if mx IJ V- m 0 hiS I J ij H i J II WOPDELL McCOOK NEB XlVE STOCK and REAL ESTATE 7 AUCTIONEER aaCaII at Citizens Bank For Dates M Midclleton Ruby K V I v J PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING All work guaranteed Phono 182 McCoolf Nebraska YOU WOULD DO WELL TO SEE J M Rupp FOR ALL KINDS OF Rpjpk fJQV P O Box 131 McCook Nobraaka 0 Hiss Ha M Briggs ii fwill teach class ou piano Grad uate of Bethany conservatory of ljinusuorg i ins oiuaio at home of A G Bump Phono Black 2f2 Scholars call or phono for further information - j W A G BUMP f Real Estate and Insurance Room Two over MeConnolls drug store McCook Nebraska JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTBACTEJ3 McCook Nkhraska jgAKant of Lincoln Land Co and of MoCooV Wator Works Oillce in Poatofflco buildinfj C H liOYLE C E Eldbed BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys at I aw Long Distance llone -14 Rooms 1 and 7 second floor Poftollico Build inp Mctoo Neb DR IB I J GUNN DENTIST PncNE 112 Ollice Rooms 3 and 5 Walsh Blk McCook GATEW00DVAHUE I rnntflr DENTISTS Office over McAdams Store Phone 190 H P SUTTOK mccooe D K L IWUVJ JEWELEF MUSICAL G0Q0S rHen Registered NEBRASKA aeru rraif Graduate Dentist Office over McConnells Drug Store McCOOK NEB Telephones Office 160 residence 131 Forner location Atlanta Georgia Mike Walsh DEALER IN POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location just across street in P Walsh building Nebraska H i IIHaKMHBiHllHBHESBBaaBBaBHaBSBBBaaBBSaS P BHKMSS -7 X ii t3 M f t a - - El A t M k J - Kw ji I Bsst By L I 6omp si 1 pyre M 1 I i CITY LODGE DIRECTORY A F A M McCook Lodiro No 135 A V A M moots ovory first and third Tiuwliiy of tho moutli at 800 p in in Masonic hull Ciiauiis L Fahnkhtock W M Lon Cone Soc llOIIKIIMAKCnS McCook LodRo No -107 of B M I S B of A incut first mid third Fridays of each moutli in Odd Followb hall DKOKKKDP HOKOK McCook LodKoNolt D of II moots every second and forth Fridays of each month at 800 p in in Uaiibchnws hall Miw Lauua Osuuun C of II Mea MatikG Welles Hec EAOLER McCook Aorio No 151 1 F 0 15 meets the second nud fourth Wodnusdajs of each month at 800 pm in Ganschown hall Social tneot iiiKS on tho ilrst and third WodnoMlnjs W II Cummins V Pros II P Phtkubon V Sec EABTEUN STAR Eureka Chapter No 80 O 35 S meets tho Bccoud and fourth Fridays of each mouth at 800 p in iu Masonic hall Mrs Saiiaii E Kay W M Sylvesteu Cordeal Soc 1 A It J K Barnos Post No 207 G A It meets on the first Saturday of each mouth at 210 p m Ganschows hall M Henderson Cmudr J II 1ARGEE Adjt KNIGHTS OK COLUMBUS McCook Conncil No 1120 K of C moets tho first and third Tuesdays of each month at 800 p in in Diamonds hall Frank Rrtjir I K G PM Gale F Soc KNIOins OF TYTHIAS McCook Lodge No fl K of P moots overy Wodnotdnj at800 p m iu Masonic hull Lawuitson C C J N Gaarde K H S KNIGHTS TEMPLAR St John Commandery No 1G K T moots on tho second Thursday of each month at 800 p m in Masonic hall Emerson Hanson E C Sylvester Coldeal Roc LADY MACCABEES Valley Queen Hive No 2 L O T M moots every first and third Thursday oviuings of each month iu hall Ms- W 1- Mills Commandor Harriet E Willetts R K locomotive engineers McCook Division No 623 B of L E meets 2 ry flst al third Saturday of each mouthnt 800 m Borris hall W C SCHEtCK C E W D Hurnett F A 15 LOCOMOTIVE FIREMEN McCook Lndgo No 599 B of L moots every Saturday at 730 p m chows hall F E in I D Pennington M Geo A Campbell Sec MACHINISTS Red Willow Lodgo No 587 I A of M meets overy second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 800 p m in Ganschow hall D O Hewitt Pres V H Anderson Rec Sec modern woodmen Noblo Camp No 603 M W A meets every second aud fourth Thursday of each month at Sd9 p tn in Ganschows hall JoIIN Hunt V C Baeney Hofeu Clerk ODD FELLOWS McCook Lodge No 137 1 O O F meets every Monday al800 p in in Ganschow s hall E- H Doan N G Scott Doan Sec P e o Chapter X P E O meets the second and fourth Saturdays of each month at 230 p m at tho homes of the various members Mrs C W Britt Pres Mrs J G Schobel Cor Sec eailway conductors Hurvey Division No 95 O R C meets the second and fourth Sundays of each month at 300 p m in Diamonds hall Joe Hegenbeegeb C Con M O McCluhe Sec eailway tkainmen C W Bronson Lodge No -187 B of R T meets every Friday at 800 p m in Berrys hall H W Conovek M F J Huston Sec WORKMEN McCook Lodge No 61 AOUW meets every Monday at 800 p in in Diamonds hall Web Stephens M W C B Geay Rec E A M King Cyrus Chapter