The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 07, 1908, Image 1

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Caught His Man In Tennessee
Sheriff Peterson arrived from Tennes
see Sundny night with a young man
named Albort Cregor who has boon
wanted hero for over a year for stealing
and selling a horse owned by J A Mod
roll Cregor worked for Modrell and
taking one of his employers horses
camu to McCook sold the animal to
James Kirby for 87250 and decamped
Modrell was compelled to go to court
to recover his animal in whieh of
course he was successful
Cregor was first taken before Squire
Berry whore he pleaded guilty and was
bound over to district court
Cregors case came on in district court
Monday afternoon He pleaded guilty
to the charge and was given a term of
two years and a half in the state peni
tentiary at Lincoln whither he was
taken Monday night to enter upon bis
Lonsdale Muslin 10c
It has been the standard of highest
excellence since long before the oldest
womans recollection It continues so
now and will hold its place for genera
tions to come We sell it for 10c per
yard Our store is you shortest cut to
the factory Its so on embroideries
We show nearly 400 pieces of elegant
designs in swiss nainsoott and cambric
in edgings7 insertings bands flouncings
and all overs in setts or singly at all
prices We invite your inspection The
Thompson D G Co One price plain
figures cash only
Have Palace Walls
No monarch of old ever had the walls
of his palace more attractively decorated
than you can have the walls of your
homo The making of wall papers is a
modern art and its finest examples can
be seen in our 1908 line Wo wish to
show you all the new patterns They
are worth seeing Come and see them
soon Bring with you the size of your
rooms and we can tell you just how
much it will cost to adorn them with
some of these superb papers
L W McConnell Druggist
Skat Skirts Skat
Ladies dress skirts continue very ac
tive in our sale Prices reduced as fol
lows 10 ones tow769 7130 ones to
8569 8500 ones to S3 49 350 ones to
S239 250 ones to 149 Alterations
free the same as usual The Thompson
D G Col one price plain figures cash
Entertained the M E S Club
Miss Jessie Armstrong and Miss
Grace Smith entertained the M E S
club Tuesday evening at the home of
the latter upstairs in the Diamond
block There were refreshments games
and the usual joys of M E S gather
For Sale at a Bargain
My residence one block south of the
East ward school house Seven room
house with bath range and good cellar
twenty one bearing fruit trees plenty of
shade and shrubbery Terms easy
Phone Black 315 C T Loper
Lost Thursday Afternoon Jan 30
Between Wilsons livery barn and
William Hammels farm 822 in cur
rency Finder will be suitably reward
ed by returning to Hilmer Rasmussen
Culbertson Nebr
Horses are High
but they must be fat and sleek to bring
the price Our blankets will shorten
the hair and make the buyers want
them McCook Hardware Co
The Bon Ton
lisilnow serving hot drinks and lunches
3lso ice cream and cold drinks Foun
tain open year round
DeLong Mitchell Props
But Was Discharged From Custody
Frank Houlihan was in custody
first of the week under a dipsomaniac
charge but was discharged
Fence Posts For Sale
On the Royal Buck farm Call on or
J F Helm Red Willow
Buggies Wagons Auto
mobiles and all machinery
repaired in a first class
manner at a reasonable
price at our new location
West Dennison Street
I We Respectfully Ask Your Patronage 5
Special Music Service
The Mens Club Orchestra will play
for the evening service at the Congrega
tional church next Sunday beginning
at 743 p m sharp The following pro
gram will be rendered
The Iron Cross Isenman
A Musical Dream Isenman
Hymn 45 Day is Dying in the West
rr Sherwin
Hymn 358 Onward Christian Sold
iers Sullivan
Piano Solo Rhapsodic Hongroiso No
8 Liszt
Miss Ila M Briggs
Scripture Lesson 2 Tim 21 13
Morning in the Garden Friml
Hymn 265 Children of the Heavenly
King Pleyol
Offering and Notices
Anthem We Praise Thoe O God
Sermon Christian Courage
Hymn 211 Haw Firm a Foundation
Organ Postlude
Mrs F M Kimmell
District Court Proceedings
Among the cases decided this week
was that of The Citizens Bank of Mc
