The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 27, 1907, Image 1

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4 V
Successors to
A New P M January 1st
McCooks now postmaster Stuart B
McLean will assume bis dQIcial positiou
on Weduesday morning of next week
January 1st Alonzo Cone who has
had five years service in such work
will be his assistant Both are well
qualified and the patrons of the office
are assured of good service
Mr Kimmell who has served as post
master for past ten years but resigned
some throe months since will devote
himself to the newspaper business
Mr Brady assistant postmaster who
resigned from the service several months
since will devote himself to other work
as soon as he becomes strong and well
from his recent illness
Happily Wedded Christmas Eve
Mr Koy lliler a Burlington brake
man and Miss Cora Jeffries daughter
of Mrs II E Durham were happily
wedded Christmas eve at six oclock
at the home of her mother A wedding
dinner followed the ceremony They
were recipients of many pretty and
useful presents The young couple de
parted on No 14 same evening to
spend a few days at his home in Edgar
Nebraska after which they will return
to McCook aud make their homo here
They have well wishes and congratula
tion of all
A Dream Odor
Philosophers have mused over the
subject of pleasing odors iu their rela
tion to the sense of smell but have
never determined just what the qualities
are that appeal or why they appeal
We only know that people vary widely
in what perfumes they like Once in a
great while some combination of scents
appears that charms everybody
is one of these It is impossible to
describe its piquant elusive charm but
you will be delighted with it
L W McConnell Druggist
Mens Club Aid
Last Sunday evenings service at the
Congregational church was of good in
terest the Mens Sunday Evening Club
assisting by its presence and support
The pastor will speak on The Meeting
Point of the Ages next Sunday eve
ning Music by choir and a solo by
Miss Ruth Wiehe You will be cordial
ly greeted
When the Dealer
who asks you 20c a yard for table oil
cloth says his is better than ours at 15c
tell him that ours is Meritas and ask
him what his is See the Ladies Home
Journal for the merits of Meritas
We save you 5c a yard The Thompson
D G Co One price plain figurescash
Dance and Supper A 0 U W
The members of the A O U W are
arranging for a dance and supper New
Year eve The price will be 100 for
dance and feed Plan to take it in
Choice Carnations 75c Per Dozen
McCook Greenhouse phone 91
If its meat you can get it at Marshs
Buggies Wagons Auto
mobiles and all machinery
repaired in a first class
manner at a reasonable
price at our new location
West Dennison Street
I We Respectfully Ask Your Patronage
McCook a Chri imas was in every de
tail protty much like those of years
agono Tho times did not it terierb with
liberal giving and tho notr of j y was
clear and distinct Tho services in tho
several churches were as follows
Thoro was tho customary celebration
of tho Festival of tho Nativity at G15
in tbt morning with an offering for
aged and infirm clergy and for the wid
ows and orphans fund
Christmns evening was the date of the
South McCook Methodist Sunday school
program They had a treo a Santa
Claus singing recitations etc and tho
house was filled A treat concluded tho
The Baptist Sunday school had the
usual Christmas eve services and exor
cises consisting of recitations and spe
cial music numbers with a fine tree
gifts and attractive decorations as fea
tures of an occasion up to the usual
standard of joyousness and happiness
KASI mcook i
The East McCook Sundav school
held its ChrMnias exercises Sunday
afternoon last They had a specially
prepared program of songs and recita
tions by the children with a suitablo
treat The little car buildmg was well
filled with children and visitors nud the
exorcises were enjoyably approcia Led
The Methodist church was filled to
overflowing as usual Christmas ove up
on the presentation of the Christmas
exercises of the Sunday school Tho
exorcises embraced music recitations u
dialogue by a number of girls in white
a Christmas treo illuminated by tiny
electric lights a Santa Claus and a
treat of tho customary liberal propor
tions altogether an evening to delight
young and old
At St Patricks church tho usual
three services wers held at 7 8 and 1030
the latter being High MabS with special
music by an augmented choir These
services were largely attended The
cuurcn aitar statues etc were appro
priately decorated smilax white and
red carnations being effectively utilized
in the scheme Rev Loughrans ser
mon was thoughtful and apropos There
was the usual celebration of the Com
Here the usual Christmas program
was offered by the Sunday school chil
dren Christmas eve There were two
