The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 20, 1907, Image 7

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sing at the Metro
politan Opera House
and it has been hint
ed that the engage
ment was not to be
renewed and that
this was the reason
for the prima don
nas supposed pique
and her expressions
regarding the taste
of Aoipriprms in tlif
jrsi --
matter of music
tary Mr Goulds boys and girls have
so far conducted themselves with cred
it nnd won friends among all classes
The success of his son Jay Gould in
tennis is especially pleasing to George
Gould who has always been athletic
himself He once passed a physical ex
amination for employment as a brake
man on Ills own road the Wabash
The examiner of applicants for such
positions did not know him and for
the joke of the thing he donned a car
digan jacket an outing shirt and an
old cap and presented himself for the
test Tho report which the examiner
handed In read as follows
This applicant in almost perfect
physical condition as indicated on the
accompanying chart His biceps and
chest measurements above the average
I have marked eyesight and hearing
each at 100 Recommend that appli
cant be passed lie would make a good
brakeman and after awhile might bo
trained for the post of locomotive en
gineer Appears to have nerve as well
as good eyesight
Miss Geraldine Farrar who is re
ported engaged to Antonio Scotti lead
ing baritone of the Metropolitan Opera
companj was represented as saying
tilings not very complimentary to her
countrymen on the eve of her depar
ture from Berlin to New York to begin
her season as a member of Herr Con
rieds company This is the last year
of her contract to
According to the in- fclSiBilS i
tervlew the ffefillSttlp
can girl who has
won the applause
of monarchs abroad
has an idea that
her own country folk are mere barba
rians when it comes to appreciation of
art of any kind and that one must go
to Europe to find a place where a per
son of culture may feel at home But
Miss Farrar has since said that this in
terview misrepresented her She de
nies saying that there is no art in
America or that her countrymen are
little better than barbarians She might
be somewhat excused however if the
adulation she has received abroad had
rather turned her head Isiue years
ago she left this country with plaits
hanging down her L nck and her skirts
to her shoe tops Kh returned to her
own country the rost prsised Ameri
can singer ever huard in Errope She
has been for sen years a ueniber of
the company ar the IloiI Oiiera House
In Berlin is now gi lish in
figure dark eed iol with a ery ex
pressive face Her are white and
her mouth strong unl shapely She is
a typical America gil of the early
twenties tef possysst J veil poised
and keenly IutelligiHit
The Duke of Mva whose name has
been coupled with tlit of Miss Mathikle
Townsend of Yjui Mil
to one of 5 he ia
Spain brt i
proportion to Ik
lly I J
has a deep at
send ami v o I
ucuiit hotrses of
v not in exact
rier the f aul
as lei iil that he
atioi fo Miss Town-
her but
en red the
u - moth
er pitlvkJly that
an income of 200
LT0 a year would
be he very least
on whica he could
do credit to his
rank and title and
his incumbered es
tates Though the
late William L
Scott of Erie Pa
Miss Townsends
grandfather left
quite a number of
mmionSf put Us
property in such shape that it could
not very well be dissipated by his
descendants and It has been stated
that Miss Townsend could not provide
a husband with 200000 a year unless
her mother made sacrifices by turning
over most of her own income to her
Caught by the Gamera Expert
Pictures of People Who Are
Talked About nnd Short
Stories Concerning Them
George Goulds Test
w h o expressed
Ills confidence in
the soundness of
business condi
tions in the coun
try at large on
lauding in New
York from a Eu
ropean trip re
cently Is one
member of the
Gould family
who seems to
keep his domes
tic affairs from
attaining unde
sirable newspa
per notice Ev
erything that one
reads about the
private life of
this branch of
the house of
Gould is pleasing
Geraldlne Farrar Duke of Al
va Dr CM Freeman Brand
Whitlock and Captain Mc
Cormick of Princeton
son-in-law which would compel her to
close up her splendid home on Massa
chusetts avenue Washington
When the late Duke of Alva and his
wife were in this country at the time
of the Chicago Worlds fair much was
said about the family It once held
the title and estates of Columbus in
