The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 03, 1908, Image 8

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Beginning tomorrow morning Saturday January 4
we offer at sensational reductions every yard garment
and item of winter goods in our very large stock and in
addition a great many other kinds of the most staple
goods such as are needed and used at all times
Dress Goods
Wo give you the following chance at
the dress goods values for tho space of
one week positively no longer
16Jc bright pluids for 12c
20c half wool crepes etc for 10c
32o and 3oc plaids 15 pees for 27c
40c clik and strp suitings for 29c
wool suitings for 39c
G5c suitings 50 pees for 54c
75c suitings 40 pees for 59c
35c all wool tricots for 27c
750 dress patterns for Sb 99
800 G 49
10 00 7 99
1150 8 99
The above special prices will prevail
until and during Saturday January 11-
Ladies Jackets
You can judge the genuine nature of
this sale by the following cuts
8 325 jackets reduced to SI 99
450 2 99
G00 J 3 69
J50 i 69
10 00 0 69
Girls Long Coats
Cut Deep
S175 styles cut to SI 19
275 1 G9
3 75 2 49
500 3 49
600 3 99
7 50 4 99
Get your choice early out of these
Hens Clothing
Your pocket book will instantly notice
these decisive reductions
S 5 00 dark mixed suits cut to S3 S9
6 50 grade of 4 69
750 5 49
850 5 99
1000 7 69
1250 8 99
13 50 9 69
Well tailored suits of good materials
Mens Overcoats
S 500 mens great big ulsters cut to S3 89
500 mens velvet collar overcoats
cut to 3 89
1000 mens dress overcoats 35 36
cut to 6 99
1350 mens dress overcoats 35 36
cut to 8 99
Childrens Sleeping Gar
35c outing flnl ones cut to 25c
50c fleece lined 39c
Ladies and Childrens
Gloves and flittens
This embraces all golf gloves lined
kid and mocha mittens cashmere and
fleece lined gloves and yarn mittens
25c kind cut to 19c
35c 26c
40c 29c
5Cc 39c
Sac 55c
SI 79c
Present opportunities are the only
Cloaks Cut to Pieces as
Ladies 8175 long coats cut to 2 99
600 3 C9
750 4 69
8 75 5 49
9 50 5 99
10 00 6 69
1150 7 69
12 50 8 69
1350 8 99
1500 9 99
16 50 10 99
2000 13 99
Will they go Wo guess yes
Ladies and Misses Dress
Your opportunity is now No such
prices have been made nor will be again
in the near future
S200 kind reduced to S139
250 149
300 189
4 00 269
5 00 349
600 3 99
750 5 69
1000 769
Necessary alterations mado without
charge just the same as usual Every
beauty of style and excellence of make
is in the lino Now is your rare oppor
Girls Jackets Given Away
as Follows
S150 grades handed out for 8 S9
225 1 49
300 1 89
375 2 49
The quantity will not Inst long at that
Furs Furs
8 75 fur scarfs cut to S 49
100 69
150 99
275 1 69
375 2 39
500 3 39
650 fox scarfs 3 99
750 martin scarfs cut to 4 GO
1000 beaver 5 99
1250 fox 7 99
2 50 girls fur sets 169
350 2 39
400 - 2 69
225 ladies fur mufTs cut to 1 49
300 1 S9
100 misses fur skating caps cut G9
125 S9
Eiderdowns and Cloakings
30c eiderdowns cut to 23c
35c 26c
45c kr indie downs cut to 35c
55c embroidered cloakings cut to 39c
75c 55c
75c imt bear skin 55c
Have you been waiting Now is the
Fascinators and Scarfs
50c ones cut to 35c
75c - 49c
8100 69c
125 S9c
150 SI 19
200 1 29
Mens Outing Gowns
65c ones plain wnrm cut to 49c
85c trimmed 59c
81 25 heavier 99c
Hens and Boys Gloves
and Mittens
20c boys lined half leather cut to 13c
34c boys all leather 25c
f0e boys 37c
75c boys dress gloves 55c
25c inoiis yarn mittens gloves cut to 17c
35c 25c
50c 9c
G5c 49c
25c lined leather gloves 17c
G5c mittens 49c
85e 63c
3100 gl 79c
125 89c
Not a great quantity Jomo promptly
Hens Union Suits
