The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 21, 1908, Image 1

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K f
f 11
lasted until nearly noon on Friday at
which time the case was submitted to
the jury An agreement was not reach
ed untd uearly eleven oclock Friday
morning vben the jury returned a ver
dict of acquittal
P E Reeder county attorney assist
ed i W S Morlan prosecuted the
case and J L White of Curtis and C
A Ready of Hayes Center represented
the defendant
Washington Dinner
The ladies of the Methodist church
will give their annual dinner and ba
zaar Saturday Feb 22 in their dining
room in the basement of the church
Roaet TurKey Cranberry Sauce
Roast Beef Brown Gravy
Creamed Potatoes Escalloped Corn
Baked Beans
Vegetable Salads
White Bread Brown Bread
Celery Pickles
Pie Cheese Doughnuts
Tea Coffee
Cold Meats Jeily
E oalloped Meat Hot Sauce
Hominy Potatoes
Fruit Salad Assorted Cakes
Tea Coffee
To Farmers and Others Interested
John Deere made his first steel plow
in 1873 and his products have Uen on
the market ever since About them has
been gathered implements and vehicles
of every class each the best of its kind
and the best that American genius and
up-to-date factory methods can produce
and we urge that ou remember we can
furnish you a full line of implements
and vehicles and each article making up
the line a leader which we shall be able
to sell upon its own merits against com
petition We want your business The
McCook Hardware Co
Neighbors Fall Out
Two complaints were filed in Justice
Berrys court Wednesday evening
against parties living near Lebanon one
for carrying concealed weapons the
other for an assault Warrants for ar
rest were placed in the hands of the
eheritf who brought the parties before
the court last evening The case was
continued until March 0 each of the
defendants giving 8100 bond for his ap
pearance These cases are the result of
some neighborly altercation or other
Black Silks
If you are planning anj thing in black
silk be sure and inspect our yard wide
taffeta at 73c our heavier grade at SI 13
and our handsome yard wide peau de
siie at SI 25 It will pay you for the
trouble The Thompson D G Co
One price plain fiigures cash only
Whist Club is Entertained
Mr and Mrs George D Scott delight
fully entertained their whist club last
evening A 730 dinner preceded the
games Mrs C L Fahnestock and II
D Stewart met with honor and consola
tion in the distribution of the prizes
You should choose your perfumes as
carefully as you do your clothes if you
would be correct The problem of cor
rect perfumes is solved in our stock
L W McCovnell Druggist
Buggies Wagons Auto
mobiles and all machinery
repaired in a first class
manner at a reasonable
price at our new location
West Dennison Street
j We Respectfully Ask Tour Patronage
-- -05
Present Prices on Skirts
I Theyare interesting They are com
pelling Tney are business makers
They are money savers for you Our
S1000 skirts for 7 09 our 730 skirts
for S3 09 our 80 00 ones for 3 99 our
S300 ones for 3 49 our 300 ones f jr
1 89 our 230 ones for SI 49 Beside
that we make any necessary alterations
free of charge just as when regular
prices prevail If you work for your
money give it a chance to do its most
for you The Thompson D G Co One
price plain figures cash only
Herman Schobel Weds
Monday February 17 at the Method
ist parsonage Herman C Schobel of
McCook and Miss Hattie Robinson of
Minden were united in marriage Rev
M B Carman officiating The groom is
a passenger brakeman running out of
Uere and the bride was a member of
the postoffice force at Minden They
will go to housekeeping hpre in the near
future The Tribune extends hearty
Rubber Rubber Rubber
G W Predmore t Sons have the
largest and best rubber tire machine in
southwestern Nebraska Dont send
your wheels away for ruober tires till
you get Predniores prices
Rubher Rcbbei Rubber
We have the best that money can buy
Phone 197
Ask Him Plainly
When the dealer says We dont car
ry that cheap grade of oilcloth ask
him plainly if his brand is Meritas
If it ie it is the best made If his price
is 20j that is 5c a yvard more than our
price for the same The Thompson D
G Co One price plain figure cash
TL Entertained High Five Club
IjThe Thursday Evening High Five
Club met with Dr and Mrs W P
Jones last evening Dainty refresh
ments added to the enjoyable occasion
