I A B D V ll I No 1 i ISi -- s f J fj tfW MiQjun i mm in p Fifty Years the Standard CREAM McCook Neb SAKING msnm Cream of Tartar Powder Hade from Grapes WvliiJii v No 0 II Time Card Sli MAIN IINK IAHT DUIaKT ContralTimo IOil p M rJ a m 715 a M J42 p m 7JU p M MAIN mni WKST iikpart Mountain Tirno Arrives 1000 a m II 5S p m 8t0 p m 1025 A m 12J8 A m IMIIiniAb LINK No 170 nrrivns Mountain Timo 5 05 P M No nrdpparts 015 am SIeiiiiiK dining mid reclining cliair cars suats froo on through trains Tickets sold and oiikkKo checked to any point in ttio Uiited Statos or Canada Kor informal ion time tables maps and tick els call on or write Georno Scott Agont Mc Cook Noiiraska or Tj V Wakoloy General lnfaSonorAKont Oiualiu Xobraska Let the White House tell you about it RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Mrs A L Knowland is a Denver vis itor this week Master Mechanic Culbortson has been among the ailing ones this week Conductor Wilbur Fisk lost a young child this week by diphtheria An Oxford St Joe tie sack rodo the rods into McCook one day this week Conductor WilLur Fisk is laying off account of sickness in the family Home is quarantined Let the White House tell you about it The shop force had a holiday Thanks giving only the absolutely necessary men being at work Dispatcher and Mrs Forbes and fam ily wont to Arapahoe for Thanksgiving the members of the family remaining for a short visit A young boy namod Suiter had his colIar Tone brokon in the football game at Indianola Thursday It was his first game and he is doubtless thankful it is no worse W L Baker formerly in the Burling ton employ here but who was recently severely injured in an accident near Omaha has gone into a hospital in Omaha again to have his arm rebroken it not having satisfactorily healed from its injury Let the White House tell you about it Gus Budig1 Severely Hurt The eastern one of the two large company ice houses at McCook was eet afire by a locomotive Friday afternoon last but the fire was subdued by the company and city departments before much damage was caused The accident to Gus Budig the comp anys air and electricity expert was the only unfortunate accident A man in front of him was struck by the flow and force of water from a line of hose and falling against Mr Budi r knocked Mr Budig from the roof of the ice house to the ground a distance of 15 or 20 feet The condition of the injured man was rather grave for several days but is improving at this writing and his en tire recovery is expected in due time Let the White House teli you about it Have you ever tried an ebaso ink eraser See one at The Tribune of fice Let the White House tell you about it DLbGS CHEKKj OJUbM fYRUP Cures BRONCrirTSS County Commissioners Proceedings CONTIXtTED FROM LAST WEEK McCook Republican supplies printing 220 21 Dr R B Campbell disinfecting 15 00 N Platte Tel Co phone calls 9 65 McCook Elcc Light Co lights 16 35 L A McCounell supplies 16 65 Klopp fc Bartlett Co supplies 56 10 Geo Fowler salary 90 00 H H Berry rental of office 10 00 PadoSon funeral expanses 27 00 Jones Finnegan fc Crawmer mdsc 23 11 H C Whitmore mdse for pauper 12 75 Jones Finnegan Crawmer samo 22 62 C L DeGrott Co supplies for pauper 99 18 Perry Beo Co coal for pauper 3 30 W C Bullard coal and drayage 8 90 Barnctt Lumber Co fuel for pauper 6 50 H I Peterson board of prisoners 13 00 H L Brown rent 3 00 H I Peterson espenso 32 89 J A McGuire tax refund 6 00 Let the White House tell you about it- iv - McCook Itopnblican supplies 15 02 C G Uoswortli board 3 00 D WCoIbonCo hupplies 2 ir O W Ircdmoro it Sons ropairinj lock 3 00 J V WhiHon tax refund 0 82 J If Graunis bupplics 57 05 II I Ietoroori porting notices 21 0 Orlando Curtis tax refund 2 00 M cCook Water Works Co water 27 15 Chas Wcintz boardinn prisoners 74 33 If amniond it Steplions Co supplies 1 1 85 And on tlio bridge fund levy of lJ07as follows Standard llridto Work balance bridge work 1807 321100 John Kkhtedl bridge work 2 45 W C Uullard lumber 3 15 Harm tt Lumber Co mihiu 278 10 1 J Shoring bridge work 2 00 A II Kinzer same 3 00 Hen Doyle same 3 U Perry A Hue Co lumber 127 25 Martin Kincli bridge work 3 15 E G Caino fc Co lumber 1 DO Prank Cain bridge work 5 25 And on the county road fund levy of 1107 as follows Heece Arnold road work 1 25 Win NichoKou same 50 72 Harry Hurtou same 2 50 Hoy Wnlkingtou Mime 4 M Walter t Joe Hurlou same 80 Frank Donelly Jr wimo 2 50 Moso King muiio 2 50 Hurt Wyrick same 5 00 Henry Hohn snmo 2 XI Frank Donolly amo 2 50 J II JIuutwork fcumo 2 50 Capl Vontz same 3 25 Tab Donelly same 2 50 II M Wjrick same 10 75 JohnlHarry same 2 50 W A Stewart same 3 75 James Haglaud same 2 50 Milus Cope same 2 50 Raleigh Hobbs bamo 2 5ii G W Wyrick same 