The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 22, 1907, Image 6

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Ofllco Hooms 3 nml 5 Walan Blk McCook
Real Estate
and Insurance
First door Bouth of Foams gallery
McCook Nebraska
C II Hoyle
Rooms 1 and second lloor
PoEtolIico Building
tC --
C EEldeeu
Attorneys at I aw
Long Distance Ione 44
McCook Neb
SgCall at Citizens Bank For Dates
McCook Nebraska
jgAgentof Lincoln Laud Co and of McCook
Wator Works Ofllco in Postoflico building
Office days Tuesdays Wednes
days Thursdays and Saturdays
Office in Post Office Bldg - Phone 13
Office over McAdams Store Phone 1 90
Midclleton Ruby
All work guaranteed
Phone 182 McCook Nebraska
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location just across street in P Walsh
flcCook - Nebraska
Special Rates
Tn trip Pact The low rate James
1U L11C CdSl tickets
town EspOSition
ets can be used for your autumn trip to
New York Boston and other eastern
cities These rates expire November
Winter Tourist Rates
Daily commencing November 15th to
Southern Southwestern and Cuban
Homeseekers Excursions
Cheap rate excursions the first and
third Tuesdays of each month this au
tumn to Kansas Oklahoma the Gulf
country Colorado Utah Wyoming Big
Horn Basin Montana and the North
west Ask your nearest agent or write
the undersigned
Big Horn Basin and Yellow
stone Valley District
I conduct laDdseekers excursions to this
county the first and third Tuesday dur
ing November and December to help
you to secure irrigated land at the
cheapest price An excellent chance
for you is one of the four hundred 40
acre Government irrigared farms in
Yellowstone Valley Montana near Bal
lantineon this road for which you can
make homestead entry for 34 dollars
per acre including perpetual water
rights by paying this price in ten an
nual installments without interest
Write me and join these excursions
No charge for my services D Clem
Deaver Agent Burlington Landseekers
Bureau Omaha
Ticket Agent McCook Neb
Thrilling Incident of the Battlo of
Bunker Hill
The battle of Bunker Hill gave the
occasion for many deeds of valor and
since that day we hold a list of names
Illuminated in our memory One of
these names belongs to the Knight of
Derryfield Do you remember who he
was and can you recall the song of his
bravery Read of It once more and
have impressed again on your heart
the implicit obedience and perfect
courage of the New Hampshire farm
ers and their captain John Moor
When the forty five mcn of the little
town of Derryfield N II left their
homes to fight for the great cause each
knew that no men were ever led by a
braver man than their beloved Captain
Moor Ills courage had Inspired many
of them in the French and Indian war
So eagerly when the alarm came in
1793 they inarched with him and his
drummer boy son to Cambridge where
he was entered a captain In Starks
And now comes the battle of Bunker
mil Behind a fence piled thick with
grass Captain Moors company lay as
still as death An order had come from
Colonel Stark that not a shot was to be
fired until the British passed a stake
that was driven a short distance away
With perfect confidence in themselves
and their captain the farmers waited
waited motionless while that beauti
ful death dealing pageant of British
warriors swept grandly toward them
With the coolness and wonderful pre
cision of a dress parade the old world
came to meet the new the grenadiers
and light infantry marching in single
file twelve feet apart the artillery ad
vancing more slowly and thundering
out an insolent defiance to the con
ceited little rebels while on each side
five battalions formed an oblique line
to the fence breastworks The very
flower of the English army full blos
somed in learned maneuvers resplen
dent in shining arms and waving ban
ners advanced to meet a little group of
men untrained in tactics of warfare
only half armed clad in homespun
hiding behind a breastwork of grass
The dead line was crossed Bang
Bang Bang The little rebels were
awake at last Now not the stake
but a line of fallen bodies marked the
dead line Thunder and lightning
belched forth from that breastwork
A fire Intense steady killing and the
brave march of the Britishers was
checked A slight recoil and the offi
cers dashing up again urged the line
forward Not for one moment did the
grass fence cease its voice of fire and
shot One by one the brave grenadiers
and their dashing gallant officers fell
to the earth The ranks broke and the
proud host fled before the meager
handful of New Hampshire men Ah
if we could only have had grass breast
works and Captain John Moor all
along the American line C F Harri
son in Atlanta Constitution
A Philanthropist
An earnest east side worker says
that not long ago she was approached
by an old gentleman who has the rep
utation of being something of a philan
thropist with the request that he be
permitted to accompany her on one of
her rounds of visits Much pleased
the worker consented The destitute
condition in which many families were
found elicited expressions of deep sym
pathy from the old gentleman but to
his companions surprise and regret
nothing more material Presently they
