lira 1 M N It 5 1 w W Hflllwnil Bllll fall Willi J n wiimi i n McCook Markets Merchants nnd dealers in McCook at aoon today Friday are paying the fol lowing prices Corn 8 55 Wheat 84 Oats 40 Eyo 65 Barley 65 HogH 4 80 Butter good 25 Egga 20 BARTLEY Sheriff Peterson and Frank Colfer of McCook Nick Urling and Chas Mc Masters of Indianola have visited Bart toy and vicinity this week interviewing the voters They are all good appear ing gentlemen and but a few days re main to inform them what the majority of the people think of their fitness to the offices they seek The cement famine is broken and work resumed The U S savings system in effect at this time would no doubt be of great benefit to the general public and permit She secretary of the treasurery to pay out of the government treasurer money to the people everywhere in the United States instead of helping the stock gamblers of New York Dr J M Brown celebrated his 66th birthday anniversary Wednesday of this week with an abiding faith in Red Willow county The Bartley mill has again changed ownership E E Smith and George Theobald are now the proprietors under She firm name of Smith Theobald A daughter of Mrs Ritchie had the misfortune to fall and break her collar bone one evening this week Born to Mr and Mrs Lewis a nice little daughter Friday night Dr and Mrs J E Hathorn have re turned from their eastern trip and the Dr is kept busy telling his experience killing a bear Mr Doak of Wauneta visited in Bart ley a few days recently and gladdened the heart of his best girl and many friends Charlie Keys of Wilsonville passed through Bartley Wednesday on his re turn from Colorado where he and Mrs Keys had been in attendance at the fun eral of hsr mother Ed King went to Lincoln Sunday to work for Perry Premer in the B M carpenter shop Pearl Lyman and her friend Miss Cora Thompson came down from In dianola Sunday and visited Miss Ly mans parents Smith Durbin is having a cement walk placed in front of his lots A nice walk has been finished in front of the Crosby property The new hotel is progressing nicely BOX ELDER Mrs Ben Lytle visited her sister Mrs Frank Lytle last Sunday Miss Bessie Doyle had the misfortune ef spraining her foot while jumping rape and is unable to attend school this week Mrs S D Bolles entertained her Sunday school class at her home last Friday evening and the girls report a very pleasent evening Mrs Charles Doyle gave a party Tues day evening in honor of Charlies birth day Mrs Minnie Wolf of Havana is visit ing relatives in this community Mrs I H Harrison is confined to her bed with rheumatism Mrs George Shields visited Mrs Otto Pate one day last week - Mrs J B Doyle jr and Mrs T M Campbell visited Mrs I H Harrison Tuesday afternoon Mrs Bert Hockman is visiting at Itorchester Rev Miller the new pastor of the Box 3Eider charge will preach at the follow ing places on the charge at the under mentioned hours on Sunday next No vember 3rd Box Elder 11 a m Spring Creek 3 p m Wesley chapel at usual hour in the evening Have You Houses To Rent Then you should be supplied with sent receipt books The Tribune has just what you want compact and com plete FRIEND TO FRIEND The personal recommendations of pec pie who have been cured of coughs and colds by Chamberlains Cough Remedy fcave done more than all else to make it a staple article of trade and commerce ovei a large part of the civilized world ww INDIANOLA John Neels brother from Iowa is here visiting him Mr and Mrs Wm McCallum went to Omaha Friday night Prof Holiday came home from Lin coln last of the week Mr and Mrs Simeon Skinner ot Trenton visited nt the W H Smith home Friday Tim Haley with his wife and son went to Kansas City a few days ago to be present at the wedding of his niece Miss Alta Haley i Orin Cramer left Sunday evening for California where he will spend the win ter Miss Somerset of McCook visited the first of the week with Ena Gamsby John Hedge of McCook visited with home folks first of the week Mr Tarren and family of New Jersey arrived in town a few days ago and will mak this their home in the future J W Dolau and wife left Wednesday morning for their home in Los Angeles Calif after a short visit here with re latives They were accompanied by Miss Hazel Phillips who will spend the winter with them Sam Dragoo and wife of Friend are here visiting relatives Miss Pearl