The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 22, 1907, Image 8

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StUvJ m uiiwim li ii ii in l - L - rm i i ti -- -- -- im r t ajLL1j1iBjLj frOwS
Hundreds of people are going away smiling every day realizing the purchasing power of their dollar
at this sale and just when you need the
The four days progressive sale out of my overwhelming stock Is just like a drop in the bucket and
every department is as complete as if this were the first days sale
A Few
In Box Calf and Vici Sold over
the globe for 250 and 300
Childrens Shoes
Fine quality in sizes 2 12 to 8
Spring heels and plain
County Commissioners Proceedings
McCook Nebraska November 12 1007
The board of county commissioners met
pursuant to adjournment Present C B Gray
F S Lofton and S Premer county com
missioners P E Reeder attorney and E J
Wilcox clerk
The minutes of previous meeting were read
and approved
Pursuant to law in such cases made and pro
vided the board on motion selected the follow
ing named persons from which to draw a jury
for the December 1907 term of the district j
Alliance Jay L McCailerty Jackson Teeters
Hartley postoffice
Hcacr Anderson Graham Charley Rogers
George Morgan William Sullivan
Bondville Jacob WallE Benjamin
Box Elder J S Doyle Ira Harrison
Coleman Jake Betz
Danbury Martin Nilsson JacobWicks
Driftwood Charles Wasson
East Valley Harry L Brown D L Wolf J
TV Hoppe Geo Muutz Bartley postoilice
Fxitsch C M Gobcn Richard Hatcher In
Gcrvcr Joshua Gerver
Grant TV H Hartmau
Indianola N TV Baker John Dunning E P
Day C B Hoag Indianola
Lebanon S R Jolly I N Horton J C Bur
cess E C Hummell
Missouri Ridge John Deviney
North Valley Charles Giuther T E Hart
Perry Geo Howell C H Jacobs
Red Willow Geo Ridgloy Owen Longnccker
Tyrone J M Horton
Valley Grange R D Rodgers E B Nelson
Willow Grove Frank Everist TV T Clark J
JP Notley Gus Budig C TV Barnes L D Van
derhoof John Ekstedt L A FitchD E Eiken
berry S S Garvey M O McClure Elmer Kay
SPMcClain William Hammell B HStew
art TV T Woottou Vance McManigal H G
Phelps C T Loper Maurice ORourke
The following claims were audited and allow
ed and on motion clerk was instructed to draw
warrants on the county general fund in pay
ment thereof as follows
L TV Probasco election board Alliance 3 00
Sol Premer same 3 00
F A Pucker same 3 00
J A Gunther same 3 00
S L McCafferty same 7 40
School district 20 rental election board
Beaver 3 00
S B Bastian same 4 00
Mitchell Youngsame 4 00
L Cann same 4 00
C S Messner same 4 00
JL A Graham same 8 30
City Hall Danbury samo 5 00
Jno II Ball election board Bondville 6 20
C E Walker same 3 00
William Karp same 3 00
diaries Benjamin same 3 00
Frank Dudck same 300
C E Walker rent of house 5 00
J K Gordon election board Box Elder 3 00
T M Campbell same 3 00
G H Harrison same 3 00
Thomas Elms same 3 00
W B Sexsou same GOO
Don B Doyle Jr same rental supplies 5 15
T M Campbell stove and feed 1 00
- Jacob Betz election board Coleman 5 SO
3 00
Guy Campbell same 3 00
Wesley Rozell same 3 00
School house district 53 3 00
T D Newberry election board Danbury 7 00
A Greer same r 3 00
ThosPlumb samo 3 00
Ernest Galusha samo
Ben Hawkins samo
School district 4 rental
C A Wasson election board Driftwood
A Strawder same
A P Cathcart same
John nesterworth same
J H Wade samo
School district 10 rental
I M Beeson election board East Valley
Percy Hall same
Ruben Finch same
Robt Larlcy
Dick Baker same
A Sheridan election board Fritsch
Joe McKiver same
Geo Ridgley samo
R E Hatcher same
Emmett McCool same
School house district 42 rental
M Austin election board Gerver
Don L Thompson same
C L Hawkins same
R E Lant same
A Ellis same
School district 35 rental
Geo Sigwing election board Grant
Abe Peters same
Jacob Wesch same
A M Benjamin same -
August Wesch samo
School district 51 for election
L R Corbin election board Indianola
F A Strocker same
Jacob Harsch same
J TV Dutchersamo
Leonard Smith same
C B Hoag mileage 15
S E Moore election board Lebanon
P Kinney same
J B Cummings same
D F Hupp same
Elviu Devoe mileago 30 miles same
S R Jolly rental hall
S M Gray election boardMissouriRidge
O C Thomas same
J TV Shoop same
S O Gray same
EE Erwin same
Geo Rawson election boardNorthValley
Frank Jennings same
Chas Ginther same
James Madison same
Geo Hardy same
C H Harmau election board Perry
R A Watkins election board Perry
Ed Flitcraft same
Win Fleischman same
J S Somerville same
Con Crieger election board 1st precinct