Cook vs J H Warfield et al Appeal
Bank secured judgment in the sum of
The McCook water works case came
on Monday morning motions being
argued much of the afternoon The
judge gave his decisions on defendants
motions concerning plaintiffs petition
ITriday morning Motions to make
more specific and certain facts as to
cost expenses value stock and bond
details were allowed The motions to
elect and strike out were overruled
The Gossard embezzlement case is be
fore the court now an effort being un
way to secure a jury
The Latest Comic Valentines
are the comic post cards These are
rapidly displacing the crude old variety
The card is more convenient for mailing
and the wide variety enables you to
touch up the little failings of your
friends in a really humorous way Hun
dreds to choose from here at one cent
up Pick early and get widest choice
L W McConnell Druggist
Are You and Your Family
getting the comforts of life that you
should have You will if you get a
Velie or John Deere buggy surrey or
spring wagon at McCook Hardware Co
Bound duplicate receipt books three
receipts to the page for sale at Thh
Tribune office
L H Lindemann is in Texas
Mr and Mrs L W McConnell de
parted Tuesday morning on No 2 for
Kansas City
C W Rogers has been among the
Danburyites attending court this week
he being on the jury
A Barnett took in some of the delib
erations of the Cement Users Convention
in Lincoln close of week
Wesley Rozell and family have
movod into the N J Johnson residence
on North Marshall this week
John M Gilchrist the accountant
was in the city part of the week in the
Gossard embezzlement case
D C Marsh insists he is in his se
cond childhood he is laid up with an
attack of diphtheria anyhow
C C Flansburq of Lincoln assisted
Cordeal McCarl for the city in the
water works suit before district court
this week
Mrs Oscar Keith a former resident
of McCook but who moved to Sheridan
Wyoming some years since is visiting
McCook friends
Mr Clark of Lincoln is in the city
this week trying to arrange for an up
town office for the Singer Sewing Ma
chine Co in McCook
John Anderson who recently came
here from McCook and purchased the
lunch car of John Hessig sold the
same Tuesday to Bert Wilson and John
Kirk who will continue to operate it
along tho same lines as it has been con
ducted Holdrege Citizen
party of landseekers
Mrs C H Boyle was hostess at a
whist party last evening
C A Leach visited the homefolks in
Lincoln first of the week
Miss Ruby Fitzgerald is now im
proving from her recent illness
P J Hickman of Bartley is in town
this week a juror in district court
W A Stone who advertises a sale
for Feb 18th will go to Oregon to lo
L R Hileman is up from South St
Joseph Mo on stock business for a few
Lovell Clyde Passes Away
After a long illness Lovell Clyde pass
ed out of life at about 8 oclock Friday
evening last January 31st 1908 While
his death was not unexpected the end
came sooner and more quickly than
looked for
Funeral services were held in Pades
Undertaking Parlors Monday after
noon religious services being conducted
by C W Barnes lay reader of Saint
Albans Episcopal church Tho under
taking parlors were crowded with friends
of departed and of the family and many
followed the remains to Riverviow ceme
tery where tho body was subsequently
interred There was a wealth of floral
The burial service was in charge of
McCook Aerie No 1514 F O E
Lovell Clyde was born in Sutton ths
state March 28 1872 He came to Mc
Cook with the family in 1884 and has
since made this his home
But two members of the family sur
vive Sheridan ofElwood Indiana and
Mitchell of this city Deceased is also
survived by his bride of about two
We are most grateful to all the friends
for assistance sympathy and floral tok
ens during the illness and after the pass
ing of our departed husband and brother
especially do we remember the order of
Eagles Mrs L R Clyde
Mr and Mrs M UClyde
The Stag Party of the Season
Miss Alice Jones home witnessed the
stag party of the season last Friday
evening and the participants had the
time of their lives A nattier bunch of
boys you never saw than the line up
of that occasion The boys present
were Misses Pearl Watson Blanche As
ten Viva Phelan Ethel Morrissey
