The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 15, 1907, Image 6

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Office Booma S and 5 Walsh Blk McCook
Real Estate
and Insurance
First door south of Fearna gallery
McCook Nebraska
C H Boyle C E Eldbed
Attorneys at I aw
Long Distance Iono 44
Rooms 1 and 7 second floor
Poetofflco Unilding
McCook Neb
Sh Call at Citizens Bank For Dates
McCook Nebraska
Egfc Asont 0f Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Water Works Olllco in Poatotflco building
Office days Tuesdays Wednes
days Thursdays and Saturdays
Office in Post Office Bldg - Phone 13
Office over McAdams Store Phone 190
Middleton Ruby
All work guaranteed
Phone 182 McCook Nebraska
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid ia Cash
New location just across street in P
Special Rates
To the East
The low rate James
town Exposition tick
ets can be used for your autumn trip to
New York Boston and other eastern
cities These rates expire November
Winter Tourist Rates
Daily commencing November 15th to
Southern Southwestern and Cuban
Homeseekers Excursions
Cheap rate excursions the first and
third Tuesdays of each month this au
tumn to Kansas Oklahoma the Gulf
country Colorado Utah Wyoming Big
Horn Basin Montana and the North
west Ask your nearest agent or write
the undersigned
Big Horn Basin and Yellow-
stone Valley District
I conduct landseekers excursions to this
county the first and third Tuesday dur
ing November and December to help
you to secure irrigated land at the
cheapest price An excellent chance
for you is one of the four hundred 40
acre Government irrigated farms in
Yellowstone Valley Montana near Bal
lantine on this road for which you can
make homestead entry for 34 dollars
per acre including perpetual water
rights by paying this price in ten an
nual installments without interest
Write me and join these excursions
No charge for my services D Clem
Deaver Agent Burlington Landseekers
Bureau Omaha
Ticket Agent McCook Neb
t W WAKELEY G P A Omaha net
j HiiawH
Former President of Great Railroad Is
Dead at Boston Suburban Home
Boston Nov 0 Charles E Per
kins formerly president of the Chi
cago Burlington Quinoy railroad
and one of the leading railroad author
ities died at his homo in Westwood a
suburb late last night
During the period of the rapid de
velopment of the Burlington railroad
west of the Missouri river a irium 1
virate of empire developers was in con
trol Charlos E Perkins was president
of the system peorge W Holdrege
was general manager and T E Calvert
general superintendent
Mr Perkins became interested in
Lincoln as the center of railroad ac
tivities of the state Ho invested
heavily Real estate and similar en
terprises became his favorite invest
ments and for years the people used to
wait and see what Perkins was going
to do before doing much financially
When James J Hill and his influen
tial supporters took control of the
Burlington system Mr Perkins
stepped out at once lie still retained
his stock holdings however and by
virtue of this and the fact that be was
a true railroad man he was retained on
the board of directors which position
he has held ever since At the annual
election a short time ago the stock
holders re elected him a member of the
Mr Perkins was born in Cincinnati
in 1810 At the age of 19 he became a
clerk in the office of the assistant
treasurer of the Burlington Missouri
Valley at Burlington la Three years
later he became assistant treasurer
which post he held until 1865 when ho
was made superintendent of the road
becoming a director a short time later
He kept working up until he became a
director in the Chicago Burlington
Quincy in 1875 and vice president of
the road a year later He was elected
president in 1881 He remained in
this relation to the road until Hill be
came the dictator
Mr Perkins was recognized as a prac
tical railroad man and a most careful
financier His name has been associat
ed with progress in railroad enterprises
and he has to his credit some of the
best main lines and branches maintain
ed by any road in the country Lincoln
Tribute To Charles E Perkins
Wherever they happened to be at 2
p m Monday Burlington trains stopped
and remained standing until 205 p m
For five minutes every wheel telegraph
instrument telephone instrument type
writer or other piece of mechanism em
ployed in the operation of a railroad
was stilled For that long the Burling
ton ceased to be a carrier of people and