2nd ward
S D McClain same
H Finity same
L Thorgrimsou same
Geo D Burgess same
Elias Canaga election board Red Willow
C J Smith same
Frank L Ellsworth same
Horace Taylor same
Abby Hotze same
School district 2 rental
L A Sheldonelectiou board Tyrone
P J Hickman samo
N Lundstrom same
H H Horton same
Chas Blair same
School district 82 rent
E B Nelson election board Valley
W E Bower same
F P Ratcliff same
J M Smith samo
F TV Johnson samo
School house district 31 samo
J H Yarger election board 1st precinct
1st ward
3 00
3 00
3 00
5 11
8 20
4 00
4 00
4 00
0 40
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
0 40
3 00
4 00
4 00
4 00
4 00
3 00
7 20
3 00
7 20
5 70
3 00
4 00
4 00
7 50
3 00
gy 9
J M Henderson same 4 00
Elmer Kay same 4 00
N J Campbell same 1 00
George Elbert same 4 00
Commercial hotel primary and general
elections 10 00
Arthur Randel election board 2nd pre
cinct 1st ward 4 00
S S Garvey same 4 00
M J Clark same 4 00
J P Notley same 4 00
Geo TV Dillon same 4 00
W W McMillen rent 5 00
John Amen election board 2nd precinct
2nd ward 4 00
TV F Wootton same 4 00
TV J Spencer same 4 00
E J Mitchell same 1 00
C K Odell same 4 00
H LBrowu lumber 3 0
H L Brown hardware election booths
East Valley 00
H L Brown placing booths in polling
places 1 00
C W Roper repairingputtingup booths 3 00
Geo Ridgley putting up booths 3 CO
ALCochrandeliveriug election supplies 3 00
Timothy Hauunn handling chairs tables
to and from polling 100
E J Wilcox compiling tax list for 1907 500 SO
George Elbert poll tax refunded 2 00
C TV Barnes 2 days canvassing G 00
J R McCarl same G 00
Smith Premier Typewriter Co supply
and typewriter 10G 00
McCook Electric Light Co lights 9 15
Maude Neubaucr tax refund 5 25
Harry Barbazette same 2 00
A McMillen drugs for pauper 71 25
K Thayer labor T 1 25
Flora B Quick salary oilice expense 275 SS
L TV Stayner stenographic work 20 75
R TV Devoe salary 50 00
J C Moore oilice expense 17 45
R M Osborn salary 100 00
H I Peterson same 100 00
H I Peterson stamps and telegrams 20 47
H I Peterson posting election notices 27 00
Klopp Bartlett Co supplies 140 70
R W Devoe appointment of election
board 3 50
The McCook Republican printing 48 75
H P Waite hardware 13 22
continued next week
Paul Smith lias painted the new ad
dition to his fathers house
Mr Aman of Cambridge is doing the
plastering at Owen Longneckers
Mr and Mrs Smith wore callers at
Mr Critehfields on Sunday afternoon
The carpenters are through with
their work on Owen Longneckers house
until the plasterers finish
That wonderful boy of RoscooKorns
has had much attention paid him con
sequently the father and mother are
filled with pride
Mr Henderson who is helping in the
building is a fine porformer on the
French harp bringing out more music
than is usually heard from that instru
Have You Houses To Rent
Then you should be supplied with
rent receipt books The Tribune has
just what you want compact and com
a iyy
and Overcoat
Clothing- and Shoes
Mr IJethcot has moved into the house
vacated by Fred Hughes
Mrs Henry Crabtree entertained an
old friend from eastern Nebraska this
Father Kelly is having his house
papered and otherwise improved this
The young people of the Catholic
church will give a bazaar in the near
A light snow fell here Monday night
which turned to rain next day thus
giving the ground a touch of moisture
that was badly needed
Miss Florence Middleton visited with
the home folks in McCook Sunday
Another squad of land seekers board
ed the train at this place Tuesday
morning bound for the sunshiny land
of Texas
Frank Fritsch still continues very
Mrs William Hall and Mrs Martin
Carruthers daughters of Mr Fritsch
arrived Sunday evening and will re
main with their father during his ill
Misses Cora and Edna Thompson
gae a party to their friends Saturday
Quarterly meeting was held at the
Methodist church Sunday night El
der Wilson was present and preached to
a large audience
Mr and Mrs Coleman have moved
into their recently purchased property
in the south part of town known as the
McAnulty place
Harry LeBarron entertained a friend
from Cambridge Sunday
Marion Powell of Lincoln was an
Indianola visitor this week
Tom Minnick of Cambridge visited
with his brother the doctor Sunday
The meetings have closed for the pre
sent at the Congregational church
Sam Hoagland was among the ex
cursionists who took the train for
Texas last Tuesday
Miss Pearl Lyman came up from
Bartley Monday evening and stayed
un til Tuesday morning the guests of
