It i By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance TboStato Banking Board lina called for a roport from tho state banks of Nobraska on Novomhor 30th Tho comptroller of tho currency has made u similar call upon tho national banks of tho country ONKof thu results of tho present Wall street panic will bo tho placing in Chi cago banks by western bankers of their reserves instead of in Now York banks Which will bo a littlo pinching on tho stock gamblers and captains of indus try generally CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Ciikistian Bible school at 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m by Dr Finch Y P S C E at 7 p m Preaching at 8 p in by Rev Lnnman All are welcome Episcopal Preaching services at St Albans church at 11 a m and 8 p m Sunday school at 10 a in All are welcome to these services E R Eakle Rector Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sormon 1000 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Loughban Pastor Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching service at 1100 a in Even ing service at 800 B Y P U at 7 p m A most cordial invitation is oxtended to all to worship with us E Buktok Pastor Christian Science Services Sun day at 11 a m and Wednesday at 8 p ni Subject God the Preserver of Man Meetings held in Diamond block Room open Wednesdays and Saturdays from 2 to p m Science literature on sale Methodist Sunday school at 10 am Worship with sermon at 11 Class at 12 Junior League at 4 p m Epworth League at 645 Evening service evan gelistic with sermon at 745 Prayer meeting Wednesday night at 745 To all these services tho public is cordially invited M B Cabman Pastor Congregational Sunday bchool at 10 a m Preaching at 11 a m and 8 p m by Rev J A Bodine of Indianola Junior Christian Endeavor at 3 p rn Senior Endeavor at 7 p m Prayer meeting every Wednesday al 8 p m The public is cordially invited to all of these services G B Hawkes Pastor ADVERTISED LIST The following letters cards and pack ages remain uncalled for at the McCook postoflice December 6 1907 LETTERS Berer L W Dcmman W J Frazier Miss Lulu Guthman Mr Sol Liles Mr R P llcGilrey Arthur Smith Miss Goldie ShopardAT Walker W A Bryron Frank Baker W Clark Mrs Jns H Cole Mr Jas Frje Miss Grace Gould R M Kanip Mr Joe Mathews Mrs Maud Miller Mr H C Parks L W Randle C B Sweozy L G Underhoof S E Wallace Percy Umm MMMMMMMM Ballenper Mrs Nora Fennoy P A Farlin J B 2 Herbert Mr Ray Miller Francis McMahon Mr C E Schacht Mrs Wm C F Scrsingel Mr Chas MrsJWS Berry Mr J Bauere A H Culp Mr G Davis C F Guthman Mr Sol Knott M L Lowman R F Middaugh Mr H D Miller Mrs Lorinda Rock Mr B H Rorke Mr H M Smith Lillian National Park Gold Minning Milling De velopment Co CARDS Anderson Miss Ellen Cuppel Miss Tracy Clemmcr Mr Frest Everett Loan Co Hart Harry G Hughes H G Leach Edward Miller Geo E Stiles Miss E 2 Winn Mr Geo Boliu Mr Bennie B Clarke Walter Dedman J C Gordon Mrs Lore C A Rcbeger Stevens Elliott Gertrude Hays Lloyd HufT F Ike Mr Geo B Kelly Mr and Mrs W H Matson C A Ward W F Buckland Mr Setli Borland R F Caldwell Mr Gilbert Giespert Miss Lizzie Kennedy B Perrin W H Simpson Mr Jno When calling for these please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster COURT HOUSE NEWS Following are the marriage licenses is sued since our last report James S Cochran 71 Oberlin Kans and Mrs Christian Wilson 60 Da bury William Shuck 57 Cambridge and Mrs Mary A White 53 Bartley William M Greer 49 and Eva Blanche Downes 38 both of Wauneta Most men wno mingle with great crowds or participate in an event of many features aro absolutely unable to describe in detail any one particular feature It is then that they find their weekly newspaper most valuable Just so it is with the readers of daily news papers they have not tho time or the inclination to follow every phase of the weeks events and so turn to a weekly newspaper for a conciso and connected account of any event of more than local interest This demand is easily sup plied at small cost by The Weekly Inter Ocean which can be obtained with this paper one year for 125 Was An Early Settler ot County Grandma Fleischman who passed away after nn illness of considerable longth from causes attributablo to old ago was one of tho early settlers in West Red Willow county having been a reaicjont for over a quarter of a cen tury She leaves tho memory of a use ful Christian life a life of service and blessing Her children havo tho genu ino sympathy of many friends in tho death of this dear old lady Vorbena Barbara Banoreisz Fleiseh maii born February 29 1832 in Eigen hauso Bayorn Germany Came to America wilhjruerjhusbHnd John Geo Fleischman Juno 29 