a l 1i i i jr a i ii- w it if if in FT i IV to vr As the M Sc spring O 9 9 ason for Work on the farm approaches it is well to look around and get posted on the best imple ments to buy Our spring stock is now arriving and we will be glad to show Moline Oliver Defiance Plows Moline Bradley and other makes of Disc Harrows Superior and Success Drills Several kinds of spike tooth harrows and other machines beside the Western Belle Lister This lister has been tried in this vicinity for many years and has given universal sat isfaction But if any customer prefers something else we have other good ones among which we will mention the Tri Belle Oliver and Bradley We also con tinue to sell the Mitchell Mandt and Milburn Wagons o Call on us for anything needed in the farm machinery line H P Waite Coo SSBySSSsSHvavSVSSIBSSSSEtSHSSSKS aHVSSSBSSVBNaBSS The Only PIac In where you can buy i can Van Camps Saur Kraut ioc i can Vaii Camps Hominy ioc i can Pumpkin ioc Navel sweet oranges all sizes per psck 65c 1 2 oz pkg seeded raisins for ioc 16 oz pkg seeded raisins for 15c 2 for 25c Evaporated apricots per lb 20c Extra large evaporated yellow or Muir peaches 20c or 3 lbs for 50c Bulk seedless raisins per lb ioc Bulk two Crown raisins per lb ioc Bottle pickles Chow Chow Celery Relish cauliflower stuffed or plain olives ioc 3 cans standard corn 25c 2 large size can tomatoes 25c 1 can Lemon Cling sliced peaches 25c 1 can yellow free peaches 25c 1 can white or black cherries 35c 1 gal can apples 40c 1 gal can peeled pie peaches 50c 1 gal can unpeeled pie peaches 45c 1 gal can white cherries 60c So oz K C baking powdtr 65c 50 oz K C baking powder 45c In Tea Coffee and all Groceries we defy competition We have a large stock of Groceries all fresh and new and needing money will for a short time sell at above prices XI Phone 23 Son msmswtss mmiuiuiw BlffiBj No 17G arrives No 175 departs Time Card McCook Neb Arrives IMPEUIAL LINE Mountain Time IM faJVs MAIN LINE EAST IJRIMUT No C Central Time 10 sa v u 2 500 A M 12 715 a M 11 912 V M MAIN LING WEST DEPAIIT So 1 MountninTimo 0 M a m a 1112 p m IS 8 p M 1025 A M 850 A u 505 v 015 A cliair bioepuiK climtiK ana roclmint cars scuts freo on through trains Tickots sold and buKgaqo chocked to any point iu tho United Statesor Canada For information timo tables maps and tick ets call on or writo K E Foe Aont McCook Nebraska or L V Wakoloy General Lubsoii Bar Agent Omaha Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Supt E E Young went to Lincoln Wednesday morning on company busi ness W S Tomlinson is off as fligman and assisting Claim Agent Hanson do special work Francis Fry of the Sterling headquar ters ollico force has been visiting at homo in Konesaw Brakeman E L Hawkins is off this week having been called to Alma by sickness of his father I3rakeman F F Jfeubauer returned to work first of tfce Weak afte an en forced ten day Vncfetfpa The depot at Hartley has been releas ed from quarantine od Frank Purvis has resumed his duties as agent There is some talk of taking off 5 and 12 botwoen AlcCook and Wray and having 13 and 14 make the stops R E Love was a passenger on 13 Tuesday morning enroute for Yuma Colo to attend to business interests Extra Operator W R McCarty of Denver wht has been working nights at Wray was at headquarters first of the week Frank Crane was at headquarters Sunday on his way from Wray to Ina vale to relievo the agent at that place for awhile W L Bass whjO got cut off the local telegraph force on the retrenchment order has taken tho position of day operator at Dixon C Lawritaoa brother of Chief Clerk Lawritson baa been transferred as traveling aadltoc from the Sheridan to the Sterling djvieiptt TLo quarantine ou Hartley station was raised hisl Sunday Dr Fahn estock going down to superintend the disinfecting of tho depot Operator Perry who has been acting agent in the temporary depot at liartley has returned to Cambridge relieving Operator Floyd Staynor Mr and Mrs C L Banh and O E Pearson wero in attendance at tho dedi cation of tho new Methodist church at Arapahoe last Saturday Tho Burlington recently undertook to close Dickens station on the Iloldrege Cheyenne line but decided uot to upon receiving notico from tho state railway commissioners Chief Dispatcher Pate has convictions about operators sleeping ou duty and by way of emphasis gave one of the of fenders thirty days recently to catch up on his sleep Engineer and Mrs I L Rodstrom wont down to Holdrego on No 2 Sat urday morning He goes on to Hast ings to relieve Engineer Brown for two weeks She visited Holdrege relatives H L Stein roadmaster of the lino from Hastings to Oxford via Red Cloud Oberlin and St Francis branches with headquarters at Red Cloud has resign ed His successor has not yet been appointed While carrying his lanterns from the rear of train li to the