willow Co
ascription 1 a Year in Advance
City Republican Caucuses
The Republican electors of tho first
precinct first ward Willow Grove pre
cinct are hereby culled to meet in mass
convention in the basement of the Com
mercial Hotel Monday March 2 1908
at S p in for the purpose of selecting
eight delegates to tho county conven
tion to be held in Bartley Nebraska
Wednesday March a 190S and tran
sacting such other business as may pro
perly como before said caucus
C L Fahnestock Committeeman
The Republican electors of the First
ward Second precinct city of McCook
will meet in the Birnett Lumber Co
office MDnday March 2 190S at eight
p rn for the purpose of selecting eight
delegates to the Republican county con
vention to bo held in Bartley March
4th 1S08 and for the transaction of
such business as may properly come be
fore the caucus
C G Orman Committeeman
The voters of tho Second ward Sec
ond precinct city of McCook will hold
their caucus in II II Berrys office
Monday evening March 2 1908 at 8
oclock for the purpose of selecting five
delegates to the Republican county con
vention to be held in Bartley March 4
190S and for the transaction of any
other proper business
Scott Odell Committeeman
Notice To Parents
Classes for beginners children five
years of age or over who have never
attended school will be organized
Monday afternoon February 17 in the
Jiast ward the West ward and the
South buildings Parents will present
their children to the teachers in these
respective buildings together with a
certificate showing successful vaccina
tion Two weeks time will be granted
for entering pupils in these classes but
no one will be received after Monday
March 2 G II Thomas Supt
Typewriter tor Sale
11 you are interested in securing a
Smith Premer Typewriter in splendid
condition at half price call in The Tri
bune office and see the machine It is
a bargain and wil be sold because the
owner has two machines
Secretary Wilson of the department
of agriculture says that the unbounded
prosperity of tho agriculturist is not due
to chance but is the result of intelli
gent scientific business methods A
reader of The Weekly Inter Ocean has
placed before him each week the prac
tical and approved methods to which
Secretary Wilson refers It is a good
investment -Only 125 for The Weekly
Inter Ocean and this paper one year
TT - J1 - ESS
raoic w earner an
c of Farm Products i
Phone 31 R- b simmons
will result in every foot of plow land being worked But you can noj
do good farming with poor tools Everybody wants to FARM BETTER
We have anticipated this and have
just received our spring
supply of
John Deere Implements
stubble and breakers
DISC HARROWS the famous John
Deere Model H and Model
B We also have Rock Island
and Ohio discs All of these you
know so well that it is hardly
necessary to mention them except
to tell you where to drive to load
one in your wagon The steel
plow invented by John Deere was
the greatest gift to man but of
course you need to follow it with a
have with from 6o to 140 teeth
round or U bar We also have
HARROW CARTS which are cheap
er than shoe leather besides pro
viding you a comfortable seat and
giving you a chance to think how
you will soon want to come in and
pick out a
ing or riding two wheels or the
tricycle preferably the tricycle
as it has two wheels behind which
pack the dirt just right but all of
them equipped with the famous
kind you always have wished you
had on that old lister besides the
Edge Selection Drop the accur
acy of which is 96 percent per
fect and its use has raised the
average ield of corn in Iowa 20
We do not want to bother you unne
cessarily but we would like
to say about
That New Wagon
PLOWS Walking sulky and gang j that we still handle the New
line Weber Birdsel and Bur
Oak all full clip geared and poplar
boxes with extra cross braces in fact
built for heavy loads and dry country
And there are many other things
such as Manure Spreaders Gasoline
Engines Wind Mills and Pumps
And in speaking of
