BK TWENTY SIXTH YEAR Death Claims a Noble Life Tho denth of Mrs L V McConnoIl last Sunday afternoon cnmo na a dis tinct shock to most people of this city Wbilo Mrs McConnell has been an in valid tho past year alio had apparently considerably improved in health and tho family and frionds wero hopeful of re covery Thursday it was deemod best to porform a very slight operntion Mrs McConnell felt she was quite equal to it bolioved it would make her recov ery moro rapid but soon after tho oper ation there was a general collapse and she remained in that condition until oho passod away Brief funeral services wero conducted at the homo Monday evening at seven oclock by Rev M 13 Carman A quar tetto composed of Mrs G II Thomas Mrs G L Burney Stuart McLean and J B McCarl rondered opproprioto music Mr McConnell and mother ac companied by J E Kelley representa tive of tho McCook Commercial Club left Tuesday morning on No 12 for Vir ginia 111 where interment will be made in the family burial plat Bkuecca Berry McConnell was born in Mncon county 111 Nov 1G 1854 At tho ago of seven she moved with her parents to Cass county 111 where she lived until the death of her father in 1888 then with her mother came to McCook to make their home with hor brother George and si6ter Miss Rachel Was married to L W Mc Connell July 19 1892 died February 23 1908 Mrs McConnell was a woman of fins character and possessed tho charms of a sweet retiring disposition which en deared her to nil acquainted with her An inconsolable husband one broth er II H Berry of this city and five sisters living in Illinois and Missouri are left to mourn her death This is the fourth member of the family to bo laid away at Virginia in threo years and one month Tribute of Respect In tho passing of Mrs Harriet Hum phrey Chapter X P E O loses a most able and lovable sister whose conscien tious adherence to the principles Faith Love Purity Justice and Truth made hor life worthy of emulation The sisterhood at largo sustains a dis tinct loss and the husband and little son tho devotion of a tender wife and mother Ellington C Britt Harriet E Willetts Callie A Wilcox For Good Health the cleansing process should begin now A mild remedy should be taken one that is not to energetic Eadical treat ment may purify the blood more quick ly but theres danger of deranging the stomach kidneys liver and heart If you take McCONNELLs SaRSAPARILLA results will be all that can be desired This preparation acts mildly but posi tively Its a true alterative and elimin ates from the blood all the impurities that clog the system and cause trouble It is pleasant to take and therefore easily administered to children Price SI per bottle Black Silks If you are planning anything in black silk it will pay you to see our yard wide taffeta at 73c our heavier yard wide taffeta at 115 our poau de soie yard wide black at 8125 our 42 inch black gloria silk at 100 We also sell a 19 inch black satin rhdame at 49c The Thompson D G Co One price plain figures cash only Wall Paper Galore The greatest part of our new wall pa persare here and you have probably never seen so many beautiful patterns as we are now showing Cant we show you even if you are not ready to buy L W McConnell Druggist You Get All the Cream with the Sharpless Separator that makes tho cows pay McCook Hardware Co 7Yfrnr MCCOOK MACHINE AND REPAIR SHOPS T M CAMEROU JOHN BREmTHIG Buggies Wagons Auto mobiles and all machinery repaired in a first class manner at a reasonable price at our now location West Dennison Street i We Respectfully Ask Your Patronage vsv CAMERON BRENNING VNWS Club Orchestra Banqueted Tho Mens Sunday Evening Club of tho Congregational church gavo a ban quet and social evening Monday in honor of tho club orchestra and mem bers of the orchestra and club with their ladies to tho number of about forty participated in tho plensurablo af fair Tho earlier part of tho evening was devoted to social plensnntries fol lowing which all repaired to tho ban quet room and partook of a sumptuous repast After all wore served to their sat isfaction by the ladies of the Dorcas society who had that all important part of tho entertainment in charge toasts wero given and an informal program rondered Mrs G B Ilawkes gave a piano number Miss Lona Phelps a