Allen entertained a few of her friends Monday evening in honor of her birthday Miss Lydia McCool and Harry Derrick were quietly married Sunday afternoon at five oclock at the home of the brides parents The groom is a young farmer living north of town while the bride is a charming young lady and a successful school teacher of this county Mr Fiechtner living in Missouri Ridge precinct died Tuesday of para lyis Mrs W E JMcClung entertained a few of her friends Wednesday evening at a Hallow en party Congressman Pollard spoke at Shorts opera house the 23rd Frank Fritsch is on the sick list Sidney Toogood is recovering from his late illness Mr Galloway and family haved moved into the house on Powells ranch east of town The LadiesAid Society gave a sock social at the hall Friday evening which wa3 largely attended and thoroughly enjoyed by all present R F D No 1 A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs Ben Schamel last week Thursday Mike Esch of Ash Creek bought a fine Shorthorn at the sale at Cambridge recently pay ing 100 for the animal Mr and Mrs William Plasmyere are visiting her parents Mr and Mrs J M Huet Ed Downs is suffering some bruises as a result of a load of feed overturning with him last Friday G F Randel received word last Sat urday of the death of an only sister A new barn is John Fliechtners ad dition to the total of improvement on Ash Creek Mrs Joseph Dudek is visiting at Marsh Phillippis this week The alfalfa hullers are at work on the South Side this week Some fields are yielding as high as 4J bushels of seed to the acre Nettie Endsley and Nellie Johnson were guests of Mr and Mrs W P BroomfieldSaturday Sunday Miss Junie Waters returned Monday eveningfrom her trip east W N Rogers returned last week from his big hunt in the Northwest Walter claims to have killed the limit in deer and one lynx But he has no bear story to equal Teddys Miss Harriet Rankin has gone to Cali fornia on a visit DANBURY Mrs VanVleet died Wednesday Oc tober 30th She was stricken with pa ralysis sometime the last of June and has been a great sufferer ever since She was the mother of Frank and Oscar VanVleet and also of Mesdames Thomas Adams and Leopold John Leisure has moved into Mrs Rubys house Anderson Graham and mother visited with the McGuire family Sunday be fore their departure for California Solomon Stilgebourer has been quite poorly a few days but at this writing is reported better Mr Olmstead will occupy the G B Morgan residence Mr White is mov ing into nis residence oougnc ot Mr Holdridge formerly occupied by Mr Olmstead Will McGuire who has been here on business and visiting his parents return ed Monday evening to Fort Collins where his family is for the winter Rev Harve Lyons of the Salvation Army preached Sunday at the Thomas school house Dyer Dragoo and family of Indianola visited with the Noe family over Sun day Miss Claudia Hatcher of Red Willow candidate for county superintendent was in Danbury Saturday making a vigorous canvass of the town Jim Sims hooked his auto onto Roy Thomas auto and pulled Roys machine up the Bteep hill by Rex Millers for which O B Woods made Jim a present of a ten Fall wheat looks well in this vicinity and a large acreage has been put in but business was scarcely ever so dull in Danbury Geo B Morgan and family Joseph McGuire and wife Mr Williams S S Graham and Harley Woods left Tues day evening for an indefinite visit in California Miss Roemmich goes with them as far as Benkelman Joy and pleasure go with them Miss Lizzie Moss is assistant in the hello office GRANT The young folks had a surprise dance on Miss Belle Wesoh Saturday night All had an enjoyable time Mr and Mrs Jacob Wesch met with an accident last Saturday night Their team became frightened and ran to one side into a ditch Mr and Mrs Wesch were badly injured John Wesch met with an accident Monday morning He fell with his horse and broke his leg just below the knee A A Towle is building a new house John H Wesch Bro will run new steam Case threshing machine next season RED WILLOW Lon Miller is having a well drilled and preparing to build on his farm known as the Brown place Mrs J E Wilson returned to her home in Bethany Nebr Miss Gabriella Longnecker accompan ied her sister Mrs Wilson homo on Tuesday to make a long visit Misses Josie and Ora Stewart visited their parents on Sunday Old Folks