1850 and located at Indianapolis Indiana About 25 years ago tho deceased camo to Nebras ka and took up a homestead about four miles west of McCook and lived there until her death December 2 1907 The services were held at tho German Congregational church conducted by liuv G B Hawkes of tho Congregation al church and Rev G L Henkelmann of tho German church it being tho wish of tho deceased that these two mini iters conduct tho service The deceasod was a faithful member of the Gorman church and tho only member except one loft of the old members that helped build tho church all others either having moved away or being deceased Her husband passed on before her 24 years ao also five sons Two sons and two daughters remain to mourn her loss Tho floral tributes weio numerous and beautiful CARD OF THANKS Wo are deeply grateful to all the kind neighbors and friends for assistance and sympathy during the illness and after death of our mother The memory of it will ever be a thankful one Louis Fleischman William Fleischman Mrs Charles Hines A Great Success The first meeting of the Boys Corn Growing and Girls Domestic Science Club was held in McCook Tuesday December 3 Tho attendance was very flattering there being present some rep resentative from almost every school district in the county A number of schools closed and the teachers came bringing their entire schools one com ing twenty six miles with her pupils Addresses were made by Deputy State Supt Bishop state manager of boys and girls clubs by Miss Wolford who judged tho cooking and sewing and by Mr Zook the corn judge Both of the latter as well as Mr Asburn who with Miss Wolfordgave thejevening addresses are sent out at state expanse under the auspices of the State University Altogether there were sixty eight en tries made by the girls in the cooking and sewing contest First prizes were awarded as follows On white bread to Blanche Mort of Lebanon age 10 on corn broad to Sue Duckworth of Indian ola on cookies to Winnie Wilson of district 03 on fancy white apron to Bertha Podolski district 3 on colored work apron to Bertha Hess of district 7 Second prizes were as follows On white bread Nellie Book Lebanon school corn bread Fern Hedges Indian ola school on cookies Florence Baker Indianola school fancy white apron Lena Smith Indianola school colored work apron Madeline McDonald Dan bury school Fifty one entries were made in tho corn contest Tho first nrize on corn growing from the 600 kernels sent out in April by the county supt was award ed to Eddie Kisker of district 3 age 11 second to Edward Esch age 11 of the same school The first prize on seed selection on seed selected from corn grown by him self or his father was awarded to Maur ice Walters of the Lebanon school and tho second to Lester Randel of district 66 On collective exhibits lot 1 varieties and lot 2 sizes shapes and colors first prizes were given to C J Bolles of dist rict 63 and Erwin Coyle of district 23 and second prizes to Louis Colling of Indianola school and Harry Roberson of district 31 Roosevelt says Education should be toward and not away from the farm This is especially true in Nebraska and it is hoped that this contest and the ones that will follow will lead tho boys and girls of our rural communities to see the dignity of farm life and of being useful in the home and so help to stop the rush from the farm to the city Fire Insurance Co Goes to the Wall The Nebraska Mutual Fire Insurance Co of Omaha has applied to the Doug las county district court for tho ap pointment of a receiver it having dur ing the last few months suffered such exceptional losses as to make it impos sible to continue in business The company has in forco 822000000 worth of insurance in nine states Its liabili ties are S253843S9 and assets 116799 S0 Its losses during the past year were 822000 wiping out the surplus of 866000 and then some Fresh potato chips always on hand Magner Stokes Advertise McCook with imported colored view post cards and illustrated souvenir letters Sold by B Hofer Our Cream Lotion is healing and soothing to both face and hands and will give entire satisfaction A McMillex Druggist MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE MrsJE Snyder of Lincoln is a guest of the Doans J R McCarl was a Lincolu visitor Tuesday on business Mrs W n Snyder is a guest of Mr and Mrs Fred Schlagol Dr and Mrs A D Finch wero ton visitors over Sunday Miss Mildred Berry has boon visit ing in Iowa since last week Henry Vontz of Indianola was among the court week visitors in tho cty J A Strain was over from Danbury part of week during court week Schell Kimmell returned to Lincoln and his uni work Sunday night on NoG