reading and Miss Ruth Wiohe and Miss Elsie Campbell sang solos all of which were enjoyed and appreciated as were also tho several selections by the or chestra C D Ritchie was toastmaster for tho occasion aud in response to his invitation tho following toasts were given The Way the Orchestra Looks and Sounds to a Club Member A C Wiehe Most Anything Dr J A Toren Our Ambitions Rev G B Hawkes Tho Bass Clef B II Stew art The Mens Club Orchestra Goo S Scott Tho eveniug was interesting and en joyablo throughout A Lady Said let mo see that Lonsdale muslin you advertise for 10c yd Just tho same as to say let me see that Coats thread you advertise There is only one Lors dale muslin It is tho original only genuine Lonsdale muslin We sell it for 10c a yard Others sell it for 12c Wo sell it for 10c a yard Others sell it for 12c or 14c yd But they will charge it Thats worth something Cur price is strictly cash Then there is the Lonsdale cambric muslin thats different Wo sell it for 12c yd Others sell it for 15c yd We also sell Hope bleached muslin for 10c yd We also sell pepperell 9 quarter bleached sheeting for 25c yd and Rochdale 9 quarter unbleached sheeting for 23c yd and by-the-way youll need some of our embroideries Nearly 400 pieces of all kinds swiss cambric nainsook all overs flouncings edgings msertings bands and corset cover embroideries Your iuspection invited The Thomp son D G Co IS 1HERE A BABY IN THE HOUSE An alcohol stove is sure to be a great convenience It provides a means of heating water or milk almost instantly Convenient for preparation of food for invalids and comes handy when travel ing or on an outing Safe handy and inexpensive to use L W McConnell Druggist A Shoe Opportunity Diamonds Family Shoe Store is clos ing out all of their winter footwear so as to have their spring opening with noth ing but brand new shoes There never was such an opportunity to buy first class footwear at such extraordinary low prices Remember the place At Dia monds Family Shoe Store on West Dennison street A Leap Year Dancing Pariy Mrs C W Corey and Miss Blanche Asten gave a leap year dancing party of attractive and happy particulars in Menards hall last Friday evening Moonlight waltzes Snow showerj dances and other effects gave an air of distinction to tho occasion of which Mr Corey was master of ceremonies Rubber Rubber Rubber G W Predmore Sons have the largest and best rubber tire machine in southwestern Nebraska Dont send your wheels away for rubber tires till you get Predmores prices Rubber Rubber Rubber We have the best that money can buy Phone 197 First Annual Benefit Ball The first annual benefit ball Wednes day evening of McCook Council No 1126 Knights of Columbus was up to tho exalted traditions of the council in matters social Tho inspiring scene was laid in Menards hall and the K of P orchestra aided and abetted Potatoes One thousand bushels of Early Ohio potatoes for sale in lots of ten bushels or more at 75 cets per bushel delivered Phone Ash 1353 or call at tho Goheen farm J W Little Satisfied Customers is what the McCook Hardware Co says the John Deere line of implements means See their advertisement in this issue editorial page 100 For Sale 100 High scoring Barred Plymonth Rock Cockerels 100 each J W Burtless Phono ash 1351 Jtlc00b MCCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING FEBRUARY 28 1908 High School to Have Band For the past half year or more Geo S Scott hns been cherishing the hope that tho school board would take up with his pet notion of organizing and maintaining a high school band and it was not until recently when the board came to a final decision that it would not bo advisable to incur the additional oxpenso necessarily attendant upon fost ering such a project that he lost hopo entirely One day sLortly after ho was ap proached on tho street by one of our public spirited citizens and informed that a check in figures sufficient to cover the expense of purchasing instru ments would bo ready at any time It is said that the expressions which were diffused over Georges Lincolnesque features on this occasion would make a superb stuay in contortions Tho next morning between 8200 and 8300 worth of instruments were ordered which arrived close of last week These together with several clarinets ownod