The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 14, 1908, Image 8

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when eating that your food is of
highest whoiasomeness that It has
nothing in it that can inters or
distress you makes the iepast
s aouoiy
I This
conwtabie and satisiactory
supreme confident you
have when the food Is raised with
1 IlgSsa I iiMs
I Jb
Typewriter lor Sale
If you are interested iu securing a
-Smith Prerapr Typewriter in splendid
condition at hnlf price call in The Tri
bbhk office and see thp machine It is
-a bargain and will bo sold becauso the
owner has two machines
Hairing decided to move to Kansas I
- will sell at public auction at my farm
c Sghteen miles southwest of McCook
eiijht Kiiles north of Traer Kans ten
miles northeast of Horndon Kans on
commencing at ten oclock sharp the
following property
Fifty 0 year old cows 25 2 year olds
3a yearlings 25 3 year old heifers
imad of steers
One gray horse 5 yrs old 1400 1 bay i
The oiily baking powder made
with Royal Grape Croam of Tartar
There can be no comforting confi
dence when eating alum baking pow-
der ioocio unenaists say mas more or
less of the alum powder in unchanged
alum or alum salts remains in the food
Christian Bible school at 10 a m
Y P S C E at 7 p m All are wel
come to these services
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
Wm J Kirwin O M 1
Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m
Preaching service at 1100 a m Even
ing service at 800 B Y P U at 7 p m
A most cordial invitation is extended to
all to worship with us
E Borton Pastor
Christian Science Services Sun-
day at 11 a m and Wednesday at 8
p m Subject Soul Meetings
held in Diamond block Room open
Wednesdays and Saturdays from 2 to 4
p m Science literature on sale
Episcopal Preaching services at St
Albans church at H m and730p
JZSil 13001 hav mtxre 6 frs oldT
1100 1 bay mare 3 yrs old 1000 1 black Sunday school at 10 a m All
- mare 3 yrs old 1100 1 gray mare 12 are welcome to these services
old 1300 1 sorrel horse 3 yrs old bration of the Holy Communion at the
1150 1 torrel mare 3 yrs old 1000 1
morning service
am lace norse i yrs oia uuu bay
horse 7 jrs old 900 1 mulu 8 months
E R Earle Rector
- old oUU i black mare coitzUU
yearling MKTHODisr o j u i un
school at 10
Sunday am
lbrown jearling horse colt 200
IMPLEMENTS i Sermon by pastor at 11 and 8
worth Leaue afc 645
Prayer meetinS
Ono wagon 1 header box and wagon
1 2 seated carriage 1 single buggy 1 Wednesday night at 745 The public is
wheat drill 1 one horse drill 1 disc and invited to all these services we want
seeder 1 gang plow 1 2 row weed sled you to come
2 riding cultivators 4 sets harness 1 M B Carman Pastor
3 31 1 J Ct 1 t I
saccule i corn Dinner z warning piows
2 sod plows 1 mower 1 hay rake 1 Congregational Sunday school at
sweep feed grinder I grindstone 1 steel 10 a m Preachinc at 11 a m and
3 section harrow 1 wooden 3 section Q
8 m by pastor Evening service
- n p
row 1 riding lister 1 walking lister
charge of club Music Anthem
uonsenojd goods and otner articles
- Free lunch at noon
TERMS Sums under 810 cash on
sums of S10 and over a credit of nine
months will be given purchasers to give
by choir solo by Miss Ruth Wiehe
Sermon subject Bricks Without
Straw Junior C E at 3 p m Sen
ior C E at 7 p m Prayer meeting
note drawing ten percent interest from ever Wednesday at 745 p m The
date with approved security A public is cordially invited to all these
count of five per cent for cash on sums
of SlOand over No property to be re-
xnoTed until settled for
G B Hawkes Pastor
I L ELLIOTT If its meat you can get it at Marshs
V Franklin clerk J II Woddell Auct market
cattle wire
We have a most complete stock of high grade
standard goods When in need of anything in
our line we shall be pleased to have you call
for prices and examine our goods before making
your purchases