Wind Mills
we want to make special mention of
the celebrated Eclipse Dempster
and Woodmanse wind mills like
those you have seen running on your
neighbors farms for the past 1 8 years
We put them up and guarantee their
proper working But for all of this
you should not forget the comfort of
yourself and family and for this we
have on hand brand spanking new and
right from the factory the largest line of
Buggies and Spring Wagons
ever shown in the west and to induce
you to BUY EARLY and get the sum
mer use of them we will until March
15th make each purcasher of a ve
hicle a
Present of a 500 Bill
This will help you and help us to make
room for other goods arriving later
And then we have
Harness Blankets and Robes
for every purpose all going at a spe
cial low price
Besides what is mentioned you wiU find in our store
Everything for the Farmers Farm and Yonr Wifes Kitchen
Yours for Business
V 0k
Silver Medal Contest
The W C T U will give a silver
medal contest program at the M E
church Friday evening March 13 190S
Supt Geo H Thomas Miss Stettor and
Miss Storer have been selected as
judges Following is the program
Overture Sunshine nnd Flowers
P Hans Hath Freys Orchestra
Invocation Rev Hawkes
A Stray Sunbeam Mildred Doughertv
The College Oil Cans Veda Cadman
Intermezzo Cupids Garden Max
b HiUgene Freys Orchestra
Deacon Beans Confession
06SSlt3 oHlltU
Y s Im Guilty Mabel Ilegenberger
Vocal Solo Selected Mrs Burton
The Two Glasses Vera Fitzgerald
Grand March R B Hail
Freys Orchestra
Presentation of Medal Rev Carman
Song America Audience
Benediction Rev Burton
Gentlemen Entertain the Ladies
Notwithstanding the privilege of the
season the gentlemen of the M E S
club entertained the ladies of the club
Wednesday evening in Ganschow hall
themselves serving a neat two courso
lunch besides providing music dancing
games and fortune telling by Mr Ray
Shriner which was worth the full price
Union Temperance Meetings
The churches of tho city will unite in
temperance services in the Baptist
church next Sunday afternoon at three
oclock and in the evening at 8 Miss
Nesbit state W C T U treasurer and
field worker will address both meetings
It is hoped to make this a great rally
Be present
- i
Mns Nancy Faiinestocic 19 quite ill
L M IIigoixs of Bartley spent Sat
urday irfthocity
F E Caiisov is confined to his home
with an attack of rheumatism
W E Cakson nnd Ed Flitcrnft went
up to Cuibertson first of tho week
Mrt and Mns Wm McCallum of
Indianoln woro McCook visitors Satur
Miss Hazel Kikkiikidk of Alvn
Okla is a guest f ier cousin Miss
Ilattio Woolard
John Green camo down from Waun
eta close of last week for a visit over
Sunday with relatives and friends
P E PoTTKii will be carrier on rural
freo delivery routes 3 and i on which
service will begin Monday March 2
E R ONeill returned homo Wed
nesday night From Wilcox Rk1 Cloul
and other points in that neighborhood
M B Cakman was called to Harlan
county Wednesday to perform a mar
riage ceremony for former parishioners
James A Tidvman 33 nnd Hazel
Coons 31 both of Mnywood vere mar
ried by County Judge Moore February
Gko W Snider of Ogalalla Neb
came down Thursdny evening on busi
ness nnd to visit in the family of C A
Miss Nellie Rked the Stratton mill
iner spent Wednesday in tho city home
ward bound from consulting tho latest
St Joseph modes
Hans P Petersen late of tho firm of
Petersen Lineburg departed on Wed
nesday night for Omaha his former
homo where he will relocate
Mrs Z L Kay went up to Denver
Inst Friday on No 13 to meet her son
Jud who is now the happy guest of the
family at the Commercial house
Mrs Lottie Brewer entertained
about forty lady friends Thursday after
noon at high fiva in honor of Mrs C
M Noble Lunch sorved in two courses
F M Kimmfll arrived home Wed
nesday night from his Pennsylvania
trip onjoying tho sessions of the Ne
braska Pressi association in Lincoln
fore part of the week en route
Mrs J W Holliday a former resi
dent of years of our city now of Den
