FRIEND TO FRIEND The personal recommendations of peo ple who have been cured of coughs and colds by Chamberlains Cough Remedy have done more than all clso to make it a staple article of trade and commerce ovei a large part of the civilized world YOU WOULD DO WELL TO SEE J M Rupp FOR ALL -KINDS OF Rrjn WOTk P O LSox 111 fllcCook Nebraska McCook Laundry G C HECKMAN Prop Dry and Steam Cleaning and Pressing I a 1 Rarhpr Shnn m yfief 3 A IJearof ist National Hank 1 Ti rh t V w Newly Furnished J1 J and First Class In Every Particular Earl Murray TSKNS8JBSKSHstt F D BURGESS Mlmm dilU Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Estimates Furnished Free Base ment of the Postoffice Building McCOOK NEBRASKA f synsJSSvsaNssjsvtsssssssSiB 3 p H o res hmS 9 1 P k m S 2s V O 5 A few dc cs of this remedy will in variably cure an ordinary attack of diarrheal It can always be depended noon even in the more severe attacks of cramp colic and cholera morbus It is equally surcvtui tor summer diarrhoea anil cholera infantum in children and is the xyeans of saving the lives of many chillren each year When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take Every man of a family should keep this remedy in his home Bin it now Price 25c Large Size 50c The best of every thing in his line at the most reasonable prices is flarshs motto He wants your trade and hopes by merit to keep it I SJt i The Butcher Phone 12 T - -- Jflfl0gS9lwTV V THE GRASS FENCE Thrilling Incident of tries Battlo cf Bunker Hill The battle of Hunker Illll gave the oceasonfor many deeds of valor and since that day we hold a list of names illuminated In our memory One of these names belongs to the Knight of Dcrryfield Do you remember who he was and can you recall the song of his bravery Head of It once more and have Impressed again on your heart the Implicit obedience and perfect courage of the New Hampshire farm ers and their captain John Moor When the forty five men of the little town of Derrylleld N II left their homes to light for the great cause each knew that no men were ever led by a braver man than their beloved Captain Moor Ills courage had Inspired many of them in the French and Indian wax So eagerly when the alarm came in 179 they marched with him and his drummer boy son to Cambridge where he was entered a captain in Starks regiment And now conies the battle of Bunker mil Behind a fence piled thick with grass Captain Moors company lay as still as death An order had come from Colonel Stark that not a shot was to be fired until the British passed a stake that was driven a short distance away With perfect confidence in themselves and their captain the farmers waited Availed motionless while that beauti ful death dealing pageant of British warriors swept grandly toward them With the coolness and wonderful pre cision of a dress parade the old world came to meet the new the grenadiers and light infantry marching In single file twelve feet apart the artillery ad vancing more slowly and thundering out an insolent defiance to the con ceited little rebels while on each side five battalions formed an oblique line to the fence breastworks The very flower of the English army full blos somed In learned maneuvers resplen dent in shining arms and waving ban ners advanced to meet a little group of men untrained in tactics of warfare only half armed clad in homespun hiding behind a breastwork of grass The dead line was crossed Bang Bang Bang The little rebels were awake at last Now not the stake but a line of fallen bodies marked the dead line Thunder and lightning belched forth from that breastwork A fire intense steady killing and the bravo march of the Britishers was checked A slight recoil and the olli cers dashing up again urged the line forward Not for one moment did the grass fence cease its voice of fire and shot One by one the brave grenadiers and their dashing gallant officers fell to the earth The ranks broke and the proud host fled before the meager handful of New nampshire men Ah if we could only have had grass breast works and Captain John Moor all along the American line C F Harri son in Atlanta Constitution A Philanthropist An earnest east side worker says that not long ago she was approached by an old gentleman who has the rep utation of being something of a philan thropist with the request that he be permitted to accompany her on one of her rounds of visits Much pleased the worker consented The destitute condition in which many