heriting them from Maria de Toledo
wife of Diego Columbus It was this
family which lent the autographs of
Columbus exhibited at the fair
An incident of the November elec
tions was the defeat for inajor of Me
tuchen N J of Dr Charles M Free
man Dr Freeman is not known wide
ly beyond the bounds of Metuchen but
his wife the novelist who won literary
fame as Mary E Wilkins has a na
tionalindeed an international repu
tation Politics and
literature were both
slightly mixed in the
selection for Dr
Freeman who is a
Republican ran on
the Democratic tick
et and received 197
votes while the head
of the Republican
ticket received 224
It was only a few
weeks ago that Dr
Freeman while en
gaged in canvassing
for the mayoralty
nomination was ar
rested on a charge
of shooting craps
He denied the charge and said It was
trumped up by his political opponents
Dr Freeman though a medical grad
uate does not practice medicine as he
has a lumber business that nets him a
larger income than he would be likely
to obtain through fees from Metuchen
patients He met Mrs Freeman at
the home of William L Alden of Har
pers Weekly and his courting lasted
for quite a term of years as his tal
ented fiancee caused the postponement
of the wedding several times in order
that she might complete certain lit
erary work upon which she was en
Literature and politics were also mix
ed in the campaign in Toledo where
Brand Whitlock was up for re election
as mayor Mr Whitlock won by over
5000 majority running as an inde
pendent against the nominees of both
Democrats and Republicans As a nov
elist he might per
haps have counted
on the support of
his brother novelist
Cyrus Townsend
Brady who removed
not long ago from
New York to Tole
do to take charge of
an Episcopal churcli
there But the au
thor of The Thir
teenth District and
the reverend writer
of stories of war
fare and adventure
found themselves onBBA3tD whitlock
different sides of the political fence
and Dr Brady who inherits a -love of
fighting took an active hand in this
particular contest Mayor Whitlock
received about 2000 more votes than
when he was elected the first time ne
was a disciple of the late Mayor Gold
en Rule Jones and on the latters
death iaherited his mantle He still
writes and he has the advantage when
discussing matters pertaining to gov
ernment and sociology of being able
to speak from an experience gained in
daily contact with such problems The
mayor ran on a Golden Rule platform
this time just as he did before
The victory of the Princeton football
eleven over the Carlisle Indian team
was in no small degree due to the ter
rific line smashing play of the gallant
Princeton captain J H McCormick
His position in the Tiger eleven is that
of fullback Shortly after the game
was called McCormick lifted the ball
from a little tee at midfield and sent
it whirling end over end to the Indians
five yard line The Indian player
Mount Pleasant leaped ahead caught
the slippery leather
on the fly and dash
ed headlong over
the slimy field eight
yards toward his
opponents bars be
fore he was brought
down by the on
ward avalanche of
orange and black
forward Offside
play however
caused by Prince
tons overeagerness
to get into the
scrimmage cost her
a five yard penalty
and forced McCor
mick to kick off once again The pale
face fullback wrote a witness of the
Incident booted the pigskin once more
to Carlisles five yard mark where the
ever alert Mount Pleasant picked it up
and trickled through the onrushing
Tigers like water through a mans fin
gers On he sped for twenty yards
placing the spheroid on his own twenty-five
yard line division
Later in the game McCormick show
ed his great line bucking ability by
driving slam bang through the totter
ing Indian line to midfield for a gain
Df twenty yards
Indiana Senator Who 13 In Charge of
the Fairbanks Boom
When Charles W Fairbanks was
elected vice president of the United
States and vacated his seat as a sena
tor from Indiana James A Hemen
way at that time a congressman was
chosen to fill it Mr Hemenway has
long been a close friend of the vice
president and he is now in charge of
the interests of the latter in respect to
the Republican nomination for presi
dent His career is an illustration of
what ambition and perseverance may
do for even a young man who starts
life seemingly with few advantages
Mr Hemenway was born on a farm
near Boonville Ind in 1SG0 and he
has made his way up from poverty by