commodities A great system was pay
ing its tribute to a dead railroad presi
dent who had done much to make it
great At that hour in faraway Mass
achusetts the funeral of Charles E
Perkins was being held-
Discussing Mr Perkins one railroad
man said Mr Perkins was a great
railroad builder He was a man who
marked out a line and went forward
along that line a man who lived up
to his ideals and a man who believed
that every man had an equal start and
that to the victor in the race belonged
the trophies In many ways he was a
hard master but he was generous to
his friends and just in that every man
got credit for what he did
Speculation as to how many of the
thousands of employes of the road
knew Mr Perkins personally or well
enough to feel interest in him brought
out one guess that not one employe in
a hundred now on the system knew
him although probably a few years ago
this estimate would have been far too
The order to stop the operation of
the railroad came from the headquar
ters in Chicago and was transmitted
by General Manager Holdrege to every
employe on the lines west by bulletin
and by message
The remains were cremated
The Toledo Blade
Toledo Ohio
The Best Known Newspaper in
United States
Circulation 185000
Popular in Every State
In many respects tho Toledo Blade is the most
remarkable weekly newspaper published in the
United States It is tho only newspaper espe
cially edited for National circulation It has
had the largort circulation for more years than
any newspaper printed in America Further
more it is the cheapest newspaper in tho world
as will be explained to any person who will
write ns for terms Tho news of the world so
arranged that busy people can more easily com
prehend than by reading cumbersome columns
of dailies AH current topics made plain in
each issue by special editorial matter written
from inception down to date The only paper
published especially for people who do or do
not read daily newspapers and yet thirst for
plain facts That this kind of a newspaper is
popular is proven by the fact that tho Weekly
Blade now has over 185000 yearly subscribers
and is circulated in all parts of the United
States In addition to the news the Blade pub
lishes short and serial stories and manydepar
inents of matter suited to every member of th
family Only onedollar a year
Vf rite for specimen copy AddreBS
Toledo Ohio
Briggs Mrs Lena
Combs R J
Fricke Mr Dan
Hodgkin Vern
Hand Mr Howard
HuntIMr G G
Miller Mrs L B
Mayesy Miss
Marshall Mr Chas
Boso P C
Boberts Miss Zella
Singler Miss Goldio
Smith Mr Ambrose
Tesson H E
Worley Mr L
Beeves Herman
Andrews Mr Fred
Borin Mr Ben
CudabackJas T
Easton John
Johar Mohamode
Johnson E B
Latoll Lebert
Niemeyer Leo A
Spangler Mrs S J
Wilcox Harold M
jWi j tt
Real Estate Transfers
Tbo following real estate filings have
been made in tho county clerks office
since our last report
Lincoln Land Co to W H Her
man wd to lots 2 and 3 blk 3
GthMcCook 8 300 00
R W Stillingor to G S Cramer
and D S Cramer agree nw qr
26-2-30 5600 00
Isaac M Smith wid to Mable
M Clark wd to lot 17 blk 8
McCook 600 00
Mary E Hippie wid to Annie
M Hippie Harvey G Hippie
and Albyn C Hippie wd to
pt ne qr pt se qr 20-3-30
Henry A Talcott wid to Harry
Burton wd to se qr 24-3-27
1750 00
Farmers Mortgage Trust Co
to Robert A Morrison wd to
e hf 15 w hf sw qr 14 nw qr
nw qr and lot 3 blk 23 lots
1 2 3 blk 22 all in 3 28 24000 00
Farmers Mortgage Trust Co
to Robert A Morrison water
deed to above land 100
United States to George Lodge
pat to e hf no qr e hf se qr
21 327
United States to Charles M
Ostrander pat to w hf ne qr
w hf se qr 21-3-27
United States to Jacob Miller
pat to ne qr 33-2-28
John E Kelley and wife to Unit
ed States lease to P O room
per annum 500 00
Olive J Watson wid to E W
Hendriok wd to lot 3 blk 14
McCook i 2500 00
United States to Christy Ann
Wingate pat to lots 4 5 6-1-7
Eliza Dudek to Theodore M
Phillippi wd to w hf sw qr 2
w hf nw qr 11-2-29
1000 00
Edgar Eno and wife to Samuel
R Messner wd to lot 19 blk
2 Danbury 140
Lincoln Land Co to S R Mess
ner wd to lot 17 blk 2 Dan
bury 100 00
Harry T Groves and wife to
John L Riggins wd to lot 1
blk 9 West McCook 1100 00
Ida M McMullen and husband
to State Bank May wood wd
to ne qr 11-3-27 W O L 4810 71
E E Holdrege and wife to Lewis
E White wd to lots 5 6 blk
9 Danbury 1200 00
R G Iddings wid to Jeanette
Huber wd to se qr 13-3-30
R G Iddings wid to Jeanette
Huber wd to nw qr 24-3-30
3500 00
5000 CO