Polk Brothers
Dennison st flcCook Nebraska
Ed Lee is very sick
Leonard Hethcote is a new
hand at J Harrisons livery barn
The carpenters are busy on
Ray Smiths new house in the
north part of town
Mrs W Elmer and daughter
Emma returned from their Iowa
visit Tuesday night
Charles Duckworth and family
are visiting with relatives in town
Charles has purchased a hard
ware store in eastern Nebraska
and will take possession soon
Rev Morlin stopped off Sun
day night while enroute to his
home out west and attended ser
vices at the Methodist chnrch
Mr Morlin was formerly pastor
at this place
Preston Rollins the genial
young clerk in at Pucke ts is
unable to be in the store on ac
count of the grip
Mr Amen nov occupies moms
with his family in the upstairs
part of the Baxter block
Andrews Marsh have sold
their mill to a man in Culbertson
giving possession first of April
Conrad Miller was a McCook
visitor Saturday and Sunday
Jake Kerns late of McCook
was an Indianola visitor Wed
nesday Mr Kerns will move to
the Willow and farm the Buck
Messrs A N and J C Puck
ett arrived home on 13 Satur
day from Frankfort Kansas
where they have been among
friends for a couple of weeks
Miss Jennie Madison is num
bered among the sick this week
Mr and Mrs Aleck Carmichael
arrived home Wednesday morn
ing from Ireland where they were
married last month They will
live on a farm north of town
Velton White is in Hastings
visiting friends He will shortly
go to Wyoming on a business
Rev Woodson and wife who
have been helping with the meet
ing here returned to their home
in Ravenna Thursday morning
Mr Darrell of Box Elder at
tended services at the Methodist
church Sunday morning
A large class was received into
the Methodist church Sunday
morning Some were taken into
full membership and others on
Mrs Maisie of Frankfort Kan
sas came in this week for a visit
with relatives
Miss Florence Middleton who
has been in the Byfield home the
past week returned to her home
in McCook Sunday night
W G Shepherd is among the
sick ones in town
Mrs Tim Haley went down to
Republican City Sunday might
to visited a few days with her
Mrs Wilbur living one mile
north of town is quite sick with
Tom Minnick of Cambridge
came up Sunday night for a
short visit with his brother the
Mrs C Miller is entertaining
some relatives from the wes
Mr and Mrs Kendall returned
last week from Iowa where they
were visiting Mr Kendalls bro
ther and other relatives
Mr Kelley who bought out
Fetterman Dailys hardware
store moved his household goods
from Cambridge to the Clifford
Naden house this week
W F Stilgebouer was a busi
ness caller to Cedar Bluffs be
tween trains Monday
Mrs Sarah Ruby has been on
the sick list the last week
Elder Burt closed an interest
ing meeting Sunday night at the
Mrs Gertrude Thomas return
ed from Missouri Tuesday ac
companied by a niece and nephew
who will visit relatives here for
a while
The stork visited the home of
Rev Shephard last Saturday and
left there a baby girl to care for
of which they are very proud
Mr and Mrs S W Stilge
bouer visited their son and fami
ly at Marion Monday and Tues
Floyd Erwin returned home
from Grand Island where he
completed a business course this
winter We understand he will
accompany his brother-in-law
Oscar Thomas to California
where they will go into the
merchantile business in the near
O B Woods has bought the
Barber property of Mr Horton
and we understand Mr Gardner
will remain with Mr Woods
Ed Ruby will soon move his
family from Marion to Danbury
Mrs Trigg of Grand Island has
returned home after a short visit
with her mother Mrs Bates
who has been in poor health for
a long time
Miss Grace Phillips visited over
Sunday with Mrs Powell
Rev Miller is holding special
meetings at this place Every
body invited
Rev Miller and wife were
given a donation last Friday eve
Charles Wilson is hauling corn
to the J K Gordon place this
