The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 24, 1908, Image 5

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Time Card
McCook Neb
3 SB
No C Central Timo J035 I M
2 500 A M
12 715 am
H 942 P M
No 1 Mountain Timo
5 Arrlvus
950 a M
1142 p m
8i p m
1025 a m
5 850 a m
imperial line
No 170 arrives Mountain Time 505 p M
No 175 departs 045 am
Slenping dining and reclining chair cars
soats froo on through trains Tickets sold
and bnggno chocked to any point in the United
Stated or Canada
For iiifonnaiiou time tables maps and tick
ets call on or writo It E Foe Agont McCook
Nebraska or Tj W Wukeloy General 1assen
gor Agont Omaha Nebraska
McCail hnd tho pay ear special webt
Tho 1026 is receiving a now spark
arrester this week
Eight oxtra brakemen wore lot out
of tho sorvieo Tuesday
Glen llowitt is in Lincoln receiving
treatment at a local hospital
Freight business has increased work
in tho round house force this week
J W Eastman has followed the Mc
Cook colony from Osawatomie Kansas
to McGeheo Arkansas
Engineor F J Zojicok has changed
his headquarters from Red Cloud to
Oxford since tho recent line up
Since October tho Burlington has ro
duced its shops force 17000 and the
total reduction will reach 20000
Tho east bound coal business on this
division for the past montn is without
a precedent and its all that kept any
trains moving too
Conductor Neal Beeler has taken a
thirty day furlough while business it
light and with his wife is visiting tho
folks over at Boaver City
Engineer M R Gates was able to re-
turn to his home in Republican City
Tuesday His son Henry accompanied
him and will remain at home for tho
Conductor Carmoney is on Popes run
for a few days while the latter is mak
ing arrangements to move to Denver to
take the Denver Alliance run Fay
will come back to McCook
V R Hawley late a member of the
storekeepers force is now located in
Little Rock Arkansas where he has a
bettor position Mrs Hawley and her
mother Mrs Claude will join him soon
The superintendent has posted a
bulletin asking employes to be vaccin
ated as a safeguard against smallpox
and perhaps not without an eye to the
welfare of the relief departments strong
J W Bartholoma who was recently
set back to firing by the general re
trenchment order has been reinstated
as an engineer and has been pulling the
the Holdrege Hastings local freight for
past few days
J E Fletcher was called to McCook
the first of the week not on matri
monial purposes but on railroad busi
ness There is a strong suspicion that
Mr Fletcher is needed by the Burling
ton in a higher position than assistant
agent at Beaver City Beaver City
J F Amick and family returned
Monday from an extended visit in
Missouri Ed Jeffries who used to
be a barber in Red Cloud but has more
recently been braking on the Union
Pacific out of Junction City Kansas
was in Red Cloud Wednesday Red
Cloud Chief
Mr and Mrs R W Haggard were in
Oxford between trains Saturday night
enroute from Ohio to the latters par
ents Mr and Mrs Noren near Or
leans R W informed a reporter for
this paper that ho has left Ohio for
good and will continue to reside near
Orleans in the future on a farm Ox
ford Standard
Mr H was until recently foreman of
the Oxford roundhouse
A very quiet little wedding occurred
Wednesday at the Burlington hotel
Miss Effie Maun head waitress of that
popular hostelry was united in mar
riage to Winifred J Kelly night op
erator at the Burlington depot Rev
I W Edson said the words that unit
ed the happy couple Following the
ceremony the bride and groom Land
lord and Mrs Crans and the officiating
clergyman partook of an elaborate
wedding feast Red Clcud exchange
Miss Mabel Adler and W C Adler
of McCook were united in marriage at
the home of the bride in this city yes
terday The operating departments
of the western railroads have decided
to compel the shippers to furnish side
stakes for all flat cars which they may
use hereafter This will increase the
shipping expenses on Ibis style of cars
about 83 per week Flagmen Ab
bott and Graham who have been em
ployed on the Burlington runs from
here to Omaha and whose homes are
in the city will probably find it neces
Bary to move to Fairmont or the east
ern terminus of their run on account of
the recent change Hereafter No 12
will make the runs as far east as Fair
mont without a flagman and the em
ployee who boards the train at that
place will return tto Fairmont on No 5
the following day Hastings Repub
Dining- Car Was Burned
Burlington dining car Denver No
141 waaburnod at Friend last Tuesday
night The car had been taken from