8100 heavy hVeeed cut to 79c
125 ribbed 89c
2 00 wool 8149
2 50 u ool 1 79
Warranted big bargains
Mens Underwear
50c black fleeced cut to 39c
50c grey 39c
S100 woolS D 79c
125 89c
175 31 29
200 1 49
These prices aro cheaper than hogs at
Mens and Boys Pants
75c boys long parus cut to 59c
S100 73c
125 89c
100 mens stout pants cut to 79c
125 89c
150 SI 19
170 dress 1 39
200 u 1 49
250 1 89
o Oy u x t n o 49
400 2 99
500 3 99
200 corduroy 149
3 00 2 29
350 2 69
These prices mean quick clearance
Mens Wool Sox
15c half wool cut to lie
20cmeriuos 14c
25c cashmeres 18c
35c 25c
50c 33c
Note whore your interest lies Be
Mens and Boys Sweaters
50c boys sweaters cut to 35c
75c 49c
8125 mens S9c
X id X J
200 1 39
250 open front sweaters cut to 1 S9
Enough sad
Mens and Boys Caps
25c warm and heavy ones cut to 17c
35c 25c
50c 35c
75c 49c
8100 69c
Ladies Underwear
25c vests and pants cut to 19c
35c 25c
50c 39c
75c 55c
8100 79c
125 S9c
35c union suits 25c
50c 39c
75c 55c
8100 79c
150 SI 19
175 1 29
250 1 69
300 1 99
Do not leave these bargains all to
your neighbor Take a hand
McCook Markets
Merchants and dealers in McCook at
noon today Friday aro paying the fol
lowing prices
Corn 8 55
Wheat 85
Qats 3o
Bye GO
Barley 55
Hogs 3 85
Butter good 18
Eggs 24
The entertainments at both churches
Christmas eve were attended by a full
house at each place The Christmas
trees were loaded with many presents
and the children all received a nice treat
from the Sunday schools
The Farmers Mercantile Co have
purchased the business of Eobi Fischer
and will occupy the Fisher building
with a rtock of general merchandise
It is hoped they will be as successful in
fthis enterprise as they have beenin the
Farmers Elevator and Shipping Co
teM sZSk
The funeral of Mrs Amanda Liston
Wednesday afternoon at the Christian
church was largely attended J S
Miller of Edison delivered the funeral
discourse Mrs Liston died in a hos
pital at Omaha where she had very re
cently undergone a surgical operation
Everyone in this vicinity mourns because
of her death She was a good Christian
woman and loved by all who knew her
Harry Myric is clerking for H F
Brown in the restaurant
Jas Finnegan and wife will soon move
into the Christian church parsonage
where they will reside until Mr Finne
gan can have a residence built on ad
joining lots
Miss Fannie Beeson got a fall on the
ice Monday afternoon that has confined
her to bedafew days this week
-Two sisters of Mr C E Matthews
were here this week from Marysville
Kanras making a short holiday visit
Dr Jeffries and wife of Haigler atel
turkey with Dr and Mrs Arbogast
Christmas day 1
Floyd Ford and wife of Cheyenne are
here this week called to attend the
funeral of Mrs Fords mother Mrs
Amanda Liston
Postmaster Clark will move into his
new building this week where he will
have more room for the post office and
his other business
Percy Catlett will soon have his new
residence completed When done it
will be a nice home for Mr and Mrs
Catlett Harry Gallatin is the contract
or and with a large force of hands is
rapidly pushing the work
The farmers are agreed that this
snow is finer than silk on the wheat
fields not so Mr Jack Babbit
Edwin A Towle has bought the rent
corn of John H Wesch on the Gold
claim and will finish picking same as
soon as the snow disappears
Peter Wesch is recovering from his
recent illness
Miss Lizzie Daugherty is spending I
Christmas in McCook with her folks
1 1 ifvsgyBCy fi
Ladies Warm Hose
20c full fieeeo lined cut to lie
25c heavy lSe
35c extra 25c
25c ribbed wool hoso 18c
