i Hi rv if i B F y GREENS ATURDAY Mens 50c underwear broken sizes for Mens 100 overalls for Mens 50c overalls for Mens 100 dress shirts for Mens 50c dress shirts for Mens 50c black sateen shirts for rens sox 6 pairs for Boys 50c underwear for Boys suits for Boys suits for Childrens 100 tamoshantersfor Childrens 50c tamoshantersfor ffmmffil WBMilH l3iW No Time Card McCook Neb MAIN LINE EAST DErAET No G Central Timo 1 it 4AJ 16 1031 P M 513 A M 715 A M 942 P M 710 p Ji MAIN LINE WEST DEPAET 1 Mountain Timo 1000 A 5 Arrives J3 15 115S P 830 P 1025 A 12i A M IMrEEIAL LINE No 176 arrives Mountain Time 505 P M No 175 departs 61a A M Sleeping dining and reclininfr chair cars seats free on through trains Tickets sold and bagsaso cliecked to any point in tho United States or Canada For information time tables maps and tick ets call on or write George Scott Agent Mc Cook Nebraska or L W Wakeley General Passenger Agent Omaha Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS Supt of Motive Power Roope was in tho city today Engine 282 is getting a set of new flues this week The 1911 is over the drop pit Engine 921 was taken out of the back shop this week for finishing touches in the roundhouee Conductor Mose Carmoney is taking a short leave of absence and is improv ing the farm at Perry Switchman and Mrs Claude Corey arrived home early in the week from their trip of a few days to Galesburg Illinois their former home William Boyles of tho blacksmith shop force returned to workclose of last week having been called to eastern part of state to burial of a sister The blacksmith shop force were an noyed not a little yesterday afternoon by a fire among tho saw dust covering tho pipes under the blacksmith shop floor Two bridge gangs have been taken off and a third gang has been cut in two This brings G H Bailey in from the road and gives him work at home for present Five men of the night force have been let out of the roundhouse and the day yard watchman and two laborers may be discharged from the yard force Other wise there has so far been practically no reduction of force here of note The roundhouse roof has been treated to a coat of asbestos painted as a pro tection against the baptism of sparks showered upon by the heat and power plant boilers constantly while being fired by lignite The depot and freight house have been similarly treated nHmr IT n Stewart was called in from the road last week and the road man of the force will be dis pensed with for tho present in the inter est of retrenchment This places Dis patcher J E Morrissey on the extra list and Johnnie is working overtime in the smoke house The Alliance Herald reports that F B Miller Burlington superintendent at Sterling Colo will go to Sioux City to take charge of the Sioux City-Ash-land line and that L B Lyman train master at Sheridan will succeed Mr Miller at Sterling L Bartlett the new master mechanic at Alliance has arrived there from Denver and is at work in his new position BARGAINS 35c i 75c I 35c I 70c f 1 w r 35c 2 25c 35c 100 1 150 I 65c l 35c 4 affirf3 m BSaNKNGSSJETB FIRST FATALITY AT GOVERNMENT DAM Harvey Foehlinger a Brakeman on The Gravel Train Loses Life Under the Wheels Was 22 Years Old The first fatality since the commence ment of the government work on the Upper Deer Flat embankment occurred about 1130 Thursday morning when Harvey Foehlinger who was employed as a brakeman on a gravel train at the dam started to swing himself aboard a car lost his footing and was thrown beneath the wheels to be picked up a few seconds later after three or four heavily loaded cars had passed over him lifaless and mangled The train had loaded up and had start ed to pull up when Foehlinger met with the accident which caused his death He stood by the side of the train talking with a fellow workman and in some what of a careless manner started to board one of the cars He started to swing himself on and either lost his hold or his feet went under in such a manner that he could not get himself out from beneath the train Foehlinger was twenty two years of age and had been employed on the gov ernment work for some months His home was in Nebraska As soon as the accident occurred the coroner was noti fied and proceeded to the dam to hold an inquest Coroner Lang came over from Parma as soon as he could get here and held an inquest last evening at the Shella barger undertaking parlors to which place the body had been taken The jury decided as the evidence clearly showed that the deceased came to his death from accidental causes Foehlinger had been at work at the dam for about six months About two weeks ago he had quit and gone to Huntington but returned in a short time and went to work at the dam again He was thought to be twenty two years of age but it seems ho was not yet twenty and gave