No 35 R A M meets every first and third Thursday of each month at 800 p m in Masonic hall Claeence B Gray H P Clinton B Sawyer Sec EOYAL NEIGHBORS Noblo Camp No 802 R N A meets every second and fourth Thursday of each month at 230 p m in Ganschows hall Mrs Mary Walker Oracle Mes Augusta Anton Rec B S M Council Nol6RSM meets on the last Saturday of each month at 800 p m n Masonic hall RALPn A Hagberg T I M Sylvester Cordeal Sec w o W Meets second and fourth Thursdays at S oclock in Diamonds hall Chas F Maekwad C C W C Mover Clerk Have You Houses To Rent Then you should be supplied with rent receipt books The Tribune has just what you want compact and com plete SSJnSEkiffStiMSiSlSi I I 4 i ji rmt k 1 For Any Substance injurious to Health Found in m i m n yi i aA R jtt7 S K I a W 3 r -3 b est Tho Only High Grade Eaking Fowdsf Sold at a Modsreie Prico ies mth all Sim ssd HflTSOBfii jja Las3 All Grocers Are Authorized to Guarantee This B r5 -- OTOrrXggagSgSw vv A ELECTRICITY It Hao Taken From Firo Its Suprem acy as Mans Servant As wo hear the whir of the dynamo or listen at the telephone as we turn the button of an Incandescent lamp or travel In an electroinoblle we are par takers in a revolution more swift and profound than has ever before been enacted upon earth Until the nine teenth ceutury lire was justly account ed the most useful and versatile serv ant of man Today electricity Is doing all that fire ever did and doing it bet ter while it accomplishes uncounted tasks far beyond the reach of flame however ingeniously applied We may thus observe under our eyes just such an impetus to human intelligence and power as when fin was first subdued to tho purposes of man with the im mense advantage that whereas the subjugation of liro demanded ages of weary and uncertain experiment the mastery of electricity Is for the most part the assured work of the nine teenth ceutury and in truth very large ly of its last three decades It begins at once to marry the resources of the mechanic and the chemist the engi neer and tho artist with issue attest ed by all its own fertility while its ra3s reveal province after province un dreamed of and indeed unexisting be fore its advent Every other primal gift of iimn rke carvl Ww -height at the bidding of tha etosttfkrD 1 Nel son Tracy In IthWrA gpuday Maga zine CELEST1M WS0ERS Color of tho Sty Qt tho Moon and tha Huoo tji 4 iars It is the atmosphdra that makes the sky look blue and t moon yellow If we could ascend t a clavatlon of fif ty miles above ttxs eacth surface wo should see that th mooo in a brilliant white while tho ekj would be black with the stars antnfng aa brightly In the daytime as at atsfct Furthermore as a most picturesque feature of the spocttcto wo should no tice that some of te stars are red others blue yet ottiero violet and still others greon in cotar Of course all of the stars if we bar tho planets of our own system ars burning suns and the hues tlioy sear depend upon their temperature Tho hottest stssa re Wuo Thus Vega In tho cocdtdlstfex Lyra Is a blue sun hundreds c tinea as large as our own solar orb Wo wo journeying in its direction at Cfes soto of millions of miles a day aoci soohj future time It may gobbte EJ cti lit For after all fcirTia42itftigh tbe confession bo out Sun a olriy a very small star of the sixth magnitude or thereabouts and of an importance iu the universe so slight as to lie scarcely within the pale of respectability Reader Magazine Ono Seam For Fifteen Years It lias been said that the most mo notonous form of labor Is gumming labels But there are many others which come very near it In the boot and shoe trade for instance the work is divided among as many workers ae possible One will thus mako a single cut In the leather aud another give one turn of tho machine handle In some cases a pair of shoos have passed through fifteen pairs of hands before reaching completion As a natural re sult there are workers who week after week go on performing the same work hundreds of times a day Indeed in one factory there Is a woman who for fifteen years has sewed only ono seam Iler machine works so rapidly that she spends as much time inserting and withdrawing her work as in the actual sewing Westminster Gazette Tho First Christmas Gift Book In the General Advertiser of Jan 9 1750 appeared the earliest known an nouncement of a Christmas gift book and in this case it was undeniably a gift book Given Gratis By J Newberry at the Bible and Sun in St Pauls Churchyard over