Hazel Merle Gertrude Morrissey Jose
phine Phelan Maude Jones Zella Os
born Mrs Gleed Wallace Refresh
ments were served and a time of great glee
John Gaarde got in on the event by
being photographer to their majesties
And The Tribune reporter was incog
Notice To Parents
Classes for beginners children five
years of age or 6ver who have never
attended school will be organized
Monday afternoon February 17 in the
East ward the West ward and the
South buildings Parents will present
their children to the teachers in these
respective buildings together with a
certificate showing successful vaccina
tion Two weeks time will bo granted
for entering pupils in these classes but
no one will be received after Monday
March 2 G H Thomas Supt
Put Away Your Guns Etc
A complaint having been made to the
city council that some boys are carry
ing fire arms also air rifles and sling
shots I have been instructed by the
city attorney to arrest any person found
trespassing the law in this respect
Parents are urged to see that their child
ren do not have any weapons of this
kind in their possession as they will
be held responsible in case it is neces
sary to make any arrests
J K Pence Chief of Police
Wide Bleached Sheeting- 25c
Pepperell 9 quarter bleached sheeting
for 25 cents at The Thompson D G Co
We keep in actual touch with the mark
et and give you the benefit Nearly
400 pieces of handsome embroideries to
select from at all prices in all widths
in nainsook swiss and cambric in in
sertings bands edgings flouncings and
all overs The sheeting unbleached for
23c None sold to merchants
The Stuart Lecture
A fair sized and appreciative audience
greeted George R Stuart in the Meth
odist church Wednesday evening to
hear his lecture on Lop Sided People
The gentleman mixes a wholesome bit
of philosophy and pathos with a ple
thora of humor and withal gives a lec
ture worthwhile
Good bye Clothing
Mens suits parted with at following
reductions 1350 one at 969 1250
ones at 399 1000 at 769 7 50 ones
at 549 500 ones at 389 Mens
velvet collar overcoats 389 The
Thompson D G
figures cash only
Co one price plain
Yalentine Senders
who buy their valentines at McConnells
will send dandies The prettiest of
fancy valentines and the funniest of
Do You Need Harness Wagons or Trucks
We have a splendid line ready for
your inspection and want your business
McCook Hardware Co
Ror Rent
Five room cottage 3 blocks east of
Bee Jlive M S Jenning
Phone red 366
McConnell for drugs
See McMillens valentines
Everything in drugs McConnell-
Gold Medal bulk
At Hubers
McMillens cough cure is just what
its name indicates A Cure for Cough
For Sale Pigs good thrifty ones
from 3 to 86 a pair
J W Burtless Phone ash 1351
If its seasonable and in his line no
use to go any farther than Marshs meat
Fincks Famous Detroit Special Over
alls wear like a pigs nose at Rozell
This week John Morris is having a
steel ceiling placed in the Woodworth
store room
jlo you Know tne cranoerry season is
about over you had better lay in a sup
ply before too late Ask Scott about it
Advertising is strictly a business
proposition The Tribune3 subscrip
tion book is open to any advertisers
A car load of nails barb wire field
fencing etc just received
Polk Bros Hardware
McCook Neb
The designing of wall paper is one of
tho higher branches of art If you
doubt this see our new 1908 patterns
L W McConnell Druggist
A G Bump room two over McCon
nells drug store is agent for some of
Americas best insurance companies
Consult him
Ccal bargain some small size Penn
sylvania hard coal at 5950 a ton Up
dike Grain Co S S Garvey manager
Phone 169
Advocate the right but dont over do
it dont become so disagreeable advo
cating the right that you accomplish
more harm than good
The Famous Curlee pants in both
250 and 8500 values at Rozoll Bar
gers clothing store Better try a pair
Nothing better for the money
A corn cure that thoroughly cures
ninety nino cases out of one hundred
and which does not cost anything if it
fails McConnells Lightning Corn
Cure 10c
Services were resumed in the various
churches last Sunday and while the
attendance was not entirely up to the
standard by coming Sunday it is to be
expected that everything will be regular
and usual