Lincoln on train No 3 at six oclock
It caught fire from tho range fire bricks
in tho back of tho stovo having been
misplaced permitting tho heat to reach
the wood work Tho fire was first
noticed between Dorchester and Friend
and a fast spurt was made to Friend to
set tho car out from the balance of the
train It was gotten on a siding before
the fire had communicated tocirs either
ahead or behind and no other damage
was done After the car was set out
and by tho timo it had become practical
ly a total wreck the Friond fire depart
ment had reached the scene and put out
the blaze No estimate as to the amount
of loss could be made by the Burlington
officials last night but it was said that
adinnr is a more expensive car than a
standard Pullman Lincoln Journal
The Record ior an R4 Engine
Engineer I L Rodstrom made the
record for an R4 engine Tuesday by
making a run from Akron to McCook
with 33 cars of stock at an average speed
of 35 miles an hour The books do not
contain a record of an accomplishment
equal to this and Engineer Rodstrom
has a right to feel pretty good over tho
fict The rules of the company do not
allow of a faster speed than 35 miles an
hour witn such engines and trains
which makes the run the more difficult
and praiseworthy as tho engineer hud
to make a smooth even run of it to av
erage tho 35 miles an hour for the entire
distance The time was 415 minutes
A Big Day on Ihe Division
McCook headquarters people are feel
ing delighted I am sure over the way
business has been picking up lately
and especially over the business pulled
on the McCook division Tuesday when
one of the heaviest if not the heaviest
freight business ever negotiated over
the road was moved During the
twenty four hours 1816 cars were moved
on tho division The movement was
specially heavy east but the westward
business was also considerable
Steam pipe work and other minor re
pairs on the 712 this week
Lucius Flint passed the telegraphers
examination here last week
Engine 2809 i9 being given new flues
and other roundhouse repairs
Engine 1232 is having new tires shrunk
on her this week by the oil and air
pressure method
Moss and Boyles of Ed Howells force
are among the quarantined but hope
soon to be released
Conductor Euright and crew had a
stock extra to Red Cloud Tuesday and
brought the pay car up next day
After January 31st the Burlington
will have to deliver mail to and from the
postolfice at Wilcox which is ten feet
over the government limit
The company is filling its houses with
ice from the lake at Curtis this week
A full force of men is at work About
100 cars have been received up to date
Conductor C E Popes family has
moved from Saint Joseph where they
have been living for several years to
Denver out of which city Mr Pope is
now running to Alliance
Conductor Fred D Griffith who has
been running on the Sterling branch of
the Burlington with headquarters at
Sterling has been transferred to the
Guernsey and Denver branch for the
next six weeks
C M ODell had the misfortune to
have a railroad spike collide with his
lower lip the first of the week and
though the spike was not hurt a par
tide the lip was pretty badly damaged
Trenton Register
Mr and Mrs B J Sharkey an
nounce the approaching marriage of
their daughters Miss Mae to Francis
J Beacom of Omaha and Miss Josie
to Lawrence J Doyle of Omaha The
marriages are to tako place on Feb
ruary 19 from St Theresas pro-cathedral
in this city Lincoln Journal
Agent Engstrom of the B M check
ed out yesterday and will enjoy two or
three weeks of a vacation Part or the
time will be spent visiting relatives and
friends in Omaha Kansas City and
points in Illinois for which places he
and Mrs Engstrom will leave tomorrow
During his vacation Relief Agent Sher
man will have charge of the companys
business at this station Holdrege
Mrs L A Bible is very sick
Mr and Mrs F G Lytle are visiting
relatives near Alma
Grant Laki and wife of Oklahoma
are visiting his brother Fred
Thomas Chamberlain and family and
Evert Rutledge and family spent Sun
day with Mr and Mrs D B Doyle
Mr and Mrs Stephen Bolles sr visit
ed with Mr and Mrs J K Gordon
Mrs C H Munday and daughter Miss
Edith visited with Mrs T M Campbell
Monday afternoon
Have You Houses To Rent
Then you shouldbe supplied with
rent receipt books The -Tribune has
just what you want compact and com
- -v-V -
ires and dons
Louisiana and he has a son Richard
Wainwright Jr who gives promise of
being as good a sea fighter as himself
The younger Wainwright is now a
lieutenant In the naval service and is
assigned to duty on board his fathers
ship He entered the navy in 1S98
