The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 29, 1907, Image 4

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Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription a Year in Advance
Mohk confiflonco not more money
Postal saving bank system will place
the flow of money in tLo hands of the
people All tho elastic currency schemes
havo a tendency to place tho currency
question with tho banlts Lot tho peo
ple havo tho roins
One of tho noticeable movements of
tho day especially in tho west nnd
south is tho prohibition question
Prohibition is making powerful strides
in America In Europe some awaking
is felt The diet of Finland Rusaia
recently unanimously adopted without
roll call a bill prohibiting the manu
factuio of alcohol in Finland
The railroad rate question is going to
figure prominently beforo Congress next
winter in view of tho action of tho Na
tional Association of State Kailway
Commissioners at their recent conven
tion held in Washington Thore will
bo no general attempt to amond tho
Hepburn law but an amendment will
bo proposed along the lines suggested
by tho Commissioners making it unlaw
ful for a railroad to enforce a new rate
until that rate shall havo been declared
by the Interstate Commerce Commis
sion to bo reasonable And it is highly
probable that tho Nebraska congressional
delegation will bo in line for tho pro
posed amendment which purpoes giv
ing shippers a hearing before interstate
rates can bo chaDgcd and in that mea
sure at least give shippers a voice in fix
ing rates
Real Estate Transfers
The following real estate filings have
been mado in tho county clerks oflice
since our last report
United States to Stnnton Roily
pat to e hf nw qr Its 1 2 31 A-
Jeannetto R Cann to A A Fish
wd to lots 5 6 blk 21 2nd
McCook 81250
United States to William A Peck
pat to e hf no qr ew qr no qr
se qr nw qr 6 1 30
William H Galaway to Acker
man Vanderhoofwd to n hf
Albert Shera sing to Charles J
Balderson wd to Its 1 2 blk
16 West McCook 250
1 00
Joseph Menard and wife to Ida
L Jones wd to Its 7 8 blk 1
1st McCook 600 00
Homer McAnulty sing to W S
Coleman wd to Its 5 6 blk
36 Indianola 1550 00
Driftwood Valley Telephone Co
to Public art incorp 10 0000
William F Jones and wife to
Robert B Wilson wd to lot 6
blk 8 1st McCook 2000 00
John E Hathorn and wife to
William G Flint wd to It 3
blk 3 Central addn Bartley 75 00
Susan A Nichols wid to John
W Jolly wd to pt ne qr se qr
17-1-26 1700 00
Israel M Beardslee and wife to
Emma Jeffries wd to Its 3 4
blk 4 McCook 3500 00
Peter Gregory and wife to S R
Hunt wd b hf sw qr nw qr
sw 3 w hf nw qr ne tiw qr 10
e hf ne qr 9 all in 4 27
8500 00
Lincoln Land Co to Ingle LRod
strom wd to lot 1 blk 2 1st
McCook 250
Armand J Mongeau and vife to
Viola L Ballew wd to It 10 n
hf It 9 blk 13 2nd McCook 2000 00
Farmers Institute at McCook
The date of the Farmers Institute
for this city has been placed at Decem
ber 3rd 1907 and the following will be
the program for the same
1100 Farm Dairying D P Ashbarn
Gibbon Neb
Corn L L Zook Experiment
Station Lincoln Neb
Work of Nebraska Boys and
Girls Clubs Miss Lulu Wolford
Pawnee City
Business Mpeting of Boys and
Girls F G Bishop Lincoln
The Lure of the Townj Miss
Boys and Girls of American
The farmers of Red Willow county
should see to it that there is a large
attendance These institutes are in
structive and in every sense worthwhile
to the farmer
Stephen Bolles of Box Elder is
secretary of this section of the work of
the state in that line
McCook Markets
Merchants and dealers in McCook at
noon today Friday are paying the fol
lowing prices
Corn 8 50
Wheat 80
Oats 35
Uye 55
Barley 50
Hogs 3 25
Butter good 25
Eggs 24
i Tiiwrwrff
A lasting pleasuro for every day in
tho year Kodak picture making is so
easy and simple that good results aro
as surpd from the start daylight all tho
way no dark room necessary Kodaks
from 8500 to 2500 Brown io cameras
are an ideal gift for the boy or girl
Brownies from 81 S2 3 5 S9
L V McConnfll 1 ruggist
Foit Sale or Rent Residence on
North Mam avenuo
Miss L R Hilemvn
For Rent Modern six room house
Inquire of C W Bailey It
Found A gray squirrel boa Left
at tho West ward school house
Rooms von Rent First door north of
Mt thodist church Furnace heat tf
Fou Sale Two bedsteads one dresser
and one bed loungo F W Bos worth
Found A siring of gold beads with