his own efforts entirely One day
about two years ago Senator
way and Governor Hanly of Indiana
made speeches In Evansville Across
the street from the building where
they spoke was the livery stable where
the senator had once worked as a hos
tler In front of the building was the
main of a gas company and when the
main was laid Governor Hanly dug in
the ditch for 75 cents a day Senator
Hemenway once lived in a dugout in
Kansas and when nothing else was
doing he would gather up the bones of
buffaloes and haul them to Atchison
for sale as fertilizer The senator was
once telling of an incident in connec
tion with a campaign in which he par
ticipated In one town it was ar
ranged that when the big orators of
the day had had their say with refer
ence to politics there were to be a
number of side shows
A pompous politician who had served
a term in the state legislature and was
by reason of that fact on extremely
good terms with himself while en
deavoring with a number of ladies to
make his way through a dense crowd
that surrounded one of the shows
found himself unable to proceed far
ther because of a burly individual
whom he could not thrust aside Draw
ing himself up to his full height the
politician tapped the offending one on
the shoulder sayiug as he did so
Here Make way there
Who are you that you should push
me round that way demanded the
A representative of the people sir
exclaimed the politician indignantly
The man grinned Oh that aint
nothin said he We folks here air
the peepul theirselves
General Fitz Hugh Lees Daughter and
the Seventh Cavalry U S A
A wedding of special interest in mil
itary circles and in the south was that
of Miss Virginia Lee daughter of the
late General Fitz Hugh Lee and Lieu
tenant John Carter Montgomery Sev
enth cavalry United States army
which was solemnized at Alexandria
AjtfcxvUviHgRHHBEsxC vXCc
iV s 0 0 T -
V v o - - v j - - V 4 y
Va recently There was of course
a large representation of F F Vs
at the wedding It is a peculiar cir
cumstance that Lieutenant Montgom
erys bride is the third daughter of
General Fitz Hugh Lee to marry into
the Seventli cavalry Another daugh
ter is Mrs Ellen Lee Rhea wife of
Captain Rhea now stationed at Fort
Leavenworth and a third is Mrs Ann
Fitz Hugh Lee Brown wife of Lieu
tenant Lewis Brown now at Fort
Riley Kan To add to the unusual
character of the case Mrs Montgom
erys brother Lieutenant George Mason
Lee Is also a member of the regiment
a k y
McCuok LcxJko No iJ5 A F Sc A M rnoets
ovory first and tliinl Tuowlay of tho month at
800 i in in Masonic hull
Charles L FAnNKaTOCK W M
Lon Cone Sec
McCook Lodge No 407 K of U 31 I S K of
A incuts first and third Fridayb of each month
in Odd Fellows hall
McCook LodkoNo 3 D of II meets ovory
second and forth Fridays of each mouth nt 800
ji m in Uanscliows hull
Mits Lauiia Ohuukn C of II
Bins 31atikG Welies Hoc
McConkAorio No 1514 F O K meets the
second and fourth WednoMlajs of each month
at SU im in GhhscIiowh hall Social meot
hiK3 o tho ilrut and third Wodiioi dajs
W II Cummins w Pi
Eureka Chapter No 86 O H S moots tho
Second and fourth Fridaj 8 of each mouth ut
800 p in iu Muouic hall
3Irs Sahaii E Kay M
Cm A K
J K liarnos Post No 207 G A R meets on
the first Saturday of each mouth at 2 i p in
Ganschows hull
I 31 Hendeusov Cmudr
J II Yakqek Adjt
3IcCook Council No 1126 K of C moots tho
first and third Tuesdays of each month at 800
p m iu Ganschowb hull
C J Ryan G K
F G Lechleitei F Sec
3IcCook Lode No 42 K of P meets ovory
Woduofcduy at 800 p m in Masonic hall
J F Cordeal C C
C W Barnes K R S
St John Commundery No 10 K T moots on
tho second Tliur day of oacli month nt 800 p
in in Masonic hull
Emerson Hanson E C
Sylvester Cordeal Rec
Valley Queen Ilivo No 2 L O T 31 meets
every first and third Thursday evwiings of each
month in Ganscliov hall
31 rs W R 3IILLS Commander
IIaerietE Willi tts R K
locomotive engineers
McCook Division No 623 R of L E meets
every first and third Saturday of each month at
8 00 in Berrys hall
W C Sciienck C E
W D Rurnett F A E
McCook LodB0 No 519 K of L F K
moots ovory Saturduy at 8HX p m In Guns
chows hall
W II Pknninoton 31
S Hixleu Sec
Rod Willow Lodo No W7 I A of 31 meoU
every second and fourth Tuohduy of tho mouth
at 800 p in in Gansoliow hall
D O Hevitt Pros
II Anderson Roc Sec
Noblo Camp No Co 31 W A moots ovory
second nnd fourth Thursday of each mouth nt
830 p m iu Guuschows hull
John Hunt V C