Mrs H P Sutton and A Barnett car
ried off the honors Mrs H E Rogers
and W B Mills also received prizes
the Profit
from your cows The Sharpies Tubular
Separator sold by The McCook Hard
ware Co gets all the cream and lasts
three times as long as the balanced
bowl separators and is three times as
easy to wash
One thousand bushels of Early Ohio
potatoes for sale in lots of ten bushels or
more at 75 ce ts per bushel delivered
Phone Ash 1333 or call at the Goheen
farm 2 21 2ts J W Little
Seeds of Every Description
for high land low land sandy land or
alkali garden and flower seeds Let us
help you 10 seed that will grow in this
country McCook Hardware Co
- v vj77KjyfFV
Gossard Goes Free j Returns from Honeymoon
The trial of Ben Gossard for the J E C Simmons wa9 passing the cigars
bezzloment ol nearly 80500 00 from the around among his friends Wednesday
treasury of Red willow county began on i with glowing countenance and gpright
Wodnesdny the 3th day of February I Jy step having just returned from his
190S In the selection of jurors most of j wedding tour through the east lie
the regular panel were excused and the
calling of talesmen became necessary
The defendant having made niiidavit
that the sheriff and both his deputies
wore disqualified for this work Judge
was married in Lincoln Jan 30 to Miss
Nina Stone of this city who 9 now
spending a short time in Iowa visiting
relatives Mr Simmons is the resident
civil engineer of the McCook division
Orr appointed W 11 Ackerman to sum- j having been associated continou ly with
mon talesmen As soon as these un
pen red the task of filling the jury was
resumed and was completed on the
forenoon of Saturday the 8th of Feb
ruary at which time the taking of
begun This consumed all
of Monday Tuesday and until Wednes
day afternoon of last week when the
attorneys began their arguments These
the Burlington system in this and simi
lar capacities since 1S79 He will be
joined soon by Mrs bimmons and they
will go to his headquarters at Oxford
for a few weeks before deciding on a
permanent location Both Mr and Mrs
Simmons are favorably known here and
it is to be hoped that they will decide to
make this their home
Glon Retains Belt
In the catch as catch can wrestling
match at Diamonds hall Wednesday
night George Gion of Aurora success
fully defended his claim to the Nebr tska
championship belt by winning two out
of three falls in a contest with Lud
strom The Big Swede from Topeka
Kansas The tirst fall went to Gion in
seven minute the second ro Ludtrcin
in thirteen while the deciding
fall was won by Gion after five minutes
maneuvering Gion seemed confident
throughout the bout and it was evident
had the Swede outclassed at every turn
Kid McFann refereed the match
Machinists Ball a Success
The members of Red Willow lodge No
337 I A of M scored both a social
and financial success in their second
annual ball given at the Merjard Tues
day night after having been postponed
from the smallpox period Light re
freshments were served on the stage
and contributed in no smsll degree to
the pleasure of the evening Everyone
of the large crowd present thoroughly
enjoyed the occasion and look with
pleasureable anticipation to their future
functions of this nature Freys orchps
tra furnished the excellent music
I II p 1 II 1 J4
Muslins Cambrics and Embroideries
Lonsdale bleached muelin 10c Hope
bleached muslin 10c Pride of the Farm
bleached musiin 7c Lonsdale bleached
cambric muslin 12oc Pepperell 9 quart
er bleached sheeting 23c yd Rockdale
9 quarter unbleached sheetings 23c yd
Nearly 400 pieces of the choicest
in all widths prices and
qualities in edgings inserting flounc
ings bands and all overs in cambrics
nainsooks and Swisses Remember
your pocket book Buy where it will do
the most execution The Thompson D
G Co One price plain figures cash
Interesting Services
The service at the Congregational
church last Sunday evening in charge
of the mens club was unusually inter
esting The solo by R E Love the
music by a quartet of young ladies and
rfsswE Vf5
New Library Opened to Public j McCook Band Reorganized j
Monday evenihg from eight to ten Sunday afternoon the resident mem
the doors of the new Carnegie library bers of the McCook band together with
were thrown open to the public Thejse aral new acquisitions met in their