Mr and Mrs John McClung Mr
and Mrs Henry Crabtree and Mr aid
Mrs James Boldman attended the barn
dance out at Behnkes last Saturday
Miss Huntly and Miss Gray teachers
in the Danbury school came over to
Indianola last of the week and went
up to McCook and Benkelman to visit
with friends While there they called
on Mrs Hethcote who formerly lived
ita Danbury
in Welts and Turned Soles to fit
1 95
Worth 100 more
Miss Pearl Lyman who clerked in J
C Pucketts store for sonm time has
gone to her home in Bartley where she
will engage in dressmaking
Jonty Teeters has gone to Indianola
and thinks of buying a 40 acre farm
Sheriff Barrett and wife returned to
their home in Marysville Kansas Sun
day evening
Mrs Leight of Stratton Neb visited
in Bartley over Sunday the guest of
C E Matthews and wife
The Farmers Elevator have received
a new safe from Chicago
E E Shoemaker is the proud father
of a nine pound boy Mrs Shoemaker
and baby are doing well
A young man from McCook hunting
quail near Bartley last Sunday was
accidentally shot in the hip The injury
was not serious
A colored gentleman is helper at the
depot now
Miss Lela Fidler received a letter
from Miss Ellis Tuesday written
aboard the ship on which she is going
to China as missionary Miss Ellis was
formerly principal in our high school
and highly esteemed by all who knew
Elvin Clark of Pomona California is
here on a visit with his uncle S W
Clark and family
S B Rowe and wife returned Tues
day evening from their visit in Iowa
Mr Rowea health was very poor while
there which marred the pleasure of his
Rev Miller is attending the Minister
ial Association at Alma this week
Mr and Mrs Wm Doyle and two
daughters left Tuesday for their new
home in Oregon
About seventy five of the friends of
Wm Doyle and family gave them a
fare well party at their home last Thurs
day night
Mr and Mrs J A Modrell Pete
Modrell Mrs Sarah Bolles Charles
Bolles Mrs Dedman Mrs Kamp Mrs
Burchett and A W Campbell papered
the parsonage Tuesday
Following are the marriage licenses is
sued since our last report
John M Matteson 25 Denver Colo
and Susan I Walters 21 McCook
Edward H Williams 47 Denver
Colo and Mrs Lou M Skillman 47
Wellington Colo
Chester A Rodgers 23 and Mary Caro
line Hileman 23 both of McCook
Lovell R
Misses and Childrens
Sizes 7 12 to 1 12 Regular
175 goods at
5 1 e I Oe
cirATiA I S It wvw
yTMj J I I Jfl
S 1000
Fred Uarrett and wife visited with
Cecil Matthews and family hint week
Mr Barrett is sheriff of Marshall Co
Kansas His wife is a sister of Mr
Matthews Their homo is in Frankfort
Mrs George Iluntwork is daugerously
sick with little hope of recovery
II L Brown and familywill move to
McCook next month
The new meat market is being paint
ed inside and will be ready for occupancy
in a few days
Born to Mr and Mrs R R Llodgkin
a fine boy Nov 13
John Wolf and wife returned Sunday
evening from their visit to Colfax
Washington Mr Wolf says it is tho
greatest fruit country ho ever saw
Business is cut at least one half by
the money trouble George Brown
brought a load of wheat to town Wed
nesday and could not sell it and wa
obliged to haul it home again
Carpenters are busy working with
cold hauds this week
Plastering and making concrete walks
are yet being done but under difficul
ties on account of cold weather
Jacob Wesch lost a valuable cow Sun
Edwin A Towle has had a new wind
mill and pump put up on his farm
That great offer The McCook Tri
bune and The Chicago Inter Ocean
both one year for 8125 still holds good
Better take it in Both papers for the
price of one of them
Mrs Peter Wesch died November
13tb 1907 Wednesday night at nine
oclock She leaves a husband six
sons and one daughter to mourn her
decease The remains were buried in
the cemetery at Cedar Bluffs Kansas
last Friday November ljth 1907 De
ceased was born in Germany May 5th
13rJ nence was io years 5 months and
20 days old at her death
The basket supper at school district
No 51 last Friday evening was well
attended and supported The proceeds
amounted to 81000 Of this sum 340
has been spent for curtain materials
25 cents for curtain accessories and
230 for lamps The balance will be
spent for the benefit of the literary to
be held at the same house every two
weeks this winter The first meeting
will be held on November 29th and all
are cordially invited
The Ely residence on North Main
Clyde 35 McCook and lately acquired by Armand Monjeanhas
Deanne Sigler 22 St Joseph Mo
been purchased by Mrs Viola Ballew