Captain Wainwright entered the navy
in 18G4 and was assigned to his pres
ent duty as commander of the Louisi
ana in June 1907 His ship is one of
the newest and finest in the now cele
brated fleet and has a tonnage of 1G
000 carries twenty four guns of four
inches and over and is 450 feet in
Captain Wainwright is best remem
bered for the heroic conduct he dis
played on various occasions during the
war with Spain He was second in
command of the Maine when she was
blown up in Havana harbor and was
one of the last to leave the wreck aft
er having toiled over her day after
day In search of the mangled bodies of
American sailors It was Wainwright
who commanded the Gloucester for
merly J P Morgans yacht Corsair
when she had her noted encounter
with the Spanish torpedo boat destroy
ers Furor and Pluton off Santiago
This duel between two of Spains most
dreaded craft and the converted yacht
was one of the most thrilling engage
ments of the war and Captain Wain
wrights courage in giving battle
against big odds and destroying the
ships of the enemy won him lasting
fame He had the honor of receiving
on board his ship the Spanish Admiral
Cervera after the latters defeat in the
battle of Santiago
Lieutenant Richard Wainwright Jr
is the third of his name to attain rank
in the navy Captain Wainwrights
father the late Commander Richard
Wainwright born in 1817 was in com
mand of the Hartford Admiral Farra
gufs flagship during the famous en
gagement in Mobile bay In the civil
Still others of the Wainwright name
have won fame in the naval service
Jonathan Mayhew Wainwright son of
the noted Bishop Jonathan Mayhew
In the
Captain Richard Wainwright Hero
of the Maine and Gloucester
and His Son Richard
Junior Lieutenant
V 1KB father like son is a phrase
Hl t1iI zfli tinrilfnc In tlio fVIRO
of officers of the American
navy One does not have to go
far to find instances of It at the pres
ent time Pride in country and fam
ily heritage seems to tend especially to
induce sous of naval officers to strive
for fame in the calling followed by
their sires
One of the best known of the officers
commanding the warships now on
their way to the Paciflc is Captain
Richard Wainwright of the battleship
WmmMiMmlMSgWk i
I1CCH rtUlltlldl HUUICy V LYdlK dlld
His Promising Doy Lieutenant
Franck T Evans Like
Father liko Ran
ters flagship In the engagements end
ing In the capture of New Orleans iu
1S02 and fell six months later after
the capture of Galveston while lead
ing his men in a brave effort to repel
the enemy His sou Jonathan May
hew Wainwright was also a naval
officer and was shot and killed by fili
busters while attempting in 1S70 to
break up a pirate band operating off
the coast of Mexico
The commander of the fleet which
has gone on the cruise to the Pacific
Rear Admiral itobley D Evans Is an
other naval officer who is so fortunate
as to have a son following in his foot
steps Fighting Bob and the manly
looking young lieutenant Franck T
Evans who calls him father make a
notable team Sire and son are great
chums so far as such relations are
possible between an officer of high
grade and one in the lower ranks of
the1 service Lieutenant Evans came
Into notice a year ago In October when
he was unpointed aid to President
Roosevelt on the now historic trip to
Panama He entered the navy in
lD 1 reached his pcent grade three
years ago and is now assigned to duty
on the battleship Louisiana Ilis mar
riage in August 1007 to Mirc Ger
trude Pullman daughter of Major John
Pullman U S A was an event of
much interest in Washington society
William H Lartgdon of San Francisco
and His Remarkable Record
Perhaps the foremost figure in the
reform movement on the Pacific coast
is District Attorney William H Lang
dpn of San Francisco who has suc
ceeded in cleaning up the graft rid
den city of the Golden Gate with the
able assistance of Francis J Heney
the fearless prosecutor William J
Burns the detective and Rudolph
Spreckels the patriotic 3oung capital
ist Mr Langdon was re elected dis
trict attorney in November running
ahead of his ticket by 0000 votes and
has been taking a short vacation in
the course of which he spoke at Car
negie hall New York before the Civic
fdrim on The Struggle Between
Grhft and Democracy Mr Langdon
is a native of California and
l y sIllPilli
1 MWImMlmB
four years of age He was a school
principal before he took up the law
and when he started in to break up
gambling after his first election as
district attorney on the Labor ticket
two years ago he was referred to as a
schoolteacher who didnt know the
difference between fan tan and old