memberp of the library board acted as old lime quarters at the city hall for re-
a reception committee and took pleasure organization and rehearsal At this
in showing their guest through the var f first meeting twenty five pieces were market
tne able sermon made the service a ty Nebraska are hereby called to meet
nleasinp one ro thp lirora fniHTiratinn in convention - McCook Neb
Next Sunday evening the mens club
orchestra will again appear in several
numbers beginning promptly at 745
and the address will be on the subject
Good Citizenship This service will
no doubt be one of more than ordinary
interest and helpfulness
Gave a Kensington
Mrs J A Gunn and Mrs F M Kim-
mell gave a Kensington Wednesday I
afternoon at the home of Mrs Gunn
About sixty five ladies were present to
meet Mrs C M Noble of Sipulpa I T
and Mrs M B Downs of Iowa Falls
Iowa n he instrumental music bv Mrs
W B Mills and two vocal solos by Miss
A Shoe Opportunity
Diamonds Family Shoe Store is clos
ing out all of their winter footwear so as
to have their spring opening with noth
ing but band new shoes There never
was such an opportunity to buy first
class footwear at such extraordinary low
prices Remember the place At Dia
monds Family Shoe Store on West
Dennison street
Typewriter lor Sale
If you are interested in securing a
Smith Premer Typewriter in splendid
condition at half price call in The Tri
bune office and see the machine It is
a bargain and will be sold because the
owner has two machines
Hawkeye Grain Grader
sold by McCook Hardware Co grades
seed corn seed wheat seed oats alfalfa
and any other kind of seed Good seed
brings strong even stand of grain you
cannot afford to sow poor seed
Initial Embossed Free
You can have your initial embossed
free on fancy box paper bought at Hof
ers the up-to-date dealer in stationery
souvenirs and post cards Always pat
ronize the old reliable
Harness Made of Best Leather
by the best workmen and every strap
warranted at McCook Hardware Co
Now is the time to fit out out for spring
Hard and Soft Paper
in convenient sizes for desk use in fig
uring and making notes at the Tribune
office Very reasonable price
Fence Posts t or Sale
On the Royal Buck farm Call on or
J F Helm Red Willow
Mass Convention
The Democrats of Red Willow
Final Cut on Ladies Long Coats
Take notice Our 10 30 coats now
cut to 10 99 our t 300 coats to 9 99
our 13 50 ones to 899 our 10 00 nnes
to G09 our 7 59 to 1 09 our 4 75
ones to 299 You savo from your earn
ings perhaps Sl00 of 1000 received
Elsie Campbell were much enjoyed j You can save from your speudings 331
after which a two course luncheon was i of each 1000 Which saving is easier
mass at
on Saturday Feb 22 at 1 oclock p m
for the purpose of electing six delegates
to the state convention held at Omaha
March 3 Said state convention is for
the purpose of electing delegates to the
national convention held at Denver
July 7
I A Sheridan Chairman
The Thompson D G Co
plain figures cash only
One price
Had Shoulder Dislocated
Elmer Schwint living with a brother
southwest of the city was unfortunate
in meeting with a very painful though
not serious accident yesterday While
t - wis ifcwa
represented not including 11 P outton I
ious - -
iuus rooms i b
j bine California fig bv the pound at
who had neglected to bring his well-
Immense bouquets of carnations were thg IJQn Ton
on the several tables seasoned chair leg and tne way tue boys
On tha shelves are about three J handled the overtures etc placed on
and volumes all conveniently arranged I the racks showed that they were an
and thoroughly catalogued gregation of no mean ability along must- j
The furniture is of weathered oak
throughout Mission style thus con
forming both to the exterior and inter
ior finish of the structure One pretty
and cozy feature is the open fireplace
the andirons for which were cleverly
fashioned at the blacksmith shop of G
W Predmore Sons
foimal program until later but on this
occasion the M S E Club orchestra
consisting of Dr Toren director Henry
Best violin E E Kay viola John
Gaarde clarinet C W Kelley flute
Frank Smith melliphon B II Stew
art trombone Geo S Scott saxophone
and Miss Ila M Briggs piano furnish
ed some splendid music and everyone
appreciates the generosity of the indi
vidual members of the organization for
so doing
McCook ppople are happy indeed over
the completion of the building and the