came upon a small girl weeping bit
What is it my dear the old gen
tleman inquired
The child raised a tear stained face
and pointed into a dark alleyway Me
mudder sent me to buy some bread
an I lost my dime in there an Ill git
licked awful she sobbed
Poor dear he remarked in a tender
voice at the same time putting his
hand into his vest pocket Dont cry
Here i J match Perhaps you will be
able to find it Harpers
Misled by Stationery
I wrote a note to my washerwoman
about a week or two ago asking her
please to bring my clothes home said
the woman I needed them I hap
pened to be in a religious concern at
the time and used its paper to write
the note on Bertha came yesterday
Tve a great notion to discharge
you Bertha I told her Why didnt
you bring me my clothes Must I get
enough things to wear a year without
having them washed on your account
To tell you the truth Bertha apol
ogized meekly you wrote on that
theah religious paypah and I didnt
pay no tenshun to it I jes thought it
was some o them peepul writin to
ask me to come to prayah meetin I
didnt know it was youah lettah miss
till yesterday mawnin when I got
tlahd of seein it around and opened it
so that was why I didnt git beak no
soonah with youah cloes New York
Moody on the Cards
One evening in San Francisco Evan
gelist Moody sat in his room at the ho
tel playing a game of cards with Mrs
Moody and two friends when a mes
senger came in with a dispatch As
the boy stood waiting for a reply Mr
Moody suddenly asked Wont you sit
down my lad and have a game of
authors with us
The boy declined and soon left the
room Hardly had the door closed
when Mrs Moody said Why Dwight
what made you think of Inviting that
boy to sit down and play with us
My dear replied Moody dont you
eoe if I had not called the boys atten
tion to the fact that wo were playing
authors all the morning papers would
certainly have announced under big
headlines that D L Moody had been
disco veied in a Sas Francisco hote
engaged in a game ol sards
How the Death Ponalty Was Adminis
tered to Two Indians
The following story Illustrates very
well one of the characteristics of the
Indian as It shows that Indians as a
rule did not mind dying so much as
they were particular about the method
It was a good many years ago at Pine
Ridge when there was trouble with
the Cheyennes Major Cooper was
there as agent and there were two
young Cheyennes who were badly
wanted for murder They had way
laid and killed a prospector They
were not caught and the chances were
that they would not be unless the sol
diers were called in If this were done
it was likely to precipitate trouble
with the whole tribe and Major Coop
er laid the case before the headmen
They were told that if the soldiers
were sent for there would surely be
trouble and were requested politely to
ask the two erring bucks to come in
and be hanged
Word was sent to the two young
Indians Head Chief and Young Mule
who wqre out in the hills They sent
word back that they had no objection
to dying If it would keep the rest of
the tribe out of trouble but that if
they had to die they preferred to die
fighting and they wanted it distinctly
understood that they would not be
hanged It was entirely against the
customs of the government but rules
did not go for much in those days
Results were the chief things and
Major Cooper sent word to them that
if they wanted a fight he would risk
accommodating them A date was set
and early in the morning they rode to
ward the agency fully armed Major
Cooper was out to meet them and the
rest of the tribe the potential hostiles
were gathered on the hills to see fair
play The agent rodo out into the
open and slipped off his horse using it
for cover and shooting across the sad
The two young Indians galloped up
to within shooting distance and com
menced circling hanging on the off
side of their ponies and shooting un
der their necks and across their heads
The tacit understanding was that if
they were killed it was all right but
if they got the agent they would pull
out into the hills and wait for some
other challenger The fight did not
last long Cooper had a heavy buf
falo gun and killed one Indian shoot
ing him through the body of his horse
The other kept on circling and several
shots were exchanged till the Indian
was shot through the body He knew
It would be all up with him in a few
minutes and charged shooting as ho
came But the agents luck held good
and he was dropped within fifty yards
The law was satisfied and the agent
was able to report officially to Wash
ington that the Indians had been ex
ecuted Washington Star
What Is a Midshipman
By luck I for the first time in my
life have found a plausible derivation
for midshipman It would appear that
in the days immediately after the flood
the vessels were very high at the ends
between which there was a deep
waist giving no ready means of
passing from one to the other To
meet this difficulty there were employ
ed a class of men usually young and
alert who from their station were
called midship men to carry messages
which were not subject for the trum
pet shout If this explanation holds
water it like forecastle and after
guard and knightheads gives another