or three special music numbers a con
tata a pretty tree and a Santa Claus
Gifts for tho needy were given by the
different classes The Christmas tree
was illuminated by different colored
miniature incandescent lights The
decorations were in scarlet and green
having to do with the rostrum etc aud
were quite effective and pretty The
usual treat was distributed to the
All persons in any way indebted to
the estate of I J Reynolds deceased
will call at once at the Model Shoe
Store McCook Neb and make settle
ment Also all those to whom he gave
seed wheat will call at same place and
make arrangements for settlement with
the administrator
George Elbert Administrator
Have You Houses To Rent
Then you should be supplied with
rent receipt books The Tribune has
just what you want compact and com
Ladies Coats 475
Ladies 50 inch coats 475 Others
600 750 and 950 They are bar
gains The Thompson D G Co
Stout Ginghams 5c a Yard
We furnish these in numbers of pat
terns and styles The Thompson D G
Miss Marv Fleischman visited Cul
bertson friends Sunday
Miss Mary Williams is home from
the state uni for the holidays
Miss Pearl Prentress of Danbury
Iowa is here visiting at the home of J
P Jones
Rollo Cathcart was summoned home
by news of the accident to his father
last Friday evening
Mrs G F Kinghokn is entertaining
her sister Mrs G W Baker of Grand
Junction Colorado together with her
E S Hill and Miss Hill who is home
from Denver on a vacation from a Den
ver hospital where she is a nurse were
up from Indianola yesterday on busi
ness and in a social capacity
The Tribune Beats It a Mile
In a spirit of exaltation and bloviation last week the
esteemed Republican gives utterance to the statement That
its subscription cant be beaten
The Tribune calls the statement It is no where near
the fact
The Tribune will forfeit 2500 to any charitable pur
pose if by a committee of three McCook business men it can
not prove it has more than twice the subscription list the Re
publican has And it will forfeit a similar amount if the
same committee does not decide that the quality of its list is
not excelled in Red Willow county
F M Kimmell Publisher
Proceedings of City Ciuncil
City council was in regular session
Monday evening with all members pres
ent Pr viojs meetings minutes read
and approved The finance committee
was authorized to purchase meters for
the flushing tanks
Ordinance No 140 was read first and
second times This ordinance regulates
the rvie or nlr jiicaMtif provid
a penalty for violations theof also
provides for a hearing before te mayor
and council and for the revocation of
licenses upon violations of said ordin
Application wa9 made by the McCook
Water Works Co for an increase in the
present water rates Rate applied for
not to bo less than 20 cents for 1000 cubic
feotwith a minimum of 62 50 per quarter
Bills as follows were allowed
H E Amos 1 lien dutj 1 So
W H Cummii s police uuty 7 40
Prank Cuir work on drainage
ditch 8 00
F D Burgess plumbingsupplies 27 70
J R McCarl expense 2G 2S
McCook E L Co lights Nov 12S 70
When your subscription to any paper
or magazine expires let us renew them
foryou also when you want to subscribe
for a daily paper to bo delivered or come
by mail or for any magazine published
call on us and wo will save you money
Will meet terms and prices of any re
liable publisher or subscription agency
Dont send away or give your orders to
strangers but go direct to the old re
liable B Hofer
McCook News Depot
Special Notice
Beginning January 1 190S The Mc
Cook Milling Co will change its meth
od of business to a strictly cash system
No favorites everybody treated alike
From that date please do not ask for
credit as we will have to refuse it All
persons owing the Milling Company
will please call and settle on or before
January 1st
E H Doan Manager
A P Cathcart Severely Injured
Last Friday evening while crossing
the railroad crossing at the foot of Man
hattan street a p Cathcart was thrown
out of the sleigh falling headforemost
on the steel rails sustaining very severe
injuries it was at first feared a frac
tured skull His condition has been
grave and the members of the family
out of town were summoned home He
is now doing better and his full recovery
in due time is expected
New account books will doubtless be
required for the new year which is at
hand We have already provided every
thing you require in cash books day
books ledgers journals record books
order books memorandums etc These
are of the bet possible value for the
money and we have an adequate supply
of all grades and sizes
L W McConnell Druggist
30 Below Zero
weather is liable to drop down here any
time Our o A and Northern Ohio
horse blankets will make both horse and
man smile through any kind of weather
Prices cut 20 per cent Better get in
McCook Hardware Co
Imported From Vienna