families were found elicited expressions of deep sym pathy from the old gentleman but to his companions surprise and regret nothing more material Presently they came upon a small girl weeping bit terly What is it my dear the old gen tleman inquired The child raised a tear stained face and pointed into a dark alleyway Me mudder sent me to buy some bread an I lost my dime in there an Ill git licked awful she sobbed Poor dear lie remarked in a tender voice at the same time putting his hand into his vest pocket Dont cry Here i4 J match Perhaps you will be able to find it Harpers Misled by Stationery I wrote a note to my washerwoman about a week or two ago asking her please to bring my clothes home said the woman I needed them I hap pened to be in a religious concern at the time and used its paper to write the note on Bertha came yesterday Ive a great notion to discharge you Bertha I told her Why didnt you bring me my clothes Must I get enough things to wear a year without having them washed on your account To tell you the truth Bertha apol ogized meekly you wrote on that theah religious paypah and I didnt pay no tenshun to it I jes thought it was some o them peepul writin to ask mo to come to prayah meetm I didnt know it was youah lettah miss till yesterday mawnin when I got tlahd of seein it around and opened it so that was why I didnt git heah no i soonah with youah cloes New York Press Moody on the Cards One evening in San Francisco Evan gelist Moody sat in his room at the ho tel playing a game of cards with Mrs Moody and two friends when a mes senger came in with a dispatch As the boy stood waiting for a reply Mr Moody suddenly asked Wont ycxi sit down my lad and have a game of authors with us The boy declined and soon left the room Hardly had the door closed when Mrs Moody said Why Dwight what made you think of inviting that boy to sit down and play with us My dear replied Moody dont you see If I had not called the boys atten tion to the fact that we were playing authors all the morning papers would certainly have announced under big headlines thatAD L Moody had been discovered ina Sar Francisco hotel engaged In a game ol inrds Wonders of Wire less Telegraphy T HE announcement by William Marconi of his intention to es tabllsh a regular wireless tele graph service across the Atlan tic directs attention 1o the marvelous progress made within a few years in putting Into practical use his discov eries and Inventions The record breaking trip of the new Cunard liner Lusitania which excited so much Interest and was the subject of so many articles In the press served to call into notice the value of the wireless system of telegraphy It was due to such a service that those on both sides of the Atlantic who were following the course of the vessel were able to learn each day of the progress the steamship was making of the number of knots steamed per hour or day and all other important incidents of the trip The voyage of the Atlantic fleet into Pacific waters is another thing which calls into special prominence the fact of the great value of the wireless tele graph and of that newest thing in science the wireless telephone Not only are all the battleships which are to participate in the much talked of cruise to have full wireless telegraph equipment but by order of Assistant Secretary Newberry they are all to be equipped with Avlreless telephone in struments The sixteen battleship0 participating hi the cruise and also the six torpedo boat destroyers are to be fitted with two sets of wireless tele phones The Virginia and Connecticut are to be thus equipped first to test the merits of the device The instru ments to be used are guaranteed for a range of fivo miles under all condi tions of atmosphere It is said they give satisfaction at a much greater range under favorable conditions It can readily be seen how valuable such a system of communication might be come in the case of vessels composing a naval fleet on a cruise in strange wa ters Wliile the Luiitania was on her maiden trip across the Atlantic the correspondents aboard seemed for most of the time at least to be in as close touch with the public as if the floating palace of their temporary resi dence had been a hotel cr a newspaper office in a big city The wireless oper ators on the liners now understand jAS7vBt S i r H5 - f ii- -5 T J y E wb s4 j JtX iMrtmiGxtiiii r rin7zz9rzwiJMtua m V 5ZTerv a gi mmm r WIRELESS OPERATOR OX ATLANTIC LIXKR RECEIVING