The organization of an orchestra of
ten or a dozen pieces composed of
young lads and directed by Dr J A
Toren is one of the musical events of
recent days They will make their ini
tial appearance at the Congregational
church nest Sunday evening in sev
eral numbers
Only two worthful items enter into
the value of advertising namely quant
ity and quality that is how many and
how good The McCook Tribune is in
a field by itself locally on these two
points We challenge and invite in
spection and comparison We can give
you from two to three times the value
for your money that any other Red
Willow county publication can offer
A clas3 of boys in the Congregational
Sunday school recently organized them
selves into an association under name
of the R B Rs and with Purity and
Love for a motto Last evening they
met for the first time in their new hall
which is very conveniently arranged
and especially adapted to putting on
their work The boys are greatly en
couraged over the growth of their asso
ciation averaging one new member
every meeting Names of the officers
will appear nest week
coffee 20c to 35c
You need something nice in a teapot
Ask Scott about it
One Minute and Motor
Cook Hardware Co
Washers Mc-
Family washing taken in fivo cents
per pound Phone 35
Well cure that cough for a quarter
Use McConnells Balsam
Dill pickles sweet pickles sour pick
les Ask Scott about it
Just a few of those SWEET oranges
left Ask Scott about it
Just arrived J M 1846 canned
fruits and vegetables Huber
The Red Cloud Eagles are promoting
a base ball proposition for 1908
For Rent A five room house In
quire 910 McFarland st
Among the new advertisersthis week
are Polk Bros the hardware men
Burglarized the Residence
Tho G W Furrows home in tho ex
treme northeast part of the city was
burglarized between 9 and 10 oclock
Thursday morning by presumably two
tramps who possibly slept in tho barn
during the preceding night
After the men left tho houso in tho
morning tho tramps appeared at tho
house and with oaths and in an intimid
ating manner demanded breakfast On
plea of getting somo kindling Mrs Fur
rows got out and to a neighbors houso
from which she telephoned tho police
During her absence tho tramps hur
riedly ransacked the house securing 25
in money a watch and other articles
and succeeded in getting away
Mrs Furrowd was unablo to note tho
direction they took and up to dato tho
police have secured no trace of them
Died Under Operation
Word was received here Wednesday
of the death of Con Getman in Denver
under an operation The remains were
brought to McCook last night for bur
Getman was recently discharged from
the repair force in the late reduction of
force and he and his wife went to Love
land Colo on a visit On his way
home from Loveland he determined to
have an operation performed not having
been well for some time Ho did not re
cover from the operation
Deceased will be buried from the Gor
man Congregational church Saturday
afternoon interment in Riverviow cem
Lonsdale Cambric for 12 l 2c
The genuine article tho original and
ever best Lonsdale cambric forl2J c yard
at The Thompson D G Co We do not
wait to be reminded but give you tho
lowest possible prices at every turn of
the market We are now showing over
350 pieces of the most desirable em
broideries obtainable in all widths
prices and qualities in setts in edgings
bands insertings flouncings and all
overs in cambric nainsook and swiss
Wide sheetings 23c and 25c None sold
to merchants One price plain figures
cash only
Initial Embossed Free
You can have your initial embossed
free on fancy box paper bought at Ilof
ers the up-to-date dealer in stationery
souvenirs and post cards Always pat
ronize the old reliable
Get Your Water Works Ready for Spring
by purchasing your pumps wind mills
and cistern covers at McCook Hardware
Co They do all kinds of pump and
wind mill repairiug
Hope for Ten Cents
Hope bleached muslin for 10c a yard
The Thompson D G Co One price
plain figures cash only
100 For Sale 100
High scoring Barred Plymonth Rock
Cockerels 100 each J W Burtless
Phone ash 1331 1 10 tf
Beautiful fancy funny
L W McConnell Druggist
The ground hog rats
You need something nice in a teapot
Ask Scott about it