maid But San Francisco has found
that the district attorney knows his
business He has jailed one of the
biggest gangs of grafters ever put be
hind the bars in this country and done
it when especially at the outset every
thing seemed to be against him When
he began his reform work he could
not get any money to carry it on be
cause the city administration under
Mayor Schmitz was opposing him It
was then that Rudolph Spreckels came
to the rescue In telling how this hap
pened Mr Langdon said
Rudolph Spreckels offered all the
money we wanted I asked him what
he wanted He told me nothing
When lie said he wanted nothing
the district attorney continued I ask-
1 Will you stick no matter where
1 this thing leads
j I will said he
I Even though it may touch the
Spreckels family
Even though it leads to my own
Well it did Among those indicted
is Cornwall Mullally engaged to be
married to Mrs Spreckels sister
Rather Insinuating
Charley Pickle By Jove Miss Wose
Sometimes I think I will take up the
violin Do you think I would make a
Miss Rose Hardly Charley I have
heard of fiddler crabs but I never
heard of fiddler lobsters Detroit Trib
A Good Bridge Player
Mrs Hatterson Is Mrs WItherby a
good bridge player
Mrs Catteraon The best one In oar
church New York Life
nm miMmmMwm
Copyright llof by
ci Co Chiea0
Brcjedps sirgpl iqeys ii for you td
to sell you our Wirjter cjaids 9d tke tfyt
norey ad put it Irto 9ew cpicj goods will
be cjir for us
Just tle tirne for tle eco9onicI stopper
It viIIpsiy8you to corne to see us 90V 9d buy
ti9s becuse rict 90W tle dolkr witr us is
nigrty biReeid tlese prices 9d you will
sy so
Ladies Cots forrner price 10 90 v 5
others tle srpe wyGood Uderwer rqeyz
9d Indies former price 50 c 90 v c8c
ta9ybdirgdJ9S i9 our store 90V Conje d
spe9d your njo9ey witl us wlile your dollars
dre big Cordially
For a small package as a large one Each will
receive the same thorough and careful attention
If we get the former it may in time grow to
the latter by the satisfaction you will derive
in wearing our laundered work
We Do All Kinds of Laundry Work
Family Washing 5c Per Pound
W C BLAIR Proprietor
Successor to G C Hcckman
The following hitters cards and pack
ages remain uncalled for at the McCook
postofiice January 24 1907
Burke Mri P Binfiars J II
Brupgar Jliss Anna Clint W A
Dennis Mr Ellis Elliott Mr Charles
Elliott Mr Ira Fnrgeon George
Glenn Mrs Geo Gould R M
Guiderman V Hitlicot Mr James
Hawkins Ben Harding John
Harbough Claude Irwin Mrs L E
Kennedy Mrs T R Luch Mrs J A
Mills Mr Lester G Miller Mis Amelia
Oram Mr Jas Phillips Mrs C G
Rhode Mrs Henry Rankin Mr Will
Stewart J B StumpiT Mrs Mary
Stone Mr Spaugler S J
Stark Chas Steavens Mr Walter
Stcinmillcr Mr Jacob Litter Mr Geo
Tracy C L Wilson Mi Alice
Welborn Mrs Nannie Wilson Mr John
Anderson Mr Herman Baehr Mr William
Clark Mi s Ruth Case Mrs J W
Davis AnAan C Eastman MissCIarn
Early Mrs Ruth Griggs D
Glantz MissLizzie McDonald Win D
McTaggart Bertha Price Mr C C
Roberts Miss Zella Stcinmillcr Jake
Shoup Mary Shers G
Troy Mrs Patrick Wyneth Miss Ruby
Wilson L U
When calling for these please say
they were advertised
S B McLkan Postmaster
Following are the marriage licenses is
sued since our last report
Charles Kahl 36 and Zella Roberts
26 both of Indianola
Peter Fossen 27 and Jennie Keegan
20 both of Indianola
Charles Hayes 28 and Annie Gieason
18 both of Imperial
Conrad Green wald 25 and Maria
Klein 21 both of McCook
Public Sale
Having decided to move to Colorado
I will sell at public auction at my home
sixteen miles north of McCook at Quick
P O Frontier county Nebraska on
Thursday Jan 30 1908
commencing at ten oclock a n the
following described property
14 iead of horses
One Percheron stallion Prince of Pil
sen No 3G39 pedigree jios with horse
weight 1S0O pound color dapple
grey dark age 5 years Terms to suit
ou stallion One gray mare 1 years old
weight 900 1 gray mare 3 years old 1
black horse 3 years old 1 saddle hors
bay 1 gray horse weight 1300 1 gray
mare 2 years old 1 brown horse 2 years
old 1 bay colt 1 year old 5 weanling
Six young cows fresh soon 2 2-year-old
heifers six calves
Two riding listers nearly new 2 riding
cultivators nearly new 1 top buggy 2
saddles 1 cream separator guaranteed
good one n3W union churn
Free lunch at noon
TERMS Sums under 10 cash on
pums of 510 and over a credit of eight
months will be given purchasers to give
note drawing ten percent interest from
Hntp with annrnved securitv A dis
count of five percent for cash on sums of
10 and over sso property to ne remov
ed until settled for
J H Woddell Auct V Franklin Clerk
sr s