Service Last Sunday at the Methodist church occurred the annual Old Folks service which is growing in interest each year The church was tastefully decorated with autumn flowers ripened grains and flags Old hymns were sung and Miss Gertrude Storer sang The Model Church very feelingly The pastor preached from the text Say not thou What was the cause that the former days were better than these for thou dost not inquire wisely concerning this Special emphasis was made that these days are the best we have ever seen from the view point of intelligence and relig ion Peace on earth and good will toward men is fast becoming the motto of the world Do unto others as you would that they should do to you is fast becoming the key note of the constitutions of the governments of the globe and we are living in the golden be ginning of the greatest century that ever held out a helping hand to man kind There were present between fifty and sixty years of age 27 between sixty and seventy 22 between seventy and eighty eleven and two over eighty Mr and Mrs Wm Weygint In all the ser vice was enjoyed by the lare congrega tion present Burlington Coal Rules Omaha Neb Oct 28 The Burling ton has published new rules on the matter of reconsignment charges which will go into effect December 1st and the coal men have expressed their satis faction with them the rules having been so modified that no charge is made for the first twenty four hours The rules now provide that on coal no recon signment charge will be assessed when the change of routing is made before the arrival or within twenty four hours after the arrival at the first destination Re consignment made after the expiration of twenty four hours and within forty eight hours will be So per car and after forty eight to seventy two hours 6 per car After seventy two hours no con signment will be permitted except at the sum of the local rates to and from first destination No change in destination or route involving a back or out of the line haul will be made except at the sum of the local rate to and from first desti nation or point where charge is made Of Interest to Homesteaders Department of the Interior U S Land Office Lincoln Nebraska Oct ober 25th 1907 The department of the interior has recently ruled that in all cases where homestead entries are made after Nov ember 1st 1907 commutation proofs must show actual and continuous resi dence for the full period of fourteen months In all cases where the entries were made before November 1st 1907 the rule heretofore existing that six months constructive residence following the date of the entry will be considered as a part of the required fourteen months will remain in force COURT HOUSE NEWS Following are the marriage licenses is sued Bince our last report John R Bucknell 24 Upland Neb and Rose Alice Afcers 24 McCook Harry R Derrick 25 and Lydia S Mc Cool 20 both of Indianola Elmer O Carter 24 and Alta E Spence 23 both of Cambridge Harry R Korb 32 Indianola and Bertha Wyckoff 22 Danbury Charles E Spaulding 21 and May Simmons 17 McCook MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS McConnell for drugs Try Scott Stoner for groceries Everything in drugs McConnell Alliance is preparing for city delivery If its meat you can get it at Marshs market Earl Barger Co are new real estate agents of our city Prompt service in draying secured by calling up phone 68 McCook Business College for a square deal L VV Stayner Miss Harrison nurse north of Catholic church- one square -10-25 4t Eastman kodaks and kodak supplies L W McConnell Druggist Cau sell on easy terms a 4 rooin house for 8900 L H Lindemann phone 157 Stamped bass wood for pyrography work at Woodworth Cos Druggists Have you ever tried an eraso ink eraser Seq one at The Tribune of fice Floor Lac makes old floors look like now Sold by L W McConnell Drug get If its seasonable and in bis line no use to go any farther than Marshs meat market You cant afford to miss the 4 room house for 5900 L H Lindemanni phone 157 Twenty years ago Monday of last week there was a snowfall of six inches in McCook Elk lodgesare only organized in cities of 5000 inhabitants and over Can Mc Cook cut her The McCook Hardware Co has com pleted extensive machinery sheds and fencing this week Steve Wilson has added a splendid two 3eated automobile to his livery barn equipment Try it You will get