Tribune feels that the library board de
serves great credit
five course dinner was served at the
Monte Uristo at 730 oclock One
large table was used beautifully
McConnell for drugs
Everything in drugs McConnell
If its meat you can get it at Marshs
Prunes in 23 pound boxes at 52 23 per
box Hubers
Family washing taken in fivo cents
cal lines The residents of McCook I Kr n0nnf Phone 13
know the advantages of having a reallv
L Waite Sel1
first class band and will be pleased to I - approved ru
rnl free llverr niail
learn that the present organization bids
fair to rival the Nebraska Brigade band I Dont fail to see the new mu ic at the
of former years which without question Ideal Store today and tomorrow
did more toward bringing McCook into I I
a W here is the justice in our peerless
jury sn stem J Internal pause
factor in Heres their
The board decided to defer having a her history to
lluber is still selling Wedding Break-
r ir i t i
li3L J uu tue
Banquet and Whist Party j
The members of the Entre Nous Club Remember the Sale Of Only One
most royally entertained their husbands o
more week at Rozej RanrersS
I inl ll
st v a n mm - n r fv fc
t veuiiJi i - cicuiuuuc
McMillens cough cure is just what
its name indicates A Cure for Cough
The last private family was released
rated with carnations and with dainty frcm amaiOS quarantine first of the
hand painted place cards as souvenirs Week
Mrs Will Dungan a member of the
club being the artist After the dinner
they indulged in a few games of whist
at the home of Mr and Mrs James Hat
field Mrs W E DeWitt and Mrs
Mary Nortbrup carried away the honors
This is an annual affair looked for
ward to with much pleasure Out of
town members and guests were Mr and
Mra tJ J Warren of Fort Morgan
Colorado and Mr and Mrs W E De
Witt of Denver
Hrs Nesbttt to Speak
A temperauce mass meeting of the
churches will be held at the Baptist
cnurch Sunday March 1 at 3 p m
Mrs Annetta Nesbitt the state trea
sure and organizer of the W C T 17
will be here and speak on the subject
Responsibilities of Parents to Child
ren and Children to Parents Also in
the evering at S oclock on J he Ten
Comit andments and Liquor Traffic
Mrs Nesbitt is a pleasing speaker and
will be sure to interest you Come
and hear her
The members of the Fortnightly en
joyed another skipfest last Friday
H its seasonable and in his linp no
use to go any farther than Marshs meat
Fresh lettuce celery cauliflower
rheubarb etc constantly on hand at
A series of very helpful meetings at
St AlLans Episcopal church was closed
Sunday night
When down town eat your noonday
lunch at the Bon Ton Home cooking
Prompt service
The residence property of C T Loper
at 407 Melvin street was sold Tuesday
to Frank RallitT
Another big bargain sale beginning
Saturday Feb 13 and ending Satur
day Feb 29 RczIl Barger
Our Colorado pens corn etc are as
near perfection as it is possible to ftp
proach in canned goods Huber
A car load of nails barb wire field
fencing etc just received
Polk Bros Hardware
McCook Neb
All bills due the McCook Electric
Light Company must be paid on or be
fore the 24th of February
McCook Electric Lkjht Co
Look over H P Waite Co s stock
before buying farm machinery of any
kind They have many good things to
A G Bump room two over xMcCon
nells drug store is agent for some of
Americas best insurance companies
Consult him
Ccal bargain some small size Penn
sylvania hard coal at 950 a ton Up
dike Grain Co S S Garvoy manager
Phone 109
The police court shows up a remark-
1 ably clear record thus far this year
only four cases appearing on the blotter
since Januarv 1st
breaking a horse the animal became term in Gosper county
unmanageable and ran away throwing
Elmer out and dislocating his shoulder
Pythians Celebrate Anniversary
Wednesday evening after the regular
session the members of McCook Lodge
The district court of Red Willow coun
ty is having a recess of a weeks dura
tion to enable Judge Orr to hold a short
The missionary society of the Congre
gational church will meet with Mrs
Hawkes on Thursday afternoon Febru
ary 27th at three oclock
We will have with us the first of next
No 42 K of P betook themselves to j week an experienced trimmer who will
the Monte Cristo and indulged in a ban 1 be abIe to satjsfy the most fastidious in
quetand the usual accessories com- the seiectjon 0f their spring hats
