The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 07, 1908, Image 6

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Elaborate Project Is Now Well
Under Way to Honor Brook
lyns Great Preacher
Museum For Relics
T is about five years
since the long
cherished dream
of friends of Henry
Ward Beecher re
garding a suitable
memorial to the
great Brooklyn
preacher began to
take tangible foTin
It Is over twenty
years since Ir
Becchers death In
the winter of 1003 a
mass meeting was
held in the old
Brooklyn Academy of Music since
burned at which the ideas of the pro
moters of tho memorial were sub
mitted to the public Addresses were
made by ex President Grover Cleve
land Mayor Seth Low and other
noted men friends or admirers of the
man who did so much in the course
of his remarkable career for the cause
of human liberty and liberal ideas
This meeting gave the project a good
start About one half of the desired
sum of 9200000 lias since been raised
and some features of the proposed me
morial have already been transferred
from the realm of fancy to that of
fact Among the latter are the me
morial windows depicting scenes in the
history of the Puritans which were re
cently unveiled in Plymouth church
the scene of most of Mr Beechers
The memorial project has several
phases It is proposed to erect on a
plot adjoining Plymouth church a fine
parish building to bo a center of work
for the large population in the vicinity
of the church It will contain library
gymnasium club and society rooms and
a large auditorium for public meetings
and lectures One of its rooms will
be a museum for souvenirs and relics
connected with the history of Mr
Beecher and bis family A crypt will
be built beneath it with a door open
ing into the auditorium of the church
and here will be placed the remains of
Mr Beecher and his wife which now
repose in Greenwood cemetery Four
city lots across the street from the
church will be converted into a park
and in the center of it will be a mouu
lncit to Mr Beecher There is already
a statue of him in Brooklyn borough
It occupies a conspicuous position in
the plaza in front of the borough hall
is the work of the noted sculptor John
Quincy Adams Ward and was erected
in 1S91 But it is felt that the imme
diate scene of his labors should also
possess a monument containing his
features and form in bronze
Several years ago when the public
authorities proposed to take two lots
adjoining Plymouth church on the
west for a public school the Rev Dr
Newell Dwight Hillis the present pas
tor of the church wrote In protest
against the contemplated action and
When a great man has lived in a
city for forty years his dust belongs
to his city and his tomb to our children
and our childrens children The ideal
thing Is to use the two lots as a burial
place for Mr Beecher with the me
morial room above with his portraits
his manuscripts his old pulpit and
chairs his writing desk the manu
script of Mrs Stowes Uncle Toms
rabin Lyman Beechers old pulpit
from which he preached the sermon on
Dueling after the death of Hamilton
and the five sermons on Independ
ence with everything related to the
n hi
A New Parish Building o
Park and a Second Statue
Planned Beechers Old
Pulpit Chair
career of Henry Ward Beecher in
At the time Dr Ilillis wrote these
words the memorial project had not
taken definite form but the authorities
decided not to acquire the land for the
purpose proposed and fortunately it
was thus left for use as the site of
the memorial building To carry out
all the features of the plan will re
quire some little time Meanwhile the
objects associated with Mr Beechers
life work are being collected with the
view of placing them in the museum
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or memorial room when it is complet
ed Prominent in this work is General
Horatio C King one of Brooklyns
first citizens a lifelong friend of Mr
Beecher and noted as civil war vet
eran lawyer orator musical compos
er writer lecturer and after dinner
speaker He has in his own home nu
merous articles once owned by Mr
Beecher or in some way associated
with his career When the stained
glass windows illustrating the history
of the Puritans and their influence up
on American institutions were dedi
cated In the old church recently those
who attended the service noted on the
platform a chair which to many had
a familiar guise It was the old chair
which the friend of the slave and the
exponent of freedom of thought in re
ligious matters occupied in the pulpit
for twenty years previous to 1SG9 It
was in the latter year that the present
pulpit and pulpit furniture were placed
in the church They were made out of
a tree brought from the Mount of
Olives in Palestine by Moses Beach
once owner of the New York Sun
Twenty years after Its removal from
the pulpit a search for the old chair
once so familiar to attendants at
Plymouth was instituted by Stephen
M Griswold and it was found In the
cellar covered with dust and almost
crushed beneath the weight of several
old and discarded pews It was re