his age as twenty two that he might hold his posi tion at the dam During the time he was in town he roomed at tho home of Mrs Small who lives near the Frazier blacksmith shop and the people there and all who knew the young man speak highly of him His relatives live near McCook Nebr on a farm He leaves his father two brothers and two sisters Deceased came from a gocd family and had a good home but the death of his mother caused him to leave and come west Word was sent to the authorities at McCook to look up the boys father and have him advise as to the disposi tion of the remains If no word is re ceived as to shipment the interment will be made here Clipped fromNampa Leader Herald of Nov 1 1907 The initiatory Degree of Odd Fellow ship will be conferred in the local lodge Monday evening November 25th All visiting and local brethren are cordially invited Have you ever tried an eraso ink eraser fice See one at The Tribute of Switch engine is receiving repairs to flues and pilot this week W she never recovered mmBnnHWR STAGE FRIGHT Actors Havo Been Known to Die From tho Malady Pcrhups tho most terrible malady which can attack the actor In the course of his performance In the pe culiar disease known as stage fright Through Us evil effects strong men and f women have been known to faint brenk down and do many other queer things and there are even on record several casc3 of people who have died through this horrible seizure Some years ago a young novice who was to appear for the first time ar rived at the theater very white and stage fright had attacked his heart and his theatrical career ended thus oven at its beginning Quite as ghastly was the case of tho young amateur actress who strangely enough had never experienced stago fright when playing with her fellow amateurs but who was seized with the attack on making her first professional appearance She went through the 1l t X I When to Lift Your Hat In answer to the question Please tell when and where are or is the cor rect time for a gentleman to lift or re move his hat we reply Without con sulting authorities of etiquette in fact giving It to you offhand so to speak we should say at the following times and on the following occasions re speotively the hat should be lifted or removed as circumstances indicate TYhen mopping the brow when taking a bath when eating when going to bed when taking up a collection when havmcr the hair trimmorl tv tion hpin A Curious Anomaly Until a few years ago the Philippine Islanders held their Sunday on the day which was Monday to the inhabitants of the neighboring island of- Borneo This curious anomaly arose from the historic fact that the Philippines were discovered by Spanish voyagers com ing from the east round Cape Horn while Borneo was discovered by Por tuguese coming from the west and sail ors lose or gain a day according to their direction in crossing the Pacific His Title Papa said little James what do they call a man who writes comic operas a composer No my sou tfce old man answered he Is usually called a plagiarist Los Angeles tet s wwa jwmiiiiw pmuj 1 A Wastd Present What In the world shall I send Aunt Betsy John demanded tho mas terful lady of the mild little man A workbasket or a book he sug gested Dont be a fool John Youve no taste Ill send her one of those fancy boxes of soap And she lifted to her nose a box containing six round tablets of per fumed soap Yes she continued this is the very thing But my dear really he protest ed You be quiet John Now wrap this up miss Two days later a packet arrived from shaky Brandy being given him ho Aunt Betsy aml In Imste they op3neil appeared slightly better but no sooner Jt to see ll0W she had takeu tbeIr had he set his- foot on the stage than thoughtful present Under the wrap he clapped his hand to his heart with ping Wns the affectionate message a low cry and fell down dead The NieceHerewith I return the box overwhelming sensation induced byof sliavinir so von smir mo T nm j 4 too old to appreciate the joke of be ing regarded as a bearded lady Your aunt Betsy Then but only for a moment the mild little man smiled Pearsons Weekly A Dreadful Assault Justice Ball an Irish judge was noted for his amusing manifestations scene ameu uy me prompier ner eyes oC jgnoranco but whether they were glazed her hands rigid and when the j real or Iretended has never been clear exit It her exit from lifes came proved established iy Ho tried a case in well the mimic boards for stage as as which a nmu was lmlIcte1 for robbery she staggered to her dressing room and at tbe house of a poor wltlow Tue fell Into a comatose state from which flrsf wIflloss W1S vnnn in tighter - o O I of the widow who identified the jerunjH iiuwuiur iu uuh pucunac oner ns the man who hail eutercd the Instance of all was that of the veteran