20 CO Thomas Matson samo 14 SO Thoi Elms same 2 00 Frank Hindi and others samo 5 00 G T Plumb samo GOO W 11 Powell same 12 00 The following ollicial road oerscers bonds were examined and on motion approed A Peters district No 10 C F Waterman district No 10 Henna l llcimer5district No 13 On uiotioii a Smith Premcr typewriter was ordered delncred to the clerk of the district court forlOCOO F 0 11 McCook On motion board adjourned to meet Novem ber 13 1907 C B Gkay Chairman Attest E7 Wilcox Clerk McCook Nebraska Nov 13 1907 The board of County Commissioners met pursuant to adjournment present C B Gray and F S Lofton commissioners PE Reeder attorney and E J Wilcox clerk The minutes of previous meeting were read and approved On motion H Barbazettc was refunded the sum of 200 the amount of poll tax illegally as sessed to him iu 1900 and paid by him under protest On motion the McCook National Bank was designated as a county depository On motion the resignation of S B McLean deputy county clerk was accepted On motion the sum of 10000 was allowed for aid to Farmers Institute On motion board adjourned to meet Novem ber 14 1907 C B Gray Chairman Attest E J WircoxCouuty Clerk i McCook Nebraska Nov 14 1907 Board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment present CBGray FSLofton commissioners P E Reeder attorney and E J Wilcox clerk Tho minutes of previous meeting were read and approved On motion the appointment of Millie Elbert as deputy county clerk approved The following claims were audited and allow ed and on motion clerk was instructed to draw warrants on tho county general fund levy of 1907 as follows R W Dovoe fees State vs Ball 6 75 Dr Z L Kay same 8 00 J E Kelley same 3 00 H I Peterson same 9 54 R M Osborn same 120 Mrs Win Raine nurse same 19 20 R W Dovoe fees State vs John Tauber 8 35 Dr Z LKay same 8 00 J E Kelley same 3 00 H I Peterson samo 18 45 Grant Kincaid same 150 J E Sims same - 150 H Springer samo 1 50 John Martin samo 1 50 Bert Gotchell same 1 50 J H Rice samo 5 75 Wm Hindman samo 4 30 O E Robinson samo 4 30 Grant Kincaid same 4 30 Adam Silket samo 4 30 E G Caine Co fuel for paupers 24 25 R W Devoe appointment judges clerks election 29 50 H J Arbogast State vital statistics 2 75 W BT Smith same 6 75 W A Middleton same 12 50 G T Plumb same 5 50 H Winans lit cry Spaulding case 9 00 T B Harris service 13 50 McCook Tribune supplies 47 95 J W Logan labor 1 2 C L Fahnestock medical services 30 00 C B Gray com services 5190 F S Lofton same 5S 50 S Premcr same 37 20 And on the road fund levy of 1907 as follows H C Brown road work 52 00 Chas Broomfield same 1 50 W D Bush same 3 00 Guy Ritchie samo 3 00 Chas Dutcher same 3 00 John Dutcher same 3 00 Chas Sedden same 3 00 Henry Conrad same 3 00 Dan Wolfe same 3 00 Geo W Wheeler same SO 00 J T Dolan same 3 CO John Molloctsame 13 50 Mrs Colling same 3 00 And on county bridgo fund ley of 19U7 as follows Bert Hockman bridge work 7 00 The petition of C H Meeker et al asking for the establishing of a public road was read and considered The board finds that all owners of land along line of proposed road hae given consent thereto in writing On motion same was granted establishing a public road as follows Commencing at a point on the north bank of the Republican river on section line be tween sections 2S and 29 iu township three north range 30 at the termination of road 275 and running thenco due south on section line between said sections 2S and 29 to the of tho irrigation ditch of the McCook Irri gation and Water Power Co at or near the se corner of tho north east quarter of the south cast quarter said section 29 township three north range 30 west 6th P M and terminating thereat and clerk was instructed to notify over seer of highways to open said road On motion the roads between road districts were divided as follows Each district take tho west three miles of the north line and the north three miles of the west line and the east three miles of tho south lino and the south three miles of the east line On motion board adjourned to meet Decem ber 16 1907 C B Gray Chairman Attest E JWilcox Gonnty Clerk A MARRIAGE OF MILLIONS The Coming Wedding of Count Sze chenyi and Mis3 Vanderbilt The breakers the splendid Vander bilt villa at Newport will be the scene of most Interesting functions on Dec i the day on which Miss Gladys Van derbilt youngest daughter of the late Cornelius Vanderbilt will become the Countess Szeehenyl It was in August last that Mrs Vanderbilt cabled from Europe an order for the opening of the long closed home on the cliffs and on the return of mother and daughter thither the Newport gossips were not j long in discovering that something was in the wind When the Hungarian count appeared on the