Bert Hockman and T M
Campbell helped Tom Elms haul
hay Monday
M Branan is plastering the
hall this week
Mrs Martha Johnson is visit
ing her daughter Mrs T M
Mr and Mrs Minton of Hav
ana visited their daughter Mrs
Lillie Larington Saturday
Mr and Mrs Paul Stone of
Thornburg are visiting their
daughter Mrs Maude Harrison
Thos Murrain of Maywood
visited over Sunday with his
daughter Mrs D Doyle
A T Wilson L A Bible J
C Dedman and Mr Camp are
attending court this week
Mr Sam
sick list
Burkett is on the
R F D No 1
Clarence Baker is confined to
the housej this week on account
of a gathering in his ear
J Liebbrandt is able to be out
again after a two weeks siege of
Ernest Wade a relative of the
Wilson Downs family visited
with them a part of last week
Fred Adams and family who
have been visiting in Illinois the
last two months returned home
Saturday night
Some persons entered the
school house in Dist 31 some
time between Friday and Mon
day morning built a hot fire
which melted out the grate broke
the pump handle and on their
departure failed to take their
empty beer bottles
A O Rogers left Thursday
on No 1 for Los Angles Calif
and on his return
bride with him
will bring a
Dont wait until you are notified call
and advance your subscription up to
January 1st 1909 April 1st 190S all
subscriptions delinquent one year jicbt
be discontinued Thats the law
We have no choice
Su5 rrnTrra
We have just received
a shipment of the
Dandiest Waists
County Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Neb Februarj 10 IMS
The board of county cominN lonors met pur
suant to adjournment present F S Lofton S
Premer and C U Gray commissioners 1 E
Iieedcr attorney and Charles Skalla clerk
The minutes of the previous ireetinij were
read and on motion approved
On motion the county treasurer was instruct
ed to refund to O J Hafcood the mm of SM
beiny the amount of poll tax ilcKally as e -d
to him in 1907 and paid by Mm under prole t
for the reason that he was not 21 years of aw
Oil motion the county treasurer was instruct
ed to refund to V J Glandon and to James W
Glandou the sum of 10 each beitiK the amount
each paid under protest as 1P07 ta on real es
tate assessed iu school district 3 when it
should have been assessed iu district No 10
the difference being 130 in each case by reas
on of a higher levy in district No 33
On motion the county treasurer was instruct
ed to refund to T C Hageman and to W P
Burns the sum of 200 each being the amount
of poll tax illegally assessed to them in 1107 and
paid by them under protest for the reason that
they were over 50 jears of age
In the matter of the assessment of Mrs Mary
Caine the board finds that the personal tax as
scsssed to her in 1907 and paid by her under
protest was legal in all respects and no refund
can be allowed for the same
On motion A C Crabtrcc and F E Teel were
appointed as constables in Indianola precinct
to fill vacancy
The oflicial bonds of Harvey Springer as road
overseer of district No 12 and of Frank Hill as
road overseer of district No 3 were examined
and on motion approved
On motion board abjourned to meet February
11 1C0S F S Chairman
Attest Chakles Skalla Clerk
McCook NebFebrnary 11 1903
The board of county commissioners met pur
suant to adjournment present F S Lofton S
Premer and C B Gray commissioners- P E
Reeder county attorney Charles Skalla clerk
The minutes of the previous meeting were
read and on motion approved
The clerk having advertised that sealed bids
would be received by the board for printing the
delinquent tax list commissioners proceedings
and legal notices for the ensuing year the board
proceeded to open and examine bids on file and
after duo consideration the contract for the
same was awarded to the McCook Republican
The board finding that all three places on the
soldiers relief commission were vacant pro
ceeded to appoint three members of this com