Uauney Hofer Clork
odd fellows
3IcCook LocIko No 1117 1 O O F moots ovory
Monday nt80Op in in Gaiischow a hall
E II Doan N G
Scott Doan Sec
p e o
Chapter X P E O meets tho second nuil
fourth Saturdays of onch mouth at 2 SO p in
at tho homes of tho various inoinhcrc
31 us C W Uritt Pros
31 us J G Schodel Cor Sec
railway conductors
Hurvoy Uivifinn No 95 O R C moots tho
second and fourth Sundays of each mouth at
00 p m in Diamonds hull
Jok Hegenuerrer C Coil
31 0 31cClure Sec
railway trainmen
C W Eronson I oiuo No 157 R or R T
moots ovory Friday nt 800 p iu iu Rorrys
II WConovuu M
F J Huston Sec
3IcCook Lodfjo No 61 AOUW moots ovory
Monday at 800 p in iu Diamonds hull
Web Stephens 31 W
C R Gray Rec
it a m
Kiiik Cyrus Clinptor No 5 R A 31 nu ots
ovory first and third Thursday of each mouth at
800 p in iu Mnsonic hall
Clarence R Gray II P
Clinton R Sawyer Sec
Noble Camp No 862 R N A meets ovory
second nnd fourth Thursday of each mouth at
230 p m in Ganschows hall
31rs Mary Walker Oracle
Mrs Augusta Anton Rec
n n m
Council Nol6RS 31 meets on
tho last Saturday of ouch month at 800 p in
ii i3oni ha
Ralph A Uagberg 1 I 31
Sylvester Cohdeal Sec
w o w
3feets second and fourth Thursdays at 8
oclock in Diamonds hall
Ciias F Markwad C C
W C 3Ioyer Clerk
New Theory Advanced by Young Man Is
Spreading Over Entire Country
L T Coopers theory concerning the
human stomach which he claims to
prove with his new medicine is being
given more respect and comment every
Cooper claims that 90 per cent of
all ill health is due to stomach trouble
When interviewed about his theory re
cently he said Stomach trouble is
the great curse of the 20th century
so far as the civilized races are con
cerned Practically all of the chronic
ill health of this generation is caused
by abnormal stomachic conditions In
earlier days when the human race was
closer to nature and men and women
worked all day out of doors digging
their frugal existence from the soil
the tired droopy half sick people that
are now so common did not exist
To be sure there was sickness in
those days but it was of a virulent
character and only temporary There
was none of this half sick condition
all the time with which so many are
afflicted nowadays
I know positively that every bit of
this chronic ill health is caused by
stomach trouble The human stomach
in civilized people today is degenerate
It lacks tone and strength This weak
ness has gradually come through a
sedentary existence I further know
that few people can be sick with the
digestive apparatus in perfect shape
vThe sole reason for my success is be 1
cause my New Discovery medicine
tones the stomach up to required
strength in about six weeks time
That is why I have had more people
come and thank me wherever I have
gone to introduce my medicine than I
have had time to talk with
Among the immense numbers of peo
ple who are now strong believers in
Coopers theory and medicine is Irs
M E Delano a prominent resident of
the suburb of Brookline Boston Mass
She says For several years I was
broken in health caused primarily by
stomach and nerve troubles I gradu
ally became worse until recently I was
compelled to go without solid food for
days at a time I had sour stomach
palpitation of the nerves of stomach
and heart dyspepsia and extreme ner
vousness I suffered terribly with in
somnia and my liver bowels and
whole system gradually became de
ranged I felt instant relief the first
day I began this Cooper medicine
I now feel like a new being Today
I walked all over town shopping
something I have not done for years
I mako this statement wholly froi
a sense of duty I feel I owe it to
anyone who might find relief and
renewed happiness as I have done
The record made by the Cooper med
icines is astonishing We will take
pleasure in discussing it with anyone
who wishes to know about then
A McMillen
J M Rupp
V O Box 131 MoCook Nebraska
McCook Laundry
Dry and Steam Cleaning and
Real Estate
and Insurance
First door nouth of Foams gallery
McCook Nobraska
Dr Herbert J Pratt
Registered Graduate
OHIco over McConnells Drog Store
Telephones Office NX rosidenco 131
Former location Atlanta Georgia
400 Per Year Single Copy 10 Cts
Sample Copy Free
iLBEitTJ noniE rrnMsiiEus
junaokic 47 2th St New Yoiur
Plumber and
team Fitter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Estimates Furnished Free Base
ment of the Postoffice Building
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