1 i m u k By F M KIA1A1ELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance The Whyfore Perhaps there is no one ques tion before the American people pressing for answer comparable in insistent importance with the whyfore of the present currency stringency On the crest of unparalleled and unequaled prosperity Hav ing harvested a crop worth a half billion dollars more than the bumper crop of last year The business oi this vast and imperial county is practically brought to a standstill a deadlock by the unlimited audacity of a bunch of Wall street gamblers and ex ploiters Naturally the common people inquire for the cause and will seek not only the cause but de mand a remedy for such an in famous condition Naturally also is the confidence of the people shaken by a condi tion by a system which makes it possible for a lew predatory unprincipled stock gamblers pirates on the high sea of finance to tie up the money of a nation from its natural channels and utilities Nor is the confidence relieved b the knowledge that some of the greatest of New York citys banks are scarcely entitled to the name of banks nor to their pri vileges and government protec tion serving as they do but to better enable the manipulating millionaires to control the stock market with other peoples and the governments money Neither is it quite conclusively clear to the average western lay man why when currency is scarcer than hens teeth on the street and call money goes kiteing the United Stales should dump its multi millions into the hands of these same gambling Wall street bankers It may or it may not be true that this process saves the country from a financial crisis or panic but the inquiry arises how long and how often must this country thus be saved from Wall street There are some people just bold enough to suggest that the brigands on Wall street be cleaned out once for all and the business of America that is the reputable legitimate business of the land be given a fair show Such radical action might make it impracticable for future secre taries of treasury to the grad uate into official places in New Yorks banks but the people of the country would be beneficiar ies thereby and the land be re lieved from these recurring and senseless panics stampedes among the bulls and bears of Wall street which is both humi liating and disgraceful to this in telligent and wealthy common wealth In this connection it would be vastly interesting and instructive to have an inventory of the valu able stocks the City National Bank and the other allied big fellows of the street have gained control of during the present panic they have so industriously precipitated A few more such tempests on the street and as sistance from your Uncle Sams chest and the Standard Oil gang will find it easy to cinch its rapid ly enhancing mortgage on this precious slice of the globe Now as to the expansive cur rency schemes recurringly promo ted They are of doubtful utility A sane system of banking and a postal saving bank system will go farther and with greater safety in bringing into circulation the hoarded multi millions than wild cat balloon currency Smiti vr Iiiir M H HeiiM liui I iioi Li Li Dcm Julian D Iravos Pro 1 Liicicn Stcbliins Hoc 8 Tfi rivrs iiv Uxivstv Cliiis K Anderson Hep IS leoriro Coimlaud Kei lhi V 1 MillnriL Diin liilm I Siinih in Doin i Toim II Vim Stion Iro 7 N Carter Soc 3 I C Porter hoc I Iiiuix rs Vacancy W C ItodKiTs Soe K J OMbNi VUAM iicnr iuiirKLVJriscp - I 1 T tJ C Duiiuiti ajiuiii i ru K F McCliire Sou 11 Disiimc r JlDgi J C Orr Rod 21 1 I White Dem i County Ciiik Clinrlc Slcalla Ret 3 W H Killer Dcm Cointa TmsrKii ChlTord Naden Rep 1 N J Uerliiitf Dem 3 A L Cochran Iro CiiuK District Coukt Chester A RodnersRcp 19 lrancis M Colfer Deml32 CorxiY JuDCti J C Moore Rep Jacob Steinmetz Letn Simuirr II I Peterson Rep S D Dem Charles Masters Petu County Supt Schools Hurton l Rohrer Rep Claudi i U Kateher Dem lo l C Ni AshlMSOIl T A Kudiley Rep W K Mejer Dem Colni y St it iui Andtew Barber Rep ESHill Dem C II Meeker Pop John Cane Sou County Cokoxii W A DeMay Rep John Arbogiiit Dent Dr Mimiiek Soc Co CoMNti 3iu Dimt C is dray nop Marion Phnnmer Dem lj H Lindemann Pop II J Hortner Pro Total Vote of Precinct 01 Si 3 13 02 28 rti28 2720 23 20 10 12 43 01 11 29 07 51 48 83 110 ID 2T10 l l 10 111 7 11 37 10 CO 12 35 lp 10 15 23 01 3 1 17 41 7 2 41 27 13 I 4S22 30 00 25 II 211 17 5 1222 4 11 20 29 m 0 S 0 2 5 3 00137174 natn wwrgiaMByr 1911 irijiy 31 20 11 23 12 1520 15 7 15 0 0 4 3 3113 11122 i 15 5019 I 23 13 27 19 1 3 I 2012 27 23 I 12 21 813 I 25 12 913 1910 I 15 7 13131 2ti I 19 29 10 2811 171S 9 50lf 42 25 10 1020 31123 2810 