houso an1 sluasIie1 hor motuers cbest performer who had gone through thirty j nfl Vftll sv tllli t1lA nrlRnnoi nf fllo years of stage work without experienc ing this malady One night however he confided to a fellow player that a quite unaccountable nervousness had suddenly taken hold of him and that he did not think ho could ever act again His comrade laughed at the notion and urged him to go on as usual but his astonishment may well be bar broke jour mothers chest said the judge in astonishment He did my lord answered the girl He jumped on it till he smashed it entirely The judge turned to the crown coun sel and said How is this Why Is not the prisoner indicted for murder If he smashed this poor womans chest ed when the poor old player went on in the the wItnesg hag describea the stage and after making several vain efforts to speak fell back and ex pired The doctor who made the post mortem examination stated that death was due to failure of the hearts action evidently induced by the presence of an attack of stage fright Pearsons Weekly Lord TYBURN TREE Ferrers Tragic Journey to the Famous Old Gallows Park lane was Tyburn lane and It seems as if the gallows described in an old document as movable at one time stood at Its east corner It was there the ferocious Lord Ferrers was hung in 1760 for murdering his serv ant Horace Walpoles words paint the picture well He shamed heroes He bore the solemnity of a pompous and tedious procession of above two hours from the Tower to Tyburn with going to his own burial not to his own execution And when one of the dragoons of the procession was thrown from his horse Lord Ferrers expressed much concern and said I hope there will be no death today but mine On went the procession with a mob about It sufficient to make Its progress slow and laborious Small wonder that the age of Thackeray with Thack erays help set up Its scaffolds within four high walls Asking for drink Lord Ferrers was refused for said the sheriff late regulations enjoined him not to let prisoners drink while pass ing from the place of imprisonment to that of execution great indecencies having been committed by the drunk enness of the criminals in tho hour of execution And though said he my lord I might think myself excusable in overlooking this order out of regard to your lordships rank yet there is an other reason which I am sure will weigh with you your lordship is sen sible of the greatness of the crowd we must draw up at some tavern the confluence would be so great that it would delay the expedition which your lordship seems so much to de sire But decency so often paraded by those who outrage it ended with the murderers death The execution ers fought for the rope and the one who lost it cried the greatest tragedy to his thinking of the day London Sketch ne muse sureiy nave kuicu ner But my lord said the counsel it was a wooden chest Cornhill Maga zine The Buds Old Dr Ryland clergyman and ed ucator was greatly beloved in the south and his visits were always en joined by his former pupils and par ishioners In his later years it was his custom to offer prayer whenever he made a ministerial call On one occasion he called at a house where three of his former pupils were stay ing These ladies were all past the thirtieth year mark but in the eyes of the old gentleman they were still girls which explains the petition he offered Lord bless these dear girls just budding into sweet womanhood This was too much for one of the number who taking advantage of the as much tranquillity as if he were only doctors deafness added this clause A Stingy King In the beginning of the eighteenth century the now so powerful German empire was nothing more than the lit tle kingdom of Prussia having just dropped its title of duchy of Branden burg The country was very poor and the military discipline very harsh Frederick William I was hard cross and stingy and did not even know what it was to make a present His reputation was so widely spread that it became a byword to say that a man had worked for the king of Prussia when he had done an unprofitable task Maximilian and La Paloma Wherever that haunting air La Pa loma is played the memory of the Emperor Maxmilian shot by the Mex icans on June 19 18G7 should be pre served Maxniiliaas final request was that La Paloma should be played while he stood up to meet his doom i Ke died with the tune in his ears and his wife went mad with tho shock of his execution shampooed when standing on the head Wichita Kan Beacon jsotto voce Alas Lord budded bloom ed faded and still unpicked J Got His Discount The other day I was in a village general store said a drummer en deavoring to make a sale of jewelry when a farmer entered Give me said the farmer a half pound of tobacco three bars of soap five yards of blue baby