The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, November 01, 1907, Image 7

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Iran PWerand
BS t H
The best of every
thing in his line at
the most reasonable
prices is Harsh s
motto He wants
your trade and
hopes by merit to
keep it
a L 1 il
The Butcher
Phone 12
The McCook Tribune
for 100 per Year
sJf l
team Fitter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Estimates Furnished Free Base
ment of the Postoffice Building
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
New location just across stroet in P Walsh
flcCook - Nebraska
JSCall at Citizens Bank For Dates
Office days Tuesdays Wednes
days Thursdays and Saturdays
Office in Post Office Bldg - Phone 13
iiinMIIJlMllMliT I
- t
Jrllllk -
BwHfefBrV Ml J W
tM i in
A cow puncher beneath whose picturesque
garb and breezy speech beats the heart of
one of natures noblemen of rough ex
terior but a mans a man for a that
HiS story as told by
Henry Wallace Phillips
will be printed in this paper Abounding
in stirring adventures and hairbreadth es
capes with a laugh for every minute
Hunting tho Marlbou
Hunting the marabou is attended
with great difficult as the bird pos
sesses wonderful cunning and often
contrives to outwit tho most skillful
hunter With laughable dignity it
measures the ground between Itself
and its pursuer and takes very good
care not to exhaust Itself by too rapid
flight If the hunter moves slowly the
bird at once adopts an equally casj
pace but if the hunter quickens his
steps the bird is off like an arrow It
Is very difficult to get within gun
range of this calculating creature but
the natives adopt a novel means of
capturing it which the bird with all
its astuteness is unable to compre
hend and falls an easy victim A
tonintinc morsel of meat is tied to the
end of a long stout cord which the
skillful hunter flings to a great dis
tance as he would a lasso the bait
falling as near the fleeing bird as he
can aim it He then conceals himself
hastily behind a bush or crouches low
on the sand The marabou which al
ways keeps its eye on the hunter see
ing him vanish quietly stops and de
vours the bait when It is easily se
cured by the hunter who runs toward
it coiling the rope as he goes
Carlyles Recipe Fop Shirts
Here is an extract from a letter of
Thomas Carlyle in which he asks his
sister to make him some shirts and
sends the measurements How many
women could make a shirt after them
My Dear Jenny In the mean
while I want you to make me some
flannel things too three flannel shirts
especially You can get the flannel
from Alick if lie has any that he can
well recommend You can readily have
them made before the other shirts go
off I have taken the measure today
and now send you the dimensions to
gether with a measuring strap which I
bought some weeks ago at one penny
for the purpose You are to be care
ful to scour the flannel first after
which process the dimensions are
these Width when the slilrt is laui
on its back 22 inches extent from
wrist button to wrist button Gl inches
length in the back 35 inches length in
the front 25Vj inches Do you under
stand all that I dare say you will
make it out and this measuring band
will enable you to be exact enough
Began With D Anyway
An when they gits to Italy goes
on Bill growln quite enthusiastic as
vou might say over th idee hell
iiave th time of his life rumlnatin
roun them old palaces of the dogs
Dogs I gasped Palaces of the
Doggies then I spose you might
call it says he if youre so blamed
pertiklar though it aint spelt that
way Its spelt dogs only with the
mil ainrlox savs I for an
jucated man you are th most Ignorant
t pvfr see Do vou mean to tell me
you aint never hear of th dodges of
Venice that has been mayors of th
town for th last hundred years or
No I aint says he an no one
else neither Ther aint any such
folks there Dodge aint an Eyetallan
name nohow It blongs In Connecti
rnt Not but what thers a few mebbe
in New York an Rhode Island but not
in Italy not by a derned sight
American Magazine
The Bullfight
We went to a bullfight and wished
we had stayed away It is quite as
unpleasant as people say and the
cruelty to the horses turns one sick
If it was merely an affair between the
men who are undoubtedly very skill
ful and the bull which is probably so
mad with rage as to be past feeling
much pain one could shrug ones shou
ders at the queer game and find som
excuse but for the torture of tho
poor old blindfolded screws there co
be no shadow of palliation After three
bulls had been killed we had seen
more than enough especially as the
horses In the third encounter had al
ready been badly gored in the second
and the third bull was not killed neat
ly but ran about bellowing for awhile
with the espadas sword sticking out
of his shoulders Blackwoods Maga
Forest of Natural Columns
There is in Bulgaria a group of nat
ural columns much like the Glints
Causeway in Ireland On the ede of
a plateau in the open country rises this
forest of natural columns which gives
the impression of an antique ruin The
columns which are about fifteen to
twenty feet high are absolutely cylin
drical and they are often as much as
three feet thick The stratification of
the rock resembles joints and vertical
erosion due to rain has formed Doric
No Use For a Label
Shopman to undecided customer
come to purchase a dog trough Would
you like one with Dog painted on it
mnrinm Customer N no You see
the dog cant read and my husband
doesnt drink water London Punch
The Glad Ring
The ideal state of love will never
come to pass until the wooer can use
the glad ring in his voice and save the
price of a diamond toward provisions
for the first year in a flat Spokane
Wash Spokesman Review
He Didnt Like a Crowd
Mrs Gotrox Mabel dear are you
sure Mr Woodby loves you for your
self alone Mabel Yes Im sure he
does mamma He is always so rest
less when you are in the room Ex
In January 1S49 one year after the
first discovery of gold In California
there were 10000 men mining there
A Bark For Barkor
The editor sat in hi easy chair Edi
tors always have easy chairs In Ac
tion He thought he recognized tho
handwriting on ono of the envelopes
He sighed
Another poem said he reaching
for the waste paper basket He open
ed the letter He was agreeably dis
appointed It was prose It ran as
A mannamed Barker had a dog
that barked so he called it Barker be