scene and Miss Gladys met him at the station all Newport was waiting to get a glimpse of the latest titled foreigner to win an American heiress The wooing was carried on in Eu rope and it was conducted so quietly I - nz SXKSCilttHHEm w m v Uor t V71 vTJ Jp - Jssi 35sfmzTizim rzsttfi2WyriziZXiZ THE BREAKEHS AT NEWPOKT AND COUNT BZECHENYI that the affair had progressed to in teresting conclusions before the gen eral public had discovered that an other international alliance was im pending The count is entitled to the name of Laszlo Szechenyi von Sarvar und Felso Videk and the history of the family goes back about 1000 years The title of count has been in the family about 300 years Its members are rich in landed estates and Miss Vanderbilts fiance is supposed to have property of the value of about 3000 000 in his own right while she herself inherits some 12000000 The count holds a seat in the upper house of the Hungarian parliament is tall and handsome and well educated and his father the late Count Emerich Sze chenyi was very Influential at the court of Emperor Francis Joseph and was at one time ambassador to Berlin WESTONS WALK Veteran Pedestrian Who Hopes to Re peat a Feat of His Youth Edward Payson Weston who started on Oct 29 to walk from Portland Me to Chicago did the same feat forty years ago and though he is now al most threescore years and ten he hopes to beat the record he made in his younger days The distance he ex pects to cover is 1200 miles On Oct 29 18G7 when twenty nine years old he began the journey which won him laurels as the great American pedes trian At that time he did not travel on Sunday He adheres to the same plan now and is so hail and hearty that he is confident of being able to clip a little off his former record He follows the post roads Walking match es were much in vogue from thirty to forty years ago One of Westons old iChim i I- Ti V I i - AiwAtf EDWAKD IATSON WKSTON IN 1S67 AND IN 1907 time rivals was Dan OLeary who is still alive and able to do a thousand miles in as many consecutive hours A walking match of novel character was that recently arranged over a course from Newark to Philadelphia between vegetarians and meat eaten to test the relative merits of the two respective plans of diet The Only One Id like to come across a man who knows how to manage a wife Well I know a man who knows all about it Gad Id like to meet that man All right Ill take you some day when the doctors at the asylum will let anybody see him Baltimore American Political Economy Ta Well Tommy Does an Inheritance tax punish a man for being dead or his heir tfor being alive Harpers -Weekly r Tho Whirling Dervishes Those spirits on the hunt for sensa tions In Constantinople will wish to take in the dervishes The whirling clan have a coinenient convent on the Grand line where their circumnaviga tions may be witnessed at 7o0 oclock on Friday evening for the admission of 10 cents Tills weird performance per sonifies the solar system and is exactly l ordered in all Its phases After pre liminary circuits of the ring in single file to the discordant accompaniment of flute and tambourine the rolled and turbaned dervishes commence their turning With arms outstretched the right palm upward to beseech bless ings the left depressed to signify mer cy bestowed the head Is bent upon the right shoulder The rapid revolving upon the right heel is effected by em ploying the left toes as motive power As the circling accelerates the long white skirts dilate until they stand out stiff after the manner of the attenuated garment of the premiere danseuse Very little space is allotted to each priest and it seems strange that there are no collisions The dance ceases In an hour or so with the men exhausted Travel Magazine Boys Use of Darometers Every English schoolboy who can afford it has a barometer that he keeps hidden under his lied or in his trunk for in all English schools ba rometers are strictly forbidden to tho pupils Why should they bo forbid den Why should they be desired Through the autumn and winter the English schoolboy plays football every afternoon weather permitting He must play two hours each clear day These two hours are taken off his rec itations They make his school tasks two hours lighter hence when he knows beforehand that the next day will he clear he may spare himself two hours of useless study tho night before His barometer pointing to fine saves him a lot of toil But when the instrument points to change then the schoolboy knows that there will be no football Thus a boy with a barometer has a big ad vantage He often sells weather pre dictions at a penny apiece Philadel phia Bulletin Giants Not Long Lived Giants are not long lived says Dr Woods Hutchinson