2810 1 0 5 S022 8021 uv 1 4 2 4 2 21 31 25 0 11 cis 31 13 10737 1 1 3231 17 r W 1010 1 15 1 87 2 1 1013 12151 1013 2S1 9817 111 21 9 4 1120 32 50I M 5815 795 9120 1117 ih 2711 2825 IIU 7321 421 sX 2225 2010 5 1 112CS 14 11102 4 70 9111 10 13 02 19 115 0 89 89 15 io 35 40 75 109 8T 93 70 VI 31 4 01 01 52 93 07 13 4 ISO 09 rx 7620 911 8 7021 30121 013 7023 3011 OSJO 11 4 9330 13 0 3 1110 7520 7029 3011 7121 1910 14 0 8328 19 5 7022 17 9 9 1 8 1 11011 2129 19 45 S 19 5l 9 21117 23 23 221 1 17 39 12 1 H 50 -1 5 3 29 Jl354d 0i 1 30 21 7043 71 8 ir301 10 14 7 29 17 lii 1020 3SJ5 I 1123 1111 19 18 li 122 59 5 22 22 11 20 10 130 20 19 50 2537 120 2l32 2r20 10 18 25 2313 50 in 3 11 1 II 101 29111 3130 Kill i 0 1225 4 55 SO 1828113 127 11 91 130 174 12 50 150 0 38 33 17 W1SI 51 5 33 10 12 23 13 27il3 II I 29 31 15 23 7 3 1 1 52 59 111 Willow O Grovo lstV2dW 115j 30 7 11 110 07 117 1 13 10IJ 10 157 17 152 20 13 0 i3u VM 09 35 110 19 40 10 110 19 10 151 51 11 5 233 100 T2 27 19 118 32 23 14 20 i 105 3d IK 10810 21 2 4 3 8 130 12i i 10 II 117130 31 40 7S o U5ll8 iii8 13 8 91 li 23 13S 28 10 51 120 123 X 113 3t 13 10 127 31 9 120 32 8 4 188 581009 130 21K 039 1 50 2 02 illllO 533 551011 473 20 5 J 15 51 5 70 21 78 l 2S 70 00 50 72 09 170 173 122511022 151 20 1270 710 10 10f2 122 OH 113 1000 951 1011 290 140 r 029 31 TM 300 112 1318 1012 1112 813 121 105ij 188 315 88 1139 I ni M5 140 133 03 214 170 -71 891 MOVEMENT 01- 1HE PEOPLE Mrs W F Everist is in ScottsblufT resident this state account of the illness of a AxDBhff Sherman is anew re a ive and property owner of our city s Kensbtth Cikmax has been quite sick down M rvnv cfr of iv WM t ou v J j I from Trenton Saturday on a visit Mrs J It Hawkins mother of Edgar Hawkins is visiting her son in our city Miss Mary Windhurst of Indianola is a guest of Mrs A R Clark for a few days ili and Mrs Norman B Silver have- gone to Idaho to be absent all winter Henry Leiimen was down from Cul bertson Wednesday on a business pil grimage Mrs C L Faknestock went up to Denver last Saturday to be absent a few days E W Hendricks has purchased and occupied the Clyde losidence on Madi son street Miss Mary Powers of the teachers corps was a visitor at home Trenton over Sunday E Oxley was up from East Valley yesterday to pay taxes for himself and several neighbors Mrs A C T Geiger of Oborlin Kan has been a guest of Mrs W II Dungan this week James Gregory was over from the Beaver county Saturday on business matters at the capital C W Brown came down from Den ver Monday morning to exercise the right and priceless heritage of franchise V C Moyer who has been in Des Moines and other points for some weeks returned to the city last Friday night Helen Kunert gave a party to a company of young girl friends last Sat urday on celebration of her thirteenth birthday Mr Judson Baucock of Cambridge wa3 a guest of Mrs Mary Babcock Monday between trains on a business social visit Mr and Mrs Barney Hofer enter tained tho Thursday Whist club this week Mrs J D Young and Mrs Leroy Kleven were the prize winners Mrs Catherine Snyder arrived home the first of the week from a de lightful two months visit in Colorada Texas and tho eastern part of the state B M Frees who was called here by the death of his old friend and business associate George Hocknell departed on Tuesday evening for his home in Chic ago James Fowler now practicing medi cine in Wisconsin arrived in tho city first of tho week and is remaining a few days visiting relatives and friends His success is enjoyed by all Mr and Mrs S M Cochran of Senttle Washington arrived in tho city close of last week on a visit to old friends and scenes Sam is looking after some business matters Rev Carson former pastor of the Baptise church here spent a fow days in tho city this week on his way west to his home in Colorado City Colorado from a short sojourn in the eastern part of this state His former parishioners gave him an impromptu reception in tho parsonage Tuesday evening of many joyous particulars the past week but is improving rapidly at present II A Graham was over from Dan bury Wednesday on business at the county seat A Barnktt went into Omaha last night to buy lumber for the new high school building Mr and Mrs H C Clapp were gen erous and clever entertainers of their whist club last evening Mrs Geo ugh C Pa up of Harlan Iowa arrived in tho city last night to attend tho funeral Sunday of her mothrr Mrs Emnie Green Gold Medal bulk coffee 20c to 35j At Iluber s Congregational Christian Endeavor Society Sunday evening at 7 oclock Topic The Greed for Gold Leader Tressa Rector Come and meet with us Good Coffee Good Cook Good Store November 15 