w -I M Sf ht v V ri DR I J GUNN DENTIST ponk 112 OUlco Rooraa 3 nuil B Walsh Bhc AlcCook 0 H Itonu C Eldkkd BOYLE ELDRED Attorneys AT I AW Long Distance I one 44 Rooms 1 and 7 second lloor PostoHJce Hnildina MCLOO Neo J II WODDELL McCOOK NEB UVE STOCK and REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEER aS Call at Citizens Bank For Dates JOHN E RELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTED McCook Nebraska 3fc AKent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Wator Works Ofllco in PostoUlce bnildinR GATEWOOD VAHUh 11 DENTISTS Office over McAdams Store Phone 190 Micklleton Ruby PLUMBING and STEAM FITTING All work guaranteed Phono 182 McCook Nebraska 4T he Land of Opportunity fin ft ACRES of Irrigable hWV nrt NOW OPEN for Settlement Its wonderful andfvel oped resources described in felUUuttredbook of p SENT r Rbt on spplicstion to State Board of Immlrjration wneyenns WyomlnJ Mike Walsh DEAIER IN POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash New location just across street in P Walsh building flcCook Nebraska YEGGS CHERRY COWH PIM Cure RRONC THE WONDERFUL BIG HORN BASIN TO RENTERS I have a selected list of irrgigated farms in the Basin for rent why not rent for a year or two and learn the profits from irrigated farming in the Basin and become acquainted with the climate and desirability of settling in that region We also help you home stead irrigated lands or to buy them at prices that will make you money Millions of dollors are now being spent irrigating Basin lands Homeseekers excursions first and third Tuesdays of 190S Vrite D Clem Deaver General Agent Landseekers Information Bureau Omaha WINTER EXCURSIONS Homeseekers excursions first and third Tuesdays to Colorado Wy oming Big Horn Basin North west Southwest and South Win ter tourist rates daily to Florida the Gulf Country the South and Southern California Ask Agent or undersigned for rates and de tails R E FOE Ticket Agent McCook Neb L W WAKELEY G P A Omaha Neb MBBMJaHHBMMi ed Saunders By HENRY WALLACE PHILLIPS COPYRIGHT 1002 BY McCLUR E PHILLIPS t COMPANY CINTINUKD FKOM LAST WEEK All got out of the way but a forgotten in the excitement Upon this small lad fallen Hat in the road bore the powerful man and horse Then there were frantic cries of warning Fifty feet between the youngster and those mangling hoofs twenty five The crowd gasped They were blotted together Not so A mighty hand had snatched the boy away in that instant of time He was safe and very indignant in a howling huddled heap in the ditch by the road side but alas for horse and rider The buckskin was not used to such feats nnd when Reds weight was thrown to the side for the reach he missed his stride struck his feet to gether and down they went while the foot deep dust sprang into the air like an explosion Miss Mattie rushed to the scene of the accident followed by everybody Young Lettis equally frightened was close beside her Oh Will are you killed she cried And then a voice devoid of any signs Run away and let me cuss shrieked Red Miss Mattie collapsed into the arms of Let tis The dust settled enough so that the anxious villagers could see horse and man the former resting easily as if he had had enough athletics for one day and the latter sitting in the road Neither showed any intention of ris ing Whats the matter Mr Saunders are you hurt Inquired the fussy post mistress Flease go way maam said Hed waving his arm Im sure youre hurt Im perfectly sure youre hurt she persisted hold ing her ground Now do tell ns what can possibly be the matter with you Very well returned the exas perated cowpuncher I will My pants maam have suffered in this turn up and theyre now In a con dition to make my appearance in po lite society difficult if not impossible now please go way and somebody fetch me a horse blanket It is regrettable that the discom fiture of the postmistress was received with undisguised hilarity The blan ket was produced and Red stalked off in Indian dignity marred by a limp in his left leg for he had come upon Mother Earth with a force which made itself felt through all that foot of soft dust Bring that durn fool horse along he called over his shoulder Buckskin rose and followed his owner There was no light in his eye now he looked thoughtful He too limped and there was a trickle of blood down his nose verily it nan been a nam fought field As both men were anxious to see the lay of the laud as soon as possible Red took his place in the wagon that day after the damages were re paired content to wait until his leg was less sore for horseback riding There followed a busy two weeks for them Mr Demllt had some money he wished to put into the enterprise but his most valuable assistance was of course his thorough knowledge of the resources of the country They found an admirable site for the mill in an old stone barn which had stood the ravages of desolation almost unimpaired Reds mining experience told him that the creek could easily be flumed to the barn and as that was the only objection of the others to this location they wrote the owner of the property for a price They were astonished when they received the fig ures It had come by inheritance to a man to whom it was a white ele phant of the most exasperating sort and he was glad to get rid of it for almcsE a song