memorative of the forty hfth anniver
sary of the birth of the order
Lovell Nies
A bible study class has been organized
It Is heedless for us to reii you in the Bapfcist church and met for the
The Great Majestic Range has the first timej Monday evening which eve
reputation of being the best range on ning wi1 he tne time for their regUar
the market About 400 users in Mc- weekiy meetings
Cook and vicinity will testify to this
Donfc wait UQtil yu are ified call
The McCook Hardware Co
and advance your subscription up to
Wauneta Rid of Smallpox January latj 1909 April 1st 1903 all
Word received yesterday from J
subscriptions delinquent one year MUbT
W Hann chairman of the village board DE DI3CONTIXUED Thats the law
of Wauneta that the village is now free j ys faave no ch0ce
from smallpox the quarantine has been
G- Pdmore Sons have all szs
raised and no more cases are expected
1 of disc blades Now is the time to get
Sleeve Aprons jvour disc cold rolled sharpened We
Full length sleeve aprons made from
sharpened eighty seven sets last spring
Simpson and American prints 6o cents Every sefc ig guaranteed Dont wait
at the Thompson D G Co One price untii the spring rush Phone 197
plain figures cash only j
I Tis well to be as carefull in selecting
100--For wall paper as in selecting the pictures
High scoring Barred Plymouth Rock that afft fco adorn youf waUg Both are
Cockerels 100 each J W Burtless to be part of the daily surroundings of
1351 1 10 tf
the houselloid for some tme to come
New Music at The Ideal Something of real beauty never tires
All the latest balad songs Good Our wall papers are realy beautiful
selection for Saturday i L W McConnell Druggist
BSa Mt -WK
Where is the money you
have been earning all these
years You spent it and
somebody else put it in the
bank Why dont you put
your own money in the
bank for yourself why
let the other fellow save
what you earn
Start a Bank Accout with
Walsh Pres C R Liii V I
P K MrKcvvA J J Loooiiiv
Try McMillens cough cure
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
Choice apples and oranges at the Bos
Picture framing to order
Use McMillens cream
chtpped hands and face
Fruits of all kinds at all times
Qutie a drop in the mercury Wednes
day morning
Kodaks and kodak supplies at Mo
Connells drug store
lotion for
II P Waite ii Co sell the Western
Belle lister It has no superior
Now is your chance to get an overcoat
at 25 percent discount Rozell Harder
A coteiie of young ladies have arrang
ed to give a leap year ball in the Menard
Dont forget the Turkey Dinner
February 22nd in the Methodist
church basement
Indications point toward the forma
tion of a Roosevelt club in our citj for
tne coming campaign
Every day is bargain day at H S
Godfrey Cos the popular leaders in
selling flour feed and hay
If it is from Marshs its the best ob
tajnable Anything and everything per
taining to the meat market business
How would you like to get rid of that
corn You can by the use of Lightinng
Corn Cure Price 10c
L W McConnell Druggist
Invitations are out for a benefit ball
to be given a- the Menard February 20
under the auspices of McCook Council
No 1120 K of C
Only 950 a tan that small size
Pennsylvania hard coal at Updike Grain
uo s Wont last long Better
your order in early Phone 169
Our Carnations on sale Saturdays
at McConnells drug store 75c per
dozen McCook Greenhouse Mrs
L M Best Mgr
Need any barb wire field fencing
nails etc We can supply you A car
load just received
Polk Bros Hardware
McCook Neo
If you lack appetite strength and
energy McConnells Sarsaparilia will
help you in a day or two and make you
feel line a new person in a short time
Price 1
The latest in street hats veils etc
are among our new spring millinery
stock just arrived We invite the
ladies of McCook and vicinity to call
and inspect them Lovell Nies
It may be that our friend the ground
hog was a trifle disgruntled on the
start at being expected to furnish the
entire winter season instead of the sur
plus as is his wont but it seems now as
though he may be able to rise to the oc
G W Predmore A Sons have a full
lire of plows and lister lays either hard
or soft stel guaranteed to fit any plow
or li ter And 50 cents off on all lays
brought in before the 1st of March
Wake up Mr Farmer and et a move
on ourself you know hmv the the
Predmores are ruhHl in the spring
Phone 197