and 1G at the White House Scott Stoner Rev Miller of Box Elder charge will preach at tho following places on the charge Sunday next Nov 10 Garden Prairie Quick 1130 a m Spring Creek 330 p m Box Elder 800 pm Scott Stoner at the White House extend a cordial invitation to the citi zens of McCook to call at their store on West Dennison street for a cup of Mc Cook s best coffee Nov 15 and 16 The Edison phonograph is today the most versatile musical instrument in tho world It stands alone as an enter tainer It always amazes and delights its hearers Sold on easy terms by L W McConnell druggist Miss Somers of Omaha who enjoys tho reputation of being ono of the best coffee makers in the west will be at the White House on West Dennison street November 15 and 1G Please call and enjoy a cup of Kamo or Gas Roast coffee none better Scott it Stoner A weekly newspaper that publishes twenty one columns of good reliable news each week is rare in these days of cheap weeklies intended only to sell some article that the publisher is inter ested in Credit is duo The Weekly Inter Ocean for keeping its columns filled with fresh and up-to-date news Give it a trial by subscribing through The McCook Trirune Most men who mingle with great crowds or participate in an event of many features are absolutely unable to describe in detail any one particular feature It is then that they find their weekly newspaper most valuable Just so it is with tho readers of daily news papers they have not tho timo or the inclination to follow every phase of the weeks events and so turn to a weekly newspaper for a concise and connected account of any event of more than local interest This demand is easily sup plied at small cost by The Weekly Inter Ocean which can be- obtained with this paper one year for 125 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Tjy Scott it Stonor for Krocerica McCounclls Balrfam cures coughs 25 cents Fresh potato chips always on hand Mngucr Stokes McAIillens cold tablets will euro your cold and stop your couh Try Mntjnor Stokes for fresh and salt meats fruit and vegetables Try Scott Stoner for groceries Lettuce radishesceleryyouug onions Iluber JuBt arrived J M 1S4G canned fruits and vegetables Iluber MeMillens cough euro is just what its name indicates A Cure for Cough Romomber Ilofers is the best place I to buy stationery souvenirs novelties a nd post cards If you enjoy a good cup of colToo call at tho White House Grocery Nov 15 and 1G Scott it Stoner If you want it none right and right away call up phone GS R M Douglass it Co ofiice in Bump building Our Cream Lotion is healing and soothing to both face and hands and will give entire satisfaction A McMillpn Druggist FOR SALE FOR RENT ETC For Sale Heating stove used ono winter S D Hughes Main ave For Sale Majestic range Mrs C II Boyle For Saic My residonco property C W Uitnr For Sale Ollico desks and chairs Must be sold at ouce Mrs C F Barcock Wanted Plain sowing north of W D Burnett Bunstock Two doors Mrs C L Wanted Local representee for Mc Cookand vicinity to look after renewals and increase subscription list of a prom inent monthly magazine on a salary and commission basis Experience de sirable but not necessary Good op portunity for right person Address Publisher Box 50 Station O New York ll 14ts Estray3 Taken up Saturday morn ing the 19th at my farm 11 miles north west of McCook five two- or three-year-old horses C W Nelson 10 25 Its Surveyors Work at Wray Tho Wray Colo Gazette says Tho Burlington has had a corps of surveyors at Wray running various lines and do ng other unusual things but nono seem to knov the portend of this doing Ono tiimr rt their attention was tho ptng of a tcp of land they pur chased of the Davenport estate This land lies on the north side of the track west from tho Davonport house and lots Not long ago the road purchased of J II Shumaber all tho land ho owned north of tho track near the sand pit The Burlington is acquiring consider able laud in this vicinitv for some reason or another In the meantime the people of tho town aro keeping up an awful hoping The shop force was on Thursday plac ed on a nine hour schedule Engine 1019 was taken out of the backshop this week and No 1103 re placed her Agent Foe is now in charge and Georgo Scott is devoting his energies to the ex press business and merchandising CURE YOUR KIDNEY Do Not Endanger Life When a McCook Citizen Shows You The Cure Why will people continue to suffer the agonies of kidney complaint backache urinary disorders lameness headache lanquor why allow themselves to be come chronic invalids when a certain euro is offered them Doans Kidney P1II3 is the remedy to use