cross Owner can have same by paying
for this notice
Lost Strayed or Stolen Irish sett
er bird dog White strip on forehead
Reward for recovery W J ONeill
Dress making done very reasonably
On Manhattan street two blocks east of
the mill Mesdames Bald
ridge Chehey
For Sale Household goods sewing
machine beds dressers etc Must be
sold right away
Mrs L R Hileman
County Association Holds An Exception
ally Good Meeting Fair Weather
The Red Willow County Teachers
Association held its first meeting for
this school year at Danbury on Satur
day November 23 The attendance of
teachers was unusally good and the in
terest manifested in the general discuss
ion of each subject on the program was
flattering indeed to all who have at heart
the educational interests of the county
The attendance of the patrons of the
Danbury schools and of the adjoining
school districts rounded out the number
who all but filled the Congregational
Tho program as given below was
carried out in full with the exception of
one forenoon subject and every number
was pronounced good by all present
The recitation given by Becca Daffer
the second prize winner in the South
West Nebraska declamatory contest and
the one by Lizzie Eifert who represent
ed the rural school in tho same contest
were given that teachers might be in
terested in the subject of public speak
nig as a part of the training of our
schools It was a practical program
throughout and one all could profit by
Music Danbury Quartette
Should School Work Be Play
Grace Phillips
Recitation Tho Rum Maniac
Lizzie Eifers
Vocal Solo Ethel Adams
The Value of Character Ethel Redfern
Vocal solo Prin T A Hutton
Vocal Catharine McLennan
The Best Use of Friday Afternoon
Prof Arthur Gibbs
Composition How to Obtain Satis
factory Results From it a
In the High School
Prin Minnie L Koester
b In the Grades Minnie Case
Recitation Mrs Sandgrass Reads
the Locals Becca Daffer
Relation of the Patron to the School
Hon Philip Gliem
Music Danbury Quartette
The Dictionary Laura Glandon
Discipline During Intermission
Prin Holiday
Music Danbury Quartette
Most men wno mingle with great
crowds or participate in an event of
many features are absolutely unable to
describe in detail any one particular
feature It is then that they find their
weekly newspaper most valuable Just
so it is with tho readers of daily news
papers they have not the time or the
inclination to follow every phase of the
weeks events and so turn to a weekly
newspaper for a concise and connected
account of any event of more than local
interest This demand is easily sup
plied at small cost by The Weekly
Inter Ocean which can be obtained
with this paper one year for 8125
Let the White House tell
you about it
i 3i3i
G Golden has gone to Byron this
Frank A Denton returned this
week from Denver
A L Miller was up from Indianola
Monday on business
Mr and Mrs J A Douglass were
Lincoln visitors last Saturday
M M Weaver was over from Bea
ver Tuesday on business matters
Roy Smith was down from Denvor for
tho Thanksgiving holidays at homo
Suptand Mrs G II Thomas are
with his parents in Harvard for Thanks
giving holidays
Robert Allen departed Monday
night for Des Moines Iowa to resume
his school work
Mies Storer is entertaining a younger
sister who will remain with her until
Miss Anna IIannan went down to
Lincoln last Friday night to attend
tho funeral of an uncle
Mr and Mrs Patrick McNeil and
Mr and Mrs E A Sexson wore county
seat visitors Tuesday
Mr and Mrs Peter Miesen aro
spending the week in Oberlin Kansas
going over last Friday
Mr Overing of tho Red Cloud Monu
ment Works was in the city Monday in
the lino of his business
Mrs H P Waite and Mrs E S
Waito were guests of the Neiwangers
Cambridge Thanksgiving
Mr and Mrs James Steinman have
returned to McCook to live after a
short sojourn in Swea Iowa
Mrs E E Wilson and little daugh
ter of Aranahoe were gue3ts of Mrs J
F Utter Saturday and Sunday
Mrs Harry D Stewart has been
visiting with Mr Stewarts people at
Alma since last of week gone
Mr and Mrs J W Hasty and child
ren are in Arapahoe spending Thanks
giving week with the homo folks
Mr and Mrs J P McFann depart
ed Tuesday for Denver to spend
Thanksgiving with their daughter
Mr Teeter of Lincoln is a guest of
Mayor and Mrs C L Fahnestock
being an uncle of Mrs Fahnestock
Bert Sutton is down from Colorado
visiting his cousin H P Sutton and