ribbon and a pair of good suspenders The articles were brought forth in spected approved and wrapped up They came to 95 cents Yes said the farmer 93s right But theres the discount You adver tise a 5 per cent discount dont you We do sir said the clerk but only on purchases of 1 or over On the counter lay a basket of pock et combs marked at 5 cents apiece Well Ill just take one of these said the farmer Thatll make us square Papa Is Brave Elschen Mamma is papa ever brave Mother He is always brave I hope But what makes you ask Elschen Because I thought if he were he wouldnt let my governess pull his ears so Fliegende Blatter Lincolns Sarcasm Probably the most cutting thing Lin coln ever said was the remark he made about a very loquacious man This person can compress the most words into the smallest ideas of any man I ever met Certain Differences Do they never forget their differ ences rWhy yes in a way He forgets that hes a gentleman and she forgets that shes a lady Puck MCE TABLE LlW AND APRONS ARE A DELIGHT TO ME fai v sk r 7f W iT V X V C M f J FWV JmL THAT r ALVAY5 BUY WHEN EVER A SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY OFFERS Alft says ALL smRT Folks ARE LIKE THAT TWTIS WJSINLSS AND ECOIYOAtY U5TER BROWN Cmm pWwjfc LJajilMy I 1 FY i b N nULItBt taLLL Sttwmu r lB KiK lti ttf ysZ Jl3Z K HUW SS r Jf Vl - Jt mm 2jc 4svl fit COPV tfCMT t06 BYT HE BUSTtR BROWN Co- CHICAb O AWR JAnTT WVJ VAilTntU SHOULD YOU NOT dE KIND To YOlR TA5LE BECAUSE YOUR TA5LE 1 5 KIND To YoU E SWES FOOD SERVED ON A NICE CLoTH LooK S better and ta 5tej better and then you do not vih to offer your old worn napkin 5 do you you certainly are going to -serve that gobbler on fine table cloth and it 1 5 now time tsx buy your table linen 5 while you havt plenty of time to them before the holiday ru 5h come and ee the tablet linen 5 on which we here gquote you price 5 50 cent 5 to 200 per yard C L DeGROFF CO McCOOK NEBRASKA VICTOR LIGHTHOUSE COKE COSTS LESS THAN ANTHRACITE fgg SAVES MONEY WORK DIRT HEALTH nAKESAJISSTEADY COflFORTABLE HEAT INOZSMOKE NO SOOT NO GAS NO CLINKERS It is light and easy to carry The ashes are clean like wood ashes By using Victor Lighthouse Coke yourrstove pipes will remain clean your walls curtains and furniture will not he soiled your plants and flowers will thrive you will have no had gases to breathe The way to get Victor Lighthouse Coke is to tell your coalman and he will get it from PHONE No 1 McCookMarkets Merchants and dealers in McCook at noon todayJPriday are paying the fol lowing prices Corn Wheat Oats Rye Barley 50 Hogs 3 CO Butter good 25 Eggs HIDDEN DANGERS 8 no 77 33 9 i Nature Gives Timely Warnings That No McCook Citizen Can Afford to Ignore DANGER SIGNAL NO 1 comes from the kidney secretions They will warn you when the kidneys are sick Well kidneys excrete a clear amber fluid Sick kidneys send out a thin pale aud foamy or a thick red ill smelling urine full of sediment and irregularof passage DANGER SIGNAL NO 2 comes from the back Back pains dull and heavy or sharp and acute tell you of sick kid neys and warn you of the approach of drop3y diabetes and brights disease Doans Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys and cure them permanently Heres Mc Cook proof Mrs J C Predmore living in the northwestern part of McCook Neb say3 I have been more or less annoy ed from kidney trouble for a number of years The first symptom of this disease was a sharp pain thac caught me in the small of my back while stooping over W C BUL3LARD Shortly after I noticed an occasional dull aching across the small of my back I gave but little attention to the trouble at first thinking it would soon disap pear It increased however and I real ized by the frequency of my kidney se cretions that my kidnejs were disorder ed I grew worse became nervous rest less and was all unstrung I suffered from severe headaches aud upon arising from a chair would frequently bo so dizzy that I would be forced to sit down again When I saw Doans Kidney Pills advertised I purchased a box at McConnells drug store They hpjped me from the start 1 continued taking them and soon received a complete cure For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the United States Remember the name Doans and take no other A Guaranteed Cure For Piles Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrude ing Piles Druggists refund money if Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case no matter of how long standing in Gtol J days First application give3 ease andi rest 50c If your druggist hasnt send 50c in stamps and it will be for warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co St Louis Mo The only placo in town where you can get v he famous Three Star Cot fee is at Magner Stokes market and grocery Say you saw it in The Tribune r