by high school pupils who are taking private lessons will mako an in strumentation with which under the able direction of Mr Scott some very creditable music will no doubt be ren dered by commencement time Eligibility to membership in the band is to be made contingent on reaching and maintaining a certain high average in regular school work as well as mak ing reasonable progress along musical lines The usual stumbling block in ihe way of making such an organiza tion successful that of selectiug mu sicans among those who are within a year or two of graduation will be avoided by working in the newer mem bers of the high pchool department so far as possible However no pupil own ing his instrument will bo barred pro vided his school work is up to the re quired standard Tho first meeting was held last even eng and tho following personnel an nounced this morning John Burnett Bernard Elbert Joe Williams George Allen Fred Archibald Walter Camp bell George Fleischman Jesse Furrow Lawrence McCarty Carl Marsh Charles Milligan James Moore Charles Nelms Glenn Rowell Harry Vanderhoof Nye Wimer Frank McClure Herman Bu dig Leo Ryan Charles Bailey Juno Brewer Ray Bayles Ray Jordan Max Hare Gordon Hartman Sidney Viorson Mr Scott is to be congratulated on the result of his persistent efforts in the matter and many thanks ara certainly duo tho philanthropic gentleman who bo opportunely coupled a jingle to his feelings The instruments are to bo don ated to tho school board and with this start the maintenance of tho band from year to year will bo a matter of small moment as- no doubt tho organization will be practically self supporting Was Received Into the Order The Omaha World Herald of this week Tuesday announces the fact that Sister Alaweda who had previously made her profession was received into tho order of the Poor Clares iu the con vent in that city Her name in the world was Miss Rose Elbert of McCook Nebraska Father Loughran of Dawson preach ed the sermon aud Father Wier of Creigbton university celebrated mass Death Ends Long Suffering After an illness covering several years and great suffering Mrs J P Notley Wednesday afternoon at about 430 pass ed into the peaceful and painless spirit land The funeral services will be held at the home Saturday afternoon at two oclock The bereaved husband and children have the profoundest sympathy in this great sorrow Adequate obituary will be given next week Initial Embossed Free You can have your initial embossed free on fancy box paper bought at Hof ers the up-to-date dealer in stationery souvenirs and post cards Always pat ronize the old reliable Hard and Soft Paper in convenient sizes for desk use in fig uring and making notes at the Tribune office Very reasonable price Paint Is Cheaper Than Lumber Paint your houses barns wagons and implements with Best Paint Sold by McCook Hardware Co Jack for Sale Good record will trade for horses cattle or land I M Smith McCook Neb Gas Gas Gasoline Stoves Quick Meal line now ready McCook Hardware Co Fence Posts For Sale On the Royal Buck farm Call on or address J F Helm Red Willow One Minute Washers at McCook Hardware strength and money Cos save you w Deaths Sudden Sad Call Mrs Worthy Humphrey of our city was suddenly callfcd to her long home about six oclock last Saturday morn ing She was sleeping with her little boy in tTrabsedcoofIier husband on tho road and feeling unwell awakened him and directed him to call his aunt from an adjoining room Tho aunt opened a window for more air but in a few minutes tho stricken mother passed out of life Mrs Harriet Thurcby Humphrey was born in Creston Iowa January 14 1875 She died in McCook Nebraska February 22 1903 of heart failure In 1901 Mr and Mrs Humphrey moved to Oxford Nebraska making that town their home for five years coming to Mc Cook two years since Largo circles of intimate friends in both communities attest the popularity and character of tho departed Deceased was a commun icant of the American Episcopal church Was a member of the order of the East ern Star and of the P O E Rev E R Earle of tho Episcopal church conducted services in the Meth odist church Monday afternoon at two oclock before a large concourse of sym pathetic friends The church choir chanted their service and Miss Elsie Campbell sang a