against the north door of the church only payiuc one penny for the binding Nurse True loves Christmas Box or The Giden Plaything for Little Children by v lich they may learn the letters as soi as they can speak aud know how to be have so as to make everybody i ve them adorned witii thirty cuts Lon don Mall Fieason For Objection Fond Mother Why dont you Ilk your roommate at college Reginald The professor tosd me he would Le a good companion for you because he studies so hard Young Collegian But mother he uses so many sesquipedalian words Fond Mother That settles it mj son I doSt want you to be contain nated by association with anybody who uses such dreadful language Baltimore American Just Out Elder Brother Didnt you stop at the news agents and get that maga zine for me Jlmmie lie didnt have none jest sold out Did he say so I didnt have to ask him There ha had it all printed on a big sign Magazine Jest Out Chums Tho Missing Factors Now then children said tho teach er what Is It wo want moat In this world to mako us perfoctly happy Do things we aint got shoated the bright boy In tho back seat Philadel phia Presa Tho less religion a man has tho more he thinks his wife ought to have Chi cago News II PECULH0ITE8 The Fierce Man Eating Crocodile of Australia A PATIENT CUNNING BRUTE This Powerful and Savage Saurion Sometimes Twenty savcn Feet in Length Viil Tackb Anything From a Sheep to a Half Ton Bullock - The crocodile of the Nile differs very Utile from iiiat of Australia whicii is generally termed alligator though in reality a true crocodle The head of a true alligator is ml shorter than that of the c ocodl There is also considerable difference in the teetli and their disposition in the jaws The teeth of an alligator are unequal and the larger of the lower canine outers a cavity in the upper jaw while that or a crocodile simply fits iuto a groove on the outside of the upper jaw leaving the tooth clearly visible Avheir the mouth of the monster is closed There are also differences In the webbing of the toes aud the form of the legs though to the general observer there is little or no difference The crocodiles no doubt feed largely upon fish but aa tiiey grow okTer and stronger and require great quantities of food they will when hungry attack unyihiug from a cheep or kangaroo to a bullock a big crocodile making short work of a bullock weighing over half a ton Some of these monsterN measure as much as twenty seven feet In length aud possess Immense strength besidci wonderful cunning and patlonco Oih will fie In wait at any vuteriug place frequented by anlmulB hardly dis tinguishable from a log of wood so still and impassive it has become The animal coming down to drink Is seized in the crocodiles huge Jaws and drawn Into the water and drowned At other times the tall Is used to sweep the animal Into deep wator where even though Its proy may be a heavy bullock It has little or no chance against Its enemy which is specially provided by nature with an arrange ment that prevents the water rushing down Its- huge throat even though its jaws are fully distended through hold ing its prey Thus after a few brief seconds the unequal struggio Is over and the saurian takes the carcass in tow to some favored locality where he can enjoy It at his leisure In the early daya at Port Darwin South Australia bathing In the open sea was forbidden owing to tho danger from crocodiles there and nearly ev erywhere else In Australia called alli gators though In reality no true alli gators exist in Australia A young trooper named Davis a fine swimmer disregarded the general order and one morning early went for a swim Far out in the harbor he noticed what he and others took to be a floating log Many of the northern trees float and are washed down In tha wet season to the open sea Out went the strong swimmer nearer and nearer to tho supposed log until too lata ho recog nized his mistake and that ho was ap proaching instead of a log a huge and apparently listless crocodile But tho knowledge came too lato to be of any service to poor Davis though some men called out to him from a small craft close by to Go back Go back and Davie did make an attempt to retreat and was swimming manful ly shoreward when the huge bruto flashed down upon him at a terrific speed and opening his great jaws to their utmost- capacity came down with a smack that was heard even to the shore and inside their cruel grasp was Trooper Davis head Then with the quickness common to the saurian