MESSAGES GETTING OUT AN EXTRA SPECIAL IN MID ATLANTIC pretty well how to get into telegraphic touch both with land and with other vessels at sea Not only from the great Marconi stations at Cornwall and Nova Scotia and Massachusetts but also from other vessels on the trans atlantic passage the liners are kept in formed of the latest events The Mar coni telegraph communication chart shows the operator the moment when he may expect to get into communica tion with any other vessel on the route The latest news is printed on board in a little paper and is discussed in the smoking rooms in mid Atlantic almost as soon as it is commented on in the clubs of London and New York Up to the present time the wireless system has proved of greatest prac tical value in communicating with ves sels at sea But now Mr Marconi says that the time has come for the es tablishment of a regular commercial wireless service across the ocean For four yeaxs the inventor has been able to send communications to and fxo across the big pond and by means of the experiments made and the im provement in instruments effected all obstacles have been overcome so that now the establishment of regular trans atlantic wix eless service on a commer cial basis is feasible The average speed in sending messages will be twenty words a minute and the xate will be 10 cents a word for ordinary commercial messages and 7 cents a word for press dispatches These rates may be cut in two later The mes sages will be sent from the new sta tion at Glace Bay Nova Scotia and re ceived at Clifden Ireland where a new plant Las been established fitted with the latest apparatus much mox e powerful than that of the older sta tion at Poldhu Cornwall SC A Wasps Mistake It Is generally supposed thnt Instinct unerriugly teaches birds and insects the lost way In which to build their homes or nests and also to provide for their offspring The following Inci dent -will show that Instinct Is not al ways infallible A naturalist placed three small emp ty vials in an open box on a shelf In an upright position In close contact and they were uncorked A short time afterward It was a matter of surprise to find that these had been appropri ated by a female mud wasp She had placed a goodly number of spiders In the center vial doubtless intended to serve as food for her future brood then proceeded to deposit her cpgs In those on either side She next closed tightly the mouths of all the rcepta cles with a hard lime cement Having finished her work she then doubtless went on her way satisfied all had been done for her offspring that a thought ful mother could do But just think of the sensations of those little wasps when they come into existence for while starving In their sealed cages they can plainly see through the Im penetrable glass Avails the bountiful supply of food Avhich Avas provided for their use She Thought Ho Was Dead Maginnis had been ill for some time and like a great many invalids he Avas somewhat Irritable and Avhen things failed to meet his appioval the next unfortunate avIio came within range Avas pretty apt to be reminded of it in a AAay far more forcible than polite lie lingered In this condition for several weeks daily growing Aveak er but still holding his oa ii sufficient ly to make things lively and more or less interesting for those about him Finally one day Avhen the family doc tor called he met the long suffering Mrs Maginnis coming out of the sick room and rubbing his hands he cheer ily x eraarked Ah good moxning Mrs Maginnis Hoav is our patient today Its dead the poor mou is Oim afther thinkin hivin rist his sowl AAas the resigned reply You think he is dead Dout you knoAV whether he is or not demand ed the doctor Not fer shure responded Mrs Ma ginnis briskly but thin he bethrays Ivery symptom of it I Avint into his room jist noAv an he didnt troAv any thing at me London Tit Bits Snuff as Medicine Oh yes said the tobacconist as he tapped a jar filled Avith a cinnamon col ored poAvdex I sell an ounce or tA o of snuff occasionally to the old as a rule The young will seldom look at snuff And those who do use it im pute medicinal Airtues to it Thus old fashioned watchmakers gem cutters and tailors think that a pinch of snuff now and then improves the eyesight They think it x efxoshes and fortifies weax y eyes as a cup of tea refreshes and fortifies a Aveax y brain Others think snuff cures a cold Others take it for the headache Others still be lieAe that it