baggage car last Saturday night at Franklin Flagman C E Crouch slipped and in falling struck his chin against ono of the lan terns making an ugly gash While tho local crew was attinpting to put up coal at Wray Tuesday morn ing a drawbar came out and deiJlod a couple of cars on the incline breaking them up pretty badly The blocking car and crew went up on 5 Wednesday to pick them up S M Cook formerly working out of here was in tho city this week renew ing acquaintances on his way to St Joe Sam has been working out of Evenston Wyoming and reports several old time McCook boys working out of there notably G L Miller as conductor and W A Clioe as engineer Tho interstate commerce commission at Washington has seen fit to refuse the request of the railroads throughout the country asking for an extension of tho time at which tho new Dine hour law affecting telegraph operators goes into effect March 4 The railroads contend ed that it would bo impossible to fill the 15000 positions which the new law necessitate but tho commission could not see things the same way The fact that the filling of these new positions and other requirements of tho law put the roads to some inconvenience was not sufficient reason to grant the exten sion of time asked and furthermore tho commission was in possession of testi mony showing that if the roads paid S80 per month they would have no dif ficulty in securing all the good opera tors they need Operator and Mrs W L Bas3 spent Sunday with li tends at Baitloy Engineer Koohal returned to work Thursday ufter a week of wrestling with tho grip Eugineer Sanborns fifteen day fcii teuce expired flrat of thu week and 1 0 returned to his run ou 5 and 12 west Conductor T E McCarl had Lines run ou 15 and 10 close of last and first of this week Scott had his car on thol Wray local Conductor Daltuti lias boun jiven the car on iho Kud Cloud Oxford run made vacant by Cassell and crew leturniu to tho Oberlin Hue A V Coupe of tho dispatchers ollico loft Tuesday night for Effingwel Kansas being called thereon account of thu death of his uncle A B Camp bell has charge of his desk meanwhile Philip Trout for the past three years section foreman iu charge of McCook yard has been appointed roadmaster to succeed JJ L Stein resigned Mr Trout left for Red Cloud his headquar tors this morning Ilia jurisdiction will extend from Hastings to Oxfoid via Red Cloud and tho Oberlin and St Francis branches Mr routs succes sjr has not yet been named Good Way to Do Business When one can buy gold dollars for fifty cents it is a good timo to purchaso In ordering a 50 cent bottle of Dr Howards celebrated hpecific ror the cure of constipation and dype jsia at 25 cents C A Wood worth Co are gv ing ono of the greatest trade chances ever offered to the people of McCook If food does not digest well if there is gas or pain in the stonucb if the tongue is coated and tho breath bad if there is constipation and straining Dr Howards specific wjll euro If it doos not you have Druggist Woodworths person al guarantee to return jour money This remarkable remedy comes in tho form of tiny granules and can be carried in the vest pocket or purse It is very populur in New York City and it is not unusual to see someone after a meal at ono of tho largo hotels or restaurants take a dose of this specific knowing that it will prevent the uncomfortable feeling which frequently follows a hearty meal Dr Howards specific gives quick relief and makes permanent cures f con stipation dyspepsia and all liver troubles These are strong statements Lbut WGodworth Cn are giving their customers a chance to prove their truth at just half the regular price sixty doses for 25 cents If they are not found true all you have to do is to ask for your money i Notice To Parents Ckfsses for beginners childreu five years of age or over who have never attended school will be organized Monday afternoon February 17 in the E st ward the West ward and the South buildings Parents will present their children to the teachers in those respective buildings together with a certificate showing successful vaccina tion Two weeks timo will be granted for entering pupils in these classes but no ono will be received after Monday March 2 G 11 Thomas Supt Awl 0s Entertained Misses Pearl Zint and Nellie Smith entertained tho Awl Os with a delight ful evening at the homo of Mrs Roy Zint Tuesday Tho festivities closed with a two course luncheon at the Monte Cristo Have you over tried an eraso ink eraser Seo one at The Tkiiiunk of fice Canaries Steamship Pets Few and far between are the steam ships entering the port of Boston that cannot boast of a canary No matter Iioav battered and rusty the craft may be one is pretty sure to find the canary somewhere in the rooms of the officers or crew Its cage as a rule is a won derful creation of brass wire and lace