Mrs Mary Brehler of Indianola had business in the county seat Wed nesday Miss Kate OConnell is back from Denver and a guest in the Ed Fitz gerald homo Harold Sutton and Coy Burnett re turned to their uni studies Lincoin Sunday night Alfred E Kennedy has been quite ill with blood poisoning for tho past week or two Mrs Nettie I Hughes tho music teacher has returned to her homo in Red Oak Iowa Mrs L S Watson of Sanborn Dundy county has boon a city visitor part of tho week Allie Keys visited in tho city briefly close of last week Allie seems to be much improved in health S E Ralsten Undo Sams faithful postmaster at Lebanon was in tho county capital foro part of the week Reid McKenna a student in Creigh ton returned to Omaha first of tho week from his Thanksgiving at home Mrs Marrietta R Hawlky who has been visiting in Galesburg 111 and other points east will return home Sunday on No 1 Mrs Mathew Mulvaney and daught er Irene ot Kankakee 111 are here for a visit with her sisters Mrs Wright and Mrs Tom ORourke William Hiersekorn and P H Walters two of the substantial farmers of the Lebanon neighborhood attended the farmers institute Tuesday Will T Elder of Minot S D son of S A Elder of this city together with Mrs Elder and two children is here on a visit to his parents Dr A D Finch has decided to remove from our city in the near future He will devote his entire time to the Chris tian ministry having several charges in view Mr and Mrs Albert Barnett en tertained the Thursday Whist club last evening with happy particulars MrsW F Jones and Mrs J GStokes won the honors and consolation R M Osborn arrived home first of week from a visit of a few weeks in Kansas City Princeton and other Mis souri points also in Clarion Iowa where he visited a brother-in-law Mr and Mrs W B Drennen and little daughter of Greeley Colorado were in McCook Monday between trains They had been visiting his par ents Mr and Mrs G A Drennen of Palisade He is a publisher of the Greeley Colo Sun MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Fresh fruits at the White House Christmas presents at Woodworth Co Get your Christmas nuts at the White House Christmas presents at Woodworth it Cos Gold Medal bulk coffee 20c to 35c At Hubers McMillens cold tablets will cure your cold and stop your cough Just arrived J M 1846 canned fruits and vegetables Huber Try Magner Stokes for fresh and salt meats fruit andvegetables For Christmas you want the BEST You will find it at the White House Post cards often image the sender as accurately as does tho handglass milady Farmers Institute at McCook The institute Tuesday drew a much better attendance than former yearsand from all over the county Sessions were held in the court house and were of good interest as witnesseth following program FORENOON SESSION 1100 Farm Dairying D P Ashbarn Gibbon Neb AFTERNOON SESSION 130 Corn L L Zook Experiment Station Lincoln Neb 230 Work of Nebraska Boys and Girls Clubs Miss Lulu Wolford Pawnee City 245 Business Meeting of Bovs and Girls F G Bishop Lincoln Neb EVENING SESSION 730 The Lure of the Town Miss Wolford 830 Boys and Girls of American Homes The farmers of Red Willow county should see to it that there is a large attendance These institutes are in structive and in every sense worthwhile to tho farmer Stephen Bolles of Box Elder is secretary of this section of the work of the state in that iine Soecial Ind Joseph Downs her parents They had a great party at Joseph Crockers Thanksgiving A mock wedding big supper large time Fred Crocker was home from Grand Island over Thanksgiving holidays The Ash Creek Mutual Telephone Co hold a meeting Wednesday evening A new coal house is an improvement at the Kennedy school house Some one is breaking Uncle Sams postal laws by defacing and soiling rural route boxes on route No 1 Tam pering with Uncle Sam is dangerous business boys Cut it out A weekly newspaper that publishes twenty one columns of good reliable news each week is rare in these days of cheap weeklies intended only to sell some article that the publisher is inter ested in Credit is due The Weekly Inter Ocean for keeping its columns filled with fresh and up-to-date news Give it a trial by subscribing through The McCook Tribune Say you saw it in The Tribune ORDER OF HEARING State of Nebraska Red Willow county At a county court held at the county court room in and for said county November Ziml 1WJ7 Present J O Moore county jude In the matter of the estate of Sarah J Cooler deceased On reading and tiling the ietition of 1 Ucorfio Cooley praying that administration of said estate may be granted to Alexander Ellis as administrator Ordered that Decem ber 14 1P07 at one oclock p in