Barney Hofer has received another
crate of the fine imported souvenir
china with views of McCook thereon
Just the thing for presents
Boys Lined Duck Coats 50c
No excuse for any of our future presi
dents freezing to death at that rate
Gat them at The Thompson D G Co
Guaranteed Paints
Yon can gee a fully guaranteed paint
The Lincoln absolutely pure at Mc
Millens drug store
Office supplies at the Tribune office
Fresh fruits at the White House
Johnston Bower Wedding1
At high noon Christmas day Mr
Frank W Johnston and Miss Alma E
Boiver two young people of Valley
Grange precinct v ore happily wedded
by Rev M B Carman the ceremony
being performed in the presence of re
lativPb of tho contracting parties at the
home of the brides father W E Bower
in hat prennct Tho groom is a son of
Alex D Johnston and the bride a
daughter of W E Bower both well
known and esteemed farmers of Valley
Grange precinct The young couple
have the best wishes and congratula
tions of many friends in that neighbor
hood in which they will live on the
Morris farm
A sumptuous dinner followed the cer
Many useful presents were received
among them being a full and handsome
bed room suit
May thir married life be prosperous
and happy
To All Citizens of McCook
The Water Company having applied
for an injunction which if granted will
compel every water consumer to pay his
January first water bill at the old thirty
cent rate and 250 minimum
You are hereby notified that there will
bo a public meeting for taking action
in the district court room in the court
house this Friday evening December
27 at eight oclock which you are ur
gently requested to attend Come and
bring your neighbors
Water Consumers League
George E Thompson president
L II Lindemann secretary
C H Boyle
S D McClain
S S Garvey
F J Rolfe
J G Dole
Executive Committee
The Doctors Advise
more thorough ventilation of bed rooms
in winter as the best preventive of diph
theria tonsilitis etc We advise you to
heed them Get under a good supply of
lzzer uea uomiorts open up tne win
dows and secure eight hours of thorough
oxygenization every night Izzers for
185 to 300 The Thompson DGCo
Sole makers
Severely Cut
20 per cent cut on our 5 A and North
ern Ohio horse blankets will be given
for one week commencing tomorrow
Dec 28 This will be a grand chance to
save some money
McCook Hardware Co
A Reception to Father Loughran
The members of Saint Patricks par
ish will tender a farewell reception to
Rev J J Loughran in Menards opera
house next Monday December 30th
Fur Scarfs 75c
At that price every school girl in Mc
Cook from five years to 21 yeare may
have her throat protected from the cold
Get them at The Thompson D G Co
Stout Overalls 50c
Either bibb or band the latter with
double fronts Give your money the
best show possible The Thompson D
G Co
Diamonds Hall To Let
for suppers socials weddings etc
Wrights buckwheat
White House
Now for the inventory
flour at
Following are the marriage licenses is
sued since our last report
Glenn L McManigal 21 and Callie
May Vaughn 18 both of McCook
Frank W Johnston 22 and Alma E
Bower 22 both of McCook
Roy W Hiler 22 and Cora May Jef
fries 19 both of McCook
James A Finnegan 27 and Gertrude
V Clement 19 both of Bartley Mar
ried December 24th by county judge
Frank N Junker 24 and Maggie Mae
Newlund 23 both of Indianola Mar
ried December 25th by county judge
Prospects Are Encouraging
A government official has gone over
tho proposed rural free delivery routes
Nos 3 and and the The Tribune un
derbtands that the prospects are en
couraging for the final establishment of
these two routes
Proposed routo 3 runs directly south
and a little west of McCook while pro
posed route i runs wost of tho city on
the south side of the Republican river
About 140 families will be served One
carrier will serve both routes going over
the routes alternate days
It is contemplated to cut off a small
part of route ls territory and adding
the same to route No 3 If this is
done route 1 will bo extended south
ward correspondingly and reaching pa
trons in that neighborhood now beyond
the reach of No 1
The proposed service is needed and
The Tribune has much confidence
that the desire of that section of tho
county will bo realized as above indi
Comfortable Feet
You can always sleep peacefully and
comfortably if your feet are warm You
cant half sleep when your feet are cold
Whats the use of having cold feet
these winter nights A hot water bot
tle solves the problem and if on some
cold night you tuck your feet against
one of them you couldnt be bribed to
part with it for twice its cost A thou
sand nights of comfort for 175 S200
and 250
L W McConnell Druggist
36 Inch Muslin 5c
Let your dollar go as far as it can
Dont fail to help it do its best Come
to us for yard wide muslin at 5c a yard
The Thompson D G Co
Bulk Mince Meat at the White House