McMillens cold tablets will cure your
cold and stop your cough
Double - strength Heinz vinegar
imitated by all equaled by none for
sale by Magner Stokes
Wellerette cigars sold only in
stores tho best 5 cents will buy
sale at Woodworth Cos
Magner Stokes keep thoir grinder
going some these days and have plenty
of ground bone for chickens
Do you know the cranberry season is
about over you had better lay in a sup
ply before too late Ask Scott about it
Only 950 a ton that small size
Pennsylvania hard coal at Updike Grain
Cos Wont last long Better get
your order in early Phone 169
Our Cream Lotion is healing and
soothing to both face and hands and
will give entire satisfaction
A McMillen Druggist
Lineberg Peterson have moved into
their new location on West Dodge street
The pantitorium and barber shop com
bination are occupying their former
Dont wait until you are notified call
and advance your subscription up to
January 1st 1909 April 1st 1903 all
subscriptions delinquent one year must
be discontinued Thats the law
We have no choice
Mesdames Northrup Hawley and
Bowen will give a Dorcas Kensington
at the home of Mrs C H Boyle Thurs
day afternoon February 13th The
ladies will make a special effort to enter
tain you You are all cordially invited
Ten cents as usual
fcjMBER 37
As well as every business man
should have a bank account
Your money id safer in tho
bank than anywhero olso
Paying your bills by check is
the simplest and most con
venient method
Your chock becomes a vouch
or for the debt it pays
It gives you a better stand
ing with business men
Money in tho bank strength
ens your credit
A bank account teaches
helps and encourages you to
This bank does all tho book
Your bank book is a record
of your business
Wo cordially invito tho farmers
to make this their Banking
A Good Bank
A Growing Bank
P Waisu President
C FLeiix Vice President
I C J OBuiun Cashier
Valentines at MeConnolls
McConnells Balsam cures coughs
Valentines at McMillens drug store
Lettuce radishesceloryyoung onions
If its meat you can get it at Marshs
All kinds of fruit -fresh each morn
ingat Hubers
Wanted Second hand roll top desk
C R Livingston
Dill pickles sweot pickles sour pick
les Ask Scott about it
Just a few of those SWEET oranges
left Ask Scott about it
Enameled and granito ware at unheard
of prices at McCook Hardwaro Co
Fresh cut flowers on hand every
Saturday at Heckmans bakery 3r
The reorganization of tho McCook
band is ono of tho early future contin
Colorado canned irrigated tomatoes
poas and beans Unequaled without
a rival Huber
Every day is bargain day at II S
Godfrey Cos tho popular leaders in
selling flour feed and hay
If it is from Marshs its the best ob
tainable Anything and everything per
taining to tho meat market business
Rozell it Barger have just received an
advance spring order of top coats Call
in and inspect their line They are
Pennsylvania hard coal small size
only 950 a ton while it lasts Updike
Grain Co S S Garvey manager
Phone 169
Our Carnations on sale Saturdays
at McConnells drug store 75c per
dozen McCook Greenhouse Mrs
L M Best Mgr
It is wholly unnecessary to suffer
from chapped or roughened skin Mc
Connells Fragrant Lotion keeps tho
skin like velvet 25c
Need any barb wire field fencing
nails etc We can supply you A car
load just received
Polk Bros Hardware
McCook Neo
There is a noticeable immigration in
to this section of the state of farmers
who recently bought land in this part
of Nebraska both by railroad and over
Genuine grocery bargains are offered
in our advertisement appearing in this
issue of The Tribune Dont fail to
read the prices note the goods and
come and see the line New goods
high grade goods and at prices you
cant resist J A Wilcox Son
Ministering to Strangers and the
Sick Mat 2531 46 will be the topic
at the meeting of the Christian Endea
vor Society of the Congregational
church next Sunday evening at seven
oclock Miss Milhcent Slaby will be
leader Meetings of helpful ese these
A deal was made Saturday whereby
J S Gripe disposed of his residence
and twelve acres of ground south of
the railroad track to W N Cheney of
McCook Consideration 3400 Mr
Cheney expects to move his family here
and take possession March 1st Cam
bridge Clarion