solo Rev Earle preached a hopeful sermon from the text She is not dead but Bleepeth The Christians hope There was a beauteous wealth of floral tributes among the offerings being those of tho P JE O B I L Masons of Mc Cook and Oxford McCook Commercial club L A to B of R T No 305 B of R T McCook lodge No 599 B of L F E O R C St Albans guild and numerous individual tributes Services were held at tho grave and home by the ladies of the P E O Among those present at the funeral and burial in Longview cemetery were an aunt Miss Ollie Stevens of Avon Illinois and Mr Humphreys brother-in-law and sister Mr and Mrs F L Sullivan of Afton Iowa The only re maining member of deceaseds immedi ate family Harry Thurlby of Greeley Colorado was not able to be present Tho son Fern will make his home with the aunt for the present Mr Humphry will accompany his sister home for a short visit after his matters are arranged here Thero is a sympathetic response in every tender heart to the sorrow of the bereaved husband whose beloved wife went on before while he was out on tho road in the line of dutv Fancy Dress Ginghams 93 pieces of fancy dress ginghams already ou our counters and more to come yet 13G and 10c The styles include solid colors stripes plaids small baby checks and novelties Be sides those 9S pieces of fancy ginghams we have the staple apron ginghams at 5s and Sc a yard Other stores get more for these goods They will charge them and that is worth something But if you want to buy at strictly cash prices come to us we are your nearest road to the factories The Thompson D G Co One price plain figures cash only AMERICAN WOMEN ARE IDEAL HOUSEWIVES because of their keen sense of what goes to make a beautiful home To meet their demands decorators and manufacturers of wall paper have put forth greit efforts each year This spring in originality simplicity and harmony of color and design our papers approach perfection L W McConnell Druggist Twentieth Century Comedy Co At Menards opera house will give you on Saturday night February 29th one of tho best vaudeville bills of the seas on consisting of singing dancing funny acts and farces circus acts direct from the Ringling Bros Prices in reach of every one Admission 15c 25c 35c Re served seats on sale at McConnelPs drug store Hens Good Overalls 50c Good blue denim jackets 50c Heav ier overalls at 75c and 100 Mens stout cotton pants 100 Mens mule skin work gloves 18c a pair Mens mo cha driving gloves 8100 pair Mens middle weight underwear 65c each The Thompson D G Co One price plain figures cash only You Can Do Your Own Washing for about seven cents with the Water Power Washer at the McCook Hardware Cos Come and see it whether you want to buy or not A Handy Receipt Book J Bound duplicate receipt books three receipts to the page -for sale at The Tribune office Ask to See the model B and model II John Deere disks at the MoOook Hardwaro Cos waaarjg awyfi nuJSk 40 AND STILL WE QRO Our growth has sur prised oven ourselves And still we are not satisfied Wo aro not disposed to let tho growth stop and bog loavo to call your at tention to our state ment showing our won derful growth at the end of four months business We wish to thank those who have made possible this splendid showing If you are not al ready a patron why not become one aud help to boost a home institution Commenced business October II 1007 Condensed Statement of tliu McCOOK NATIONAL BANK Febrimry li 1908 RESOURCES Hills Rccoivnblo ai97ri tl Overdrafts 1 W U S Honda and Premiums 19IS 02 Furniture and Fixtures Os Expenso fc7 j Cnsh nnd sight oxcIiiiiiko flOCft i S lWayo J LIABILITIES Capital Stock 5 50000 00 Undivided Profits iy qjj Circulation JSax C1 Deposits JSMl nsawj 2 McCook National Bank P Walsh President C F Lais Vice President C J OHnicv Cashier P F McKenna J J LouomtAN Directors SMALL MATTERS OF IMPORTANCE McConnell for drugs Fresh lettuce Ask Scott about it Everything in drugs McConnell Sweet oranges Ask Scott about it If its meat you can get it at Marshs market Something now in celery Ask Scott about it Fine California figs by the pound at the Bon Ton Prunes in 25 pound boxes at 225 per box llubers Apricots nectarones and silver prunes Ask Scott about it Family washing taken in fivo cents per pound Phone 35 II P Waite Co sell