family during the Thanksgiving holi
Mrs J H Cox and Miss Leola re
turned to Exeter this morning They
have been guests of her sister Mrs L R
Mr and Mrs C C Northrup of
Kansas City Mo are spending the
Thanksgiving holidays with McCook
Mrs A C Wiehe and Miss Ruth are
spending the Thanksgiving holidays
with Cherokee Iowa relatives depart
ing on No 6 Tuesday night
Coy Burnett aud Harold Sutton of
the uni contingent from McCook ar
rived home last Friday night for the
Thanksgiving holidays
Chas W Hamilton who has been
visiting in Illinois Massachusetts and
other points east for several weeks ar
rived home Tuesday evening
Mrs R B Simmons was called to De
troit Michigan early part of the week
by the serious illness of her mother
Mr Simmons accompanied her
E Schell Kimmell arrived home
Wednesday night from the state uni
versity Lincoln to spend the Thanks
giving holidays with the family
C T Watson has returned to the
Burlington service and is located at
Brookfield Illinois having a good posi
tion in the office of the superintendent
of transporation
Mr and Mrs J H Whiteford on
their way Iioni Chicago to their home in
San Bernardino Calif spent Thanks
giving day with her parents Mr and
Mrs Sylvester Cordeal
John Heinleim who has been visit
ing in the old homo in Germany return
ed home latter part of the week having
had a great trip and visit and looking
well and hearty from his vacation
Try Scott Stoner for groceries
Let the White House tell
you about it
Past Salaries of Actors
A number of autograph letters of
Edmund Kean supply some interesting
information about the salaries of actors
early in the nineteenth century One
relates to an offer by Mr Ellison offer
ing Kean 3 a week as acting man
ager of the new theater In Wych
street Later this rose to 25 a month
In 1S2G Kean was offered 12000 a
year to go to America In the prime
of his popularity he received 200 for
a week in Edinburgh and apparently
reached the highest point when Mr
Bunn wrote from the Theater Royal
Dublin on Feb S 1S20 and offered
him 50 a night to play in Dublin and
Cork Liverpool Mercury
Homo Influences
Each one of us is bound to make the
little circle in which he lives better
and happier each one of us is bound
to see that out of that small circle the
widest good may flow each of us may
have fixed in his mind the thought
that out of a single household may
flow influences which shall stimulate
the whole commonwealth and the
whole civilized world Dean Stanley
He Knew Her
Tho conductor looked at
Do you see that stout woman at tho
other end of the car the one with the
monkey hut he asked
I think I see the one you mean the
thin man responded
There shes looking this way said
the conductor Well sir I admire
that woman
You do
Yes I do She may have a squint
and wear bad fitting clothes and big
shoes yet I admire her
She knows how to get off n car the
right way and thats why Shes too
stout and her hair Is ratty and she
hasnt any taste but when she steps
down from the back platform I never
worry I know shell land all right
Im dead sure she isnt going to sit
down in tho mud nnd ask me for my
number Thats why I admire her
Here she comes now Watch her when
she gets off
The stout woman came down the
aisle and briskly descended to the
street And the conductor with his
hand on the bell rope winked approv
ingly at the slim man
Then the stout woman looked around
Come George she called nnd the
slim man meekly followed her Cleve
land Plain Denlor
The Simple Minded Kurds
Some of the peculiar traits of the
Kurds of Asia Minor are described by
a traveler If it were possible to im
agine two colors more distinct than
black and white it would be possible
to imagine two characters more wide
ly differing than those of the Arab and
Kurd The pure Kurd is the most un
sophisticated and gullible person in
the world so long as you keep away
from the material issues H1j respect
for a man who can read and write is
almost pitiable The Kurds are on the
whole blunt and somewhat uncouth
silent nnd quite incapable of false
hood If they do wrong and they of
ten do they admit the fault in tho
simplest and most unaffected way I
had a muleteer who was honest civil
and incorrigibly idle Did you ever
kill a man I asked him one day
Yes sixteen on the Khazat road
when I was a deserter from the army
came the reply iu a voice absolutely
unmoved You were a robber Yes