It had disappeared with its victim Crocodiles at nighttime low and bel low just like cattle especially like bulls and I have spent some nights in an open boat in Cambridge gulf northwestern Australia where the whole place seemed to be alive with them and what with their splashes and cries the weirdness of the whole scene and their close proximity as they at times rocked the boat sleep was impos sible for there are several Instances on record where crocodiles have taken or have attempted to take men from out of camps and boats A poor fellow named Reed the mate or second mate of the Gulnan had gone in his vessel to some river in Carpentaria gulf I believe the Roper The vessel was at anchor near the mouth of the river The mate Reed had Leen dispatched in charge of a watering party and was some dis tance up the river in a large open boat Water had been obtained and they were all ready for a return to the chip All being made snug the tired follows turned in having made their enmp in the boat The night was a cry fine one the moon shining bright ir when toward midnight the sleep ing camp was aroused by some terrific shrieks These were the cries of poor Reed who enveloped in his bedding and mosquito curtains was being borne off by a crocodile It Is said by those who knew him well and accompanied him on this and other previous trips that he had the habit of sleeping with his foot on the gunwale of the boat and no doubt this afforded the crocodile an easier oppor tunity of seizing him The crocodile has a remarkable eye It can arrange the pupil to a vertical or horizontal position at will to suit Its requirement by day or night It has a special natural protection to tho eye and through a duct escapes the fluid whan tho monster weeps In fact he Is a peculiar brute altogether with many special gifts besides hlfi huge Jaws that help to make of him the terror he Is Sydney Mall BEAU FIELDING He Was th6 Enigma of English Social Life In His Day Beau Fielding was a young man of fashion in the reign of William III Ills house was sumptuously furnished Ills hunters hacks and racers were of great value and he kept a table of princely hospitality He had no os tensible source of income All that was known of him was that lie was the fifth son of Thomas Wilson au impov erished gentleman of Leicestershire Evelyn describes him as a very young man civil and good natured but of no great force of character and very sober and of good fame All attempts to discover his secret were vain In his most careless hours of amusenioit he kept a strict guard over his tongue and left scandal to conjecture what it pleased He redeemed his fathers estate and portioned off Ills sisters and when re monstrated with on liis extravagance replied that however long his life should last lie would always have enough to live in the same way Some said It was he who hul robbed the Holland mail for which another mat had suffered others that lie depended upon the gambling table though lie never played for large sums He was the enigma of social life till his career was cut short ity a- duel His adversary was nt that time a youug umu about town liko himself John Law wk afterwapjt became the founder of tlw fatuous Mississippi scheme by which half of Frauco was ruined When the mysterious Beau died he left only a few pounds behind him and not a scrap of evidence to enlighten public curiosity HOT POTS OF HEBER Tho Ckiriouo Natural Formations Found In Utah Of ever increasing Interest to natu ral curiosity seekers are the hot pots about three miles from Heber City Utah on a branch line of the Denver and Rio Grande railroad running up through picturesque Provo canyon This region is a level plain upon the surfaco of which arise In strange con fusion numbers of conical shaped cis terns tho largest of thein being all o fifty feet high a hundred feet In diam eter at tho top aud twice that at the baso and containing la their dark depths Immense volumes of water heated to a high temperature In the furnaces of tha earth The waters con tulu tho usual chemical properties of thermal springs and aro used for bath ing and drinking with excellent effects These pots have evidently been form ed bj tho slow deposition through couutless centuries of the silica aud soda which enter into tbe composition of tho waters that once welled over the rim The hot pots are found In the midst of cultivated fields and thriving orchards notwithstanding the peculiar rocklike soil composition Ono of the marked peculiarities