The following letters cards and pack
ages remain uncalled for at the McCook
postoffice November 7 1907
CanCold Mrs Effie
Green A E
Miller Mrs Maggie
Upsland Mr Jas
Weiss Miss Mollie
Chase P
Cameron Mrs T M
Gordon Mrs D
Harris G Jj
Stebbins H L
Thomas Berna
Collins Mr Freddie L
Linch Lareine
Simmons Balph M
Walters J H
Churning Edward C
Dada Mr Henry G
Geis Con
Hawkins F J
Sinder Anna
Watson Mr Jas
Uncalled for November 15 07
Canada L M
Colwin J W
Gaskill R C
Hoxwell Elder
Harwood Mr C L
Jones Mr Celcio
Mitchell Mr J C
Moore F T
Perkins L F
Rankin Ira M
Rankin Miss Francis A
Spangler Mrs Martha
Smith Miss Rosa
Walker Mr Jess
Hanor W E
Bronson Mr Eddie
Crittenden H H
Emmerson Mrs Harry
Hoffinger August
Johnson William N
Koch Jacob
Moore Milton A
Sneider Mr Frank
Tinnie Agnes
Browne Mr W J Coburn Jno
Evans Mr I Goodwin Mr Frank
Hughes Monte A Peterson Bay O
Poe Mrs B VonEngelman Minnie
Beeves Herman registered letter
When calling for these please say
they were advertised
F M Kimmell Postmaster
Secretary Wilson of the department
of agriculture says that the unbounded
prosperity of the agriculturist is not due
to chance but is the result of intelli
gent scientific business methods A
reader of The Weekly Inter Ocean has
placed before him each week the prac
tical and approved methods to which
Secretary Wilson refers It is a good
investment Only 125 for The Weekly
Inter Ocean and this paper one year
A Guaranteed Cure For Piles
Itching Blind Bleeding or Protrud
ing Piles Druggists refund money if
Pazo Ointment fails to cure any case
no matter of how long standing in 6tol4
days First application gives ease and
rest 50c If your druggist hasnt it
send 50c in stamps and it will be for
warded postpaid by Paris Medicine Co
St Louis Mo
Have Yu Houses To Rem
Then you shoald be supplied with
tent receipt books The Tribune has
just what yon want compact and com
State of Nebraska Rod Willow county ss
In tbo matter of tho cstato of David K Bcrto
lotto deceased
I J C Mooro county iudgo of said county in
said state horoby notify all persons having
claims and demands against tho cstato of tho
said David K Bortolotto deceased that 1 hnvo
bet uud appointed tho following dates for tho
reception examination and adjustment of said
claims and demands us provided by law at tho
county court room in MfcCook lted Willow
county Nebraska to wit Tho 2nd day of Do
ccmbor 1907 nnd tho 3rd day of Juno 1908 and
all persons so interested in said estate will ap
pear at said timo and place and duly present
their said claims and demands in tho manner
required by law or show causo for not so doing
and in case any of said claims shall not bo pre
sented by tho 30th day of May 19U8 tho samo
shall bo forovor barred
Given under my hand and tho seal of said
county court this 4th day of November 1007
11-8-its J C Mooke County Judge
To Chnrles R McKillip non resident defend
ant You nro hereby notified that on tho 24th
day of October 1907 Nollio I McKillip pluin
tifl filed petition against you in the district
court of Rod Willow county Nebraska tho ob
ject and prayer of which aro to obtain n divorce
from you on tho grounds that although you aro
of suilicicnt ability to provido suitable mainten
ance for her that you havo grossly wantonly
and cruelly refused and neglected to provido
suitable maintenance for more than two years
last past and havo since tho date of said mar
riage become an habitual drunkard and that
Slnintiif may be igivon the custody of Clyde M
tcKillipi and Floyd C McKillip children of
said parties and for reasonable alimony
You aro required to answer said petition on
or before Monday tho 2nd day of December
Nellie I McKillip Plaintiff
By Boylo Eldred her attorneys
An ordinance to establish a fire limit and pro
hibit tho erection of frame buildings wooden
structures and veneered buildings within the
samo to prohibit tbo moving of wooden or
frame buildings into the firo limits from with
out tho firo limits and tho moving of wood
en buildings or frame structures from ono lo
cation to another within tho fire limits to
prohibit the repairing of frame buildings and
wooden structures now within such lire limits
to condemn frame buildings and wooden
structures and to provide for their removal
and to provide a penalty for tho violation of
the same also to repeal Ordinance No Ill
Ordinanco No 122 Ordinance No 124 and
section 3 of Ordinanco No 128 of tho city of
Be it ordained by the Mayor and Council of