ver became a guest of Mrs F W Bos
worth Tuesday evening who is enter
taining a company of lady friends this
afternoon in her honor
Mns Selma Noble Downs will de
part for her homo in Iowa tomorrow
morning Her mother Mrs C M
Noble will leave for Oklahoma Monday
morning After a visit of a few weeks
much enjoyed by their friends of the
olden times
Mrs J E Kelley was the clever
hostess to about fifty ladies Wednes
day afternoon at a Kensington given
in honor of Mrs C M Noble and Mrs
M B Downs The refreshments were
elaborate and there was a boundless
and spontaneous social time
Mrs J A Gunn Mrs P M Kimmell
and Miss Nelle Gunn entertained a largo
company of young friends at cards on
Miss Luira McMiilon and Mr J R Mc
Garl won the respective honors
Mrs A L Knowland was hostess at
a unique Washingtons birthday
was sorved the guests by the ladies of
the Methodist church at a privato table
in the Brotherhood room of the church
The guests wore fichus nnd caps and
powdered hair after the manner of the
times Aftor dinuer the ladies indulged
in a few games of high five at the home
of the hostess Mrs C M Noble win
ning the honors
J A Scott is just home from a visit
back in Taylor county Iowa He
comes back with several stories worth
while about the roads of that section at
this time of the year He takes a fare
well shot at tho roads by making affida
vit at this office that when he started to
ka they had to take scantling along
with which to dig the mud out of the
spokes of the wheels when they mired
down every now and then John W
Randel comes home with a bigger story
from Illinois where he claims they actu
ally mired down on the public road and I
had to abandon the wagon in the middle
of the road and get out on horseback
Stand up for Nebraska
Only two worthful items enter into
the value of advertising namely quant
ity and qualitv that is how manv and
how good The McCook Tkibcne is in
a field by itself locally on these two
points Wo challenge and invite in
spection and comparison We can give
you from two to three times the value
for your money that any other Red
Willow county publication can offer
A weekly newspaper that publishes
twenty ouo columns of good reliable
news each week is rare in these days of
cheap weeklies intended only to sell
some article that the publisher is inter
ested in Credit is due Tho Weekly
Inter Ocean for keeping its columns
filled with fresh and up-to-date news
Give it a trial by subscribing through
The McCook Tribuke
j OT f
Do You Appreciate
A Strict Up-to-Date Stock of Merchandise
Of course you do and especially when these high class goods
are sold you at the same and often below prices that are
asked you for the more ordinary common place goods
So Here Is Good News
Preparatory to opening up our
ReadytoWear Department
in our newly completed addition we are now visiting the
larger eastern markets buying the latest and very best Spring
Patterns and Styles in
Millinery Princess Dresses Silk Shirt Waist
Suits Jacket Suits Dress Skirts Fancy Waists 5 f
and in fact a complete and large stock of
don Telegraph
adles Furnishings
We are sparing no time or expense in making this the most
up-to-date MILLINERY and SUIT Department in South
western Nebraska and believing the ladies of McCook and
neighboring towns will appreciate our efiorts we gsk you to
await the earl announcement of
Our Grand Openin
Don t plan your spring sewing or go elsewhere for your
HATS DRESSES or SUITS until you have visited this
new department Our stock will surely please you Our
reasonable prices will add to your approval
Yours for business
Exclusive Dry Goods and Ladies Furnishings
Thursday evening at the home of Mrs was on my way to a bazaar Youre
Gunn to meet Mrs Selma Noble Downs first ancl theres a end of it Lon-
Modern Plays and Playors
We no longer demand that a man or
woman play a part We insist that the
tion last Saturday evening Dinner Part flt llie man or woman This con-
dition no doubt is largely tho fault of
managers who instead of requiring