Gold Medal bulk coffee 20c to 35c
At Hubers
Wrights buckwheat
White House
flour at the
Tea imported direct from Japan 50c
and 60c nuber
Stenographer s note books for sale
The Tribune office
McConnells Fragrant Lotion
the skin from harm
McMillans cold tablets will cure your
cold and stop your cough
Just arrived J M 1S16 canned
fruits and vegetables Huber
Hinbeshs 1908 year looks best on tho
market For Sale by B Hofer
McMillens cough cure is just what
its name indicates A Cure for Cough
Have you ever tried an
eraser See one at The
eraso ink
Tribune of
If its seasonable and in his line no
use to go any farther than Marshs meat
Look at our new bullet and china
Pade Furniture Carpet Co
Colorado canned irrigated tomatoes
peas and beans Unequaled without
a rival Huber
Wellerette cigars sold only in
stores the best 5 cents will buy
sale at Woodworth Cos
If it is from Marshs its the best ob
tainable Anything and everything per
taining to the meat market business
Buy an Eastman kodak of McConnell
and take a snap shot of the snow
Winter scenes make beautiful pictures
The water companys injunction suit
is now the pressing question with the
people of McCook It will be a finish
Advertising is strictly a business
proposition The Tribunes subscrip
tion book is open to any advertisers
Our Cream Lotion is healing and
soothing to both face and hands and
will give entire satisfaction
A McMillen Druggist
Rev C T Moore curator of the Ne
braska Wesleyan University will preach
Sunday morning at Methodist church
This service is for the public
The McCook Machine Repair Shop
of which Cameron Brening are pro
prietors opened for business on last
Saturday Many called to inspect the
machinery and plant
A weekly newspaper that publishes
twenty oae columns of good reliable
news each week is rare in these days of
cheap weeklies intended only to sell
some article that the publisher is inter
ested in Credit is due The Weekly
Inter Ocean for keeping its columns
filled with fresh and up-to-date news
Give it a trial by subscribing through
The McCook Tribune
Possibly you aro now
doing business at this
bank If so very good
If not wouldnt it bo well
for you to start in at tho
now year
With abundant capital
and with the best of fac
ilities wo are prepared to
give you superior service
A Good Bank
A Growing Bank
Rugs at Ludwicks
McConnell for drugs
Dill pickles at tho White llouso
Fine skating on pond and river
Fresh fruits atthe White House
Everything in drugs McConnell
Bulk Mince Meat ntthe Whito House
Lettuce radishesceloryyoung onions
Wrights buckwheat
White House
flour at tho
All kinds of fruit -fresh each morn
ingat Hubers
A G Bump has moved his oflico into
room 2 over McConnells drug store
Remember A G Bumps new location
room 2 over McConnells drug store
Tho additional steel cells for tho
county jail are now being ri vetted in
It is the consistent advertiser other
things being equal who win3 not tho
Every day is bargain day at II S
Godfrey Cos the popular leaders in
selling flour feed and hay
No coughs to bother you and endanger
health this winter if you depend on
McConnells Blasam 25 cents
Advertise McCook with imported
colored view post cards and illustrated
souvenir letters Sold by B Hofer
Ten thousand post cards colored
views of McCook made in Germany
just received at B Hofers Price 2 for
5 cents
No 21 was drawn as tho winner of tho
doll at Diamonds Family Shoo Store
Party holding that number please call
with ticket and claim the doll
Let us supply your photo materials
Youll have no more failures if you use
carefully photo goods our stock affords
L W McConnell Druggist
The Updike Grain Co sells Canon
City lump Maitland lump Maitland
nut Rex lump Weir City lump Sheri
dan egg and Pennsylvania nut coal
Phone 109 S S Garvev Mgr
Congregational Christian Endeavor
societySunday evening at seven oclock
Topic Foreign Missions the Coming
Triumph of the Cross How May Wo
Hasten It Isa 111 10 Tressie Rec
tor leader You are urgently requested
to attend this meeting
Most men who mingle with great
crowds or participate in an event of
many features are absolutely unable to
describe in detail any one particular
feature It is then that they find their
weekly newspaper most valuable Just
so it is with the readers of daily news
papers they have not the time or the
inclination to follow every phase of the
weeks events and so turn to a weekly
newspaper for a concise and connected
account of any event of more than local
interest This demand is easily sup
plied at small cost by The Weekly
Inter Ocean which can be obtained
with this paper one year for 125
Notice to the Public
I desire to announce to the pub
lic that Diamond has no connec
tion with any store on Main St
aud that I have only one store
Diamonds Family Shoe Store
Located on West Dennison St
opposite Wilcoxs grocery