is a inned for hearing said petition when all persons in -aid matter may appear at a county court to be held in and for -aid county and -how cause why the nraier of petitioner should not be granted and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all persons interested 111 said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the McCook tribune a weekly newspaper county for three succe printed in said ne weeks prior to said day of hearing J C Moore I A true copy seal County Judge Boyle fc Eldred Attorney- ORDER OF HEARING State of Nebraska Red Willow county In the county court To all persons interested in the e tate of Lewis Edar Caun deceased You aro hereby notified that on the 4th day of December 1JOT Teannette R Cann widow of said Lewis Ednar Caun deceased filed her petition in the county court of said county for the appointment of Sylvester Cordeal as administrator of the estate of Lewis Edpar Cann late of said county de ceased and that the same will be heard in the county court room in the city of McCook in said county on the 23rd day of December 1907 at tho hour of one o clock n in It is further ordered that notice of said hearing be Riven to all persons interested in said estate by the pub lication of this notice for three successive neeks in the McCook Tribune a newspaier published printed and circulated in said county Dated this fourth day of December 1907 ISEAL J C Mooek County Judge Jt I I 3 8 I i I i i I I I f 1 I I i This Bank ucemen CI dHk H8 ijcy lk tfH fu Every Fur Scarf Every Childs Coat Every Misses Coat Every Ladies Coat JUST STOP AND FIGURE what i 1000 or 1500 purchase Dont wast any TO CLOSE OUT OUR Full Line of has safely haudled the funds of its patrons for over 22 years If you are looking for a strong safe and conserva tive bank one that has near ly 800000 00 of Capital Sur plus and Undivided Profits and several times this amount of persona responsibility be hind it then you cannot do better than place your busi ness with The First National Bank of McCook 3EGGS CHERRY COUH JRUP Cures BRONCO J 11 JU ts in Furs sggBgsgggs During the next two weeks we have decided to sell that Christmas will find us with no left overs to invoice discount eveiy cloak and fur in our store so Now in order to do this we will 10 to 25 percent to 25 percent to 20 percent 10 to 25 percent saving this discount wiil he to 3 011 on a 500 longer but PREPARE NOW for the cold winter days we are soon to have Yon will buy your CLOAK and FUR of us cheaper than you can elsewhere cheaper than you can elsewhere after Christmas and enjoy the use of them while you need them Special Bargains in Underwear You will also save money by purchasing your supply from our complete stock exclusive agents for the celebrated u R F D NO 1 Amr5 TCow T returned to his run on train iSu 2 Tuesday morning C WDewey ha 3 commenced the erec tion of a brick residence in East Mc Cook While he is putting the finishing touches to II L Eberts house Mr and Mrs A D Warfield are with MUNSINQ UNDERWEAR FOR LADIES MISSES AND CHILDREN Walsh Block Phone 56 We are The Highest Class of Merchandise at The Lowest Prices to be found is what you will find throughout our store YOU ARE INVITED to visit our booth of handsome Christmas remembrances You will find it filled with timely suggestions i i McCook Exclusive Dry Goods and Ladies Furnishings Sweaters You can have your choice at almost your own price All 5fc Sweaters 37 All 75c Sweaters 50 All S100 Sweaters 60 All 8125 Sweaters 75 All 8150 Sweaters 90 All 8200 Sweaters 100 All 8250 Sweaters 150 All 8300 Sweaters 190 We will pile them in our window marked in plain figures and you can see for your self This is just the time of ear when you are needing these goods and we give jou this opportunity to supply your wants at less than cost to us or any wholeaale house At the price we are going to sell these sweaters they will not last but a few days so if jou want to take the ad vantage of this clearing sale you will be obliged to come at once They are on sale now come today The BE E HIVE DIAMOND W es VV V 6 t 1 LADIES I McCOOK Nebraska Office supplies at the Tribune office 3 I 1 I i a I 3 i i 3 i 3 1 e i i 3 i 1 i - - r l t tull IIMIII mm n imm l mm n MB tl LM n VJi jjCh BRAND a 11 S If Jcr p - ArV your IruRft for Vr i Aii in Gold metallic bozK sfnlrfi with I KIDnon 1AEC NO OTflna Ray n I DrurrsHt and nk for CHI CIIK Bue F your v rtirs V UIAilOXI BKAM PIII for twcntv STC SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TIMK TRIED EVERYWHERE TESTED fAPT RARRCTT J v r 1 i unuiiL 1 i jt IttACTICM Architect I and Builder S Repairing and Remodeling Buildings a Specialty i McCOOK - NEBRASKA p shop monoid j v X