impersonation pick performers for
their likeness to the characters to be
assumed Have you a father one
can imagine them inquiring of a can
didate Yes Then you wont do
This mans father died twenty years
before the beginning of the play
Tho First Christmas Gift Book
In the General Advertiser or Jan 9
17o0 appeared the earliest known an
nouncement of a Christmas gift book
and in this caso it was undeniably a
gift book
Given Gratis By J Newberry at
ine liioie and
go to town to take the train for
Churcljyard 0 north
door of tho church only paying one
penny for the binding Nurse True
loves Christmas Box or The Golden
Plfivthtn r ittla rMiilli r 1 jj
Sweet oranges
Phone 56
Walsh Block
u vviav3yyyfc tte vaw tss
First Come First Servtd
A minister who sets his face against
bazaars once related nu Incident em
phasizing his feelings on the matter
Once upon a time he said a man
was going along a dark street when a
footpad suddenly appeared and point
ing his pistol began to relieve his vic
tim of his money
The thief however apparently suf
fered some pangs of remorso Its
pretty rough to be gone through like
this aint it sir ho inquired
Oh thats all right my man the
held up one answered cheerfully I
McMillou prescription druggist
Fresh lettuce Ask Scott about it
Ask Scott about it
Scmething new in celery
about it
Ask Scott
Apricots nectarones and silver prunes
Ask Scott about it
McMillens cold tablets will cure your
cold and stop your cough
Last sale of the season Winter goods
must go 14 off Rozell Bargpr
Double - strength Heinz vinegar
imitated by all equaled by none for
sale by Magner Stokes
Wellerette cigars sold only in drug
stores the best 0 cents will buy For
sale at Woodworth Cos
Magner Stokes keep their grinder
going seme these days and have plenty
of ground bone for chickens
Genuine grocery bargains are offered
in our advertisement appearing in this
ltsue of The Tribune Dont fail to
read the prices note tho goods and
come and sea the line New goods
high grade goods and at prices you
cant resist J A Wi lcox Sov
1 T Kdy Mr Stella 2 Kennedy Joh
thev mav loarn tlo IM
ltr r I Vncdy il Ida Moore Mr Fred
mv snuu mu timjvv uuY IO US-
have so as to make everybody love
them adorned with thirty cuts Lon
don Mail
Reason For Objection
Fond Mother Why dont you like
your roommate at college Reginald
The professor told me he would be a
good companion for you because he
studies so hard
Young Collegian But mother he
uses so many sesquipedalian words
Fond Mother That settles it m
son I dont want you to bo contami
nated by association with anybody
who uses such dreadful language
Baltimore American
Voice of Experience
In mailing an article to a ma
zine asked the literary tyro Is there
any peculiar way of arranging the
stamps so as to convey the idea to the
editor that I am an old hand
You bet there is answered Per
colluni Be sure to arrange enough
of them on tho inside to prepay tho
return postage if you expect ever to
see the article again Chicago Trib
Myers Mr Taul
Veniick Mr A L
Wilson Mr Clas
Tho following letters cards and pack
ages remain uncalled for at the McCook
postoflice February 28 1907
Allen Mr G K Hrunkavcntln Miss
Chaiine Mrs II E Edwards Mr Simp
Forbes Mr Frank Haner Mr W E
Hinkel Mr Einil Hess Mr John
Norman MrsSopkroHia
White J L
Ioton 3Iiss Theresa Dolpli Miss Dosie
Fnrnice Carl V Frefcricfcson Mr Alfred
IfasRard Miss Lela Hamarinkel Fred
Kennedy Mr Stella Ray Mr Dave
Ray Mib Mary Williams Mr Percy
When calling for these please say
they were advertised
S B McLean Postmaster
Tho following described lands in Red Willow
county will be offered for lease at public auc
vS t oe ntiy trcurers ollice McCook
Nebraska Tuesday March 24th at 2 p m
Ierrnof IeainK and appraised value may be
had on annhcntinn tn ihnn
McCook or to the commissioner at Lincoln The
yct half and west half southeast quarter IS
no northeast quarter
Tf M
Com Public Lands and Buildings
J M Rupp
F0RALLK1HD50F Brick Work
P O Box 131 McCook Nebraska
J - - x
1 Hi