tho city of JUcUook Nebraska
Section I
It shall hereafter be unlawful for any person
or persons company or corporation to build or
construct or erect or causo to bo built con
structed or erected any frame building or other
structure or any veneered building or structure
of any character whatever on any lot or
grounds within said city of McCook hereinafter
set forth and described in Section 2 of this or
dinance provided that the prohibitions con
tained in this ordinanco shall not apply to
veneered sheds or ware houses that are now or
may be hereafter erected on lots fronting on the
east side of Marshall street between North
Railroad street and Dodge street
Section II
Section numbor ono shall apply to and effect
the building construction and erection and tho
moving placing and repairing of buildings on
all lots of said city described as follows
All lots fronting or abutting on Marshall
street between North Railroad and Dodge
All lots fronting or abutting on Main Avenue
between North Railroad and Dearborn streets
All lots fronting or abutting on Manchester
avenue between North Railroad street and
Dodge street
All lots fronting or abutting on North Rail
road street botweon Marshall street and Mc
Dowell street
All lots fronting or abutting on Dennison
street between Marshall street and McDowell
All lots fronting or abutting on tho south side
of Dodge street between Marshall street and
McDowell street
All lots fronting or abutting on tho north side
of Dodgo street from Marshall street to Man
chester Avenne
All lots fronting or abuttintr on McFarland
street from North Railroad street to Dodge
street and
All lots fronting or abutting on McDowell
street from North Railroad street to Dodge
Section III
It shall bo unlawful for any person or persons
company or corporation to remove from with
out the firo limits as described in Section 2 of
this ordinance into the fire limits or to removo
from one place within the said firo limits to any
EslHIISHiMSilJMH3Ki iiii mht
a imta
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other location within said flro limits or to re
movo or piaco wiuun said lire limits in any
manner whatovor any framo building wooden
structure or veneered building of any kiud or
character upon any lot or lots described herein
Section IV
Frame buildings and wooden structures now
within said firo limits shall not be repaired to
tho extent of a now roof foundation or uudor
sills and no repairs of any kind shall be made
on any such building or structure without tho
Consent of tho city council All unsanitary
frame buildings and woodon structures out of
renair to tho extent that thorn i lnmnr fmm
firo shall be deemed a nuisance nnd such frame
building and wooden structure shall bo taken
down or removed by tho chief of polico ufter
twenty 20 days notice thereof in writing has
been given to the owner or his agent and in
case of lack of sanitation tho board of health
may have tho same inspected and condemned
Section V
It is made the duty of tho city marshal to pre
vent tho violation of this ordinanco and it shall
be lawful for him to t oar down nnrl ntvttn nnv
house or structure erected or in course of erec
tion or moved placed or being moved or placed
in violation of this ordinanco upon any lot or
lots included within the description set forth in
section 2 hereof
Section VI
Any person or persons company or corpora
tion violating any of tho provisions- of this or
dinance shall bo deemed guilty of a misdemean
or and upon conviction shall bo fined in any
sum not less than 500 nor more than 10000
and shall stand committed until such lino and
costs aro paid
Section VII
Ordinanco No Ill Ordinance No 122 Ordin
ance No 124 and Section 3 of Ordinanco No 128
of tho city of McCook bo and they are hereby
Section VIII
This ordinance shall take effect and bo in
force from and after its passage approval and
publication according to law
Passed and approved this eleventh day of No
vember 1907 SEAL
Chabies L Faiinestock Mayor
Attest H W Conovek City Clerk
wpjto Cure RROV
Its new and different from
any other Made only in the
Cold air is drawn up from the
floor through the flue and dis
charged at the top of the stove
thoroughly heated
It has all the radiating sur
face other stoves have and
heats by circulation as well
This means greater heating
power and
It also means no cold floors
no cold corners or dead air
spaces but even temnerature
throughout the room Every stove is a double heater of great power