and the canary himself usually Is a singer whose trill and whistle are of the best The little songsters appear to enjoy life ou the ocean Seldom are they inconvenienced by the motion of the vessel and tue more the cage rswsngs from its hook the more they warble Sailons will tell you a canary is a mascot Be that as it may the cauaries are great pets Frequently one may see a sailor on the water front lugging his bird and cage to some new berth Boston Herald A Nest Bit of Selfishness For several years said a married man I did not have a taste of tender I loin at home as I sat at the head of the table and was compelled to give that part of the steak to my wife A I year ago I invited her to sit at the I head of the table and do the carving Finee which time I have always had lle tenderloin for she politely gives me the best cut which I accept indif ferently as though I do not know what It is I respectfully lay the suggestion before the Society of Chuck Eating Husbands Atchison Globe Too Rough A traveler in the dining car of a rail road had ordered fried eggs for break fast Cant give yo fried aigs boss the negro waiter informed him lessen yo want to wait till we stops Why how Is that Well de cook he says de roads so rough datebery time he tries to fry Ulgs dej scrambles Life v lfl Jr Gy 1 Jont yoi3 need TZw Qoes1 All W unbonnot Qych ffi Capiat m7 h Tb8 Ambling tfci For fohes little Re9 id little voider far tlpe rcW9 ups Td for those i1qo love tfpelr slipperd ease ve Ikve juat te proper tfyiflgs to suit tlpeir feet rxpd rnke ttpen look good 5d feel good Atd tle Ietfyer i the sfyoes we sell will wexr well At our store you C9 get slpoes for wonjeij for Si 5 0 to Se0 sTroes for rqep for 5Q to 47 5 sipoes for clpildreQ for 7c up Tis ne9S good sIoes good stal ls conjfortble slpoes Cordirxlly C L DeGROFF CO SZfS32SS l51itiZSiQ T What is better than a Good Shoe A Good Shoe that fits the foot These you will find at The We carry none but the best Our prices are right Come in and get a fit PUBLIC SALE We will sell at public sale where we now live on our farm on the Rd Willow creek J4 me southwest of Box Elder and SJ4 miles north east of McCook on TUESDAY FEBRUARY 18th commencing at 10 oclock sharp the following described property 31 HEAD OF HORSES FIFTEEN NATIVE BHED One span of roan mares 7 and 9 years old 1200 lbs each 1 black mare 12 yrs old 1100 lbs 1 stallion trotting bred 1350 lbs colts coming 2 yrs old G weai ling colts 1 iron grev mare G rs old 900 lbs SIXTEEN WESTERN GRED Four western mares 8 years old 12 head western horses 3 yrs old all broke 1 SPAN OF MULES 16 HEAD OF CATTLE Six milk cows 3 fresh balance fresh soon G yearling calves 3 stock cows 1 thoroughbred Hereford bull and papers with sale FARM IMPLEMENTS ETC One Jones binder nearly new 1 Mc Cormick hay rake nearly new 1 2 row disc cultivator 1 riding cultivator 1 rid ing lister 1 gang plow new plowed 3 acres 1 walking lister 1 steel harrow 3 farm wagons one nearly new 1 hay rack 1 top buggy 1 double surrej 1 set of work harness 1 set of single harness 1 good saddle 1 cream separator DeLaval 1 Sure Hatch incubator 150 egg house hold goods and other articles too numer ous to mention Free Lunch at Noon TERMS Sums under 10 cash on sums of 10 and over a credit of 8 months will be given purchaser to give note with approved security drawing ten per cent interest from date A discount of live per cent for cash on sums of 10 and over J K GORDON W A STONE Owners J H Woddell Auct V Franklin Clerk Fisher Perkins 5 aSy5iTii QQSsQr 1 iiim wnii Tliiiii sing Out Sale Having decided to move to Oregon T will sell at public auction at the placs where I now live known as the Sara King place 1 mie3 north and 3 miles east of McCook on Wednesday February 26 commencing at ten oclock a ir the following described property 9 HEAD OF HORSES One bay horse 5 jrs old 1300 llsl bay hors 6 yrs old 1300 lbs I grev mare 7 yr old 1100 lb- with foal 1 grey mareGjrs old 1100 lbs 1 buck skin mare S ws old 1000 lbs llwj colt 2 jrs ole 1 bay colt coming 2 yrs old 2 wanling colts 3 HEAD OF COWS One to bf fresh soon 15 HEAD OF SHOATS 4 DOZEN CHICKENS FARM IMPLEMENTS One McConnick header with boxe5 X riding lister 1 2 row cultivator 1 steel hnrrow 2 walking listers on wagon one top buggy MISCELLANEOUS Three sets work harness 1 set singl harness 1 saddle 3 sets fly nets 1 lot of cobs about 15 loads 1 steel tank 1 chicken house 1 buggy hed about 10 bushels of potatoes household goods other articles too numerous to mention Free lunch at noon TERMS Sums under 10 cash on sums of 10 and over a credit of eight months will be given purchaser to gire note drawing ten percent interest from date with approved security A dis count of five percent for cash on sums of 10 and over No property to be re moved until settled for Maxwell L Wolfe J HWoddell Auct V Franklin Clerks