They were a jubilant three at the news It saved the cost of building a mill and including that the price was as low per acre as any land they could have obtained Red closed the bargain instantly Lettis part of the business was chiefly to arrange for the disposal of their product and when he explained to his partners what he could reason ably hope to do in that line the affair lost its last tint of unreality and be came a good proposition for Lettis had an excellent business acquaint ance who would be glad to deal with the straightforward young fellow The night after the signing of the deeds Red said to Miss Mattie We ought to have a stockholders dinner tomorrow night Mattie If you could hire that scow built girl who wears her hair scrambled to come in and give you a lift would you feel equal to it You always put it that Im doing you a great favor in such things Will but you know perfectly well theres nothing Id rather do replied Miss Mattie with a dimpling smile How ever it adds to the pleasure of it o have it put in that way so I wont complain Ill just have my supper first and then you men can talk over Tmir busiuessundisturbed Tou win not youll eat wltn tne rest of us t Yes but you stockholders The word had an import to Miss Mattie a something If not regal at least a kin ship to the king Under her democra cy lay a respect for the founded insti tution impersonal an integral part of the law of the state in fact a minor sovereignty within an empire j Stockholder yourself retorted Red I Dont you call me names What do you mean Will asked Miss Mattie with wide opened eyes I mean youre a stockholder as good as anybody Youve got half my stock Now hold on Just listen This is a queer run Mattie from the regulation point of view this company of ours I know enough about fillin and back in to know that You ought to have seen the pryln and pokln and nosin around them Boston men did before they took holt of the Chanta Seechee and made it a stock company One feller was the ablest durn fooljj ever come acrosst I used to let on I didnt savvy anything about it Now ex- of weakness but loaded to the break- Plain to nie says l to You say in Ian- have so many sares of them ing point with wrath told such -V guage as had never been heard in stock waving my hand to a bunch or Fairfield that the owner was still critters in the distance What prat much alive Run away Mattie do you take I mean whats your share of each animal and does the last man got the hoofs nnd the tail Oh you dont understand says he Ill explain it to you So he starts in to tell me that stock didnt neces sarily mean beef critters and a lot more things whilst old man Fergusou who was putting the deal through stood listening and chewing his teeth thinking I was going to give our friend the frolicsome hee hee at the wind up But I stood solemn and never even drew a smile for fear of queer ing Ferguson Well thats the proper way to start a company make it as dreary and long winded as possible We aint done that and perhaps well go broke for breaking the rules and then your stock wont be worth a cuss So dont you get excited about it I wanted the Saunders family to be rep resented Pretty soon the old lad with the nose will be around aud youll have a chance to read about the par ties of the first part and second parts of the party and aforesaids and be hlndsaids and the rest of the yappl them lawyers swing so that honest men wont know what the devil theyre up to Oh Will How can I ever thank you cried Miss Mattie her eyes fill in xt seemed a great and responsible position to the gentle lady to be a stockholder in the corporation It wasnt the monetary value of the thing it was the pride of place If you dont know how dont try returned Red You give the other three stockholders a good feed vE Slxject stralrihtin the air row and the thanks -will be up to you Hello Theres the old lad now as a trumpet blast rang out from the front porch It must take some prac tice to blow your nose like that Ive heard jackasses that could not bray in the same class with that little old gent come in Come in You neednt sound the rally again Thus adjured the lawyer made his entrance and Miss Mattie became in duo and Involved course of law a stockholder in the Fairfield Straw board Manufacturing company Fairfield rose to activity like a very small Kiant refreshed Teams and their heavy loads kept the respect able dust in constant commotion A grist mill svas added to the intended plant thuo offering an inducement to the farmer to raise grain and incident ally straw So we can ketch em on both ends too as Red put it The time seemed like enchantment to Miss Mattie As a bringer of the tid ings and a stockholder in the company she had risen to be a person of impor tance with the result that she was even more modestly shy than before although in her heart she liked it but more delightful yet was the spirit of holiday activity which inspired and pervaded the place Red had insisted on operating on inclines -that-are laid- down -with rail- ron HpiKes m tne western communi ties to patronize home industries as much us possible Therefore the ma- S- ERffEKEE I lrcs maam but ice dont want that pnlnt chiuery orders went through Mr Far rel the blacksmith initiating that worthy man into the mysteries of making money without doing