Come to and examine them Get a copy of our Booklot A Novel Race Its frco
an 1 v
Department of tho interior land otlico at Lin
coln Nebraska October U 1007
nouco is nerony given tnnt Iulvin A Scott or
McCook Neb lias tiled notice of his intention
to make final five year proof in support of his
claim viz Homestead Entry No 12712 mado
Sept 15 1902 for tho east half of swi section K
township north range 30 west nnd that said
roof will bo mado beforo tho county judge at
cCook Neb on November 30 1007
Ho names tho following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
the land viz J M Summcrvillo P C Hush J
W Little C L Markwnd all of McCook Neb
Chas F Shedd Register
Department of tho Interior land otlico at Lin
coln Nebraska October 11 1907
Notice is hereby given that James A Scott of
McCook Neb lias tiled notice of his intention
to make final flvu year uroof in support of his
claim viz Homestead Entry No 13503 mado
March 1 1002 for tho southeast nunrtor of
tiou 32 township 3 north rnugo 30 west and
that said proof will bo mado beforo tho county
judge at McCook Nob on November M 1907
Ho names tho following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of tho land viz J M Summervillo P C Bush
J W Little C L Markwad all of McCook
Neb 10 l6ts CnAS F Shedd Register
The Stato of Nebraska Red Willow couutys5
To all persons interested in tho estate of
George Hockuelldecensed
Whereas Benjnmin M Frees has filed in my
oflico an instrument purporting to be the last
will and testament of George Hockncll late of
said county deceased and said Benjamin M
Frees has filed his petition herein praying to
have tho samo admitted to probate and for the
issuing of letters testnmontary which will re
lates to both real and personal cstato I havo
therefore appointed tho 10th day of December
1907 at 9 oclock a m at tho county court room
of said county as tho timo and placo for hear
ing said will at which time and placo you and
an concerneu may appear anu contest tno allo
ing of tho same It is further ordered that snid
petitioner give notice to all persons interested
in said estate of tho pendoncy of this petition
and the timo and placo of said hearing by caus
ing a copy of this order to bo published in tho
McCook Tribune a newspaper printed and pub
lished in said county for three successive weeks
previous to said day of hearing And notice is
hereby given that said petitioner will on tho
28th day of November 1907 between tho hours
of 9 a m and 6 p m tako the depositions of M
RM Sheng and other witnesses in support of
said petition at 234 La Salle street in the city of
Chicago Cook county Illinois
In witness whereof I havo hereunto set mr
I hand and oilicial seal this 5th day of November
I iwi
J C Mooke County Judge
Both a Full Year For Only
All the News of the World and Home
Only TwentyFive Cents More Than the
The Weekly Inter Ocean Contains Each Week
21 columns of news
14columns of talks by a practical farmer on
farm topics economical machinery planting
growing and storing of fruits and vegetables
breeding and marketing of live stock
20 or more Lost and Found Poems and Songs
1 column of Health and Beauty Hints
Best short and continued stories Chess and
Checkers Puzzles and Complications Dr
Eeeders Home Health Club Miscellaneous
Questions and answers Poems of the Day a
special Washington letter taking cartoons
and illustrations
5 columns of live entertaining editorials
7 columns of live stock and market reports
40 questions and answers by readers on anything
pertaining to the business of farming garden
ing raising of live stock and poultry etc etc
10 to 20 questions on veterinary sublets
7 columns of information on recipes patterns
formulas etc furnished by readers
14 to 21 columns of stories of public men his
torical geographical and other miscellany
5 column of a specially reported sermon by the
Eev Dr Quayle of Chicago and the Sunday
School lesson
These features together with a Special Magazine Department make
up the Leading Farm Home and News Paper of the West
Qljp The price of The Weekly Inter Ocean remains 100 a year
- The price of The McCook Tribune remains 1 00 a year
OFFE R The two papers each one year will cost only 125
N B This special arrangement with The Weekly Inter Ocean is for a limited time only Subscribers
to The Weekly Inter Ocean are assured that no papers will be sent after their subscriptions expire unless
their subscriptions are renewed by cash payments