cause it barked and because his own
name was Barker So the man was
Barker and the dog that barked was
Barker The man didnt bark al
though his name was Barker Barker
and Barker went for a walk and
Barker burked that is dog Barker
not man Barker In fact dog Barker
barked so much that man Barker said
Barker dont bark so often You nev
er hear me bark Just theu man
Barker barked his shin on the bark of
a tree and barked like anything
The editor paused There was a note
inclosed which ran Please send check
for Inclosed to me at 1001 Barker ave
nue city Then did the deus ex
machiua write with a smile I have
received your joke and will send check
when my bark comes in Judge
Legend of St Winifred Well
A romantic legend hangs around St
Winifred well Cradocus a neighbor
ing prince smitten with the beauty of
a Holywell damsel and roused to anger
by her coyness struck off her head as
she fled from his unwelcbme attentions
The head rolling down the hill rested
near the church and from the spot the
present copious spring gushed forth
as the earth opened to swallow up the
assassin St Beuno who was passing
picked up the head and with a skill
which is now lost to the medical pro
fession restored the maiden with only
ji slender white line on her neck as evi
dence of the miracle But not only did
the well spring from the spot where
the head rested but the moss on its
brink was supposed to be possessed of
a particularly fragrant smell while the
blood marks on the stones assumed
many beautiful tints on June 22 the
anniversary of the event Today the
well is contained in a rectangular
building and the water flows into a
large basin In the shape of an eight
pointed star London Chronicle
Handling Live Wires
Never handle an electric wire lest it
be alive with the naked hand but
use a nonconducting substance as a
protector Any good nonconducting
substance will supply protection
Rubber In form of gas stove tube
or water hose could be thrown over a
wire to pull it from its connection with
a live wire
Porcelain In form of a bit of com
mon crockery or a floor tile hand plate
for door a stone ink bottle
Glass A stout bottle a glass rod or
a pane of glass could be used to dis
lodge a wire from Its connection with
a trolley wire or other current feeder
Wool A woolen scarf stocking coat
or wrap
Cotton Any piece of cotton garment
or stout cotton twine
Silk Scarf or other garment
Any of these materials in goodly
thickness could be used to protect the
hand in removing a live wire or even
using an instrument to cut it through
Spains Canny Railroads
In Spain the railroads do not lose a
chance to make a little profit even In
the case of the nontravelers When
you see somebody off in that country
you must pay for the privilege rhe
railroads all sell billetes de anden
which are good for the platform only
These cost generally 5 centimos equiv
alent to a cent In American money
Just why this is done it is hard to see
because persons entering a train can-
not very well avoid the conductor wno
is always making trips to inspect the
carriages If a person attempted to
steal a ride in a carriage he would
have small chance of getting away
with it If caught he would have to
pay a penalty of just twice the fare
between the point where he was dis
covered and the point where tickets
last were inspected New York Sun
He Had No Choice
The wife of a dynamo tender went
to a haberdashers to buy a necktie for
her husband She selected a brilliant
red one ready made whereupon the
young and inexperienced salesman
with compassion for the future owner
was moved to remark
Excuse me missus is this tie for
your husband
It is replied the woman
Dont you think hed rather have
some other color Im afraid he wont
wear this red tie
Oh yes he will said the woman
firmly Hell have to hes dead
London Answers
General Contracting Painters and Decorators
Not How Cheap but How Good with Us
The Irion Priest
Stephen Gwynn has said some
where excellently that the Irish priest
possesses the secret of Irish life He
does and so entirely is the key to it
in his possession that I doubt if any
genius however great could give an
adequate rendering of Irish life with
out introducing the priest Katherine
Tynan in Fortnightly Review
A Discourager
Miss Kreech Some authorities be
lieve that the practice of singing will
keep a person from getting Consump
tion Mr Knox Yes but most auThor
ftles believe in the greatest good to
the greatest number Philadelphia
Hurt His Feelings
She I think Mr Rymer the minor
poet felt hurt at a remark vpu made
the other night He What did I say
SheYou said there was only one
Shakespeare London Telegraph
Office and Shop west of Pitst national Bank
r e r
g Leave urciers witn u k wuuuwuriii umycinj n
V FRAfJKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier
JAS S DOYLE Vice President
Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 12000
Make your friend a birthday present of some
Wo want bovs and girls who want to earn monoy to solicit subscriptions to tie
Kansas City Weekly Star Dont hositate bocauso you are ymiuj as you can do tho
work as rcaUily as au ollor porson and wo will pay j on just tho same 1 he Kausay City
WwklStar is tbo best kNown weekly newspaper in tho west anl your spare unit spent
working for it will pay you handsomely not in toys watches or other small wares but
in cash Writo today for terms and full information
Address THE WEEKLY STAR Kansas City Mo
- TMvcvrvvivvvYmV
All the Same
to this bank is treated
Every man woman or child who comes
courteously and his or her business is attended to to the best of our
We want your business because we know we can serve you well and
to our mutual advantage
If you transact your business here you are assured of the friendly
interest of our bank and its officers
V Our customers have our first consideration
First National Bank HcCook
91 S
We have an excellent line of samples from
which you can choose embossed in one
or two colors or in bronze or gold any
letters or combination of letters Call and
see samples of the monograms and stock
The TRIBUNE Office
1 I A felS
iH 91
in a Stock Certificate of the
Building Loan
No better or safer
investment is open to
you An investment
of ioo per month for
120 months will earn
8o nearly 9 percent
compounded annually
Dont delay but see
the secretary today
Subscriptions r e
ceived at any time for
the new stock just