instance of survival of nomenclature
from conditions which have long since
Whatever the origin of his title It
well expressed the anomalous and un
defined position of the midshipman
He belonged so to say to both ends of
the ship as well as to the middle and
his duties and privileges alike fell
within the broad saying that what was
nobodys business was a midshipmans
When appointed as such in later days
he came in with the hayseed in his
hair and went out lit for a lieuten
ants charge but from first to last
whatever his personal progress he
continued as a midshipman a handy
billy Captain A T Mahan in Har
The Worlds Gypsies
The gypsies have passed under a va
riety of names arising either from
their supposed original country or the
callings and characteristics of the race
The old English Egyptian the Span
ish Gitana and the Magyar Pharas
nepek Pharaohs people all point to
an Egyptian origin The Scandinavian
Tatare identifies them with the Mon
golian hordes which terrorized early
Europe while the French Bohemian
suggests yet another country as their
As to the names bestowed by their
supposed character the Arab boldly
calls them haraini a villain the
Dutchman heydens or heathons and
the Persian takes his name from their
complexion and dubs them karachi or
swarthy A charter of William the
Lion as early as the twelfth century
mentions their Scotch name of tin
klers which is commonly supposed to
be a corruption of tinker although pos
sibly the substitution of t for z
has produced this form of the Italian
Zlngaro one of the most widespread
of gypsy appellations London Chron
Regular Caller
Pearl What ever became of that
young man you used to like so much
the one you called plain everyday Mr
Ruby Oh he is plain every night
Mr Brown now
Pearl Indeed How is that
Ruby Why we are engaged Chi
cago News
The Cruiso of the Atlantic Fleet
The navy department has issued the
following official itinerary of tho battle
ship fleet which will tako tie much dis
cussed trip to tho Pacific Coast
Hampton Roads Dec 9 07 Duo 1G 07
Trinidad Dec 24 07 Dec 29 07
Rio do Janeiro Jan 12 08 Jan 21 08
Punta Aronas Jun 31 Ob Feb fi 08
Callno Fob 18 08 Fob 28 08
Magdalona BayMcb 14 OS
San Francisco April 15 08
After arriving in Magdaluna Bay tho
vessels of tho iloot will have tho record
practice which will consume about one
month before they go to San Francisco
The distance to bo traversed is 111772
nautical miles and tho battleships to
mike the voyage are tho Connecticut
flagship of Dear Admiral Evans Kan
sas Louisiana Vermont Virginia
Georgia Now Jersey Rhodo island Al
abama Illinois Kearsargo Kentucky
Ohio Maine Minnesota and Missouri
sixteen in all Then there will bosupply
ships colliers and six torpedo boat des
When tho president reviews this Hoot
as it passes out from Hampton Roads
ho will seo tho most powerful fleet ever
assembled under tho flag of tho United
Have You Houses To Rent
Then you should bo supplied with
rent receipt books Ihk Ikiuune Ins
just what you want compact and com
Americas Greatest Weekly
The Toledo Blade
Toledo Ohio
The Best Known Newspaper in tiie
United States
Circulation 185000
Popular in Every State
In many respects tho Toledo Blado is the most
remarkable weekly newspaper published in tho
United States It is the only newspaper espe
cially edited for National circulation It has
had the largert circulation for more years than
any newspaper printed in America Further
more it is the cheapost newspaper in the world
as will bo explained to any person who will
write us for terms Tho news of tho world so
arranged that busy pooplo can more easily com
prehend than by reading cumbersome columns
of dailies All current topics made plain in
each issuo by special editorial matter written
from inception down to dato The only paper
published especially for people who do or do
not read daily newspapers and yet thirst for
plain facts That this kind of a newspaper is
popular is proven by tho fact that the Weekly
Blado now has over 185000 yearly subscribers
and is circulated in all parts of tho United
States In addition to the news the Blado pub
lishes short and serial stories and many depar
inents of matter suited to overy member of th
family Only one dollar a year
Write for specimen copy Address
Toledo Ohio
All the
For Any Substance Injurious to
Found in
ti v rfi
Best By Test
Tho Only High Grade Gaking FowiJar
Sold at a Moderate Price
Complies with ol T siad E4TiQE3fil
Pure Lud LawSa
U All
Grocers Are Authorized to Guarantee Thi
iim il4 V rf f
To Charles R McKillip non resident defend
ant You are hereby notified Unit on the Llth
day of October IU07 Nellie I McKillip plnjn
t ill tiled petition against you in tho district
court of Kcd Willow county Nebraska tho ob
ject and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce
from von on the grounds that although you aro
of sutiicicnt ability to provide suitable mainten
ance for her that you have grossly wantonly
and cruelly refused and neglected to provide
suitable maintenance for more than two years
last past and have since the dato of said mar
riage become an habitual drunkard and that
plaintitr may be given tho custody of Clyde M
McKillip and Hojd C McKillip children of