Avards off contagion I belieA e that snuff taking is less harmful than smoking Its effect too is pleasanter than the effect of smoking it is a most soothing and fascinating effect once you get used to it but the habit is untidy and there fore it can get no hold upon us in this aesthetic age Los Angeles Times Rescued a Foxy Squirrel A man in NeAV York state Avho oaviis several fine cats stepped out of his house one day to see tAvo of his feline possessions crouched in the grass and equidistant betAAeen them sat a com mon striped squirrel not daring to moAe a hair lest he invite the shax p claws of one or both of his enemies but the anxious bxOAvn eyes x olled from side to side as he calculated his chances of escape betAveen the tAvo The man AAalked on toAA ard the sqxxirx el and Avhen he came Avithin jumping distance the squirxel seized his opportunity and leaped upon the maixs trousex s and ran nimbly to his shouldex Then the man backed slowly toward a tx ee at no great distance from him Again when -within leaping distance the squirrel jumped into the tree and dis appeared amid its bx anches Englands One Protestant Cathedral Truro cathedral is the only Estab lished Church cathedral of any impor tance which lias been built since St Pauls was completed by Sir Christo pher vVren All the great cathedrals and abbeys in England were erected by Catholics and were handed OA er by act of parliament in the x eign of Hen ry VIII to the Protestants Avhen the Catholic church was established and the Protestant religion created law Reynolds Newspaper What the Cloth Got In Boston If you go to San Eraiicisco and meet a friend he avIU ask you to stay a week with him In Omaha he Avill take you home ovexnight in Chicago he will take you out to dinner in XeAV York he Avill hurry you off to lunch in New Haven he will hand you a good cigax and in Boston he will gi e you an apple Congregationalist An Intelligent Servant The Mistress Who hung the ther mometer to tho ceiling The Servant I maam You Avexe complaixxing be cause it was so Ioav I Translated For Transatlantic Tales From II Motto Ridere A Question of Class They are constantly catching more grafters said the hopeful citizen Xot regular grafters answered Mr Dustin Stax Those who get caught are only amateurs Washington Star One cannot be and have been French Proverb sesxs W m n hi - -wm - i - JrJlJM -BY K W ALKER General Contracting Painters and Decorators Not How Cheap but How Good with Us Office and Shop west of Pltst ITatlonal Bank Steel Ceilino c SnTrl Put I In md not ioi v y mlw uiwumivu VJ 3S ySQQ1l v l rANMirc PRESIDENT A C EBERT CASHIER JAS S DOYLE Vice President THE CITIZENS BANK OF McCOOK NEB a is Paid Up Capital 550000 Surplus 1 2000 b a a DIRECTORS czz V FRANKLIN JAS S DOYLE A C EBERT QySQ ss Qf A BOY OR A GIRL CAN EARN AS MUCH AS A MAN Wo want Ijova nnil Kirls who want to earn money to solicit subscriptions to t10 Knnsas City Weekly Star Dont hesitate hecaii j jou aro jomif as jou can ilo tho work as readily as an older person and wo will pay jou just tho came The Kausay City Weekly Star is the licit kvown weekly newspaper in the west anil jour i spam time spent AvorkiiiR for it will pay jou lindomelj not in toj s watchoo or other small wares but iu cash Write today for terms and full information HMMMJIIHmKJMJaJMBBSJlBJMMJHi Address THE WEEKLY STAR Kansas City Mo i I A t 1 o the Same iS3SI2SS3ISSSi Eery man womar or child who comes to this bank is treated courteously and his or her business is attended to to tho best of our ability We Avant your business because we know we can sorvo you well and to our mutual advantage y If you transact your business here you aro assured of the friendly interest of our bank and its officers Our customers haAe our first consideration First National Bank FlcCook X8 Make your friend a birthday present of some Monogram I Stationery We have an excellent line of samples from which you can choose embossed in one or two colors or in bronze or gold any letters or combination of letters Call and see samples of the monograms and stock The TRIBUNE Office jrtEssassEsi g3aTPBEarCEE 1 flftra fee tiV i lv icSS momim in a Stock Certificate of the McCook Building Loan Association n No better or safer investment is open to you An investment of 100 per month for 120 months will earn 80 nearly 9 percent a compounded annually Dont delay but see the secretary today Subscriptions r e ceived at any time for the new stock just opened ife -