anything for it which seemed little less than a miracle to him Everything that could be bought through local people was ob tained in that way It cost a trifle more but it brought more money into the place aud enabled the villagers to partake of the enlivenment without the feeling that It was a Barmecide feast The postmistress furnished the paint and it is painful to add that she tried to furnish a No 3 paint for a No 1 price arguing that she was a poor lone woman struggling through an uncharitable world and that the increased profit would do her consid erable good a view which Red did not share He would willingly have made her a present of the difference but he did not in the least Intend to be choused out of It by man or woman They had a very funny debate in pri vate wherein the feminine tried to dominate the masculine principle by sheer volubility and found to its dis gust that the method didnt work Red listened most respectfully and always replied Yes maam but we dont i want that paint paint bully old paint it This stuff is like whitewash only feebler Were going to put on a swell front un at the mill and CHAPTER Till HE work on the mill was push- latter part of September The official opening was set for the 27th Miss Matties birthday and the village of Fairfield was invited to a picnic to be held at the mill In honor of the oc casion It is needless to say that the Fairfield Strawboard Manufacturing company did the thing up in shape Wagons loaded with straw and drawn by four horse teams went the rounds of the village collecting the guests It is doubtful if Fairfield was ever more surprised than at the realization of how much there was of her using the pronoun out of respect to the majority when she was bunched as Red said You would not have believed that struggling lonesome looking place held so many people As Red could discov er no means in the towns resources to provide a meal for 300 people it was necessarily a basket party which struck Mr Saunders as being grievous ly like a Swede treat He made up for it in a measure by having barrels of lemonade and cider on tap at the grounds stronger beverages being bar red and by hiring a quartet of strings clear from town At half past 2 on a resplendent but hot September afternoon the caravan started for the mill grounds the wom en dressed in the most unpicnicky cos tumes imaginable and the men osten tatiously at ease in their store clothes Every one was in the best of spirits keen for the excitement and pleasure that was sure to mark the occasion Red rode old Buckskin who had succumbed to the inevitable and only jumped around a little as Red put it on being mounted It was pretty lively jumping around but perhaps Mr Saunders found some satisfaction in sitting perfectly at his ease smok in his cigarette while Buck jumped and Fairfield admired And at any rate Buck had legs of iron and the wind of a locomotive carrying Red all day and willing to kick at anything which bothered him when night came He was a splendid beast through and through from forelock to tail tip but lie had learned who was his master and obeyed him accordingly It was a five mile ride mostly under the shade of fine old trees The road wound around the hills here and there a break in the arboreal border showed views of rolling country well shaped and pleasing winding up grassy slopes in groves of verdure Of course most of the freshness of leaf was past yet the modest gray green gave a silvery sheen to the landscape that brought it into unity One member of the party felt that his heart was very full as he looked at It That was Lettis Blast the old office he keDt saying to himself Blast us six dingy windows and the clock at the end Doesnt this look good and doesnt It smell good dust and all and then hed howl at the horses in sheer exuberance of good feeling making the mild old brutes put a better foot of It to the front Red cantered up beside his wagon Well Lettis he said here we go for the opening overture with the full strength of the company were great people this day aint we And the big man smiled like a pleased big boy Oh what a bully old fellow you are thought Lettis as he looked at him Lettis was thinking of other qualities than flesh but the physical Red Saunders on horseback was de serving of a glance from anybody the massive figure so well poised the clear cut proud profile the shapely head with its crown of red gold hair the easy grace of him by virtue of his strength It would be a remarkable crowd in which Chanta Seechee Red couldnt pass for a man He was ev ery inch of that from the ground up Lettis had come to bow down to hlm in adoration with all an affectionate boys worship To those eyes Red was just right In every particular likewise to Miss Mattie who even now was filling her eyes with him from behind the vantage of a broad brimmed straw hat At last the whole party disembarked at the flat before the mill and made ready for the official starting of the machinery The big doors were thrown open so that the company could see within while resting outside In the shade and under the cooling influence of what breeze there was The mill was officially started Red climbed the bank to the flume and raised the gate The crowd cheered as the Im prisoned waters leaped to freedom with a hollow roar raising in pitch