said parties and for reasonable tilimony
You aro required to answer said petition on
or before Monday the 2nd day of December
Ncmii I MrKiirTi Plaintiff
By Boyle KIdred her attorneys
Most men wtio minglo with great
crowds or participate in an nvont of
many features aro absolutely unubte to
describe in detail any one particular
feature It is then that they find their
weekly newspaper most valuable Just
so it is with tho readers of daily news
papers they havo not tho time or the
inclination to follow every phase of tho
weeks events and so turn to a weekly
newspaper for a concise and connected
account of any event of more thnn local
interest This demand is easily sup
plied at small cost by The Weekly
Inter Ocean which can be obtained
with this paper ono year for 125
News of the World an
Only TwentyFive Cents More Than the
rariiiMm 11
The Weekly Inter Ocean Contains Each Week
21 columns of news
columns of talks by a practical farmer on
farm topics economical machinery planting
growing and storing of fruits and vegetables
breeding and marketing of livestock
20 or more Lost and Found Poems and Songs
1 column of Health and Beauty Hints
Best short and continued stories Chess and
Checkers Puzzles and Complications Dr
Reeders Home Health Club Miscellaneous
Questions and answers Poems of the Day a
special Washington letter taking cartoons
and illustrations
o columns of live entertaining editorials
7 columns of live stock and market reports
40 questions and answers by readers on anything
pertaining to the business of farming garden
ing raising of live stock and poultry etc etc
10 to 20 questions on veterinary subjects
7 columns of information on recipes patterns
formulas etc furnished by readers
14 to 21 columns of stories of public men his
torical geographical and other miscellany
5 columns of a specially reported sermon by the
Rev Dr Quayle of Chicago and the Sunday
School lesson
These features together with a Special Magazine Department make
up the Leading Farm Home and News Paper of the West
The price of The Weekly Inter Ocean remains 100 a year
The price of The McCook Tribune remains 100 a year
The two papers each one year will cost only 125
jj g This special arrangement with The Weekly Inter Ocean is for a limited time only Subscribers
to The Weekly Inter Ocean are assured that no papers will be sent after their subscriptions expire unless
their subscriptions are renewed by cash payments
Department of tho interior hind ollice at Lin
coln Nebraska October 1 t 1107
Notice is hereby gieu that Calvin A Scott of
McCook Neb has tiled notice of his intention
to make final iie jear proof in support of Ins
claim viz Homestead Entry No 12712 made
Sept 13 1U02 fur the east half cr swli section rj
township t north range 30 west and that said
proof will be made before the county judge at
McCook Neb on November W lJ07
lie names tho following witnesses tojiroyehis
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
the land viz J M Stimmerville I C Bush 1
W Little I Markwad all or McCook Neb
ClIAS b Silicon Itegister
Department of the Interior land ollice at Lin
coln Nebraska October 1 1 Ml 17
Notice K hereby given that lame- A Scoit of
McCook Neb has tiled notice of lii intention
to make linal live jear proof in support of his
claim viz Homestead Entry No 12iU3 made
March 1 1W2 for tho southeast quarter of sec
tion X township north range west and
that said proof will be made before the county
judge at McCook Neb on November 11K7
Ho names tho following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of the land viz J M Suiumerville P C Rush
1 V Little C L Markwad nil of McCook
Neb Ciias F Siicuu Register
Tho State of Nebraska Red Willow couutyss
To all persons interested in the estute of
George Hocknell deceased
Whereas Benjamin M Frees has filed in my
ollico an instrument purporting to be the last
will and testament of George Hocknell late of
said county deceased and said Benjamin M
Frees lias tiled his petition herein praying to
have tho same admitted to probate and for tho
issuing of letters testamentary which will re
lates to both real and ixrsonnl estate I havo
therefore appointed the 10th day or December
1007 at y oclock a m at the county court room
of said county as the timo and place for hear
ing said will at which time and place you and
all concerned may appear and contest the allow
ing of the same It is further ordered that said
petitioner give notice to all persons interested
in said estate of the pendency of this petition
and the time and place of said hearing by caus
ing a com of this order to bo published in the
McCook Tribune a newspaper printed and pub
lished in said county for three successive weeks
previous to said day of hearing And notice is
hereby given that said petitioner will on the
21th day of November 1007 between the hours
of J a m and I p in take the depositions of M
It M Sherry and other witnesses in support of
said petition at 231 La Salle street in the city of
Chicago Cook county Illinois
In witness whereof I havo hereunto set mj
hand and ollicial seal this 5th day of November
HOT J C MooUE County Judge
I Our Best Offer
Both a Full Year For Only