because it gives to the kidnejs the help they need to perform their work If you have any even one of the symptoms of kidney deseases cure your self now before diabetes dropsy or Brights disease sets in Read this McCook testimony George Fowler retired farmer living in the northwestern part of McCook Neb says I suffered from kidney trouble for two or three years The se cretions from my kidneys were of a dark red contained heavy sediment if allowed to stand and were much too frequent in action Dizzy spells often attacked me and spots would float bo foro my eyes I was nervous fretful and subject to severe headaches These at times would last all day and all night and my head would feel as if it would burst A f ter using many remedies with out satisfactory relief I procured a box of Doans Kidney Pills at McConnells drug store Within one weeks timo I felt the greatest improvment in my con dition I continued using them and was cured I have had no return of any of the symptoms up to this time For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents Foster Milburn Co Buffalo New York sole agents for the United States Remember tho name Doans and take no other m 1 l TlMi atfuT II ffj ui iuiininnriiiiimriri zzszzszsst aesssasssmsax2is ABSTRACT OF THE Official Vote of Red Willow Co NEBRASKA Election Held on November 5 190T namis OF CANDIDATES 3 583 I B3 m A Special Invitation To All Mothers mMJzmswmmMMkim We invite your at tention to our new stock of Infants ani Childrens Furnish- ings We have added to our present stock a complete assortment of H yt JH fASigf ii ttlCIi mk tli I AVKLPX TfU WJ iJV - S j T 1 jt m -- - -a v 6f - - T cy SiSov v or ja j Al W x ik in r vr 5 ft p rr5 j P W Exclusive Dry Goods and Ladies Furnishings rsttrtnwjiBrjzzc wC kZ v W 2 STk irfc 5 tr lSi vKLji 2 rm i i Vim frk rf aytiS vf3Xsufl3Rw - -ff Stffr R ii3ftiLaU M 1 fflf I 1 TEKK7 jjfo fpligrt Infants Long- and Short Dresses Kimonas Saques Capes Bootees Slips Skirts Bands Diapers Shirts Infants Childrens and Misses Cloas Hoods jams Caps Logiiis and Fur Sets Dont waste your time sewing for the children We can furnish you all garments cheaper than you can make them Silk and Flannelette Kimonas We are showing beautiful designs and colors in both long and short Kimonas ranging in price from i to 12 each Our garments are all made full and are extremely low priced REMEMBER US when looking for CLOAKS SKIRTS WAISTS DRESS GOODS and UNDER WEAR WE SAVE YOU MONEY Phone 56 Walsh BJock McCeck ence l Chkistiax R v J S Miller preach in the Christian church next Sunday morning and evening Bible school 7 p m 10 a m Y P S C E at All are welcome HMHiipnrBmTi - Confident that the banks of the country at large and of this city especially are absolutely sound C L DeGROFF CO will accept in payment for merchandise Cashiers Checks Local Pay Checks or Checks Signed by Responsible Parties on Banks in This Vicinity C 11 imifi mmmiii hipl iiMi mm in uiuii TT1TrrM CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Episcopal Preaching services at St Albans church at 11 a m and S p m Sunday school at 10 a m All are welcome to these services E R Eakle Rector Catholic Order of services Mass 3 a m Mass and sermon 1000 a m Evening service at S oclock Sunday school 230 p l Every Sunday J J Loughean Pastor J 1 m nzz CovrREGATiONAL Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching by pastor at 11 a m and 8 p m Junior Christian En deavor at j p m Senior Endeavor at 7 p m The public is cordially invit ed to all of these services GB Hawkes Pastor METHODisr Sunday school atlOam Sermons by tho pastor at 11 and j Junior League at 4 Class meeting at Epworth League at 7 Special meet ings every night this next wPfilr T- will T Carson of Gothenburg asitn M li Pastor Have You Houses To Rent Then you should be supplied with n c - - TH8 Tkiicsk ba vxnnsmw o ofaiuts j wuacyou want compact and day at 11 a ni and Wednesday atS plete p m Subject Mortals and Im mortals Meetings held in Diamond block Room open daily from 2 to 5 p m except Sunday Science literature on sale Baptist Sunday school at 10 a m Preaching service at 11 00 a m Even ing service at S00 B Y P Tj at 7 p ni A most cordial invitation is extended to all to worship with us E Burtov Pastor Secretary lison of the depwtment of agriculture says that the unbounded prosperity of the agriculturist is not duo to chance but is tho result of intelli gent scientific business method reader of Tho Weekly Inter Ocean has placed before him each week tho prac tical and approved methods to which Secretary Wilson refers It is a Qod investment Only 8125 for Tho Weeklv Inter Ocean and this paper one year i V rm cl xj A i