habilitated and placed temporarily in
the Brooklyn Museum of Arts and Sci
ences When the memorial room is
built it will be placed in it with the
old pulpit desk behind which Mr
Beecher stood on Sundays during the
score of years from 1S49 to 1SG9 which
formed so eventful a period both in his
career and in the history of the nation
Leader of Russias Constitutional
Democrats and His American Visit
Professor Paul Milyoukov who came
to the United States in the interest of
the liberal movement in Russia is the
leader of the Constitutional Democrats
in the douma Russias new parlia
ment By many he is regarded as the
man entitled to chief credit for the
fact that Russia has today a body
which is entitled to some voice at least
in the government of the empire He
is not a revolutionist and supports the
throne but advocates a limited mon
archy like that of England He is the
Wi -
editor of the Retch the chief organ of
his party and has been in prison three
times because of his liberal views He
was formerly professor of history in
the University of Moscow but was re
moved because of the liberal Ideas he
taught the students and was banished
to Bulgaria where he became a pro
fessor In the University of Sofia
Chrnged His Taste
The Empress Eugenie whom Nupo
Ieon III chose to shar bis throne had
a ready wit which although it never
veiled a sneer often confused those ou
whom it was directed The late Dr T
W Evans tells in his reminiscences
the story of a distinguished senator
who on being asked what he thought
of the speech in which Napoleon had
declared his marriage intention to the
deputies replied
A fine speech excellent But I pre
fer the sauce to the fish meaning that
Napoleons words were better than his
choosing of a bride
Some weeks later at a dinner given
at the Tuileries this senator was seat
ed next to the empress who observ
ing that after having been helped to
the turbot he declined the sauce said
to him smiling roguishly
Monsieur I thought it was the sauce
you liked and not the fish
With rare presence of mind the sena
tor hesitated but a moment
A mistake madam he said for
which I am now trying to make
The Corner Days
Some aged country folk like to take
note of what they call the corner days
the 20th of March and the 20th of
September when the sun crosses the
line and the days and nights are of
equal length and the 20th of June the
longest day of the year and the 20th
of December the shortest After the
20th of June they say When the days
grow shorter the weather grows hot
ter and after Dec 20 As the days
begin to lengthen the cold begins to
Levi Beebe a noted old weather
prophet who used to watch the weath
er from his eyrie on Beartown moun
tain southern Berkshire Mass made
prophecies which were greatly prized
He made his prognostications from a
study of the winds the clear cloudy
and stormy days for ten days each side
of the corner days and multiplied them
by 3 to tell the weather for each suc
ceeding quarter and he made some
marvelous truesses New York Press
Time and the Man
Some one may suggest that if Crom
well and Napoleon Bonaparte and Bis
marck and George Washington and
Abraham Lincoln had not appeared to
do the- work they did others would
have arisen equally capable of doing it
though perhaps in a different way To
this suggestion there are two answers
One is that it Is pure conjecture The
other answer Is that history shows us
many occasions when the great man
was needed and when the need of him
was acutely felt and yet when he did
not appear The greatness of some
men is largely due to favoring condi
tions Other men perhaps more bril
liant achieve less than their powers
seemed to promise because they were
not quite in key with their own age
Perhaps they were ahead of it James
Bryce In Pall Mall Gazette
Great Events From Little Causes
While staying at the court of Fred
erick II of Prussia Voltaire presented
lime de Pompadours compliments to
the king who scornfully replied Je
ne la connais pas Out of vengeance
for so much Insult as she deemed it
madame induced the weakminded Lou
is XV to convert his countrys long
standing hostility against Austria into
friendship A Franco Austrian army
then took the field against Prussia
and as it was an easy matter for ma
dame to enlist the practical sympathy
of Elizabeth of Russia who had been
the subject of Fredericks indiscreet
remarks also half a million lives wore
lost London Notes and Queries
He Came Back at Her
Many mendicants said a New
York charity official are humbugs
and we do Avell to refuse their requests
for help What excellent digs though
they sometimes give us in return I
remember the case of a farmers wife
who refused a tramp a nights lodging
WciJ tlien maam said the tramp
would you mind if I slept in that big
meadow tIeo behind your barn
No raid the woman you may
sleep there i you like
Cue tlii g more maam said the
tramp t Tciv I say good night Will
you please have me called at 4 oclock
sharp I want to catch the cattle
train to market
Italian Diet
The low resisting power of the Ital
ian even among the more favored