left if you dont hurry on the 4 room house for 8900 L H Lindemann phone 157 Every day is bargain day at H S Godfrey Cos the popular leaders in selling flour feed and hay Magner Stokes can supply you with Heinz double strength pure cider vinegar In quart bottles Get a quart bottle of Heinz pure malt vinegar a pure food product at Magner Stokes On and after next Sunday Novem ber 3rd Sunday dinners will open at 12 30 Commercial Hotel If it is from Marshs its the best ob tainable Anything and every thing per taining to the meat market business R M Douglass Co will give you prompt and efficieutservice Phone 68 Office in Bump real estate office lower Main The only place in town where you can get the famous Three Star Cof fee is at Magner Stokes market and grocery Griggs Budig the cigar makers have mutually dissolved partnership Bert Griggs will continue the business he established Relieving a cough is not always cur ing it Narcotic mixtures relieve while the cause of the cough remains Mc Connells Balsam removes the cause Price 25 cents In the selection of a bank the first thing of importance to be considered is absolute safety Allow us to suggest that this bank fully meets that require ment McCook National Bank Congregational Christian Endeavor society meets at seven oclock Sunday evening Leader Bryce Jones Topic Acquainted with God This is a con secration meeting and all members are urged to be present Strangers and friends cordially invited to attend The completion of the new high school building has been delayed by inferior millwork material which the board would not accept Contractor Liberty has retired from the job and we under stand the board will complete the build ing with a new superintendent directing the work Wanted Local representive for Mc Cook and vicinity to look after renewals and increase subscription list of a prom inent monthly magazine on a salary and commission basis Experience de sirable but not necessary Good op portunity for right person Address Publisher Box 59 Station O New York Secretary Wilson of the department of agriculture says that the unbounded prosperity of the agriculturist is not due to chance but is the result of intelli gent scientific business methods A reader of The Weekly Inter Ocean has placed before him each week the prac tical and approved methods to which Secretary Wilson refers It is a good investment Only 125 for The Weekly Inter Ocean and this paper one year Married In the county superintendents office Monday October 33th Elmer O Carter and Alta E Spence both of Cambridge Neb and on Tuesday October 29th Harry R Korb of Indianola and Bertha Wyckoff of Danbury M B Carman officiating iiJhmiiWji MmiiMrmmw Johnny Frost Like Your Birthday Comes But Once -Every Year and tells you to put on heavy underwear Our Mens Underwear is here and prices run from 50c to 250 per garment We also have a full line of Mufflers at prices to suit everyone Mens Gloves Mitts Collars Ties Suspenders and Woolen Hose Overalls Work Shirts and Shoes from 95c to 450 In our Grocery Department we have a full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries so will be able to supply your wants at prices that are right Thanking you for past patronage we solicit your future business J H GRANNIS McCOOK NEBRASKA Phone No 16 COMING AGAIN Dr E T ALLEN The Eye Ear and Nerve Surgeon of Denver THE magnificent reception tendered this eninent sur geon on his recent visit to McCnnk nnri th oomQf f request of so many patients has induced him to stop on his return to his Sanitorium in Denver But this will postively be his last visit to our City this year When he was here he operated twice for cross eyes with perfect results He opened a tear duct treated four cases of deafness refused to take one case of deafness because it was incurable he had cases ot discharging ears catarrh head ache tumors of the eye ball innamation of eyes chronic sore throats he fitted numerous cases of astigmatism near sightedness old sight alid lack of balance of the eyes which causes nervous disorders sleeplessness chorea and even in sanity Though he worked from early morning till late into the night several who crowded his apartments of the Palmer House were unable to him see and as so many urged him to return he at last consented to do so and will again be at The PALMER HOUSE MONDAY NOV 4th FOR ONE DAY ONLY 4 i