in the American Magazine Of nearlj 100 names re corded I have been able to find the ages at death of only eighteen as fol lows Lewis Wilkins 28 The Giant Constantin 80 Charles Byrne the Irish Giant 22 Cornelius McGrath 23 James Toller 24 Thomas Hasler 25 Tho Minnesota Giant 18 The Norfolk Giant 43 Patrick Cotter 45 Clerk in Bank of England 32 C Munster 45 J Winckelmeier 22 Tho Kentucky Giant 22 Lady Aama 13 S Botis 37 Peter Tuchan 29 The Peruvian Giant 39 Antonius of Syria 25 This makes an average longevity of barely twenty eight years or only a third as many years as they had inch es A giant living to a good old age is a thing unheard of Americas First Book The first book printed in America was The Eccale Espiritual Fara Fle gar al Cielo Spiritual Ladder For Reaching Heaven It was printed in the City of Mexico In the early part of 1537 by luan Fa bios on a press brought from Europe by Fra Julan de Zumarraga first bishop of Mexico The first attempt at a newspaper In Amer ica was the Mercurio Volante Flying Mercury Mexico 1G93 The first In dian school was founded in 1524 and Industrial schools for Indians date back to 1543 Half a century before our overland pony express was inau gurated there were regular monthly mails the length of Spanish America from Paraguay to San Francisco a little matter of 5S0O miles M A Lambug in Scottdale Independent Howler and Healer Itokitansky the father of the well known operatic singers was professor of pathology at the Vienna university Besides the two singers he had another couple of sons who had acquired a certain celebrity as medical men One day when the old professor was asked how his sous were getting on he re plied shaking his head You see friends two of them heal and the other two howl and the howl ers earn four times as much as the healers London Standard The Philosophical Father The old man had finally succeeded in marrying off to of his seven daughters Your girls have been blessings said the officiating clergyman after the double ceremony Yes the old man huskily assert ed they are the sort of blessings that brighten as they take their flight Cleveland Plain Dealer Couldnt Tako the Job An inland graduate came to New York to seek employment Through a friend he received an offer of a place as shipping clerk to a certain firm In reply he wrote as follows I regret that I cannot accept your kind offer of a position as shipping clerk but the fact is that I am always sick when on the water Success Magazine Persuasion I cant marry you she said You are old enough to be my father Dont hesitate on that account Ten years from now nobody will suspect it Chicago Record Herald There is always reason in the man for hiSgood or bad fortune Einerso Yce table imR fiND APRONS ARE A DELIGHT TO ME wfMw j K ititjj Njrs zv s -is r iT wWisrl Sli i irl s i SSSva RESOLVED THAT rf ALWAYS BUYS WHEW EVER A SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY OFFZKS m SfyYS ALL SMART FoIKs ARE LIKE THAT THATS RVSjjVtss and LC0iY0nY V5TER DROWN Iff 17A Copy CH3 ooe BY THE BUSTER BROWN Co- CHICAI 0 ARV JanTFCayj VAiTei YOU NOT BE KIND To YOUR TABLE BECAUSE YOUR TABLE 1 5 KIND To YOU FOOD SERVED ON A NICE CLoTH LooK BETTERgANDgTATE S BETTER AND THEN YoU DoNoTVI 5H TO OFFER YOUR 6UE5T5 OLD worn napkins do you you certainly are going to that gobbler on a fine table cloth and it 15 now time to buy lyour table linens while you have plenty of time to select them before the holiday ru 5h come and 5ee the table linens on which we here quote you priced 50 cent 5 to 200 per yard C L DeGROFF CO McCOOK NEBRASKA tL VICTOR LIGHTHOUSE COKE COSTS LESS THAN ANTHRACITE E3 SAVES MONEY WORK DIRT HEALTH HAKES ASTEADY COflFORTABLE HEAT NO SMOKE NO SOOT NO GAS NO CLINKERS It is light and easy to carry The ashes are clean like wood ashes By using Victor Lighthouse Coke your stove pipes will remain clean your walls curtains and furniture will not he soiled your plants and flowers will thrive you will have no had gases to breathe The way to get Victor Lighthouse Coke is to tell your coalman and he will get it from PHONE No 1 W C BULLARD just to Remind You THAT I Diamond Sells Nothing j but Shoes and GOOD SHOES only and that DIAMONDS NEW SHOE STORE is located on DENNISON STREET WEST of the CITIZENS BANK DONT buy any RUBBER or LEATHER FOOTWEAR before you see DIAMOND DIAMOND sells the best makes of SHOES AND RUBBERS in the country such well known makes as the SELZ and BOSTON RUBBERS and the SELZ R H SHOES and the HARLOW SHOES considered the finest makes in the COUNTRY Dont go bargain hunting for SHOES but come to DIAMONDS and you will get DEPENDABLE SHOES at BARGAIN PRICES REMEMBER THAT Diamonds New Shoe Store is located on DENNISON STREET WEST of the CITIZENS BANK y