as the penstoc filled and the wheels be- I gan to go round Speech was called j for and the vigorously protesting Red was forced to the front by his former friends Demilt and Lettis Thus be trayed by those he trusted Red made the best of it Ladies and gentlemen fellow citi zens said he the mill is now open to all comers We hope to make this thing a success We hope to see every horny handed hump backed farmer In the country rosin the soles of his moc casins and shove his plow through twice as much ground as he ever did before and if he comes here with his plunder well give him a square shake Well pay him as much as we dast and not let him in on the ground lloor so he can crawl out through the coal hole as is sometimes done Now ev erybody run away and have a gooJ I Limt iui x nuil l uivi iu uiiu tuis Get us some good more lliaa Hke to hear it with stickuin in Kola geus By by CONCLUDED NKST WEEK I got to have the right thing And at Secretary Wilson of the department last the postmistress said that she jof agriculture says that the unbounded would her respect for the ex cow prosperity of the agriuulturi a not due puncher having risen noticeably In the to chance but is the result of intelii meantime gent scientific business methods A reader of The Weekly Inter Ocean has placed before him ench week the prac tical and approved methods tn which ed and in spite of the usual Secretary Wilson refers It a good amount of unforeseen delays it investment Onlv SI25 for The Weekly was ready for business by the Intpr 0cean ancl I1S r e Noiice All persons in ny way indebted to the estate of I J Runulds deceased will call at once at the Model Soe Store McCook Neb nnd mako settle ment Also all those to whom he gave seed wheat will call at same place and make arrangements for settlement with the administrator Georoe Elbert Administrator Have you ever tried an ekaso ink eraser See one at The Tribute of fice CAPT BARRETT TRACTICAL Architect and Builder Repairing and Remodeling Buildings a Specially flTcCOOK - NEBRASKA Shop Phone 324 sjfescy ssLsr Ricommended by leading physicians and chemists wiwrtiriinwwi c aiTi Klapp Barrett Go Omaha Neb 53160 F OBOmaha Quartarsawed Oak drawer fronts writlns bsd and doBk top SO Inchon Ions 32 lncnadaap 50 Inches high Th prica of 331 SO for thiB desk l unhoard of We are making o leoder of ihla particular deak and wo defy competition Vou cant duplicate tnla bargain a uality considered IF ITS USED IH fill OFFICE SEE US Office Furniture rJ Dejki Standin Dtiks Chain Tabic Write or Catalog Station prv nks PeVs JUlUUUCiy wrlcrSupplIesSock Booki Uuhhir IUn1i tnoteLraf books and landi ol timt sivin devices such asyou need In your of lice every day WMie for Catalog Lpfffll TJIflTlkS iegai BUnk Depirment Omaha and ihip ordcri same day as received VVriu for Catalog PrintinP Catalogs Briefs Pamphlets x imtius Books such as your locai printer does not do Get our quotations Our prices are low quality considered The Art Printing or o from btone Iitlio graph Letterkeads isll heads Cards Check Bonds Etc Write for prices and samples Book BhldinfJ Special umuinfe Wank Books County Record Books Intricate Ruling Magazine Binding and Rebinding of every description Filing Furniture - gs corresbondence Card Index Cabinets Book Case for home or offica use Legal Blank Cabinets Typewriter Paper ir r fcooklct of Typewriter Paper rjl mTT L - I in i ii i Klopp Barf left Go murmmnrmKyrWTmKiisw BUCKBEES SEEDS SUCCEED SPECIAL OFFER ilado to bnlld New Bnslneu Atrial WUl maio you our permanent customer Pfi7e Collection ail 17 varieties r0 11 the finest Turnip 7 splendid Onion 8 best varie ties 10 BprlngOowerlti Iialb Ci varieties in U GUARANTEED TO PU2A5E Write to day Mention this Paper SEND 10 CENTS to com portags and packing- and rectlv thla valuable i collection oz eeeaa pontpaia tofttner witn my big instructive ueanuiai Beta una ilant isooit muj Hi scout tn jucct varieties oz sorts Hants eie HUf Rth09 eba BUCKBEE 5TREET E F OSBORN J W WENTZ OSBORN WENTZ Draymen Prompt Service Courteous Treatment Reasonable Prices GIVE US A TRIAL DIAMOND fi BRAND 0 cr t LADIES t j uiAMU Mj ukaD PILLS in Gold metallic boxes scaled T Ribbon Taee no otnen 9 Drnrctst nnd ak for CIU i TIME TRIED FIVE REASONS WHY CALUMET BAKING POWDER has obtained the confidence of the public 1 It complies with the Pure Food Laws of all states 2 It is the only hifrh mrade Powder sold at a moderate nrice1 3 It is not made by a Bakintr Powder Trust l 4 Food prepared with it is free from Rochelle Salts or Alum 5 It is the strongest Bakine Powder on the market SI 00000 given for any substance Injurious to health found in Calumet Calnmet Is so carefully and scientifically prepared that the neutralization of the ingredients is absolutely perfect There fore Calumet leaves uo Rochelle Salts or Alum in the food It is chemically correct All Grocers are Authorized lo Guarantee this CalnmetBakinePowder costs little Costs a little more than the cheap injurious powders now on the market but it is a bis saving1 over the trust powders Try Calumet m ActtrrTHtTii ifi IS Asfc your nruKgtut for m i RrD andA with Blue Ilnv oF yoqv YX ClIi TCirS V j IAJ10NI BRAND PILLS for twenty five V I years regarded a3 Best Safest Always Reliable fiSOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE TESTED ii i