but now praise be to God I am mar
ried and a muleteer
No Chesterfield
A Boston man was praisin
tho thin r
the late
Earl of Duumore
Lord Dunmore he said was a
good man Tall and robust and sup
ple I can see him still with his short
gray beard and his kind face His only
fault a fault due to his aristocratic
upbringing no doubt was the exag
gerated value that he set upon correct
ness lie insisted in correctness in eat
ing in dress in everything
At a dinner in Beacon street once I
heard him tell a story about an incor
rect self made man or nouveau riche
as he ccd him This man was dress
ing one night to go out His wife bus
tled into the room before he started to
look him over
But George she said reproach
fully arent you going to wear your
diamond studs to the banquet
No Whats the use
My napkin would hide em
Witt klnrn O rT
Proof of Brains
Mr Travers the famous New York
wit once met at dinner a pompous
Englishman who was doing the
States He had letters a plenty attest
ing his importance letters from Glad
stone Dilke Salisbury and Churchill
He had talked everybody tired before
the dinner began and Travers saw
visions of a bad meal when he dis
covered the Englishman to be his
neighbor at the table There was nev
er a stop in the fellows tongue When
the oysters were brought on he be
gan Now it is a question as to
whether or not the oyster has brains
Scientists dispute the idea
certainly have some retorted Travers
Your proof sir challenged the Brit
on eager for argument
sir the knows
io shut up
Uplifting the Savage
We have received the following spicy
analysis of British civilizing proce
dures in Africa from a young Egyptian
from Tanta who shows dramatic apt
itudes The title of his communica
cation is
Act 1 The missionary
Act 2 Whisky and pale ale
Act C Tho -Maxim gun
Act 4 A newspaper
Act 5 Cricket and football
Act C Death of the last aborigine
Finis Band plays Rule Britannia
Egyptian Standard
Poor Consolation
Oh dear exclaimed the society
woman I fr el so wretched and this
is my receiving day too I do hope no
one will call for Ill be in misery all
the time
Well remarked her husband face
tiously I always understood that
misery loves company Catholic
Her Bribe
Unattractive Maiden Aunt Goodby
Jottie Come soon again I hope youll
forgive my not kissing you but I have
an awful cold Jottie aged six Never
mind Do kiss me auntio Mother
said shed give me 5 cents if Id let
you Exchange
The Scotchman during an argument
Hoot man hoot The Irishman hot
ly Shure an Oill not koot Do ye
take me for a bloomln owl London
Bought Your
Cloak Yet
On account of the great and increasing demand for PALMER
GARMENTS we have just received another bit shipment
of these perfect fitting well
tailored low priced coats and
are right now h shape to show
you a large and complete
assortment of
Half - Fitting
Satin - Lined
1700 to 3500
Tight Fitting Coats
1500 and 1800
Box Coats from
950 Up
Nobby Velvet Jackets
1800 to 3500
Caracul Fur Jackets
T 2500 and 3500
You are always sure of secur
ing the right style and at the
lowest price when you buy a
coat of us Dont put it off
another day but make your
selection from our up-to-date
stock before the assortment is
Exclusive Dry Goods and Ladies Furnishings
Full Line of
If to J
IoT7 I
I n w
How About- Underwear
Our enormous trade on the sensible serviceable satisfactory
has compelled us to re order several times and we are now
prepared to furnish you everything you need in this line for
ladies and children Try us once and youll come again
C Clapp
Phone 56
Walsh Block
You can have your choice at almost your own price
All 5Cc Sweaters 37
All 75c Sweaters 50
All 8100 Sweaters 60
All 8125 Sweaters 75
All 8150 Sweaters 90
All 200 Sweaters 100
All 8250 Sweaters 150
All 8300 Sweaters 190
Wo will pile them in our window marked in plain figures and you can
see for your self This is just the time of year when you are needing these
goods and we give ou this opportunity to supply jour wants at less than
cost to us or any wholeaale house At tho price we are going to sell theo
sweaters they will not last but a few dajs so if jou want to take the ad
vantage of this clearing sale you will be obliged to come at once They
are on sale now come today
THE TRIBUNE Office for Office Supplies
W 3
Glove Boxes
Smoking Sets Manicure Sets Toilet Sets Mir
rors Fancy Albums and Gifts in
t The Ideal Store t