approved ru ral free delivery mail boxes Huber is still selling Wedding Break fast CoiTee You know the brand McMillans cough cure is just what its name indicates A Cure for Cough If its seasonable and in his line no use to go any farther than Marshs meat market Fresh lettuce celery cauliflower rheubarb etc constantly on hand at Hubers When down town eat your noonday lunch at the Bon Ton Home cooking Prompt service The W C T U will meet with Mrs F M Kimmell Friday afternoon March Gth at three oclock Another big bargain sale beginning Saturday Feb 15 and ending Satur day Feb 29 Rozoll Barger Our Colorado peas corn etc are as near perfection as it is possible to ap proach in canned goods Huber A car load of nails barb wire field fencing etc just received Polk Bros Hardware McCook Neb Look over II P Waite Cos stock before buying farm machinery of any kind They have many good things to show A G Bump room two over McCon nell s drug store is agent for some of Americas best insurance companies Consult him Our Cream Lotion is healing and soothing to both face and hands and will give entire satisfaction A McMillen Druggist Dont wait until you are notified call and advance your subscription up to January 1st 1909 April 1st 1903 all subscriptions delinquent one year must be discontinued Thats the law We have no choice G W Predmore Sons hive all sizes of disc blades Now is the time to get your disc cold rolled sharpened We sharpened eighty seven sets last spring Every set is guaranteed Dont wait until the spring rush Phone 197 Father Vaughan will give one of his famous lectures in the Methodist church on Monday March 9th This peerless platform artist comes to McCook on urgent request of many citizens under auspices of the Citi zens Entertainment Course com mittee and a crowded house will doubtless greet him the strongest number of the course I A Washingtons Birthday Party Tho members of the Christian Endea vor society of tho Congrogational church exploited an interesting and sociable Washingtons birthday party at tho home of Mr and Mrs J D Young last Friday ovening The homo was beauti fully andjwith proprietyjdocorated with Hags and bunting each guest also re ceiving a tiny flag which was found upon unrolling to contain a conundrum tho correct answer to which solved tho partners question in tho ensuing liter ary stunt Each couple received a card upon which was imaged that which was supposed to inspire tho muso of tho rec ipient to the production of an original poem In this efTort Miss Claudia Hat cher was declared tho poet laureate Ice cream and cake were served and Alex Mahaffeya phonograph added to music and entertainment of tho occa sion Simpsons Prints 6c Dont complain of hard times if you aro paying out more than our prices for goods Como to us and mako your earnings go the farthest Tho Thomp son D G Co One price plain figures cash only Farm Loans Go to Johnson Kozoll Try McMillens cough cure Fresh lettuce Ask Scott about it McConnelPs Balsam cures coughs Sweet oranges Ask Scott about it Choice apples and oranges at the Bon Ton Picture framing to order Ideal Store Fruits of all kinds at all times at Hubers Something new in celery Ask Scott about it Apricots nectarones aud silver prunes Ask Scott about it Use McMillens cream lotion for chapped hands and face II P Waite Co sell the Western Belle lister It has no superior A fine spring rain visited this section Monday continuing nearly all day Kodaks and kodak supplies L W McConnell Druggist Now is your chance to get an overcoat at 25 percent discount Eozell Barger Every day is bargain day at II S Godfrey Cos the popular leaders in selling flour feed and hay If it is from Marshs its the best ob tainable Anything and everything per taining to the meat market business Our Carnations on sale Saturdays at McConnells drug store 75c per dozen McCook Greenhouse Mrs L M Best Mgr Need any barb wire field fencing nails etc We can supply you A car load just received Polk Bros Hardware McCook Nen G W Predmore Sons have a full lire of plows and lister lays either hard or soft steel guaranteed to fit any plow or lister And 50 cents off on all lays brought in before the 1st of March Wake up Mr Farmer and get a movo on yourself you know how tho the Predmores are rushod in the spring Phone LOT