mission On motion the following named per
sons were appointed as members of the soldiers
relief commission
For the 1st commissioner district for a term
of one year S W Stilgebouer of Danbury For
the second commissioner district for a term of
two j ears W H Smith of Indianola For the
third commissioner district for a full term of
three years H H Berry of McCook
On motion the clerk was instructed to notify
these commissioners of their appointment and
instruct them as to their duties
On motion the county treasurer was instruct
ed to refund to E D Akers the sum of 200 be
ing the amount of poll tax illegally assessed to
him in 1907 and paid by him under protest for
the reason that he is over 30 years of age
The following claims were audited and allow
ed and on motion clerk was instructed to draw
warrants on the county general fund levy of
1P07 in payment thereof as follows
J A Wilcox mdsc for pauper 3 71
Geo SScott same 8 75
Jones Finnegan Crawmer samo and a
casket claimed at 4835 allowed at 33 33
If the Leap Year
is as wise as we think she is she will fully re
alize the necessity of always being neatly and
fashionably gowned Now you know as well
as we that the only way to keep pace with the
latest on the market is to trade at an up-to-date
place and where can you find more up-to-date
goods than at Grannis store
its ever been our luck to come across at such
reasonable rates Then we have some dandy
patterns in
AllOver Lace
that would make some mighty prelty waists
Our New Ginghams
are about the neatest bunch ever shown in Mc
Cook so fall in line and let us have the pleas
ure of displaying our line of goods to you
McCook Markets
Merchants and dealers in McCook at
j noon today Friday are paying the fol
lowing prices
Corn 8 55
Wheat 78
Oats jo
Rye 3
Barley Go
Hogs 3 80
Uutter good 8
Eggs n
Jones Fiunegan Criwmer mdsc for
pauper 20 11
Jones Fiunegan fc Crawmer same 20 33
Smith Cochran same 13
C L DeGroff Co supplies forjjail C 13
C Lu DeGroff mdse for pauper
James McAdams same 1907
James McAdams same Jan 1903
D C Marsh same
John Lofvenborg bread for pauper six
Fisher Perkins shoes for same
33 i
ri 90
11 10
11 73
7 CO
Barnett Lumber Co coal for same 9 73
Barnctt Lumber Co same 13 23
M Mathes caro of pauper ten days 0 10
C G Bosworth board for same 2 30
C G Bosworth same 1 10
E G Cain Co coal for same 9 CO
E G Cain Co same 11 73
E G Cain Co same lj 00
E GCain Co same 13 SO
W C Bullard same Dec 0 73
W C Bullard same Jan 0 10
W C Bullard coal for court house21 tons 12t 37
W C Bullard same forpauper 4 23
W C Bullard same 4 25
W C Bullard same 1 23
M E Knipple cuspidors for court house 2 00
Trant Kelley nails and supplies 8 CO
McCook Electric Co light for court house
Nov Dec and Jan bills 61 03
3IcCook Water Works Co water last 3
mouths 1907 g jq
James I Lee ice for court house for 1907 22 15
F D Burgess plumbing on court house 8 40
N E Bargcr repairing on court house 12 CO
in II Harman repairing furniture 103
C W Graves putting up election booths
and work on court house 12 CO
White Lino Transfer drayage 11 33
Osborn Wentz hauling 21 tons coal
McCook Hardware Co lock and keys for
L W McConaell supplies for county
C R Woodwor and Co -implies
II P Waito Co uails acd supplies
Fetterman fc Daily nails
7 33
1 03
2 70
4 91
1 01
J V McClintikTnails 1
S B McLean ollice chair 4 50
C W Kelley surveying county road 9 no
D F Neiswanger tombstone for W U
Berger first commissioner of county
claimed 3300 allowed at 00 CO
ADJohnson appraising road No 417
mileage 4 33
I N Smith same 3 go
W P Burns same 3 jy
Otto Puelz appraising road No 413 and
mileage 300
Chas Rogers same 3 00
Q R Miles same and team q qq
Chas Skalla office expense for Jan 12 7u
H J Arbogost fees as registrar 2 CO
W II Smith same 50
W A Middleton samo u 3
McCook Republicanprinting legal blanks
and statements
o 5
McCook Republican printing for county
superintendent Mi vj