of the region Is the hollow rumbling sound caused by carriages and horses as they mow over the roadways for miles around Is there an enormous cavorn just bolow the surface and will it over cavo iu is the anxious inquiry of overy visitor alarmed at tho strange underground sounds Ex change Sweet Cane From a Far Country it has boon supposed that sugar cane was the sweat cane from a far coun try mentioned in Jeremiah vL 20 and in Isaiah xliii 24 According to Strabo Nearchus the admiral of Alex ander tho Great describes a kind of honey from an Indian reed which was probably sugar cane Europe seems to bo Indebted for the plant to tho Saracens who Introduced it into Rhodes Cyprus Sicily Crete and Spain In the ninth century The crusaders of the twelfth century found It in Syria The Spaniards and Portuguese carried It to Madeira and the Canaries In the fifteenth century and on the discovery of America it was taken to the West Indies Now York American Real American Aristocracy It was through the Declaration of Independence that we Americans ac knowledge the eternal inequality of man for by It we abolished a cut and dried aristocracy We had seen little men artificially held up in high places and great men artificially held down in low places aud our own justice loving hearts abhorred this violence to human uature Let the best man win That Is Americas word That is true democ racy And true demK ric and truo aristocracy ary one and the yame thing Owen Wister in The VSririuan An Embar nscirg EpL rclicrt Why you chaw n - cents when your sin wis 1 - m liir cut I le ifd diuntit vlu indig nant cnr touiur he siii Kvii h bar ber I his Hftvd his evtbros Purdue t uniur u softh 1 it not nil vrim cuine me ti r ii ii fir s iir Cslleciicrc My enaction said the numisma tist puitidiy is worth SIJJas and ever tiin i uuiue Mine said the minister sadly k worth abont 75 a Sunday and 1 havo to take my chances 01 the coins being good Cleveland leader Would Take a Chance Not a cent replied the rich man coldly Money is not good for th poor Weil responded the applicant just pretend that you have a grudge against me Exchange When faith Is lost and honor dies the man Is dead Whittier A Edgar Hawkins Phone Black 2S1 II H Evans Phono Illnck IV HAWKINS EVANS Contractors aim Builders Finns drawn ai d i urn ishcu on ipt In it n 1212m v f ri mm Ms EUCKBEES SEEDS SUCCEED l PECIALOFFfeR Made to build Netr IJnilnru A trial Will mako you our permanent customer Prize Collection dUhlTTrleilesIt 11 tbe flnett Toralp 7 iplend Onion a best varie ties 10 BpriBRflowf ring liuib os varieties la all GUARANTEED TO ILEAhK Write to day Mention this Paper VVSVVWVWWSAAWAAAAA SEND 10 CENTS to corar poUg ni packing and recalra thin valuable i collection Ol Beeua postpaid tofsuer nmi taj hit jnitrucuYC jueanunu eecaana riant iioou uui au anoni tn ueat vruuei oi txa rinu etc HWBuckbee mmWWMt Jan 1Mb 11 ni fces mr i yrcrvty 7i r TJarS t t X- -4 FRIEND TO FRIEND The persoind recoiinndations of peo ple who have been cured of coughs and colds by Chamberlains Cough Remedy have done more than all else to make it a Etaple article of trade and commerce ove a large part of the civilied world i YOU CARRY INSURANCE on your life ou your property Why not iueuie oursrlf against adversity in Che future by invest ing our t urpltis funds la a bank account Allow it to accumulate until a time cjmes when ou need it badly that is when jou will appreciate its true worth Jufat as the value of your life in surance increases as jou grow older so will our bank account grow as juii jidd to it weekly monthly or 3 early In fact tho possibilities of 3 our b ink account is limited only by your earning and saving capacity An account with this bank is Good Insurance The Old Reliable 22 Years in Business THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK McCook Nebraska February pecials Winter Tours To the south and Gulf resorts un til April 30th Homeseekers Rates 1st and 3rd Tuesdays to Colorado Big Horn Basin Montana and Northwest One Way Colonist March and April to Montana Washington Oregon California and Utah To Farm Renters Write D Clem Deaver Landseek ers Information Bureau Omaha for list of farms to rent in Big Horn Basin Do it now they are going fest Business Openings We have a list of excellent busi ness chances in new growing towns on Burlington extensions got established early ahead of the coming population Write the undersigned R E FOE Ticket Agent McCook Neb L W WAKELEY G P A Omaha Heb jaflaafe5Sg5Si