Best values over offered by us
Forty nine pairs exactly You can
come in on these as follows
Tho Goc cotton let down to 53o
85c 09
8100 79c
140 8L 13
175 1 39
4 50 wool 3 69
500 3 89
600 4 69
7 00 5 39
You know a good thing when you seo
Hens and Boys Duck
Come in promptly to got in on this
offer the supply is not large
85c boys blkt lined cut to 49c
81 0C 69c
100 mens 69c
125 79c
150 31 19
200 1 49
300 couduroy coats cut to 199
400 2 99
4 25 sheep lined 3 29
Every buyer is a prize winner
Boys Underwear
25c shirts aud drs cut to 19c
Kii 50
50c union suits 39c
Childrens and Misses
Sc 10c ribbed vests cut to 5c
20c vests and pants 13c
25 18c
35c 25c
50c 3Sc
75c 55c
25c union suits 19c
35c 25c
50c 39c
75c 55c
8100 69c
Boys Overcoats
82 50 brass button coats cut to 1 G9
450 velvet collar coats cut to 2 99
Boys Clothing
Such cuts as theso you need to hour
of 85c boys 2 piece suits cut to 49c
Tho above suits aro mado of satinet
8125 boys 2 pieeo suits cut to 8 89
2 00 1 39
275 1 89
350 2 39
500 3 GO
400 boys 3 piece suits cut to 2 89
500 V 3 39
G00 3 89
7 50 4 99
9 50 young mens suits cut to 89
Our regular prices aro low tho cut
prices give you a rare chance
Girls Caps
35c ones cut to 25c
50c 35c
Goc 45c
75c 49c
Dark Outing Flannels
8e grade cut to GoC
10c 8c
12e 10c
Thirty eight pieces to chooso from
This item open to you just one week
Childrens Coats
We make tho following offers to clear
S235 bear skin coats cut to SI 89
300 2
375 broadtail plush 2 69
4 50 corded velvet coats cut to 2 99
150 eiderdown 99
1G5 1 19
75 fur trimmed outing flnl cut to 49
35 plain 25
Come if you can if not 6end your
Ladies and Childrens
Outing Flannel Gowns
These garments permit one to sleep
with open windows in tho winter time
See tho reductions
40c childs gown cut to 29c
G5c ladies gown cut to 51c
85c 69c
8100 79c
125 99c
150 81 19
175 1 39
200 1 49
Very attraetie styles and will not
keep at these prices A word to tho
Take Notice This Extra
ordinary Stock Reducing Saie i
will give you the lowest prices by far on Dry Goods
Clothing Cloaks Bedding Notions Underwear Furn
ishing Goods Furs Skirts Waists etc that have been
seen in five years
REMEMBER The regular prices named are our
bona fide prices to all without exception up to this date
The reductions speak like booming cannon and will be
heard a days ride away McCook people are not slow
to recognize a good opportunity and you will be wise to
take part early and supply your needs for the next
twelve months A word to the wise is sufficient Do
it today
ffirfftiffi ffnffrf fs33ifsjcsjiSLai
The Thompson Dry Goods Co
The entertainment at Pleasant Prairie
school was well attended and much en
Start the new year right Join The
Tkibunes family of satisfied readers
8100 a year
The sfibrk called at Hue HauxwelFs
on the 26th of December leaving a little
On Monday Mr and Mrs JohnLong
necker took dinner with Owens and his
wife in their new home
Bessie Hess is staying awhile with
with Nellie Longnecker
Paul Smith is varnishing the new
An eight pound boy came to Louis
and Nellie Longnecker on New Year
Have You Houses To Rent
Then you should be supplied with
rent receipt books The Tribune has
just what you want compact and com
f r rHr thii tr x v s - x z tng 3 r ir t t xvTmws
For a small package as a large one Each will
receive the same thorough and careful attention
If we get the former it may in time grow to
the latter by the satisfaction you will derive
in wearing our laundered work
We Do AH Kinds of Laundry Work
Family Washing 5c Per Pound
W C BLAIR Proprietor
Successor to G C Heckman