classes to the assaults of disease has
long been ascribed to the profession of
the well nigh farinaceous and legu
minous fare ou which he subsists the
call on the heart in the later stages of
pneumonia for example too often find
ing inadequate response from the de
fect of the muscle forming constituents
in the diet of the patient London
Id like to see that young Japanese
A Japanese prince Where is he
Oh lies traveling incognito
Is he Im so dreadfully weak
about geographical names Thats in
Manchuria isnt it Chums
Physical Geography
The following answer was recently
given in a geography examination in
reply to the question From what di
rection do most of our rains come
Most of our rains come straight
down but some of them come side
A Safety Match
Papa what is a safety match
Mr Henpecked looking carefully
about to see if his wife is within hear
ing A safety match son Is when a
baldheaded man marries an armless
arin rthir Mm iyri rrrir
Real Estate Filings
The following real estate filings hae
been made in the county clerks ofiice
since our Inst report
James Kelly and wifo to Char
les A Fetterman and John VV
Daily wd to e hf so qr 31 4 2782400 00
Charles A Fetterman and wtfo
John W Daily ond wifo to
James and V H Kelly wd to
lots 10 11 12 blk 5 Danbury 1750 00
Nancy E Ratlin and bus to Au
gust A Borg wd to ne qr 21-2-29
4000 00
Marion Powell and wifo aid
Martin Nilsson and wifo to
Ernest Galushn deed to lot 4
blk 5 Marion 150 00
United States to Heirs of John
Krooger deed pat to lot 7
w hf se qr se qr se qr 1-1-27
United States to Frank EPricer
pat to ne qr 1-1-27
Frank Bromley and wife to L M
Lord wd to s hf and nw qr 9-1-30
9000 00
L M Lord nud wife to Thomas
A Chambord wd to s hf und
uwqr 91 30 10800 00
Dont wait until jou aro notified call
and advance your subscription up to
January 1st 1909 April 1st 1908 all
subscriptions delinquent one year mut
he DiscoNTiNUKD Thnts the law
Wo have no choice
Tea imported direct from Japan 50c
and fiOc Iluber
Uy virtue of mt order of Mile issued from the
District Court of ltel Willow county Nebraska
under a decreo in an action wherein Jane E
Whitney is plaintiff and William II Trinkles
Trinkles his wife first renl nnino unknown
to the plaintiff and I rank WWhitney aro de
fendants to mo directed mid delivered I shall
ofTer at publio sale and sell to the hiKhest bidd
er for cash at the east door of the court house
in McCook Ked Willow county Nebraska on
the 10th day of February 1108 at the hour of
one oclock I 31 the following described real
estate to wit Commeucintt ono hundred feet
south of the northeast corner or lot U four in
block 10 ten in We t 3IeCook lfcd Willow
county Nebraska according to the recorded
plat thcreofthcucu west one hundred forty feet
thence south one hundred feet thence east ono
hundred forty feet thenco north one hundred
feet to the place of beginning to satisfy said
decree costs and accruing co ts Dated this
tenth day of January UOs -MO-Ms
If I lKTiatHON Sheriff
Uy virtuo of nn ordor of snlo to o tlircctodlv
tho clerk of tho district court of Red Willow
county in the State ofNebraskaoiin judgment
rendered in sad court in favor of Miiinio 31
Roy Hogors John S Alillor Froidn lhillippi
Albert Tliirtlppl Vnhy MillHpiu and Ijdwin
lhillippi defendants on tho eleventh day oT
December 1007 for tho partition and sale of tho
following described renl ostnto to wit lno
east half of tho southwest quarter of section
two tho northwest nunrtor of section ono nil in
township two north of rnngotwenty nino ana
lots ono and two in block ten in tho fourth ad
dition to McCook all in Red Willow county
Nebraska I will offer for no to tho highest
bidder for cash ou tlio Jltn ony oi rouruuri
HOS tit tho front door of tho court house in Mild
county nt two oclock in tho afternoon tho
aboo described real ostnto
Dated this 7th day of January 1903
J S LkIIuw Reforeo
Ry virtue of an order of sale to mo directed
by tho clerk of tho district court of Red Willow
county in tho state of Nebraska on n judgment
rendered in said court in favor of Albcrtiua
Rogers plaintiff against John S Miller Mimiio
Matilda 3Iiller Edwin A lhillippi Albortiim
Phillippi Harvey lhillippi Daisy lhillippi
Freidn lhillippi and Roy Rogers defendants-
on tho eleventh tiny of December 1107 for tho
partition tititi sale of tho following described
real estate to wit The south half of tho north
east quarter and lots ono and two section two
township two north of range twenty nine west
of tho sixth principal meridian in said Red Wil
low county will offer for sale to tho highest
bidder for cash on tho 11th day of February
rHtti at tho front tloor of tho court house in 31c
Cook in said county at two oclock in tho after
noon the nboio described real estate
Dated this 7th day of January 1108
J S LeIIew Referee
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These features together with a Special Magazine Department make
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The price of The McCook Tribune remains 100 a year
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